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Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1908, p. 7

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CATARRH OF HEAD IP'AicA Pt-ru-na Relieved in a Short Time. ISS SUSIE M. KINGS- WORTH, 466 Quebec St., London, Ontario, writes: "I began using Peruna last Jan- -«ary, when I had such a bad cold, and I could not get anything to help me. "My nose and head were all stopped up, so that I could hardly f,e\. my breath. I thought at times that I would smother, especially at night. "I have no trouble with that now. The noise in my head has all dis- appeared. "I know Peruna will do just what you say it does. I cannot praise Peruna too highly, as it has done « > much for me. I hope my letter will reach other sufferers." Mrs. 8. J. Kountz, 1015 Scovel â- street, Nashville, Tenn., writes: "I have had a very bad cough nearly all my life, and I am forty- five years old. I have taken al most every kind of cough medicine that has ever been made, but none did me much good. I would have tipelLs of coughing that I thought I would cough myself to death. I 'took Peruna. and last winter and this winter I have had no cough, and I know that Peruna cured uic.'' LONDON LANDMARK GOING. 200-Year-Old Scottish Church in C'oreot Garden Coiuing Down. The most famous London build- ing in -the hands of the housebreak- ers at the present moment is un- doubtedly the old National Scot- tish Church in Crown Court, Cor- ent Garden, a little alleyway which runs north out of Russel street, opposite the stage entrance to Drury Lane Theatre. It is â€" or was â€" a veritable London landmark. It has, however, for long been too big for the calls upon it, and has been paying under stress a very large ground rent to the Duke of Bed- ford. It will be rebuilt upon the siime spot, but on a much smaller plot of land. Meanwhile the servic- es of the church will be conducted in the Newton Hall, Fetter lane. The old church in Crown Court was originally built about one hun- "dred and ninety years ago. It rea- lized the designs of its founders in a normal fashion for a long while. Then suddenly came a time when it was famous. John Cumming. who had been licensed to preach in May, 16>32, by the Aberdeen Presbytery, was acting as tutor in Kensington, when he was invited to preach in the old church in Crown Court. In August of the same year he re- ceived a "call" from the church. It was then small and inconvenient, and the minister's income was not over £200. But his preaching soon attracted a huge congregation, and the church was rebuilt in 1847 at a cost of $3,000. It was opened in 1843 wHh sittings for a. thousand persons. The income from pew rents reached £1,500 per annum, but Cumming refused to accept more than £900, the remainder pay- ing off the debt incurred for re- building. The church has remained, strangely picturesque and grimy, until to-day. Now the fashionable congrega- tion has drifted westward to the new church in Pont street, Chel- sea, and the old Manse, or dwel- ling as they call it, built for Cum- ming, is being pulled down with the ! rest of the building. The big or- i gan is to be sold and Lady Fran- I ces Balfour, one of the last patron- i e.>ises. has, it is understood, secur- \ cd the possession of some of the t\»codwork. which is beautiful and ! valuable, in the Manse. If our neighbors would only praise our virtues once in a while we might be willing to overlook their faults. They Wake the Torpid Energies. â€" Machinery not properly super- vised and left to run itself, very soon shows fault in its working. It is the same with the digestive or- gans. Unregulated from time to time they are likely to become tor- pid and throw the whole system out of gear. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full the flag- ging faculties, and bring into or- der all parts of the mechanism. No man ever acquired a lasting brand of popularity by knocking. Pat op la >i Yard Solta. Tho r.imoas "Tb« DAL" Msnthol Piasters which cure )umba«o, oack&che, sciatica, neur&Iftla. etc., are aUo i>ui â- p la one yant rutU fur physicians aad family tua Davia A I.awr«nce Co., Montreal It's all right for a man to be a dreamer of dreams providing he wakes up occasionally and gets busy. No Alcohol in It. â€" .-Mcohol or any other volatile matter which would impair strength by evapora- tion does not in any shape enter into the manufacture of Dr. Tho- mas' Eclectric Oil. Nor do clima- tic changes affect it It is as ser- viceable in the Arctic Circle as "n the Torrid Zone, perhaps more useful in the higher latitudes, where man is more subject to colds from exposure to the elements. "Professor," said Mrs. Gaswell to the distinguished musician who had been engaged at a high price tc entertain her guests, "what was that lovely selection you played just now?" .."That, niadaiu," he answered, glaring at her, "was an improvisation." "Ah, yes, I re- member now. I knew it was an old favorite, but I couldn't think of the name of it to save me." In the treatment of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel- k.g"s Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard preparation, and many people employ it is preference to other preparations. It is a highly concentrated medicine and its seda- tive and curative qualities are be- yt nd question. It has been a po- pular medicine for many years and thousands can attest its superior qualities in overcoming dysentery and kindred complaints. According to Lbrd .\vebury, the most important things in the world are good air, good water, good food, good health, and a good con- science ; and thoy are not costly. It will be noticed in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's adver- tisement that there are three ad- dresses at the bottom of the an- nouncement. Any one writing will please address them at the nearest one of the three places to his post office. Costing about as much as a good horse, the camel's speed is equally great, ^pd his life much longer. He 18. moreover, able to carry three times as much as one horse. Men should look for this Tag on _^^ Chewing Tobacco. It guarantecslhehigh quaKty of Black Watch me Big Black Piif. ill sn Sure Regulators. â€" Mandrake ard Dandelion are known to exert a powerful influence on the liver and kidneys, restoring them to health- ful action, inducing a regular flow of the secretions and imparting to the organs complete power to per- form, their functions. These valu- able ingredients enter into the com- pt sition of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, and serve to render them the agreeable and salutary medicine they are. There are tew pills so eflective as they in their action. PITY TO WASTE IT. Jackâ€" "I have a chance to mar- ry a poor girl whom I love, or a rich woman whom I do not love. \V hat would you advise?" Georgeâ€" "Love is the salt of life, my friend. Without it all else is naught. Loveâ€" pure loveâ€" makes poverty wealth, pain a joy, earth a heaven." Jackâ€" "Enough ! I will marry the poor girl whom I love." Georgeâ€" "Bravely spokon! By the way, wouW you â€" erâ€" mind in- troducing me to the rich woman whom you do not lovet" "Death from lead-poisoning," is the polite term used by Colorado jnries to specify a gambler's fate 'n a shooting affray. It takes the .ntrongost kind of love to survive the onion test. CASE DISMISSED. Magistrateâ€" "3^ ou admit that you entered the house of the prosecut ing witness by the door at two o'clock in the morning?" Prisoner â€" "Yes, your honor." Magistrate â€" "What business had you there at that time of night?" Prisoner â€" "I thought it was my own house." Magistrate â€" "Then, why did you, when this lady approached, leap through the window, jump into the cistern, and hide yourself?" Prisoner â€" "Y'our honor, I was late home from the club, and I thought it wns my wife." An African woman, to be consid- ered beautiful, must have small eyes, thick lips, a large flat nose, and an intensely black skin. MOTHERS I Give the Cbildren a Giance Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would en- dure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach ? Gentleman (indignantly) â€" "You praised your kitchen coal up to the skies, and said it was most economi- cal. Why, it won't burn at all!" Coal-Dealer (coolly)â€" "Well, what could you have more economical than that?" Spanking does not cure childrea L'f bed-wetting. There is a consti- tutional cause for this trouble, Mrs. M. Summers, Box 100, Wind- sor, Ont., will Send free to any mother her successful home treat- ment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to-day if your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and a^ed people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. ♦ In china, the property of the fa- ther must be divided equally among al! his children. The Mild Climate of Virginia offen splendid opportnnitlee for stock r»lslng; fruit growine. dairyiul and genert '. forminf. Winters are short. Climate ne.alth' iL I..tnJ food and sailing below its raiue. hut incr«asin( â-  ralua each year. Many Canadians are Urine Ib Tlnioia. Write for iuformation to a. W. KOINKB. Commlsiiouar at Agricnitar*, Elcltmoad, T^ Wm Jgell JPiano IS CAKADA'S BEST AND IS USED THE WORLD OVU Do not give op In despair, you whs raSer. from ob«tinate disHBUremeiiti of tha skin. she sore sputs with Wearers Cerate and purify .be blood with Wearers Syrup. All drusguU leeo them. WHAT GEORGE ME.ANT. "Do you know, my daughter, that every name means something. For instance, Charles means brave, William resolute, George â€" " "Oh, I know what George means, mother." "Well, what is it?" "George means business. He told me so last night." WEEKLY LETTER. A. J. Pattison & Co., Toronto, state that the recent failure of A. O. Brown & Co., of New York will not affect Canadian investors, as their business was carried on in Canada through Canadian brokers, and if the firm do not pay in full the brokers will be the losers. The New York market has been active and prices advanced beyond any immediate warrantâ€" with recent re- cessions. However, every one knows that Wall Street anticipates events, and there is certainly marked improvement in trade con- ditions, which promises to not only increase, but to be permanent, "rhe well-established dividend paying stocks are undoubtedly a safe in- vestment and at present prices will pay a good rate of interest. They will sell higher after the Presiden- tial electionâ€" if not before. In the Toronto market the advance 'n Mexican Power which we recom- mended to our clients at 50 to 75 and San Paulo to 150 are the fea- tures. The buying at these prices is probably foreign. The English and French investor are more fav- orable to South and Central -Am- erican investments than the Cana- dian. The settlement of Dominion differences will not now be long postponed, and we look for a substantial advance in the ppice of this stock. The mining market has been ex- ceedingly active, largo numbers of shares changing hands. Prices have advanced slightly, but dividend payers are still selling under their market value from the standard of earning. The American investors are pur- chasing heavily. Our reports from the Larder Lake Gold fields are hishly encouraging the permanence of the Camp is stated to be assured and the extent of the gold-bearing belt if confirmed will make this camp the greatest gold field in the world. Why not. Cobalt is now in its partially developed state, the greatest Silver Oampâ€" and they arc onlv a short distance apart. 4> At the age of 40 a man gets busy and looks for some of the money he threw away at the ago of 21. In 1810, ninety-six million eggs were imported into Great Britain. while in 190C tho number had grown to nearly 2,265 millions. Much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms. Mo- ther Graves' Worpi Exterminator gives relief by removing the cause. Give, it a trial and be convinced. DEFINED. Teacher â€" "Johnny, you may spell the word 'neighbor>' " Johnny â€" "N-e-i-g-h-b-o-r. " Teacherâ€" "That's right. Now. Tommy, can you tell me what a neighbor is?" Tommy â€" "Y'es, ma'am. It's a woman that borrows things." Ball Oi^ans ara also world f amad Send for Free Catalog No. 7i to ilieBetiPiQDOQiiilO[QflnGo.,li(l.,6yeipMiii WILSON'S A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., stocks. Bonrs, Oebentures and Real Estatr. Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stocks of Canada and United States. Orders executed with proraptuesi. Corres* 1 ^ pondence solicite 1. *U tm »tt Trmrtan lank EulMlrc Tonoto, On* I CARPET DYEINQ If â- niTISH AMERICAN DYEINQ OfX ' _, â- aod peltiealan k> poal ae4 we are Hire le se>Ja<V ; PtfOfy FLY PADS â- vary p«clc*t will kill mer* fllaa thatn SOO aHevta «f aticky patpar SOLS BY maccisTS, ciocers mo ceneral stoies too. pmr pjickat, or 3 pausfcata for SO*, will loat a Dvhole aaaaerb â- aa tU. Montreal. Stewart & Lockwood BROKERS COBALT STOCKS Members "f standard ^jtuck aiifl Miaiof Kxcii.U)Ke. |8 Adelaide E. Toronto. Phone Mud ;««6. 43 KxcHA.Nos Place NKW VoKK OtTY. Farmer Knew FALLING SICKNESS Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, NerrouB Troublei, Etc., posttirolr curoabyUCBIG'SriTCURC. Frez trial bottle a :nt free on applicat'cn. Write tho LIEBIG CO., Phoebe St., Toronto. how mncfc mnner ha eoald sare bj asine » Valrbauks* Morse Jac^k-of-all- Trades Ga>')line Ba- gina to SAW wood, puaip srater. grind feed, Aa. wa would not be able to supply thu demand. Cut this ad. out and ^end to as t.i-dAj, «ud wa wlU send juu our free catalugua. Hame.. Address. Tt>a Oanadlan Falrtaakae*., Limited, Toronto, Oal [ Montreal. Winnipeg, VancouTar. PANGO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pair), Etc. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLH9ALK LYMAN BROS, ft CO.. Toronto ond MnntreaJ; LYMAN KNOX & CLAUKSON, Tomnlo; NATIONAL DRIG CO., London. A.J. PATTISON & CO., 33-36 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. Bonds and Stocks Bought and Sold on all all Exchanges Correspondents â€" Chas. head & Co., Hcnibcrs New York and Boston Stock Excliaoxes. DODDS 'M .KIDNEYS ISSUE MO. se-os. RUSH GREAT BARGAINS SALE JEWELLERY Wanless & Go. have a continental reputation for j;ood Jowello ry. '1 heir entire stock is to be sold by Oot 1. To do this prices have been greatly reduced. Attend this sale when at Toronto E.xhibitiou, and se- cure some of the barj^ains. GOOD WATCHES ARE GOINQ VERY CHGAPLY WANLESS 6l CO., E5TABH5HEI) 1840 168 YONQE ST., TORONTO CTMBBB.-â€" .atia.-..^ â€" :::!_;

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