Wednesd^ V When we will ijluce on exhibition the vt. and AinericAti t>tylu8. Miss Stuin, who in a^<: opening dayn to view what is new and up-to-diiL store if you are purticular about style mid what y ed. Remember the opening 1, THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING in CLOTHING Soiling $8.75, 99.50, $10.00 and $10.50 Sample Suitfl for $6.85 There are sixty suits in the lot, all 8izes are included from 36 to 42, and they represent as line a lob of Canadian, English and Scot cli' tweed patterns aH you have ever looked a*) and the price Co you does not include the co^t of luakioK. Itemember, you get your choice at per suit 86.85 See window display â€" thoy are samples. LADIES' AND GENTS' NEW BOOTS. In 1908 Autumn Styles Now in Stock. We have placed in stoce during the past two weeks some 300 pair) Ladies' and Qents' Fine Shoes in Blucher and plain styles, iu box calf, patent leather and tine kid, iu military and low heels, latest New Yiirk toes, in liRht and heavy weits, and for real nifty shoes of fine quality see what we are showing for ladies and gents at S3.00, $3.50 and $5.C0 J'' ^lillinery, ^ -^vs and foods. SPECIAL PURCHASE of FANCY SATEEN COVERED COMFORTERS Selling Just 25 Per Cent. Below Regular Prices. Right at the beginning of the season now when you will bo anticipating your requirements for Fall we are I'fifering a special purchase of Fancy Sateon Covered Comforters, quilted and underlined with tine qualities of batten. Large sizos and tliu reduc- tions arc as follows : 2.60 Con-forters for $1.88 3.00 Comforters for 2.25 3.60 Comforters fur 2.63 4.00 Comforters fur 3.00 Remember, when sold theae values cannot be repeated ada, aib^ garment.'^ ners (Ladies in particular) to our beautitul [Jackets, Die.s.s Goods an* Fursâ€" tha Ijeat in the .Millinery do[j,iitnjent w'e h.^ve Miss E. L. I her reputation iis an artist in that line i.s well â€"Visitor* to t^io Fair kindly give us a look inâ€" No luTbuy or notâ€" No trouble to show giKnls. V put 0-. This week we put i_._^ Rubber Blinds. The, green only and have d^ lace trimmin){8. The qk large, so be on hand eaf for LADIES' UNDBRI We have bought direct from ? and seconds iti Ladies Vests., perfect goods, as in some caaeiN dropped hero and there, or possi\ been mended, which dtjes not 'j quality of the garment, and the pn, many line« is less than half. Whe^ not be able to replace them. On sale ti.. per garment ^ LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. We are showing a big range of Shirt Waists in colov of cream, white, navy and black, in lustres, ojsli-v^ meres and flannels at reasonable prices â€" l.f?5, 1.35, 1.50 and $1.75 OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT In this department wo are agents for the celebrated National Stoves :»i:d Ranges, made by the Moffit Stove Company cf Weston. They are the beet in Canada \lWm99m MARKDALE fmmmm Is ])ubli»hed every Tlmisilay at $1.00 !«-•.• jMinuiii if paid in advance, <1.5c if "<>' »" I'^'d The C. P. R. Will Carr) the Mail The Durham Review says: "Since the new railway has beenrunning throuuh t.o Hanover and Walkcnon, liveryman " Billy" Caldwell, the stsgo proprietor, has been up ngainsc a Inaing proposition, lie had prnciically only the mail carrying left, the pasnengers and parcels going by (;. P. R . 80 he applied to H. U. Miller, M. P., Ill be released from his contraot. Mr. bunit-d himself in the matter by writing the Po,st MnsterOon- nral, who bus con.spnted to the chanve^as the following letter indicates: Ottawa, 4tli8Bpt., liWS. H. H. Miller, M. P., Hanover, Ont. Dear Sir, In accordance with your reijuos*, the Di-partmi-nt has nuth.irif.ed llio using fm mail purpows of the new C. P. Uailwsy betwujn Siugeen Junction and VValkur- toli. T! in charge will he put into operation at as uarly a dato as poKsilile, and will, it is trusted, prove Halisfnctury. Y'.urs Iridy, Rodidpho Lomieux, " Thii« will lit Mr. Tucker, who has been driving tlia Durham- Flesbortoii atage, out of a loiiiig proposition, »lsn. It will 110 with but fen regrets thit h« sees llioiron hoi'su d(.iiig tlia trip with tlic mail. NEW DRESS GOODS In Greens, Bxowns, Navya, Fancy stripe and Heiring Bone. Prices ninging from 65c to 81.50. fires are raging in many parts] Mugistrate Croaior, nf Owen Sn»lnd, <.f the EiiHtein i..wii,l,ij,,<, «,.<! hcivy "'["tiO' :;d Mi.ithrw,, pro^^etor ot the Ciiu'.siiii IIiiusv', In four mmths in J'lil. Simmons plenilcd ^^iiily 10 a second otfonce of sulliiii; liqoor ilL g;iily. ^ d.'inmur i.s being dniiu. Cobalt hii'I Ot;a«ii have been envolnped in a dvn.sH smoke for days. In the region of Duluth and Port Arthur u slight rain has chick- ed the ili.mca, but has not reniovud the thn danger. Huinx liaio ago a won bit uf lunnanity ii("iti-(l Fieshuri'iii. 'I'hu saino little fel- low was inti-rviewod liy (ho Wiiirom Canadian which says: 'I'lio Can.itli;in wiw fiivoiod with a call on Satiudny iifteiiKioii from Mr. Charles Soley, wlin ia alidiit llii! sinalluflt bit I f humanity fur hia ago tlim liiis ovnr struck ihia pliiiui. CliurleH was born in S.nithiinpton, lOiitiland, in m.'iO, and iboKiiiiiand tnlal of hi* height (nr is 3 fuut -t inch. K. and I. is v«()i)(|it is 73 poiindn all told. The suinu (..'!iiu'li<n lia.s a luxuriant gruwih of whiskers ami f-iiiiikes a full s'/.^mI pipe. This rival i.f the world'fanious Turn Thiinili hiin a grioviiiico HL'aiii-st the railways becnuHD tliiiy chai'gu him full fare, and tins, liu Niys, eati up mist of thn pMllt^ of hi.i picodo |>layliig, alihiMigh a neat and c(Hy liUlu hi. mo 12x14 feet, on a lot 20x140 feul at Wychwood, near Toionln, Is a iiioiiuiiiimU <a> the thrift i.f the little fellow. Chnilus infutnied The Canadian that Ilia miiilier was living and was 77 years of iigo and that "iiiainiiia ki'pt tilings nice and tidy" about his house. S'inio 12 yiiiirs ago tins diminutivn spoci- mon visiti'd those |)irt». Ha is an aoamii- pliihe 1 pii'.colo player, and, an he says, hu has Kuiiiething to "show for his nuikloi. " Inft Juno the DivlsiMH Oouit tpiashed the local opti'in t/y-law in tliu town, of Or Ha. SonM tiiiii Ust week thn town fit Oilli I applied for leave of uppeiO to bfToot the r.M oration of the by-law. Mr. Jintiju 0,L'r has given juilgsinvni refus- ing Ihuvj to sppeal. Mr. Krank HcKlgint K. O.. appeared for th» lawn i.f Orillis, and Mr. .Imucs Havetson, K O., for the lii(0 , â- I • When Arthur Wliittukor was run down by a C. P. R. construction train while riding a jigger on the track bo rectived injuries that tcu-o an alarming (juantity of flesh and skin fiom his left leg and made a wound that was ugly, dangemus and painful. The physician in attendance. Dr. H. H. Sinclair, tried the experiment of grafting pig's skin onto the injured limb. The operation, which we beliovo is a new departure in local surgery hero, look place at the hoapital on Tuesday of last week, and considerable interest and anxiety wan manifested in the outenme. The (wtient, however, commeiicod to grow to the pig-hkin or (ho pig-skin began to grow to him, we are not certain which, butat all events a perfect liiiib is now tha outcome, anU so suceCRsfully did the grafter cover np hs traces ibat it would now bother a ti) tell jiist which it the {)ig and which is the mull. Tins is a now inothud of putting a mm on the hog. â€" Bruco limes. Speaking at the great pulitical gathor- inir at Niagara Falls jii Tuesday the linn. Rodolphu Lemieux, PoStnmalur Goiieral, f <ro»h.>duwed tlio di'livory of the riii-'il mails Ihroughout the D>iminioii. 'Hid service will bo tirst inauguralt.Hl alciisj the oxiating mail rouiei', liojcs for wlii.;h iilroady Imvo beey. approvi-d by the Doparmient and .y\\n Kiiivioi-, ho said, woulil bo bi-yflii very soon. The 0,1st will be withiri the means of tbo cuiiuiry. His words as reported by the Toronto World Wire; "I have, inuuli pleasiiri- in informing you that we have doveluped a Hcbonie of delivery for the Pioviiieo of Ootiirio and the Dominion of {^aiiaila, by which Wo will bu able to eipiip e\eiy existing mail roiUo in the bominion with mail boxii.s pliioed nt t!ui door of every housoiind at, tbo junction of iho main I and cncosvion lines in order fo save , tbo liiKol 1 f I wo or throe iiiilei to roaeb t!ie noHre>t post olli.e. Soymimr IVppl, r, the briuht lltllii son of Mr anil Mm. Alexander Popjilei', lies I at his home, Hanover, in a critical con- | ilitiuii. lleaiid a nuiiilier of lii.i lli>lo j boy olinnis lia<l o'inibod a eoii,du if shade 1 trooi across the road from ih.i Peppier ri^sidence. Seymour, it appo.ira, took hold of elocirio liglit win^s jiassing through the trees, recjiving aiich a slmck ' and 10 such a dfi,'ree it ia K.;ld llint bo couldn't let go. Ho oalloil loudly for his father and mother, but they did not hoar biin and n few niomuiits afierwaids ilia.e was a thud. Thn little chap had hibl onto the wire, it is bcli.'ved, untd ho was iiiHensible ami then foil to the gvoiind, a distance of 26 feet, landing on his hi ad on the comont sidewalk. H s oHoapo | from instiint tleath is remarkable, hut bo I is a powerfully built little follo.v, wi:hi strong shouUlers neck and thick skull When picked up lie was, of course, insen- aiblo, and bus been sull'ering since with ooiieiission of the brain, Sin?u ci-ming ii> he lias told Ins parents of the severe shook he received, and the pitiful lale makes ono ahuddor. His atlendinir physioian holda out fair ohsnces for T»»oi>v«ry. and the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Peppier trust that the best K%y bu ronliiiud. lion. R. L. Bordon, h-.-.dor of ihoCon- .servativo party in the of Commons, is to visit Jlnnover i n (Kt. hnt, in behalf of the candidature of Ft. J. Ball, the pop- ular candidate for South Grey. Preiuier Sir James P. Whitney, it is said, will cut his visit m Rnghind short that he may accon.pany Mr. Bordon in bis tour cf the Province and may also be at Harover. It would seem as if partridges were awnro of tiie urolection offered by the game laws \.\^» season. Ono day last week one of llifese game birds flew into Mr. Gardiner'* lawn in the village. An- other caino inl}) C. McOonneli's kitchen on SunJay. /.oo. (^uiliss saw « flock of a dozen or sj/on Sunday and they didn't fly away wijfh the usual buzz. Apparently the birds i>te driven out of the bush by the tirisaild smoke.â€" HeralJ. Mrs. Uanbury of Dundalk is the gues» of friends in town. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE Kor siilo clioiip ami on oii»y tiMiiis. ijtioil ooui- fortablo trnuui iIwuIUuk', iitat>l<i ami ilriviiii liouBi), witli tlireo vlllft({« lJt>i, iu CoyUic Dwell, ing Wfll luiilt and fliimlioil, kiiiI kuoiI boarlUK oroliard ou tho picipoity. Apply to )i. J. Seiiof i.K, Kloslimtoii. lll[ I1||J[IS. Ca ofully Ooncoted E/ cli Week '>'"» 35 '.o ,% I"-;" 80 to 80 '"W 4r) •;.. 45 ;;'""'' • 80 10 80 "'•y 7 00 .0 800 Butter 20 â-º.c 20 Ei/gs, frtsli 19 [u lu Potatoes |ior bag 75 f^, 75 ^'''«''" to '?,".'-'^:« to J-'I'i^'l'^i"" CO to (K) '.'."''."Va 00 to 00 "»"' 14 l(i Thompson's Bakery 00 Our Dread is dtili»orod regular- ly and kept tor sale at Ceylon, Prieeville, Eugenia, Kimberhy .Maxwell and Feveisham. Ed. Thompion, Floiharton Ladies and Misses Tweed Jackets. Lhis year the all-wool semi-filling Kersey C«)at is the leader. We have a complete range in sizes and prices- Liid es, $750. $10 00 812 0(1 $13 50, $14.50, $15.00. Pricesâ€" Misses $5.50. Children's $2 50 to $4.00. . * • w 10 FjURSI FURS! FURS! It sounds n little inconsistent to be talking about furs this hot weather, but »-ever mind the weatherâ€" come in and examine our Furs . and siftisfy yourself that our prices are right FardI for Sale Jl Rii.l :>\ coi'. .IS. 11. Tt.160 atrroK. (» cleared. 10 acruH pu^tiup, lial.iiiue ({oo<l Injsb. Uarii IVS X .W. ilrlviui! sbeil, uvol {i-anij boiis». 3 ^vti la, 1 aer» L>f oieliard uud .-.tone wall nn.ler li.'irn. Hati;.u»oii liver cror.i«es Iiaek of furu. Well ffpcert aiirt in v;^>od smte of ciiUlTstloa. :l miles from Proton ..itatiou. Kor terun ajply ou pruui.'-ius t'l Iftiict. JAMi:s It. VAUSE, Proton Station Scottish Pride 66274 Tbo ynmiR bt;ll .''cottlab PrMo will stand for wervlco ox Mi. K. W, Nii-hoUtm*,*, lot .'17. cor. 5, Vrtomesia. Scottish prtilo in siro 1 by Scottish !'riuce. aKiandson of tho wonderful show cow, (I'ini of Bollncbin, Imp , wiunerof oiglit prises at 'riinniL • ami Li>iitlo!i, besides l<e{nq ehanip- ioQ ft'iiialo. Sbo wel|;h8 over ItW (xtuous. Ono of tUl« CO-.-.1 11 calves sold fur ^I77.'».0p, Scottish nrilo in ont of Lady IIbIIs by tbe Toronto urst priro wiii.ior, ('aptalu May Fly, Imp aS85S. This jijnuK bull has proved tjiiu- Bultashowbull li.a,vUu( Kainod an onooursKinR lociirl tbin full at f ovt'rabain. Hd won nrst pri/easbeHt boltualf, also di))loma for best bull any aco. Tboso having pure bred cows HlumUi BOO this erand but! before brooding as th(-v cannot do better than use liim. A limited Liutubcr of uTailos will tw taken at i|>t;33: For pore t>red8, S4.U0. Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 7*2012, the young sliortliorii Inill, will st:iiul for service at Mr. tJeo. H. Huvks, on lot IJ, eon. !>, Osprey. This ynuiig bull has \\\* be--t of breedlnj; aloufr niilkiog lines, bis (lam Iniiij; a "Wild dnine," mie of the deepeHt milking strains of ahorthorUH 011 record. I'lu ties desiring the use of this bull phoulil make arvangenients early, as only u limited number will bo taken. TKRM.S; tirades, $-J.oO. Ture Ircds, $5.00. Tliere will be a reduction. If over three cow* are bioiiKht. ('owa bred to this bull must bo retnriiod if noi, in calf, or full price will be cliarveil. Farm for Sale. I; .ts K.J8 and ». Con.l.'t. in the township of Oa\iruy l.'iO acres, ho-jjfl otenrimr, good frame barn and s'lUlaj. Rooil dnrillln>j ami well> Apply oil the premis-.'B or to W. J.IlisLi.vMV, Fleshertoii. Farm For Sale or Rent. Tor aale cheap, orront, Inimoillate pi>8S0Hs.icm. Lot SO, I'lju. M. ArtemeMia, about 17^ acres cloav, comfortable loK lioiise and frame barn. Apply to It. .1. Hproulo. Klesbertou. or John J. Mariin, serosa the \oad froui saiiMot. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. I.ovlnlasand Wimplus, tho host of breodini; and <iuulit". Bull, cows and holfora for sale ut roaseiiaMe pttees t :B,onn.,'i ClIAS. STAFKOKt), Klesbmton Slabs and Udi^inijs for Sale M'o will sell tho 4 ft. Slabs and lOdijlndS at oor mi;i o'l 01111 (1, Artomesla, at *1.CX) per cord. Uv apolyiOKto Mr. ,luo. rarlianiBUt, opiH.aito tli» mill, hu will maasme and rooolvu cash for tbo wood when taken aw.iy. Wo will fuvtiior pav a roward of 423.0O for proof of anyone tailing wood from there inthe past, or who may take wood in the future with- out our authority orMv. rarllanioot's. KEKNAN llKOS., I.imito,!, OWBU Sound Pure Dred English Berkshires and Tamworths. 1 have a fine lot of youiiR piirs bred from prlise winning stock, for »ale. Write me for prieen. I can give a bargain also (tuaranWe •atisfaotion on all mail orders. i;eo. W. Rt)Sa, Maxwell P O. STRAYED Rlrayed hom the premises of tha nndarstgo- •d, lot 1,1, con. ia,OKprttv,l »d steer and 1 r«d Uoitar, yuarllnos, about JuBa 10, latorniaUoo will baiuauktuTlv reoelvsd. ^UEB DOVQtJtB r*T«rahtvF.O Our Clubbing List Advance, and Tor<mk> World, daily $ 2 60 Toronto Daily Xewrs 2 30 Weekly Globe » 80 Mail-Empire 1 ;5 Family Herald St Scar 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Fanner Sun 1 80 Farmers .^b tocatd 2 25 Week ly Wii.iess I 73 SutnrdayNiuht a 50 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE TBadb Marks DC*IGI«S COPVRIOHTS &e. Anrone â- endlog a ikatoh and descdntion ma; Ouloklr aioortala onr opinion ftoe whether aa Invantlon Is probably jiatentabf&.Coniaiutde*. .lo«,trictiJSSS3Jlf,Jal5lS}BBi0ifon?;a"t'ia ••nt tree. Oldest axencT for aeourUMr wteir Patonta taken Jhrouch Munn ilXlw ici: Vsclat notie*, wtttioat ofaarii«k In the . outs. . leuotrt Scieitlific Jhncitcatk Abapdsomely Uhistiated weeklr. L«.-o.t At- cniatloQ of any seleniine Joaroal 'i'eii.;s toe School Gbildren's Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunts the mind Can you expect.fair progress In school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstfcri^^j . rUESHr.RTON. 1 \