1 Systematic Sh. <•'. «» look Insignificant to some, but to i. they have meant wealth. Schemes that promise suddea rich*.. only bitter disappointmeut, but the detenniu. saving and depositing of small amounts in THE STANDARD BAi V En^juhed 1873 OF CANADA '' ^^"^ cannot fail to bring ultimate success. Make a start tiow by opening an account with a deposit of One Dollar or more. We pay Interest every three months and return your money any time you want it. FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BRANCHE.S AI^O AT DVR.HAM AND BARRISTOM. 64 No Paper Next Week. The Advance will not bo publii>bt!il Uext wet^k. Pa{K:ra on all siiles of us have been taking their wuek uS recen'I; Rnd it i» our turn. Tho staff will nut be hulida>in);, however, but eiiergeticilly torning out job work by the ream for our f»ll fairs. Sept. 24 will le the next (iate of issue. Vicinity chips VV'. A. AriDttrnu^ wnwv of niarriiif;e \\cetite». Wanted â€" Drug apprentice, R. L. Stephen, Markdate. Two Colts for 8 lie â€" 1 and t ye.»r« "iJ past. R. Kichardson, Floeheriua. Mr. M. K. Uichatdson and i-arly will 8aii from EiiKlauil for l:oiuo tu-duy, Sept. 10. The p;ov('riimeiit ia adrertisinK fur lea- ders fur the eraorion uf a new armory at Durham. Dr. I'orter of Walkerton visited with Dr. Citrter fur a couple of daj's d<"^>"l' the past week. Our little 7-year-(ild says that owiiift to late trains tliis line of railway should be Oidled the Sleepy. R. Tne farm luborora' excursiona '.o the west advertised for Sept. 8, 9, 11 and 14 h'tve been cancelled. The CInrksburt; public library is put- ting in %\W> worth of books. Wonder how they raised the necessary ? •Rifle for Saleâ€" Wiucheater, 38-55,good as n«w, also cover, cleaner and two boxes of cartridges. Geo. Cairns, Fleaherlon. For Sale- -A psir of three year old cults, bred fioai Merry Maason. Lot 29, O. D. K., Ceylon, P. U. Dnt. W. J. Mead.s. 24sa House to Rent â€" Brick residence, large lot, good stable, lately owned by Mrs. Will. Ne;d. Apply to John Stuart, Fleaherton. Get your writing paper, pens, pencil-, etc., fr>in Sproule, Uii{i{inbctliaRi <& Cu. , Flesherton. They have choice goods and cheap in that line. Another big fire is raging at Mr. Duckett's lime kiln at Eugenia ihia week. .\ll in need of good, fresh liiue, can get it at once. J. H. Uuckett. UorstfL' for Sale â€" One mare 6 years old with Colt (it foot, one two-yearold gelding, also oae ycarlin;* gelding. Must be sold. Geo. A. Wa'auu, Fleaherton. Pioperty tor Sale at Pricoville â€" .â- ! brick house, eight roiiiut,. barn and live lots. Also lot 10, cou. 1, N.D.R., Arteuiesin, 50 acres. Apply to Catherine Soott, Piiceville P. O. Mrs. (Ves. Buskin has been successful in carrying offthiee prizes for fancy work at the Tironlo exhibition â€" 1st for f«noy (judtini:, 2nd for patchwork quilt ami Sixl for darning in neit. Congratulations are in order. Ltrge crowds went down from this ttatioivto the exhibition thi* week. The regular train Tuesday morning was s» orowJed that there was scarcely a foot of standing room in tho whole train." A new loc!s{o of A. F. and A. M. i» a ider process of orgauiz.ttioii iu Mark- d'lle, over which Mr. W. A. .\rnislioug of this pixce will presiJe as W. M. for a y.'ar, until it has got under full sail. We wish our (ister lodge success. The Durham Review leferring to the b>wd concert there says: "Flesherion has n young band, practically a new one, but they uiado a very croditable showing and I supplied some £ne oiusic, notably a ' medley of pc pulsr lri«h aiia." | Pont l« afraid to itive CbaniberlaiD'g Conph Keuieily to your children. It in in- tended ci'pccially for coughs, culds, croup and whooping ci»i)<h, and it is tin- bent medicine made («r these dioeates, Kor sale by W. K, < Hithardaon. I The pre^nt seajon has beeu an excel- lent one for ripening tomatoes. The editor's garden h:ts produced iibout five buihela of vipe tomatoes thi.s fall. The tirst oue w»^ picked on July 21 This is something almost unheard uf ia our high latitude. *â- Mr. Robt. M-:K>e of Collingwood called on The Advance last week. We were pleated to ha»"» him call â€" very pleased, lie pnyed for hl4 " in -idvance and hia brother's We are always pleiwed to liavo with the cash. Couio aIoa;{. Utprey township Sabbath St. A.iS»ciation will hold their annual col. vention at Mix veil on Tuesday, Sept. 15 uex", wilh afternoon «efi.siou at 2.30 in tho Presbyterian church and evening »>esKion at 7.30 ill the Metitodist church. Progiams have been ii>!iued. The Presbyterian 1.jadies' .Aid will give a chicken pie sup^r in the basement of the church on Weduesday evening, Sept. 16th, aftet wliiuh a varied and pleasing prcKranime will be rendered in the auditorium, comincucing at 8 o'clock. A cordial invitation ia extendeJ to all. Aduiission 20 and 15 cents. At the reicular monthly meeting of Prince Arthur Lodge, .\. F. and A. M., on Friday evening last, a resolution of cimdoleu.-c was paH.-<ed and ordered to be forwarded to the wido* of the hf" Wm. Strain. Mr. Strain was one u.«ne oldest members of Prince Arthur, but took out his clearance papers a few years ago. Speaking of tho Band Concert there the Durham Chronicle says: "For the Flesherlon and Durham bands, we have nothing but praise. Organized- within the past three years, the citizens of Fleaherton have a right to feel proud of their luu-ioal aggregation, who through- out the evening discoursed most credit- able selections from time to time. A fifieenyear-old son of Mr. Jnnics Stinson, gravel road, got a bad shaking up one duy last week. He is fortunate instill being in the land of the living. He was engaged in plowing and had the lines tied around his waist when tho horses became restless and started oi', dragging him from his feet. In seme way things got so badly mi.\ed up that one of the horses fell on top of the boy, who was badly bruistd, but no bones were broken. Proton baseball club came up and played a return match with the Fleaher- ton club on Friday evening. We feel a little shy about naming the result, .\iidy Wilson says Proton won, because th»t club only had to circle the field half a« many tines as the Flosherton club. The Ptoton club did tho complete turn iiiue- teea times. Double that-for the Fleaher- tvin club and you have the result without bein^ told. It wa; too big a score for a league game. The La<1ie8' clubs that hav e played here this sumuiec kept the score down much butter than that. Mr. John Montg 'Uiery, a young student, occupied the Methodist pul|iit Sunday luurning, and Mr. done uf Maikdale iu tho eveuiiig. Both sermons werv much appreciated by those who heard them Mr. .Montgomery is a clever young man. Ha is a son uf Mr. James Montgomery of the Uiange Valley. Mr Crouo has been heard here several times, and always with apprecia^ion, biit he rather surpassed himself Sunday evening. Cupt. Bemrose of Maxwell, who has be*D s very successful and popular lake captain, met with his drat serious mis- fortune o>' S.iturday niornincr last, when his tine vessel, the King Edward, of the Algoiiia Steamship line, ran on Chantry island at the entranoo to Southampton harbor, during the provalonce of a dens? fog. The ptsscngers were all hnderl safely and the steamship lightered. The steamev'?? bottom was torn by rooks and will likely prove a total lost. are o. blow this ... anticipated that > prove more attractive the chief attractions for . will be an exhibi"; of Dow the auspices of East Grey Association, which expecis to ni>.. largest exhibit ever seen in the county. Director Longhead, who ia interested in this line, is engineering this exhibit. New and commodious pens have been erected and other improvements made. Now that Spmule & Hiitginbotham have moved Into the corner store along- side of the postoffice, and the postmaster ever having respect to the rrquirements of those using the office, he purposesi, Ihrowinv 'he door between the storjand .venings so •xes in ^heofhce .r mails before and ..OSes, till the store is u is usually about 9 p.m, ill give considemble more ac- atiou to box renters to get their ma...y He also piurpoaes keeping in stock (XMitage stamps and cards for sele in the store for the accomiuodutiou of those overlooking purchasing a supply while the postoffice is open. PERSONALS Rev. and Mrs. Little and children are at Toronto this week. Mr. John Kerr of Port .\rthur visited his mother here last week. Mrs. J. Kbrr of this place is visiting her son, Tom, at Alton. Miss Ida Sullivan of Markdale spent Monday at her home here. Miss AUie Wilcox is spending a month in Buffalo and Silver Creek. Misses Mabel and Lily Boyd left Tues- day to attend Whitby ladies college. Mr. Fred Goode of Auburn, N. Y., is visiting at the home uf Mr. S. McMullen. Mr. A. Liltlejohn of the Markdale Standard staff, was a caller on Monday. Miss Annie Wilson of Toronto visited her mother here during the past week. Mr. Lome McDojiald of Collingwood spent a couple of days in town during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Engl.ind and three children of Coldwater are the gue»ls jf relatives here. Mr. .\. U. Fisher, who was visiting The Advance for st^iue lime, left last week for Toronto. Mrs. McLean, wife if Donald McLean, section foreman at Proton Station, died on Sunday morning. Mr. Will Tucker, junior proprietor of the Markdale Standanl, spent Sunday With friends iu town. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart and htile daughter, Deuelda, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stuart over Sunday. Mr. 0. J. Spanow has sold his grocery buaiiiess to Sproule, Uigginbjthan and Hale, and leaves this week for Michigan. Mr. Jack Stuart of Powas-sau was iu town during the past week, returning home Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Smart, who has been making a prolonged visit wilh relatives here. The attempt at a civic holiday on Mon- day was a d.smal failure. The stores, postoffice and several other business places wore open as usual. I». is n pity a day satisfactory to the majority could not be decided upou for a holiday of thi.s kind. In this cuse it was shipping day and its observance by the stutis would have been a hardship to both merchants and customers. Miss Louise Rorke, of Clarksburg, one of the iiuaiber of school teachers, has been fortunate to be accepted as one who will visit the <dd ctmiitry this fall. She will leave early in September and will be absent about two or three months. A farmer near Preston. Wateiloo county, threshed 395 bushels of fall wheat from 9 acrea, that is, 43 bushels to Ilia dtcro. Wheal generally yields 25, 30 and 3(y bushels (o the acre in the old county of Water lo<). / C. ONS Hi F. G. RARSTEDT, Flcshcrton. JUST OUT !â€" Antumn Styles. We are the headquarters for Up-to-date Dress Goods. We have our "Fall Styles" in now from New York, come in and have a look at them. Our fall Dress goods will bo here io a few days, also our trimmings, consisting of Silk Braids, Soutache Braids in wide and narrow. _ The goods will please you and at very popular prices. PURITY FLOUR We guarantee the Purity Flonr to every house holder. .\ trial is solicited and you will always use it. Not any dear- er than the rest and why not have tho best; also Bran, Shorts, Monlee, Feed Flour. FUR LINED COATS For men and women have just arrived. The prettiest coats ever came into town, all %t i)opMlat prices from $33.00 to $85.00. RE PAIRING SA LE ! We are put ting an extension to the store and in order to save moving so many goods we are Roing to sell them off cheap for the next fow days. Now »» the time to get your dishea for ihre-'hinas and save money. We got a iond of plumbs in from the fruit country, as wo expect they are about Is cheap as they will be. We have also so.no Nice Pears, Peaches and lots of lipe Tomatoes. SEALERS, all sTk;fl, at tight pricos. Alin.st ©very day we get more courage to praise our Flour, as tor customers toll us they are well - satisfied with it. Try a bog of the Cream of \jie West, or for a cheaper flour satisfaction is asiured. ^ , Higgest prices .always paitl For Butter aiul Eggs.either Cash or Trade. JA5. PATTI50N, CEYLON Our Motto isâ€" Small Profits and Quick Returns. V%«/%'%% %'%^%'%.% v^-^^*^-* %*^*^% ^.v^-m.^^ %'%.^^%/%/% Mr. Peter Ferry, a well-to-do fnrnvar residing on lot 30, Con. 3. Euphrasia, had his barn and its ontents, indudinst all the se88on"^4 grain, oomplete'y destroy- ed by fire on Monday ovenia^.'^ Mr. Ferry was in town on Tuesday after- noon and stated that he was al a loss to know how the fire nriitinated, as up to tho time it broke out there had been nothing in the shape of firo either at the house or near the ham. What is com- monly known as the Dawn Methodist church, a short distanco sway, al.so took fire and was soon reduced to ashes. together wilh the »hed in comeclion. The church waa a frame struct ui^ and had been standing for some year*, being regarded as one of tho old land- marks of tho township. In the harn were 310 buslielsof whta' and 35 tons uf hay, as well as a oorsideraWe qnaniity of other grain an 1 a number of farm imple- ment*. Mr. Ferry estimates his less at $3,600, partially covered by an in»uran«o of $700.â€" Mirror. :i WESTERN EXCURSIONS Stpt. 17. IS, 14 Return f-ires fMn Fleshnrlon : DETROIT $7.30 S.\GINAW S8.10 BAY CITY $8 20 GRAND R.\PIDS $10.05 CLEVELAND viw Buffa'o $8.13 CLEVELAND vis Detroit $ 8 80. CHICAGO $13 10 ST. PA.\TL AND MINN RAPOLia $28. -to J31.90 AU Rail RoDte Via la'io Routt Final ridurn limit Oct. 5, 1908 Uiiequ.->.lled • Traia • Service Fui tickets and full information R*e th^ Agent St Fleohertc'ii,,,