yksbtrlun "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIA'CIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, RO 1369 Festiertoii, Ont. Tliursday June 25 LQ08 W. H. THURSTON, EorroB i v.. I The Newest Things in Jewellery CiiD always be found at the J<'leah- erton Jewellery headquarters. Watches & Clocks s and hII pocket- To suit, all bonks. Jewellery For the ladies in and kcesl^ patterns. great variety 1 0th Line, Osprey. A very heavy storm of wind and rain passed over here on Friday last but we nave not heard of any diiinage done by the lightning which was very sharp. Evangelist Egerton preached a very interesting and instructive sermoa at Bethel on Sunday morning last. of this place, from Moudaj antil Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Smith returned to Toronto this week after visiting for a month with her parents here. Mr. and Mrn. Charles Woodriff of Hot iSpriags, Arkansas, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. John Martin, We understand that Mr. Fred Otte well and will spend the summer in Canada. we pride ourselves In having a great vaiiety of the chi>ice»t goods ni-inufactured from which to chmise. Come in and let us show you what we have. W.A.ARMSTRONG Kimberley. Every body come to the W. I. garden party at Kimberley on Tliursday, June ia. A goud time is expected. Mias Mathews of Markditle was the guest of Mrs. A. E. Myles during the past week. Mr. James Davidson and sister. Miss | Sadie, the Misses Rachel and Hattio Lougheed, and Mrs. Robert Loughe^ ' ,â€" ^t«»o thildren of Clarksbunc -'«t« visitors durins iTie pa..." weec ;»c Mr. John Fawcett^B. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fawcett are visit- ing Colliiigwood friends thin week. Mr. \Vm. Walter of Toronto is holi- daying with friends here and is the guest of his brother, Mr. G. H. Walter. Mr. W. RehiU and daughter, Aileen, are the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. G. Proctor. Quite a number from here attended Mr. J. J. Martin's barn raising. East Mountain, Monday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Acheson and two sons were visitors at Mr. Greo. Uutchin- soq's on Sunday last. our vet at Fevershani has sold his prop - erty to Mr. John Tyson and will re- move to Thorn bury. We will be sorry to loose Mr. and Mrs. Ottewell from uur I village but the best wishes of the commun- ity go with them. [ Mr. Wm . Dand of the 12th line has re- ^ modeled and enlarged his barn and will I , now have one of the best barns in the • neighborhood. â- â- .. j I Mr. John Tyson of the 14th con. will ud hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements on June 30th, Mr, Wm. Knitting, auctioneer. The Bethel garden party held at Mr. John Cuulthard's was a grand success and everybody enjoyed themselves. The sum of eighteen dollars was realized. The Mclntyre football team played a return match with the Maple Leafs of Feversham <m the agricultural ground*" . .• ». j at Feversham on Saturday evening la/J*, ; f "'°° Monday McFARLAND & CO. MAf^KDALE ONTARIO I Miss Agnes Reekie of Heathcote i visited friends in this part. I On Monday Mr. John Martin had a fine new barn erected . There was , a large crowd from all over to witness ' the scene, and the framework which ! was superintended by Mr. Cooper of j Markddle, was a credit to him, • everything going together in tip top shape. Tiie tta was all that coald '»« desired. It is to be hoped tbnrt Mr- ', Martin will live a number of 'years to enjoy his new barn, and •-'uat he will not be so unforVunate again. ' A number fr(»m this part attended the meeJi.-ngs at Rock Mills on SurxSiay. / A dreadful storm passed over this bat no damage was You will notice by the following quot.'Vnons that we are put- ting on sale many line.s of Mercbid'ndise at greatly reduced prices (and if space would j^t^nnt we would (juote many others eqaally as good). Y-ou must act promptly if you want to take advantaige. Come in and investigate anyway. 1-0 in favor o* the the result being Maple Leafs. Mrs. Holmes and "Mrs Morris of Toronto, b»<'-- 'o«en visiting friends in 1 this -^rt the past week. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe of Feversham have gone to spend a fort- night with their son at Echo Bay. done here, needed and it. The rain was greatly everyone was glad to see Maxwell Items Evangelistic services are being held in the Methodist church every^ evening at 7.30 (/clock. Look out tor the garden party of the season at the Methodist parsonage on .\ugust 5. The ladies of the church will spare no pains to make this event a success. . Born â€" June 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Blakey, a s«>n. Sorry to report Mrs. Blakuy very ill. Muss Wiley of Wodehouse is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Wiley's, of the 4th line, at present. ^ A nunil)er of the yoiKig people from j ited her parents, here took in the footliall game at Fever- " â- â- .sham Saturday evening. The Institute picnic on June 18 was a great success. Miss Bell and Miss Buru- aby are worthy of great praise for their excellent addresses. A good program was given in the evening which was en- joyed by a large crowd. Ten new mem- bers were added to the society. A nuiubur from here iutend taking |in the Giiolph excursion ou Thur.sday. Mr. W. H. Guy had a narrow escape from di>;tth by lightning during the storm last Friday, but fortunately was only stunned and felt no after effects. Miss Gertie Bruwnridge of the 8th line spent a couple of days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Linley. Don't forget the Sumlay school picnic ..^ in Mr. Hudson's grove June 30. Mr. Chas. Heron left last week for Yellow GiitsH, where he intends to re- main for the summer. Mrs. James Madden visited for a couple of weeks with her daughter near Dundalk. Maxwell and the third line football teamsintend playing here Friday evening. A number of young people from Ifaple Valley spent Sundjky at Mr. George Whitcoak\. Miss Annie McKechnie is very ill with appendicitis. Dr. Bond and Dr. McFsuI of Cullingwood performed an operation Saturday afternoon and we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Miss Alice McCalluui of the 4th lino visited last week with. Miss Lizzie Guy. Mr. A. D. Deavitt left last week to Uke a position in Owen Sound. Dogs have been worrying aheep in the vieinity of Mt. Forest. On* fanuei htwl •1(K) worth kilUd. Vaadelear. Mr. A. Johnston is building a new house and otherwise improvingthe farm he purchased from Mr. David Thompson. The annual summer meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the ball here ou Friday afternoon, when a goodly number was iti .tttdndance, and Misses Burnaby and Bell gave inUuresting ad- dresses on " Homemaking. " In the ev- ening the hall wsis comfortably filled. Addresses were giveu by the ladies who spoke in the afternoon. Music was fur- nished by the Vandeleur string baud, instrumental by Miss Cook, and a recita- tion by Miss E. C. Boknd. A very en- joyable and profitable evening was spent. Miss Mamie Graham, who has been living in Chicago for some time, ha.s re- turned home. Mr. Harry Silcox was the guest of bis aunt, Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, for a few days last week. Quite a number of shareholders of the Eiist Grey Telephone Co. attended the annual meeting at Markdale Friday and report business satisfactory . Mr. Howard HoUeyand his sister.Miss Ethel, and Mr. Rowe and Miss Boyd of Berkeley, spent Sunday with friends at Vandeleur. Mrs. R. Richardson of Flesherton vis- Mr. and Mrs. George Pritchard, on Saturday. Miss Mary Thompson, who has been visiting relatives at Kimberley for some time, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John Boland are on an extended visit to friends at Newmarket. Miss Dove Cook of Rocklyn is spending a few days with- her friend. Miss E. C. Boland. Mrs. Robert McNally of Moi-kdale was the guest of Mrs. S. Gilliert last week. Miss Susie Allan of Toronto was a visitor at Mr. John Holley's last week. Mr. R. G. Warling and family from Priceville spent Tuesday of last week at Mr. John Warling's. Hatherton. Rock Mills Mr. Otto Gamey, who has been teaching in Stanstead Easiness Col- lege, btanstead, Quebec, is home for a few days. Mr. Ern. Marshall is a teacher in the same institution. W. J. White and Will Russell re- turned from Idaho ou Friday. Mr. White was not very favorably impres- sed with the country. Rev. Mr. YauSioltle's evangehstic meetings are being very largely atten- ded and much good is being accom- plished. If the heat continues so in- tense, next Sunday evening the service will be held outside the church. A number from hen; attended the Women's Institate at Maxwell ou the 18th. All report a good time. Miss Bell and Master Earl Bell of Blantyre spent a few days with friends here. Mrs. Grummet of the south line is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Arnott. Also Mi&s Maggie Grummet is visiting her aunt. Master Rob Down spent Sunday with 4th line friends. Mr. Cooey and Miss Little of ceatre line, and fiiss Osborne of Port Law spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Ritchie public school teacher, Centre Une will take up the subject of temperance in our S. S. next Runday, June 28, at 2. 90 p. m. Rev. Wm. Egerton, Evangelist, is asoisting Rev. Stanley of Maxwell in a series of meetings. He preaches with great power and is also a splendid singer. Mr. Frank Sallivau favored our S. S. with a solo last Sunday, which was much appreciated. Dress q.oods Reduced to 28c yd 3>CV yards Dress Goods, consiKting of medium and light, fancy shadea and checks, stripes, plaids and ahot eflfects. ReguUr 33c, 40, 42j,4o and 00c yd. While this lot lasts you can have your choice for per yard 28o White Waists Reduced to 78c 47 only Fiiie Sheer Luwn and Mull Waists made in the new styles, hand- sooieiy trimmed with fine lace and insertion and fine tucking, some embroidered â€" half and three-qaartee length sleeves. AU this season's Waists and have been selling freely at f 1.23 each. On aale this week at each 780 John F. Macnamara of Hanover dropped dtad in Chica;{0 when on bis way home. Big Dominion Day Calebration Orangeville At Everybody come to Orangeville on Wednesday. July 1st, 1908, to sot Captain CalUsban making his thrillinu ballon ascension and parachute drop. Prince Stanley, King of the high wire, in his startling and amusing feats nu his narrow jMithway; LaTroinos in their side- splitiiig acts "Fun after School" also In their thrilling acrobatic feat-s. LaNola in her Irish and Japnne<<e Parasol and Fan Dances. Foot-ball match between Caledon and Mono Mills. Base-ball (hatch betweon Belwood and Alton. Lacrosse match between picked teams from Dundalk and Urangeville. At 10.30 a. m. there will be a School Childrens' paiade, and prizes will be triven 10 tho three best marching schools, outside ihe towu of Urangeville, havinr, twenty or more pupils in the parade. All neighborinn schools are invited to compete. Allohildreu, whether residontii of the town or not, taking part in the parades, will be given a free ticket of admission tf> the afternoon performxncti. Music will be furnished by the Mnrk- dala, Dundnlk, Shelburne, Alton and Oi-Hngevillo bands duri.ig the morning and afieni4»on performances. In the evening a grand Band Concert will be given on the exhibition grounds. A special train will l?avo Orangeville for Markdnle, and all intermediate pointi- on the niisht of Dominion Day, st lO.-lS o'clock. Joseph .1. Kolloy. Secrelitry. East Mountain Mrf. Hugh Walton is visiting friends at Graigleilh station . Miss Thomson of Owen Soand visit- ed with her sister, Mrs. John Martin, Ladies' White Canvas Shoes Reduced to $1.35 19 pairs only Ladies' While Duck Shoes, Blue her cut style, that have beei selling in reguUr way at 1.60 per pair. All size* in the lot, and while thay last, reduced price per pair only f 1.25 drey and Blue Canvas Shoes Reduced to $1.18 31 pairs Ladies' Canvas Shoes in plain grey and plain blue, fancy Blucher cat:, French heels, and med- ium width toe. Itegular Sl.75 pair. For this week we will sell theae at per pair |1.18 Shams or Table Covers Reduced to 22^ 38 fine quality White Lawn Shanu) or Table Covers, 30 inches square, scolloped edges and scrolled with Hrbittt braid. Regular 36 and 40c each. Reduced for this week each 22io Tray Cloths aud Doilies Rtsduced to 13^ 4 dozen Fine Linen Tray Cloths and Diiiliea, fancy open stitch, some frlogi^ edges, otbera hemstitched, etc. Regular 17 and 20c each. Re- duced for this week 12ka Fancy Cushion Tops Reduced to 15c each 18 only handsomely decorated duck Cushion Topa, 24 inches square. Regular 26c. Reduced wbila they last loo Hen's Tan Chocolate Boots At I1.50 26 pair Men's fine quality Tan and Chocola'-.e Bal. Cut Boote in medium width toe and McKay â- i>le. Roiiu lar price $2.25 and 2.50 a pair. Size. 6, 7, 7*. 8, SJ, 8, 9^ and 10. To clear every pair <iuickty we are putting them on sale at per pair »1.60 McFARLAND & COMPANY CEYLON S NEW STORE £[JLR1>VlfiVRE: People who are bi/fkling this year should call ami get our prices for hardware before buying, a*s we can give you rock bottom prices on sanie. BOOTS Sc SHOES We have a complete and up-to-date stock on hand. Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right. We carry a full line of seeds of all kinds, prices paid for farm produce. A large supply of flour and feed of all kinds, always on hand. Highest Ceylon's Leading Merchants COlliLINSOJN BBOS. BURT Spwlalist In diacuea of tho Eye,Ear, Nose and Throat Office 1 3 F'rost at. • OiwenSound At the Markdale house, Markdale, 1st Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m aoTo_ THE CORNER GROCERY To hay your Seeds. We keep a variety of all kiuds of Garden atjd Field Seedsâ€" Ueuuies Purple Top, Maguum Bonam aud Elephant Swede Turnip, Jumbo Sugar Beet, Yellow Intermediate aud Mammoth Red Mangel, also Leatuitsg and Horse Tooth Corn, Mill.jt. Also Bran, Shorts aud Crushed Corn for feed on baud always. OUl^ ICE CKEAM Is open on Wednesday aud Saturday eveuiugs. Fruits always on hand. PARLOI^ Confectionery and O. J. SPARROW N i W*