WOMEN AND GIRLS HELD BY ANAEMIA (Unless tlia Blood is Made Rich and M BBaltb Cannot be Kestored. Tluoush<iul (.<uiuJa Ihoro arc Uiou- snnU-i of growing t'irls nnd women hold in Ihfl deadly clutches ol anaemia. Slow- ly but surely a deathly pallor setllcs on Ukit cheeks; llicir cyoo grow dull; Uieir fippctlto fickle; their stops languid. Daily they «ro being robbed of all vi- lalily and brighlncss. Their sufferings grow more ncule if neglected, until the 6 pns of early consumption become ap- parent. It your wife or daughter or e.'ler comi>Iains of wvalaiess, pains in the side, hcadachoi or backfiches; if her oppelilc and temper arc uncertain and 6lie is cftcn low spirited anaemia has lier in lis deadly hold. What she needs is new, ricli, ivd blood. Give her Dr. Williams' Pink PilLs for Palo People witlwut loss of lime, for they nclually make new, wd blood. They make girls and women well and hnpijy, imparl an apiietilc Olid steadily bring l«ck the cliiirm and brightness of i)Oifecl, legu- l(.r health. MIS9 Carrie Mcfiralh, 20 Fenwlok St., Ilalirux. N. S.. siiy.<-:â€" "I U'lieve Dr. William;-;' Pink fills saved my life. Thr<>; yeors ago I suffered from nnac- mia in a sevei'o form. I was all run down and ns pale as a sheet. 1 could scarcely eat anything, nnd what I did iske did not seem to nourish me. My bands ni.d feet were murh swollen end Ihe leiisl cxcrtifin would leave m*; l-realhless nnd my heart beating vio- lently. I .seemed to have pnin.s nnd aches all over. 1 was so weak I could pot oven sweep a floor. At differonl Vines I was under liie care of Ihiei,' doc- tors, but did not pet ...j better. One- <I<iClor snld I had diopsy and thai my blood had all turned !<-< water. My frunds tliought I was in a decline and llinl I had but a sliort lime to live. I viis cojnpUlely di.'^'ouiaged niy.'^If, ulien one day a liidy friend called to is <. me. and told me br. Williams' PinU Pills had cured her daughter of anae- mia and urged me to try tliem. I de- cioed to try them, and in the ooursc of a few weei ^ foil scwne,\iial hotter. I irot the d<H -r one day ; .-â- .it he reiiiurk- C' Iww iiiii":;i lx!tter 1 \v;i.s UfMnn. 1 loW him it WHS not his Jii<.uic.ii<; l^ut D". Williams' 'Pink I'ilLs thnt were help- ing me. nnd tie irjld me 1 had belter keep on taking them. I continued to d-j to until I had takeji anoUier half <1c7.en loxes, \vh<m my health was p<'r- fcctly lostored. I am more than gratc- (i:l for what tliese pills have done for jne and strongly recommend them to u\\ weak girls.-' Thoiisniids of men and women, now well and strong, jiraise Dr. Williams' •Pink fills for having cured anaemia, gciier^il weakness, indigestion, rheuma- li'ni, iiouialjiiu, neivous disoiders, para- Ijsls and the ailment* of girlhood and vomantiood. 1'hosc Pills do this by xnnk:ii;' new, red blo<id, which fcc(Ls the Blon-od neives, drives out disease and BirenpUions every organ, in the brjdy. f«old by all medicine dealers or by mail ai !>0 cents n box or .«iix boxes for $2.50 (rr-in The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Orockville, Ont. FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OP INTEREST FROM BANKS AND BRAES. UER What is Going On In the nigblands and Lowlands ol Auld Scotia. W'H.AT HE WANTED. "This dog," so:d the fancier, "is a per- ficl type «{ n snilcr." "Wi'll, pcrhap-s he is," rejoined tlu^ proKf)«ctive cuslomor, "but wliat I want is tt hunting d<jg, not n type-setter. " Are your corn.s harder to i-emovethnn those tlial others linvc had? Have (hey not had llie .'â- nnie kind? Have llicy nut i^en cun-d by using llolluways (xjrn Cure? Try a lottlc. A man has been Oned $50 tor etreet halting ill I'artick.- Govun School Board -this year re- quires $307,500, raised by rate.s. Up to dale Govaii has .spent over l!iG25,930 on its elecU-icity schome, II has been decided to improve Colln- tcn village joiids at a ocsl of $1,200. G-Jvan parish council is considering a m.-lhod of LX)llccting the taxes by 'n- stalments. The .shipyard dtepulc caused a loss to DiindiH- men for enforced illness of about $25,000. rtiilepavers in Fxlinburgh ore to re- ceive their permits to llsh in the Talla Water five. Tlie outlook of tht; fruit fields and or- chards of Clydesdale indicates a large crop of fruit. Al M'jIheiwcU trade in all the public wo^k^ liu-s not been to low fur the past thirty years. \ netv-fivo motor cycles and small Ciir.-^ arrived in Edinburgh from London piK- day iccintly. Is.rgi'd £5 n'l"s, purporting to be Is- sued by the Clydesdalo 13ank, ore in circulation in Glasgow. The unciiiploycd relief fund (36.750) ot Glasgow, is exhausted. In all there were 7.3il applications. Il-.lyiood Palace Gardens ai-c now, ind until the end of .September, open to Iho public on .Mondays. .Molherwel! Town Council have vot- ed $1.25 to the Silver Band to conduct iiiu-lo in th© public park. A .slaugliter <;f rats took place recent- ly at tlie Barns of Craig farm, neoi- Moiilio;-e. Over 1,000 were killed. The firm of James Wisharl i Sons, pncral merchants, Queen street, Ix-ith, hns Cj-nipleted its lUOth y. ar of exists < nee. Kiikintilkx^h's new gaa w-irks were f'.rmally opened two wei ks agn, in the presence ol a large and repre.seiilative company. Loch Leven trout fishing has been ph'nomenally successful th s seas m. A r<cent cutcli was 6KI trout, weighhig iS5 pounds 12 ounces. Ardr< w Roger, post-runnrr betw-een .Miutlily and Bohallion, wa.s found ly- int dead on the loadside, with two letr ters In his hand. A Dundee, jiiinistcr a8serls> that tho I cnl mill-girl only requires th<^ r<-<lnr- nienl of tho evening school to become til loi- a drawmg-room. A i0[iular figure in the village life of Glnsstoi-d- has pa.s.sed into jirivato life by Ihe .vuperanuution of Senior Con- sialde [>ona!d Nirolson. The deiilli icurred at BallaUr re?cnt- ly of Mr. William Crtu-don, Au>hallnter, liiVPrc^nilO, one of the besit known shocp faimcrs in .Mierdtyashiie. Edinburgh Town (Xuincil recently ap- pontd Dr. A. .Maxwell Wilbumson, similary iiis|>ector for tho city, \o be medical ofllcer in room of Sir Henry Littbjohn. With over fifty years' exrerlrnce on Ih-' road, Mr. Jame.'s Wi'son, Driim- t<^chty Hous.> Ilydro.nnthic, Metliven. can claim to be .Sc-otland's oldest comnior- cliil IraYollcr. Thi-<»e working men'.s wives appeared -the olh<r <luy in the J. P. .Small Debt Oiurl, Glasgiiw. in lespimso to suin- niijiiscs. for the bnlnnoc of the ))rlce of fiiinily Bibles, each costing $13.50. HUSBAND AND SON CURED. A'Mother's PraJse ol Zain-Buk. Oakwood, Victoria. Dear Sirs,â€" I have great pleasure In stating that Zam-Buk cured my hiusband o; barbc«-s rash with twice rubbing. 11 also cured my little lx)y of a dreudfully bad arm after vaccination. 1 know of .several other cures it has affected and I cannot siK-ak too highly of it. I am sure if people once try it they will al- v.ays u<e it. Youi-s truly, B. S.WILI.E. Zam-Buk is healing, soothing and an- l'£optic. It quickly heals wounds and skin troubles. torlain euro for piles. Scid by all druggists and stores, 50c. a box, 3 for $1.2.5. PROGRESS IN TRANSVAAL. Iloiietul Sptril of Pro^jrcss Working in Rural Disrlrtcts. General Sinut.s, .speaking at a recent meeting at Claremonl, sai<I that great pri gross had be<-n made' in Ihe Trans- vaal during the past five years. Land that was <ince bare veldt now had largo fkicks of shcop and drov* of catlle on it. Mealic fields were rising a'- over the country, houses were ap- pearing cvorywl ere. an«l things were better in many les.ecis s nco tho war. Tt;ere was a spirit working in th â- rural districts of tho Transvaal -ft-hich was one of the best and m^st hop.-ful s gns in the coimtry. Pcoplo wore coping w •• their diniculffe, and working Imnler than before tho w-ar; n far larger area of the colony was under cultivation, find the work wa.s being done by the fariiKTS' own hand.s and by the sweat ot their brows, and not by Knflirs. This was one <it the m'.sl encouraging things in tho Transvaal to-day. .Sheâ€" "It is snld that cats tiave n great diond of wiit'M-." Hoâ€" "Oil, I d'lri'l I'now! Our cat seems lo diink that milk th'j mllkiuiin brings u.sl' "Nfr. Drown Is such a charming com- ponlon!" "Never nolicod It. lU' geniT- ally .say? nolliing," "Yes; but he says n so beautifully I" 'Truth," remarked the moi-alizer, "is Blrunger Ih^n fiction.' "Yvh," rejoined the domoi-nlizer, "and ihe majdnly of n.en .seem lo be shy of asioc atiiig with â- lrnngt-^i-8." "Johnny, you nui.sl cnnib your hair before you come to scthxil.'" "I ain't j.ot no comb.' "B'^rrow your father's." "Pn ain't got no c<imb either." "Doisnt he comb his haii-?" "lie ain't got no hair." W«(câ€" "Fanny has given notice." Hi.bbyâ€" "Why?" Wifi- ".She .<-ays you fi).«ke In a brutal ninnnir lo h<.-r on tho telephone y.-stenlay." Iliibliyâ€" "Yester- day? I llKiuiiht I was siH-aking lo you!" The Name of Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco Staids lor QuMy. 2873 DISTRiBirriNO THE REVENl^E. The reports of th'j various depart- nicnls of a great Railway .system, ^^'.luld. if mad<« puMio. often .sun'risc Iho readers of current news. It has ben galheretl that the Grand Trunk i!a Iway .System has s-iient, within the l-ast few years, not less thsin fifteen jnillion dollars in double tracking Ihe main line, and that llic pioneer Can- adian Ilailway now operates Ihe long- f^t stn-lch of douLle tracJi muter one niauagtum-nt, in the world. In addition lo this they have .spenl other miJli-oas in stations, shops and ollxir imfirovoments, thus increasing the carrying capacity of the road con- Iributmg l) tlie upbuilding of the coun- tiy, and iit Ihe same time aff<Tding ad- ('ed .security U) the lives and property ol its patrons which the inslallat on of block .sigmi.ls on a single Inidvcd line c:iuld nc\er s<-cure. Hy the expendi- ture or all these millions in Canada, they are dslributing the Hevenuo, or a good share of it, ajiioiig the people. PIRACY IN 1908. Piracy is Not so Nearly Extinct as is Generally Assumed. Tho seizure of the Ncuvre Tigre In t'lc South Pacific, as reported from Syd- ney recently, might l»uve happened in the days of Captain Kidd« The master and male were made to /alk the plank in tho bad old style, j^ler which the name of Hie stolen v<oScl was altered '.o Iho While Bose, aa i her courcw set f<.r the coral islands, on one of which she ultimately went ashore. Then there was the case of the f-'iench ship Balcincen, which was loot- e*! by .MouiLsh pirates off Cape Juby las. February, and wlwse crew of nineteen n:en wore only saved from imminent death by tho opportune arrival of Lord Momitmorres. who got Ihein by a ruse on board a little thirty-ton yacht he was navigating. Somewhat earlier hi the year, a little further to the southward, a horde of lilack pirates attacked and looted the German steamer, Asoan Wocrmann. .N'ear Shanghai, during the same week, two launches were attacked by several tiundred pirates while steaming down the river, three passengers being killed and cargo valued al $15,000 carried off; wtil'c only the other day a determined' attempt was made by nomad Arab trilesmen to coipture a British steamer plying on the Kuiihrates, several of her pussengers and crew being killed or wounded by rifle fire. Nor do the abovo instances by any means exhaust tlie list of outrages of ibe kind tlKit have occurred duririi; tiie pre- sent y(ar, for between January 1st and Mai-ch 1st, according lo an American Djnsular report, no fewer than eleven craft of various sorts and sizes have Lieen capture! by pirates in and about the Philippine Islands. OUT OF SIGHT. Mistress â€" "What you ignoiantly tenn Iho .snail's horns, Bridget, a:e leally its eyes." Bridgol^"G'ory b<'l Phwnt an illigant nrrnngcinent fur lukin' through a kuy- hole." - Snmotime.s it makes a girl blush to think how a ccrtiiln young man might have kK'-ed her, but didn't. It Has Many Olllces.â€" Befoi-e the Ger- man soldier .starts on n long ninrch ho :ul)S liLs (♦â- '-t with talkiw. for his first care is lo keep his feet in goo<i condi- tion. If he knew that Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectiic Oil would be of much Ijetler ser- vice he would throw away his tallow and pack « few lollies of the Oil in his knapsack. There is nothing like it. A WIDE WAY. Merry Widow Wearerâ€" "Can you lidl rie if I can gel through lbs gale to tho park? ' Mere Manâ€" "I gucss so. A load of hay just wont tlimugli." Publicity jiiake-) a pi-ovliict noted, quiiUly brings fame. "Saluda" Tea i£ both noted and fauuias. ^ V'-iii. 'i is.,ti-i^. (iEB.MAN BED TAPE. Th" widow of a German olTlcer pre- .s.Mitol herself al the ollii-c in Ih'rlin (or Ihv- purpose of drawing Ihe pension due 10 her. She linnded In the nectssary eoilillcate from Ihe mayor of ttic vil- lage In which she lived, to tho effect that she was still alive. "This certifi- cnle is nit correct," said the odlc^T in ctiarge. "What is th«i mattor wdh it?" asked tlio lady. "It boors Ihe date of Decemb r 21,'' was the stem reply, "and your pons on was due on Decemtn'r 15.- "Whut kind of a wrtificalc do you wish?' nsk<Hl the d'.sapiKiinled ajijili- cr.nl. "Wo must have a certinralc slat- Inj. lliat you were olive on Decembtr i;,^ sad the ofllocr, with great Ilrm- To Prevent Is Bo-fter Than to Repent. â€" A litlle medicine in tho .shape <if the wonderful pellets which are known as Parmelce's Vegetable I'ills, admini.ster- <'(l at the proper timo and with tlie di- le.tions adhered to often pre\-enl a seri- ous attack of .sickness and have money which would go lo the doctor. In all irregularities of Ihe digestive organs they are an invaluable correclivc and py cleansing the liktod they clear the .skin of hiiperfcclions. ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. "Now, don't deny it. Rose. You woro my .shoos." "Only once -my f<'et hurl me .so, and 1 wiinbd s nielhijig t-iiinforlable.'' Success InLI'e la depamlsnt uponcond haalth. yiiu ar* out of mirtt, Ul <>r Ia«bl«, t:ika " Kornnlni." Itn thtt best tonic. II bottlea. AM laodicln* daiUars. Sim (pnssionotely)â€" "W 11 you ever kive nn;ilh-r, dearest?' He (wear ly)â€" "No, never, if I gel out of th s affair!" A Tonic for the Debililateel.â€" Pnmie- levs Vegetable I'ills by acting mildly but thoivmghty on Ihe secretions of the body are a vahiiiblc tonii', .stuiiulating Ihe lai-'ging organs lo a heallhful ac- tion and restoring tliem lo full vigor. They can be taken in grnduntrd do.se.s aiiel so used that Ihey cnii be discon- t-nued at any time without return of t'l-^ ailments which Ihey were used to allay. WHEUE lUBlF.S ABE NuT BUBIED. Among Ihe Chinese In Hie tlie Straits Si-tllennnls, <ind in their «iv\-n country, it i.s n itliiiig iMiciimmon for the coi-p.-<'s <if iiifiinis to I.e cast away, insleail of being burl d. Tho charitjibl'' exploiin- foii IS that this is done lo save burial evpensi's. The "Echo de Chine" gives tlic- tiue reason as Ix'ing the (U>ep-r<>ote<l SLiperstilous belief n ig thorn that the death of a baby niiM.s out of punishm- liionl to ils soul for sins committe'd in a previous stale of existonc"'. It is on accursed rroulure, whose ooflln no one will follow. It is, lienre. a comjuon s ghl in Chiiirt to see dying babies laid d Avii hy the roadside lo breathe their hist. The par.nls will not allow them U; do in the hou.se, tho belief ixMng thai infants, after their death, become wiekeel .spirits. To allow them to die ur.dier ttv^ pai-enLs' roof will bring no- thing but evil upon llw family. But'tior "I need a boy about your size, niMl w 11 give you throe, dollars a week. " Rovâ€" "Shall I have a chanc»> lo ri.s ?' Bui herâ€" "Vos, for I shall want uiii lo Ih- hoi'e at four o'clock in tho in rn n :,•.'' 4. HOW IT WOBKED. ".\re you still trying to Iciil thise cats \.hich were eating your chieJiojis?" "Nope; tliey don't bother me any more.' "Have they ceased eating your chick- ens?" •Yep." "How's Ihair "(ms\ but yo-u'rc inquisitive! If you must know. I tried to lOison the cats and the chickens got the poison. " AN INCOME of FirTY-TWO DOLLABS a venr as long ,LS vou live, or SEVF.N HUNDHKD IX)I.- LAItS CA.SH, is the Fiist Prize in Iho caiVin contest now Ijcing advert sod by the OHA.NOE MEAT people. There arc a gi-eat nunil,>er of other largo Cash Prize-s, nnd oil that is required of you to enter this (Xnlcst is to send your n.-.me and aldress to ORANGE MK.\T Kng^lon, and commence saving the b«itt<,ijns of paokagrs of OB.ANGE ME.Vf. Make a start TO-DAY. OBANC'E .ME.\T nnd Milk supplies the most iwrfcct and evenly baianc^.d food th'> human subject can s«xurc. NOB THE B.Vr. Fish hnoks have not malerlnlly cliangol in 2,000 yonrs. For thai mat- ter, iietlhT have the Rsh. Very ninny iiersons die annually from cholera and kindred suniiiier com- plaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies tiad been used. It at- Inckoel elo not <lelay mi getting a bot- t'o of Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Dysentery Cor- dial, the modioine that never fails to effect a cure. Th<ise who have ustxl it hay it acts promptly, and thoioughly subdues the pain and disease. MngLstrale (about lo commit f r trial) -"Y' u o<rtninly . ft-' I d ilw robb ry in II remarkably ingen ous wayâ€" n fact, wilh <iuitc exceptional ciuining.' Pris- oner {d'precalingly}â€" ''No fialt-ry, yer homirâ€" no lliitt ry, I begs on yr." Tfcer* It 00 mora ohattnata skin troubl* than Bait Kheum. U ...matlma. »"<"" '»J ';*"x^;|,« WeaTer-. Carato makaa, abort work "'•»-*'â- «• hUa WaaTara Sjrup to Inaura parmanant euro. "I can't elocide," .sho .said, "wh<lh<'r to take the hat or noL But is is just i',v d. nrest thing I have seen Ihls 6.a- .v.ii." "The ricaiest?' nsk€<l tho husband, with a sardonic laugh. 'Then it's cer- ium that yuu'll lake it.'' Tlio healthy glow disappearing from Iho cheek and moaning and reslUssness at night are sure .symplnnis of worms ill children. Do not tail lo j.et a bot- tle of Meithor Grave.s' Worm Exlermin- «tcr; it is an effectual imxlic nc. MILK IN BUICK.S. Summer milk hy ttie brick can now bo iKiughl In both D<ntiiirk nnd llc'- g uin. Tlie Belgian government has given a yearly subsidy <if about $50,- ur: to increase the -trad-. In Copen- hagen a firm engaged in this bus ness hiakes a w<H'kly del. very of ;itX).000 (cumls j-ci' week, and a great deal of this e<Jis Ij distant countries. nasM, Nerirtfaa noQDiea M t atoknea* ftMfUld irrlta thi Al 0»., 119 KUM itiMLToroiiUk' a trial bottle ot tlialr wit Dure aoA TrvaUM. Knoloaa iOo tor poaUf ^f WILSON'S FLY PADS On* paokat liaa aotuaily Wllad a buatial of fllaa. aOLO BY DRUCtUSTS, GROCERS MD GENERAL STORES IOo. per paokat, or S packata for 35e. will last a whola •aaaon. NOT AFRAID. "Pa, I wish we were ChrisUan Sci«i- tists." "Why?' "Cjz, Willie Greon'.s follw are, an, b» ain't afra d to eat green apples." END OF THE SEASON. Gu^st (in rcst^iuranl) â€" "I ^ay, iva'.ter» have vou any ovslers?"' Waiterâ€" "No. .snh. We oil aint got nc shell fi^h te.itin' eggs, sah." A. R. BJCXERSTAFF & C0.» Stooka, Bonds and Debentures. Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stocks of Canada and United State*. Ordara executeil witli pronptnaaa. Corro»» pondeuce aolicited. 021 to 827 Tradara Bmnk Building;, Toronto, On^- Flkona iiala tiO. YOUR OVERCOATS ftad ttdfA 8ulU woutd look b«u«r tlrM If dc t$rm 9t oun Id your to^u. wriU) Jireot Honlrral, Bui U^ •KITISM AMKRIOAM OYKINO CO. iiieBeiiPioiiooii(iopco.,ini.,GueiD!],oiii lloiuo EiiipIoyDicnt for Ladies LIGHT, EASY, PLEASANT S'lCh ns any lady can do nnd tnjo-y. Any ia ly who wishes, and sees hs adr vei'tiseiiunt Jnay, if she wrticis soon, sccuie this upportunty to be iiide; eii<>- enl, earning a giod living in a very easy manner. Work any lady can do. For particulars address MltS. M. SI MMEUS, Correspondence Dic|iar(nicnt, Wiudsur, OaU how ranch monar ha oonUI aara hy ualng a Falrb.iukn-Morae Jack-'>f-:iU- rrade.-* Oa-ioltim l£a« gina t'> 8!iw wnud. pump watar, grind feuii, Ac., wa would not bo able to Bupply tha dein.iud. Cut till i <ul. out and aond to ua to-day, and we will aeud yuu our fraa oatatogoo. Mama. Addreaa. Ttio Oa:iadlan Falrtianki Co., Llmltad, Toronto, Ont Muutraal, Wlouipag, Vancoufar. VICTOR -BERLINER [I All prices and styles frcni $12.40 to $2.40. Write for free catalogue. DEPT. D 264 Yonge Street, Toronto. Agents wanted in every town. ISSl'E NO. i»â€"t$. ^^P?