SSPlEMRdt 3 I'J«^8 THE F L £ S II K K 1 O K ADVANCE DISCOURAGED MEN 18 LIFE WORTH LIVINQ MEN, you become dishMrteaed when you feel the nymptoiiu of Nervoui Debility and decline stealing upon you* You Ijaven't the nerve or ambition you used to hare. You feel you are not the nuin you ought to be. You feel like giving up In despair. You get nervous aad weak, have little ambition, pain In the back over kidneys, drains at night, hollow eyea, tired mornings, prefer to be alnue, distrustful, variable appetite, looseness of hair, poor cir- culationâ€" you have Ntrvoua Debility. Our New Method Treatment Is your refuge. It wiU atrengthen all weak organs, vitalize the nervous system, purify the blood and restore you to a man- ly condition. Pay When Cured. n r a n r n Are you a vlctimr Have you lost hope? Are you bitending to nCAUCn marry r Has your blood been diseased r Have you nny weakness! Our New Method Treatment will cure you. What It has done for hundreds of others. It will do for you. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who has treated you. Write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable, BOOKS FBEEâ€" "The Qolden Monitor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of Men. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARSâ€" CURES GUARANTEED. No TraatnenI seat C O. D. No namM on bozu or eiiTalopas. Evcrytliiiic confidentiaL Question ht aad co«l of Home Treatment FREE. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I ly m. Y^e K^llJ Wi VM ^pH iflp m ^^ \^ g w W icd^i ^ Threshers Needs. Dou't Kxamine our line ofiiiMs, Oils, and GogRlco, UrtP oui- Cyliixier and Machine Oil and jou'll be satisfied, pass us whcu you wuut HigL Grade Lace Leather, For the Kitchen. (lur stock was uever so complete in liaud made and Factory tin-, ware, Oraiiiteware, Apple Parers and Lantern Cliitnneys, etc. Examiueour hand made puils. Tbey're alright, aud the pnoe low. m Paint. Think what a grand oppoi tnuity this early harvest oflFers you to do that painting which yoii neglected in the spring rush. Ihe sur- face is ill bettor shape to paint now and any paint will fjive better satisfaction, heinember the kind of paint to use, "Moore's Pure Linseed Oil Paint" or we can supply you with a cheaper paintâ€" Mai tin Honour's at dUc a quart. Drop in and see it at any rate. No trouble to show {joods. NORRIS BROS. ID saai In Sleighs, Bug^'ios, Waggoii.s, Harrows, riough.s, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Feiicinsr. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALITY Heard's Carriage Works Fiesherton Carriage Works DEALERS IN CARKIAGRS, Sl.KKiHS, (GUTTERS, IMPLEMENT KEPAIllS, CREAM SEPAHATOllS, Etc. Special uttoution given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kiml^ ofREl»AIRS. We have a new stock of Buggies in, Call and see them be- fore buying. (!RKAM SEPARATORS -We handle "the Mellotte." Getour our prices and terms. McTavish & Wiliams, Fiesherton. Tiiiii KcliimlliitHL-H claim fiii- Hupport u|Kin niorit nlunu. XOEONTO, ONT. Km biffh griwta courAea, •ii|)eriiii- f.koOltii'M itiiil unMuriiMtril tuuuhiiiK tftlmit. Htiiiil- rKd«<>l Ktiiiliiiit* i;ii nil! Hiinimllr frnm ili't OollvKr <•• K ml {/uairlotiH. l,i't iin vihiciktn tun lor |>MtiUbl('<:iii|iloTin»ii(, Wa •itlilu :triKU(. CjiUIokii* tree. Kiilw auy tiui*. NT./. HLa.Kn..i(n«i|i*l Cor: \ â- ay Mi.l Al*t .ii<l«rSM, BEPTEVinEU 1, IS THK DATE~ of th.. w-oimninK for th.i fHll tonu of 0*ima, • Le«.lini, S,li..„l „f Bumuom »nd ohortliund. Throe (-i)iinioii Ciiniineioinl Bliiiitli.m) aiiil Tjpuwriting rraiMintory M«rinur'i.C|j,»,.|,„n< .Uniiaiy 4, 1C09 Write for iiif irnmtion lo C. A tLEMIKO. l'a,«o,|.Ai, C<r«i KoauiS, ^ *U»i « One tiling that the new C- P. K. line h»R killed w thti Durbiim n'ligo line. Thi-ro hiiH been .i utaite running betwevii. ^N'nlkerU)!! and Durham for »8 fnr bnck an the oUthSt ti hiibit-int can rtn'i-nitier. tifly ycHtu nr ihercahout!*. The hurres were g -nurally prd ij hard Joukiii); H|ifCiniui'N (if the tqiiiiie family, lauiu and halt, and ill the ro8t of it, and the old CDVri'ed wa<;on was neither a I hingof beauty Miir onrt.cpf comfiirt. Bui for h!1 theso draw li.icks the old alagc waa on time. It «rat» a bad Huowstonii that cuuld s'op 'he Durham sla^e; iiide«Pwe aie not aware that it was ever atoppud liy any- iliiii^. Hut it is uune at luat. The old Blatk Slur. a has been di.scar.led and f..r the last fe'v ilays tbu proprietor has been duiiii; tlie tiiu ill naingle buggy, simply tu till the cotiditii'n of his mail eontiact. Bu> this is nut paying him, and he is anxious to be roleaNt'd cf hia cniitricl. W hen I his 8' Biie lino or m:iil line was fir«t atarled the mail was carried on borheltuck. Lati-r on Cuulson of Owen Bound, the grealeat jtage nmn this north country his over se^-i., got h'lld of i^, and he equipped it with a wasmi fm thosunnner and sleiuhs for the winter Soon it paus- ed into other hands, Archie Todd, of VValkeitoii, rutinliij; it for four years Perhaps the man who stayed with the job lonuer than anybody else was \V. E. Taylor, of Walkorton. Mr. Taylor hold It down for 16 conseoutive years, duriiis! all of which tune we have beun told he lU'vet missed a trip.â€" Walkerton Tele- .sc'ipe. iS.xteen negroes from Barbadues are stranded at Virden, Man., and are a public cbaii^. on the town. They went w '.tt with i.he harvejtera' excursiolM as tarni labuiers, but the farmeis' wives i/pj-cted to their presence on the farms, so they were refused work. iSince that li.Mu lliey have bupii idle and now are destitute. .^8 the men appenrtnl tu be ab ivu the utdinary class of negroes the citizi.-ns of the town intunaied themselves in the case, and they were all given work ill the coal mines of Uoche Percee, ten miles southeast <if the town. A privare c.tizun, named Davis, has also taken an active interest in the case, and an iiidi^:- naiiun mi-e>ing of the citizens is bomif oiled, when tile matter wili be thorough- ly investigated. The sheaf-luudiiiK uitckiiiu iuveuttd by Messrs. Kislier and Uubsin, which b.ia bttuii undorgoiDg some alterations during ihe last few months, was tented on Friday afteinoun ou Mr. James Faiterson's farm and workca perfect iy. The macbiuu mhh uut lo Work in s<ima very hard shocks of Mbcat, but It elevuiud the sheaves with the greatest ut cure and pruved that it can pur on au average load ui alMJUt two miii- uies. The inveuturs have deuionatrated thai they can produce a mauhiiie that will handle the sheaves sj gently that there Is no 'iinjitir i-t shelling the grain. The iiiachme IS So designed paitiuularly for iiiu use uf Western larmers, whtre basket I'ucka are usid uud I here is little or no buildmu of the loud.â€" Allistua Hera d. A man naiiicu Junius McChesney, who was coiiimitteU to the asyluinat Ktiigntuu, from the township of Clarke, escaped ul June, and has been at largo ever since. A guard Was sent to look for him, aud located hini in a piece of Wtioda near Iveiidal, but couid nut got near hiiu. He has liveU there all summer. Thurs- uay lasi Chief Jar»i.', acting on a warrani lioni ^. li. Luvekin, Ne*c«sle, went out, and, after a chase, succeedeil in capluiiiig hnn. McChesney looks latbei wiiiilioi bealoii, and was Hiinedwiiha «uu and an axe. He had over t'oO in \\n purse, ajd has since been re-committ- • . to the asylum. A man named Andersin, of Uiangeville received severe injuries in the .tati.iil yard here o.. Tue-sday aft.-rm.on. Ho »ai douig Buuiu repairii.g in the y.ird and ad not n.-tice thai ttiey w^re shunting •oni.^ cais on the aiding wliore he was « A car struck him and he Kr.b >cil an iron r jd ani held on and was dragged to ue di.sUncc. He was badly cut on ihe h»ad and one I and was badly nmnglcd. Dr. A, T. Sioile aiteudid to his mjurios and has good hopes of savinu the hand. â€"Sn Ibuine Eoonomi»t. A few we«k8 ago a supiHisedly mad dog run amu-u through Barford Tp , the animal lu it* career biting a number of sheep and pig,. A farmer living near Scotland, named Grundy, haa lost ais bheepasa ie»ult of being bitten. One or two pigs i„ the neighbor;iood it is .Iso feared aie sulT ring from rabioa and have l>eon isolated and n careful watch kept ovjr them by ord^r uf the authorities.â€" Pans Star. Hiiyal iinmoa for hotels are sometimes the cause of jieculiar misunderstandingii. An a|{ed fanner from the home onuntry decided Ul make a visit to Toronto, It was 'he liiat tiino he had been at the city station and ivhen a hotel crier hurried t.» him witli the interiojation, "King Ed- ward?' the new comer 8mile«l as he anawuitd, "No sirâ€" Thoiuaa 0..», of Eramusa." A worthy old Quaker huly and her son, John, woie once oaltud up m to entertain a number of ladiis at dinner duiinii <Iiiarierly niueting. As John began to crave the broiled ohiokens he entered up- oi. a H iwery spveuh of welcome, but in the midst nf his tbtileriiig utternnoos hia mother, who was nimewhat deof. piped up from tho other unit of the ttbie: "You needn't bj pruiainu of 'em up, John. T Ml afraid th-'ru a I tof tout{h old kens. ewry unu of 'ciii." The deven prUnimm who «>»o«|>ed from Toronto Jail made their way ou' through the uxeoulion room. If aoniu of Ihem do nut chainte their ways they may be let out of such a chamber aoma di«y b/ meant of a I rap- dour. tt Hecla** Furnace Means Perfect Heating without Gas, IHist or Smoke. The "Hecla" Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused Joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron parts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused Joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steei-Ribbed Fire Pot used on the "Hecla" Furnace has three times as much radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for you and give you more heat. It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let us show yon the 190S " Hecla " and ezpUin all tbe latest impioTciiients in detail. NORRIS BROS, (FJ FLESHERTON BUSINE.SS Cards « JULLiOUGH & YOUNG 'u Hanker Mavkdala Do a general bauking business. Money loanen a reaaousble rate C»ll ou us. T0HI8LKTT, ' Fosiinaater, Ceylon. CoDimlsHiaiior in H.t;. J . ConrevaDcer. deecln, uiortRBiies, leasei^. wills eto. carefully drawn u|i ^olIectiuiiB uiad.*. cli&rgre rt'aBonaMe, Also ijroceriaH, flour, feed etc, kept in stock, Prioer rlKht. RJ H¥»0\JLH Podtmaatrr, Fiesherton i/onimissioDor in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- Teyanoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgsgefi, leases ani wills carefully drawn np and valuations made on rhortesi notice money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col actions attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Biaamabip Company. A call solieited. DMcPRAIC Licensed Anc'.ioneer foi th<- • County of Grey. Terms moders'e aud satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangements and dates of sales can t>« made a<, Tmt Artancf. otnce. Hesidence aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Deo. 0.07. T vy KAITTlNtJ, Licensed Auctionser for •*-*• '" • the eouuties of llrey and Himcoe. Fartn and Stock Hales a .specialist. Terms moderate ratisfuctioii Kuarsnteed. Arrange- mnnts for dates may bo made at the Advance nlllcp, or a: T. HutcbinBon's store. l?dver«ham, or by addrensing mo at Fevetsliam, Out. Lot IH. con, la, Osprey, Medical DR CAKTP.R M P & S Ont. Physician, Surgeon, e OfSce and residenceâ€" Peter St., Fleslierton T P 0TTKW15LL ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rollege. residence â€" escond door aonth west on Mary street. This strout raus soutb Presbyterian Church. q WILSON. Illscksuiith "• 'Jra<lnate of the Veterinary Science .VsBociatlon Kesidonce, Dnrbam street, op- polite Hoyd, nii'klii.g'i> liardwaro. DENTISTRY r\r. E C. MURRAY L. D. K., dental sorgeon ^ hiinorgtadiiato of Toronto UolvcrMtv aud Itf'yal ColKijjn of Diintal Surgi-ons nfOiitario, Gas ailiuiniste»-od lor twth sxtractiou. olllCB a>, resl.lduce. To romo <ij i>-»t-'l nli \r;n \ Legal LUCA8 WRIGHT « MrARDLE Harristers Solicitors ConTeyancers, etc (ABcosâ€" Owen Sound. Ont and UsrkdaleOut W H WuioHT. McAnuLK 1 H Lie* N IIâ€" Fiesherton olUce. Mitehell's auk 'verv Salurdav. Societies AO U V meets oi. the last Monday in eaoii inunth, In tbuir lodge room, Chrlstoe's M.W., Frank Chard ; Sec. T. HIakely, Financier, W.J. Del. amy. VlsitlDg bretbren lUTited, PBINOR ARTHUU LODUB, No. »S, A.P.d A M, meats In the Masonic all. Arm- strong's Hall Flnnherton, •â-¼ery Friday on or before the full morn. Thos. Ulakelr.w.M.; Herb.Snatth. Secretary. noi'RT FLKSnERTON, 008. I. 0. P. nroots In *' Clayton's niook the last Wednesday OTeuIng of each m'inth. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. It., Dyson; R. 8., 'J'. Mer.r\; Fin. Sec, O. N. hlchardson. Please pay dues tu Fin. Sec. before tho Brat day of tho month. rjHOSEN FhlRNDS-Plesherton Council of *' Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall tlrst and third Wednesday cfohcb m'ont 9 p. ni Pay asHHssnients tn the I)«<-order on or before treArstHayof each month. Chief CoBUCIIlor T. Ulakeley; ecorder, W, B. nnul. A RKLIABLB LOCAL SALDSMAN WANTED For Flctherton And Adjoining: Country TO REI'RKSENT Canada'* Oldest and Greatest Nurseries. \A'blle bnsinosa <n rome Unas may be dull, farmers wore iirver uioru encouraged as regards fruit groninu than at thnpieaent soasun. High prices for all iU»>«a of fruit hnv» been ob« tained the |Mii<t season, and there Is as a conse~ queucoan luoreasod duuiaad for nursery stock. Our sock Is (omplota in every dopartniont, InoiudIng a new list of specialties which wa (liine ha die. Tha right man will ohtata a iwrmtnent situ- ation with territory reserved 'or him Pay weakly. Prae sample outfll, ate. Writa for paiitdulars. BTONEAW ELLINGTON PonthUl Harsarias «asO acres) TORONTO OnUrio Flour and Feed Down We liave all kinds of Flour and t'eeJ. The fnlliiA-tiig are soma Qf onr prices: Perfection Bleud $3.40 bbl. Morning Glory 5.20 " Low Grtde Flour 160-' Barley Chop L45 " Shoite 1.9) " Bra 1.10 " Pickling Uinegar at Wright's Grocery. SEASOiSABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The hiivi'.st anil lit'.st titock of Furniture ever tihown in Fleshert^iii. This without foarofcon- trndictioii. C'oiiio ami Beo .some of tho nice thingN in Side Board.s, Dining Room Chaira, Parlor Sotta, Bod Room Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER FLESHERTON WINTER HARNESS GOODS Big St ecli ' » B<$ t Stock Bells, Blankets, Robes Fur linod cont!*, pocketliouks, aatch«la, ra«or strops and other leatlier i{Of>da. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everythlN4 Jn the harness line. W. MOORE, Fiesh ert on On t. SUMWER - stock! OfSwostPads, Collars, Plo« liiioa Dnnh Aprons, Rubbor Rui;s. Duat«r« fly N^-ts Hoof Ointment, Asle Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repa iring, O. W. Phillips Fleahex*to n. BBSI BUSINESS TRAININQ a; reasonaUle prices. Start any tim*. BRITISH C.\NAD1AN BlTSINRSa COLLKOK. Cor. Yfinf and Blonr Sts., Torositn. â- â- â- â- ^^naiViiiMMaana^HHBSB^