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Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1908, p. 1

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«MH|^JhMMMM«M •WV ^ Jfksb^rtxrn Jltoana* '.'TRUTH BEFOBE FAVOB." â€" " PBMOIPLEb NOT MEN. m XXVI, RO 1376 Flesticrton, Ont., Xliursclay, October 1, t008 W. H. THDRSTOH, EDITOR BOPHIETOB 1 The Newest Things In Jewellery Can always be found at the FIesh> erton Jewellery headquartere. Watches & Clocks To suit all c 8 and all pocket- books. Jewellery For the ladies in and latest patterns. (•rent variety we pride ourselves In harintt a great vaiiety of the choiceit (5<vidH ninnufuctuied from which to choose. Come in and let us show you what wo have. W.A.ARMSTRONG A Good Fall Fair The East Grey f*!! fair, held on Thurs-J ^ day and Friday of last w <*k, imf be claRocd as a success, altlui, ^ in some clisses- there was ii eot:ible ralliui? off in\ -exhibit*. Cattle and hog» were Consider- '^.'v lackinK- Sheep were present in _, -.;h;y doable the number that ever weri! V ''*'-' before. The hi>r!<es were a \ >bit, wliile tho poultry bouse was VO"l "• .,;A.ia„,i„g. In th« h«lt ladies' filled ti».,- .. -^i«lf4..un«.c tha a„,^ work wall soineWiV.r-.- • , â- ^nj -•*nd,^" Koots were well up to tu4' . . Graiii '^d dairy products sliowoil a dis- tiiick tilHnu oft. Fowl fanciers enjoyed •ail exhibit thuc uUddent^l their heirts and hi in*"y "f ">" classes competition 'Wos exceedingly keen, nolab'y in the comnxin laying breeds. flarry Wri,{ht •of Owen Sound, one of the m wt expert iuilRcs in this country, presided hero, .and It took him three houis to adjust the tickets. ' So extensive was the exhibit that several varieties were shown for which no prizes had been olTered. Among the exiriaordinary Ihinifs Miowii was a 40-lb. iiobMar l-y Mr. Camack of Kiinbetley.poiaod chickens fmin Durham, and several pons of Rhode Is'and Reds, the 1 liter a breed of f'wl that were never shown hero Wfore but aio likt-ly to .bec<mio a favoriui »h-'n bet or known. The oditiT of this pft|icr succ-edofl in catririn« off 1st mid 2ud for roosters and 1st for h«i» in ibis breed, and our roosters havo been crowing ever since. We fi'cl like doing a little too. In the common broods ccmipotition wii.s so keen tlutt the jud:;o had to cut pretty or fill^â€" Jarvis Henry, Wm. Hut«binson; 1-yearold xelding or filly â€" Henry Piper, Jarvin Uenry;Spriiig foalâ€" James Patton, J A Kernahan. CUsi 2â€" AoElcrLTi'KALâ€" Pitir horses, Keldiiigs or marea â€" As4 Hill, Levi Beilf^; brood mare wth foal by her side â€" O Walker. R. Allo'i. J J Aitken; 2-year- old Kidding or filly â€" Alfred Hill, Jarvis HeDry; lyew-old geldinft or filly â€" Asa Hill, Henry Piper; spring foalâ€" O Walker R Allen. Class 2 (A)â€" Obkkbai, Purposeâ€" -Pair horses, ueldmiis or mares â€" J Elliott, A Hill, J J .\itkin; brood mare with fosl by I her side -M G Orr, Wm Orr, D Sinclair; 2-year-o!d geldin^ or fillyâ€" R. Thistloth- waite, L Betts; 1-year-old geldinc or 'allyâ€" .1 J Aitken. W A Irwin; spring foal - NV A Irwin, D Sinclair. Class 3â€" CAEaiAGBâ€" Pair carriage- horses, geldings or ninroa â€" U Bradley, •J MDiivis; brood niaro with foal liy her sideâ€" L Belts. .J J MciJee, G H Walter; 2 geldio)! or Hlly â€" W G Watson, T Betts; 1 year-old gelding or filly â€" J .J M^Gee, G H Walter; spring foalâ€" L Butts, J J McUee. Cl»8« 4 RoADSTBua â€" Pair roadsters, in harness, geldings or mures â€" C -Noble; hrood mare wiib foul by her side â€" Wm Hut^iinsou, H Wiit^in; 1-year idd geld- in-.; or tillyâ€" T Betts; spring foal â€" Wm Hutchinson, T Betts; single driver, gild- ing or iiinre, driven to bu^y â€" Jas Crows- ton, D McTavish. Cattle class Bâ€" Shouthornâ€" Bull, 2 years and under 3 years â€" Wni Pa'ton; Bull. 1 year Hiid undur o years -F W Nichol- son; Bui cnlf, age attached â€" R Allen, P W NichoU<io; Cow viving milk or well gi)no in calf â€" F W Nichnlaon, D Mc- Tavish; 2-year-old heifer -F W Nichol- JUO. F W Niehob -on: Heifj,r o«lf. under 1 ye«r, a;,'e altnclied'-^^" !>' Nicholson, R Allen. Class Gâ€" AlEsHiRBâ€" Cow giving milk or well ijone in calfâ€" AIqx Miiir. Class 9-HOLSTEINS-Bull calf, age' attaohed â€" Jacob Lougheed; hciter calf, under 1 year, age attached â€" J M. Dnvis. Class » (A)- HEREFORDS-Bui: calf, nge attached â€" W Buskin; cow giving milk or weU gone in calfâ€" W Buskin, 1st and 2nd; 1-year-old heiferâ€" W Buskin; heifer calf, age attached^W Buskin. Class l()-GUADB-2 year-old steer, G U Walter; 1-year-old s'eer, W Buskin, Idt and 2nd; 2-year-old heifer, Levi Betts, O Wyatt; 1-year-old heifer. W Buakin, G H Walter; heiier culf, W Buskin, Island 2nd; steer calf, W Buskin; grade cow, giving milk or well gone in calf, j d^td by appearance for dairy purposes, L A Fisher, R Allen. Sheep Class 11- C.itswoldâ€" Ram aged, A Mair, 1st and 2nd; ram, ..''earling. do.; male. A McDonald; W. F. Br Spanish, females A McDonald; Black Minorca, male, G Thompson, G Thunipaon; Black Minorca, female, G T^tupson, J W Ford; White Leuhorn, iimTe, single comb, J w Ford, J â- vvFocd; wbitodetthomj female, siuLdernmtiBrfmfcl»>auld,aThiiinpsiin;white Le-^hnm male, rose comb, A Mi:Donald; White Leghorn, female, rose comb, G Thompson; Brown Leghoru, mule, sinule comb, L Betts, R Allen; Brown Leghorn, female, singly comb, R Allen, T Cow»i>: Brown Leghorp, male, rose comb, R Allen, G Thompson; Brown Leghorn, female, rose comb, R Allen, G Thomp- son, Orpington, male, T Cowan, T Cowan; Orpington^fimale, GH Wal'er. T Cowan; Pair Geesi', Tou'ouso, .1 W Ford; Pair Geese, any other vaiiety, W P. Crosley; Pair Kronzu Turkeys, T Caniack, J. Henry; Pair any other variety, J Henry; Pair DuoWk, Pokm. .1 W Ford, .T WFord; Rnodu Island Red, teale, W H Thurston, W H Thurston; Rhode Island Red, female, W H Thurs- ton, 0. Thompson. Dairy Produce Cl'i»s 22 â€" Disp'ay honey, exiracted, T Camack, Mre Wm White; ."i lbs butter for table use, D H-irmw, A IJeiitham, L A Fisher ; butter tub, sjilted for keeping, W J Meads, Mri White, D Harrow; huiter. |j»il or crock, A Mulr, W J Mt'adr, R Allen; fruit cake, .1 Olivft, W Moore, O Phillips; jelly -Mke, W Moore, 11 Allen; bread, honiemado, Mrs While, .1 Oliver; bomemadu buns, E Walker, .\ Bent ham; tarts, homemade, D McTavish, L Fisher; pumpkin pie, D McTavish. D Harrow; lemnn pie, L A Fisher, W Moor^; cus- tard pie, L A Fisher, D McTavish; raspberry wine, O Walker, D McTavish; grape wine, D Harrow, D Mclnvisb; rhubarb wine, D McTavish, O Walker; canned fruit, assorted, O Walker, D McTavish; nii\ed pickles, homemade. O Walker, D Harrow; maple syrup, L A Fisher, O Walker. McFARLAND & CO. MAIJKDALE ONTARIO New Goods Arriving Daily Quality is Paramount in our new Fall Showing. Allthougli McF.'irland i( Co.'s store you will findjquality Paramount â€" and it ought to make il^he safest sort of ,-i store to trade in, for not only do we insist on high quality but wo mnintaiu a syow.,..i < f moderate prices wliich makes you «ufo at all times in buyiiig'anythiiig we have to ;'cll at the regular prices. When we special price thiugit, it is the more to your advanta^'e. You may depend u(Kin it that nothing ia- esagger* ated here. NEW LADIES' 25, £0 line, and his whys and whiTcfores made , i-mp iHinb, do.: a<jed ewe, do ; shc.uling the jud&'-oi particularly intciosting and • ... â-  . . iii.siruutive to fo«l riisets. Since Mr. Wright has been judging our fowl hero the exhibit has evown to splendid pro- poftioiiR. IV'p'e exhibit now for the honor, «hcic they used to show for the money there was in it. A competent: iulge suoli as Mr. Wright is, makes the <apturingof a prize of far more worth I than its inrrely nionoy value. The result of the spoils will b« found among special prizes. Gtite receipts were $203.15, cncert 81C3.70, other receipts '' §12.00, total (ii318.85. This is consider- ably behii d last- year, but the deficit is â-  more than made u^* in the matter of out- lav. . The concert held Vy the society fhe evening of the last fair day was very suc- cessful, the proceeds amounting to about •105. Mr. MaoGregor, baritone, delight- ed the crowd with his oxcelloiiUselections. TKh»n we say that this is Mr. MacGreg- him or'a second appearance in Flesh orton."-"'. within four months, nothing jjiPHPst nOKJSsary. This was Mr. JKWfiis wore appearance here and h|i^l. Mr.Chas. apparently appreyftfefficient acsoinpau- E. Bodley PWfKal solos were well re- ist, and t^'enthusiastically ^ encored. *^^d. owe. do.; ewe lunib, do.; pen sheep, A Muir. CI.18S 12â€" Leicesterâ€" Ram, aged, A Muir, Isl and 2iid; ram, shearling, TJ F-nvcelt, A Muir; rain laiiih, A Muir, T J Fftwcett ; agti' ewe, A Muir, - 1st and 2ud; shearling ewe, A Muir, T J Fawcett, ewe lamb, A Muir, Istai.d 2iid; pen sheep, A Muir. Cliibs 13 -Shrrpshiro- Rain, aged. John Buskin; ram, si J Buskin. • Ist and 2iid; nun lamb, do.; aged ewe, <lo., shun,rling five, do.; ewe iamb, do.; pen sheep, -J Buskin. 14â€" Oxford Diiwnsâ€" Rain, i«j ,R Aniott, .1 l.jouvliued; ram, JHy"*^, ,) Lougheed, 1st and 2nd^ Patioii, 1st and 2Md shearling owe, do.j^ JLougbved:u»i*{5oeials-Bo.t pair o.v O.ft-jjiwbs, fither sex, Wm Patton, .i*!fcd. R Arnoit; bcstoxfor.l down *Loui*evd. R Arnott. OGiummet; bear pail- Of ord down Shea, ling ewes Wm Palloil, .) L..ugheed R Arnott, B.:8ipeu d*wn sheep, Wm latton. I Swine Class laBerkshireâ€" Hoar, ni.'ed, .l«hn Eckhardti boar pig, 13')8. not less *han Patton, jougbeed. 3 mon'hs 'Cg^vrawy high-class i;;;;-;„-;i hs.b"'*'"^""""-'. }t i .'•;^''^'i »W"8'^ , , .„..'j„„f „^„ur-r"'^ Q Grummet, S Eckbardt; ,he eveninn. _".-.:./r.:The! «"- '""^^^' ""' ^"'"' "'"" Srethe,noutth^.b^-dfi^^^^^^^ I p„^t,y ^^ ^ promptly put ouit^ ^^ ^^^^H ^^^^ ^ j jji^^Ligh'. Brahan^ on above. ^'Vf^ ^'l I Muirlll&rk ^ Sd"urit ji'* .«:««;:,*„ A"«P^""»''«l^T*'f#.rdt,.,Eckardt;Cl.s. 19 gXVaVtKck ^«£if:^" '^-^'"I'rTa.nwo^tB' less than what was gmoK ' ing MaoGregor. who was in the inidat of a ds had sidoâ€" J»>"<"' ration, * }« M»otjve«"«^ â„¢;rha{ow woras '«"li,„,\,t,Hlt :Tar5"-ilyl»vebeenapa- Followij>»tet>>«^"**''"- H0tS49 .Heavy DHA^onT-pMrlv-"^'' m«ve«-T L Mercer _.~ _>rli Foul L' geld Poultry honir«- m-ile, A red Plymouth J W Foni; e, T h Wil. h male, A Me •tth Rock, female, A Laoed VVv,ii,,l„-t ._ rw.'ll; White Wyandot to, ill, A MoDoiiftJd; Whit, feamlo A McDonald, A Mc- 'den \, female. L F K:pp; w. K. B. Spanish, Grain amlSecds Class 23â€" Winter wheat, named, M G Orr. (;las8 24â€" Barley, rowed, H Piper; oats, white, A Muir. G Wyatt;o»ts, black, A Muir, W Buskiu; coll boms, W H Thurston; timothy se<-d, A Muir, M G Orr, flax seed, W Buskin; buckwheat, M Orr, U Piper. Roots Class 25â€" Potatoes, assorted, A Muir, .J Oliver; Pearl of Savoy, A Muir; White Elephant or Beauty of Hebron, A Muir; Early Ohio, A Mii r; American Wonder, W J Meads, A Muir; any other variety potatoes, J Oliver, A Muir; Swedish turnips, W .1 Meads, .1 Oliver; turnips, Aberdeen, green top, J 1 Grabain, G Wyatt; 'urnips, wlii'e globe, field, Jl Gr ham, Geo VVyatt; canots, hold, »cd, L .-» Fisher, H Watson; carrots, Held, white, J Stewart, H Watson; niangokl wurlzals. globe, A Muir, J I Gialiain; mangold vmirizels loin; A Muir, .1 Olivtr; pumpkin, con»nony«llow, W Buskin, H Piper; pumpkin, other vurioty, .1 l(Ji:i- haiii. R Allen;, J 1 Graham; sijuash, for table use 11 Watsr.n.U.MIeii: eii8ila>!e corn, JIGiahani,' L A Fisher; assorinient of roots and vigetubles.^J.- Graham. _,>-^'^ i Fruit ;,*r^'» ';'• "•,":! Chiss2()-Fa]l5<^^_ .1 j.,),,l;o«.ell, W 1 Streak, d^fljflle,.|,, .1 I Graham; '^"'"^J)Â¥enc», .1 Stuarl, J I Graham; er variety, .J lOwhaiii, D Harrow; t collection n >t less (lian ilireeof each kind, .1 1 Giahatn, â- las.JSfuart; Class 27, winter apples, l>ist 5 ^ irthcrn .Spy, .1 I Graham. .1. Stuart; -Baldwin, J I Graham, T Cauiack; pjlzonbuig, J 1 «5ra"bam; Golden ':,J I Graham, T Camack; Roxbiirougli,, I 1 Grah.ini, .1 Stuart; 6 SiKKv .ipides, T Ijainack, .1 ] Graham; 5 Kinu Toiiilin, .T Stuart; J 1 Giahm; Mann appll T Cainack, J Stuart; 5 Rhode IslaiMGreunioga, .1 1 (Jrahani; any other vai^, not on list, A Benthain, â- ) I (»rBhiil (.Collection not less than 3 of each kit named, .1 I Giabain, T C«ninc>; in D.ivis, J 1 Graham, J .g^'''! jl'eoiion CraD Apples. 12 >«^eiith ||], ftjrs. Win. White,' Pears s 28- Best 5 Barti; -rt; Flemish Beaut Jraham; Any other vai .1 Stuart, ,J I Graham; I oars. 3 of i-noh kind, Graham. ^ ARRIVALS FOR WEAR. Fancy Belts in ass ^rtcd colors at and 75c. Fancy Collars, assorted, at 25, 50, 75 and ei.oo. Fancy Waistiiigs at 60 to 60c a yard. Suitings at 50c to $1.25 jKjr yard. Dress Goods at 25c to SLW per yard. Dress SkirU at 82.50 to $10.00. Man t les at $6. 00 to $18.00. Furs of all kinds including Fur Lined C'oat«. Girls' Coats at $2.50 to $4.25. Infants White Bearskin Coats at to $4.00 etc. $1.68 Xjw Trousers priced from 1.00 to $4.50 a pair. * New Underwear priced from 60c to $2.00 a garnient. Now Shirts priced from 75c t« $1.25. Now Hati priced Itom $1 50 to $2.25. New Caps, fur lined, at 50c to $1.00. New Suitings, made to measure, at $13. to $20.00. New Trousering's, made to measure, 3.75 to $5.90. " Iffew B<iy8 Suitij priced at $2.50 to 7.50 etc. t. NEW ARIUVALS FOR MENS WEAR New SuiUs priced from $<i.00 to $15.00. New (.>vorcoats priced from $5.00 to $15.C0. MILLINERY. If you are interested in what is new rvut^ stylish in LadiesH oadgcar visit ont Millinery Parlor. y McFARLAND & COMPANY Ceylon's Up-to-Pate selling. ^ ow i.s the time to In order toMc;J|^.^]f are supply shoes for the, Fall for our new .stock we price. Call and bt us your wants. Jn Groceries we carry afresh and up-to-date stock. Another shipment of Manitoba Flour just arrived also Ontario Flourâ€" Branâ€" Shorts and Feed FIoui-. .7 1 (jraham, [J Stimrr, J I not tin list, CSC collection Stuart, J I \^^ indsor Salt in .stick or bairel Iocs. Ceylon's Leading Merdhatm ^OS. bunches, black White. T Camack, Mrs. Wm. Plums B«st i;; Class aj- U.St 12 [Lombards, Q Walktr.) Stuart; Smi ^» Orleans, .1 Stuart. J IGrslMo; Co* <J..)den Dr â- I Siuarf; I{,.,„„ CJnude. i, Walkor; any oth.rvariuivnot on ]ia| ,() Walker. .1 Stuart: C.llent,on of Plu bs, 6 of eaclr| W lite Gripes, '1 ''amaolJj I G»h.m Colled ton „f G i ajn b, J jbrtham; tht >. fiarden Products Claw 30â€" Cabbage, 2 heads, flat Dutch B VVhite; Cabbage, 2 heads, Winnini.- siadt, 11 Wat.snii; Cauliflower, 2 heads, W .J Meads, H W»t60n ; Q^j^'ots, roofg sh.iit led, H Watson, .1 Stuart ^ Pftrsnip,' C root«/1k,Muir, A Munsliaw; tolory 3 roots, folf bleuc.hinij, U W^fs„n, PCjuijj Celery, 3 roots, Kh{el^l,l,ea. H Wa'soi, PQuigu; Celery, 3 r-oilL red, any kind' PQuii.g; Tomatoes, 6 re*. W H Thursl ton Mis. Wm. Whits; Tomatoes, 6 yellow, L A Fishor, O Wmfe^r; Beeii, 6 Mood, long, A ftJuii, W B\mW«i; Boet< « blood, turnip rooted, ./ Siimrt.,A Muir- iiyotn, 0, other variety. A >TuiB, .J f OratMoi; Tui'iiips, table, G t.'.iti^^j j Graham; thiions, 12 from black s**^ „, Dutch Setts, B White,. A Minshaw- Oniou, 12 potato, L A Fisltor, G. Wyjft' Corn. 6 ears, til for t„l,|^. a Muk. r± >.at.soii; Radishes, I Grahaii,, H -Ti). uf^^-"*-' 1*., color, wiuAgC^-^ ,â- ;;"'" ^^"disho"!, (^ ''«''t S»»J!C^' i'^f">lam: Gardr,^ ni; Garden* uir; citrons, \, walerroeloiis. ;iw; A : Muir; cucuro' camack; W /n â-  '' ^ Graham; ^• (Continued on Inst Eye, Ear, Nose arte OMlc© l3Pro8tSt. . o-i At the MarkdalQ house, itt »y each month from 8 * Fridi 1

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