TiIE FLEES HERTON ADVANCE August 13 19jS THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA = FoioiifcSrd 1373 Banking Made Elasy There is no formality fibottt opening a Savhigi AceotttU with this Bank. Courteous clerks will make the first stepa easy for you if you wish to begin saving your spare dollars. Not much money is needed. One Dollar will open an account, and entitle you to a pass-book in which your deposits are entered. No delay in withdrawing your money at any time, whh interest tc date. M FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BItANCH£J AL«0 A.T OVR.IX.AM AMD BA.RIU.rrOH. VICINITY CHIPS y \V. 4. Armstrong liccneea. idsuer of rnarrLii^e to Mr. and Mrs. old it>i Bomâ€" On Aug. We*. Breen, a son. Two colli for Sileâ€"1 and 2 years pas'. R. Richardson, Fleehertim. Tbf Mitikdnle Standard \a lakinj annual holiday tbU «reuk. Caico astray â€" A whitph^i^; 4 or 5 we>^k» old. J Richarvi'on, Fltshi!rti:in. 20au Mr. C. C. Ptarce of Ower> Sound, who is well known here, frll aVicnt t.T»-u'y feet and recei»ed a severe shaking tip, tat no buo«s were broken Bomâ€" In M«rkdi.ie, July 20th. to Mr. and 5Ir». Geo. Akoa, a son. L' bl â€" .A. hUck txantaiii p^u on Tues- dar, Aug. 11th, J>?t«een Hoy's comer and Flesbtirton. Finder please leare at The .\dvance offi-,-e. Flejherton publ''.: soho^l will reopen on Monday next with one change in the staff, Hiss Chidley of Clinton takii!)» the inUsrini^iate form. The harvest excuisioi.4 to the west are o'l attain. ,\nni>ng th'se who go fp'oi nere this we^k are : Tom Fisher, Fri-d Mikrtiii. Fin Hoy. Everett McLean. John HaIeK, Oshwelt Whirten. E!mo BUk»!ey Mr. James Aahdo»ii, foreman of con- strucion on the Cnnalian P.icific met with • painful H'.-cident Oii WevlneSday a.5 tha result of which he is now coiitim>d to I his house r.i Bay s're.'r. He wh,'» in Both the Arteraesi^ an<10(>prey votois ; *. . u i- \s ij i j ,. .. . , "^c .. . . a porti'in of the line near Harkdale and Iieta »re now m the bKnua of toe res- l-i . i- - • j _ , , 1 u w I I » hue 8t<in ling .n a euro 'iitainina cinders oecttve clerks and should uo exaiiiiueu , f u j i . j f^ ... , . . I . .u th"? eiisiine attached Imcked up by the ekctors to see iliat their uamea -- -- ^ are properly placed thereon. Hog Strayed â€" To to prvmiies of Geo. W. Bosf, east half lot 13, Con. 7, Oaprey, Berkshire boar. Owner will pleaae come and pay ezpeiises and take him away. Mrs. Wm. Guest of Henderson, Maine. is tbe guest ot her mother, &trs. U. Bichardsi n. Mr. Gueat will come over foe a vacation in a cnupte of week*, an also purpcseti taking; a trip aa fer west aa Vaocouter. Horsee for Sde â€" One mare 6 years old with cnh at foot, one two-year-old guiding, also one yearling getdint;. Must be sold. Qeo. A. Watson, Flesberton. ith un- expected force. Mr. .Ashdown was hur'ad from the car hta head cominti in Tiolent contact with a pile of cinders. Ha sustained a painful .ocslp wound, and an li^jury to his rieht h.iiul, besides being severely ahakeu. He was brought to town oo the excursion train sod hia in- juries dressed.â€" O. S. Tiir.es. Amoog ihone who are receirins con- J Sratuhiticns for pas-sing the Normal School Entrance px^inipnlion we notice the namfs of Roy Fletcher, Stnoa's Line; H. B. McKmnoQ. Prieerilla; CMiTe Gil- bert, Kimberley; and L. K. Br-iwn, Markdnle, all of whom took honors. \L-jo Stanley Ferguson, Priee*ille; D. H. Guy. Maxwell, M. M. Weber, Kimberley; who pas- Among W, t -!..»« irii> J ' and Willa Wright, F'.esherton, • aie sorry to learn that Mr. EIlwo<id i i u . t i j . .cnur.wu, G „;.,,.'.. . I .. 1. J r ' sed, out taitiid to secure honors. enoe is ill at his home of typhoid fe»er. :.. . ju- t â- ««.â- - He .r . L u thoso who passed their Juni ir Matncu ecaroe up fri>in Toronto, where be was i , ^. , l""^'^ ^ ' »uui » ...viiv.u -. ,.i ,.,â„¢ :_ .(,„ \f ..u A\^x> ID ! lation and are qualified to enter 'he Uni- workm? in tne Metbodiat oook Koi'ai,ooi -. _ ^ , , „ .. or i« j iheOrey Old Boys' oxcursiou ii.d bad I J'^^J^^-*"' "* f''^*?-*^ "•"'"«•' J*^,'"'** expected to return this week. \\, ^V"!'' ^ *,'"'"''?,"rL";''r *^!l''?"- •^ • htone » Line; Oliv* Gilbert, Kimberley; Property for Sale at PriceviIIe â€" A brick U. B. McKinnoo, Priccville; and W. house. eij{ht nxirus, barn and five lots. | Trul ford, Markdale. .Also lot 10, cun. 1, JH) acri-s. Apply Pricevillo P.O. X.D.R., Arteiuesia, to Catherine sJooit, Mr. P. Loucktf tells us that he received his first new wheat on Wedne»d>»y last. | Mr. Geo. Ludlow wius the caily bird, and ' the wheat went 62^ Hie. to the bushel. Mr. L<iucks says tfiat this ia the earliest -Arthur Whittaker, »on of Mr. Arthur ' Whitiaker, late of Ceylon, met with a ! severe accident recently near Walkerton. i Tlie Bruce Times gives the following 1 particu'ars: "Arthur Whittaksr, a C. P. I R. workman, is lyin^ in the hoopital here in a critical cooditioa as the result of bring lun down by a trtio while riding a in 21 years th.it new wheat has been j'Wr »'**"â- ^"''" ^^^^ '"' ^''""Iwy '•'«'>'• broui^ht to hia mill. 1 '^'^* injured luan is a resident of Durham . I and at the time of the accident was si>eed- During the im>nth of July and this far i jp^ towards his h-nie on a raiUvay veloo- in Au.'usr ihis ortico h.ts turi.ed out near- , ij,ede or ji««er. Thy iio;se of the jigger lX._140 pages ..t i«mphlot work and has i a„ii , he darkness of the night kept him ye! souio lifty pag^s in hard-thia ir. ad- fr,,^ htMring or seeiiu: a rapi-ily advanc- ditiou loiheo'h^r work. This week the i.,^ trnin, and it was i..>t ui.til the accident Arteaiesun Voters list and East Grey fall I h^.i »l,„„st occurred 'hit Whittaker was fair ju-iae list -ill bo ct.mpleted. | aware of tbe presence of the train. The A oiuiple ..f years ago Miss MaWl i ^''^^^ "^ '''**""•*'"" ""^'' '''* i'>«"'' "^ -â- -- â- - It 11 . - lie.ivily ago Mun.shiw got her left hand scalded, i Uecoiitly the little finyet has been j;iviijg' her trr.ubltf by bec.'iuii.g drawn up. Oil! Monday Dr. Cait r, assL^ted by Dr. Mc- Williaui^ of Dun'a'k, operated o:i the finder, ni.ikinu six incisions and bringing it back to th^- iiaMiifcl position. the tr«ck and hurleil its occujant to the ground. When picked up, Whit- taker Kasfouodio le severely hurt and tbe s-Tvices of a physician were hasti'y I'locured. The followioir morning he was rouiovi'd I" the Bruce County Hcepit»l, and pNced under the care of Dr. H. B. 1 SiucUir. Ujion esau'iaation it was found The boys up at twaris" lake afe having x\\».\ his injuries consisted of â- \ b«a g«.h considerable success landing big hsh this ,i,a,o four inches long m his h«M»d, a cut year. One ui..rnini{ last week Dr. Murray I a.raicheil face, a er«eU«d foot that almo« succeeded in Uiiding a troui men-nuring rwjuirwJ awputati. n, besides a painftilly nuieteen inches in length and weighing | brui.eTl body and a severe shaking tip. three (tounds five ounces. Mi Gtrtliner \A Me. Forest, who is an ap.Iar of repute, caught a line nies', o>> ot wbich uiet~ured eighteen and ' . .ehich measured seven- eeii incliCH in Icnuth, the largfsl g rlhiog weive inches. Tr es w vtwA weighed We notice by the Treherne, Mantioha, Tin ts of. recent djto ihat Rev. R. G. I*ii'cl:a d Wiis in;»!e the recipient of three pn'sent^tioi.s in one evening, on the eve of his depHiture lo anoifer field. The first was by the young men of Minto, not church ineiuhers, whop' ized Wr. Pricihard j for his sierlii g ipialities and wished to | rt'Coj;nz- them 111 th s way. TI.e other: two aere uiveii hy rienil>en-o( hisrongre- gaticns. Mr. Pritchard 18 a ton .f Mr. j O. l'ritoSa-1 ot Vi idj'em anl a rotbor of Mr* Roll. I:i(hau^'«on of the suburbs. He is Wfll like<l i:i ihe Wea>, as he wax h«re,lvfi>ie leaviog here a few yeais »g->. A >i>ung n HI) onme into town from the | SKurh Moidny at 4 .'iO. To n renorn-r of Ti'e Advance he f.iid he left Toronto at j 13. W p. ra.â€" f'ur houi'R hworeâ€" and in- 1 tendo<l to reach P>>rt F.lghi l>y way of j Duihani anil Walkertoii ihst evening, j Hia nior'e if ronveyancw wan aBiown! Uioiorcyt-lo, niaiiufactuird in England, | capable of travelliig at M inilve c^r hour. ; He Mys le tiavels it at about 55 inile.o. Cxrtsidering the nature i f the aosidefit Mr. Whittaker is open to cungralnlation* for having escaped wi-h bis Ife " Fill Fair Dates Flesherton-Sept. 24. ?5. ClarksLurg- Sept W. .S<J Cliataworihâ€" Sept. 17, 18. Chislevâ€" Sept. 2-2. £3! Dui daikâ€" Oct. 8. }». Durham- -Sept. 22. 23 Feversham â€" (.^t. 7. 8. Hanoverâ€" Sept. 29 £0. Markdale-Oct 1.2. Meafortlâ€" Sept 24.2r> Mild mayâ€" Sept. 2S,5t>. Ow. u Soundâ€" Sepr. 16, 17 Pai leyâ€" Sept. 2'.). .«). Piicexille-Oet. 1.8 Ruck lyu- Oct. 8, 0. Tar»- Oct. 1, 2. Walters Falls- Sept. 29. •». Walkertonâ€" Sept. 1(5, 17. I PERSONALS Mr. J. E> Walker and wife are bnliday- nsf at Fergus. Mr. W. Livingston of Durham holiday- ed ill town last week. Mrs. Farris of Oxbridge is visiting her brother, Mr. Brown. Mi.<)8 E'hel Trimble viaited friends m Torout.T over Sunday. Misa Li'.Iian Rufledge Is visiting her brorher at Credit Forks. Mr'. Glenn of Sbelbume is visiting friends in town this week. Hiss Annie GUletpie iif Tonmto ta visiting her mother ia town. Miss Thirsk of Mocnt Albert ia ths guest of Mi<rs Jennie Wilson. Mrs. Pye of Clarksborg Ls the guest of, her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Carter. Everett Bunt of Toronto is risitiog at W. Pedlar's, Collingwood gravel. 3Ir. C. Lewis of Mono Mdls ii> v isiting i hia uncle, Mr. Johnston Cullen. 5I.rs. .Jo.o. Blackburn io viaiiiug with friend* at Port Uun>n and Samia. Mr. James WarUnt; and Mr. J Brown of Uolstein called un friends here Sunday. Miss Rita Buskin visited herauuc, Mrs. A. U. Scott in Owen Suund, Uat wtHsk. Miss Kirke of the poitoffice is holiday- ing for a fortnight at her home in Arthur. .\ ^ood machine oil can full of bit^h- grade oil at Norria' Bros., for only lOc. MUs Maude Agnew of Owen Sound spent the w ek end at tbe Miinshaw lioiise. Mr. and -Mrs. O.J.Sparro* and son are visiting frr a week in Toronto and other places. Miss Mary Tackaherry of Lion's Head ia the guest of Misa Myrtle Tburstou in town. Mr. Jus. McClure, wif? and children, of Toronto are guests of M r. G. Ludlow, esst back line. Mr. Beaton, from the west, and sister from United States were at Mr. Jxhuatua Cullen s overSundaf . Misses Justina &>yl«of R>jhes>er and Gladys J-hnittun of Thombury are visit- iiig Mrs. Geo. Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Carter and two children, Toronto, were guests >'f )Ir. and Mrs. W. Mnore last week. Mrs. John Stuart and four children of Powa-ssan are visiting friends in this ceiuhborhcod. Mr. Stuart accompanied her, leturniug Monday. Mi<a Maud Ricbarda->ll, teachor of art in .AUiia Udiea' College, and her friend, Vliss Ve;tch, of loronio, are guests at the ( 'tmer's parental horn* hete. Miss Eva L lUcks and h^*- bro:.her Elwm spent a wee* with fnjn Is in M-iifupl. Miss Gladys Louolis accom- panied them hoia>« and will spend two week* hero. Kev. J. F. Hatchinsoo. wife :ind child, of Flat Uock, Michigan, have be^n visic- ing fri-.'ods in thii vicinity during the p-tst week. Mr. Hutcliis«in Uft .Arie-ueeia seventeet. veats a:;o and during th>tt tune has bad but two charges. H-; h;u been pastor of the Congrega'ional church a- Flat Rock f-T the wist nine years. .A 8ix-year-o!d b«»y named W.itsnn wa.s diawn 'nro .i crusher in a niacarom fictory a' Sr. t.'itliarines and »o badly injured t'nat he died. Mortgage Sale OF LANDS IS THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTE NESIA Carter und by virtu* of kta« pow«i^ of »aJ« oobtiUueti tu a curtaiu mortirtttftf. «1)ich wiil be pro<:JC-.-«l at tbe tiirtf of 4al>w tb«ru vul be off«r<Hi for s&ie hy public voaH^mm M UanshA-.v's Hotel iu the ullage of FlMliartuu in tbe Conofcy •( 6r«y, ob lOOS Ubby Prison Diarrhuwa Relkred. Mr. Kdward E. Henry, oith theVuitrd St-ites Exprem Co., Chicutfv writes. "Our iieurral Suiwrinteiideut, Mr. ijiiiek. handed me a bottle of CHamberla>o"..» Colic, Choi era and Diarrh<>ea Kemedv some tin>« sgo to check an .ittack of tbe <.>ld Libby I'tison diarrhoea. tison (tiarrboea. I ..J â- .'_ 11 » 1 _ .1 ,. 1.-1I . „. r have used it since that tiuieandciired manr on and It will tjj.l» the worst hill at a 25, „„ traina who hav. l*«»skk. Ism an old mile clip. 71.t« IS certainly going some. ^ soldier who served with Rutaeiford R Have* and beats Mi:)lLiiig that has struck th>a and William McKinley tour yearn in the sird loan yet - even the C. P R T|,^ : Ohio Reginient, and have uo' ailment e\ce] ' Libbv Priena diarrhoea, which this rerai IMvhitie cost* f^9& tl^l>PV stops ^^l>t edy Saturday, Aagast the 29tli, at tte hour of two o'clock iu tt>« aftotn loii. the followioie pr«p«rtv tUi-IjoS iiombwr tinrtr- Uir«« "X'l in tt>« i:iev«ath Conc««»ion ot tb« Towrshi|.* of ArtemcsialD tbe Couuiy of v.^re5 eontai-iing tlW aeris more or leas. Tti« uroporty is situate) alMut two luilu* tiom tn« Vi]!a(P! ot Bnguaia. Thoi o are sAl.t to Iw »l)on» ten %cr.'< c! "are i ard tlie btOacce tiintMre*! with uiaiiie. la i a- rat-k aiol CH.iar. Tlia prop irty is sai'l to Im well wtteitxl. TKRMS-T»n per cent, of tlia pu>-cha»«j Diotiev to N* ^laiii on theilay of salt*, the b.\lat>co io ibi't\ Ja>9 thereafter wiUiowt iiitcfest Kor further pai ticutars aud eoniiisiijaJ of sa°« apply to LVC VS. WRIOHT * Mc.\nDI.E Vent^ora* Solieito;'S,OwtuScuinlaD.! Kiw^fherton F, J. SruoviA Atiotioaaar. Jul.v 3% '.Mi Scottish Pride 66274 Tht» Yonoa buU ^co?5ii*h I'riiiti wtll sraiitl for service al Mr. K, W. Nichol8oi;'s, 'oft >7. o»>l». •>, Ar;otuesi)t. Sctiisb pride U t»ti« I b-- Scotfeirtb l*riuce. *s«eu<loou <•( the woo letful vhov cow, Geui of Beiluchiu. lu)L» . wionviof ei((itt i*< intt^ at TotouV' auil L4.>utioii. bi/i*i l*^-* b«itit{ chftm^* ioo feiuAJe. She weigh* o\ v»r I'JJO i>ot;iu*«. Oue of thi-t cow 8 cijves s MJ t^u- $177.\UU Scottish pti Iq 1-4 out of Lftdv Tni^a bv the Ton>nto Oisl j'rue wiu.,ur. (.'aptui i M»v Kly. imp £^fv*». Ttis youug bull hiut provf\ hiui^ self A showbuli havtoK Rained »ti ouou iwii'S recoL-f thi--i fftt at Kttvv.'r»ham. Hv w* ti Qiat priRt' as bij^t buM calf, alsu Ui)>lotua f-»- b«M bull auy a^iu. Tboae havioft puro o.'vd vt>w9 shoul 1 ^ this »:i«.ii>l butl before biw«.tliiKa» the> citnnot Jo better khan u-^o biui. A liniite<| Dumbor of ffrades will be tak«ii at %\^'A ^^ pare breda. vlOlX Farm For Sale or Reot 1^0 r sale uhmap. or reut. imui»*tii*.Ui p«.fsaef(^i''*tt. Lot 3U. Cu^t. U. Aitt-aioMa, about 7A acru«( clear. couifottaLxo itHC hou'ie aa>l fratitc baro. -t^^plv to K. J. Sproule« Floebortou. or J^2)Q J. ManiD, Summer Footwear â€" â€" ^^^g " '" " ' ^^^â€" â- â- â- iHIMW M il I â- We have a pretty range of Summer Footwear in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Chiklrens' goods in lace and strap. White shoes at lowest prices, also Patent, Tan and BlackLeathers. Lacrosse Shoes. Telescopes. Trunks. Suit Cases. COilE IN AND E.\.\MLNE OUR GOODS. CLAYTONS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A F. G. RARSTEDT, Flcsherton. JUST OLT :â€" Aotnmn Styles. We are the Leadqaarters for Up-:o-date Dress Goods. We have oar "Fall Styles" in now from New York, come in acJ bave a look at them. Onr &li Dress goods vrill be kcre in a few dajs, also our trimtuiago, consisting of Silk Braids, Sootacbe Braids in wide and n&rirow. Tbe goods will plaue 50a and at vwry popalar prices. PURITY FLOUR We gpiarantee tbe Purity Flour to every boase bolder. .\ trial i« solicited, and joa will always tise it. Not any deu*. er iban the rest and wby not bava the best; also Bran, Short«, Moulee, Feed Floar. FUR LINED COATS For men and women bave jast arrived.. TLe prettiest coats ever came into town.. all It )H>puIac prices from $ ij.OO to $iJ5.0O. %^^/%'«^ %«^%'%^% ^ '%^%^%'%.'%'«^« %%^«^%/»''% «'%-«'%^%« i BIN DER TW INE f This is the proper time to secure your Binder fuiue, before it gets scarce, or the price gets higher. Make sure of yours by placing your or.ler at once with Jas. Patti,son. T C E M E N' Car of Csment bas arrived aud we are selling it at lowest possible piic-'. JF LOU R. Floor is di wn again. Try » bajj of Ptimtose Flour or Cream of I'lc W'tstatidle ccnviuced tfat it is as i;rcd as yon want, BOOTS AND SHOES We keep the very latest aiKl most up to date Shoes to be had, aud at very reasonable prices. Highest market price paid for all farm produce JAS. PATTISON, CEYLON 0«r Motto is~-SaaH Profits ittd Quick Retarns. F^njTABPRERS ^ ^^ JbVANTED^ at oBce." Foraale by W. K. Ri<rhardaoo ' »«'»« ^« ^"^ '""» *^? l?*i Haaitoba, AU»erta ScMkatchewan Were h f w e t lnw for 29,000 man, O»oo wac««. EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG ^^S" SI0.00 ^^ Frea tickatv fntrK WInnlpac to point* wtierw tarm laboTM-v are w «»d«A wimin certain llmNa $18.00 5S7'*'~^ â- •«wrm for •aat«loaal EXCURSIONS UEAVE AUG.14&SEPT.8 fr#ffit sU ttaWMta HI wf vwv^f svvvvMt IlirOMANT ^ ^ mmmftm i iil i B i jj. n * >Jmii|it.jiu'.i T!ra â-