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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1908, p. 4

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JvMt iiSlWfS />^ ?"' FLESHIHTOB AUTAKCK rwW^'-WW F. r. HILL & Co. June Offerings for the JUooi Season. =^-&^» ^^^liHSH^£fiS=E| UNO LADIES' Fancy- FOR 100 SILK COLLARS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS-HEAVY RIBBED COTTON STOCKINGS FOR 14. pr R^Jtf S 20c. VALUE. '" »»n dozen ladica Finey Silk •'nie with insertion 86, 85 and 4Cc >ye bought froin on« of the leMding nuwaulMtiwe, hig over make, .aheary ribbed OoUon Ho^^T*p£ St !.*'!.'. '^'"'"'^ '^'^' "° »•'« 'hi* ^-^k'^S ' " " I4o. Regt^ ^TONADE PANTS FOR THE SMALL BOY ' SALE THIS WEEK FOR 12Jc. A PAIR *^ "ton .ale 100 p,ir. boy. O.ttonade ^t does not represent the price of ^ g-Mjds. Just the thing for \boy «Dd the price per pair . 12Jo -^ ./ SELLING FL«v AT MUCH LESS ^ We have clcarnd tt a pri^ nioitly in plain Grry. .nrnt of an exceptiunally t;oo<l hear^ the r<gul«r vay of eelling sell ni. yard. On Mle Ihi. weeic ac ptir yi. AT A ma ••ek for 98e.» pair. ''fferent line. ar^ worth er pair. 98c. WiWWWWW ^ kr^k t V 1) ir\ftW 4J[1e%rt0tt %Am\^ r» piiblikhed ev.ry Thuriiiay at $1.00 pet annnn> if |iaid in advance, $l.5e il not'so paid EDITORIAL DRIFT The great Repnblicau ccnvention iu (Jliioagu last week choHC William U. Taft as tlieir candidate for the prcsi- leiicy of tlio Uniusd States. The Democratic convention will be held in Dunver on July 7, when, doubtleBB, William Jennings Bryan will be tUo nominee. His nomination is said to bo settled even now, '• all but the yolling. " Some of tlio Liberal newspapers :M> i( • strange alliance that the ti.j^s,,^Y^y ""^ temperance party iLoalto T«B on the same ticket in the leceut election. Yes, it is rather etrange,bnt not from their ataudpoint. The stiaugenosa consists in the fact tiiat the liquor iuteresta allied them« sclveu with the temperaDce forces, not t he temperance forces with the liquor I'arty. This was caused by the fact T.ltat the liquor party considers the threa-fifths clause a good one for 'ijcm ; and the tempamnce peo)^e consider that Mr, Whitney has given tlicm advanced legislation with the luobabihty of more to follow. Asa matter of fact it was not an aliianoe at all. Neither party felt justified in placing their trust iu Mr. MacKay, Hiid that is all there was to it. Mr, M. K Richardson spent all of Lmt week in Himeoe county looking Hfter the neglected waifs iu that dis- uiet. When he has been tt this work 1^ ir a few years more Mr. Richardson will know Outario lik« au open book. Me has. already covered Nippising, Nfuskoka, Uimuoe, Grey and Bruce, ile keeps iq toneU with all the little k>lk( p|a«e4 nud«r his charge and eome of the lottars received by him %)« tlittatlj i|>Ur«iting. We believe the government is doing its best work in the liue of saving child- ren and by its new method of reclaiu:- ing unfortunate women and giving them a chance to regain lost self re- spect. In these tilings the govern- ment is doing a really commenddhic work, and has practically proved that reformalories, such as the Mercer, are not a necessity where women are con- cerned. Wedding Bells Rang At "Sunny.idu," the bvnutiful and ciimniodious lesidenro of Mr. und Mra. VVni. Davis, nortli of Flesh jrton, n pretty wedding look t>lHCo on Monday, Juno 22, when their vldest uauk;hter, Miaa Winnie, was uniiud ,in inarringu tn Mr. Gordon Badxeiow of Oooksville, near lurontu. Aa the hour of 11. 3U a.m. came the Wed- dinit March waa played by Mr.. Davis, mother of tho bridu,and the young couple were married under a boauuful arch of evertiieeiM and lilnct wiih a background uf fema. The ceremony of wedlock wai peiformud bv (he bride'a minister, Ki-v. Vr. Caldwell, of Fleaheiton. Olenii Davis, Itrather of the bride, and Mia. Laura Davis, hrr only siHtor, efficiently iierformod the .urviooa of ({roonisrosn and i)ridL-siiiaid. The bride liMiked charming in n dress uf white gloria silk trimmed with appliiiua and a veil of silk tulle, with a ciii'ouet of apple bloatoin.. Thn brideaniaid wa. dressed in navy blue with white silk waisi to routoh. After the ceremony and congratuiaiinn. the largu coni|)«ny went to a plenteous and well- furnished dinner. The presents to the bride were beautiful and numerous, some cominit from as far »• Toronto ao:l Mani- toba, Prpst«>n and Leeds, and diiplayud attractive ailvar and glassware The young brideiirooin is a farmer and gard- ener at Cook.ville, and is a young man of sterlinti and ssoollent qualities. Wo all offer our cungratulatioiia to Mr. and Mrs. Badgerow an (bey go to their new home in Cooksvillu. The groom's present to the bride was a loilet sut, to the brides- maid H pretty locket and chain, and to the groomsman a swastika pin Mr. and Mrs. IliidKorow will be at home after July 1 when they will roo.ive their friends. The bride'a gointf away dress was of srey plaid Iwofd trimme«l with whits applique and hat to match. During ths ihundurstorni last Friday Mrs. Bennet, a wiman who lives aone distance north of Markdaiko, cams into ol<i*e (|uariers with lighminc She na. at the atove preparinii supprr wlipn the JNioa struck iJie chimney and came dn*n the stove pipe, jumping to Mrs. U-nnel, and tore a shoe Intm her fuo*. She was e'unned but not fatally hurt. Mr. Hu<«»iy, of Phelps'on.ha. reaohsd Vie lenarkable a|^e of ipd i^oars ... Not far from Kearneyâ€" on the road to Emsdaleâ€" thrie is a hollow near the road- side that Is known a.i the "Devil's Wash Basin." Itmsyrninin torrents but no water will be found in h s Satanic niaiesty's wash basin. When the know mtilts in the spring, pools wi!l form every- where else, but the "Devil's wash baain" is alwsys dry. For this reahon it received the sulphurous name given above; rbe general belief that hell is a bol place. But we hurl liack with scorn the base insinuation tlinl bis Satanic majesty located liii whsK basin iu thin neighborhood because he found himself iir congenial (|uarters.- Kearney corres- pondent to the Burks Falls .Arrow. Dominion Day IN FLESHERTON. List of Attractions Foreooon Grand Tradea Procession in the forenoon, for which prices of 912.00, 98.00 and 9o-0Q will be given for the liest outfits. Calithumpiana, to be judged in Trade. Procession first priae ISO.OO, 2nd. «10.00 ; 3rd 16. Most Dilapidated Outfit, one prise of 93.00. Afternoon 1 p. ni.â€" Football match for pume of 916.00â€" Ist 910.00 ; 2nd, |5.00. Open Trot or pace, purse 9180â€" lat, 900: 2iid, 940 ; .Hfd, »20. 2.3fi Trot or Pisoe. purse 9100-liMi, 960 ; 2nd, 980 ; 3rd, 980. 3 minute Trot or Pace, puree 980â€" Ist, 940 ; 2nd 926 ; Srd 916. Entrance fee of 5 |>er cent. of purse and live addition- al to winners. Four to enter, three to start in each race. Slow Raceâ€" 1st, 94 ; 2nd, 93; 3rd, 9L Entrance fee, 60o. Four to enter or no race. Dog Rncoâ€"Onoo around the trilbk, 1st, 96 : 2nd, 93 ; 3rd. %<i. All di^ must Ih) driven to small oart and be on hand at » ft. m. to take part in IVadea Pro- ceasion. No entranoe fee. Men's Raceâ€" Once around track, Lt,t6; Snd, 93 ; 3rd, 92. Entranot^ fee, dOe. 100 yard Race- lat, 93 ; 8nd 98 ; 3»^, 91. Eiltranoe fee, 60c. Boya' Race, under 18, 200 yardsâ€" let 93; 2nd, 92 ; 3rd, 1. No entrance fee. Grand Concert At 8 n. in., for which Jiniroie Fax and IXmaid McGregor, the champion enter- lainera of this onunti'v, have U-en engag- ed at big expense tor a concert in the evening. Fua a« a Humorist, and McUrogor aa a Scottish Baritone, have theiwers in their line. Come to stay for no Concert. The DrtU Shed wilt be fitted u^ fur the big croad,. ^^^'^^'^^^'^^mim^mmmm • '^ -»» !% >» » J. & W. BOY Ui,- Flesberton Ont2 Wool! Ot/-. wr't'h'"u?.''^i-su;';:^ss'^^^ « «« Cash snd Trade. We innte S^„^ f"^ "" ^'^^^ P^ Beady-Mad. Clofhing JWiJ ~ p""*^' "^'•'"•i"'' to o luing, i^ies rea<» Waises. ah. READY-MADE OUyTB^t""' ^'""•' «" ^tS,"^^r.''"""^«'° ^ --"• breaated fa.n', « f ^S::S iS^ ^.bie • hreaat^Hl • nl^V snii, ^2.^:14"^ and'""^ ""^"^ ' '^ 'â- "«'• -i' '^oubie breaa XVerS.^^r '"•* '"'"=' '•"â- '^ â- '--'^'-' â- -â- "â- ^e belV .Vra, A complete range of boy. t ^id Vpi«c; Bu'ster •b;ow„ ,^ DRE88 MUSLINS "«'"• ^'""""'rpS'^CsfvLC'^r-A'''^'''^'"â„¢/^*' *^ ^ L4DIES' LAWN WaISTO *^' *^*'" *"'"8 '"' » <*nt-. ^"-"''•Ktsr^-s.i^-^j^^ing Boots and Shoes Women', Oa.oXin iw„X P ' '^"^' ^/!S'' '"^ ^'^ ^^ â-  â-  . Me-'.Do„«.aC^^X^^^ ^ ^ FLOUR « FEED Fbur ^VfIJve R^^iT^lloUR *''"^ ";f'"1!"« «""• S'">'« Milling Co.. Keewati^^Ev^;^' ?*{;''' ;^« .^^^ of the Flour in the .anS.'-fll'SLr «"n ^^SHf •^- HARDWAHE A full stock oTsS»^iMl^?:X«% "7' '"' ''' «. , .a 1- Y-": TumT. • **"??''«• Partie. cowten VuMKlinen s Supplies, aUo A ,,.„ . - •^,1-.. u„f„.., . . ouytng should not neylect getting ou« y" "^ .____^^_^ ^S J. & W. BOYD. -0-- â€" •â€" "* *apci Flesherton, Ontai BBSI BUSiNBS5 TRAININfl at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH C.\NADIAN BUSINESS COLLKOK. Cor. Yonge and Bloor St*., Toronto. Bull for Service TlwrouehbrMl Shorthorn RiiU, BCountain Victorâ€" No. 64*)7 (nr service .m lot 29, con. 8' Arteincsio. Terms 91.00. Jos. llawkins. Prop. Pure Bred English Bertahires and Tamwortha. I I have a fin* lot uf youDR pis* bred from I prise wiiming atuck, for sale, Write me fori prices. I can give a bargain alwt i{uarantce â- atisfsction on all mail orders. Oeo. W. ROS^ Maxwell P. O. Farm For Sale or Rent For sale dioap, orreDt,luim«dlata possession. U>t SO, Cod. 14, Artomosia, alioat 75 acres slsar, comfortable log taoase aoa trams Imlto. Apply to H. J. Bpniuls, PleabanoD. or John J. Manio, across tbo road from said lot. Farm for Sak. Iiuts B.) 8 sod 9. Oon. IS, in the township of Ouprejr lA aoras, large elMurtag, goal frame barn and stabls*. good dwetllnii and well- Apply on the premlM* or to W. J.Bbuuht, Flaabeitoa. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Shorthoru, Boos aad Poaltry. Youas stock lorsals^ tranns easy and prion rraaonable. Siocd* aiad rose comb Bmwo Lexhorik «ggs !>» batching, 7Bo and 91-00 uer fifteen eggs. Special pnoea on inoubat^w tuts. Member of Oaaadian Lairbom dnk Richard AIW, Flesberton P. O, and Statian. Lot 170, 2nd ouiu, E. IX and a It. Shorthorn Cattle for Sate. Levtnlasaod Wimples, tb* best of ttrsediag and qualit'. Boll, sows aad baiters tor sale at raaaonabis prices t StLoeaJ 0HA8. STAFFORD. Flsshsrton Slabs and Edgia<s for Sate. We will •all the * ft. Blab* and B4alogs at oar mill on eoB. h, Artamesia, at 01-00 per ooid. Hr sMilyinglo Mr. Jbo. pMllamant, opposite the mill, b* will measar* aad receive eash lor tb* wood when tak«a awav. Wo win fnrtbar pay a reward of StlOO tor proof of anyone taking wood tram tberelalbe past, or who may take wood Id tb* tature with- oat oar authority or Mr. Parllameot's. KRBNAN BROS., Umlled, Owen Sound. Soottteh Pride 60274 Tb* yonni boll aootUsh PrlO* will stand for ssrvio* at Ur. F. W. Mieholson'*. lot ST. eoa. ^ Artameala. Beoltlsb prid* Is sirad by flooMlsb Prinoe. a gisadsoo of tb* weodertnl show sow, Qemot Ballaebin, Imp., winner ot^ •Mil prises at Toronto and London, Iwsid** iMi^ etaamp- ioB fewal*. Hbe weighs orwr NSO ponails. Dae o( thin sow's ealv** sold tor •lIT&.oa Bpottlsb prid* is oat of Udy Bella by the Toronto Stst prise winaor, Cantata May Fly, imD.aHBai^Trisyotiag b«n baTpronVbiiu. iell a showbnll havloa galnad an enaouraninii raeord Ibis Isll at FsTorsbsm: H* woo Srst prise as b**t bull salt, also diploma tor best ball any sm. Tboae bavlsg msra brsd sow* ithjagraad bull befcvw br**dla« a* Mm. AUmhad k (ttr« krtdsv SIM-. nan any sm. Tooae bavlsg pa should s**H>bgraB4 bull befcr tk*y caaaol do BeMar tbaa Bse M numbnr el grade. wiH^twtakfiL Farm for Sale. Lets 171. t and 3. l«t eon. N. E. 123aorf8 Iu all of fiiit c'ass farm good vtat« oi cultivation, witu a4.ut!t of KlcaliertoD. sbort u}ilo clean of iioaloutt weeds aiMi wel acreo of nianib, 5 acres of ki&rdwt ance iu cood state to work all kiu erv. well watereil.Sorcharils. a gi X 26 vuueerdd inside, kitoben 1 sbed IC X It, new barn 90 a 60 stout This ii QUO of the l>est farms in and can b» bcugbt right. W. J. C School dlilreii' Supply Tlieir ,.^ Inteflect "^^ Defective eyes stunt- Can you expect fair In school or succes business if so handi Examination of ch glasses is a special our Optical Depart! W. A* Armsl ,}CWILLK' "NO O «"LESHERT HOMESEEI 2NO |Mnd>Tr MAP SASEA1 ALI OOINO DAT| «ss<il4.M Amglia Ki«11.N liil} Tialwla ia«4 IsveHsm i VEIY IjOW bates ] llsacta«fWtaaips«aiKij li*l«**a VBdmoelui aad Tlekais isiodf to all Nortl TOUM3T atwri TbaristSkjutal Ossjiw illj enofnoa. follr s q al > p* n *t«. B*rtkssltMMb**emrJ Ibrauah bsfee* m Ratsai (*tr**He *t ^tat 4s.i«ini,M*Mmi.i

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