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Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1908, p. 1

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^S?v JFksb^rtun Jliijana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, KO 1376 Flesiierton, Ont., Tliursday, Augfust 27, 1908 W. H. THUaSTON, BOPBIETOB The Newest Things (n Jewellery Clin iilways be found it the Flesh- erton Jewellery headnuarters. Watches & Clocks To sui^. all t 8 and iiU pocket- ing' iks. Jewellery For the ladien io great variety and latest patterns. we pride ourselves In having a great variety of the cboictist t^oodx m><nufacturud from which tu chnose. Come in aud lot us show you what we have. W.A.ARMSTRONG the Mi^'^ea Annie Rear and Frances Hurd took in the harveHtini; exoiiraion to the i;olden west, on the 14th insC, Mr and Mrs. Thoinaii (nee Miss Louisa Smith) are holidaying at the latter's home hers. The Misses Delia Abercrombie and Enna Burritt visiteii frionda at Tboru- buiy recently. Mr. and Mrs.A. R Fawcatt of Burka FhUh were the yuesis of Mr. and Mr.s. J. R Fawcett during the last week. Mrs. J J. Diincan.accouipanied by her son and daui^hter, Geo. and Elsie, of Duiidalk, were the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Gjo. Hutchinson. Mr. Peter Wilson & Co. of Redwing completed last wvek a stone basement for our smithy Mr. T. J R-id. Owen Soand Hotelmen Sentenced Prison. to' Hatherton. Farmers lire busily en|;a|;ed with their harvest, Mr. C. Winters beini; one of the iir»t to Ket throuKh. Dfs. Bund and Mc Williams performed an uperation'on Lily, the little dsui(hter of Mr. HugH HirJy, tor enlarjtement of the tui'isils. She is duini; nicely an.l able to bo <iat SKain. Mr. and Mrs. F.G. K»iatedt,Flesherton s[M>nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Down. Miss Alice Winters, Toronto, is visiting lit her parental home here. B^rnâ€" T.i Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Scilley 4tti line OD Sunday, 16th, » sun. Con- gratulations. A number from here attended the Xarden party held Tuesday, 11th, on the spacious grounds of Mr. J. Audorson, Centre line, where an enjoyable evening was spent. MIhsC. Winters, accompanied by Miss Ahoe Winters of Toronto, visited over Sunday with Stayner friends. School started last Tuesday with Miss Schwalm of Ohesley iu charge for next term. Mr. M. Gordon, Dundalk, Is hoIid.>y- init at bis parental home. Mr. G. Haney, Centre line, spent Sun- day at Mr.Black's, 4th line. Mixs MagKi** Granimitt and brothers of south line, spent Sunday with friends her*. Mr. I. Winters, Collingwood, visited with friiMida here over Sunday. Mr. George Buckingham preached an exceliunl sermon to an aporeciative con- gregation Sunday evening last in Maxwell Methodist church. Rer. Mr. Lawrence of H^uthcote will 611 the appointments next SaShath in the attsence of the pastor. Rev. Stanley, who with his family is en- joying a well eurnet* holiday with tiiends in Toiouto, Napanoe aud other places. Chronic Diarrhoea Cured. "My father has for years been troubled with chronic diorrhoea, and tried every means possible to effect a cure, without avail,' writes John H, Zirklo of Philippi, W. Va. " Ho saw Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoua Remedy advertised in the Philippi Republican and decided to try it. The result is one btittie cured him and he haa not suffered with the diseaae for eighteen months. Before taking this remedy he was » constant sufferer. He is now sound and well, and althouuh sixty years old, can do as much work a.-) a young man." Sold ty W. E. Richardson. Rock Mills A large number of the farineirs hare finished harvesting and many others are hurrying while the weather is dry. Mr*. Bessie Russell visited Mias M. Chard, last week. Mrs Isaac Smith was Tisiling friend* at Owen Sound lust week. Miss M. W. Willison, teacher of oar school was unable to tench for a few days last week, but is able to take up her duties again. Mr. B. Britta of Toronto in holidaying at Mr' Martin Phillips'. As the result of a round-up by four detectives of the license department three of the UwenSoundhotelkeepers havebeen sentencedto four months' imprisonment each, while a number of others have been heavily fined. In all there were seventeen charges, the alleged offences having taken place in nine hotels. For three days Magistrate Cieasor has been hearing evidence in con- nection with these cases, and his task is not yet done, as four trials have still to take place. The men sentenced to prison were Andrew Fogarty, Albion Hotel; J<«bua Warrilow, Royal Hotel, and W.a. Leach, City Hotel. 'Thoy had each been previously convicted aud the magistrate was powerless to do anything but sentence them to imprisonment without the option of a fine. Considerable excitement amongst the liquor element in the town has been created by the round-up. The other guilty parties had to pay fines ranging from $60 to $100. The police are search- ing for one man who neglected to pay his fine before leaving town. Messrs. Fogarty, Leach and Warrilow are three of the best known hotelmen in thiK section of the province. The hr>telkenpers have succeeded in avoiding conviction time and again, but the amendment tu the act passed snrre months ago made this more difficult. The coup has been successful this time, thoufih it is understood the usual appeals will be taken. Klffllwrley. Oonerally apoaking, hnrvesting is now practically a thing of the past, and thresh- ing will be general this week. Miss Lydia Geuoe of Markdale is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. James Walker. Bornâ€" On Monday the 24th last., to Mr. and Mrs. J Herbert Fawcett, Uurontario St., Collingwood, a daughter. Mr. S'ephen Burntt sr., of Uerlaw, Illinois, V. S. A., who ha.-i been on an extended visit with friends here, returned home recently. Miss MattieMylesof Roche«ler,U.S.A. was the guest of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Myles for a fuw days recently. The regular monthly meeting ot the O. W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. John Plewes on Thursday afternoon, Aug. 27tb. Each inemV-er is requested to bring lunch. A full attendance is re- quested. Mr. C. D. Colo, foreman of the George- town Herald, who haa spent the past few weeks, rusticating in the Beaver Valley here, returned home oi> Monday of thia week. Mis. Zimmerman of Owen Sound, who spent the past six weeks the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Ferris, returned homo this week , Mr. Rubt. R. Fawcett, vi«ited Dun- dalk friends on Sunday last. Mix* Mildred Milligan of Ceylon was til* guest of her friends, the Misses Mao •ui Etta Wickens, during the past week. Mrs. Geo. Proctor and s<<u, Hari4d, visited fritiiids »E Thornbury aud Meaford during the paat week. Mesars. Heury Uurd, Matthew Fergu- son, Chaa. Wiokens, Fred Martin, ^ul Favoett, CUfftird Camack, WiUntd ^»lt«r, IDjira Fawcett, Ohaa. Camack ^4 East Mountain Miss Elsie Martin returned last Mon - day from Owen Sound. Her uncle accom- panied her and visited friends here. School rc-opened liist Monday and the children are again at hard work. It takes the Kiinberley miller to make good flour. H e hss gono to great pains in over-hauling the mill, putting in many conveniences, oven to a mixer. The many people of the neighborhood ought to give him a call. Miss Cora Martin spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Huathcote. Mrs. Walton is improved in health and is expected home this week. A Faithful Friend. "I have UNed Chuinberlaiu's Colio, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy since it was first introduced to the public in 1872, and have never found one ins'auce where a cure was not speedily effected by its use. I have been a commercial trav- eller for eighteen years, and never start out on a trip without this, my faithful friend," says U.S. Nichols of Oaklnnd, Ind. Ter. When a man has used a rem- odv for thirty-five yenrshe kciows its value and is coinuetent to speak of it. For sale by W. E, Richardson. The September Rod and Gun Duck shooting has a mighty fascination iu September and Rod and Gun and Motor Sporta in Canada published by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Out., deals in a generous manner with the duck hunter iu Its September issue. Eastern, Central and Western Canada contribute duck hunting stories, and the differences in the conditions under which the sport is pursued in various parts of the country are well brought out. Every duck hunter will sympathize with the work of the Brandon people in making a collection of the native wild fowl and trust their example will be followed iu vai^ious parts of the Dominion. Fishing ind big game hunting expeditions and accounts of the adventures of a ohainman iu "Helping to Makea Railway," and the story of "The Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron" are articles to which particular attention inay bediiaoted. The story of "The Alpine Club's Third Annual Camp" is told in an article by a special representative and oare is taken that those interested in out- door life in any of the phases are not neglected. There is plenty of variety scattered thtough lh« pages of an excel- lent nuniber,not only in the Departments, but also in the articles and stories making up the issue. Sh»lburne want* to hold *n Old Boys' Aeme Week n«xt surnmsr. A great fire is raging in the oil wells near Tumpico, Mexico, and twenty thous- and gallons of oil a minute are being con suined. October 6th has been set aside as the date of the trial of Private Moir for shoots ing Color-Sorgeaut Lloyd at Wolsoley Barracks, London. It is thought that an attempt will bo m«de to show that Moir was mentally inespotsible at the time. Midland high school certainly "did things" in the recent examinations. Tweuty-one wrote on the junior oxamina- tiniisand all passed, sixteen taking honors. Five wrote for junior matriculation and all passed. For some time the waterworks em- ployees have been aware of the fact that there was a big leak in the system. They discovered it in the tunnel through the north abutment of the Jubilee Bridge on Saturday. The water was let out of Harricoii's pond and the leak, which was more than two inches ill diameter, was fixed. â€" C. S. Tims. Listowel Council has pasaiid a meat inspection by-law. It provides for the appointniunt of an inspector and every- body offering meat of any kind for sale for food in Listowel can be required to produce a certificate from such inspector that tha aniiUHl was sound and healthy. It applies to the sale of fish, fowl and any mtiat products. A tine of one dollar to fifty dolUrs it provided for infraotion of the law or fur offering unfit roost for sale, A farmer in a neighboring county says he has adopted a plan of ndvertiHing in his home papers which has saved him much valuable time and brou;{ht h^nd- sonio returns for the money invested. He says: "When I'm ready to sell. I insert a little advctisement in the local papers tellioK what I have to sell, and if live stock, how many head of each and when they will be ready to ship, and the result has boen that the buyers are right after me, either i)en>onally or by mail, and naturjilly I always get the hitthest market. I' I want to buy a horse, a steer, a cow, or a dozen of each, I insert a little advertisement that costs maybe 50o, and instead ot travelling over the country inquiring of my neighbors who has this or that for sale, the homo newspaper dots it fur me at small expense and those who have what I want manage tu let me know in some way." Libby Prison Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr. K<lward E. Henry, with the United autes Kxpress Co., ChicaBo, writes, "Otir Genoral Suiierintendcnt, Mr. CJuick. handed ina ft bottle of Ctianiborlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy some time ago to check an I attack of the old Libby Prison diarrhoea. I have used it since thut tinieandourod many on our trains who have been aick. I am on old I soldier who served with Rntticiford B. Hayes ! and Willisin MoKiulcy four years in the 23rd '. Ohio Regiment, and have no ailment except * Libbv Prisim diarrhoea, which this remedy gtopa at once." Forsaleby W. K Richardson I>R. BXJRT Specialist In dlieaiet ol the Eye, Ear, Nose ami Throat Oltlce 1 3 VroBt St. • OweuSound At the Markdale house, Markdale,l8t ft'yi»y eMh month from 8^ to 18 ki m McFARLAND & CO. MAIJKD.'kt.E ONTALflO Little Wants Little Prices 260 Genuine British Tooth Brushes, 5, 10, and 15o 26 Hand Mirrors, polished frames, worth 22c, for loo 390 Silver Plated Table and Dessert Spoons, each 3e 275 Silver Plated Tea Spoons, 6 for 10c 96 Babies Lace Trimmed Bibs, regular price 12c, for 8c 8 dozen Black Handled Knives and Forks, 6 each, reg. 91.50, for «L0O 144 Boxes of Hair Pins, four kinds in a box, per box 4o 1,500 Souvenir Post Cards, 3 for 6o 600 Souvenir Post Clarda, celluloid finish aud tinsel effect, 2 for 5o 48 Ebony Hair Brushes, special 25o 30<j dcz. Hooks and Eyes, while only, 2 doz. for lo 10 doz. 50 yard Silk Sfxiols, regular price 5c. now 3 for lOo 20 dozen assorted colors of Embroidery Silkino, per spool 4o 48 only Men's Felt Hats, good style and color, 68o 14 only Ladies Black Leather Hand Bags, with small combination pune, reg. price 75o, now 60c 10 only Ladies Black Leather Hand Bags, with small combination 68o lOo lOe purse, reg. 1.25, for 50 Bound Books, gocxl authors, were 40c, now 20o 4 doz. Lace and Insertion trimmed Comet Covers, woith 15 to 25o to clear at each 47 only 8 X 10 inch Mirrors, silver frames, for 39 only 11 x 15 inoh Mirrors, white enamel frames, for 36o 144 papers (100 assorted colors, toilet pins on paper) for per paper 4a 40 only. Mirror, Wisk Holder and two match boxes combiued, lOo 30 only. Handsome decorated Rockineham Teapots at each . . . 26c 20 doz. good quality oiled window shiides with spring roller com- plete colors green and Buff, reg. 46c, our price 29c 200 large decorated Dinner PUtes, reg. price $1.00 doz. now. . 60o 248 Handsome Cream Pitchers in assorted colors and fancy Uecor- ationa Special values, marked to sell at each 12^, 15 and. . 25o 26 to 50 Per Cent DISCOUNT ON SAMPLE LACE CURTAINS. About 50 pairs Lace Curtain«, one of each pair used as sample and has got a little soiludso wo have put the lot out on Bargain Table at 25 tx> 60 per cent, less than reg. price. Prices range from 19o to 86.00. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY 9^ ^ ^ S? ^ CEY LON* S NEW ST ORE Bir^ERT^vn^ Now is the time for you to secure your twine before it gets scarce. Be sure of the best by placing an order with CoUinsou Bros. Every ball guaran- teed. FLOUR & FEED . A large assortment of Flour and Feed of all kinds always on hand with prices right. Our Stock ot Boots and Shoes is new and Up-to-Date. Highest prices paid for farm produce. Ceylon's Leading Merchants COr-LIN^SON BBOS. ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ THE CORNER GROCERY Our Motto is: "Live aud Let Ltw."â€" Therefore wo only keep what Any well - regulated Grocery Store should keep. Flour and Feed Wo hand lo tho Piiiliam Flour in three sizes ; also the Dnihsin Brrn, ShorU, Chop and Low Grndo Flour. We also handle the " FIVE STAR" Flourâ€" Manufactured by the Wostoin Milling Co. 6rocerie$. uanitiea ao as lo keep the stock fresh. In Oatmeal wo can sell you a 90 lb sack for 9i.90 O, J. SF*AKI^OW - Flcsborton

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