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Flesherton Advance, 23 Jul 1908, p. 5

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T Jl E FLEESHEBTON ADVANCE July 23 l»je CaTAatMNSO ««TS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head OfBce • • - . Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits miij be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitible far those living in the country, as either member can attend to ihe bonkir^ when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdraws by the turrivor without delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars. Interest added four times a year Savinss Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. Ma FI^ESHCRTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager BRANCHES AI^SO AT DUR.HAM, UAR.RISTON AND PRXCEViLLC PERSONALS Miss Elsie Gibson of Toninto is visit- ing her cousin, Mr •. Will Boyd. Vi(l« Rucdle of DuaHalk spent Suodiiy wiih Miss Lulu Mitchell. Miss Amy Hanbury of Dundalk is the shiest this Week of Mrs. R. Moore. Miss Ina R<X)roe of W'arehara visited with IMrs. Albert Stuart las", week. Mr. Alfred Heard of Seattle visited his cousin. Mr. J. A Heard, last week. Mr. Al. Hastie returned to Alton on Monday. His sister, Vina, acc<>ni|iaDicd bim. Mr. Albert Stuart returned last week from a \-i.sit tu friends at the Sault and Echo Bay. Mr. Keg. Howard of Markdalo hts beeo Tisitiii" his grandma, Mrs. Hi>n'ard, for a weik. Pastfir James Strachan of Thornbury spent the past week as the (fufst. of Rev. L. F. Kipp. Miss Annie Lowes of Toronto has been the euest of Mrs. (Dr ) Murray during the past week. Mrs. E. J. Stoner, Balmy Beach, Toronto, is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. G. A. Watson's. Mr. Jack Clark of Ottawa is visiting for a month wiili his granduiuther, Mrs. J. W. AruistroDg. Miss Hyde cf Owen Sound is the guest of Mias Lulu Miiche!! and the .Misses Mabel and Lily Boyd. Mrs. A. D.Thurston and three chil- dren, and Miss Thurston, of Toronto, are );uests of relatives iit town. Dr. R. H. Henderson and wife of To- routo holidayed with lelstives in this dis- trict during the past week. Messrs. Fmnk and Genrie Moses of Toronto visited over Sunday with Dr. Caldwell, their 'ortiier pastor. Mr. and Mrs. King and Mr. and Mrs. Blaukstock of Culhngwuod spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stuart. Miss Laveriie Johnston of Uwen Sound •pom n few days of the past week with the Misses Lillian nnd Laur« .Armstrong Miss Netta Simpson left on Monday to visit relatives and fiiends at Windham and Ethel, befoie going to Mio, Mich. Ex- Councillor R. D. Purvis, who is now living in Toronto, was in fxru on Monday. Bob looks as thoui;h the city atmosphere agrees with him, Mr. Gordon Laird has taken up his rtsidence with Lis brother-in-law. Ret. L. F. Kip[). Mr. Laird's niotht-r left recently to join her husband in Sumatra. Messrs. Will Livingston uf Durham and Aithur LivinL'stoi of H.irriston called on friiinds here Sun.lay. Mr. Frank Ir*in of the Durham Chronicle also spent the day lu town. The following; guests took tea with Mr. and Mrs. Rjustadtler Suiidxy evening : Mr. anU Mn.-. M. J. Bolger, Mr. and Mis. J D. F.^in and two children, iiiid Mrs. Egan, »â- ., of Dundalk ; .Mr. Mert. Kganciid Mi.<s L:llis of Hamilton ; Father Savage and eister, flelen, of Markd.tle. VICINITY CHIPS W. A. Uceiiae*. Armstrong, issuer of marriage Shinglea for aalaâ€" Wm. Phillipi', Lady Bank P.O. Cherries for Sale- Radley, Flesherton. â- Apply to Mrs. Joa Off For Quebec Farm to rent, 100 acres, at Kiuiberley. Apply at this office. Two colts for sale â€" 1 and 2 years old pas*;. R Richardson, Fleshertiin, T*o Mares fpr Sale â€" Fonr years old â€" one general puipose, the other heavy dr»fl. J.ihn McPhail. PricevQle P. C , O.D.R. Rev. M. Vansiukle commences revival met^tiniis in the Baptiat church at Price- ville next Sunday. Fifty acie faim for sale, neat Flesherton Station, for full particulars, apply at this office. Rev. Lewis F. Kipp will preach in the BaptiM church next Sunday, s^'eakiug on '"The Christian's Security." The Flesherton Band is engaged for the Methodist Gardeu Party on Tuesday, July 28, and the Dundalk Baud Concert on Friday, July Slst. The retjiilar inonihly meeting of the Women's lustute is (<oitponed till Aue. 4th, by order of the President. A full attendance is requested on that date. Hog Strayed â€" To to premises of Geo. ^V. R,wK, tMst half li.t 13, Con. 7, Osprey, Berkshire boar. Owner will please come and pay expenses and take him away. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" X brick house, eight rooms burn and live lots. .Mho lot 10, con. 1, N.D R., Artemesia, hO acres. Apply to Catherine Soott, Priceville P.O. A small runaway occurred io torn Tuesday morning whvn Mr. R. Allen's horse ijecame scared at a dig cxrt, broke its baiter and bolted. It was stopped be- fore goiuK far but 'jot tiefore damiigintt one buggy wheel pretty tMdIy. That annual musical event, the Band Promenade, under the auspices of the Flesherton Citizens' Band, will be held on Thursday, Aug. 6th. Arranscments are being made to have Markdale, Dun- dalk, and Durham Bands present. Mr. Andrew Wilson declares that he was paralyzed on one side by lighrnin^ early one morning last week while a thunder storm- was passiugover. He w»b in bed and was unab!e to move his arm for some time. There was no Mgu of the lightning having struck lu the near vicinity. The young people of Ceylon will hold a picnic al Sullivan's grove on Friaay, July Jl. There will be a baseball match be- tween Markdile and Ceylon ladies, and a fi.otball match bel ween Pomona and Cey- lon, also foot racuK, etc. Gaines at 2 p III., supper fioni 5 to 7. .\dmission 25 and 15 cents. See bills. Last week we were utiablo to give a complete list of the pr zes eiven at Dun- dalk on July 13th. Thtse were the ones oinii ted : Piccolo playoiâ€"G. Brelz, No. 909 ; T. Wauohob, No. 244. Fifer-W. L. Wrisiht, No. SSii ; U. H. Wright, No. 509. Brtsa druiniiier- J. Aitkin, No. ,'244; Jas. Brown, No. 1192. Suare druiuracr-T R>.binson, No 252; H. N. Home, No. 6.^2. The members of the 31st battalion cliiuen (nr the Quebec trip went down on Frida.v. Those wh.) joined l';e p.irly from Fleshertdn company (No. 6) were : CliHtles Mooiv, Milt buniion, Bert Mattiu mid Alfred llMbii^son. The Earl Grey Chapter of the Diiugh- ter.s of the Eciipire of Owen Sound have t-Ntablislied tlri-ir iii;lit to lie called such As the tro' jiR noinu t> Queli.'c )irovided niih ihe means of .su.>»tenanoo , â-  . r n,^ , , , , for the jou.iie.v. but Kro oa.h allowed ihe | ".•'?J':'^'r':"^'..^?[-. ^^" "*''" '='*" '"' ^'^ fcum of ^l hy the novenimen: for the pur- pose of huyiiiv food, lho.<ie h^dits dona'eil i R.w. Mr. Wilkinson ot the Euphra.<iia ^andwiches and cake f.T the Owen | circuit preaohed an eloquont and inspir- A r^ither unusual evidence of the value of advertising oicurred last week. An advertisement annouiicir!; the loss of part of a picco'o appeaiel in our last issue. Friday morning Mr. W:ilu'i Siinniniis of the 4'h line cane in and said he had found the p1»rt. Later the .â- â- aii eduy Mr. Johiiiton Cullen came in with pait of a »io m'i iP''^'^^'' which he hud picked up on thfj 4th line. One of these, of course, was the verii.'etl for. The oti I at this offi;e by the owner. Som d CI mp.iiiy suttioient to la^t theiu to Quebec. S.i tie forumate uiembcsof that company will be able to u^e the whole (lo'.ljr in buying priiTi..iioQ3 for the tuturn joui-ney. : lut! sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening, his subject bein« "Teiiiptation," and text Junes 1. 2 : ",\Iy bielhreii. count it all joy »he.i ye fall into divers teinptatious." Mrs. T. I J Sheppard favored the audience at The Ladies' Aid of the Meihodist | this service with a choice solo rendered church wid give a garden i>atty on the ; in her usual m»ste;ly manner. It was »gricuhi:ral jirouods Tuesday next at like old titues to hear Mrs. Shepfiard's l.ui. will be a baseball match i vole once more. She also sang »t the between Maikdile and Ce.\lon young Presbyterian service in th« afternoon, ladi... with a purteio the winners. We | Li^ht.iii.a played hii-h jinks with the frame res'dunce of Mr. W. J, Moore, Saturday laa*-. The fluid demolished the chimney and made scrap irou of all the stovepipes inside. The plaster waa all knocked from the pantry and contents thrown nut. A piece of the maple floor- ing two feet long was blown tnrougb into the cellar. At tbe time the bolt struck the dog was lyin.; outside next tbe house and he was instantly killed. The mem- bers of the family escaped with a severe fright and the building was not tired. Fenwickâ€"Gillespie A very interesting wedding took place at the r<-sidence of Mr. Andrew Wilson, Flesherton, on Thursday evening of last week, when Mr. Joseph Fenwick, late of British (/olumbia. took as a partner Mrs. Elizabeth Gillespie of this town, thecare- n)ony being performed by Re?. L. P. Kipp, assisted by Pastor Strachan of tbe Thornbury Baptist church. After the cereironyJFleshertoD Citizens' band sere- naded the happy couple and were hand- somely rewarded by the groom, Mr. An- drew Wilson ii>troducing the newly-made bride and groom. Leader Tucker wished Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick many years of prosperity and happiness. 'The Baptist choir also supplied some music. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick have not fully decided where their future home will be, but wherever they should locate our best wishes go with them. The S. Grey Conservative Candidate The Grey Review prints the following facts regarding the life of R. J. Bail, Warden of this county and the man se- lected lapt week by the Conservatives to contest South Grey against H. H. Miller, the sitting member : He is a native of the county, havinii been born io the township of Normanby about 50 years ago. He becan his public life as a teacher some 30 years ago, tsuatht on third and second class certificates very successfuly for a number of years and subsequently took up insurance work. Later he se- cured banking experience in Hanover and still later formed a partnership with Mr. Hollinger in the furniture manufactuting business, the firm of Holiinzer & Ball, running for a few years until at last the establishment came entirely under his own control and is so at present. Seme years ago R. J. asked bis fellow citizens for a place in the town council and got it. For a term also he repre- sented No. 3 Division in the County Council. Lender the new system he was elected Reeve of the town and thus . his CountyCouucil experience was continued. Last January he was elected Warden of the county of Grey, the highest honor he has yet reached, thus furnishiog the stimulus, no doubt, to induce him to as- pire to still higher honors, and to face the must popular and efficient parliamen- tarian South Grey has ever known. Mr Ball is .-i fair .ipeaker and in private life a most estimable gentleman. He was in:irrieil to a Miss Leonard, a member of a well-known Normanby family, and their family consists of three sons and three daughters. One hun.lred and twenty turkeys, roosting in ihe branches of a great elm just outside Dayton, Ohio, were instantly killed by a bolt of lightiing which struck the tree. The dead turkeys dropped in a cloud to the ground, and at the same monieut the stricken tree, fallini< killed two steers which had taken refuge under- neath it. Hot Electricity in Omdalk They had a lively time for a few min- utes in Dundalk at the cloae of the cele- bration on July 13, about 8 o'clock. A rain storm came on and it got quite dark in the Queen's hotel. The proprietor went to turn on the light and he got a shock and could nor let go until his hands were badly burned. Another luan caui(ht hold of Mr. Maxwell and he w<is knocked down. All the lights were jjuc out of businesa. James H. Wilkinson of Shei- bume was assisting in the bar at the time and the live wire thuO had fallen from the ceiling struck him on the arm and knock- ed him insensible on the floor. When ha came to he caught hold of the bar to jump out whon he got another shock that knocked him out again. When be came to he made another attempt to get out and when on top of the bar rolled off and fell on the floor. In falling he hurt hia leg. He was carried outside and came to his senses in a few minutes. He is very lame and has to use a cane to get around. The bithts in the Grand Central hotel and J. E. Richards' store were alao smashed and both buildings were fired, but the biases were put out before much damage was done. It is supposed thit the wiring in the alxive nami^d places was defective. Sparks were flying in all di- rections from tbe live wire in the Queen's hotel as it swung around the bar- -Shel- burua Free Presa. SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Received Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Alfalfa Clover Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed Mangold Seed' Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Seeds Any Seeds not in stock, will be procured by return mail. W. E. Richardson & Son r 5^ Summer Footwear 5S{ SgJ ^ ^ We have a pretty range of Summer Footwear in Men's, Women's, Boys' and Childrens' goods in lace and strap. White shoes at lowest prices, also Patent, Tan and BlackLeathers. Lacrosse Shoes. Telescopes. Trunks. Suit Cases. COHE IN AND EX.\M1NE OUR GOODS. ^ ^ ^ ^ CLAYTONS Bull For Service. Hiawatha, No. 72012, the young shorthorn bull, will stand for service at Mr. Geo. H. Burks, on lot 12, con. 9, Osprey. This youni? bull has the best of breeding alontr milkioif lines, his dam being a '"Wild dame," one of the dee|)e8t milking .scra'n.^ of shorthnms on record. Parties deeiriug the use of this bull should make amingemonts early, as only a limited number will be taken. TER.»IS: Grades, |t2.00. Pure Ireds, $5.00. There will be a reduction, if over three cows are brought. Cows bred to this bull must be returned if not in calf, or full price will be chaived. Notice to Contractors TerJers will be roceivud by eiche- of the unclursiguej, up to nixia on Saturilay tbe 25tli of July for th,* buitdiuK of two cemjut coucret-j abutireats foi a steel bi-idee over a braoch of the SauKecn river on tbe towoliuebetirefln loin 88 Coo. B (jloneig, so I lot 1 coo. 'J Arte&^eKia. .*I«o for cement coverruij for the same. The lowest or auy tender not nece**8iirilv aoctpted. Plans aud speciltcations can bo seeQ al. tbe resideuce of eitlu-r ot tbe undersiqued. Thos. McFa iden, L.t i Con. 1 South GlenelK Durham P.O., Alex. Muir, Lot 30 Con. 3 uortn Artem«8ia, Ceylon. presume there will be moi.ey in the purse, 16 cents, fcve bill, for all alout it. ,torm that passed over about 4 «.ii,. i «r on I TENDERS FOR DREDGING 0EALK111TFNDKKS addressed to the unler- ^ siRoed and endorsed ** Tender for Dredclug " will be received un'.il FriUav, .Tuly I", 19W>. at 4.;I0 p.m., for drodcuis vcqiiired at the foilow- iug places io the Froviuce of Ontario : â€" Howmanville, (Jrern Shoals. Bay, I#eith, Newcastle, Kainy River, Spanish River. Tenders wtll not he considered uulesi made o.i the to in supiditd and signed with the ac- tual sigti»tui-^8 o' tbe tenderers. Combined specifi'^ation and form of tender can be obtained a^. tho Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders must include the toTV- Ine of tbe plant to an I Ei-oin the wo- ks. Only dredges can l>o er-jnloysi which are retiistored in Canada at tile tinie'of the fltina of teu-tera. i^ODtrsctors mu-«t t>c ready to becin work with- in twenty days after tbe datte they h%ve b3en notified of the acceptance of their tender. Ai. accepted cheque on a chartered bank, psvable to tho order of t'uo Honorable the Minister of Pnlilic Works, for six thousand dollars (.-fG.fXlfl^ must be dejiosited ai security for the dredging which the tenderer offers to perform in the Province of Ontario. The chci|ue will be returned iu case of noj accept- ance of tender. The Department flow not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. l«y order, SEfllBTJUlT DBPT, of PCBUC WoRKS Deportnisnt of Public Works C ttawa, <)aly 3, ISOH. Newspapers will not be paid for this atAwr* tiseraent If they insert It without authority trou tbe dei>artm*iit. F. Q. KARSTEDT A SAVING IN SCREEN' DOORS- We have just 21 beautiful oalt grained Screen Doors. .A proper assortment of sizes. The regular price uf this Screen Di>or Is S1.50 with Japanned Sprmi; Hin;;es an i other rriinmirigs. Don't miss this chance to get a )(oo 1 Screen Duor at a reduced price. Regul ir price S1.5U, reduced pries f 1.25 ; Xlto a plain oak (trained door fir S 90. SEASONABLE HARDWAREâ€" We have a full «83ortr.-.ent of Rakes, Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Scythes. Snaths, Uradles. Binder Twise, Hay Forks, Rope all i>izes at the loweot possible price. P.\UIS OREEN â€" Beware of packaged Paris Green at a reduced rate. It is the ea^ieM thins; in the world to adulterate Paris Gre«n. Do not buy it it It is cheap. Come and get the real stuff right from the factory in 50 lb. tins. This is the pure way tu try it and can't make any adulterations. Price per lb, 9 35. KANSAS CATTTE OlL-Is the best yiods fur keepinx flies and insects oti' cattle and horses. Have tried it on our owu. Our cow eata or rests while other aowa are switchini/, tryinj,' tu keep the flies otf. Try it and you will recommend it to your neii(hbor. All you do is mix a little in a piil of water and then sprinkle it on. One bottle will make 16 ualloii." of this famous Rattle Oil at a iiumiual cost of 6o per gallon. Who Would be without it ? GLOVES AND MITTSâ€" Harvestmjj is here asain and you will need a pair of Shocking MitUs. We have them from $.30 tu {.75. Come in and take a louk at them. Thuy'ru daudiea. F. Q. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. BINDER TWINE This is the proper time to secure your Binder Twine, before it gets scarce, or the price gets higher. Make sure of yours by placing your order at once with Jas. Pattison. CEMENT Car of Cemeut has arrived and we are selling it at lowest possible price. JP L O XJ R. Flour is down again. Try s bao of Primrose Flour or Cream of the West trid le cou\ii.ctd iLat it is as gcod as yon want, BOOTS AND SHOES S We keep the very latest and most up to date Shoes to be I had, and at very reasonable prices. ^ Highest market price paid for all fi»rm produce JAS. PATTISON, CEYLON Our Motto Isâ€" Small Profits and Quick Returns. ,.. . ..;<•. •.-..uWHbMnwSnMMSlWSMtilJiilSiuiialH^^ :

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