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Flesherton Advance, 30 Jul 1908, p. 4

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nf,tlffmm Km»v t .>v i ' â-  " " 'â- *- July 30 IWg THE :FLESH£RT0N AD VANCli Iwywy^WWtf F. T. HILL & Co. )tidiiiiiimM£ July is the Month we Sell Many Lines of Goods | at a Price Irrespective of Loss or Cost This week we are oflbriog auny line* of gauda thmoRh our big nioxa at prices that reprusnt a big I(n«, but w | •re modern in our idama. We do nut believe iu oarryiog Linus uf Qoods from one iteason to another in booet o dlapoMinx at the regular Talues. We entirvlr believe in making; eHcli season take cnre of itself, aiid this way we entirely avoid scoumulatioDS of stuck in carryini^ out this policy wu have placed on snie tbia week many linei cliat reproMOt quita a lom >o us but a big saving to yuu. The following line* should be of interest yon. SELLING FINE SILK SELLING IN SOME OASES AT ONE THIRD THEIR REGULAR VALUE, lie PER YARD. During July we intend to make it a record inootb fur selling tinn 8ilk Veilings, and in order to make good our intentions we are puitinn on sale this week oO piece* Silk Veiling in plain aii J fancy meshes with spots in sumo casesandslliu the leading shades of Black, Brown, Rluo, Cream and white, 20, 25, 35 and 40o Tsilini(s, on sale this week at per yard lie SELLING FINE QUALITY OF PEARL BUTTONS AT LESS THAN HALF. BIG REDUCTION IN THE SELLING PRICE OF RIBBONS THIS WEEK. We have gone carefully through our ribbon stock and picked out all the lines that have not been selli^gas tast as we would like and in order to make niorethan move weare putting Ihenn on sale ibis week divided into two lots as tiillows: 20 pieces of ribbon in different \ qualities and shades, representing ribbons at 5, 7^ and 8c per yard, on sale this week at per yard 2^o. 24 piecM of ribbon in different qualities, widths and shades, representing 8, 10 and 12^c ribbons. This week your choice for per yard 5c. 7c per dozen This weak we put on sale 200 dozen beat quality ui \ white Pearl Buttons, all sizes, heavy pearl with four holes, lines you pay 12j^, 16 and 18c per do/,, fur this weiik on sail) per doz...,, 7c. JULY SALE OF FINE EMBROIDERIES. 0, 10 and 12^0 qualities on sale this week (or 7^0 yard. 50 pieces of Fii>o Embroideries in 2i, 3 and 4 inches wide, Swiss and English makes. On salo this week at per yard 7ic. BKJ SNAP IN MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS, 38c. This week wo put on sale 120 Dress Shirts, for men, with soft front fancy patems, and fancy wnaves, good washers and all sizes are in the lot, see if you can buy this shirt elsewhere for lass than 86 or 90c. This jreek on sale for 38c. BIG SNAP IN LADIES WHITE PIQUE AND DRESS VESTING 25, 35, and 40o lines on sale this week for 17c. 17 pieces of 6na Dress Vaatings, Piquei, and Voilds *" in white, some have Tii-.e silk finish, somo the sat>n finish in different designs of spots and scroll patterns, very high class gor>ds. On sale this week, in some cases less than half, your choice per yard 17c. MEN BUY YOUR FELT HATS NOW. Felt Hats on sale this week for 75c. This week we put on sale all the odd lines we have in Mens Fine Felt Hats in fedora styles. These are what are left from many of our best selling lines, and and represent valuo at fl.60, 1.75 itnd 92.<.)0 and all sizes are represented in the lot. You can afford to throw ^he old one away at this price. Your choice for i 75o. iKmmmm MARKDALE fWWW! ,WftWW^ la publiahsd every Thursday at tl.Oi> per anriun> if paid in wlvaiice, %\.^ if not so paid EDITORIAL COMMENT The Methodists u]) Anihurstburg way have the courage of their convictions, at least. They desired » certain minister but the conference did not see fit to grant titeir desire and sent thcni another RMua. This was resented and when the raiojatar arrived he found the |>.'irsonage looked lip, and baa since been boarding ont. The officials of the church etplain that they Iwvc nothing against the minister, Imt h«»e requested to he allowed lo withdrsw their cnnrch from the confer «nce for one year. Difliculties such as. this frequently occur nowadays and are tlio uatunii outgrowth of the discriminat- ing syateiD,that has bovn allowed to take root in the Methodist church of Canada. Those Melh(xlists have entered the strongest kind of protest against the system that lies in thuir jwwer. Many good people will look with horror upon such a t re a s onable proceeding and claim that th^ cannot be much christian for- lio'uivnoc where t>uch nn act could be pui'petrated, but ixmsibly when they tome to think caiuly over the nuitter they will daeida that only by some radical iiituns of this nature can the captains of I hu host 1^ brought l4> a sense of their duty t0 thf r»pk liiid file â€"rich and poor, 11iey awnotaJB^rd to ignore the wishes of one aomptny while granting all that another desires. The itineracy should ha out out altogether or the "call ' refused in every that wns easy of interprctntion, and caus- ed tlio M. P. to pity himself, .-it the same tiiiit! congratulating hiin.'felf that it was no worse. The Prince of Wales, Sir Wilfred Laurier, Mr. Borden and one or two others are to be presented with a set each of the new tercentennial stamp. As these cost only 61 cents per set there va not likely to be any strenuous opposition to the outlay. Sir James Whitney it now >s. A popu- lar iiovol is entitled "When Knighthood was in flower." Knighthoods appear to have been blooming well down around Quebec during the past week, and our plain Mr. Whitney has come home with one of the "blooming" Knighthoods. WeU ! Well ! and ahem ! A o«rt*in M. P. whos name we are nut j|t liltariy to use, recently related to The . ^rtwywy (ha following rather good joke »»n ^JpK : While uttondiiig a garden pai:^^ Badeau Hall iluring the ragiine of the l(i»(us at UeHMod memory, he was introduead to a lady whose name ha failed Ut oaioh. After a few cumoHip- placefltha conversation turned to Canada and its eapital and naturally drifted to to the family then at Rideau Hall. Fortunately tba goatleman was an ardent iidiiiirer ul Um Miutu« and waud quite wiinn ill praaae uf the Governor and his good wile, and said ihitt among Canadians generally they were exouuilingly popular, lie noiioed at the tiinu that the eoovata- Htiun apponrad to pleiuto the lady nod kIiu ratjiar •ttniiiplc'd to draw blM tm, lint tbe reaatm did not dawn upon bini until some time iifterwurd, wbau ha leiirned thMi it wiui L'kdy Uinhi kamalt to whom ha had lieeii offering his flatter- ing ciMnmants. The next lima be net A Rochester young man drove his auto into the Erie Canal and he and • youn,'; lady accoin[>anying him were drowned. Several other accidents have occurred to auto drivers in Canada recently. We thank our stai-s every day that we decided not to buy that f6000 machine. A walk- ing stick is more in our line. They Boried the Beans. A comical incident marked th break up of the camp of the Queen'a Own at Quebec. There had, of course, been the usual amount of grumbling nt the moQot<my uf camp fare, the surfeit of Iteans being a subject of especial cuiiipl«int. Suiulny afternoon some wags pnxiured a plate of beans and samples of the other rations provided, and started a funeral procession through the ranks. The whole reginiont caught on to the joke, and siH>n an inipoHing cortege was iu progrcR.i. First came the regimental band, playing the "dead march, ' next the late kiiient- ed bonus and other remains, with a light- ed candle Itonie aloft. The luckle^s camp c(M)k was seised and carried on a stretcher, and a firing party accom|)aniud the procession. After a solemn progress through the i-anks, with officers and men stinting, tho defunct rationa were iiitor- red 'with full military honors and the grave was decoraletl. For the remainder uf the day all visitors and soldiers were ooro|M)lled to reverently bare their heiuls when appi-eaoning the pUoe of aopulohre. East Mountain Miss Kiiiinu Wiilt«>ii of HoUiind Centre is visiting heruunt, iVIiss Wultuu, of this place. Mrs. Walker Sloan and family visited at Mr. Geo. Gorley's one day recently. Mr. John Murtiu h'M invested in a now deetiii;^ binder. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Martin and little girl spent Sunday in the valley. Raspberry picking has been the order of the past week. There it a bountiful cn>p ai>d everyone is trying to gather all they ctn. Hayinf will be pretty well wound up by the time the next Advance reaches its readers. Miss Lizzie Msrtin of Duncan, visited nt Mr. John Martin's recently, Miss Mary Branitf visited with Miss Kentner of Ueathcute from Saturday till Monday. Mr. Tom Harbotti<^ of Keady, is visit- ng his brother Ge!.>rge, of this place. Miss Maud Smith is spending her holidays with her parents here. Mis.s Mildred McMuUen, who has been suffering from a severe attack of tousilit- is, is recovering. Those who have typhoid terer >n the townline are still under the doctor's care and will be some time Iwfore they will be able to go to work. ^R^K ^K^^^R^K^K^K V^^K ^^^r ^^^K ^K^K ^^^K ^R^K^R^, TR^K ^r ^J. & W. BOYD^ ^ Flesherton bt.- .â- *ro <Xr^~ Ontario. MIDSUMMER SALE We have many lines of odds and ends w'niuh we are ctfering at groully reduced prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING Mens ready to wear suits, fancy patterns reg. $6.50 to $8.00 selling «t S4.95. Men's 2 piece suits, special price J5 fH). Boy's 3 piese suits, leg. $4.00 and 14.75 selling for. $2.98. BOOTS AND SHOES Women's Di>na[ in lace and Btr^p.reg. $1.25 to 31.50 selling; at 98i!. Men's DonK Bals.reg. §2.26 selling at $1.48. Boy's (jrey C and Leather lip, reg. 85c for e3c. MUSLINS AND GINGHA.MS â- ' , Fancy dreps pattern.s reg. 12J and l.ic sellin<; at 9c. Dress Linens in Fancy and plain Gloss, reg. 253 clearing ar 18o. Prints all are reg. 12Jc gixids at 25c. SILK WAISTS A full ranue, i<izo.« .'U to 3(» regular $2.75 clearing at $1.49. biK reduction in all line:' of Lawn Waists a good $1.00 and $1.25 waist selling at 84e. COTTON HOSIERY All lines reduced, 15c. lines selling at 10c FLOUR & FEED We have a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorti Feed Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR, nude by tho Lske of the 'Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour is garanteedâ€" the best Flour in the land. None other can eijual it. HARDWARE A full stock of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds of Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties conteniplatiug buying should not neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. ^^^^K^^i^^^A°^4^^^;^^^;^;^^^:^li:2A.:j<:^A^^a<:> fw^^W\/w /w^/a\/w\/w\/»s/w.»*^ ^^^^^^^r^^^r^^^^f^/^?|^^5|? J Tenders for Concrete Arch Bridge o'clock i Tenders will be recelvwl up to G p.m. on Satiuday, August 8th next, 1 For thf construction of a t«-enforoed con- crete arch bridge and abutments on the site of the present Townline bridge over tbs Mad Kiver at Singfaampton. 2 For the necessary stone riprap, filling, gradiDK and gravelling of approaches lo the above. Plans and speoifieations may be seen at the olHce of the undersigned or with W.L. Taylor, Ksq., Couniy Commissioner, Singhampcon, Ontario. The lojnMC or any tender not neoessarllr accepted.-'r JOHN WILSON, Architect. Oollingfood, July 26tb, IWS. at BRI Cor. Canadian Pacifio Grand Ter - Centenary Celebration iuly 2 - A tt g. 1 RETURN TICKETS Proas PL,B5HBRTOIN BESI BUSINESS TRAININO enable prices. Start any time. H CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Yonge and IMoor Sts., Toronto. TO Take a VacatiM Now is the time lo take a varatiun, get out into the woimIs, fields and iiiountaii a and visit the si-ashore, but de not forget lo take a l-otllo of Chamberlain's Colic, Choler.i iiiid Diarrhoea Remedy alons with you. li IS almost certain lo be need- ed and osiinoi he obtained on rnilroa>i trains or steamships. It it too muoli of a risk f»r anyone to leave home on ii jour- nsy witlmut it. For sale by W. E. Richardson. Maxwell Item* Evftngelist Egerton left for Gait on Monday, after holdint{ a successful saries of meetings at Warehain. Miss Ella Karstedt of Flesherton is ex- pected out to assist on the pro|{ram of the garden party at the parsorisge, Aug. 5tb. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Birch left on Tuesday for Brownleo, Sask. The good wishes of thsir ninny friends follow them, Hikying will soon lie a thing of the past around here. The farmers are commencing to cut the fall wheat. It is « ^ood crop. Osprey council met in Msxwell on the 25th. 'There ii an ai{iliiiioii on to build a straight road over the Ucaver hill. Wish them everr success, as the hill is in an awful condition at present. Mr. David Olark returned home on the 16th afti<r having a pleasant visit with friends around here. Mr. Cnarlie Birch and Miss Laura lirownridge where unired in the bonds of niktrimoiiy on the 22nd of July, Mr. Harry GtJy, jr., says Mr. Buoking- hsni's cherries are Hue. Dr. McFadden is doing a great |>r«ctisa in Dr. liond's place while the latter is away li<ilidayiii|r. \ Mrs. W. U. Davidson tnd her little Koii, Hutfh, iif Ciillingwoo<l, are visiting h»r (mrenta, Mr. aud Mrs. A, J. Cunton of Kvvsiiihain. CATTLE STRAYED Onorabout July 1st from lot 28, Con: 14. Artemeeta, U year-old oattle-^3 ^rey steers 1 deliorneJ ; 1 red steer, debor^d; S t«d heifers, dehorned . Information ss So their where- abouts will lie thankfully-JPfceived by the uiidcn>i«[ued. Kil GEO: 0(i|l%EY, Eugenia: Farm For Sale i Tor sale cheap, or rent, 1 Lot 30,, Artemesia, i comfortable log liouse ami to B. J. Sprouts, PleabcrtQiil across the toad from saidt (Rent. ate possession. 75 aeres clear, barn. Apply ^obnj. Martin, Farm foi; Lbts E.IS and 9, Con. Osprey isbaores, large barn and aisbles. g<m^ Apply ou ns premises _ W. I township ol goo4 frame and well- Flesherton. Notice to A Torui'.to tntn is suing the S'reei Rail- way Company for the price of his dinner oil which he wasgoins to his dinner un the Glorious Twelfth. The car on which he was going to his dinner stopped for juat two hours to aoooroniodatQ the Orauge- ^>d)r Uu^^> sj^ had a twinkif 'P,**^^ ^f* 'm^n's procession. Tho Owen F>oui>d Times ssyH: K Camp- hell-street cititen was deputed the other dsy lo buy sn article for his wife â€" M blouae, or souirthing else that Women wear, it makes no dilf('r«*iicetu ihe story just what. He luiKicatIf stated his mission to the young lady Ixihind the counter. "What bust i" shs inriuired. "Wall I, don't thind anything did,^' was Vhs reply: "thiwt;, simply wajeTiiit.. _^^ liters In thd flatter of t^^^He of Samuel TurneBjlste of tl^^^^Biip of Arte- mosfll in the '^^^^1 of Grey, 1ardene|!^^^^Bed . pant to the R«- Chaix 139, having claims Samuel Tamer, |>ut the twenty- requiied on or 1H08, to send Mvsxru. Lucaa, -louiul, Ontario. {the laKt will ana their christian descriiitions, the i, and statement Rre of their seour- kt after such last utiir will pr<ye«d •â-  duoeiwed among liuviii^rpganlonly shall tl'rn have executors will not its or »ny i«art thereof I of whosv cUiic notice leoeived by them at the ution. Notii vised that against decease first day before t| liy poHtJ Wrightl Solicitor testament uf I aud aurnatnes, i full }>artiaulars ( uf their account^ ities ( if any ) ! And fiirtne muntioni'ddstjj tu diftriliute ti tlie (Arties entf to the claimn ( IK ticc, and thfl lie linblr fur the] to any person i^ shall not have f time of such < Dated the 6th day of July, A. D. 1908. LUCAS, WRIOHT a McARDLE, Owen Sovnd, SoUdters for Esscuior. QUEBEC AT SIMTOILiS: KARE aoiNoJuly I 8 to 25 Inclusive _____ Keturn limit A.ue. 3 SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE Northwest Bicursions By the Canadian through-car line, leave July 21, Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1, 15, and 29. tiO day return tickets at exception- ally low rates. For full information see W.Cuesar Agent Flesherton Or write C. B. Foster, District Pass. Agent, Toronto. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. I^vinlas and Wimples, the best ol breeding andqiialit» Bull, oows and heifers tor sals at resBoiiabIs prices tiacou.o CHA8. 8TAFF0BD. Flesherton Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will sell tbe i ft. Slabe and Eili;iiii;s at ont mill un con. 8, Artenieala. at $1.00 pSr cord. By BVplyiMg to Mr. ,Iuo. Paillament. opposite toe null, lie will measure sad receive cash tor the wooil when taken awav. Wo will turtlier pay a reward ol «as.00 for proof of anyone taking wood from there in the past, or who may take wood in the future with' cot our authority or Mr. ParlUmeufs KKEMAN BBOB.. Uoiited, Owen Sound Scottish Pride 66274 Tbe young bull Bcottlsh Pride will stand fer •erviee at Mr. K. W. Nicholson's, lot 37. eon. t Arlemesla. Scottish pride Is sired by floottisb Printe. « gj andson ol the wonderful show oow. .S?""!"' '"]''." •'"'•>• winner oleignt pritas at Toroiit and Loudon, bosldas being champ- ion feiimlB. she weighs over IDOO pounds. One of thm cows caWea sold for «tT73.0O. Scottinh iiride is ont ol L.ady Bella by tb« .-oroiito rtist i.rijowinuor, Oaptain May Fly, luin ««oM. young buU has proved blti. s«lf ashowbull havUig gained an eucouraulug lecori this fall at Keversfaano. He won nrst prise as buct bull calf, alto diploma for best bull any ago. Those having pure bieil cows should 8eo lbi9 grand bull befuro brenlini- as they caiiuot do better ttiao use him .\ limited number of grades will be taken at $l"iS- For pure bre<li. ♦4.00. » . , v. Pure Bred English Berkshlres and Taraworths. I have a fine lot of young pin bred from prise winuinK stock, for sale. Write me fo» prices. I can give a bargain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. Geo. W. R088, MaxweU P. O,. •«MMHMri*<Ma>«ai JI^S^M..-

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