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Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1908, p. 4

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"na m SEPXpMBER 101908 THE FLESH £RTOK AUVAKClC ;?« sj^wyvMMWM F. T. HILL & Co. mtt/Miumi^ This Store is Getting Ready | For a Big Fall Business. Dunng the past tiro weeks we have opened up msny lines of new Fall Onods, amongst which are some 4peoiiil purchaseH we have been able to make direct from the minufacturera at a big discount. Men's Ready- mtbde CloLhiDg psrticuUrly conies under this heading. Fur this week we wi!l pat on sale some sixty complete sails from oDd of the leading manufacturers of oluthiiist in Canada at a big snrine in price. If you are interested in a new fall suit and want to save from two to four dollars on your purchase for the new up-to-date styles in fall clothing, it will pay you to vis.t tlMMSturu. Sixty suits and as fine a lot of suits as you ever luoked ai. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE DOING in CLOTHING Selling $8 75, »9.50, flO.OO and $10.60 Sample Suits for $6.85 There are sixty suits in the lot, all hizea are included frr)in 30 to 42, and ihey represent as fine a lot of Canadian, English and Sco'ch tweed patterns as you have ever looked a', and the price to you does not include the cost of making. Remember, you ge^ your choice at per suit f6.85 See window display â€" they are samples. LADIES' AND GENTS' NEW BOOTS. In 1908 Autumn Styles Now in Stuck. We hare placed in stoce during the past two weeks some 300 txtirs Ladies' and Genis' Fine Shoes in BUicher and plain styles, in box calf, p»tent leather and tine kid, in military and low heels, latest New Yurk toes, in light and heavy wei's, and for real nifty shoes of 6ne quality see what wo are showing for ladies and gents at $3.00, 83.60 and $&.C0 SPECIAL PURCHASE of FANCY SATEEN COVERED COMFORTERS Selling Just 26 Pi'r Cent. Below Regular Prices. Right at the beginning of the season now when you will lie aiiticipnting your requiren>ents for Pall we are iifferiiig a special purchase of F<incy .Sateen Covered Comforters, quilted and underlined with iina <|ualities of batton. Largo sizes and the reduc- tions are ii.s follows : 2.50 Con-fortera for $1.88 3.00 Comforters for 2.26 3.00 Comforters for 2.63 4.00 Corofoitors for 3.00 Ilamuiuber, when sold these values cannot be repesto . MEN'S UNDERWE.4JI This week we aiie opening up heavy shipments of new line» of Fall and Winter Underwear for Men and B.>y8, representing some of the best mills in Can- ada, also some inipoitod lines placed at per garment 45c to $1.50 RUBBER BLINDS This week we put on sale a bunch of good quality Rubber Blinds. They com* in the best sha ifs of green only and have deep laoe insertion to uiatoh lace trimmings. The quantity we hare to sti it not large, so be on hand early. 85c values in blinds for 68o L'DIES" UNDERWEAR VESTS We have bought direct from the mill the overmakes and seconds in Ladivs Vests. These are not all perfect eoods, as in some cases you may find a stitch dropped here and there, or possibly the place has been mended, which does not hurt the wearing quality of thu garment, and the price, remember, in many lines is less than half. When sold we will not be able to replace them. On sale this week at per garment 17c LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS. We are showing a big range of Shirt Waists in colors of cream, white, navy and black, in lustres, caah- nisres and flannels at reasonable prices â€" 1.25, 1.35, 1.50 and $1.75 OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT In this department we are agents for the celebrated National Stoves and Rangt^s, made by the Moffat Stove Company of Weston. They are the best in Canada, J. & w. Bovn FLESHERTON ONTARIO. MIDSUMMER SALE We have many lines of odds and en'ls wiiich we are offering at greatly reduced prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING Mens rtady to wear suits, fancy, patterns reg, $6.50 to $8.00 selling at , a^ ^5 Men's 2 piece suits, special price $o.f>0. Boy's 3 piece suits, reg. $4.00 and J4.75 aelllng fur .... $2.98! BOOTS AND SHOES Women's I>i>ng in hce .".nd strap.reg. $1.25 to 81.50 selling at .98c. Men's Dong Bnis.reg. $2.25 selling at $1.48. Boy's Urey Canvas and Leather tip, reg. 85c for Ctic MUSLINS AND GINGHAMS Fancy drees patterns, reg. 12^ and 15c selling at Oo. Drewi Linens in Fancy and plain Gloss, reg. 25c clearing at ...isc. Prints all are reg. 12^c goudb at .".!'.'.". .25c. SILK WAISTS A full ranife, sizes :U u. 30 regular $2.75 clearing at $1.49. hill reduction in all linuc i.f Liiwii Wiuals a good $1.00 and $1.25 wkiat selling at o,,. COTTON HOSIERY All lintis reduced. Regular 15c. lines selling at lOc IWWWMW MARKDALE mm. .wwww^ la publishoU evei-y ITiursJay at $1.00 l>e.- annum If i>aid in advance, «1.0c If not so paid EDITORIAL COMMENT Mr. W. P. Telford has been re- 'iiotninated to contest North Grey in the coming Dominion election The Dominion election is expected to take place about Nov. 8, although the exact date is not yet decided open. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier opened the campaign in Qaebeo last week by an address at Borel. J. W. Strallou has been nominated for the Dominion House in Wegt Pet- crboro. It is said Mr. Oamej will probably have something to say in Mr. Btrattou's riding during the cam- paign. If he docs, there ought to be Dome interesting times down in West Peterboro. tempered by the snii's absence. It wijuld malvo too long au aiiielc fir these columns to follov7 the argument referred to. Wo mention it simply to chronicle one more instance where theory and deduction have bec^ fol- lowed hard by scientific proof. It is an unimportant matter in itself where Eden was located, but the proven fact that our polar regions were the first portions of our globe hitbitable by man and the strong probability that on sunken continents there onr forefath- ers lii'st saw the light of the now sun, is not only exceedingly fascinating knowledge, but it will start scientific research in a new channel. It will ako cause us to stiotch our iuiagina- tions over a vaster period of time than we have been wont to do when gauging the vast period ot time that must have rlapscd since the three riyerE that (lowed out of iwradise were merged into one groat arctic ocean, in the blow submcrgcnco oi p:i8t ages. FLOUR & FEED We have a full stwk of Flour and Feed',' iAcludiiig Brin, Shorts Ve^d Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR, m^de by the Lake of the 'Woods Millin,'; Co., Keewatin. Every bag of 'Jiis Flour is gHraiiteedâ€" the b«;st Flour in the land. None other can etjual it. Borne years ago a Boston professo^' published a book in which ho endeav- ored to prove that the Eden of the liible was situated at the north i>olo, and not in tlio Enphrales valley as was generally believed. He adduced, too, a surprising mass of evidence to prove his contention, both soieutific and legendary, The book made aouio interesting reading bat was not taken very seriously by the public. Ho endeavored to prove tiiat at one time the north polar latitudes embraced a torrid region in the process of the earth a cooling and formed the fast spot ou]earlh habitable b} maq. Only this week the cable tells us that the British Bcientifio Association has discovered some startling facts that go to piMve correct the theory of the Boston profodsor, but include also the antarctic polar regions in the former habitable climate. The investigation of Bunlion continentK prcv3 by fossil and geological remains that the frigid polai regions were at one time of a tropical uatnre and covered by tiopisal verdure. The writer of the book referred to, painted a word picture of the first abode of mankind, where the sun shor.u ^or six months iu the year and the moon and brilliant auroras inado tiio other six months almost as fright SB d«y, but with the heal Mr. Will. Van Home's four year old daughter, DoUie.died nt Walkerton from burns ciiused by playing with inalclien. The child witii p'aying in a room up stairs and lu'iian liiiliting innlchos with the re- sult that her clot hi!S.;aui> lit fire and before it conid he exiinguiHhed she was burned badly. The funeral to )k place on Sunday. Sidney Violet, who is living with Geo. Hand ot Multnur, Venn engiged in the mow putlinu away grdin and while wait- ing for another Imid to come in, lay down on the beam and fi<ll anlKcp. lie awoke just HH the tram was coming in and full off the beam to the fli>or,a distance of 18 feet, receiving a bad shaking up. John Bailey of 10 sideroad, Mulmur, met with a serious accideiit on Tuesday of last week. He was engaged drawing in grain and the unlnnding was done with a horse and grain lifter. Something went wrong with the business and the wliiffli*- tree to «hich the horse was snaohed fell and struck Mr, Bailey in the fnoe cutting his upper lip clear through.â€" Free Press. Girls of a marriageable age do not like to tell how oUl I hoy are, hut you can find out Ijy following the subjoined instruc. lions, the young lady d'ling the figuriiiir. Tell her to put down the number of thi- month in which she was bjrn, tlion to add II, then to multiply it by BO, then to add her age, then to subtraot ,365, then to add 315, then tell hi>r to till you the amount she lias li-ft. The IwoflguroHto the right will tull you her age and the re- mainder the month of her birth. P\>r dxnmplo, if the ninount is B32 s^e is 22 years of ago «nd was burn in the eighth month (August). Try it. A Oheslcy daspntch saysiWin. .1, Crow, a prominent young cattle dealer, com- mited snicido soinutinie this afternomi (Wednesday) by blowing his hriiins out in ids o#n barn. Tho last seen of (Vow in Chesoy was last Friday, he was so'.in at diffo cnt ncigliborini; towns aflerwa ds, aiid i* Is supposed he leturnod hnmu sonieiiine last night. Crow I'sves a wife and two children, Fire de.stniyed thu barns of Mi»s Farr and John Staples, (iletie'. 4, :ib ut twi m lc« from, wiping out nil the season's crop and burning a team I'f horsrs the property of Geo. Aljoe, who was W'lrking the fornier's jdice on shares. The tire started liruii a threshing engine in Miss Pair's barn and spread so rapidly that [here was scarcely time for tho threshers to escape with their lives. Although thesc[iarator was removed in time, it was ohHideraMy scorchud Duriiing shingles ignited thb barn of Mr. John Staples, a quarter of a mile away, and tlii.'s in turn placed \^'in. Weirs property furthur on in such imminent danger that it was only by hard work it was saved. The Durham fire brigade stood in readiness lo respoitd to a call, but were not needed. The loss will be over $G,0U0 with practically no insurance. HOUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE For Bale chnap hikI on easy teviiiH. good ooui- fortablo frumu tlwollin^, atablu and drtvlig lioufiu, will) Ihroo viUafs't^ lotn. laCnyloi*. DwuU- luti wuH bittlt and fliiihtiud, and kooS boar'.ng 010 bald on the property. App.y to It. J. Si>HouLB, Fle&horton. FARM TO RENT For Kent. Iut:)7, oon, 4, .\rtnmei<la, lOO aorea, B) to 'JO climreit and under ctiltivation, oonifort' ablu (IwulliuK, l>«nk barn, stouo atablinc, iu a Uriit class iiett.lomout, anil weU wurtby tUo at- teutiun of those requiting suolt- B. .<. Ernouui, Plsthertou: HARD WAR E A full stock of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, Axes, Siivi-s and all kinds of WiMjdinen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplatiug buying should uut iie(;lcct getting our prices before pui chasing elaewheio i. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. mmm Ca efully Coneote^ Ei cli Week Oats ..'. •»»:.'».... 35 'o 35 I'-'" .Cb 72 to 72 barley r... 45 K:> 4fi Wheat 80 to 80 Hay 7 00.0 800 Ihitter 20 "ic 20 E«gH, fresh V Ck 18 to 18 i'otatoes per bag ' 75 to 75 Oeese to Ducks to Chick ei''* CO to 00 Turkeys 00 U< 00 Wool : u" le Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is d«liiored regular- ly and kept for sale at Coylon, Pnceville, Eugenia, Kimborley Maxwell and FeveisLam. Ed. Thompion, Fleiherton Farm for Sale I .ots 34 uDd .1A. COD. iH. n. ». ino anrea, 63 clerireil. ID Aoiea i>a«tmo, tiiklaiiuij soo.l budli. Hum 6ii X -'iO, tlrivint; Rhml. u'o.xt f.Aniii houno. 9 Wit Is. I arrti of (>t.->inrd Hudbtotie walluinler Imin. Hhu^ouu rivoi' oroii>i<3 hack of fnrui. W.'U fttiK!«i! and In t'otxl sr.-it* cf ct;Uiv<itir>ii, :t ukihtK trnui I'ruton .-.lAtlou. For tevius api>ly on preio.'ieH to l.t Oct. JAMKS 5!. VAUSE, Proton Btatioii Scottish Pride 66274 The youuii l.uil Scottish Vritle wiU Htand for Ht-rvicu at Mr. V, W. Nieboltiou'n. I«>b ;t7, cot». 5, Ar'eiiiHfita. Kcoitish prid« i* Birmi by Hcoltisb l^iui.'*. u K'smtHon rl tbu wondorfnl sbow cow, Ohdi of UoiIaelriii,Imp.. winnurof uij^bt x.-':.&9 at TovuMi^iaiid London. bi-sldvt) heinK cbanin- ioi ftfuialtt. Hhe wuiKbs over 1900 "liouixla. One ot tbia cows calves nold for «IT75 00. K';ottiBta pridu ia ont o( Lady Bella by the 'loronto flisb piia» wit>.tor, Oaplaiu May Flv. iiun aBKVi. Tnts yonuK buU has proved hlm- dtOf a Hlu'ivbuUliHVint; xainvd an eucouvaultiK ifcord this fall at Kovui«bam. He won tlrHt niUf>afl bent buU calf, also diploma for best bull any ago. Tbo«« bariiii* pure hr^d cows hhuuld «oe ibis Rraikd bull twlore brecdiuu aa tliny cannot do tretterthan Ufte biui. A limited number of t^radea will be taken at #1,-25; For pure bredtf, dlUO. Bull For Service. 'â- Hiawatha, No. 72013, the yiiung shorthorn liull, wUlxtand for .service at Mr. (Sen. H. ISni'ks, on lot 12, con. 9, Ouprey. This young bull has tilt heMt o{ breediiiK atonir niilkiuK lines, kisdam twinj? » "Wild dame," one of tliu deepest milking strains of shorthornii on record. Parties de!<iriiig the use of this hull nhiiuld make arrangeinentn early, as only a liniiced nuiiilier will be taken. TKKMS: Uradfs, J2.00. I'ure Vreds, IC.OO. Ttiere will be a reduction, if over three cows are lirouKht. Cows bred to this bull must be retnnied if nut iu calf, or full pnce will be charred. Fann for Sale. Xj..t8 R.ia and 9, Ooii. 13. in tbe township of ^aprey isb acres, larce olenriun, gocrl (rsiue liar." and s'ablea. good dwjlllug ami well. Ap(./y on thopreoiiaes or to W. J.HKM.AMr, Flosliartou, Farm For Sale or Rent. For sale cheap, orroiit, inonediiite possoRslon. Dot 80, Con. 14, Arloniesia, nbout 7') acres clear, comfortable Iok houBo aud frame barn. Apply to H. I. Sinoulii, Kleabortou. or John .J. Msilln, across the loadfroui »a>il lot. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Iievlulasand Wlmpleii, tho liest ot breeding and qualit". Bull, co^f » and hetters for «alc at roasooablo prices t 3a.oon.,5 CHAS. RTAFFORO, FleHlievtOD Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will xell the 4 ft. Hiabs and at our mill on >n. 8, Arteiuesla, at 4'1-00 per cord. Ilv spplyiURto Mr. Jno. Parliament, oppntHo tbe null, he will measure an 1 receive cash for the wood when taken away. Wo will further pay a reward of •S6.00 for |irou{ofauvoi.e taking wood from there iu the past, or who uiav take wood iu the future with' out our autiioritv or Mr. I'Arliauioot'F. KKBNAN nUO»., Limited, Owen Houufl Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. I have a fine h>t of youuK pitr* bred from prize winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. I r«i) ^vo a Iwirain also guarantee aatiyf action uii all mail orders. (4eo. W. ROaa, Maxwell P. 0. STRAYED Rtratei) from tbe premiaes of the nnilenlgn- a<l, lot IS.con, 13, Osprev.l r«d steer and I red bettor, vearllnqs, about .Tuue 10. lutortnatlon will betl)8nk(nl1v ruceivd. , AUES UUUQLAB FeverahsirP Our Clubbing List Advapce, ind Toronto World, d ii!y * 2 60 Toronw) Daily News 2 gi) Weekly Glube 1. 80 Mail-Sinpirc , . , , .... L Jo Faliiily Herald & Scar X 80 T..ronti) 2 S) Farmer Sun . . I 8i) Farmers At. . ocit* 2 2') Weekly Witoesg 1 7.t SutnrdiiyN^ght 2 60 60 YEARS* EXPERIENOB Tbaoi Maru _ OcsioiM , COI^RIOHTS te 8fMWi!S5?'P« â-  sketeh and deseriMlonan noSly sMertala onr opinion frea whetli«a& ^Sdeniinc nmtm. Ahaadsomslr Uluatiatod wceMyr liwverto*. â- ;| Scbool Children's Eyes Supply Their Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W.A. Armttron»j. FLESHERTON. i' ' ?

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