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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1908, p. 6

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/^5 JuKs 25 IW8 ^^iiMMiMM y THE FLESHIHTOH AUVANCK '\ F. T. HILL & Co. June Offerings for the tiSool Season. [iJa'Hi raC to 46c OUU - ebewhere. \l Ottawa Barley-Nc 8, isc lo 57c. LINO LADIKJ' FANCY SILK COLLARS FOR BOYS AN"y"o^,de^ FOR Ift) COTTON BTOCKIJ roiiain ♦»n dozen Ladies Fincjr Silk ,„ , ice is to ••'me with insertion ^Ve bought fro.n on* (irst in- 25 «K ..»j .<P over m»lte« in hearjniiiislra- io, 95 Md 4Cc wa» low and the qutork, the ., 19o. pail fyc Hist, .. » doing â€"=: .. uf ""j.ij vuiion. <;r the "^TONADE PANTnation Rye-No about 88c SALE Tilts »tsiUers. "* *% are to Iron) $8,- class the S1,600 and 8, none offering; quotation BucKwhcaU-No. 2, nominally quoled M^c to G5c. Branâ€" Offered outside at $17.50 to $18; about S^O.oO track here. Shortsâ€" $20.50. tOU-YIRY PRODUCE. • Butlerâ€" Creamery, prints, 21c to 83c; civaniery s-jHJs, 20c lo 21c; dairy prints, crwlce, 18c to 19c; dairy prinla, ordln- ary, ]6c to 18c; dairy tubs, 17c lo 18c; LTifiTior, 15'; to 16c. Eg«sâ€" Prices rule lasy at 17c to 18c. (.hocscâ€" New cheese, 12c to 12Xc for large, and 12>^c for Iwln*. i Beansâ€" Primes, $2 to $ aond picked, $2.10 to $2.15. Main Street of To^ By^^thlcfcke^oS^f^-f ^'f «' "'"^ ^ afternoon t large^rtZ ?? .t "f^.? r«*r*^ *"â„¢ 'i and they THE Bl »i wng are ( â- tc linns wh linls' Enplijil h iheYodZ'^r""'^^^!^-^^^'^^^^^ R ine Kiught Company, LinUM "' Fl tme and the flamee swept S? aior* u "# ^ --â€",... the main stKel, eating uDevf^vti^^r»^•â-  ^'â- ^'"J' Ho"l «^o^e them. The effoAs on '^ S ;''fe"'' '-'^'^y- ^' Ihemseiveai wervj utterly unavTiu..i^!r^'^ "'W «»» 's ^P the progress oflJ^ Are,' wfet^'ff *'T=„^- ^V- < >x f-ro It was got under contro bad 1,1^ T ""'^ '^.''«''' '' =' Pt-t'ly consumed o<cr thirty bl;^^ .7 -K^^ntral ^^^^'^ â- â-  places and dwelling.. ^ ""^fl*^ irbers; .«. T. Vi s An enxTitenoy mewagr ««« «.„! ,J '•^"^- "..slaurant I Himlsviile and a .special irainlv^rLh]'^'^'' """'â- 'â- . *»« J <J out fliom tbc/rc wUn th? /!â- .. bri.TnAlk^'''''"*^''- t!*""<~ral sjf.l "WHl oquipmeii). ^'â- '»^y did pood cl (Jk» ^iiiia^iralion o>L/u;{ at r/gbt the ReKti.y ^v •he third! "ofwyâ€" «lr»lned, lie to 13c per â€"^ . - '-nd; combs, per dozen, 81.50 lo $1.75. -^aioesâ€" Opiftrte, 75c lo 80c; Dela- 85c tc 95c in car lots on track SELLING FLAlv AT MUCU LES&V We h»Ta cleared tta pn^ nioatly in plain Grey* some of an exceptionally i;ootl heav',^ the r*gul»r w«y of aelhnf; sell aW yerd. On sale this week ac per y. ^(WWWWM .A-X^ at -r- .. .»' •!«.• I'Tobaliion period wil.i be six months. In that lime a Jl mem trom ../ in the service "tcmpor- _ who have been there in ♦cs thirty yonrs. In the tuluro .'nry ckrk may bo appointed ' six months, through the com- /. F.shor, dealing with ancther ques- *.on, declared Ibat It was intended by the new act to do away with the practice of milking salary appropriations In the estinia!es "notwilhstfinJing anythmg in the Civil Service Act.' The bill was given its first reading. / BEATEN TO DEATH. Victim ol Thieves .Expires hj PoH Ar. tbur Uospital. A despatch from Port Arthur says: itoies Simhy d;od in Port A-i-tliUi- hos- |)ilal on Sulurxlay. and someone, as yet unknown, will have lo laco a murder cf.arf;e, S mhy, togclhei- with two olh»r Entilishmen, w«'rc arrested last week, tbcy bclnp found sleciiing in u bix car. S mby hm\ ovei- $2<«i in ciish on him and he pad a email fine lor Ihe liberty of h:ms«'ll and two compnnlon.s. Alxmt ^wo dav.H nfU-rwnrds he was picked up at R',ss|oi-l t>a<lly latt<Tid and biu:scd, ant in t.n unrcMisciomi (vnditi<in. Ilis money wsis al»i f.ot>i'. He wiis Irought t«i t*i€ Port Arlliur h04.-pitnl and grew (n"a<lually wcaJ^-r, llw end coming on J^imday Tnornlrig. Tlte pfdico are 1ojJ<- jng lor Ihe two men who wore airestcd With him at Port Arthur. -P CATj:nrii.LAn plague. Train in New Rrunsuirk Stopped by* nn Immense Army. A <lc*p«lch fivKm .St. John, N. B., sajis: Oit^Tpilliirs ere creating havoc In many w-et'ons of the Provijice. An aniiy (it Ihem Is rojvjrlcd Ir^m York county bc- twixn Tracy and f'x)rk sintion-, on Ihe C.P.n. line between Fi'ed«rlclon Junc- tion and McAdam. On Thurslay even- ing Ih" pests tit/irled lo cr-iss the track, end a heavy fieighl Irnin that come nUmg nn<l ni.she«i on ttiein was »x)n filiilled. Thr^ limes In a dislence not jq-ynU'r than a jnile tho limin was stop- »iy Ihe |>rsts. Tho ti-a'n ciew wire \ilo use sliovels to cle<ir the track. ,^^|)f)rl that there were tnilllons of illoaiM TT»,|,.g^ nn(| if,„i t|,^y |,„(| „||,,n ^\. *nr^i'\\\y Sr'^Ti tiling In sight, and tiad wlvflfi^t parl'cular havoc to poplar Iron. M<i»l) thon nn hour wa.s sjent in gelling the' Iridn past Ihe f^poi, and It Wfis only by .*b'jvolling Ihe c«l«rpillnr8 off tha line und pilmg up gravel that t^o trainiren .sucoioJed in ov<Tcoming tho TWO WERE MURDERED. Terrible Trnoedy on a Yukon River Boot Nenr Selkirk. A de.'-palch from While Horse, Yukon, says: Major Snyder of the Mounted IVjllce has received news of a murder on the river, a ."-hort di.stance below Sel- kirk. The telegraph line from Dawson t<i While Horse is out of order, and the m'ws c.ame via ^'aldez and UnlloJ Slates citble. The message is as fol- lows:â€" "Ned arrived in Dawson In boat No. 113 alone. He had been seen o:i the river with two others on ilv* way di'wn. Th© sound of shooting was heard by other small-boat |)aswngers on Ihe river bank below .S<'lkirk." Inquiry by Maj<ir Wood as lo who left here in boat No. 113 showed llmt Ned ICifosI, Emil Anderson and David Berg- mnn left In Ihe boat on May 16. The murder probably occurred five or-.s<x days later, as that time would be re- quired lo run from her© lo Selkirk. Whe- ttioi' Ihe murder was for the purrose of rtibb^ry or the result of a qiianel Ls not known. The nanie.s iivKcate llwl all were Scand navlans, eith<r Norwegians or Swedes, people iKit giv<'n to quietly obeying orders. The .supixisjilion Is Ihal the close intimacy of travelling for sev- eral days in a small boat cngendore<l siritc and bad blood, which culmimiled 'n murder. PAY AS YOU ENTER CHURCn. Cash Rcfllsters Placed nl Enlrnnccs ol R. C. Churrli al Worcester. A despatch from New York. says: The pnrlshionera of St. Caslmir's Church ,f Worcester,, on Tuesday learned through the new parish priest thai their application lo have an auditing oommit- lee has been r<^fus«l by HLshop Bea- ver, and that, instead, cash i-eglsfers will I© put in the chun'h. The congre- gation must pay their dimes at Ihe door and can see their money registered. The bi«hnp hopes by tills means to straight- en out the financial and olhcr tangles in which Ihe church has become In- vclved. The Stewardess Was Compelled to Jump From the Upper Deck. E-fi' A deipalch from Sl. John. N. B., «ay&: On Tuesday morning ai t o'clock the deamer Abcrdoen WM Burned lo the «valer^edg« at Coks'a Island, In lh« SI. 3< hn Riwr, a tew yard* from where the lil-falod Crystal rteamer wont up In (lames last y«ir and four men were . nittiTtCd M dealh. Th« llv«4 ol the crew *• c* lb« AWrdfen, nine s^uls in all, wck «m'e<l fltmost by iiAnlTOCle, and, a« 11 w«ts, Mra. McUvh), Um ctewanlesx, had V) Jump *wn tjift uppor deck Into tha arms « Jam«s Huloilason, the engin- «cr, atAdtng m IIM guard bctow, and tolh narrowly escaped being plunged into Ihe riv«r. Th« fire was discovered l\v people on the shore returning from a dance, and Ibelr crios awoke |he mem- lers ol the crew. In an hour the steam- er was a bare hull on th© botiom of the river, and practically nothing was saved from her. Great difllcuUy was alM experienced in caving tho steamer Slncertnea, lying not Ofleen yards away, and aL'o Fred West's storo and tho cheese Inclory situated a lew feet away. Th<> AUrdeen was valued at 110,000 by her owners and insured for about 13,000. The couM of the lire U a mystery. ,rfe\ ^'4-^ her<^'Ni r'â€" Tiraolhy Is quoted at 89..» •fer Ion in car lots on track {p. 2, $7 lo $8. ,.'raw â€" Good straw is quoted al F) 1^ e>v '^ P*"" '<"'• ^' " 1'"'^ hipher. Uuied s,!\ ,f,as beer, offered ut SC.50. about $7.5(A .^ i^p ^, ^^. on Inferior stocir ». These quotationL track hrrc. -^ I PROVISIONS. ^ Porkâ€" Short cut, $22 to S22.50 per w_^ -el, HHSs $18.50 to $19. Lardâ€" Tcrces, llXc; tubs, ll%c; pails, 12c. Smoked and Dry SalU-d Meals â€" Long clear bacon, lO^c to lie. Ions and cos- e.s; hams, medium and light, 13>ic lo Uc; hams, large, ilj^c lo 12o; backs, 16c to 16>ic; shoulders, 9%c to 10c; rolls. 10c to lO^c; breakfast bac<in, Uc to t5c; green meats, out of pickle, ic loss than smoked. o"v^T-fi;e-te-Sgr-aph"w1C-^d",?'^^> W If eTuU Uwto^^â- n were burned ^f,^^"« >n'oj u'Sf-fiiv^^^ cou«e .f t^je ftj^. so that no**a ^r.lfiif li-* u^'dteK.', sat.«e(^ ooukl be sent out, jtu> cnu^dfii, ""•>:'u"is», Tnmk wire at the sUlion, fcw.ver. was \v";?râ€" jhc buiicUnt u(l*d in getting me%« (o those Ud,^^?^^''-^ v.bT had biisjvcss lnt«#»ts m Burks iTi' S"*'' **»''<'; A*tc ^«^-'C.Rh^^ ^^^^^ Bailiffs StaiVog j^y^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ j ^Y ^^^^ Enquiry. MO.NTnEAI. MARKETS. Montreal, June 23.â€" Flour â€" Manito- bK spring pa'ents, $6.10 lo .10.20: second patent,, $5.50 to $5.70; wmler wheal patents, $5 to $5.50; straight rollers, $''i.25 to $-i.50; in bags, 81.95 lo $2.10; extra, $1.50 to $1.75. Rolled Oalsâ€" $2.75 in bags ol 90 piiunds. Ottlsâ€" No. 2, 50c lo 5Ic; No. 3, ^^^c to 48c; N«j. 4. 46c lo 46>ic; rejected, 45c; Manitoba rejo(;ted. 47>^c. Cornmenlâ€" S1.75 to $1.85 per bag. Millfevdâ€" Ontario bran, in bags, $20.- 50 to $21.50; stiorle, 823 to $24; Mnni- loba bran. In bags, $22 to $23; shorts. $24 to $25. Provisionsâ€" Barrels .«:hort cut me«. $22.50; half baiTcls. $11.50; clear fat backs, $23; dry salt long clear backs, lie; barrels plale beef, $17.50; half bar- rels do., $9; compound lard, 8c to 9Xc; pure lard, 12>^c to 13c; kettle rendered. 13c to 13>^c; ham', 12)^0 lo 14e, accord- ing to size; breakfast bacon, 14c lo 15c; Windsor bacon. 15c to 10?; fresh killed al atloir dressed hogs, $9.25 to $9.50; l;\c. $6.75. Butlerâ€" Finest creamery, 22J^c; in rtund k)ls, 23c to grocers. Chcefoâ€" The market is quiet and a shade easier. Westerns, llj^c lo llJic. end easterns ll^^c to ll^^c. Eggsâ€" S<'lccled, 17>ic lo 18c; No. 1, IC^c lo 17c. UNITED ST.\TF^ MARKETS. Buffalo, June 23. â€" Wheal â€" Spring Qrmcr; No. 1 northern, 81.09)^, carloads; Winter steady; No. 8, red, 95c Coniâ€" H ghor; No. 2 white, 76c; No. 8 yellow, 75>^c. Ontsâ€" lligtier; No. 8 mixed, 52>ic; No. 2 white, 56c. Barley â€" 55 to 60c. Bye-8pc, No. 1 on track. Ca- nal freights- Wheat 5c to N< w York. Minneapolis, June 23.â€" Whealâ€" .No. 1 hard, old, $l.ll>i; new, $1.10;^; No. 1 Northern, old, $1.09>i; new, $1.08^; No. 8 N<:rlhern, old, $l.07>i; new. $1.06^; .N< . 3 Norlh-m. «1.03X lo $l.05Ji; July, ?t,00»-i; .SeiJlcniber, 91>ic. Flourâ€" Flrsl Tfile.'its, $5.30 lo $5.40; second patents. f^li.iO to $5.35; first clears, $4.20 In $4.30; second clears, ;S3..'>0 lo $3.60. Branâ€" In bulk, 818 lo $1H..V). Now York, June 23.â€" Wheal â€" Spot firm; No. 2 red, J)9c in ek?valor and 99c f.o.h. afloat; No. 1 norlbem Duluth $1.15>i f.o.b. nlVinl; No. 8 haiKl winter, $1.06 f.o.b. alkMil. • CATTLE MARKET.. Toronto, June 83.â€" Choice export steers »old from $6.15 lo $6.45, with bulls al $4.75 to $5. la\a of choice stall-fed butcher cattle sold from $5.50 lo $5.80, wHh picked slcers quoted up to $6. Good kjads scdd from $5.15 to $6.50; medium catlle, $4.23 If) $4.73;' medium and fair gr&s&-fed cat- tle, $3.75 lo $4.83. Chotoe cows soU Irem $4 lo $5; coninion cows, $8.50 to $3.50. Stockers ol about 800 pounds were quoted lower al IS.SO to M. Good kvders are worlh $4.50 <o $4.75. Trade In milkers was quiet but fairly steady. Calves w«re quoted at 3o to i)ia per pound. Ewes were quoted al •i.tS to $4.N per cwU, tnd bucks and culls *l |t.W ». RaARf ^savs: "I lt\h^^ .^'^ ^J'l burn A despatch from Tlli^*Mi«c W.T " .^^^^ mterfs.'ed and 5t< done it. I told him I woula t^-^LiynV''^â„¢''' was doing. .CJianc with him." Th s is the statement wfiiijry^ â- *â- -?, '^H*^'<l»"0'J#i, i;o may convict Cihesler Bucklorough of .el ling fire Vj the Qutcn's Hotel on May 20th, causing the death of three ptrsms ai:d injuring many more. The coiifos- sion was repeated by the lost witness called for the Crown at the prel mmary hearing before Police Mtiglstraic Hare en Thursday, und it was siprung upon a crowtltd court room with dramatic .suddennes-s. Up to that point the hear- ing had proceeded wilhout anything moi-c dedTiile being adduced against â- '.ho aceased than that ho had been heard to say on more than one occasion that Iv- would got even with John Mero, tlic propriolor of the Queen's Hotel, and that Moto slated he saw the acca'-ed in the hall of the hotel after ilbe alarm o' llie had bfen given. That evidi-'nce was pnobably enough to necessitate the oom- mltincnt ol the prLsoner for trial, but when Chas. Crossltl, bailiff of the dis- trict Divlskm Court, made his dramatic statement there could bo no doubt as lo what action the Magislratc woukl he oomp-Mled lo take. Crasslll In his evidence told how he hap|x>ned to pass ak)ng the street wh le lo $4. Spring lambs were lower at $0.50 to $6. There was no change In hog prces. .selcotJi teing slill quoted al 80.15, f<xl and watered, and lights and fals at $5.90. nFTY DEATHS DAILY. TrrrOile Ravages ol the Cholera in the Phillppinca. A despatch from Manila says: Fifty deal occur daily from cholewi in Ihe province of Pengasinian near Man la. The total since January 20 is eighty deatlis in tho islands. The electric railway Is lo be extend- ed lo Puslinch Lake from Ilespeler. As n resull ol Ihe Banque St. Jean failure a state audit ol all haviSsg may bo proposed. JlSv- -'•-with a cE^e. wh cl'argPb »!,.,,_">»«* (he r milted it,n?i?liv,J|Uliai ^n the dvirk history of cri related his brief con\-e Buekborough. He said: "I torough, 'it's a pretty sa. he said, 'I done it. 1 lukl 1 a-i oalh), I'd get even wi W. E. Kelly, Simcoe, w C. Brown, Tillsonburg, ap[ prisoner, .submitJeJ Cixwsi cposs^xam.nut on. "Wtiy Kelly, "do you ask us U: you heard Ibis and toW "I told the Qiicl of l^liw wilne.-s. "When. " was Ihe que back, and as quick came "That morning, when still burning.'' The case lor the Crow, hands of .Mr. R. A. Ball, ney of Woodslock. At Kelly s^tated that it wws lion to call evidence at th cose, and claimed, tt>erefo unneoossary for h's client SHOT mS SIS1 Fort WHIIom Boy PolnlP< and II Went ( A despatch from Fort ' snvs: Two children of Ja sccfton foreman, aged 5 playing round the roundh day, when the boy got h The boy in play pointed 1,1; sister, and it was di d<>ntally, fatally wound!ni< who died shortly aflenvi ii< â€" Harry A. Collins, Supr< of l.he Independent Ond<>r died on Saturday alkmioo The lower Lincoln paj* Oalharinos was destioye Friday, causing a kiee of o sanif dollars. MISS MARY TWEEDIE EI Daughter of the Lieutenant-Gove New Brunswick Marries Goachi A despatch from SI. John, N. B., says: Hon. L. J. Tvwcdie, Lleutenant-Govcr- Tior ol New Brunswick, and Mrs. Tweedle, who were In the city on Wed- nesday to atUnd the wedding ol the daughter ol Hon. F. B. Barker, Chief JusUcc ol the Province, met with a dis- aoreeable surprise soon after they lelt .the church, wlMUt tbs LleutenanUGov- emor learned by tetopboae that Ms dsugbttt. Miss Mary R. Tw«edie, lia.1 insds « runswsy natoh al St. Slephsn, N. B., stoPinc vlUi David MoKeown. Mm. TiMMia VH vttwty vrartiatsd iv the news, and the Lieut was greatly disturbed, case come from Scotlanc ago, and had been emp emor Twecdie up lo len left then, and another engaged. Miss Tweedie ing friends In St. Steph< evidently had leUowed he and OS Wcdneaday they subsequently leaving to sail. It is thDught, lor U As Miss TwesA? is atm Um BMua a lew jrsa ig oaa be doas hjr ths

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