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Flesherton Advance, 2 Jul 1908, p. 3

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'» U Sufforsrs from Fits, Epilapsv, St. Vitus' I'aiicQ. NerTOus Troubles or FalHnir Siclcn"M should write ths I.IEBIU VO„ i;g Kintc street. Toronto, fork tr:»l bottle of tlieir Fit Care and TreaU.s4 VuciuM lOo for oostaca and packing; WILSON'S PADS Ono packet haa actually killad a bushal oTfltoa. SOLO BY 0RUCCIST3, GROCERS AND GENERAL STORES 10c per packet, or 3 packets for 25c w^ll last a wrhole •eaeon. Dyeing! Gleaning I For iha *«rr b«at • mi4 you/ work to th* •* â- RiTltN AMERICAN trilHO OO." r afut la jmk uwa. or laad 4lrMl. Maate«al,T«rooto, Otuwa, QvtkM Three to Ten Dollars Per Day You can make Thn-c to Ttn dollars per day in Uic mail ortlor bu-im>ss. Cc5ts one dollar U> Uocn. Parlkalars tree. CENTRAL .MAIL OIIDKIt CO., 433 UriblKUic ItUlu-. UuUolo, N. Y. how much money he cnuld sara hy using » Faipbiinks-Mnrse J:ick-of-a!l- i'rades Ua'toHae Kn- giiie tu saw wouil. utiuip ffatar. grind faod, tfto., wa Would not bo able t'f supply the demand. Cut thi:i ad. out atid send t>> us to-iL^y, ajid W9 will sead yuu our free cutalogue. ^ame. Addro3a_ The Canadian Falrban'A* Co., Limitsd, TorontO) Ont Montreal, Winuipeg, VaucouTer. â-  HIS MASTER'S VOIC£- VICTOR BERUN£R CR/lMaPHONES All prices and stylo? from 112.50 to $i.40. Write lor fro« caialuifue. i>«pt, t>. TORONTO GRAnOPHONE COMPANY 364 Vonare street, Toronto. &gant3 wanted ia every towu. DOCTOR-S BIG FEICS. Hif h Patientii Pay Tlicni Kiiornious Sums tor Tlieir Services. After the doiilh «if Marshall Field, the Cliioiigo .Merchant prince, Vv. Frank Uil- li.'igs was paid Jiij.OOO for services. Dr. Adolph I.<iren7., of Vienna, received u tew years ago SitU.OOO for selling the llip of little t.<jlita .\rniour, ot Chicago, and in coj)>e(|iience of further alleiitions liis total fees ainouiit«l to $78.0UO before he was throuKli with the case. WlH'ii ttie present Kin^' bdvvard of England, tlicn Prince of Wales, was sick seveial years ago l)r. William .tenner pulled him llu-ougti after a riKmtir.s at- lendatice, reeeivinp .$.")0.iioO for ttie same. Ur. Sir .\torelt Mackenzie, wIk^ atlend- C"! Iho father of the pr.'sent Emperor of Gorniany in his last illness, presented a bill for SKxi.OCO for his services, and this was paid without a nnirmur. For vaccinalinji tlio Catherine I. at Si. PelerslmrH Dr. 'niomas Diins- dalc received ,$C.o,(KiO and an annual pen- sion of Jjii.SoO for life. Philadelphia physicians extract largo fees front vsoiiie of their patients. A tew yrars ago Or. William Pepper charged noh<'rt Sinus«in $l..*)(iO for an c.xaniina- lion lasting only alxnit a minute. Ur. S. Wiir Ntilchell, of the sanio city, once received as high as $1.5 000 from one pat- ient for only a few visits. A bill of $190,000 was sent by Dr. 'VVol- tor C. Browning, of Philadelphia, to the estate of Senator C. L. Magee at Pltts- tiurg, and in the settling up of this estate U was brought out in eviitoice that Sen- ator Magee once had declared his inten- tion of giving Dr. Browning a lee of $1,- 000,000. For too days' attendance ujKin the late William L. fianey, a millionaire coi-k ninniifnclurer in Philadelphia. Dp. Sam- uel T. Barnes rendered a bill of $33,000. i _♦.. WHISTLLNG PIGEO.NS. The queer Chitiese change pigeons In- |<) song blids by fasUming wliistles to U.eir bicasLs. The wind of tlieir llight llM^n causes a weird and pla.nlive masio that is se'dom silenced in the pigwjn t iiun'.ed cities of P^kui an<l Canton. The Rclgiatis, grat pigeon fivers, fasten whittles b-neath llie wing.? of valuable r.clng carriers, claiming th'il ih' nois,- is a sure protection against hawks and otbex biids of prey, As a similar pro'ccti'in, re«?ds. emitting an odd wail- !n;' s-iund, are fi.xed to the tail feathers e.f'tlie dc-spatch beoiing pigeons of the CU:rm:in army. A man doesn't think any \M U^-ss of n woman because hor brain power is !im t'Cd. People who Ih nk they arc in the earthly saint class will b<j awfully lone- £< 1110 if thi-y ever get to heaven. .\ W';iiian reaches the age of discre- tion wh:n she begins to forget her b.rll'.days. An End to Bilious Headache.â€" Bilious- iies.s, which is caused by excessive bile in the stomach, has a marked eftcct up- on the iicr\es. and often manifests it- s<-if by severe headache. This is the most distie-ssing lieadac'ie ono can have. There arc h-eadaches from cold, frojn fever, and from olhcr cau^ses. but the riictst fxcrucialing of all is the bilious headache. Parjneloes V<-g<'table Pills will cure il â€" cure it almost immediately. It will disappear os .'XKDn ao5 the Pills Ojierale. There is nothing surer in the treatment of bilious lieaducUe. MGIIT DO Br.rrEn. "You have spurned me,'' he cried, bit- terly. "1 will go ijito tlic busy world. I wdl tight and win. M\ name shall t>e knowu. and my rich's 'nvieUâ€" " "Wlicn you have done all that," she inlerrupled, "try me aga.n." They are not Violent in Action. â€" Sciiio perils, when they wish to c.eanse the stomach, rosort to Epsom an<l other purgative salts. These are ."ipeedy in the.r aeiion, but set^c no per- i;;anent good. Their use produces in- c;;.iient chilis, and if persisted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they act upon Ihe intestines in a tenelicial way. Parmelee's Vegetable Pilis answer all purpo-ses in thi.s respect, and have no superior. HIS BE.ASON. Hoâ€" "They say that | e 'ple who marry soon gixjw lo look alike." .Sheâ€" "TlK-n v<iu most ocjisider my refusal as llnal. ' A Great Combinatlen, " Farroriu " the best tonic is. It sUuuld be tal(an by aJl inralids. bj all who are run down or out of aorta. It biiiliu up, gives uaw liia. Black Watch Cbcwing Tobacco The big black plug. 2269 SOMEBODY'S. Algernonâ€" Yoii must not think, dcar- esl, ih;it bccaiisi.> you are rich and 1 uin poor. 1 tini trying lo marry you on ac- C. unt ...' your nudU'v." Tieiitveve â€" Wtiuse are you after, then, i>e's? Wlien going awny from home, or at any change of habitat, ho i.s a wise injin who iiujiibers ajnong his belongings a bctllo of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy.s<.'ulery C< rdial. Change of fo>Hl and water in Si.ino strange place where there are no doctors may bring on an attack uf dy- sentery. He then has a standard renV ody at hand wi!h which lo cope wifh the disorder, and toreurnied he can suc- cessfully flglit tlie aiiJiieiit and subdue H. A man .^eld-ini realizes what it is to be ds;ippoint<'d in love until after lio i'? led to the altioi' by Uie woman of his choice. Are you a sufferer with corn.s? If you are. get a bottle of Holohvay.s Corn Cui'C. It has never been kn^wn to fail. HAD! It was in Tasmania tlrat a traveller c.;>me acivss an old "sundowner" sittijig i'l front of his cabin, over Ihe door of which was very legibly pointL-d, "Ici on parlo frcavNiis.'' \ Uitlered, dejected-looking French- man, who happened to be passing up tlio road, spied the insci-iptioji. ami, nsshiJig up to the colonial, enlhusiasli- t^Ily kissed him on both chctks. ••Ere, whafr yer up to?' demanded l!it sundowner gruHly; "don't do that ug'n." "But you va5 a counlreonian of mine. ' exc'ainxd Ihe delighted Frenchman, with .a smile -of pkvisuie. "CAMlairly notl'- nloited the colonial. "But you put 'Ici on parte frnncuis' over IV door," sad the Fnenchnian, pointing to IJie inscription. "Well, what do you call il?" asked the sui. downer in mild suiprse. 'Why, it means 'French is spokfen here.' " "Well. I'm blowed!" oxckilTiied the Tii.sinanian in deep disgust. ".-V [winter chap came r.long hei* Ihe other oay, and put up that for inc. He said it was Lalifl for 'God bless my hapr-y home.' " •TVIEnnY WIDOW- IN MILAN. Monster Hats Set the Olynipia Audience in L'proar. The vexed question of ladles' hats In the stalls of theatres has teen sUvcd in Borne and otl;er Italian centres by sjiccial prohibition of Ihe Prefecture. Ttie Piefect cf Milan, however, has dc- tlincd lo interfere, so that the moiiage- ment.s ha«'e had lo oontj-nl Ibcmselves will posting up appeals to lady patrons, whch have been generally dsregaided, except at Ihe .Seala Opera House and three olh r Tirst-cl^ss Ihcutres. .\t !h* Olympia Comedy Theatre â€" a much-frcqucntcd middle class resort. whiTe lively .scones of proUsl l:ave of- l<-n occurred of lale â€" there has again been an angry demonstrail-n. Gioiips of women wearing mons'er "pi-lure' hats occupied the front »eats. wholly biocking ttie view of -thoie in Iheir rear. The majority of th se women ob- stinately refused to comply witii Ihe re- quest of the staff that they would re- move Iheir h.eadwear. Muni'P''.! G'jaitis also intervened, but as Ihy hd no au- thority to back their pei'suasions mai- lers reached a deadlock. Ttie vast audience meanwhile drown- ei the voices of tlie players every time they attempied to begin. The dctnon- stration was kept up for on hour and a half, with tree figtits Interspersed un- til the last of the offend ng women had either removed her hat, had it whisked off for her, or had prudently withdrawn. When the play Qnally began it was li'.30 o'clock. The famous Italian comedian. Virginio Talli, announced that the Prefect^ had piximised to Intervene in the contrc- versv. A SINGULAR CONTEST Have you made a start collecting botr toms of ORA.NGE XIE.-\T packages? The On.VNGE MEAT people are offering FIFTY-TWO DOLLARS a year FOB LIFE, besides several other large cash prizes, to winners in their competition. If you wish to compete send in youi- name and address to OR\.\GE .ME.Vf. Kingston, at once. They wilt fonvard fu;] particulars and cnlci' your name on the list'of competitors. Commence savjig the bottoms ct pack- ngesand write for particulars TO-D.\Y. ORA.XGE ME.-Vr is made of llie whole wheat, lhoruii{)hly steam-cooked, ad- ding Malt, Sugar and Sail, then flaked and toasted. â€" â€" â€" iji â€" -^ IlL'M VNE. .A woman may bo too humane To wear « bii-d on her hal, .And of c< ui-sc our iiraises she deserves For teiiderjie;5s like that. Cut slop tt minute and reffect â€" She may be cruel still; Think of the husband, who, although It's bii-d!ess, gets the bill. II is an Elixir of Lite.â€" Since forgotten time, men h«ivo Ixvn seeking for the Elixir of Life, which ti'adition says once existed. Dr. Tliomas' Eclectric Oil is an Elixir, before which pam cannot live. II is made up of six essential oiis. carefully blended so that their curative properties are ccncenlrated in one. II has no equal in the troatmenl oi lumbago, rheumatism, and ail bodily puuis. "Our friend Mrs. Mines h<is gone crazy on the .subjecl ot germs." riMnark<-d a lody !o her neighlxir: "she sterilizes or lilUrs everylhing in the hoSise." "How dCis she get along with her family?' "Well. I can a.ssure you that even her n lalions aie slraLneJl" There can be a difference ot opinion on most subjects, but Ihere is only one opinion n.s to the reliability ot Mother Graves W'urm Kxterminalor. II is safe, sure and cffedUia!. To ivâ€" "Jennie tel's me young Wood- by p'ovosed to her lost night." Violaâ€" "i <!on't think I know him. Is he well <,!!T T<.dyâ€" "He certainly is. She re- fused him." M.iny Tliaaks ara dns from the proprietors oi We,iT0r's Cerate t^, friends who have written to tell of tile tlorate's good word in curing ecrofuluua humors, scald head and other skin diseases. ^ AWFUL. Facetious Gust nierâ€" "Waiter. I be- lieve this meat came off a lii.irse.'' Waiter â€" "What makes you think so, sir?" F. C.â€" "Bi-cause when I was eating it 1 found a bit in my mouth!' It eonmi n'y happens that the more la m n gels into hs hands the less he can gel ui!o his le;;rt. IKIDNEY ISSIE NO. 27-08. Children Like It. Children Thrive On It. Children Grow On It. Shredded Wheat regulates the system and keeps the stomach sweet and clean. Trv it. Sold by all gTDcers For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR The Pango Company, Toronto WH01.KSALK LY1M.4N BROS. & CO., Toronto and .Montreal; LYMAN KNOX ft CLARKSO.N, Toronto; NATIONAL DRIG CO., London. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone Main 1311 INVESTMENT BONDS. Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. "vy r-'ip^M^wwi-iJM MANUFACTURERS INTENDING TO LOCATE IN TORO.NTO WILL FIND Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING Flats a 000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RE.NTALS, INCLUDING Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. , Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. S. Frank Wilson & Sons, 73-81 .Adelaide St., West Horses Get Tired Same as Human Beings Why use the hnrd-wor!<ed horse to ride lo town for the mail or few gixK-'ciies, when the ch re loy would like notltng betier than to cycle? CIVE THE HORSE A REST-HE NEEDS IT GIVE THE BOY A WHEEL-HE WANTS IT Have you ever considered how much tiino and hoise flesh you could save by usiuij a Cushion Frame Bicycle? it'8 the Cushion Frame that Absorbs the Shook, Not the Rlt)er Consider these peerless models:â€" l\«>' Silver Itiibboiv Cleveland, Per- fect Olid Branllord made iu llyuieiiic and riuid frames. BL'ILT BY THE CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO > Limiteii, WEST TORONTO. CANADA MAKCRJ OF THI WORiD'S BEST BIOYOLES. WiliTC FOR OATAtOOUe NO. 7 { A I.I.MITED LU.XUnY. Two Irishnien were discussing the pbenomenon of sl04>p. Said one, "Oi hear as wan av Ih in poeth; y lads colls it 'bald nature's ha i^re^hLorer.' ' 'Ws,'' a-sstnle'd the other; "shlajie's a grand luxury. It's a pity a man can't kapo flwake long enough lo iiij'y il. Jist whin he's llvinkin' ) hat a foine long shno.jzc he'll be hovm, begorm, its niarnin 1" Motherâ€" "Now, Charlie, you must be a vei'v good boy. You have a nice new bnither. Aren't you pleased?" Eight- yeur-old Charlieâ€" "Oh, I don I knuv. Hs always llie way; ja>l as I'm getting on in thiie world, comjjelllion bcginis.' HL'.SBAND AND WIFE. Wife now puts on her shorl sleeve waist. Her elbows are in view; And hubby dear, alas, we ftnd Out at tlie elbows, too. A girl's idea of a glad hand is ono. with a solitaire on it. A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO., stocks. Bonds and Dohentures. Cobalt and all Mining and Oil Stocks of Canada and Uimed States. Onlem oieciitod with prumptnee*. Corrai- poadence sollcitcl. sat to (37 Tradar* Sank •ullill»«, TorMltai, Sn^ I'hen* Maia wja 4

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