?vv V I I c VOL XXVI, NO 1376 Fie. £ W. H THURSTON, IgJ.;?!- KOPKIETOU The Newest hings in Jewellery Mis. Caiupnigi. sister, Mr?. F. Tii Mrs. Ferrt-r h . iTotlier, Mr, J;i3. Can always he founil -it the Flesfc- frienJs. ertoii .lewuUery heaJi^lUiirter?. SUaa Ina M.wee ot . ..... t* /^ i 1 f*-â„¢ days last week wiii Watches & Clocks' Jamk..on. To suiK all t s and all pocket- bo. ks. Jewellery For the la'tius in and lat'ist p:itterns. greit vjvtiety we pride ourselves In halving a grea". vatiely of the choicest p»nds m mufiictujctl from wliieU to oh'MSP. Come it) and let us sKow yi>u what we Iiave, W.A.ARIVISTRONG ' Mv. S Udell hi»3 returned after spendini; h few wee On:ario. Maxter Harry Coutts, ' Ontario, is visitinj^ »t Mr. Udc I Mra. S. Catiiciiit and j daughters fniin Suurisdi8*rict, 'spent a fe»v days visiting her sis. !T. R. McKeiizie. I .\mong those who attended the eiihihiiion wt-re Mrs. F. Shitr, j' I .Mrs. G. Youni;, Mr. R. JMdruni, I Fislivr, Mr.S 6-il>oiiie and Mi.'ssO! Miss Osbiinio also atteilded the inii I opeiiinus, I J ^yRtnim ^ .iC week. list [low for fire. aeTeral t vrec-k and the 'iiours before they was in this Maxwell Items Hawtni! â€" Browiiridgeâ€" Thi! home of Mr and Mrs. Wni. Brownridee, M.^iwell was the scene of a pretty erent, Sep; em- ber S):h, when their "ulj daUi;h^iT, Kl^ie ^anj went out Mt»y, wii.i united in ni«rria«e Charles Samuel Hawton, son of Mr. Isa'K; Hawton of 12th lino Osprey, by their p'mtor, Rrv. A. P. Stanley. While Mrs. Stanley playe.1 Mendelsaohu's Wedding March the bridal party appear - <h1 and took their places under a lar^e wedding hrll and bower of greenery, decorati-d with wide white crope ribbon. The bride, in a gown of soft pale blue si Ik tritnQii»d with chiff.m and nlover Ucf, her veil caunh; up with white asters, and hcc boqiiet as'ers and swei-t [h-iir â€" was « victureof daintines». Mtss Flossie Clio- ton, a i;ou»in of the bride, was bridesmaid in H pretty whits silk waist and pale blue lustre skirt. Mr. Alfred H«wton dd <li»ties of bist iiiaii. After the ceremony And congrat ulatisns, the guests, nuniber- insi about fifty, were invited to (he dining; robin where a table of KOod things await- ed them. Many pretty and useful pres- ent! were receiveil, the griHini's present to the bride l»eing a ({tdd N ">rma bracelet, Hud to the bride-smaid a ^old brooch and to the sroomsnian a pair of gold cuff links. Mr. and .Mrs. Hawton left on a short trip to T.irontoâ€" the bride tirtvcllioi: in a l)rt>wn suit of ladies cloth with n white velvet hht trimmed with two pluraos. Their nnny friends wish ihem a happy and pro? peroUfi journey through life. Little Clarence Brownridne h»8 be«n on the sick list the piist few days. The Metht)dist choir presented Mr. ^ Andrew with two bandsiome picturec last, J^atuida'y oveniiii; in appreciation for hii laithful service in the choir. Mr. Harry Guy and Mr. Htitchinaon Meaford visited the former's home last <5und»y. .4 Xraveilin^ man Received M Thanks of Every Passenger in the CiV "I must tell yon my experience oil an East liounii O. R. AN. R. K. train from Pendleton to LfUrande. Ore., writes Sam A. Garber, a well known travelling man. "I was in the smokintf dep*»rtiiii'nt with somu other tiavuliug men when one of thera went out iiitothe coach and came back and said, •'There is a woman sick unto death in the car. " I at once (fot up found her very ill with cramp o M r. I colii-, so bad, in fact I was almost afraid to the late take the risk; her hands and arms were drawn up so you could not strai^rhtsu thfiu, and with a deathlike look on her face. Two or thr«e ladii's were w.irking witn her and givin;{ her whiskey. I wrii'. to my suitcase and gi.t my I bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemeily (I never travel without it), ran t.i the water tank, put a double dose of th*- medicine ir. the gla.*, poured 8om» water into it.anil stured it witna pencil; 'ien I hail quite a time to ifet the l-idies t.i leb nie (jive it to her, but I succeeded, I VO^'ji at once see the etfect'and I worked witih^or, nibbing her hands, and in twenty mimstea 1 gave her another dose. Ur this tiiue «a 'Mi« almost into LeGraude, where 1 wa-s to leajfc the train. I gave the bottle to the husbaud to bs used in caise another dose should be lu^eded, but bv time the train ran into LeUraaile she was ajl right, '«id I receiveil thanks of every {Uisseuger in the car." Fur sale by >V. K Kichardson. •^n prescription is printed upon â- ^5c. box of Dr. Shoop's Fink Pain ets. .\sk your Doctor or Drugiiist if s formula is not complete. Head patios, omaiily pains, p-iius anywhere get in- iTiut relief fpiin a Piu!t Paiu Tablet. Sold by all dealers. Hatherton Harvesting is a thing of the past attd the merry toot of the steam thresher may be heard iu all directions. There wiU be no ficarcoty of feed for stock in this vicinity. Grain is an average cnip, while there is an abundance of straw. Weil Named. Chaniberlain't Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Reintdy is well named. Koi pains in the Ktouiacii. cramn c<ilic and diarrho^n it has iio leqnal. For sale by W. K. Richardson. Rock Mills Threshins: is tho ondcr of the day. We have three inachine.i all at work in this neigh borhijod- B^-st Bros, are certainty <1uins! sonie et^at no>k in the iie't[libor- titMi.i with their new machine. The Bell Telephone Company's men are around oi.ce nmro repairim; polen and puttins on new wire. A Ksntjof thirteen men are boardins at Mr. R. Hoy's. Mrs. John SukUhIi ha<I a quilting bee last wee't. Mr. Ellwood Genoe, who hna b«en ill with typtxtid fever, is, we are pleased tu hear, improving. For a SpraliMd Ankl«. A sprained ankle may be cured '.in ab<iit one-third the time usually required, by apply- ing Chamberlain's Liniment freely, and giving it absolute rest. For onle oy W. K Kiohardsou. The Regin^ Leader aays: Upon the Provincial Department of .Vnriculture drawing; the C P. R. Conijwuy's atten- tion to the cntKestiuti which existed at « iri «u« point*. Seooud Vioo-Preiident Whyti imma'iiately wired instrujtion^ to ftisents to waive tho thirty day*' enupbiy. Jr., Miss Bertha Winters, Mr. HuKh Hardy, Mr. Dan, Gillies, Mr. J. J, Jamiuson and Mr. John Jamiesou, Jr. Mrs. John Phillips accompanied by her sister, iWrs. L. Gamey, also Mrs. James Buckingham and daughter, Etta, visited with Mrs. Down recently. Miss Sehwalm spent Suturdny in Flesherton, the gueat i»f .Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. Mr. and Mrs. Mills ami two children spent Sunday at Mr. G. Gruiuinitt's. Miss Morrisim and MLss Buckingham were appointed delegates to the Kpworth League convention held iu CoUingwood, this week. A new bridge Is beiug built over the BeAvor, at Fcvorshaui, Mr. and Mrs. Frank VanDusen and children of Dund.ilk, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Gordons. Rev. A. P. Stanley pi-eached Sunday eveiiiug, his subject being "Pnvyer." It was highly appreciated by the large ooii({reg;ttion who were present. Mr. and Mrs. James Arnolt spent Sunday in Collingwood, visiting friends. Mrs. Fields of Maxwell .-ind her daughter in-law, Mrs. B. Fiold.1, of Rock MiUs, visited ivith Mrs. Beaty and Jesse Gruniiiiitt lost week. Eugeiia. Thre.sliing in this locality will soon be over, as Messrs. VVilliauis, Field and McMiister have been making their eD)^Des bum a lively tune for the past few weeks. Sliss Kill Petlbir of " Summer Hill " hits gone' to spend some time iu the city. Mrs. McC.iliiim has Ijeen visiting her dauj^hter, Mrs. Teeter, of Markdale. Miss Mildred Napier of Port Law is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wallace iVrmstrong. Mr. Henry Feawick is sulferiug from a severe attack of bronchitis. Misses Millie C.inipbell and Louie Hislop of the valley are visiting friends at . CWksbiu^ ~ '• A goodly number from Eugenia attend- ed the Golfite meetings at Thornbury the past week. Miss S.%rah Paul gave a i^uiltiug bee to a number of her young frieucis the past week. Mr. Charles Hopper, who has been spending the past few years at New Liskeard, is home on a visit to his parents at Salem. He look.s as though that piiK of the province agreed with him. Mr. Matthew J. Jackson of Piiiladel- phia, who ha,s been on • pleasure trip, visiting Buffido. Niagara TMr, Toronto, . Among those who took iu Toronto and other parts of the donitnion is now fair liwrt, week, were Mrs. John Winters,' ' visiting with his uncle, Mr, 'Woodluirii, of " Glenfield ". He is dalighted with tho grand scenery around Eugenia Falls and all this part of the coQatry. Mr. Leonard liiitimer is ill with an attack of bronchitis. Miss Bunuicjil, who reviotly came out from London, £ng., to visit her sister, Mrs. Boylcs, hits gone to Tcwouto for the winter. Mr. Shippin of Henthcote w-is th« guest of MiiS Emeliae Genoe over Sunday. Mr. Jackson of Phibv-.L-liabia wiw bid ii hoiuty good bye at his uncle's residence at "Gleurteld " on Mond:^ evening by a large uumlwr of friends. A very happy evoiiitig was spent, !ilthouf(ll all felt sorry t<.> part with so genial a Kuost. He made many warm friends duiing his visit. Vandeleur. Mrs Sidney Gilbert spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs, Tmimins af Glenelg. Mrs. Pye of Flesherton, Tisittd a few days with Mrs. Geo. Wright receutiy. Mr. and Mrs. Laughlin of S.arnia ap«nt a few days last week with the l»ttei'.-< Miss , brother, Mr. EiL Baker, of this place. The Wcmeu'a Institute met at Mrs. Miss Mivry Winters spent a week with | Geo. Wailing't last week and repirt a her cousin, Miss Laura Henry, near good meeting. Mrs. W. H. Thurston Fleshertou. '. and Mrs. Best of Flesherton, were pi'es- ; mit. Visitor* ate always welcome at the To quickly check a cold, druggists are I Institute. dis(fensing everywhere, a clever Candy { The Misses Rosie t'cd Eva Gilbert, Cold Cure Tablet called I*re»entics. .j Miss Minnie Thomp«on and Miss E. C. .: i_. x;... i._« _:. 1. .i.:ii Bol,4|](l cj turned from Toronto list week, had been attending the sr., is visiting Preventics are also line bir feverish chiU.1 ren. Take Prtvent iu8 at the sneeee stage to head off eold*. Box of 3liâ€"25c. Sold by all dealers, A French youth, repulsed by a circus girl with whom he was in love, committed suicide by looking hiiiiseU in a lion's cage. Mr. and Mr«. P. J. Feniane, of Proton, were in town shopping oils day last week and wem crossing the track at Main afreet; on the return home when the steamboat ^cFARLAND & CO. New Dress Goods and Suitings. If there's anythiog we're proud of it's our reputatiiui for having the latest ideas and best variety of Ores (looda. Costume Cloths. Suitings, etc , and this Heason wo Iiava every reason to believe our showiiii; is much superior to any past season.<i. 14 pieces Fine quality bright finish Lustre in the followine shades of Navy, Green, Garnet, Grey, Brown, also Cream and Black, 40 inches wide, special per yard 2S)c. We have too many weaves, makes, etc.. in tha new arrivals to nive a full description of each. Piain clotlisand the invisible stripes .ire the correct ihi'ig this season. Ask to see the different .shades ia the New Poplins, TalTota, Amazon, Lustres, Venetians, Panamas and &4tir. Cloths at per yard 50.;, 58c, 75c, 90c. §1.00 and *1.25 New Mantles. Our stock of now mantles are hero and the styles are certainly sensible, being 43 to 50 iiiohes in length, .semi-tir.ting; colors dark, priiicipallv plain cloths in dark shades, all sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Prices ttartint: at ^.00 and going by easy stejw up to $18 00 You have to gee the goods and try them on before you can appreciate tho values wo are_offerini;. Come in and see what is the correct styles. You are not obliged to buy because you look. New Coats for Girls Aged 5 to 14. We have just pas-sed into stock a bi»j assortment of Girls Coata impoitvd direct from the man ufactuiers and it is remarkable the amount of work and stylo that is put into even the low priced ones priced at J2 50, ^.T5, ?3. 00, $3.25. 93.o0, $3 75 «4.QU «»i^t'S&. Siz(5s. 24, 27, 30. 33, 36, ii.d 39 inches long. If you are un- decided as to .size required for your girl just measure length you'd like the coat to bu and yod are then sure to get correct size. * Space will not permit us in giving further particulars regarding the new goods bein,{ received daily for the different departments, however, it you are desiriou.s of procure iiig anything in weiring apparel that is new and up-to-date you will not be di8.ippoint- ed in coming here. McFARLAND & COMPANY S^ Ceylon's Up-to-Pate Store. ^ ================== ^ ^I ow i.s the time to buy your shoes for the, Fall ^ In order to make room for our new stock we ^ are selling skoos at halt price. Call antl let us ^ supply your wauts. ^ ^ In Groceries we carry afresh and up-to-date stock- ^ A. nother shipment of Manitoba Flour just arrived, ^ also Ontario Flour â€" Bran â€" Shorts and Feecl I ^ ^ - ^ - S^ \l/ iiKlsor Salt in sack or bairel lots. Bj» Ceylon's Leading Merchants ^ COLX^INSON BI30S. where they Exhibition. Mr. Wm. Hutchinson, friends a* Uxbridge. Mr Frank Cul lis and wife, of B. C, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Alex. Catson of Pricevillo, called on friends here recently. Mr, Ernest Buohan«n of Durham, made a short visit beta recently. tn'iit elauaD and iMue return ticv^ets at , the reduced rates to harvesters desirous etp^es* «=*'»« *'""R B?'"« 'wt''- «/• , x. .« t ,t n. . v .u of returninu home. In taking thia course ' Feruane aftsr seeing bis danger had only : "Mine boat of tho Quoeu a hotel hw a the C. P. R. did Iho rinht thing. »„d, : time to back tb« team up a little when tha curi.^iiiy m the seapu of a fout legged c..uple.I with their action and oanc«Uing train wh-wed by One of the horses had chicken. The nhickon is four or ti.o the 14*1 of their exciiraion., it indicates apiec-offlesh »akeu off its noa. by oont.ct weeks old *ih1 « .upposed to hav« been their .Wire toko honest and »qu»ro with "»'»» the engine bnt luckily this wa. all hatched from a double yokee egg. tho i*ople in thia matter. ', the injury received. -Duudalk Herald. Meaford Mirnt. Smith-Bentham The following fioin the Dunkirk, N. Y., Observer, will be of interest to many of our readers here, both of the principals being Well and favorably known in this section. Mr. Smith U-arned his trade in this office and is pr()»poriiis» in ilie west. We tender moat sincere congratulations. Tho Observer s'y«: "Tho niarria^o of Miss Annie Madeline Denthain. daui-.hter of .Mrs HeK-n IJenlha n of 2?) East Front » ree', to Mr. Wm. Wesley Smith, a well known new»«p;iperinan of Bstilofoid, Sa.>k., C.iitada, took place at 2.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon at the bride's home. Only the iniinodiate members <•( the two faimliitt* were present t.> wiliie>-'« the ceremony, which was psrformed by Kuv. Jay T. B:i<iglvy, })ast<>r of the Fust PresbytPrian church. There wero no attendants. Lati-r in the nfterno.in Mr. and Mrs, Smijlileft for a viwt to Toron- to, after which they wiUgolo Battleford, where they will make th«ir Home. They will be accompanied by tim bride's inoiher, Mrs. Helen liotKhnin." Samnel J. Rich:e. the discoverer i.-f the nickel and copper mi-ies at Sudbury, dropped dead in a hotel atClmrVston, VV. Va. Specialist In disoases of the Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat Otflce iaFi-OMtt*t. . Ovvcnc3o»inU At th« Mar'iidale house, Markdalo, lnt Friday each month from S to 1l! a. ni.