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Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1908, p. 4

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SUTKMIER 3 1909 â-  tJJ .. , . â€"g THB FLESHERTON ADVANCE i^HH^^HM WWV^WWWVV^ F. T. HILL & Co. Getting Ready for the Arrival | of the New Fall Goods. For the next two weeks we will sell the balance of our stock of Soinier lines in Oeneral Merchandise at very low pricei. The values in many liuen are away below the wholesale cost, but in order that we should practically iu«ke a clean sweep, we are jnakinf; the prices more than inteiesting. LADIES SUMMER VESTS MUST GO. This week we put on sale 150 Ladies Sunimor Yosts, Hume are slightly soiled with handling, some are manu- facturers' seconds with a stitch dropped, probably, and the lot includes our loc, 18c, 'Mo and 26c lines, ou sale this week, your choica for 12^. SELUNO MUSLINS THIS WEEK AT HALF In Many Lines Every piece of Muslin we have in the store is on the Bar^Hio Tiible this week. Our regular 10, 12}, and l&c Muslins are uii sale this week fur per yard. . . .T^c Also include the finer lines of Muslins in our CloAring Sale, and the price for 18, 20 25 and 30c Muslins this week will be your choice for per yard 12^0, CLEANING UP OUR CORSET STOCK 50c, 75c out! $1.00 Corsets on sale this week for 4oc per pair. This week wo have gone through our Corset stock and picked out the balances we have left in our beat selling lin»8, in each line pobsibly there are not inort than 8 or 10 pairs of a kimi, but there are many lines and all sizes are in the lot fruni 19 to 30c. Some 200 pairs in all so be on band early for the bust corset value yuu have ever l>uu;!ht. Your chuice fur per pair 46c. IF YCU CAN WEAR SIZE 18 IN CORSETS NOW 18 YOUR TIME AND ( HANCE. This week we put no sale 50 pairs of nize 18 in Ladies aod Girls CorseLs. There is not a pair in the lot worth less than 50.- and many are 75 and 91.00 Hues, your choice this wufk f»r per pair 19c. BUY YOUR FINE LAWN WAISTS NOW This week we put on sale every lawn waist we have in the store, all this seasons styles the (1.00, 1.25 and 1.40 lilies, your choice for 7&3. Lut 2 ill Ladies Fine Waists In this line we include all ths best lines we carry be- ing in fctock, our $1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.25 lines, on sale this week, your choice for 98c HEAVY RIBBED COTTON HOSE For Girls and Boys, clearing this week fur 9o pair, regular 18c values. This week we put on sale the balance of a biit lino uf Heavy Ribbed Cuttoii Hose. These come in sizes 6, 6}, 7, and 7} only, and are regular 18o values. On sale this week at p«r pair Oc. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. l:! this department we carry a full line of seasonable goods At very moderate price? and one of the largest stocks ill tuwn. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT SPECULS IN DINNER SETS. This week we put on sale three lines of Dinner Setts in fine Eiixliih Porcelain ware at very much less tdan you will p<iy. DINNER SET NO 1â€" »7 piece Dinner Set ia English Porcelainware, in a very pretty design of appio blossoms in color of pink. Our regular $9.75 set on sale this week for 7. 85 DINNER SET NO 2â€"97 piece Dinner Set in scmi- procelain quality, in deci>rations of blue and floral designs, regular $7.60 value, on sale this week for 6.90 <A(WWWWW MARKDALE mms MWWW§ J. & W. BOYD FLESHERTON ONTARIO. la piibllhlied every Thurwiny at f l.OO jw.- annuii< if inid in advance, 41.r>c if not no |iaid EDITORIAL COMMENT The Whitney Uovernment at last appeari to be taking a stand on the qacitioaand trjiu,; to enforce its liqaor law£. An attempt is being tnade m a j^reat many Ontario towns and cities, a^peciallv, to compel the hotel keepers t ) obey the law. It is well known that the great majority of hotel keepers are inveterate law breakers, in that they sell booze T/heuever they ean, whether they have licensea or not. The sooner thry are shown that laws are lawH.and are meant to bo enforced the better it will bo for Ontario and for themjeivcs. In the meantime Ontario is enricliod by their fines which amount to no small sum. The woi St feature of the case is that the tines do not teach them to observe the laws, but to become more expert in breaking them. The mechanics of the C. P. It. re- pair shops have been indnlging in the luxury ot a itriku for about three weeks and yet no sign of a settlement. The company makes statomeiils that tlie strike is not affecting their busi,- iioss ill any serious manner. This course in his dreaming he could see no possible chance of defeat. In tvontof war between iliese two gieat nations the eiTect would be fell the world over and its results would bo just as dis- astrous in Canada as anywhere, for where there is scrapping to be done for llieir King the Canucks are never faraway. Let us hope that Kaiser Willlatu will not follow the cour&e some people love to prophesy, but show good sense and judgement, for any friction between the twp nations would be extremely disastrous to the commerce of the world and the two nations in particular. A Uttle Holiday The Advance man took a short pleasure trip into the wilds of Parry Sound dis- trict during the lias}, week in cf>!iipany with Mr. George Mitchell and Mr. John Wright of this iilnoe and Mr. Jos. Hodgmm of Brooklyn, Ont. It was Hoiiiethiiig of an exploring expedition, as none of the pnrty had boford been in the district visit«d. We had heard of a Inko where fuiliiion trout were plentiful and wo found the spot. It is a lake some three miles in length and of varyiiig widths with several very beautiful islands nestling on its bosoiii. It is the inottt beautiful lake wu have ever seen in that district, solucting from probably n hundred or more. The shores are low but rooky and covered to the water's odije with beautiful evergreen growth Tlie water of this lake is quite translucent and is evidently fed from springs at the iMittoin, as we could discover no inlet. It is well stocked with splendid salmon trout and block bass. Wo secured some of Ihith those varieties, and in a nearby lake caught a lar^o number of pike. For a short imting it was ideal, hut the largest snake nioasured three feet and Iho other two-aiid-a-haif feet in length, but the smaller one hud iniicli the Lirger nittle. Some twenty-five or thirty years ago a terrific forest fire burned over huni&ids of square miles in the Parry Sound district. This has grown up with a scriiliby growth, and there is a dancer of a re|)otition of the horror. Two i-ailways are nuw running through it and these are continually starting bush fires, some of which are of consideiable dimensions. The land is parched at the present time and covered with tinder, which only requires the passing spark to touch it into a blaze tliat might easily reach very costly proportions. The Ontario govern- ment has fire rangers up there, but their chief occuiMtion appears to be to sit around the isolated railway stations and wait for the latest newv. A settler up there cUims that they are practically useless, and that the paying of their salaries is a waste of public money. MIDSUMMER SALE We have many lines of odds and ends wiiiuh we are otfering at greatly reduced piices. READY-MADE CLOTHING itfrn Mens ready to wear suits, fancy patterns res. $6.50 to f8.00 selling at X S4.95. /V Men's 2 piece suits, special price f:5 50. ^ Boy's 3 piece suits, reg. $4.00 and $4.75 selling for $2.98. ?r BOOTS AND SHOES if) Women's Dong in lace siid 8tr.ip,re2. 91.25 to SI. 50 sellins at. ... . .98o. W Men's Donu BaiH.reg. $2.25 selling at $1.48. 7K ^ Boy's Urey Canvas and Leather tip, i'eg. 85a for 63c. ^ MUSLINS AND GINGHAMS w Fancy dress patterns, reg. 12^ and 15c sellmit at 9c. Dress Linens in Fancy and plain Glosfs, rt-g. 25c clearing ar 18c. Prints all are reg. 12^c goods at 25c. SILK WAISTS A full ranae, sizes 34 to 36 regular $2.75 clearing at $1.49. bi&r reduction in all lincp of Iawu Waiau a good $1.00 and $1.25 waist selling at 84c. jl^ COTTON HOSIERY X All lines reduced. Regular 15c. lines selling at 10c 2i LLOUR & FEED We have a fu'il stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR. in*de by the Lake of ihe W.«,d8 Mil'.ing Co., Kfewatin. Every bag of this Flour is ganniteedâ€" the best Floor in the land. None other can equal it. HARDWARE A full stock of Stoves, Ranges imd Heaters, Axes, Saws and .ill kinds of Wofxlmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplating buying should not neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. A telegram leceived at the Interior Department from Mr. J. Bruce Wa'ker, Commissioner of Iiumigration at Winni- pe)(, states that the farm Ub<ir congestion has been somewhat relieved at Moose Jaw and in southern Manitoba by distri butinn. Reports from Indian Head, Virden, Brandon and other points show that these tuwns are feeding r.!>«u* one hundred men each. The O. P. R. has engaged soni- ut the men to work at double tracking east oi WumipeK. ThroHhinif will likely bo general this week, and no more men arere<)uired from the eaMt. , , , timo at our disiHtsal was too limited, may be so or it may not, but for some j The lake is difficult of access, being some reason the trains on the Owen <Sbuud twelve miles fiom the C. P. R. and eight line have been late ever since the ' Htrike began. If tlio strikers aro re> e{iousible for this stale of affairs w« | would be much obliged if they would ! y;o back to work and be good. The probability of war bctwooif Eng- land and Uermaiiy has become a pop" ular thetpe for newspaper disoussiou, and the prevailing iroptession seems to Im) that the next five or six years will Hoe startling changes in the relation- ship of F, I {land and Germany. It ia Wiill known (hat Emporor Willia:n is ambiliuua for flcnnaiiy, but surely hii (IreaniH would not carry liim so far aa todeolaiu war with Groat Dritain. Ho coiild not but foieseo the inoviiable rcHults that would follow such an iijsane cottrso, • with jjo other cause ihana couoiitod dcBirn to "do the big walk" Buil point with pride on "Ger- W»«y tlie mislrcsb cf the oca," fyr of from the C, N. O. It ia laid away in the solitudes whore the loon and the blue heron moke their summer homes, and the tim'd doer cimies down to drink of its rarely swoot water. We made the Hcijuahitancu of somo of the protty aniinalH, dressed in tlioir summer coats of red. A fawn trotted away a short dis- tance and began feeding not more llian forty yards from where â- wo wit. "The mother run out of sight but came back as we waited. We had no business with them oil this occasion, however, and they wore left unmolested. Others were seen at greater distance. With C. P. R. connections as they now are, it is possible to go all the way to Sudbury in one d«y, taking in the Muskokn, Parry Sound andNippising districts. The Governor General was in Parry Sound on Monday as we came throuvh. Ho is visiting the lake porta on the government yacht S|ioody. The Advanuu man brought home a coiinlu inoi'o relics tv add to Tiis museum, in tlio form of the* hide and rattles of a ratlliisnako. Two of those vermin wore killed on thu trip, both very largo ones. One i*ho(>k nine rattles at the party and the other live, buforu ho was kdlod l>y a woU directed blow from a stick. 'The Ca efally Corrected Et ch Week Oats , 34 'o 34 P-M 70 to 7« l>HrIey 46 to 45 Wheat 80 to 80 Hay 7 00 .•> 800 Butter 20 tc 20 Bugs, fresti 18 CO 18 t^oiatoos |ier bag 76 to 76 Geese to Ducks to Oliiokera CO to 00 Turkeys 00 U« 00 Woid 14 16 Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is duliverod reitular- ly and kept for sale at Ceylon, Priccville, Eugenia, Kitiberley Maxwell and Feveraham. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton Farm for Sale TiOts34 anrt an, ean. 3 8. D. R.ino Hnrm. K cl<Mir«itL 10 acioH pactum, l>alaiioo tjood lUro 06 X SO, drlvlDK aliert, e'>'vl frkine hoasn. 9 wu Is, 1 arro uf otobard Huitntono wall iiiidsr baro. Hance«n livtir oroHr«ft4 back of farm. Woll antl ill t,''»nd B'attf of ciiUlratlnu. 3 iniloM fniiu I'rotou Station. Kor terinn apply ou proiuraoa to lut (»ct. JAMF.9 r VAL'SB, Proton Htatlon Scottish Pride 66274 The )r.>iinK bull s< i>tti»h i'ri<le will ttaod tor irrviof a% Sir. K. W. NichoIpoii"«, lot 37. con. 5, Ar*«xUiSla. scoltiHli pridu U slru.l by Bcotti.b Pi lnc«. a 1^ andMOD of tho woiirlerftit abow cow, (l<-tu of Hellachiii. Imp., wlnuvrof ni^it prisaa at Toro'it't aiul L>uudoi>. beside.4 t>«iDa ebamp- lon ft^iitala, ^he woiRbH over lOUO pounds. Oue ni thlM cow m oalvofl acbl for ^1175.00. H'littiab uriitu ti out of Lady Ilalla by tb« 1'orouto flrat prise wiiiuur, Captain May Kly. Imp 2SS58. youuft bull lias provvd biiu- Rclf a Hhowbull liaviuj record thin fall at iiitzp (IB bfwtt boll ealf , alio diploma for btiBt bull any age. Tbo«« haTiiiff pure brad cowb " a as A liiuited bo Uken at VliSS; For us Rained au eocnuraKinR FeTumbani. He won Itrst Hhuuld Bee this craiid bnll tiefore breedluj bettitrtbau i I ars (luro brwls. •4.00. tlit-y cannot do number of ittitrtbau uau lilm. rades nrlll Bull For Service. Hiawatbis No. TJfH'i, the young sbnrthom bull, will ntaad for service at Mr. lieu. U. BiirliB, Oil lot 12, con. il, Oaprey. This young bullhaa thr heat of breedin); alonK milking lines, bia clam beinfr a "Wild darae," une of the deeiMwt milking strains of ahorthnma on reoiinl. Parties deiiriiiK the use of this bull ihoulil make arranKeinents early, aa only a liniitrd nunilier will t>« taken. TKRM8: Uradea, Saoo. Pure I retls,.*S.OO. Therewill be a ra.luclion. It nm thre* oows are liniuirht. Cows bred to this bull mnat bo n-tumed if not in calf, or full price will be charged. Farm for Sale. Luis B.tS aud 9, Con. 1.1, In the township ot Ospniy ISO aores, largo clearlne, Rood frame barn and stablsi. good dwelllnK and w«ll> Apply ou tlie premises or to W. J. Bri.i.auy, Plasharton. Farm For Sale or Rent. rorsalo cheap, orrent, tiuiii<Hllai« poaseaalon. Lot .^Kl, Con. 14, ArtumuBia, altuut 73 acrus clear, comfortable lofj house and Iraiiie bain. Apply to U, i. Bpruulo, KleBbrrtoD, or John J. MarUn, across the load from said lot. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levlnlas and Winiplea, the bsst of breedlna and qnallt". null, cows and heifers for lale St reasonable prices 1 .19,oon,» 0MA8. BTAFFORD. KlasherSon Our Clubbing List Advance, and TomnUi World, diily $ 2 6) Toronto Daily News :} S(> Weekly Globe .. .1 »> Mail-Kinpire , ... .... 1 JA Family Herald & ^ur 1 80 Toronto Star aa^> Farmer Sun . . . 1 ft) ' Farmers .\«. . ooat^ 2S5» Weekly Wit.iess I 7.^ Sst nrdayNiglit 2 5(.k TIumMmw* Dmom ' itetsk aadtfsSlvtkm â- Â« r •plBloa }i«* wbMbsraB saen ftficBiitfkait A^adsomalyUlwtntadWMklii. Lmatolsb jtf aelMUaa looinaL Mraa Mr FatMl MMCtalflsiHsik ScrtsSfflfM Scbool Gbildren's Eyes Supply Slabs and E<]f!in)*8 tor Sale. We will sell tho 4 ft. slabs and Kduiuija at our mill on oon, B, Artenioala, at »l.00 iwr cord lly applyinKto Mr, Juo. Paillauieiit, npiHislte the mill, h« will meaaure and receive cash for the woo<l when taken away. Wu will furtbor pay a reward of tiVOO for proof of anyone taking wood from there In the paat.or who may take wood in the future with- out our authority nr Mr. Parliamoiit'o. KBRNAN IIKOH., Limited, Owen Hound and Pure Bred Eniilish Berkshires Tamworths. I have a Une lot of yminif |itm bre"! fr<im prlie winning stock, fur sale. Write me for prioea. I nan five a l>ar$r»in aluo tr.iarantee salisfaction on all mail orders. Oe», W. RDSa, Maxwell P, O. „, _ STRAYED Btraved lioni the pr..nii«eH of the underslgu- ad, lot 18,oon. \A Osprey. 1 red ateor aid 1 r«t tnff' r*";'lf"' •''«"« •"'"• ")• inforniatSSu will belbaukfuTly reooivei. """"uawou iSiiaa UuUQLAa l^overah amP.O Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstronsj • X.W«.LK' N^ :>PH4J1AJ*, ri "re; USSHrRTaiM.

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