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Flesherton Advance, 20 Aug 1908, p. 5

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»-.^li^* . THE FLEES IIERT ON ADVANCE August 20 1908 The Value of Economy Many people fail to save, because they do not realize the importance of small economies. The practice, once beguu, of laying aside a portion of your incoine, no matter how small, every week or mouth, will soon become a fixed habit. The result in a few years will probably surprise, and certainly gratify you. Start a Savings Account to-day with eo THE STANDARD BANK E-JJiJKd 1873 OF CANADA 5IB,«d«. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georg« MitcKell, Manager BRA.MCH£« AXAO AT Dtm.BA>C AND BARRISTOM. VICINITY CHIPS^ W. A. Armitti'iing licunsea. isaui'i- uf luuri'iaKe I colts for sale â€" 1 und 2 years R. liichardson, Fleshorum. old Tw pas'. EuFitii'SS is very quiet iIuh weuk, while furiiiers are fiiiialjiiig up Lhtir hiirvfsf. Oiinit! Hstiiay â€" A whitehug 4 or o weuka old. J Riuhiiidi^on, I-'knlieit'in. 20au About thirty faim h.l.oreiM ontiHiiifd Ht b'lefliertjii sti.tiim latl Fiid y for tin- txciirsi.jti to tUo wuuf. PERSONALS Mrs. Frod MuClocklin nf Durham viait- ed frienda hern on Monday. Mr. Frank Cillinson of Ceylon wont on the humciieirkers' excnrBJuii. There w»« mi service in ti.e Brfptisi oliurcli litnis (.n Suiidny U v. Ivipy and family were taking tlii'ir holidays iu Toronto. Hog Strayed â€" To to pnuiUeH of Geo. W. Robp, eiislhalflotlS, C>m). 7, Owprey, Borlishiru boir. t)wiu;r nil: p'.-iise tMrniH ttlid pay txpt uses and lake him w.-y. Uorser for Sulo â€" Dm.' iimia 6 years old with ci'lt :U !'• ot, oiu> i wi -year oM gelding, also uiiu ytarliu^ geidiU|4. AIusl be sold. Geo. A. Warson, Flesherton. The (lublic school opened on Monday with Mit-sChidley of Clinton in char^jeof the iiitornicdiate for:n. Mr.Heath is a- gain at t he head and Miss Kaine has the juniors Property for Sale at Pricovilleâ€" A brick house, ei^ht room^, burn and live lots. Also lot 10, con. 1, N.D.R., Artemetiia, 60 acres. Apply to (Jaiherine Soott, Priceville P.O. Ill last weeks .\dvanco a fountKkin pen waa advertibed as lost. Before the entire edition wasuffihe press the pen had been returned, as a direct result of the advertisement. See the point? - While unhitchin'^ a span uf horses on Moi day Willie Wiltox, west back lino, (offered a severe injury (y a kick from one of the horoes. The younit man's jaw was badly fractured. Dr. Carter attend- ed to the dt<maKe. Division Court will be held in Flesher- ton on Wednesday of next week. There will likely be several interestiui( caees, (.mon<{ which is one of damages instituted against the township by F. G. Karstedt. Mr. Karstedt considers that he was injur- td to the extent of SttO by his cellars bo- coming Hooded during a heavy rainstorm a few weeks ago. An auction sale of timber lot, horses, implemuiits, hay, lumber, dishes, bed- dinvand a lar^e quantity of ui her articles will be helil on lot 2, con., 1, township of Kuphrasia, on Thursday, August 27. at 1 o'clock p. IU., the properly of Messrs. Walker and FiUhie, luinbenuen. See bills for full list and particulars. Wm. Kaitling, auctioneer. A number of Flesherton sports went up to Markdale Monday afternoon to 6ee a lacrosse match between the Hanover and Owen Sound clubs. The foiiuer w eiit down to defeat by a Score of 8 to 2. Theg lime was said to be a louKh one, and the crowd was large. Special trains from Hanover and Owen Sound brouKht over a large number of excursionists tu witness the game. The Eaab Grey, prize lists were deliver- ed to the secrciary last week aud should '. e iu the hands of members this week While the society has reduced the prizes slightly in sumo instances ihoy hive also added sonio. The horse racing has been cut out and the show will bo btrictly a- long agricultural Hues this year, with some »port8 thrown in by way of amusement. Mr. Henry Richmond of South River, atone lime a farmer of St. Vincent, was ahot last week iu mistake fur a bear. The remains were brouiiht to Meaford and i.iterred on Friday last. The man who did the shootinf; heard Mr. Richmond coming towards him and thinking it must be a bear and without seeing him shot in the direction of the sound. The bullet entered Mr. Richmond's abdcnien. He lived for four hours, and died live minutes afier signing his will. The ducoaaed was a step. brother of a sister of Mr. W. P. Crussley of this town. The monthly meeting of the Women's luhtitute will be held at the home of Mr. Lafayette Badgerow, Fourth Line, Art- emesis, on Tuesday .\ui;ust 25l.h, at 2.30 Mr. Sheppard of Paisley has charge of the "Red Schmil" for this term. MoOomb of Melancthon is assist- ing F. A. Tucker, in his tailor shop. Mr. Will Matheson of Havelock visit- ed over Suaday at Mr. \''.A. Armstrong' 's. Miss .\j;no.s Raraaao of Durham virit- wl at Mr. R. H. Wright's, iu town, on ^Sunday. Miss Fl'i, Richard»nn is spending a week with her friend, Miss Ada Brown, of Dui'huin. Dr. Marrny and party returned from a fortninht's ciimpiiigal Eikari's lake, on Friday lust. Mr. Fred LtGnid of Toronto is visilini: fxr a couple uf weeks with friends in this neighburhouH. Mrs. John Bent ham and daughter, Miss Annie, of Dunkirk, N. Y., are visit- ing relatives here. Mrs. Jackson and daughter. Miss Laura, of Tara, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Brown. Mr. und Mrs. C. D. Stewart and family uf Toronto hare bean visiting at Mr. W . Stewart's east back line. The Misses Lulu, Iva and Aloda Mitchell returned Monday from a visit with friends in Toronto. Misses Lillian and Florence Bunt re- turned from Woodbridge after spending some weeks with friends there. Mrs. J as. Trimble of RoclieKtor, Pa., visited at the Park House over Sunday and visited old friends in town. Mrs. (Dr.) Webster and little daughter of Toronto are visitiiiK the former's mother, Mrs. M. K. Richardson. Mr. W. J. Fairey and Mr. Alex. Collinson of Ceylon, were among those wh o took in the farmers' excursion to the West last week. The following boys are putting in a coaple of weeks at Ewart's lake: Emerson and Charley Bellamy, Charley and George McTavish, Fred Karstedt and Kendall Mitchell. Mrs. P. Hiilinsn was visiting her son, Henry, at Port Law, week. Mr. Hidmaii has been home fmm the hospiUil about four week!. His injured foot has recovered, but the spine was injured in the Caledou wreck last year and ho is not improving as his friends would wi&b. Fifteen places of business aud eight residences were burned Saturday at Gore Bay, Mauitoulin island. Tummy Pye has a half dollar he would like to ^v/t, rid of. In fact he is so anxious to get away from it that he got up at half past five un Monday and took it over to Hanover and spent it. Yester- day a stranger waUed into his storo and bought a collar and chrew down the same half. All the doubtful money in town used to be given to the Express Agent but Tommy is the victim thesa days. â€" Walkerton Her»ld. Johnny, a farmer lad, whose duty it was to milk and take care of the cows, always had a strong barnyard odor about him. As this was otfensivo to thu teacher and pupils of the district schoul ho attend- ed, the teacher decided to write to Johnny's mother and see if she could not send Johnny to school in better con- dition. She wrote, and this was what the boy's mother answered: "Johnny ain't no rose. Don't smell him, lam him." Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ne^tleton, of Collingwood, left their homelast Saturday fora visit bo Penetanij, by the Str. Soo City, and took with them their little spaniel dog. When about six miles out the dog became restless and finally jump- ed overboard. Doggie was given up as lost, as they were sure it would be drown- ed, but a couple of h'lurs later it walked quietly into its old home, having perform- ed the remarkable feat of swimming the entire six miles in a little more than an hour. 3^?Sf^s^s^?«s«sj€sjg?^^rSS^?S{?«s«XM?^?«HS^^ Married. Maddoflksâ€" Bates- At Toronto, 931 Queen west. May, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bates, to Richard Maddocks. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the bride's home, Smithville, near Hamilton, when Mies Ivy Woodlan was united in matrimony to Mr. Chas. E. Moore of Inistioge. Rev. Roxborough performed the ceremony which was priv- ate, and the young people were unattend. ed. The happy couple will take up their residence at Iiiistioge. Summer Footwear ^^â€" â€" ^^^^^^^^â„¢^^ I â- â-  I â€" ^lâ€"^â€" â€" »7^^â€" WMW^â€" ^^^-â- ^â€" â€" ^"^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ We have a pretty range of Summer Footwear in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Childrens' goods in lace and strap. White shoes at lowest prices, also Patent, Tan and BlackLeathers. Lacrosse Shoes. Telescopes. Trunks. Suit Cases. COHE IN AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS. CLAYTONS Fall Fair Dates Fleshertonâ€" Sept. 24, 25. Clarksburg- Sept. 29. 30. Chatsworth- Sept. 17, 18. Chesleyâ€" Sept. 22, 23. Duiidalkâ€" Oct. 8, 0. Durham-Sept. 22. 23. Feverslismâ€" Oct. 0, 7. Hanoverâ€" Sept. 29, 30. Markdile-Oct 1,2. Moa ford-Sept • 24,25 Mildmayâ€" Sept. 28, 29. Owen Soundâ€" Sept. IC, 17 Paisleyâ€" Sept. 29, .30. Priceville-Oct. 1. 2. Rocklyn-Oct. 8, 9. Tara- Oct. 1, 2. Walters Foils- Sept. 29, 30. Walkertonâ€" Sept. 10, 17. M.vyor Kennedy of Owen Sound refused to sign a bylaw for the appointment of Geo. VV. BaiiitaasBre chitf. Pri^ceed- iiig.4 were about to he taken to force hiin to sicn it when he gave his necessaiy autograph. A man in Carrick Tp. has a cherry tree off which he picked 37 pails of cherries this year. The tree is not of the ordinaiy kind, being 37 feet high. The fruit wos of superior quality and he received on the n vorage 91.00 per pail. Libby Prison Diarrhoea Relieved. Mr. Edward K. Henry, with the United Status Express Co., Chicago, writes. "Our â-  â-  " ^ • .- hunded p.m. A coiiveyance will be'at th. l^^Xl.f.rf'^'t^SVhlin^ Town Hall at 1 o'vlock Iu take members, or all who wish to buonnio members to plaue .if meeting. The making, keeping and marketing of butter, also SaUds, will be discussed by Mrs. Price Teeter, Mrs. MoKenzie and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Visitors from iho neighborhood are facially invited. i)inrrh(>ett Kemedv boiuo time ago to check an attack of the old Libby Prison dinrrhuea. I have used it sines that time andciired many on our trains who have been aiuk. X am an old soKlier wh<. served with Ruttieiford 1$. Hayes aud Williniii McKiuley four years In the 23rd Ohio Regimont, and have no ailment exceut Libby Prison diarrhoea, which this remedy stops at oneo," Forsale by W, K Richardson Western Call For Men 25,000 Harvesters aro Needed and Good Wages Offeriid. Preparations have commenced in earnest for the handlintt of the North- west's big wheat crop, the only diflinulty being the scarcity of labor in the harvest fields. To induce men to go tu the West the C. P. R. has made the remarkably low ra<:e of ten dollars from Ontario. This fare carries the ticket holdei to any point on the company's lines eas*; of Moose Jaw ; trains are run direct to Winnipeg, and the men are re.ticketed there for the puints where they wish to woik. After at loaat one month's work in the field, laborers are issued tickets back to Ontario starting point at $18.00. Leaving dates of Canadian Pacific excur- sions aro Autr. 18, Sept. 1, 8 from sta- tions north-west ot Toronto, .\ug. 18, 19, Sep. 1, 9, from stations south-west of Toronto, and Aug. 20, 22, 27, Sep. 2, 11, 14 from stations east of Toronto. The most important excursions are Aug. 18 and 20. and un these dales special trains will be run from all C. P. R. stations, times of which agents will furnish. The C. P. R is the only Canadian route to the West, and the only line carrying farm laborers through without change, .^pply to ticket ngeuts, or C. B., District PnssenKor Agent, Toronto, for full information. Mortgage Sale OF LANDS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA lludor anrt by virtue of tbe powers ot sale contained in a oartaiu luortKaije. which will be liioducod at tlio time of Bulii, tliuro will be olTeiiidfor sale by public auotioD at Muushaw's Hotel in the village of Klo»hortou in tlio fouiity o( Grey, oh Saturday, AuSusi the 29th, 1908 at the hour o' iwo o'clock in tho ofternooo, the followins prdperty vie: -Lot number thirty- three (."W) !u the Kleventh CoueesBion of the TowLiBhip of Vrtcmoaia in the County of Grey oontainiag lUt acres wore or less. The piopeity is situated about two mile" from the Village of hSugenio: There are enid to be about ten acres cloarod and the balance timbered with niapln, tatta' rack aud cedar. The property Is i>ald to be well watered. TKEM8â€" Ten per cent, of tho purchase money to be paid on tbeday of sale, the balance in thirty days thereafter without Interest For further particulars and oondltions of sale apply to LUCAS, WRIGHT A McAUDLB Vendors' Solicitors, Owen Sound and Plosherton p. J. SPROUI.B, Auotloueer. ./uly 25, 1008 r Thompson's Bakery Our Bread is delivered regular- ly and kept for salo at Ceylon, Priceville, Eugenia, Kimberhy Maxwell and Feiershani. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. JUST OUT Iâ€" Autumn Styles. We are the Leadquarters for Up-to-dato Dress Goods. We Lave our "Fall Styles" in now from New York, come in and bava a look at them. Our fall Dress goods will be here in a few days, also our trimminga, consisting of Silk Braids, Soutache Braids iu wide and narrow. The goods will please you and at very popular prices. PURITY FLOUR Wu guarantee tho Purity Flour to every house holder. A trial is solicited and you will always use it. Not any dear- er than tbe rest and why not have the best; also Bran, Shorts, Moulee, Feed Flour. FUR LINED COATS For men and women have just arrived. Tbe prettiest coats ever came into towu, all at ))opular prices from $35.00 to S86.00. l«/%^%/%<%/% %^/%^%/%%^«/%^^%% «/%^^'^% ^^^•^•^^'^ ^^'^^^'^'^^ BIN DER TW INE This is the proper time to secure your Binder Twine, before it gets scarce, or the price gets higher. Make sure of yours by placing your order at once with Jas. Pattison. i CEMENT Car of Cemeut has ai-rived and we are selling it at lowest possible price. r' L O U R. Flour is down again. Try a bag of Primrose Flour or Cream of the West aud be convinced that it is as good as yon want, BOOTS AND SHOES We keep the very latest and most up to date Shoes to be had, and at very reasonable prices. Highest market price paid for all farm produce. JAS. PATTISON, CEYLON Our Motto Isâ€" Small Profits and Quick Returns. CANADIAN PACIFIC Excursions to Toronto for the Exhibition f^j'^$2.60 ^i^K $2.O0 DAILY O.M SPECIAL EXCURSION DAYS SEPT. 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10. SATURDAY. -VUGUST 29 to SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 INCLUSIVE All Tickets go >d to return until Tuesday. Sept 18 C. P. R. Official pr< gramme gives full information regarding excnrsion rates, special train and thn uyh car service, from all stations. For flee copy apply to W. CAESAR, Ticket Agent, Flesherton Or write C. B. FOSTER, District Passenger Agoni, Toronto. 22-29.

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