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Flesherton Advance, 17 Sep 1908, p. 6

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r4» A Resident of Ottawa Flnils Relief In Pe-[u-na. MR. RENE ST. JEAN, 210 St. Patrick street, Ottawa, Ont., Can., writes: "I believed a year ago that I could stand anything. I worked hard, kept irregular hours, and did nt'l mind the loss of a few meals, but in six weeks I had changed to u physical wreck. "Eight bottles of Peruna brought lack my slrcnglb." Mr. A. 0. Harding, 303 W. 146 St., New York City, formerly one iif the leading druggists of Prescott, Ont., has been presented with a twenty-five year Medal of Honor in Odd Fellowship. He writes as fol- lows : "E\tr since I have beri handling Peruna, I have had a fuo tr.idc. Once R family buys a bottle, I am sure of selling them more, and it never fails to biing additional cus- tomers. "I have nothing better for ca- tarrh in all of its various forms. As a household remedy it is without compare, splendid for mothers and excellent for children." LEFT ON HIS HANDS. A little girl of seven or eight years stood one day before a clos- ed gate. A gentleman passed slow- ly. The littl« girl turned and said to him, "Will you please open this gate for me?" Tlio gentleman did so. Then he said kindly, "And why, my child, couldn't you open the gate your^ Bclff â-  "Because," said the little girl, "the paint's not dry yet. Look at your hands." Its Power Grows With Age. â€" Bow many medicines loudly blazon- ed as panaceas for all human ills have come and gone since Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil v/tin first put up- on the market 1 Yet it remains, doing more good to humanity than many a preparation more highly vaunted and extending its virtues wider and wider and in a larger circle every year. It is the medi- cine of the masses. pany liteness^-*^ company sum of ductors a reported up courtesy to t- ,^, , ers during the pHld eu equivalent to a mfcil ^ai, been sent to each mantft t^^ So large is the profi*- from the sale of margarineVL^"*^ ter that, it was seated at a mJ^ *'' ing of the Middlesex County Cou cil, some shopkeepers are willing € run the risk of being fined. The" Council were informed that in some cases shopkeepers were makin from £16 to £l7 a week profit, and the fraud was most prevalent in the poorer districts. Butchers' boys in white overalls and aprons formed a guard of hon- or at the wedding of Miss Barker and Mr. Bashford, at Reigate, England. When the ceremony was over they strewed their aprons on the path for the newly-married cou- ple to walk over. A stalwart but- cher drove the carriage, and two others, with shin bones dangling from their sides, acted as footmen. An amusing instance of the use f trade labels is reported from a Crown Colony in West Africa. A Commissioner asked a dusky chief to produce his copy of a trading agreement, and was amused to find that the "honest" trader who had secured the trading concession from the chief had detached a label from a beer bottle of a well-known firm and affixed it to the agreement as a Government stamp. A singular revival is taking place in Paris foi; wearing the tooth of a wolf or badger set in gold as a mascot. An old superstition con- nected the wearing of such orna- ments as provocated of good for- tune. The custom of wearing a thumb ring is also being rBSUscitat- cd, and at this present time a cbarminp; young actress on the Eng- lish stage is demonstrating the vogue, partly, no doubt, because it i.s in kccpiuK with tko period in which Bho is living in the play, and partly in recognition of the fashion Paris is patronixiiig. Writers on arb('?ulture from time to time called attention li- the gradual disappearance of cedar trees in this country, and -c scorns that there is a dearth of ce- dar wood generally. This has set the chemist to work, and a Berlin firm is now making an oxecllent subfilituto for the cedar casings of blaeklcad pencils from potatoes. It is said that the potato ease sub- mits itself to the penknife as easily Rf does the cedar wood, and, what is more important, the cost is very much less. A school for dogs has been n, Passer-byâ€" "Here, boy, your dog has bitten me on the ankle." Dog â€"owner â€" "Well, that's as high as ho could roach. You wouldn't ex- pect a little pup like him to bite your neck, would yer!" Nothing looks more ugly than to sei! a person whose hands are cover- ed* over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in HoUoway's Corn Cure. The Best Friendâ€" "I hear her old hi'bband shows her a dog-like devo- tion." The Casual Oossip â€" "Yes; they say ho is always growling at her!" Getting in touch with men of af- fairs may lead to success â€" but the difficult part is to got them to stand tr.T the touch. Black A new sensation. Watch pleasure. ,^ , The big Cheivtafl 1,,^^^ M70 John- Will-Abi man owes hi "And what is "Luck is that owe their success.' If your children moa restless during sleep, cou awake, with a loss of appet countenance, picking of •? â- 1%,'Se, etc., you may depend up"d lu^hat the primary cause of the troublp is worms. Mother Graves' Wo^m -Ex- terminator effectually removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. ' Smart â€" "Sad abort the church organ being burne4, "down, wasn't iti" Girlsâ€" "Wby couldn't they put it outi" Smart â€" "Because none of the firemen could play on it." It will be noticed in the SiT)ger Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- di esses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. / Any one writing will please addrcis them at the nearest cne of the three places to his post office. By relying on his own judgment a man may succeed in not accumu- lating a Jot of money. Some men will not adroit failure if they can compromise for 10 cents un the dollar. Spot* und Motchn* on the face and neeik ar« iftan m*. ely nlgnrof foul liliiwl. A pply We»v»r"i derate I ^ obtain Immediivto ralief and tak* (Veavar'i \ yrup tu rid tb« lilood of pullution. /''DEAR BOUGHT. Th >Jusband (during the quarrel) "^ y" always making bargains. «j^*^here ever a time when you )Jv^ti" toblished in Paris. The objotf^.'V'Tho Wifeâ€" "Yes, sir; on my wed to teach them politeness. Th* ani inals are trained to welcome visi- tors by jumping up, wagging the tail, and giving a low bark. When the visitor leaver, the dog accom- panies him to the door, constant- ]\ wagging bis tail, and bows his farewell by bending his bead to the door. H& is trained, likc\vIso, to pick up a handkerchief, glove, or fan that has been dropped, and re- turn It to the owner. 'Xho largtist. mass of ico in the world is proliftuly the one which fills up nearly tii« whole of tbo in- terior of Grcmili*ntl. where it has accumulated since before the dawn ff history. It is believed to form a block r>00,000 square miles in area, and to average a milo and a half in thickness. According to tlioso statistics, tlie lump of ice is liirgor in volume than the whole body of water in the Mediterran- ean ; and there is enough of it to cover the United Kingdc.i of Great Britain and Ireland with a layer about seven miles thick. * One difteronco between a man and a mule is that the man does the most of his kicking with his mouth. When a man brags about himself it's a sign that others merely toler- ate him. Tlip country schoolmistress sent word to the school that owing to an iittaok of illness she would be coiniiolled to dismiss the ciitsHes for the (lay. Towards evening she was pleased to receive a largo bouquet )f wild flowers from tho class, and was giving vent to grateful speech for this thoughtful manifestation of sympathy, while she undid tho wrapper when this note fell from it : "Teacher, stay ill to-morrow, too, and we'll send you another bunch !" ding day. A Pill For Generous Eaters. â€" There are many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a hearty meal, are subject to much suffering. The food of which they have partaken lies like lead "n their stomachs. Headache, depres- sion, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unfit for business or work of any kind. In this con- dition Parmeleo's Vegetable Pills will bring relief. They will assist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to direction will re- store healthy digestion. BREAKING IT GENTLY. Foreman (at tho door)â€" "Did yer husband hev a new suit av clo'es ix\ this mor-rnin', Mrs. O'Malleyl" Mrs. O'Mallcyâ€" "Ho did." Foreman â€" "They're rooinel en- tirely." Mrs. O'Malleyâ€" "How did ut hap- pen 1" Foremanâ€" "fie was hlowed up be a charge av dinnymite." DODD'S '^ kidneyI ;/, PILLS ^ ISSUE NO. 8a-08. Aom. : on the i", who hap- y^ scene of ac- yt was finishing, ! J. lore temper than â-  fyd the injured on3 I ni for the other's ' .latter was being dis- ! ' number of workmen ; ithercd round, a big, | , who had heard every- ' seen the whole affair, i way to the man with the cranium and said : â€" xou don't want to get no war- 't, Bill, jfou just go to the drug e and get yerself two pieces of iter â€" good big ones â€" and put one j â- e on yer head an' the other on mouth, an' you'll be all t!" 80UT0FI0 r.moa» BaHer at soiae- ^ ^ic or other from Piles i _/s a great medical atitboritj. There , fo disease caasea sore pain and i ..tcliednesj than piles ] and bv giving 'almost immediate ease Zam-Bok oaa woo the praise of thousandsofsulTereit. Ifyoa are suSeiing let Zam-Buk core yon- tft. NeilDevoB.Wcbbwood, Ont. sutTered with piles eight years. A few boxes ef Zam- Buk cured Kim. He rince says: â€" "I have had no retura of the trouble lo that I know the cure is perm-incnt" Mr. C B. Frost, Lennoxvtlle, P.Q., writes: " I have proved Zam-Buk a great core for piles from which I (ofTered acutely for a long time." Zam-Buk also curei cuts, alccrs, bams, abscesses poisoned wounds, boils, ecxema, and all skin troubles. 50c. a box, all drug- gists and Stores or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. 3 boxes f«r $ 1 . 25. .3 .ed LAND 480 and 940 acres for saI* \m SH,skatchewan; greAt barKaim;. send for. fall dascriptfua. V. JONKsi. CtiutMr, Ont idUluS 111 rOOP ncHllll ^^^^ ,^1,^^^ upponunUU. tor rtock r.!5lnc. fruit crowinc, dairyine and general farming. Winters are thort. Climate heiltlrfuL !•.«* food and selling below its Taiue, but IncTeasinf _, , â-  II iL ,. . [â-  value each Many Canadians are Utiac. Everywhere, especially those dis- i tavixsinia. write f<iri?i»urniation to couraged by failure of previous "• 'c«m^*Lu;r of Agncuit-r^ treatment are invited to write for Bichmond, v». a free trial of my home treatment, . with interesting booklet, all post- nUlAll UJ rt-t paid in plain wrappers, with the|yOOQ|t HflS Iti&uG uOOCI most reliable references and proofs' which will encourage the most dis- ' heartened. You can thus quickly j Hattsfy yourself, without cost that^ this treatment is what you longj have sought. I will reply promptly to all who write. Address, MRS. M. SIMMERS, Wiudsor, Oat. TOO DANGEROUS. Shopman jâ€" "Rolling-pin ? Yes sir; here's i6ne made of glass; the latcBt thin^ out." Henpeck -W "But Great Scott, TVan, that /thing would probably bieajc and >ut my head all to pice- Good Appe well well od,^)igestion Should Wait on tiWpâ€" To have the stomach is to have tl Very delici the nervous system ate are the diges- tive â- )rgans. In some so sensitive are they that atmospheric changes aflect them. When they be/onie dis- arranged no better regulator is procurable than Parmeleo's Vege- table Pills. They will assist tho di- gestion so that the hearty eater will suffer no inconvenience and will derive all the benefits of his' food. Send for our market letter. It will be mailed you regularly with- out cost. Ask us about " ULRICA" A new Cobalt property in splen- AiC location, with fine prospects,, the stock of which iJl.OO par, no per- sonal liability, may be bought for £0 cents a share, in instalments of 8 cents a month. We handle all Cobalt Stocbs. ^Yrite us. STEWART & LOCKWO0£> BROKERS. IS Adelaide St. E., Toronto. Members of tho Standard Stock and Mining Exchange. xrhe igeU f iano Beauty is only skin deep, but a man's cheek is often estimated at more than its face value. Chemist) Have Trouble In {ettlne Iron Into â- ucti a ttata that the system will aK'urb. anil teneflt bjr it. In "•I'ernivim." the bf»t tonib. terfectiun has been acbiaved. It buikle and â- irengtbens. IS CANADA'S BEST AN9 IS USED THE WeRLD OVER Bell Organs ar» clso world f ameil Send (or Free Catahtg No. 74 to liMMP Ofoon CO.. im., Gueioti. oni If He â€" "When did she begin to fear! Ci|««|. that ho had married her for mon- 1 CVcry ey?" Sheâ€" "Well, I believe her} suspicions were first aroused when she had to pay the minister." Farmer Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial is compounded specially toj combat dysentery, cholera morbus ' and all intlammatory disorders that change of food or water may set up in the stomach and intestines. { These complaints are more common i iri summer than in winter, but they ! are not confined to the warm, months, as undue laxness of the! bowels may seize a man at any time. | Such a sufferer will find speedy re lief in this Cordial. Knew huw much money he could Mre b; nslrtg » Falrb;haks-Munje Jaci-uf-all-Trado:! Gasoline Ku* glue to eaw vroud. pump water. Rrind teed, <lfeo., we wouM nut be able t<> supply Che deinaiKl. Cut this ad. out and nond to as to-dAy, aod W9 will aentl yuu our tree cutAlogue. JIaa*.. Addrea. Th* banadlanUlriMiakato., Ltnltctf, T«r«ate, OM Muntraal. Wiaoipaf, VaaoouTtn, PANGO For Neuralffia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS, ALL DRUUQISTS, 0« THE PANQO COiyiPANY, - TORONTO. WlwlMaMâ€" Lyman Ire*. * Ooi, Tot^nt* an« Mo^trMl i Lyman, Knax « tlarkiwi, TorMito ! National Drue go., Landon. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33, 35. 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay Jrom 7 per cent, to C!5 per cent, per annum and are in our opinion a good speculative investment; Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Tciniscuming and Tretheway are populai stocks «nd should increase in price. C0KRB5PONUBNCB 50Li:iTBD. ' i -1 ^ 1 1 \ r y ^ "f I ..«.. 1 t i -< t ( f } T 1 r 1 ^ T f < / 1 n > fl i 9 II Q n ^ i J V ..>â-  Â¥ i 4 \ I i M

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