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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1908, p. 2

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1= IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND DIS PEOPLE. Occurr«nM9 In the Land Tba( ne4gni Supreme In the Commercial World. Advertlsinc tor a lad, a London Orm Ttceived within a very low hours GOO Tlw early poiato crop in W«sl Nor- folk has been attack<>d by dugs, which )iav« (Jono much damauu. Th« c)itcn«lvo (lour mills at Ncw- cast1e-unJ'-r-I^ymo were reo<^nHy burned, ihc daniaee bring ofltinial«J nt $75,000. !-. Afl iron sti-^nmiT Duill on Ibc Wear, in"TWB^«jLof 3.2C0 tons, at a cost ol over W50.i)00, r>j(5 now been sold for about Ui.MO. A series of small W^i^-hine^ that »ljenl- ly gMieralo sea oir ir^iUh© auditorium, have toen installed at tb^l^London Hip- podrome. A robin mode Its nest In o-i^^uman ftkull which had been left hangiii, 4b< outside of a stable by b medical BludAnt In London. A town'j ni«et ng, called by the Mayor uf Lowc>loft, bat decided by a Urgie majority iu favor of permitting Suiday music on the pier. Mw>a Emily EasUin, of Galcahend. has (iIo'"c.l S100,000 in li'ust for providins annuities for spinsters in Northumber- land and Durham. Tho r.-)ckcrmoulh Union Doard jf Guardians ha« decided to pnovid* work for tho rWO unemployed ironw-jiliora at .Work^ngV n ni .sionebresklng. To Brcrloy Hill '.Staffs), belongs tho honor of l«ing tho flrsl town m the kingdom to complete a new battery of arltllery uiuler tho TerrlUjrrial Amiy ^heme. The Sunderland millers have advanc- <}C the price of flour by t.s. a 80*tflne sack. An lnci«aic in the price to the oonsumer. of probably a fenny a stone. Will foltow. D'spilo his plea of guilty, a man ut Slialford charged with theft wns dis- chnrg.d b<vaas« the Bench .-^aid Ihcrc wa-. not .siiflldent evideiioc (or any jury lo tonv.ct him. Proof ol the perfect discipline in the Tonkja of the .Salvati'in Army was af- forilod last wt^k wli<n 1,200 oltlcers Cbant^ slatloiis and spheres of duly without II single hitch. Bright sunshine has been n-oord^d m (^ondon to tho extent of nearly U8C hours t>ino« the first day of llus present year Th*' averoge of 25 years emdea 1905 is fUb hours. Mr. Franklin-Adnrns, lli« astronomer, la milking u chart of llio entire heavens, and is counting' tho slar.-i, amounting to acme 2.1,00n,o»J0 recorded on hl.s photo- graiihic ninis. The Duke and nuches.* of Sutherland hfcvo again lent Stafford nnJ goidi'ns for on exhibition of croftcr.s' homespuns and cotloge Industries, which will take plnce on July 0. Whilst cnguged at a house in Dover Road. Folkalona, workm»?n fomid be- neath thp floor nenr tlie fr<int door two clJ lolt'MS. Tl«y here poslmiirks dated 1B84, and in one was a ^(ostol order for 5.S. Mr. James Bain, Marine Superintend- ent of the Cunanl Lino, comrs of a me- chanical slock, for hU father woa one of Robert Nupiers nu^ri who heli>ed lo build the machlnory of the first of the Ciyiard liners. The record number of 43,035 persons poid lor admission to Shakespeare's bTthplace during the year ending March 31, and the number who visited Ann Hathuwuy'.s collage was also mere than that in any previous year. Sixty natfonalitiea are represented in Iho vist- lors' 'look at the birthplace. Anions MOMENTS FOE YOUHB MOTHERS The hot weather months are an anxi- ous time for all mothers, but particu- larly for young mothers. They are the fatal months in the year for labiC') and young children, because < f t!i« groat prevalence of stomach and bcwfl troubles. These come almost without warning, and often before the rr.other reallaes that there i6 danger the little one may t« beyond aid. U Is the duty of every mother to use all reason- able precautions to ward off sumnver <^omplaints. For this purpose no other ii'^Ntaine can equal Baby's Own Toilets. An oocraNfcional dose will Veep the stom- «ch and b**s^ia ff^g fpo^ offending matter, and wiirs^,,,gyrc the litU« ones gcod health. If tn*^(rouble comes un- «peftedly tho lableUs^n^ui gp^jpjjjy (.^re it. I-.very lionie. therefore, ^^oukl keep the Tablets on hand alwny.s; ^^^cy may be the mean.s of saving your cht!a!«i^« mo. Tliey are guaranteed fro© from opt&i^i^ and narcotics, and may be given with^ perfect safety to a new boi"n ^•nbc. .^Id by medicine dealers or by miiil at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams .Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. 475 TnOlT IN TWO D\Y.«?. Food Products Libby's Veal Loaf is made of the best selected meat, scientific- ally prepared and even- ly bafced by damp heat in Libby's Great While Kifchea. The natural flavor is all retained. When removed from the tin it's ready to serve! It can be quickly pre- pared in a variety of styles and nothing makes a better summer meaL In the home, at the camp, and for the picnic Libby's Veal Loaf is a satisfying dish; full of food value that brings contentment! Libby, McNeill A Libby, Chicago. The Cjrtrh of a Party ol Sixâ€" A Sample of Nova .Scotia Ftshing. Mnlive and QuoIkc have l« n celi'toral- 0,1 for many years a.* a paradise for anglers, ^fa ne's neighbor on the east, New Bninswick, has sliared of lute n ih.; glory, ^'o^•« .Scota has heen over- looked, but the fishing Iheie is as good ai the best. There are many fine salmon streams «ik1 trmt flsliiiiu is cxcellmt all over t'lM provinie. I'l'^tiing in all Iho rivera and loke-s is practi(Milly free and imre- £li'icl«d. Nova Scotia Iws few large rivers, but there nro tboiLsnnds of .stream.* which art filled wtth trout. There arc mnny e'-tales in llie. pr<ivino« llu>>ugh wlik:h threi" or more go;id flshng br<x)ks run. Seme of tlHiLsO .streams you can step acRiiJs, yet llsh abound in th<'m. Tiiko for f.\ample a stream which has jiLst settled Julo .«ome sort of steadi- ne-vs Btli.'r a hurried, tujuullinius de- scent down the mounlaln. .\s it cuts lis way thrctugh Ihc lovel upland it digs out liokS'i here and llnTe, and fl^om these holes the angler may lake a do7xui or niori) one pounders In an hoiu-'s sport, A party of sijc jnadc un expodition early last summer to Canaan Lake in Ith- soutli-eu-stcni imrt of llie prtA'Lnce, Fishing fr ini canoes Ihi-y cauglil 275 trout in one day. Tho trout ran from on>^hiilf to Olio and a half pounds each, with a few lart,oi'. The next day the six anglfrs added L'llO inoio lo IliO cateh. Tlieso wn about Ih- .same .size. pxc<!pt one b auty which weighed ainioist two and one-lMlf pounds. The .spoi-l.^inan will .shudder when it is reford<Ml Ihatsonv of the party fished I'l Ihe gi>od <ild-fa.slii. iie.l wayâ€" wilh anglo-worms. But flu's wire luscd to<i. the s Iver do-lor. May lly and barnyurd |ly. The barnyurd lly took llie Ix'sl, as Is proiier In i\ fanning comnnin ty. It isn't exi>^n.sivo to go llshliig !n N<-va .'NXilia. Tlii.s party of siix were out five djiy<i. tlirei>. being scent In po- int' and coniinj,'. TN'; total cost was i?3*, let-s ihiui iSfi each, and at Ihut they had a fiuUle, nn Indian and an Indian loy Uo, who wore glad to get $11 tor four (lay.-*' work. The trout fishing i.s R(X>d nil .^summer Nmg, and after SoplonilK^r 1.") the ang- ler can take a gun along and .sIrkiI iwirlrdcos, rabbits ond moo*- while waiting f'jr biles. As for tin' trout, th«'y aiv the .salmon variety, "spockU>d liea- tn'S," .so called, tho llcsh a di'litulo pink. AN I'MBREIXA HIS ROOF. liermOl Has Dwell Twenty Years in (he >Voodg. In a wood about thirty miles from London, England, lives an old man who l<r twenty years has known no other ivRif than an umhrvlla. "Twenty years ago I took to th« woods," he^said. "Dur- ing Itw great swiwslorm a few works ago I slept soundly, and when I woke up in Iho morning I wua covered with Ricow many inches deep. Bui I am nev- er ill, I liavc not had a day's illnes6 in imy life. I have livt-d a .simple, singlt; life, and I have no more worry than that Iree has. t have no rate.s and taxes ti> pay. I have no wife to bother me, and I havo plenty of friends. "How do I live? Well, all Ihe vil- lage lOjple knew me, und they provide me with tea and bread. A man does »iot want much to live on, you know. I am quite happy under my old um- brella. "I can sew as well as a tailor, and I mend all my clothes. I have several change of ck>thing. I have clean shirts, aocki, boots, and olher things !h^*re. I have my bath in the woods and wash fny lhir,gs here. No one ever Int-jrfei«s with me. I never light a fire, and ' mever a^jk for money. "When darkness comes on I put up my big umbrella, take my boots off, put kny legs Into a sack, and cover myself u I with clothing, on top of which I place this mackintosh, and settle down fo" tho night." The Trusts and Guarantee 43-45 KINGSTOETWEST, jeWi> DIVIDEND NOTICE Notice U hereby given that a half-yearly dividend for the •ix months ending June jo, 1908, At the Rate of SIX PER CENT. Per Annum hM tliU dftf btsn d»e\%nA npon tk* paid-op Capital Stock ol ttta CampaiiT, and the >«â- â€¢ wlU b* payabl* at tha oAcm of th« Compaay, on aad aftor Jul7 1, VXA, and tb* Trauhr Book! win be oloMd from Jan* 20th lo June SOtli, both daji Inatulre. Toronto. Jon. 12. loos. JAMES J. WARREN, Managing Direotor. IVRW SERUM TO CtRE RABIE.S. Will be Effective In lirgent Cases, Says the Discoverer. ,_^^\ugusle Marie, chief of the lab- .â- ralor.yVL q{ ^^^ paslour Institute, Paris, Fraiioo.^Vjg j^,^^ c\|irrimeTitillg for se\cral ynUfc-.,- ...,ih the ii;oil:ned treat- ment for advflnre.1 cn^g, ij( labiea Wllh the Pasteur lr«,,tn)eiil, us ii.sed i-nce its discovery in ^s^hhs uiit 1 now, fii.i â- ::n'"""lty is not reached t» ,,nui near- ly the weeks offer the llrst inj<^nfii^, given. lh« treitinent la.sting a iiiin inir of eighlfen days now. lit cases of .se- vere bites on Ihe faoo the diseases may drvelop in Ih ce weeks or even ks^. Dr. .Morie has succ.'<'Jed iu ob'a ning U</m sh'"ep which had l)O0n immunized against rabies a serum which, when in:xcd in certain propoitk)ns wilh virus of rubia.'', renders the latter In- n .euous when injectd into an inals and hi'insu beings. This inixtiiie uf virus and ,seru:ii leirnit* tlie tenliinliig of tha Pas'eur lrcatm<nt with<i which secures ininiunily mu h quicker than when the ordinary method is u.scd. It N precisely what has boi'n nei'dcd for si'VTc ca.scs and Ihe results obtained within the lost two yoni-s have amp'y fulfilled Dr. .MarU^'s liopos. Furlhermor.' th<> new form of Ireal- ment will be of great praclical valiii> in immunizing t'ogs, inasmuch as two in- jorllons rapklly immunize a dog against riiblos, and Ihis immunity lasts for a year or more. You Won't Hind Warm Weather if you eat Shredded Wheat. It does not clog the system or tax the digestive machinery. Every par- ticle of Shredded Wheat is easily and quicicly digested by the most delicate stomach. Try It wlUi fresh fruits for a week and note reaiilts. Sold by all grocers W H E AT A Sl-AVE OF HABIT. "Mr. niilchcr," .said llic patron with the Infant in her ai'in-s, "will you ploasu weigh my b»by7'' ".Sine!" responded ihe liusy biilcher, depositing Ihe litt!o human bundle oh hi. scalo-i. " sixteen pounds and n'ler, .Mi's. Ililey." "But." commontcd the wnlrhing par- ent, "your scalo-s ivgisler only s.ixleen IKiunds." "You're right, mndam," .eaid tho hul- cher, KxUlening as he to<ik anoihe • Tl:en turning to Ihe bookkeep r bihiiid Ihi- disk, he -failed out, "Annie, take <'tl that quarter of a p< uiidl" WOULD TAP Vr:.SlJVIOU.S. An Italian sclonlist, .s;igii(ir dnrlino, proposoft lo supply n safety valve for \i>- fiiivlu.s. When llio outlet <if a volcano bo- comes diokivl wilh ,s illililled lava, It Is always pohsiblo thai the next eiuiilion niay sholter Iho mountain lo pieces, a fale wlileli aclually befell the volcano of Krakatou some vcars ago. His ideo Is lo lai Ihe mounlaln by lioring a lunnel In Iht l)n.s<> and lelling the lava oscope iiilo the sen. Nor need the nuillen lava be wasted. It r<iulil, ho jtolnls out, lie run Inio moulds and made Inio blocks for in thi' slrwls and quays of Naples. A fxindon fog Is estimated ki weigh n,( ions. WEEKLY M.VRKET LETTER. A. J. Patlison & Co., ToronUvJn Ihelr w<'cUly market letter, report as follows: Tho Conadian Ranks rejiort an in- cr<ase of over .SO.OOO.OOO in depasils of the Canadian jiublic, and a decrease of Ion IKS In Canada of $.').700.000 for the n:onlhâ€" not an unusual condition for Ihis lime of tho Mexican Power !<; which atlenlion has Ixvn called when .selling at -Ml us prol>ably going on n dividend ba.sis, has advanced lo 57. and as iiiUmalcd, a dividend of I per cent, has boon declaivd payable in July, U is not ."-plaled Ihal this is a qunrtorly pay- inenl, but Iho oarnings wairanl Iti s ex- Ijectation. Bio will inalenally i^oduio e.\[x< by Ihc completion of tho waUr pcwer .sysleni, coal being an expen.sivo fuel in Ihat di-slrict. The net earnings .should show largo increase williin Iho next sixty days. The Ameilcan mar- kers, which have suffeivd a reaction ow- In^- lo Ihe PresidenlinI nominnlion.s, of- f-.r attruclive dividend invostnienis 'n fciich standard i.s.sues as Northern Paci- fic, Croat Northern, Pennsylvania ami SI Paul. Indu.slrinis have ndvancoil steadily, but .still .show large euniines in prices quoted for .standard cor,ixira- lim.s. Wo diiubt if Ihe piveenl condition o' trade in United Stales woi-ranLs Iho advances, but certainly no more juom- i.'^ing crop conditions "have existed for inany years than arc now general Ihivnighoui Canada and the United Slates. Cobalt shapes have advanced general- ly. The expected dividends on a num- ber of shipping mines have Ixvn rea- lized. Crown ne,s<M'vo \ jwr cent., Tc- iniskaining :! jxm- cent and Cily of Co- balt ,5 i>er cent, are niiinng the recent doelarations from mines which have not lioroloforo lieen regular dividend payers. It Is ,slat«xl on apparently go-xl au- thority Ihal Tret ho wcy will |^ placed on a diviil.'nd basis wllhin Ihe next month. Pecent earnings opix}ar lo warrant from 3 per cent. l<> .-) per cent. quarUrlv. He- porl.s from Ihe mine show .sulllri.-nt de- volopnieni lo warrant oxpoclation of a c«intlnuation of dividends, M:Kinloy- Dar, is also exiecled lo declare i|uarle'r. ly dividends, bi'ginning in July, Hee.'nt quolfllii'ns aiv: Crown Bo.serve J7-iOx div; Toniiskoniing U-td; Cilv of C>obalt 1.72,Tie!hewey »i-8l. 00 davs HO' .McKinleyPar. 70, fis. LaRose, llie now Cx^balt inorgor, which was plnc<'d in New York al .'!ll.7.'), has sold up lo *,5.1.1. .•^hipping Cobalt mines may l>e consid- ered a fnir .siu'ciilalivo Inveslnienl. We lliliik that Ihe r.llier stocks should be let: alone for the lime b^lng until Ihe pro, have given evidence of values. + LIVE A SOLITARY LIFE MEN WHO LIKE TO BE MONARCIIS OF ALL TIIEY SURVEY. Live on Desert Islands Because Uad a Dislike to Human Society. Tiicy Cayman Brae, irr-. „,. ^yesi mdies, is one of the "last, least, lonciv_s»,a islets" under Ihe British Hag. Three faiiii.->^i^ live there, as their ancestors have doiu; for generations. I visited tlie place a few years ago, and found that each fam- ily lived as far from the o11h.ts as pos- sible. Their iiiembors seldom spoke to Clio anotlier, and hud no social inter- course, says a writer in London Answers. An eccentric Canadian had settled on the island sliorlly before my visit, and built him-sclf a but. His only desire in lif>', it soeined, was to be loft severely alone. He spoke once only to me. In or- der to make Ihol fact plain, as he had done lo the head of each of the three fam- ilies. But even the sight of other people now and then was too much for him, and he departed on a schooner with me Ic lake up his abode on one of the Pedro Cays, where Ihe only other inhabitants ore boobie-s and gannets. H.M..«:. P.sycho found him there, ond wanted to rescue I'iin as a castaway; but he irritably REFUSED TO BE RESCUED. "A lazy uwn. E.M'I.ANATION. '• »«|(1 Uncle i:ik n. IS alius gihxl-na:ure(!. f..h do .Hiiniib' i-ea- S'.iri dill he's got lo be lo gll friends to hold up his iv«p,insU)Uit,e.s. ' "I am disgusted wilh men and women, and never want to see one agoin," was all the exploiialkm he chose to give. inevitably lead a lonely life, but few cf them are like the ftulchinan 1 knc\tâ€" tho mon who kepi ll:e .Sombrero light on a rock near Trini- dad, Ho had lived there alono for over nvo years, steadily refusing lo have a niaU) or lo take the holiday offered him every throe months when the supply ship called. In tho sixth year, for the first lime, he was induced lo leave his rock, and go to Ihe neighlxiring island of Saba r<ir a month's holiday. Tliere Is only one lilllo village on Saba, wilh a few hundred inhnbllanl.s, but Ihe Dulchman coul 1 not stand the busy whirl of things. After week ho borrowed a boat and sailed liack to his rock and the socwty o' his seagulls. Ho told me lie couldn't "hear a crowdâ€" Ihat was his only reason for his love of loneliness. A WEALTHY MISANTHROPE. A few years ago a rich Scotsman named Ferguson, who had made a great forlime as a Irador on the West Coasl uf .Siiilh .\merico, a.stonished bis friends by iJurchusing from the Government of I'.cuador one of Ihe many barren, desert- t rocks In the Galapagos oj-chipelugo. He had always been popular in society, and had never shown any disposition for a hermit's lilc; bul ho retired lo this island and lived there alone for nearly Iwo years under conditions of greot hard- ship. Supplies were brought lo him e\ory Iwo moiilhs from Guayaquil by a chartered chooner, biit he pcrmill-d hbn. .sell no luxuries, and toiled hard every day aflor tho fashion of Robinson Crusoe. lli.^ friend-s trk-il hard to Induce him to return lo civillzaUon, but in vain. Al tho crew of the supply ship, on one of their visits, found him dead in his hut, with a bullet through his brain. I.elleis which he left behind .showed that he had committed suicide out of sheer disgust wllh life. l\e explained that he had ctiosen lo live alone he had found Ihal his friends and rela- tives cared only for his wealth, and not f< !â-  hini.self. But alt<'r a busy life solitude billed him Inexprnssibly. ' .«V) ho I«x3k what .seemed lo him Iho" best way out. WITH A OIUND PIANO. When I was on a United .States survoy- sl.i;) In Ihe Philippines, during the .Vguln- aido tnsurrecliflii, I wos dotailiHl with a small parly to land on a small atoll off llie s<inlli-wesl of Mimlnnao. Hidden away In o gnive of c<icoaiiut palms wo found n Utile 'ohod bimgak.w, sur- ii.iiiideil by j , of yams cwoct pota- li es, cas-iivi, .11; other vegelaliles. .\n oil! German, dres.sed in tallen'd while diieks and n pnlni-leaf Iml, welcomed us imd gave us a splendid dinner of roast sucking-pig, fowls, and tropical dainties, li' wos served by a Chinese boy â€" his Man Friday. They had lived together on the Islet for six years, and during that pcrkjd had not seen another soul. This "Robin.son Crusoe" was a Prussian nobleman, and was concerned In the ro- volutionarj- movemiait of 18i8. When that failed, he left his country for over and wandered about the world, finally settling on the atoll. He had taken a lot of stores and live stock thcro with him^ and many of the luxuries of civlli- ratlon. He had even a grand pUno and an Edison phonograph. His principal omusemenl, he told IjS, was lo write p<*lry and essays: but he had no ambi- twn io have his works piihlislied, or even ) submit them to our criticism. A i^iiNi.\TifnE pn^^^' â€" -^ Perhaps the queieroet Instance of a craze fo- .solitude that 1 have over known was that of an eccentric Chicago millionaire named Jomos Lanigan. lie had a minia- ture prison, wilh one cell erected on his country ostoto near the city, and con- demned himself lo imprlsonmont In it for months at a time. He employed two wardens, who were instructed to feed, treat, and work him exaf^lly as a criminal would lx> In Joliet. tho Illinois Stale pris- on. HLs eccentricity was much discussed in the Chicago newspapers, bul he nover gave a roa.son for it. When he was not oc<;iipving Iho coll him.solf. he would In- vito his friends to do so, but, so far as I know, nobody accepted. BY INFERENCE. Tha n:agislralo lookol .severely al Ihe iniall, rel-laeed man who had been .summoned before him, and who returned h:.- gaze without flinching. ".S'l you kickiHl your landlord down- .s'aJTs?' said the ra,8gistraU\ "Did you iii.agino that was within the right ol a tonanl " "I'll bring my in and show - t- you," .said the little man, growing still leJdor, "and 111 wager you'll agree wilh me Ihal nnylhing they've lorgot- len to prohibit in Ihat lease 1 had a right to do the vei-y first chanoe I got," BETTER PAY UP. Tiiurisl (visiting an ancient ensile)â€" ".\ie there any legends conne:led with this old casl'c?' Giiidiv-"Oh, yes. It Is said Ihal in ancient times a stranger onco visited this castle and gave iv) tip ti the gu7de. Thereupon the latter threw Ihe visitor into the well But don't lx> frijihtened. Of course, its only un idle legend," STILL INNOCENT. Farmerâ€" I've got ye, ye old black thief! Thol's my chicken yo're oatin. Deacon Jacksonâ€" .\cuse me. siih. Am yo' do gen lenian lives at df Four Co'ners? Farmerâ€" N 1. Deacon Jacksonâ€" Den, prase I'eLawdl I's an hones' niggah yit. Dis uin' yo' ch cken. THE LAST ACT. TcnchfTâ€" "Why, Flossie! can't you tel. what p-r-a-y-e-r spoils? Whats tha last thing your niiy says when s!;e re- tires Hi 11 g!it?" Flossii.^"Sh' ask-i pa if ho wound up the clock and put the cat out," THE DIFFERENCE. \ tcactior in a certain school said lo a dull pu;)il: "Wh Ml I w OS your .igo I could answer nn.v qucsron in arlhmellc." "Ye.s," .said the .entail ch 1<I; "bul vou rorjret tlinl you had a different loacher to what 1 have.'' GUESS IIF, K.\EW, 01, 1 Farmer (lending threshing ma- chine, to aopliconl for jib)â€" "Ever donr? .•iny llira.<hing?" Arplicant (modestly)â€"''! nra Ihe father of svvonteen children, sir." Ihe man who always gols his own way h'S a lot of oreiiiies. The famous AI;dn.> gu'des bdeve in total abstinence frsin rlci<lioUc dunks. i

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