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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1908, p. 7

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!i C<^JidIf) Bailkrtn from nu, EnUapn, St. Tltai' U»ne«, Strroa* TroablM at FaUlBC SiskDfM •faool'' writ« til* UeMG CO., ITS Kino â- trMt/roront& t^r . fviml hottie of their Fit Cure aol BiicloM lOc for iKMtas* aga pac k i ng . OMENn.LE OURTAINS lUCl CUaSlIfiS "^'IvA^sS."" Vrlt* to tu aboai ^ at . Librarians and Library Boards will do well to consult Library Bureau of Canada before ordering Book Stacks, Fur- niture, Charging Systems, or Card Catalogs. We are the recognized authority on Library Equipment and Svipplies. Information sent free of charge on application. Library Bureau of Canada LIMITED. 7» BAT STBEET, TOBONTO, ONT. llieBciiPiQnoQO(]OrQanGo.,iti!.,GU6ipyni WILSON'S FLY PADS Kin t»i*m alL No dead fileo lylns about when uaed aa dlroo«e<<. SOLD BY DROCCISTS, GROCERS Ml CENEXAl STORES lOc per packet, or S packeta f«>r 2Bo. will last a whole aaaaon. it. It was imposBible to get angry, for they were very quiet, maintain- ing almost absolute silence as they dogged our steps. At last after a protracted ram- ble, we got back to the inn, but we did not lose the children. They calmly resumed their seats round the doorways, with an expression which seemed to say, "Strangers dn not visit us often, and there- fore we intend to have our fill now you are here." We stood this for three or four hcnirs. but at last the continued presence, and the thought that per- haps they would remain outside all night, wore on us so that we de- cided to take r.p a collection to buy up the lease the children were hold- ing of the ground. We subscribed all our spare small change, and gave something to each child, on the condition that they would go home immediately. It worked ad- mirtbly â€" for a time. For an hour we were left to our- selves; then the news spread of our generosity, and from all sides chil- dren tropped to the inn. The place I was alive with them, and they I brought their parents besides. To I have bought up the lot would have i ruined every man of u.s. We had to grin and bear it. After the house was shut up we could still hear the visitors keeping vigil outside. I PILES CUReFaT home By Hew Absorption Method. If you suffer from bleed- ing, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send me your audress. ana | I will tell you how to cure your- self at home by the absorption | treatment; and will also send some \ nf this home treatment free for trial, with references from your .iwn locality if requested. Immedi- ate relief and permanent cure as- sured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Summers, Box 102 Windsor, Ont. 4f The optimist invests in a box of polish and gets busy with the dark side of life. CLOCK FEEDS HORSES. Fnglish .Merchaut Invents lageniouN Conlrivanee. A provision merchant in Oldham, England, has invented an ingenious contrivance by which he is able to feed his horses without personal attendance throiigh the medium of ai alarm clock. In a small office adjoining the stable the clock is placed on a sh^lf. Attached to the winding hey is a piece of copper wire, and this is fastened to a small brass roller that runs over a wooden rod. At the end of the rod is a heavy weight. When the clock goes off the wheel is drawn over the rod and releases the weight, which falls to the floor. The corn i>ox is filled over night, and when the weight is released a small door at the bottom of the box flies open and the corn falls into the manger. The horses never fail to rise at the sound of the alarm, knowing what is to follow and when the drivers turn up the animals are ready to l-e harnessed. W HE AT A CONTEST WORTH ENTERING. A Life Annuity of FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS is offered by the ORANGE ME.\T people to the one sending in the largest number of bottoms of GRANGE MEAT pack- ages before May 31, 1909. This means that the winner will receive One Dollar EVERY WEEK, or FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS every year, as long as he or she lives, or they can exchange it for a CASH PRIZE (.r SEVEN HrXDRED DOLL.\RS. Besides the above there is a sec- ond Cash Prize of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, also other Cash Prizes as follows : â€" Ten Cash Prizes of TWENTY DOLLARS each. Ten Cash Prizes of TEN DOL- LARS each. Twentv Cash Prizes of FIVE i DOLLARS each, and ONE HUN- DRED Cash Prizes of ONE DOL- LAR each. The only condition attached is that vou cut out the bottoms of the ORANGE MEAT paikaKcs and send them in to ORANGE ME.\T. Kingston. The bottom of a Jumbo PANGO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Paiq, Etc. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WHOLBSAUI LYMAN BROS. & CO., Toronto ami MontreaJ; LYM.A.N KNOX A CL.\HKSO.N, Toronto; NATIONAL DRIG CO.. London. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 13a INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. „â- ,„,,. I package counts equal to Three of Tis Well to Know a Good Thing. . jj,^ smaller size. You should be said Mrs. Surface to Mrs. Know- well, when they met in the street. •Why, where have you been for a week back!" "Oh, just down to the store for a bottle of Dr. Tho- mas Eclectric Oil, ' and Mrs. Sur- face, who hates puns, walked on. But she remembered, and when she contracted a weak back there was another customer for Eciectric Oil. If people would do half the things able to win one of the above prizes if you start immediately and get your friends to help you. Send v<ur name and address to ORANGE MEAT, Kingston, TO- r)AY, and state that you are en- tering the conte.'-t. It is surely worth trying for. + "It looks very much like rain to- day." remarked a milkman, as he they are going to do to-morrow handed a housekeeper her supply what a progressive old world this would be. Ym ladrcd, "Wood will Ull," whan blotcow. i ud incrMUtlon, m*rk the skin. Wea»«rt r.r»t» I and WaiTsr's Syrup maie «hort work ol ikll hloou wid skin trJublM. Only a girl who is willing to take in washing to support the family can afford to marry a man who wears a lot of rings on bis fingers. Pleasant as syrup ; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name it becomes boredom to the : i'' Mother Graves \Vorm Extermin- ator. The greatest worm destroy- er of the age. "You'll have to send for another doctor," said the one who had been called, after a glance at the pati- ent. "Am I so ill as that !" gasped the sufferer. "I don't know just how ill you are." replied the man ot medicine, "but I know you're the lawyer who cross-examined me when I appeared as an e.xpert wit- ness. My conscience won't let me kill you, and I'll be hanged if I want to cure you. Good day." AN OVERDOSE OF INTEREST. IIow a Traveller Was Shadowed by Children iu .M.-ideira. "Enough is as good as a feast,' and too much is a wearisome surfeit. To be an object of interest is pleas- ing to the vanity, but carried to excess, flesh. An example of such a con- dition is given by A. E. W. Marsh in "Holiday Wanderings in Ma- deira." Soon after our arrival at the inn cf Boaventura, not a child within the radius of miles but heard of our advent, and ran, walked, craw- led or rolled or howled until it was carried, to have a look at us. They came and literally sat down in front of the hostelry, and absolutely rtfused to leave us. It was very embarrassing, for we found it impossible to move a step without being followed at a respect- ful distance by an army of juven- iles. We went to church ; so did the children. We went to the Blables: so did the children. We went up the road and down the road ; so did the children. When we walked, they walke<l ; when we ran, they ran ; when we stopped", they stopped. It was my first experience of l)C ing shadowed, and I did not like DODDS ^ ^ K I D N E Y I ISSIE NO. 31-^08. Pay what you will, and go where you like, you cannot get a better, purer or more delicious tea than ' ' Balada^/^ Motherâ€" "I£ you marry Robert. I swear that I'll never set foot in your house." Daughterâ€" "Please put that down in writing. I'd like to give your promise to Robert for a wedding present." "You haven't explained how you happened to have Mr. Wacker's chickens the magistrate, sternly. "I'se try- ing to think, your worship. Give me time,'' replied the prisoner. "I will. Fourteen days !" "I contend," said the lawyer for the defence, "that a tomato, how- ever well aimed, could not have caused a black eye." 'But it was in a tin, your honor." If you want to spring a surprise on yourself sit down .some evening and count the number of white lies you have told during the day. I'l milk. "Yes,'' agreed the latter, as she peered into the jug, "it usu- ally does!" â- â-  .4. . In the causes of infant mortal- itv cholera morbus figures fre- quently, and it may be said that complaints of the bowels are great destroyers of child life. If all mo- thers would avail themselves of so effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial many a little one could be saved. This Cordial can be given with safety to the smallest child, as there is no in- jurious substance in it. Jakeyâ€" "Fadder, a shentleraans half fallen troo de coal-hole!'' Isaacâ€" "Clap re cover ofer him, kervick, mein sohn, vile I runs for a policemans. Ve must arrest him ftr tryin' to steal te coals, or he'll sue us for taniages." li Vou m't Ncrvouf and irritabl*. tak* Korrttvlm," the grentnarreand blood tonic; you till ba a new parson by tba tima you bara uaad a Mtlle. tl iJU bultlaH. A II (iealar:). Charitable Man (to former blind beggar) â€" "What! have you recov- ered your sight i" Beggar â€" "Well, yt)U see, it s this way. I've lost :iiy d<ig: and as I can no longer bo blind. 1 have become a deaf- mute. " Give Holloway's Corn Cure a trial. It removed ten corns from one pair of feet without any pain. \\ hs.t it has done once it will do again. GOLD IN SOAKED ENVELOPE. A London firm recently received from a gold miner in Alaska the fol- lowing curious letter: "Ctentlemen, â€" Enclosed you will find an envelope which you will tear up in small piec- your po.s.session,'' said I <-'s a"'' P''*'"'' '" * s'liss <-'f water ; let soak for an hour or so, then stir and drain, and you will find thirty grains of gold for which you will send me a stylographic pen wrapped up in a late newspaper. " These in- structions were duly carried out, and the gold, value 68., obtained, in exchange for which the ingenious miner was sent a stylographic pen and two new-spapcrs. I.< quail Iho fiivorile dish vf oriwaidsT Tlioso people who do nothing do much harm. A POINT OF AnV.\NT.\GE. "Of course, the railways owe the public a great deal," said Mr. Dus- tin Stox ; 'but you also re- member that the public is indebted to the railways." '•Yes,'' answered the critical citi- zen, "but the railways are in a po- sition to collect." Just the Thing That's Wanted.â€" A pill that acts upon tiie stomach and yet is so compounded that certain ingredients of it pre- serve their power to act upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear them of excreta the retention of which cannot but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical pro- fession. It was found in Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are the re- sult of much expert study, and are scientifically prepared as a laxative and an alternative in one. "Captain, we are entirely out of ammunition," said an orderly ser- geant to his commander on a field- day. "What! Entirely out of am- munition 1" exclaimed the captain. "'Yes, entirely out," was the re- ply. "Then cease firing," said the captain. A Cure for Fever and Ague. â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are compounded for use in any climate, and they will be found to preserve their powers in any latitude. In fever and ague they act upon the secretions and neutralize the poison which has found its way into the blood. They correct the impuri- ties which find entrance into the system through drinking water or food and if used as a preventive fevers are avoided. SH.VRED THE HONORS. Jukes â€" "Who was tho best man at the wedding.''' Jenkinsâ€" "Well, I'm not sure. The bride's father had all the bills to pay, the bridegroom had to buy diamond brooches^or the brides- maids, and the guests had to give handsome presents; upon ii.y word, I think tho best >nan was the cler- gyman â€" he was the only one who made anything out of it." The Mild Climate of Virginia offer! nplandid opportunitias fur %U*ck r&lxlng, fruit Kri'winE. dairyinc aod general (»nnin(, ; Winters ar« vliort. ('flmatfl bvHlthfuI. Imu>X f' noil lintl aetlint; b«Iow Its Talue. but inrrauiMC n value each ye:ir. Many Canaal^na aiu UriDg In Virclniii* NVr'te for Information to G. W. KOINEK. CoinmUaiouer of Agrirulture. Kichmuad. Vv VICTOR -BERLINER All prices and styles from $13.40 to $3.40. Write lor Iree catalogue. .. DKHT. D â- mo essiPioif GOifssi. 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. .Agents wanted in every town. Hotel Cumberland 8.W. Cur. Brctdway at 94tn St., MW YORK Xr>ir6oUlStrr*t «nli- w»> an t Wrd Stn-ft Kleratad StMioo. Ideal Location Near Theaiiro, Shops and Csnfral Park New, Modern and Absolutely Fire Prcof Traiuient RatM; »2.«0 with Baths ;in 1 up. All Oiitaid* Mi>nn. !<eiiil (or Booklet. Under rhe MnnAjt^-.ienl of HARRV P. STIMSON R. J. BINOHAM Fmlj 01 llotcl ImixTili F ui 1> III Uui-l Wv kIw ;id w. h^w mih:h monoy ho crinld ^Ave liy n.nini Fairbaiik«-Mun<e Jnck-of-.^U-irado* (,*•*., line 1 glno t't s&w wood. ptini() ffftter. firhitl fe«<l, i£c., «• wt'iiM not ho able t.> ifupply tho d«mAn<L Out tbLi :id. out unil 4«nd to us to- Joy, and w« VIU sonJ jruu cur (too aatalogaa. Nam*. .i(idre«»_ T^ aatmdlan Faliii.iilkaC*., llnXlKt, To-onto, Ont .Muntraal, Wiuuip<>(, VauciU'9r.

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