July 23 1908 Tni ITLESHfRTOM AVy AVCt tkH^HMMM F. T. HILL & Co. WiMUmm July is the Month we Sell Many Lines of Goods | at a Price Irrespective of Loss or Cost This week we are oflering many linea of goods through our big Htord at prices that raprusDt a big' lens, but wa are modorn in our ide«s. Wa do nut believe in carryiog Linus of Guoda from one aeasun to anotlier in hopes of dispoHlii^ at the regular values We entirdy believe in making eacli fleason take cnre of itself, and Ibis way we entirely avoid accumulatinos o( stock in carryini{ out this policy we have placed on sale thia week many linei that represent quite a loss to us but a big saving to you. The fulluwing lines should be of interest you. SELLING FINE SILK SELLING IN SOME CASES AT ONE THIRD THEIR REGULAR VALUE, llo PER YARD. During July we intend to make it a record inoDtb for selling 6nn Silk Vuiliiigs, and in order to make good our infant ions we are putting on sale this week 60 piecoi Silk VeiliiiL' in plain ani fancy meshes with s)X>ts in s<imo ca.sri*itn'la)lin Br Tel the leadint; shades of Black, i)wn. Blue, CruHm and white, 20, 25, 35 and 40o ', lini(9, on aa)o this week at per yard lie ^ SELLING FINE QUALITY OF PEARL BUTTONS AT LESS THAN HALF. 7o per dozen This week we put on sale 200 dozen best quality of white Pearl Buttons, all sizes, heavy pearl with four holes, lines yuu pay 12|, 15 and 18c per doK. for this week on sail) per doz 7c. JULY SALE OF FINE EMBROIDERIES. 9, 10 and 12Ao qualities on sale this week tot 7^0 yard. 50 pieces of Fire Embroideries in 2J, 3 and 4 inches wide, Swiss and English tnakes. On sale this week at per yard 7ho- BIG SNAP IN MENS FANCY SHIRTS, 38c. This week we pat cm sale 120 Dress Shirts, for men, with soft front fsncj paterns, and fancy weaves, good washers and all sizes are in the lot, see if you can buy this ahirt elsewhere for less than 85 or 90c. This week on sale for 38c. BIG REDUCTION IN THE SELLING PRICE OF RIBBONS THIS WEEK. We have gone carefully through our ribbon stock and picked out all the lines that have-not teeo selliiigastast as we would like and in order to make roorethan move we are putting them on sale this week divided into two lots as iollowa: 20 pieces of ribbon in different (jualities and shades, representing libboos at 5, 7^ and 8c per yard, on sale this week at |>er yard 2|c. 24 piecHt of ribbon in diSTerent qualities, widths and shades, representing 8, 10 and 12^ ribbons. This week your choice for per yard nc. BIG SNAP m LADIES WHITE PIQUE AND DRESS VESTING. 35, 35, and 40o lines on sale this week for 17o. 17 pieces of 6oo Dress Vsstings, Piquei, and Voiles al' in white, some have fu.e silk finish, some the satin finish in different design^ of spots and scroll patterns, very high class n""^'- Ui> sale this week, in some cases less than half, your choice per yard 17c. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton Uu. ---O) Or^- Ontarlo. • MEN BUY YOUR FELT HATS NOW. Felt Hats on sale this week for 75c. Thia week we put on sale all the odd lines we have in Mens Fine Pelt Hats in fedora s)yles. These are what are loft from many of our best selling lines, and and represent value at f 1.50, 1.75 and $2.00 and all sizes are represented in the Int. You can afford to throw the o!d one away at this price. Your choice for 75c. ^M Awmmm MARKDALE mm. .WRWwl Ihe I«|mUiiilied»very Thurwl.^y at CIO,) |ier a.-inuii> if paid in artk-ance, *1.5c it u"t »" pnid THE QUEBEC JUBILEE. The great gatherinir that is taking place at Quelioc this week is attracting many thousiindB of people to the oldest city in.Can&dn, nnd the pageants will no doubt be worthy of their prosfnicc. Three hundred years does not seem a vory long time for a iiatiuu to grow up n.s Canada has grown. When Champlaiu fnuiidud Quebec, could he have had in h'm wildcHl dreams an inkling of lliu gruiit things that were in «l<pre for thin northern con- tinent 1 When Wolf and Montcalm died on the field of Abraham they could scarcely have foreseen the ntnity and good will that to-day bind!! the two na- tions together as CanadiimH first, IhhI and ull the time. Imagine the great pruccs- Miona of soldiers and civiliaiin, Eiigli.sli and French, cominiiigled, thai are taking place this week in the Ca|iiUkl city down the St. Ijawroncu, and ask yourNolves what it means. It iiKuins loyalty tn our Canada firiit, and a national li.'uid.-<lmkc between two natioiiulilivs who.so reiiiotu differences have been forgotten in the lalxir of building up an ansut of w\M\ lM)th are juHlly proud. If the spirits of the dead arc allowed to visit this earth one could CANily picture the sliadiH of Wolf and Montcalm walking jiroudly aim in arm at tliu head of the hoNts to the roll of drum and bugle's blast upon I lie plains of Abrahain, where their oarlhly enmity censed on Roptoniber 111, 1759. There woulu also Iks OhnmpUin, the founder, and Le Caroii, his companion ; Li SiiUe, the intrepid explorer, whoso bones lie in Louisiana ; and niaiiy others now presents a ImndNonio appearance. Stone's Liae The berry-piukeis are busy k^athering the luscious fruit which is in abundance this year. Mr. Well. Whittakrr of Durham is spending a day or two heit. Miss Muble MuArihur left on Uonday for the city- We were pleased to note among the successful uanditates of the recent e<i- traiice exam, tlio names of Miss Edna Fletcher and Master Thos. Spicor of this school. Miss Margaret McArthur returned to her duties in Toronto on Friday laht, after three weeks visit at her home hero. Ws are sorry to report that Mr. George Doyce f>f the back lino, formerly of this place, received a bad shaking up one day last week, lie was engaged in framing a barr. when he slipped and fell on bis shoulders, receiving some bud bruises and a couple of ribs broken. We hope ho will s|M;odily recover. Miss MHggie FerKUsnn of Proton is the guest of her cousin. Miss Miuniu Mc- Arthur. East MouHtalB Intended for last week. Haying is taking up the attention of the fanners al present. Miss Almeda Ferguson of Kimberiey and Mi.ss Mary Reekie of Heathcote vit- ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin ou Sunday. Mrs. John Smith s|>ont afewdnys with her mother, Mrs. Clintun, in Flesherton last week. Mrs. John Martin siid Miss Nettie vis- ited in Healho'ile one day recently. The r2fh whs eel. bratod at Kuuenia. Oundiilk hadn't all ihe crowd nor all the Orangemen, eilbur. Eugenia is i.oled for its line scenery and is fast becoming a great pleasuro resort for visitors. Thi.M Week's Items Miss Clara Siiiith has returned I o Owen Sound lifter a lengthy stay with her ]mruutN here. Norris Ur<«. of P'lesherton came out last week and put the eave troughing on Mr John Martin's line new barn. It A .^erivnii uec ili^oi ••eeninsl hI liounOr l!ie iitlicr ijiy, th • « irr in l.cin'j Miss Alice Mullnloni. Mi'.s Mt'll.f.iiii li.ut j isr re- turned from a drive »nil w^.s in the net of unhitching the lii>rx« when (he animal took fright and li->l)i-d. .\n i( li;ip|i>-ned, the unfortunate gill lind liir arm cmcir- olml by the knoi • f on.- of ih,- iriiees with (he result tiiHt Biin was diaitged in the wake of the maddened horse, tor fully a quarter of a mile she was dragged aloiiK the street Iwfore the runaway was broui^ht to a standstill by a dog. The animal ap- parently lenlizing that something was wron/ vioiiusly attacked the h'rsfl and the appearance of Wm Ueid on the scene effectually checked tlie latler'a wild pro- gress. Miss Mellafoiit was unconscious and presfinted a pitiable spectacle, her face and hair beiiii; covered with bhod. No bones were broken, although her body and limbs were covered with a mass of contusions and cuts. She was conveyed to her home where she now lies in an ex- tremely critical condition. On the Gih inst. the store of Mr. H. L. Tarbush of Angus was broken into and a quantity of goods stolen, including somn jewellery, jack-knives, boots, hats and |K>staKe stamps, ladies' belts and other articles. Mrs. Coiianl, who lives near the store, happened to see some men in the neiithhorhood late at ni:<ht and from the description given by her tu Detective Beardsley, to whom the case was entrust- ed, Wui. Waddell was arrested in To- ronto. He was brought to Barrie and taken to Angus for trial. He admitted his guilt, but implicated four otheri in the affair and the officers are now after them. Waddell at one time lived in AnvUB Ho was conunitted for trial. The Painswick postoffce was also entered by thieves the night after the Angus robbery and it is supposed by the same parties. Owen Sound won the championship of tho WcKtern Football Association, defeat iMg Berlin on Mcmday by a score of 4-0 at Berlin. Henr 'om crow ! Wm. Levi of Marlidale attempted tn shoot a skunk when his gun exploded and injured him in the face The skunk still pursue* it iKloriforous journey throush life unacathi'd. MIDSUMMER SALE We have many lines of odds and ends which wo are offering at greatly reduced prices. READY-MADE CLOTHING Mens rtady to wear suits, fancy patterns reg. f6.50 to »8,00 selling «t ••••;••• 94.95. Men's 2 piece suits, s{>ecial price S5 fO. Boy's 3 )>«e:e suits, reg. ?4,W) and $4.75 telling for $2.98. BOOTS AND SHOES Women's Dong in lace find H'r.tp,reg. $1.25 to Si. 59 selling at 98e. Men's Dong Bals.reg. $2.25 selling at $1.48. Boy's Grey Canvas imd Leather lip, leg. 85c for 03c. MUSLINS AJiD GINGHAMS Fancy dress patterns, reg. 12^ and 15c sellini: at .'. 9a. Dress Linens in Fancy and plain Gloss, reg. 25c clearing at 18c. Prints all are reg. 12ic goods at 25c. SILK WAISTS A full range, sizes 34 t(. 30 regular $2.75 clearing at $1.49. big reduction in all linep of Lawn Waists a gfwd $1.00 and $1.25 w.^ijt selling at g^,,. COTTON HOSIERY All lines reduced, Regular I5c. lines selling at 10c FLOUR & FEED We have a fu'l dfook of Flour nnd Feed, including Bnn, Shorts Feed Flour and FIVE HOSES FLOUR, midebythc Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour is garanteedâ€" the best Flour ill the land. None othtr can equ.il it. HARDWARE A full stuck of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, Axes, Saws nd all kinds of Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Sujiplies. Parties coutemplatiug buying should cot neglect getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. | V ^^^^^^'i^!i^liiK^'s^^^i^ai'^^a.^"r^a"i'- â- â- ••â- -•â- -* Notice to Trespassers Noliee is hereby ;(iveii that ^resiiassers on [ Mrs. R. Rutle<lKe'» f»mi near tie village will â- be prosecuted. IJerry pickers and , others take warning. I (}. COLL INSON. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIO BESr BUSINE35 TRAININQ at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Cor. Voiige and Bloor .Sts., Toronto. Grand Ter - Centenary Celebration July 2 - A u g. 1 RETURN TICKETS Prom FLE5HERTON whoso work still shows in tho (|iiaiiit old gulf city. Tho spirit of Miidelino of Ver- cheroM is not departed, but has existed all those years as shown ihrough the labor of both Fi-onch and English to dovelop our n;ttion, which belts this groat conti- nent from Princo Edward Islnnd to the Paciliu, and oinbraccs evoryfhing necos- H>iry for the exiHlencu of mankind. Tlireo hiindi-vd yoAi's ! 1'lioy have soon ii gieat work well iwrfiu-inud, and tho dumonslra- lion now in piogicss at yiieliec Lsa fitting Hash of Hp*>nlaiie(mHJnbilati<m that should iii.iko one's blood course more warmly t irouj;h tho veins. It makes imo long to h-.'o I ho groat panorama, but somelKidy III list slay at home. Those who can «<hould see and imitinijinte. Sev.-n priHon<itn OKUnpud fr<»i»» Tonmto jail and have not beuii recaptured . 8. A J. Ulsry of Crniimore bought a eo» with a oalf at hor foot, ihu call btim hovuial iliys old. On the way to. tliu oiiy the cow gave birth to snotlier calf, liiu ^xaol iiu ige of the oibur, but siuallvr. I Messrs. Nelson nnd Fred .Smith have ' roturneil to Sfnikiino, Wash., after a 1 month's vi.sit with friends here. j Doe Fairey i.s taking out jioles for W. I A. Arm.stroiin in Goo. Allan's bush. Mr Dob T>niighliii has typhoid fever. A diwtoris in iittendai.ce. Mis.'i Alma lliiiiiborstonu is holidaying at her ]i»r(>iital hoiiiu horn. C)rilliu Council Ims instructed ihv:ir so- liciror lo nppniil against the decision of the Div N'onal C.iurt quashing local op- •ion in Jiiit town. Jaiues Hicks, who diives T.loyd iV Sc lily's egu nnd butter ivauon, relaios I he experience which a fai mm' neur Dornoeh had wiih snakes ri'cently. The l).irn"ch man had (piite n large flock of hens but could not acc'ount for the fact thst h.« got but very few egjs, and wns thinking of disposing of thvm all and ue'tiig a fri-sh I'll when ho Ml .de a discovery. In lii« hen house oiif day he found ii snake and eventuiiUy killed ihreo dozen of the rep- tl'oa of the black and garter varieties, which were nested among some bsrk m.t tarial in th« hen house. After killing tho snakes he fouiio that bis hens yielded a 'good aupiily uf egg*.â€" O. 8. Advurtuer. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily $ 2 60 Toronto Daily News 2 80 Weekly Globe • • • ? 80 Mail-Empire .... .... 1. 75 Family Hcmld A Star 1 80 Ti'idnto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers Au 'Ocatd 2 25 Wcuklv Wit;>esf, 1 75 S.4tnidayNiubfc 2 60 CATTLE STRAYED On or about July 1st from lot 28, Con: 14. Arteuiesia, 6 year-old cattle â€" 2 Krey steers 1 dehoriieJ ; 1 red steer, dehumed; 8 red heifers, dehomeil. Iiiforniutiun as to their where- abouts will be thankfully received by the uraderxitmed. GKO: GORLEV, Eugenia. Farm For Sale or Rent. For .ale clieap, orreut.liumedUto possession. Lot 30, Coll. 14, Artetuesia, sbout 75 acres cleai-, comfortable tog house and frame bam. Apply to K. .}. Spruule, Flesbertou, or Joba J. MariiD, across tbe toad troin said lot. Farm for Sale. Lots E.iS and D, Con. 13, iu the township of Osprey 130 Kcros. lariju clearing, nod frame barn and s'abies. goo-l dwallint; and well- Apply ou tho premlsoB or to W. J.KKI.LAIIY, Flesbartou. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Shorthoros, Bees and Poultry. Young stock forsale, tearnis easy and prioes reasonable. 8inKle and niiie comb Brown Leglinrri eggs for hatctiiii)^, ".'ic and $1.00 per lif tHen eggs. Siieeial prices on incubat ir lots. Member of Canadian L«Khom Club. Richard All.in, Flesherton 1*. O, and Station. Lot 170, 2nd con., E.U). aud 8. R. TO 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCB Tbaob Marks Dntom CopvmaHTs Aa Anyone smdlng a *h*t«b and d««irtntlon may OntoklT ascortalo our opinion fr«e whotlier an inTsntion Is ptoi<,iM jr riite'itnbnr_Commuiilca. tlonsstrlotircoiiUilootUI. HANDBOOK on PsMnta senttroo. Oldoat aiiency forssour Patants taken thronib Munn ipteUU doMcs, Without ohargst In t Scientitic Hmci odsomsly iUustnted wmUjv •* -ny sctentllM Journal. . â€" Terms tor a jâ€"t, postae* prepaid. Sold by "'tSrfSM Notice toCreditors In tho Matter of the Estate of Samuel Turner, late of the Toa-nship of Arte- inosia, in the County of Giey, Gardener, Deceased. Notice is hereby ffiven pursuant to the Re- vised HtatntOM of Ontario, IW'T, Chap. V£\ that all creditors ant) others hnviiifr claims ai^ainst the extate of the '.aid .S.iinuel Tuiner, d'-ceu»ed, who died on or Hl>iut the twenty firstdav of Kebriiiiry, liKiS, .-.re retpiiied on or iM-forothe 17h day of August, liH^S, tu semi bv post, prei laid, or deliver to Messrs. Liiea.-i, WiV.'it * ^lcArdle, Owen Sound, Ontiiri.), Holicitors for the executors of the Inut will and testaiiii-nt of the said iloceased, their christian anil suniames, addresses ami descriptions, the full pal ciaulars of their claims, and statement of their iu-ei<unts iind the nature of their secur- ities ( If any ) held tiv them. And further take notice tliat after such Inst mentioned date theBoid executor will proceed to di> tribute the a.^sets of the dvceiuiod anions the parlies entitled th-reto, liavini^ vegarilonly to the claims of whieh they sliafi tlien have iictiee, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any i^mnn or iwrsons of whose clalii; notice shall not have been icceived by tlieiu at ihe time of such (listribiition. Dated the 0th day of, Inly, A.D. 1008. LUCA8, w'nHJHTft McAKDLE, Owen Somid, Solicitors (or Kxccutor, QUEBEC AT aoiNQ'Uly 18 to 25 Inclusive Keturn limit Aug. 3 SPLENDID TRAIN SERVICE Northwest Excursions By tho Canadian throuyli-car line, leave July 21, Aug. 4 and 18, Sept. 1, 16, aud 2». Gilday return tickets at exception- ally low r.ites. For full information se« W Caesar Agent FlesherTor* Or writa C. B. Foster, District Ph8». Aj{ent, Toronto. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. l.eviuiasand VVhiiplos, tho host or broodins amlquaht" Hull, cows aud Luifers for s»U at reasonable prices I l«.cun.S CHAS. 8TAI- FORD. FleaUartM Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will sell tbe I ft. hlaOs and IaIhIuks at our null on oji' (*, AiteuiDsia. at *1.0o nor cord. «> BpplyiiiBto Mr. Jiio. I'ui lUniont, opposite llio uiill, bo will raottsuio and receive cash for tbu wood when taken awai . \Vb will further pay a Vcward of ♦ii.OO for proof 1)1 an vote tal:iiis wood Iroin tlieiaiuiho past, or who may take wood in tlie future with- out our authoiitv or Mr. Parliainiiufs KEUNAN IIKUS.. Limited. Owoii huuud Scottish Pride 66274 The youiif! bull Suottlsh Pri.io will stand for SBrvicB at Mr. V. W, NiclioNous, lot .7 ooi- '> Arteniesia. ScottMi pride in siru 1 b, ScottisU 1 rinco, a Kiamlson 01 thb wondurful Mio.v cow. Oeuiof lluilachin. Imp., wiunerof i.ij it prUe« at loioiit aud Loudon, besi'los beiuK chamu- lou feioale. fiho w«1j;1i.i over isijo pounds. One pi thu cows calves add for *IT75.00. Heottish prido is out of Lady Holla by tho loioiito rtrst piiso winjor, I'aplain Mav FIv Imp 1M«H. This young bull h,i» proved hiui-' self a shmybud liavlnR gained i.n eiHouravioi! recorl this fab at tcvoishani. Hu won hrst lirtzeasbost bull calf, also diploma for best bull any rko. Those liaviuR pmo o., d cows •and bull boforo brotdioB as •ttei tian use hiui. A limited number of Kraties will be taken at »l:ii: For pure brads. S4.00. »."".'• "• any aKO. should see this praiid they cannot do bet Pure Bred English Berkshires aod Tamworths. 1 have a fine lot of young piKs bred (tttm priie winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. 1 can give a banrain also guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. Geo. W, ROSS. MaxweU P. O. I -^mm