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Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1908, p. 7

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Food Products Peerless Dried Beef Unlike the ordinary dried beef â€" tliat sold in bulk â€" Ubby's Peerless Dried Beef comes in a seeiled glass jeu* in which it is packed the moment it is sliced into those delicious thin wafers. None of the rich natural ilaTor or goodness escapes or dries ouL It reaches you fresh and with all the nutri- ment retained. Libby's Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high-grade, ready to serve, pure food products that are prepared in Libiliy's Great While Kitchen. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongue, Vienna Sausage, Fickles, Olives, etc., and see how delightfully dif- ferent they are from others you haveeaten. Libby. McNeill 4 Llbby, Chicaoo Wm C AS AMENDED. "I can marry any man I choose," boasted tiio fair but freckled sum- mer girl. "Always provided your choice is willing," amended summer girl No. 2. They are a Powerful Nervine. â€" Dyspepsia causes derangement of the nervous system, and nervous debility once engendered is difficult to deal with. There are many testi- monials as to the efficacy of Par- rnelee's Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing that they never fail to produce good results. By giving proper tone to the diges- tive organs, they restore equili- brium to the nerve centres. Every man has an excuse for wanting the earth, but it is seldom satisfactory to his neighbors. A natter of Importance to an thoM who an inn down and ilebililated Is thn fact thai ••* FerroTjm " is the bfst tmiic ever compounded. $t gires atrenstb au.l buildn up tile system. After a man has moved heaven and earth to acquire a certain thing he is surprised to discover bow little he cares for it. Dysentery corrodes the intestines and speedily eats away the lining, bringing about dangerous condi- tions that may cause death. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial clears the intestinal can.als of the germs that cause the inflammation, and by protecting the lining from further ravages restores them to healthy condition. subject to dysentery should not be without this simple yet powerful remedy. CLEAE CONSCIENCE. "Do you â€" erâ€" ever tell fibs?" asked the lady who had advertised foi a maid. "Not for myself, ma'am," an- swered the applicant; "only for the missus." As a rule, only those who don't need advice are willing to take it. INVALIDS TURN TO ENGLAND. Some Kings auil Quociih Who Have Been BeucUttcd. It is a curious fact that while English persons rush abroad when they are in poor health, it is to England that royal invalids in other countries turn for a renewal of strength. The Kaiserin has a firm belief in the recuperative power of the air cf the east coast of England, while the Kaiser owes much to Highcliffe, where he stayed for several weeks a few months ago. The Crown Prince of Sweden, who lately had a severe attack of mea- sles, is now in. England to see what English air can do for him. He and the Crown Princess and their two baby sons spent a few days in Lon- don with their relatives, and then left for Bagshot, where they will stay for some time. King Alfonso found his visit to England very beneficial and de- clares that it was also helpful to the baby Prince of the Austrias, 8'> the Spanish King and Queen with their two sons, will arrive in Eng- land in September and go to the Isle of Wight. The unfortunate Queen Amelia, of Portugal, who is suffering from nervous breakdown and a severe throat trouble, will arrive soon and fio to the country home of her mo- ther, the Countess of Paris, where it is hoped the quiet and the fine air will restore her to health. Queen Maud, ot Norway, thinks that England does wonders for little Prince Olaf, and she would spend most of her time there, as she loves the air and surroundings of Wind- sor, were it uot that the Norwegi- ans are less amenable than the Spanish, and cling to the tradition that a King and Queen should stay in their own country. So if Queen Maud visits England she will have t.> leave her husband behind. THE TEST. "Poor man!" said the kind lady. "How did you go blind!" "Well, mum," answered Tired Treadwell, "de foist time dat I rn ticcd it 'A'aa when I was out lookiu' fei work." ~^^-* â€" iTi A CONTEST WOiirU ENTERING. A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS is offered by the ORANGE MEAT people to the one sending in the largest number )f bottoms of ORANGE MEAT pack- ages before May 31. 1909. This means that the winner ^ ill receive One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every year, us long as he or sjie lives, or they can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE c.r SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Besides the above there is a sec- ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes as follows :â€" Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY DOLLARS each. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- LARS each. Twenty Cash Prixes ot FIVE DOLLARS eaoii, and ONE HUN- DRED Cash Prizes ot ONE DOL- LAR each. The only condition attached is that you cut out the bottoms ot the ORANGE MEAT packages and send them in to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo package counts equal to Three ot the smaller nize. You should be able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send your name and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- DAY, and state that you arc en- tering the contest. It is surely worth trying for. HOW HE PROPOSED. Mr. Slowboyâ€" "Miss Passe, v.hat do you think is the best name for a girl?" Miss Passe (looking deep into his eyes) â€" "That of the only man she e\er loved." Is Pe-ru-na Useful for Catarrh? Shonid a list of the Ingredients of P»> ! mna be submitted to any medical ex- I i>ert, of whatever school or nationality, i he would be obliged to admit without I reserve that the medicinal herbs com- posing Peruua ore of two kinds. First, I standard and well-tried catarrh reme- I dies. Second, well-known and gener- j ally acknowledged toul? remedies. That in one or tlie other ot these uses they have stood the tost of many years' experience by physicians of different Bchcola, Thure can be no dispute about this, whatever. Peruua is composed of some of tlie most efllcacious and uni- versally used herbal remedies for ca- tarrhal diseases, and for such conditions of the human system as require a tonic. Each one of tlio principal ingredients of Ferana has a reputation of its own in the cure of some phase of catarrh or as a tonic medicine. The fact Is, obroulo catarrh is a dis<- ease which is very prevalent. Many thousand people know tliey have chrouiocatarrli. They have visited doc- tors over and over af;ain, and l>eeu told tliat their case is one of chronic catarrh. It may be ot the nose, throat, lungs, stomach or some other internal organ. There is no doubt as to tlio nature of the disease. The only trouble is tlio remedy. This doctor has tried to cure them. That doctor has tried to pre- scribe for them. No otiier household remedy so imi- versally advertised carries upoa tlio label the principal active constituents, showing that Pernna invites the full Inspection ot the lurivics. ISSUE NO. 34~0S. A lady writes: "I was enabled to remove the corns, root and br.'tnoh, hy the use of Holloway's 'Jorn Cure." Others who have trie*.' it have the same experience. METHOD FOR TESTING EGGS. A simple method for testing eggs, which comes from Germany, is based upon the fact that the air chamber in the flat end ot an egg increases with ago. If the egg is placed in a solution of common salt it will show an increasing inclina- tion to float with the long axis ver- tical. By watcliing this tendency the age ot the egg can bo determined almost to a day. A fresh egg lies in a horizontal position at the bot- tom of the vessel ; an egg from three to five days old shows an elevation ar the flat end, so that its long axis forms an angle ot twenty degrees; and an egg a month old floats ver- tically upon the pointed end. Women, 49 a rule, have poor heads for mathematics, but they try awfully hard to make their owo figures count. AN EXPLANATION. "How long has this restaurant been open?" asked the would-be diner. "Two years," said the proprie- tor. "I am sorry I did not know it," said the guest. "I should be bet- ter off it I had come here then." "Yes?" smiled the proprietor, very much pleased. "How is that?" "I should probably have been served by this time if I had," said the guest, and the entente cordiale vanished. Ladies in Poop Health SUSPICION. "Your prejudice against Mr. Rakely is entirely unreasonable, pa." protested the dear girl. "There is a great deal in that young man." "Yes," replied old Wiseman, "and sometimes I'm afraid it's a great deal of the stuff I smelled on his breath this evening." Judging from their talk, some men might be successful at running windm'lls. Everywhere, especially those dis- couraged by failure of previous treatment are invited to write for a free trial of my home treatment, v/ith interesting booklet, all post- paid in plain wrappers, with the must reliable references and proofs which will encourage the most dis- heartened. You can thus quickly satisfy yourHcIf, without ooHt that this treatment is what you long have sought. I will reply promptly to all wlio write. Address, MRS. M. SUMMERS, WiudHor, Out. 4. HER OBJECTIONS. Benham â€" Why do you object to my wearing a beard ? Mrs. Benham â€" It isn't the beard itself that I object to. It would be all right it you would only raise one which would harmonize in color with some of my dresses. AGENTS WANTED. A reHaU* â- â€¢â-  la erMTI iMr and town la Canada with waterworn to s«H a patent article needed in erery hume, hotel &n« Kablle bnlldinK. Sell* at ilslit. Uuetlers caa^ lad are aukiaa tLW a daj. Write at once (od iarUoalan. Oeo. T. Cole, Owea Soand, OularlftJ FEATHER DYEINQ Cleaalac aB4 0urlln( and Kid Qlerw cleued Tk«* oan be nnt br poet, le per ez. U>e beat place le BSITISH AMERICAN OYEINC CO. UOMTBKAIk VICTOR - BERLINER All prices and styles from $13.40 to $2.40. Write for free catalogue. DEPT. D niio smMOPiioi coMPir. 264 Yonga Street, Toronto. .^gents wanted in every town. She â€" "Mr. Highnote tells me he ii cultivating his voice." He â€" "Yes; I saw him irrigating it early this morning." | The World is Full of Pains.â€" The aches and pains that afflict human- iiy are many and constant, arising from a multitude ot indistinguish- able causes, but in the main owing to man's negli(rence in taking care of his health. Dr. Thomas' Eclcc- tric Oil was the outcome ot a uni- versal cry for some specific which would speedily relieve pain, and it as filled its mission to a remark- able degree. A WORD FROM JOSH WISE. "Like a dog will gnaw a bone when he ain't hungry, a naggin' man will nag when ho ain't angry." Like little volcanoM of dlseate, the ernptioni of ecMdna p«i>r out illecharnos. Ilail hlnod t-misos tho trouble. The Inail remody is Wonrers Ceraie, ami Wearer's Syrup will drite the poison from the blood BIG PLACE. Tho president ot the Women's Club wished to resign. "No other member can fill her shoes," declar- ed her friends. "That's so," as- sented her enemies. Then there was more trouble than ever. Mild in Their Action.â€" -Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are very mild in their action. They do not cause griping in the stomach or cause disturbances there as so many pills do. Therefore, the most delicate can take them without fear of un- pleasant results. Thev c»n, too, be administered to children without imposing the penalties which follow the use of pills not so carefully pre- pared. There might bo more sinners in the world if it were more thickly populated. Worms derange the whole system. Mothor Graves' Worm Extermina- tor deranges worms and gives rest to tho sufferer. It only costs 26 cents to try it and be convinced. NOT A TESTIMONIAL. Shoe Dealerâ€" "You don't mean to say those patent leather shucA cracked that way in two weeks' wear." Customer-"Ye8, T merely drop- ped in to tell you that yolir patent lr>ather shoes are not as good as they're cracked up to bo." A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., Stooks, Bonfs, Debenture* and Real Estate. Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stooks ol I Canada and United States. Unlsra executed with proniptneae. CorrM- ipontlence eollclted. Ml to aXT rnutera tank lulMlrf, Tarento, Ont 18 CANADA'S BEST AND IS USED THE WORLD OVER WILSON'S FLY PADS Kill MMm all. No dMkCl fllo* lylnB at>out wtfn uaoci â- â€¢ dIraoteiL SOLA BV DROCCim, QR0CER8 /Ml GEHEIMl 8TME8 lOe. par paokat, or S paokete ftor SSc will laat a wHola aaaeon. Bell Organs are also world tamcif Send (or froe Catalog No. 7» to jfQj CO., lid., GoeiDH, oni SAMUEL MAY&CO BILLIARD TABLE MAfiUFACTUfi£RS. Psfablishcd Forty Year? Send fir (ifalo^ue 102 X- 104, Adciaide St.,W., TORONTO. Do n<^'. fail 10 visit out exhibit of Billiard and Pool T;ibles in iho Maiuilacttirtfr!!' Uuildiiif; of llie C.tnadi,->ii National Kxiiibi- lion, Toionlo. We hiiild RegTUiatlon Bowlingr Alleys. Write for our terms and priiH! HhI just issued. Black Watch Remark- able for rich'^.ess and pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 3267 The Mild Climate of Virginia offers splendid opportunities (or stock rai-^ing, (ruil RrowiiiK, diuryiiiE and general farniiuK. Wintern are hliort. Climate nealtliful. I^tud food and selling inflow its value, but IncreaMiu^ n Tulue oacli yeiir. Many Canadians are Itviiix in Viruiuia. Write for iufonuation to U. W. KOINKR. Oomuiibiiiouer of Acriculture, UicbnioBd. V&. Hotel Cumbei-land (.W. Oar. Broailaiay at Mth It., NEW YORK Neiu lOlh Btr««t Salr way ant 63rd Street Bleieled Station. Ideal Location Near Theatirt, Shops and Central Park New, Modern and Absolutely Fire Proof Tranalent H^itet: «S.M with lUtlu an I up. All Outside ronmi. Send for Itooklot. Under t h(? Menifcgf tneiit of HARMV P. STIMSON R. J. BINCHAM rii'lyotUeleiliBlMirial Pniljol llot.l Waudw.iid F ITS Peraieoiiy fivred m DR. KLINE'S CREAr NERV£ RESTORER •9 TRIAL EOTTLB FRCE Rent tlining li aua.liai Agency rcrninnorj OuJc. notiinlf tomitorftry relief, for .>rrfoii( dlitfAKtiA, Kpniiuy, :^pulUH, nt. Vliiia' I»anoe DebUlty, Rioamtion. PoiinUcd UU" OR. H. It KLINE, Ltd, •It Aroti Stn PMUdelphlai I how innrh money he r.)ul(l save by «i!nc a I FalrlKfciik.H-MorKe Jack-of-iill- 1 rail*** (iasoline iin. gine tfi 3aw wood, pump water, f;riM(t ft^eil, ^bo., we would not be .'\bie to supply the Ueinaud. Cut tin I ail. out an<l soml to us to-day, and we win send you uur free catalogue^ Name- Addreu. The Oanadlan Falrlnnka 0«., Limited, TorentOi Oat Muutreal, H'iuuipeg, Vancoaver. FREE CATALOGUE Wonderful Sale of Jewellery In Toronto. ^000 unexcelled quality stock of Watches, Jewellery, Diamonds, Rings and Silverwaro must bo closed out by Oct. 1st 1 his is tho chance of a lifttime. No reasonable offer retused. Many beautiful things are going at half price. $2 BERRY SPOONS NOW GO FOR SI WANLE5S & CO., ESTABLISHED i68 YONQE ST., TORONTO

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