August 20 19<>S THE FLESHEETO^' ADVANCE BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. EUtabUshsd 20 Years. t2' NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT H« w»s »urprlse«l at bow was aurprisea ai now «h« sores haalad- â- • ' '"O" your Ni.w discos.' with which I had l**"" '""i^iâ„¢ for t-vf Ive yearH. I liftd conaulted asooi e of nhysiclans. taken all kinds of L...- nii'ilidno, vLslted Hot Spniips a'ld ouicr nicu lino, viiaiea n"v s^yi-'^t,- "â€"--â- -- miuoi-tti water rewrtn. but onlv Rot tern- i. rary rvWvt. They woulJ help mc for a lime'iut after diiiontinuln« tho med clntM the avmntoms would break otit rheum- symptoms a.'aiu -ruuning sores, blotches, Btic pain.s. looS^uess. of thehair. s«cl inRs of the glands, palms of the hands sc'uhnK, itchiness of the skin, dyspeptic stomach, Arrcn tbcatkint â- croRE TRCATMCNT ^ , j,,,,, jjjven up iu aesnair when a friend advl««l me to col suit yo";^/-",,^ -^'L' '^,"0" l"- "orcfco n^^^^ 1 had no hope, but ^""^ h.»a/hto In tl^wyvceu !/' -at«knt for four months aiul and 1 '---«--"-'^«;;er/;^;;;,t"»^sappeared, J and_no I had no hope, but took and 1 Iwi'amB cncourasr at thpend .jf that time S-pis of any di^^- since. My ^"â- y-.ll'^ y«»" «'J' ^?^,V'c'L,'"-'^' "'*'"'.â- . can recom.mond your Irt-atiueut with a" "^ ""''U.^ privately, but you cao use this testimonial as you wish. 1 certainly J. ai. J person to me W. H. S. a, . . NrRvnilS DEBIUTY VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOd!^K!N ^d^PWVAflmliWi. UR^ BLADDER «.d KIDNEY complau... ofMeoand Womeo READER rur^°t:?J^^'?i!e"i'd?re^?"iSiry^u' Jr^-Z'^'''JX''^,.^P> ntHULn 5'«r bUKKl_^Wen^.a.scasea^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^_^ Coniu U.lwn write for an honest oplni'm free of Charse. _ your blood THKATiiENT will curc you Free. No matter who has lixuted yoii, wri • rnMonable. Book» Pree-"Tlie Qolde CbS^ reasonable. Book. Pr..-"The Golden Monitor," (Illustrated) ou Lii-soosesof Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRrTTO) CONSENT. ETerytliin, eonfidentlat, QuestioD lilt and coit of Homo Troatroenl FREE. DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. Have you examined our stock of Harvest ToolsI It is complete in every detail. C" xamine our line of Machine Oil before you buy -^ any other. You will be convinced that our goods are right there with the quality. T X7 e have Mule and Sheep skin Mitts and Canvas ^* Gloves at right prices. The New Walkerton Railway The new railroad wa» opened to Walkerton on Monday roor liiig last, and trains now run r i/ularly from there to Sau-ieen .'uticioii and back twice a day. The electric bell installed at the foot of Uarafraxa Street Hill is likely t he full measure of |»rotection to bo given us by the commission. Thouffh perhaps not so safe as a t{ata and watchman, it nivos sufficient warning for people who have their wits about them, and is oertaiuly nut 80 unsitfhtly as a Rate would be. Citizen* of Durham have been treated generously by the C. P. R. Co in the prices they paid for lands along the ri^ht of way, and this treatment has a tendency to make us feel kindly disposed towards them. We hope to see such a tneasure of prosperity that both railroads will be tax- ed to their utmost cipacity. The ne^T lino is already in the enjoy- ment of quite a 8h<ire of the biisiuess. Passengers to and from Toronto are gen- erally patronizing the new road, although it is not yet fully completed. An hour and a half longer time HI the city is an inducement to busineaa men to go by the 0. P. R., when it is important to go and transact business and return in the same day. The dist.ince by the C. P. R. is seventeen miles shorter than by the Grand Trunk, which gives them the ad- vantage of reaching the city earlier and returning later than by the Grand Trunk. Tiains on both roiJs are now runnin? pretty well on time, but we do not know how the C. P. R. will fare in the deep snow seasn. There are some had spots between here and Priceville that will likely give Uoubloin the winter, especially iu those winters wh.>n the snow is very deep. Naturally, all passengers to the West leave here now by the U. P. R. instead of taking the Grand Trunk as formerly to Nor.h Bay. â€" Durham Chronicle. CiJKfHf^iSSSSSSEri â- SS:£^T.3ti3SS3ESaB^ 4Jie Elei'3-;-;«l;?>c'j r'iir.'::;x'? iii tins ?4 ri Vi W 1-? *. ii'A'm'^^"^ The Fircpot of a furnace being in direct contact v.'itli the fire, contains its most effect- ive heating surface. Any increase in this surface therefore, greatly increases the efficiency of the furnace. That Ribbed Firepots, which have much radiating surface ns any otlicr style of fire- pot, enable the "HECLA" Furnace to save from 10/6 to 15/S of your fuel bill. This is only one of Hie T!int?y ex- Inr-ive fsatnres of the "Hcda" I'uniace. We v.i'Ut to Ihiin ."U to youâ€" aiul prove, by actttal tc: ts, ib.Tt the "Hccia" is the best and most economical f'lrnace you c;mi buy. Slop in any time for a "Hecla" talk and demonstration. IS three why Steel times as 64 NORRIS BROS, (T) FLESHERTON In Good Luck "About (wo years ago my father came here from Mason City, Iowa, on » visit" says O. L. Scott, Duffield, Mich. " While he'e he was taken sick with dia- rihoea and cramps. I gave him several doses of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and it cured him." 'ihis Remedy always cures. It is for sale by W. E. Richards m. HH BUS1NE.SS Cards JUUjOUGH & YOUNG Jo a general banking bUBiness. Money loaneo a reasonable rate Call on us. T. CHISLETT, PoBtmastor, Oeylou. CommlBeiouur in H. C. J , Conveyancer, deeds. njortRa.(e8. leaaef, wills etc. carefully drawn up JollectlouB mad,-', charges reasonable. Aliio Krocorius, Hour, feed etc. kept iu stuck, i'rices riHht. Our stock of "DEERING" binder twine is getting low, better call and get your .supply at once. NORRIS BROS. In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works CARRIAGES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, IMPLEMENT llEPAIIiS, CREAM SEPARATORS, Etc. Special attention given to HORSE-SHOEING and all kinds of REPAIRS. We have a new stock of liuggies in, Call and see then\ be- fore -buying. CREAM SEPARATORS- We handle "the Mellotte." Getour our prices and terms. M lavish & Williams, Flesherton. A rather unique looking tower has been erected by the Interior Department of the Dominion Government on the farm of Mr. Wm. H. Gillespie, 2nd line of Amar- anth. It has been constructed of ihe best class of timber, is an upon work structuie and is sevBUty-tive feet high. On the top will be placed a largo held ulass or tele- scope with which will h" made a geodetic survey of ihe country for miles around, Tlio site oi the tower wos chosen by the Government because of its altitude, it being one of the hi.hed ]'o!iils in the province. Tho work of constincti m was under (be supervision of Mr J. fl . Moore- of Urockville, an engineer in the emidciy of the Interior Departmon', A nnnibur of these towers are being ejected throughout the country, four having al- rtady been raised, one at Miltnn, cue at King, one at Uxbridiie and one at Uranito- ville. On the completion of tho one here Ihn workmen went to Berlin whore another in being built. The tower is be inp built subslanlial unouKh to last ten years, a lease for the iiite being taken for that time, and is situated on Kuch a high elevation that by lueausof the RAA gUss it is quite pcHsiblo lo see the other towers. In fact it has been slated that through the glass one can poj either Toronto or Owen Sound. A number of people from tiiwn went out to see the structure on Sunday but a sign prohibits anyone from going to the lop. Ity the election of these towers the Government is said to have in view the formation of a new inA;i of tho Dominion. â€" Post. Misa Mell.ihont, the Bognor young lidy, who was so severely injured in a runaway accident and dragged for s<une diiancp, ii recoverini! rapidly and was able to be taken out for a drive last week. At one time she was thought to be fatally i iju ed, but |sha is gradually gaining stronKth and her sight, whi^h was affect- ed, is being rcstoied. The storm last week in Oraitgoville and vioiuity was a very severe one. The hail did a lot of damage. Chaa. Fried <t Shelburne is a heavy loser having had 50 acres of grain destroyed by hail at Price's Cornets in East Garafraxa, He went doA'n the day of the storm to see how the crop was coming on and found it com- pletely destroyed. All tho glass in his h >use on the farm and the church close b/ wasbrokn in pieces. Mr. Piioj'a loss will be heavy. -Free Press. One hundred and twelve children under five years of age died in Montreal last week. This number represents (36 per cent, of tho total number of deailis in the oity. RJ ISPROULB Fodtiuastcr, FleshertoD i^oiutulssloner in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Rsal Estate and Insurance AKeiit. Deeds uQOTtRages. leases an'l wills carefully drawn ap antl valuations made on phortot^t iirtice money to loan at lowest rates ol interest. Col eotlous attondod to with pt-omptnese cbarpea low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Steamship Company. A call solicited. Flour and Feed j D eivn of Flour and are some of DMoFHAIL, Tjloensed Anotioneer fot the ' County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction (;uaranteed. Tho arrangements and dates of sales can be made a*. TiiR Advance olTlce. Kesideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection, Deo. 0,07. T Wf KAITTINt*. ^^" '' • the couuth Licoused .liTotionser for a of (.Irev and Shitrc" Farm and Stock sales a speciulist. TeniiK moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. ArraiiKe- nipiits f(.r dates may be made at the .\dvance olhce, or A! T, Hutcuiusoirs store, tover'iham, or by addressing mo at Fevotsuam. Out. Lot 1:1, eon, 13, Osjircy, Medical DB C.VliTKR M C r <fc S Out, Physician, Surgeon, e ODIce and residenceâ€" Peter at., Plesberton Wo have all kiinJ.s Feed. The following our pricea: Perfection Blend . . , Morning Glory Low Grade Flour 1 50 Barley Chop 1.43 Shoits 1.3.5 Bran 1.15 $5,40 bbl. 5.20 '• SDran . . . Full stock of frcih Groceries on hand. Ice cream at all times at j Wright's Grocery. T P OTTKWELL ' Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoUofie. residonce â€" second door south west on Mary streeti This street ruoa south Presbyterian Church, WILSON, Blacksmith 'iraduate of the Veterinary Scieuoe ,\s80clatlon Hesidoucu, Durham itreet, op- posite Itoyd, Hioklihg's hardware. H Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental surgeon honor graduate of Toronto Universitv and Koyal College ol Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Gas administered for teeth extraction, olfloo at residence, To roiito hi e I'.f'l H'l irtou Legal FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1st. ThoHti wlio know )«8t thu nieriU of this ncliitol are iu sUunohest iiup[H>i'lers. I/O ELLIOTT /m â- a This cullexe standi first In popularity, thiiroughness and acnwino merit. On where jruu will, rou will Hnd our (graduates pushing to the front, Tliair su|>en<ir tr*iniii((« eu- •hUs Ihcm to got and hold 6rst<a1aM pusltious, CullogeoiHsn alliumiusr. Botar say tim*. Writ* fur oatalonie. W. J. BLLIOTT, Prindpiir Cor: VeDif* and AltiandarSta ^ â€" r â€" SEPTEMBElt 1, IS THE DATE of the re-opening for the fall term of Canada'a Loadinii School of Basinoss and Shorthand. Three Courses Conimoicial Shorthand and Typewriting Prepatatnry Marinar's Class op. n^ January 4, 1800 Write lor inf >rmation to 0. A. FLEMING. I'binoipai. Owa« Sound, # Ouktio LUCAH Barristers WRIGHT & McAHDLF. Solicitors Conveyancers, etc Officesâ€" Owen Sound, Unt and MarkrialoOnt SV H WaiouT, MoArdlk I 1) LccA N U-Kleshcrton olUco, Mitchell's auk jverv Saturdav, FURNITURE The !iir>;i;,st and be,st stock of Furniture ever shown in Flewherton. This without foiir of con- trndiclion, Conio and 860*^801110 of tho nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chair.s, Parlor Softs, Bed Room Setts. A sj)ecial reduc- tion ju,st now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tho stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNTURE DEALER ESHERTON k Societies O D W meets on the last Monday ID eaou month, in their loflge room, Christoe's block, Flesherton, at 8 p,m, M.W,, Frank Chard ; Sec, T, Blakoly, Financier, W,J, Bellamy. Visiting brethren iLvlted, PRIMCB ARTHUR LODGE, NO, HSS, A.F.ft A M, meets In the Uasonio all, Arm- strong's Hall Flesherton. every or before the full u^ocn. Tbos. IUakelv,V Horb.Smith, Secretary, . \y on .V,M.; 1H[J|MIEIS. Oa efnlly Gorreotod £i ch Week OaU 40 'o 40 P*"*^ . . 00 to (JO barley 60 to 60 Wheat. 80 to 80 Hay 7 00 ui 800 Butter 20 :c 20 B«g». fresh 18 to 18 Potatoes |)er bag 75 u> 75 Geeae to Duoka to Chiokei's 00 to 00 Turkeva 00 tc 00 Wool U 16 noUBT FLE8HF.RTON, 095. I. P. F. ireetilD ^ Clayton's Block tho last Weduesdav evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dvsmi; R. 8,, 'i'. Hetiry; Fin. See,, C. N. Hiohardson. Please pav duos to Fin. Bee. before the Arst dav of the month. nnoSEN FRIENDB-Flesberton Council of ^ Chosen Friends lueeta In Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each inont 8 )>. ni Pay assessments to the Recorder ou or liefore tre first day of each month. Chief ConueHlor T. Blakeley; eoorder, W. H. Bunt. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN WANTED For Fle.sherton And Adjoining Country TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries. While business in soma lines may b« dull, larmen were never more encouraged as regards fruitgrowing than at the pi esont season. High prices for all cUs-es of fruit hsvi been oB- tained the )>ast season, and thuru Is as a oonse- (lueucoau lucreasod deiuaad for nursery stock. Our 8 00k is complete in every department inoiudiug a mw l>sl of spevlaUlrs which we alone bacdie. The right man will cbtaio a petuiaueut situ- ation with tarrltorT reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free lample outAt, etc. Writa (or partloulars. STONE & WELLING TON Fontbill KuraarlM (8S0 aore*) TORONTO. .... Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid St ock = « Bes t Stoch Bells* Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, pocket hooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters -best makes -and everything in tlie harness line. W. MOORE, 1 esherton Out. 8Â¥MMER~TrOCK. Of Sweat Pads, Collars, Plow linos Dash Aprons, Rubber Rugs. Dusters Fly N-ts, Hoof Ointment, Ax!o Grease. All kinds ot Harness and Repa iring. O. wTThillips }Pleshe]:*toni BESI BUSINESS TRAININQ at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINKSS COLLK<JK Cor, Vonge and Blnnr 8ts., Toronto, .A._..,