-f: July 2 1W8 THE FLESHERTOW ADVANCE wamum^ ^mNiMHi F. T. HILL & Co. Special Shop Features For Cbis lUeek AND EACH ONE A SPECIAL This week we commence our Aiinuiil Mid-Samraer Sale liy offoring many linos throui?h our big stock at big reductions in price IJy otieriiiR those exceptional v«lue»jn reaaonable liues, we turn what i8 usually a dull shopping ueaxon into a very active business, which is one of the progressive features of this store. Remember we carry a bii; stuck, Hardware inclulcd. TABLE LINKN Selling At a Bis Saving This week we put on lalu 5 pieces of half bleached table linen taken from our regular stock, GO and C2 inches wide, good patterns. See what you cau buy elsewhere for 35 and 45c per yard. You will find these values on sale this week for 29c. LINEN TOWELS BEDICED Selling this week f.>r 14c pr. 100 pairs fine Linen Towels, Unckabiwk weave, with border and fringe. Size 18 inched by 30. Regular 18 and 20c lines, this week per pair 14c. WHITE EMBSOIDERIES IN FINE yUALITY AND WIDE WIDTHS. This Week for 10c a yard When you can buy fine wgite Embroideries in the gLod qualities, in the wide widths, with the deep work on them, lines that you pay 12^, 15 and 20o a yard, for that is the time to aLtioate your require- ments. This week we are selling that kind per yard lOo. MIDSUMMER SALE PlilOE ON BLACK DRESS GOODS. This week we have decided to put on sale soma of our regular lines of filack Dreaa Goods, which have not been moving faitt onuugh to suit us. They are 36, 40 and 4uc lines, Tluy come in plain and fancy weaTec. This week to clear per yard 19c, DON'T FORGET THE CHILDREN. This Week Fmo Lawu and Muslin Dresses for 48c. We arc putting on sale this week a ffne lot of children's Lawn and Mnslin Dies.ses, nicely made iu dainty ntyk's with lace and t- mbroidery trimmings, also sleeve triuimings of laco and cmbroidnry. In the regular way of selling you (My 65, 75 and 85c for them, this week your choice 48c. HARDWARE! HARDWARE! I this department we carry an up-tu-dabe stock at very close prices and do not have to say to you, we will give yo coin to get Hardware with, but* furnish you evtrrylhing under one roof and your money back always if not aatisfied. We cany the largest and best assort- ed stock in town. %<^WIWVWWW MARKDALE mmmmn^ rJiMii>'Mr,lH<( HOW TO BUILD A GOOD FENCE Ali^^f PUT UP THE I. Colquett. A(ient, PEERLESS ' Feversham ^. & W. B OYD^ i Flesherton - - -^ Ontario. ^ A' I I Wool ! Woo! ! ! mf All parties havin).' woul for sale should put themselves in communicaliop J J^ wiih us. We have the reputaiiou of paying the highest p>ico both in J ^ Cash 9iid Trade. We invito your special attention to our stock of ( ?R Ready-Made Clothing, Liidies' ready-to-wear Waists, also .Muohns, ? iii Ginghams, Prints, etc. i ^ READY-MADE CLOTHING ; Jl A very largo range of single and double breasted men's suits, fancy ^ fff patterns, prices ... . 87.50 • ^ A complete ranxe of single and double breasted men's tuits in li;:hr., ^ ^ dark and medium sliaiios.price ....810.00 ' 7|^ A nice ramie of fancy worsted in single and double breasted, prices ) j£ 12.00, 14 00 and ... .• SIG.OO ; ?i) Also a special 2 piece suit fancy and medium shade belt straps cuff cm ' nP pants reif. ^7.75 for 86 00 J •1^ A complete range of boys 2 and 3 piece and Butter Brown suit:). Prices i ^ right. ; tT DRESS MUSLINS j 'w! A full aud complete range of patterns, prices from 12Jc to 35c, also a ! mi special Dres-s Mualin reg. 12^c, selling for 9 cents. • ^ LADIES' LAWN WAISTS ' ; ^ A range of fancy embroidery fronts } and loiig sleeves, ranging iu price | ^ from 81.00, $1.25, $1.5I>, 81.75, 82.25, 82.72 ; I! Boots and Shoes. JR mliis line is full, values good, and stock up-to-dr.te Call and I ijl^ Dspeci. If you are not readj to buy come in and inspect, anyway. I W men's Donvola Patent and Tan Kid, prices from 1.50 to $4.50 ; Momen's Oxfords in Dontfola I'atmt and T^in Kid 1.25 to S^i.OO ; toen's Dongola Box Cult, Patent Colt and Tan Calf Prices from 81 60 | '. 85.00 ; FLOUR « FEED We have a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour aud FIVE ROSES FLOUR, nude by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of ^his Flour is garauteed â€" the best Flour in the laud. None other can equal it. HARDWARE A foil stock of Stoves, Ranges and Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds »f Woodmen's Supplies, al.so Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplatin',' buying should not neglect getting our prices before puichnsing elsewheio She r» piiblUhed •very Tlmr»'l;iy at $1.00 ih',- annun> U paid in advance, tl.Sc if nut'xu )>aid EDITORIAL DRIFT Aaotbor reasou why the Wbit- noj goverument was returned to power witU such an overwhelm- ing niaj ority lias been given us. A settler in nevrer Ontario, who has been a reformer from Lis youth up, infortna The Advance tbat he voted Conservative this time simply because of the fair way that sottlcra have been treated by Mr. Whitney. Their liatcuts have not boon tield back, and the length of occupation reduced so that homesteading is not so serious a natter as it was. It was a personal matter with this TOtet, and no doubt there wcie tliousandB like him. Fair, honorable, above-board treatment are Blruuger arguments than words. Just what it is that attracts light- i:ing to barns, while other structures aie comparatively immune, has never been satisfactorily explained. This is scmciliin;^ our scicntiBts should get after. When the oauao is known a lomody for this great loss will he sino to follow, and this country eortainly needs something to protect it from the great loss aiinimlly suflor- td liy the fanning community. The Meafoid Mirror chronicles the strik iig of six barns in the north part nf liiis comity during electric storms last v.eek, only one. however, being totally crnisuincd. Moat of our last wcck'.i { xuhnngos chronicle the det-.truction of barns and it is high time a strenuous I Iforl was made to discover protective iiiuasiiies. It seems to us the matter i.s 30 BQiiona that our governments aliduld make a move in the line cf otTerijig a reward for the discovery of the omtpc. Or eoma of our million- ttiioi who dcbire to have their names inimortalized might t^ke the hint wo ^ci*« let drop. A 8traui,'e coincidence was related us by Mr. M. K. Richardson recoutly. While in Darrio on June 18 last he stepped into a news store and picked up an English publication issued by the HarniHworths, and noted a head- line, " What would we give to have seen the battle of Waterloo ? " Mr. liichardsoii remarked to a young lady who stood near, that it was rather a peculiar incident that be should read this line, as the day was theanniver- sary of the battle cf Waterloo. "Yes,' replied the yonng lady, "it is peculiar, but not nearly so strange as that yuu should appeal to mo, a groat grand- daughter of General Blucher. " The young woman's father is an employee of the Grand Trunk in Uariie and her claim to disliuctiou was bona tide. i J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. [ Jt^^iW ^l^/f»^f^^!fv^»' JW^/l'^>fv.f^^»^/fs.^.Â¥ .^/fs^w'lk/ll'.^T.'K^^J Vandeleur. Lightning struck a tree near Mr. George Douglass' house, killing Kvo of his sheep during tlio storm on I'uesday week. Oetwcoii taking the lady speakers of the 0. W. I. Irora one place of meeting to another throughout Centre Grey, and making arrangements for the Farmers' Institute excursion to Guolph, Mr. J. I. Graham, the obliging Hecretary of the East Grey F. I. has been a busy man for the past two weeka. Mr. and Mrs. Clins Hate visited h ietids near Meafoi d last week. Btatute labor was the order of business last week. Mr. aud Mrs. John Gilbert aud two children of Toronto spent a few days last week with friends here. Mr. Wm. Ilulchiuson id visiting his daiightor at Wiarton. A number from here patronized the Farmers' Institute exouraioii to Guelpli last Thursday. Mr. Sain Duohanan received a severe shaking up and soiuo bad bruises by fulling fiom a trio while repairing the telephone line near Mr. Geo liutohiiiaon's, townline A. and li. Dr. Colqnhonn, Deputy Minister of Education, «nd Mr. '^. J. Tilley, Inspector of Model Uchools are putting iu a week with our frieud, John Weber, KImberley. Died â€" At hie home hero on Monday, the 29lh iiist., Mr. Joseph McCuUough in his S.'Vth year. Par- ticulars next week. Misses 0. Meiklejohn and E. Black, who compose the teaching staflf of our school, are holidaying at their respec- tive homes at Campbellford aud Tlioriibury, Mr. Ashley Fawcett spent Sunday evouuig with Eugenia friends. Mr. aud Miss Vcinon of Listowcll were visitors at Mr. Albert Latter's during the past week. The O. W. I. garden party held hero on Thursday evemug of last week was a fair success. A uumbur from this neighborhood took in the Guelph excursion on Thursday last. Mrs. Thos. Soule, sr., of Duncan, and Mrs. John Hhaw, sou, Emil, and grandson. Burton Ottowell, of Kolapore, were visitors at Mr. R. D. Carruthcr.s during the past week . Mr. and Mrs. William Fawcett of Rocklyu visited friends here on Saturday and Sunday last. Messrs. Thos. Kella and A. Galhraitli of O.)lliiij»wood were visitors at Mr. John I'lewis' for the week end Miss Enla Scott, London, is holidaying' at her parental home here. Mr. Thos. Hammell of Singhamp- ton spent the past week with Ins son hero. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowman of Toronto are visiting the lutter's mother, Mrs. Ebor Smith here at present. The Gouty Ouuiioil has been in session all week, and will conrinuo until to- morrow. Heaido^ ilie regular routine work, of which there is about the usual amount, thf gnml roads questn-n w tlie im^iortanl Mibjiict lii'inra the council. A very interesting d'scuniiun toi>k place yestur- Iny on the roiiort of the coMiuiiltee »p- poiiired biil sussmn to cimsider the in- auituration of a oiodein system of road- uakiiri;. The discuHNiou wag exhaustive, and all points for and against the system, wliiih has nlr>*ady been adopted by several count ie>«« were well brought out. The fiiiod roads inovenent has the sanction of the Ontario Uiivcrnment, wliioh <iftera to grant aid to oountiot adopting it. Grey o^Kunty could do worse than fall in line ; di'UbtluNs it mil. A committee will he app'inted to consider «bat roads shall be taken ovor'for permanent Improvement, and what kOioUDt aboU b« spent.â€" 0. S BESI BUS1NE53 TRAINING at rtaaonable pricfs. Start any time. BRITISH C.\NADIAN BUSINESS COLLK13K. Cor. Vonge and Uluor Sts., Toronto. Bull for Service TboroaKhbred Shorthorn Uull, Mountain Victorâ€" No. Man for service on lot. 29, con. 8' Artemesia. Terms $1.00. Jos. Hawkins, Prop. Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tantwortlis. I have a tine lot of youiiK pigs bred from prize winning stock, for Mile. Write nie fur prices. I can give a barKiiin also guarantee satisfaction on all mail orders. Geo. W. U08S, Maxwell P. O. Farm For Sale or Rent. For sale clieap, urreut, itumediate poBsessioD. Lot .so. Cou. U, Arteiueoia, about 76 acres clear, comfortable loK lioihso and ti-aine l>aru. Apply to i<. J. Spruule, Flesbertou, ur JotiD J. Uartin, acroastbe load from said lot. Farm for Sale. Luti E-iS aud 9, Uuu. 13, io the towniliip at Osprey l.w acres, larKe clearing, good (rauie barn aud Btiablea. good dwulliug aud well- Apply ou the premises or to W. J.ItBLXAHY, Fleahartou. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Shortliorns, Bees and Poultry. Young stock forsale, tearnw easy and prices reaHonalile. HiuKle ami rose comb Brown T.eKhi>rn eggs for batching, 75c and $1.00 iwr fifteen eggs. Slwcial prices on incubator lots. Mviiilwr of Canadian Ijeghorn Club. Richard Allen, Flesherton 1'. (), and atation. Lot 170, 2nd con., E. I), and S. K. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Loviniasaud Wimpleii, tlio be.st of breeding aud quality. Hull, cons aud belfer* for sale at reasonable prices t sa.oon.S GUAS. STAFFORD. Flaaherloo Slabs and Editings for Sale. We will noil tlio i ft. Slabs and Kduiug!! at our mill uu cou. 8, Artemesia, at <il.00 per cord, lly apidyiiiKto Mr. Jno. Paillainent, opposite tbo nttll, he will measure aad receive oaeli for tl>u wt>od wlieu taken away. Wo will further pay a reward of ♦19.00 for proof otanyone taking wood from there iuttie past.or wlio luav take wood iu tlie future witli' out our autlioritv orMr. I'arlianioiit'r. KEliNAN HUOS., Limited, Owen Hound. Scottish Pride 66274 The young bull Si^ottlsli Pi idu will stand for service ut Air. K. \V. Nicholson's, lot !17, oou. S, ArtoniBsia. Scottish pride in slrud by Hooltish I'lince. agiaudson of the woudurfnl show cow, (leni of Itoilaohia, Imp , winner of eight oriies at Toronto aud London, besides being ohanp- ioa female. She weighs over tOJO pounds. One of tlii^ cow's calves sold for #1773.00. Hoottish pride la out of Lady Delia by the Toronto first prise wiuuor, Oaptain Uay Fiv iuii. ia«J8. Thlsyouug bull has proved Ulni- ,ii> avvw. 11.18 youug Dull has proved blin self a showbull having gtinud an eiioouragiuB record this fall at Feversham. He won nrst iirir.i- as belt bull oalf, also diiiloiua for beat bull any age. Those having pure bisd cows should see this grand bull before breediug as they canuotdo betterthan use hiiu. A limUed pir'Stoid.Jt'w* "'" "' '""" •' •''•**: '»' CANADJAN P/VCIFIC LOWEST RATES - TOTBE - North - West by any route, are those on C. P. R. Uoiaeseekers' Excuisious, which ate now run via new Muskoka line. Hours Sived on old schedule. (iO-day return ticketa to all North-West p<iiots, at rates rang- ing from. Winnipeg return, $33.00 to Edmonton return, $42.50 Leaving Date«: JULY 7, 21. AUG. 4, 18 SEPT. 1, 15.29 Comfortable berths m tourist sleeping oars at email extra cost. Apply eaily for accomodation. A TRIP TO MUSKOKA To Parry Sound ur to any of the delight- ful Georgian Bay reS'dts is most comfort- ably and quickly made by takim; the C. P. R. Fast tram over new direct Hue â€" »'rvicH, time and equipment withcuk equ al. Fur any informa'.iou ssa VV, Uaesar Agent Flesherl od Ur writ* C. B. Foster, Dia. Pass. Agent, Toronto. School GMdren'B Eyes Snpply TMp Intellect '' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress In school or succe^ in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department. W. A. Armstrong, ~ rLE;SHCRTON^ •. > n^MH).