I ft CUtv LocBtml in Our Own (lilcc Building. ExoMses «Dd Indte of morei sorrow aiuJ bu diBoa.so0 combmed M Ticiuus habits on sver'> uimiiled Taco dark clrcV form, stunted developmeil, 'hoiic countcnauco anil tlDv clfuiu to all the world his fou, Ijlifrhthlsrxlstenco. Ourtreatnicii.. Iv ctires all weak men by ovorcotnlDh romovlng tho eflecls of 'ormer Indiscretit, and piccsscs. It eU>\m all drains and qulckljy restores thovlctim to what nature Intendedâ€" \ n liealthy and happy rnan with physical, men- tal and nerve power coinpleto. For ovar SO years Dra. K. A K. have treated with the greatest success sll diseases of men and women* It you have anv secret disease that la a worry aiul a meuui-o to your liealth consult old established pliysiclanawho do not have to exporimont on you. Wegvoranteeto care NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD DISEASES. STRICTURE, VARICOCELE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES. CsniuH«. ilon FrM. If unable to coll, write for • question Blank (or Home Treatment I DRs.KENNEinr&KENNEDY 1^ Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Threshers Needs. Examine our line of Milts, Oils, and Goggles, Uso uurCyliurtcr and Machine Oil and you'll be satisfied. Don't pass US when yot] waut High Grade L«ce Leather, For the Kitchen. Oar stock was never so complete in hand made and Factory tin- wave, (hnniteware, Apple Purers and Lantern Gliimneys, etc. Exanaiiieour Imud made pails. They're alright, and the price low. Paint. Tliink what a grand opportunity this early harvest ofTers yon to do that painting which yon neglected in the spring rush. 1 he sur- face is iu bettor shape to paint now and any paint will give bettor BiLisfactioi). liiinibuiber the kind of paint to use, "Moore's I'nre Unseed Oil I'uiiit" or we can supply yon with a clieaprr paintâ€" Maitiii Kcuour's at d'Jc a quart. Drop in and see it at any rate. No trouble to sliov." goods. ^ NORRrs"~BROS. ^\^is^gaP3s:^>paP3ipaP3iPapa>?3K^ m<si^xx msi^»:) ^ M In Sleigln, Buggies, Waggoii.s, Harrows, riougbs, Cream 8ep- ardtois and Wire Fencing. « HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY ^ uui W' Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works DEiJlI^ESRS IK CAllKIAGRS, SLKKJHS, CUTTERS, IMPLEMENT KEPAlllS, CREAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attetition given to HORSESHOEING and all kinds ofREPAHlS. We have a new stock of Buggies in, Call and see them be- fore buying. CREAM SEPARATOKS-We handle "the Mollotte." Getonr our prices and terms. McTavish & Wiliams, Flesherton. The Only Way To niakM aiire of i/u(t.ir.« a tliorongli Buai. n.sMur Shurtlmiid tiitiiiing in to Httend rhe 'i'Uia Sch<ioHir.(i«j« claim for support upon merit nlime. 1/0 ELLIOTT VO&ONXO. ONY. lUs liitcU grade coursus, •ii||(irliir (iu)lllt<M liUil i.iKUriiM^rd tO;vcliiii|| taUiit. liuiiil' r«<l>«i uttia-nls go niit Miiiuivlly from UiU 0«illfK< t..t.«Kl I'lsiliniis. \|/t us ixiiioat* jiiu l.>r i)iotit»l>lerui|ilftvinoi»t. We will t)u U>i,(Ut. OatAloKiw liwii. Kjitm- any tiiu*. W. J. ULulO'n. . Ineipal. Cor: Tn t aa<( AI«x»iMl«r 8k4 IT LEADS 8p cial n«p»rtineiit fur thi-se wliiMc imrly edaciitiiiii lnui bnen na- glvutud. Iiifuiniutioii f ruu to iiiiy addiuaa. C. A. kLEMlNO. Pawun-Au Owau Suund, ^ OuUtio Then collego, Ri will) WHS al ' hack tu the f;ii .She replied sIk .sHi(l|licr cloihcK liud no money :o occasion. The boj Tho mother wool in hi. stylish. Tho ciiinniememeiil n h fuHlii'.nable church. Tho ill prouder if bis molher Ihjii of his fil lie walked dewn ^he niile tu the el of tho church, iiud took hor to one of best seats. There wore tears in her cyei and slie burst out weepinij whan her son pronouncfd the valedictory. The presii- eiif pinned a Lndgo on hia coat, bat he took it and pir.ned it im hii inother'i" fad- ed dress, and ho bent and kissec' her wriiikluil face. Tho boy with thii kind of pride will be an honor to his country and his God. May his number Increase and the ahadiiws of hia IpTe'iness cover tho world. â€" Ex. It is in>t generally known, but never- tht'lods a fact, that t hero are people still livin); who can ri-nieinbcr the time when lon)Hti>cs were raiaud merely for their beiiuly AS wu rnino ro.soR. It wila then called Love Appli<, While its beauty wan adnitiod il wan runi-idured like tho poia oMoUs oak, dangerous to even handle ex- cept liy "dark Complected" petsons. Years of acquaintanceship, however, wore oil its huporstitiun and a fi-w "fool- linrdy" actually owned up tu havina fatt- ed the fruit. From this small beitinuiiig has gradually growii a use that niskea to- day an iniluatry with combined capital of over thirty inilliona of dollar*, which disburses uiillions of dollars to its em- p'oycs each year and SKi(r«gatrS an out- put ot two hundred and forty million cims. ^ Wo suppose no man yet touched a syn- ilicale h use withou'i. gutting his fingers buint. Bu that fact does not put an end to ihe busiiiusH. Tho next slick lalkur that comus aloni; with ahorse will bdabln to pick up suckers enough to buy him. lUit what we siartod out to (ell about was n note which a numVier of people of this viulnity itavu to Kidd of Listowol on a Hyndicaie hofso deal. Tho hirie cost $3000, and was bouj^ht by 10 men. At tho end of the first season, he was anld back to Kidd for SSriOt^, for which Kidd gave hi.s note. Sul>sct{Uontly Kidd made an asaignmont, and never paid the notn. One of tho noios made in favor of Kidd was for SSOO, and cnmo due tho other day. The makers were: Richard Hariia- on. Jus. Ohllieiser, Ji.o. Johnston and Thus. Wilton. It was paid on Saturday. â€" W>»lkovton Telesoripo. Tho value of a know]ed|{H of how to ipsiiire a drowninn person was illustrated last Saturday when Thus. Radford resus- citated lit tlo Elsie Barlow, the five year old daUKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailow, Hill ilrest. The ohild had been playit.g about the house when she was misled by her mother who went to look for hor. Tho Barlow homo stands near tho foot of the hill and the domestio water supply is obtained from a well abuiit four fool duep about thirty yards from the houae. Mrs, Barluw ran to this well and was l.orrifiud to it-e her ohild's feot just ahuvo the MUifaoo of the wafer. Shu Imslily drew her out to nil appearance dead, and carried her to the hoM^'e, where tho mothnr's cries soon attracted the neight>ora. Mr. Radford went to Work toivHusniiato tha o'lild and with Muoh uo.id etfuoi ttiat by the linia Dr. Hutherfurd, who was telephoiiod for by Mr. J.im''H U. CUrke,arrMMl,ahu wak riStoiod to cinaciouMiiesa ana wna ejout- ii'.gihe Water whiuh had got Into her lunff, Shu Is now fully recovered, A rather aMaii){e oircuiiiktanoa is that th* ohdd oaya that she liMird hor niotiier call hsr alter ah. fill in'.u th« ttoll.-'ti. 8, A'lvt.'itis«r. ?-!J-JC-gJ "H lace The "Hecla" has four grate bars. Each one can be shaken separ- ately. This means that you can shake down just the part of the fire where the , without disturbing the rest of the coals. •'Hecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can rid of all the ashes â€" save coal â€" keep the .re bright and clean â€" and do away with sifting shes, because no fresh coal or half-burnt linkers come down in the ashpan. .'e would be pleased to talk over the furnace question with you ind show you, part, by part, just why the "IltcU" Furnace is lie best for you to buy. Come in any time. Made by Use muicr* ol "Pecrlc PeniniwilT" Bangca. es IRRIS BROS, (FJ FLESHERTON BU8INE.S8 Cards JLIiOUaH & YOUNU Banker Markdale \ goneial b&DklugbaainesB. Money loanen a raasouatjie rate Ci^II ou ua. P CHISUETT, ^ ' Postuiaster. '^oyion. CouiDii.'isioner tn H.O. J , Convovaucer, deeit", uiortKoKU!!, leases, wills etc. carefully dra«n i<p Jolleutioiis luad."*. cbargos ruaHonalile. AUu crueerius, Hour, toed etc. keiit iu stock, fricuv rlKbt. RJ BPHOULB Postmaster, Flesherton v^«nimis8lon<'r in R.C J., Auclioaeer Con- veyancor, Appraiser aud Money Lender Keal Instate aud Insurance A^ent. Peed* morth'SKes, leases aud wills cari'fully drawn ap anil valuatloas mado ou s lioi test nntice money to loan at lowest rates of intorost. Col sotious attoudod to witta promptness charues low. AMnt for Ocean Dominion BxauisMp Company. A call solicited. DMcPlIAIL, T^usad Auctioneer for the • County of Grwv. TornO'* moderate and satisfaction Ruaraiit^d, Tbo arranfiemeute and dates of sales canjba made a*. Thr Advanck office. KcxidoQce ai^F.O., Ceylon, Telephone connKction. Doc. 6.07. • T Ur KAITIflHO Llcensetl Auotionser for '-'• '' • the rjbuutlun of Oroy and BInieoe. Kami and Ktoek sales a apecislist. t'erms moderate satisfaation fuiaranteed. Arrange- ments (or dales may be made at the Advsaeo offlco, cr a: T. Hutclilusou's store, lieversham, or by addressing mo at Fevetsbaoi, Out. Lot 13, con, 12, Osproy, Medical DB CAIITKR M C P ft H Ont, Physician, Bnrgeon. < UQlce and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flasherton T P OTTEWEIJj » Veterinary fiorgeon Qraduute ol Outario Veterinary Collegah residence â€" sjooud door sonth wea^ion Vl.irv atreet. This street mQB aoutb Presbyterian Cburoh. HV'ILHON, Hlacksmith • 'Graduate oftoe Veterinary Bolenoc Assnolation Kesidunoe, Dnrham itreet, op- ponlte Hoyd, Hlokllng's hardware. Dentistry Dr. e C. MURRAY L. D. R, dental snrf^on iKiiiui Kiadiiate of Toronto UuiTurslty and Uoyal C'olU't*!! of Doutal rtiirxeons of Ontario, Oas adniininfered for teotb extraetion, otllce at residuoco, To romo st u]S.''i uh^rtoii Legal LUCAR WniOHT * McARDLE Karrixturs SulloitorH Coiivayanoera, etc OlHccsâ€"OwKU Bound, Ont aud Markdale Out W H Whioht, McAiiPii! I B Loca N IIâ€" l-'lesherton offloe, Mitchell's auk ivorv Batnrdav. Societies A U W meets oi. the last Hondaji 1 in eaon month, In their lodge room, Obristoo's block. Flesherton. at 8 p,ni. M.W., Frank (Uinrd ; Sec, T. Illnkely, Kinanoier, W.J. Ilel.ainy. Visiting bruthroD Icvlted. PltlNOli! AKTlIUlt LODGE, No. SS3, A.F.A A M, meets iu the Uasonie all. Arm. strnnL's Hall Kloeberton, every Friday on or boforr tbo full moru. Thos. lllakely.W.M.; Herb.amlth, BoLretary. notllT FLERHEUTON, OW, I. 0. F. ireflts In " (May ton's Dlock the last Wednesday evening of each month. VisltliiR Foresters heartily welcome. H. H., Dyson; It. 8,, 'i'. Uebry; Kin. See., O. N. Itlohardson. Please pay dnes to Pin, Heo, before tho first day of tbu month. nilOSEN FhlENDB-FloBhes^on Connoll of V Ohosen Friends meets In 01a)too's ball first and tbiril Wednesday of eKcb moul H p. ui Pay asBnssmants tn the Ileeovder on or twfnre tru first ilay of easb month. Chief OouDcUler T. niakelaji; Mordar, W. B. Bnut. A RELIABLE LOCAL MLGSMAN WANTED For Ple.sherton And Adjolninc Country TO KEPRK8KNT Canada's Oldest and Qreatest Nurserias. While business in soinn Unas may be dull, farmers were never more eiioonraMod as regards fruit growlna than at tho pieseut season. li°Bn lirlces (or all olasiaa ot ftmit hava boeo op* talnad the past season, ana tliara Is as a oonsar queuoean looreaied ilamand (or nursery stook, Onr B'ook Is complatf In evsrr department, loeiudlng a new lias ot specialties whloh ws •Inns ha 'dia. Tbs right man will obtiin a permanent eltu- atlon lilth tevrltorr reS«fcjrBd for him. Pay weekly. Free sample uutBt, eto. Write for partioulara. STONEA WELLING TON Fonthill Maraarioa (SM aerM) TORONTO OnUrio Flour and Feed DowtV Wi- have ull kinJs of Floor and Feed. The fulliiwiiig aro eoiuo gf our prices: Perfection Blond $5.40 bbl. Morning Glory 5.20 " Low Grade Flour 1 50 • ' Barley Chop 1.45 " Shoits 1.30 " Bran..... 1.10 " Pickling Uineaar at Wright's Grocery. â- FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown \x\ Fleahertoiv, This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see soniu of the nice things in Side Bojiid.s, Dining Room Chairs, Piirlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion jubt now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stuck. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER FLESHERTON WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock ^ ^ Bes t Stock Bells, Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, povkeiliuoks, satchels, razor strops and othrr leathur ootids. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everythino in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. summer"- STOCir. Of Sweat Pads, Collars. Flow lines Dash Aprons, Rubber Ruifs, Dusters Fly N<*t.s, Hoof Oiutiuent, Axto Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repa iring, O. W. Phillips F'leahept o n BESr BUSING5.S TRAINI^a at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH CANADl.VN BUjuINKSS COLLEvJK. Cor. Vonge and Bloor Sts,, TiMpip, \'.,