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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1908, p. 4

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Junk 18 1908 THE FLESHERTON A 1^ V A N C * rfWVW^yVMM F. T. HILL & Co. mimm^i June Offerings for the OJool Season. We Rre bit< buyers of Wool and can handle nuy quar.tity for wliinli we fire prepared to offL-r thu liighest market price in C»»h or Trade. We are the only d.-partinont store in Markdalu carryinij a full line of overythitiR in- cludins hardware for which wo accept all kinds of produce '" «"Xchan«o, wa do not say to you if you want hardware we will get it for you. nor do we hvvo to pay hardware inorchants 10 i>or cnt. to s'jpply your re quirements in these liiips. Hemember, when IradinK at this store you get hitdware just the same as we sell you anything else »t the closest prices. So bring your wool and get what you want without hariag to go elsewhere. SELLING LADIES' FANCY FOR 19c SILK COLLARS This week we put on sale ten dozen Ladies Fancy Silk Collars, some lace trimmed, some with insertion and fancy gimps, being 25, 3d and 4Co lines on sale this week for 19o. FOR BOYS AND OIRf.S-HEAVY RIBBED COTTON STOCKINGS FOR 14c. pr, REGULAR 20o. VALUE. We bought from one nf the leading manufactures his over makes in heavy ribbed Cotton Hoce. The price was low and the qualiiy good. On sale this week per pail 14c. LADIES FINE SILK BELTS FOR 38c. THIS WEEK This week we put on sale six dozen Ladie.s Fine Silk Belt.«, a very big assortment of htyles and buckles in the lot aiid all are made of the good qualities of silk Regular 50, CO and 75c. On sale this week at 38c. SELLING FLANNELS FOR THE WOOL SEASON AT .MUCH LESS THAN REGULAR VALUE We have cloatoil at a price a bin lot of Fine Flannel, mostly in plain Greys some come in Chucks. All are of an oxce|)tii>nally goml henvy we»rins» <|Uality and in COTTON ADE PANTS FOR THE SMALL BUY, ON SALE TUTS WEEK FOR 12ic. A PAIR. This week we ]mt on sale 100 pairs boys Cottonade Paiith at a price that does not represent the price of mtking let nUme the gnc.ds. Just the thing for summer wear fur the soiull boy and the price \hit pair 12Jc ^. J. & W. BOYD "^ { Flesherton Ontario. .•"â- nD &, â€" -J Wool ! Wool ! %T% SELLING MEN'S TWEED PANTS AT A BIG DISCOUNT. $1.10 to 82.25 Valutas on sale this week for 98o.a pair. 75 pairs mens' tweed P.m's ill in my ditferent lines the r,jgular way of selling sell at ;!0, :i5 and ."ITjc per a„d qualities. All sizes are hem. Some are worth yard. On sale this week at per yard 22^0 $1.1(), some 1.25, some 1.75 and some 2 25 per pair. ; All on s.ile lit Olid price, you choice i(8:. WWWrWW MARKDALE mm. ,wwww^ ra<-tfr.t.-.Ui! a sAad 5*ta-.',i!i.--(j>lW.t./T.M'i.>iWS»A?' HOW TO BUILD A GOOD FENCE A^hl^^^i PUT UP THE PEERLESS R. Colqiiott, Agent, - Feversham All parties having wool for sale should put themselves in communicalion with us. We have the reputation of paying the highest price both in Cash >nd Trade. We invite your special attention to our stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Ladies' rea<?y-to-wear Waists, also MusliDS, Gingham», Prints, etc. READY-MADE CLOTHING A very large range of single and double breasted men's suits, fancy patterns, prices .... $7.50 A complete range of bingle and doable breasted men's suits in light, dark and medium shsdes.price $10.00 A nice raiiue of f«ncy worsted in single and double breasted, prices 12.00, 14 00 aim 816.00 Also a special 2 piece suit fancy and medium shade belt straps cuff on pantB te<i. $7.75 for $6 00 A complete range of boys 8 and '3 piece and Buster Brown suits. Prices right. DRESS MUSLINS A full and complete range of patiernc, prices from 12^c to .3.6c, also a special Dresij Muslin reg. 12^c, selling fur i> cents. LADIES' LAWN WAISTS A range of fancy embroidery fronts J and long sleeves, ranging In price from $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $175, $2.25, $2.72 Boots and Shoes. Tliialiue is full, values good, and stock np-to-date Call and nspecl. If you are not ready to buy come in and inspect, anyway. niuii's Doneola Patent and Tan Kid, prices from 1.50 to 84.50 Women's O-xforOs in Don«ola Patent and T^n Kid 1.25 to $3.00 Men'.s Dongola Box Calf, Patent Colt and Tan Calf. Prices from $1 00 to $5.00 FLOUR 8L FEED We have a full stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR, m*de by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., KeewHtin. Every bag of this Flour is garanteed â€" the best Flour ill the land. None other tan equal it. HARDWARE A full stock uf Stoves, Ranges snd Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds of Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplating 'ouying should nut neglect getting our prices before purehastng elsewhere. Wm Is published every Thuraday at $1.00 |>er •nniiui if paid iu advance, if nnt'so paid Maxwell Items /^, Much sympathy is oxbundcd to Mr. mid .'Mrs. Geo. Rliss in the loss of their lilllo infant son. Mr. and Mrs. Service 'if Rob Roy vis- ited lit Mr. .Andrews' on Sunday. A nuiiit>er from here took in the Fur' tmirK' Institute picnic at Flesherton 'I'luirNday anil report a jtleasanl time. Wv weio glad to see Rev. Mr. Kemp in our miilst liiHt week. Mis.'* Rutwelt of Diindalk is the guest Ik^' si.Kter, Mrs. C. Fenwirk. The, Sundiiy hoIumiI is tuking a leview of the past iiuarter next Smnliiy afternoon. The children are pntpnvlng Apecial music. .Mr. Geo. BnckingHam is ex])ected home from Toronl/o this week. ."^liss .Sndeison of Wnreham is spend- ing a few day.s at tho |xirK«tmgo. .\ nninlicr from here Uh\l in the socia' nt Piovidenee hist week. P^-.ingoliht Egerton is expected to ar- rive in M.ixwell next Saturday to spend ti week in evangelistic services, which will begin Sunday ei-ening in tho Mctljodist <,huveh. .Miss Li'lio Priestly has relumed hoino ficiin the city, accoin|Mnied by hor friend, Wins Stozer. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thoiiias (iiiy <iii Friday, when a number of young people gatherud and stepped the light f mtastio to the wee, sma' houis o' the morning. Miss B'jiinda .Schenniuian returned to Biitfalo last week. Mrs. Thomas Heron returned to Imt )iome in Hutfalo last ThursdHy, and uu 4>re glad to rr(K>it her mother, Mrs. R. V. liurk, very much improved in hwilth. .Mr. McLean visited his dauglitor. Mis. iito. Whilooiik, recently. >f;-. Win. (JIaivcy is ronewiiig old ac- ^piiiiiitancu in mir village this week. 5Ir. (leii. Linley of CorlMstton spei.t tSiinday at thu pireiit^d home here. Word was received on Moiul:iy even- iwi of t!iu de.'itli of Miss Ross, daughter of .Mr. and .'lis. \\ illiam lions of To- ronld. Mr. .lohii Ross left Tiuisdny morning t<i attend the funeral of hi.s niece. Tho matvf fiiends of Mr. David Eng- lish are glad to hear Mint he in on tho way to reco'. cry. D.iii't forget the picnic Thursdiiy, East Mjountaln Mr. AIox. Cariuthers spent a day in Clarksburg Willi his mother, last week. Miss Myrtle Smith visited friends io Feversham last week. Tho "Mountain Rangers" pbyrd a game of football on Saturday evening wiih the 'I'riniroaes" of Union but tho xame wa« left unlinished on account of one of tho Mouiiiain boys getting hurt »h le thi'y weie playing. Tlio game was a KUgli iiie mid it is high time f<<r to dispense nilli the foolball if both piirtien can not p'liy with a friendly feeling to- ward I lie aiKitber. Mins Velum Graham visited hor grand- mother, last neek. Ml ssrs. I'' led and Nelson Sniih of are S|)eiidiiig .S"nio time with llieir paiouts. Mr, and Mrs. Goo. Smith of til is place. I J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. WATCH YOUR TONGUI- If Fuired and Ouatod, It'* a Looking Glass Stonrioh Wurning. \\ hen it is the iii'.rrinu after the night bi f'.ie, yen ilo not liMo to Ic.ok at y..iir loiwiie to kiinw iliiitthc hiKiiiach is up- Sit, ibu heiiil is achiiii', no appetite, iierv. 8 on rd^e with all the sniishiiie of IMu clouded. The real lime )n watch the toiigus is all the iiiiie, If it is coati-d With a white fur, i.r pi'Siibly with dark triniiiiiniiH, evcii ihiiujh the atoinnch mil tell y <\x by the acu'e pains of indigesioo ilmt ii needs help, y.-t ihe C'laling â-ºhows tloii yiu si-e gettiiiy into a t>ad way and ihut there is need of Mi-o-iia. Mi o-na is so positive, so lialilo in lis curative aci stomach that W. E. Richardson A Son the loeal airents, give a i>uaranlou of siiti:ifaciiuii wiih every 60c. box or money back. Ruie, s> ro- n upon the Crushed Between Rolls Criishi'd liotweeii two rollets in li.e Haw mill of the Carney Lumber Conipau: , Owen S..un(l, was the terrible dealt* which cniiie to .I.s^pli Hellicoiti, a Pol •, on S iturday. The m.>n waa one of a tang brouuUt down from the company'* limlier limits near Massey, (»ni., to work ill the mills. One of his coinpanioi.s wis working at what is csllid h »la»l>er, a inacbiiie vihich cle»n» up slabs before thoy iin- srnt to the laih mill. An ob- striictrn formud under the conveyor which can ies I lie slabs. Uollicitii, who was ong.igi'd i.t other wnrk, voluntarily wcit In ilie man's iissistiince. It was wh Irt at th s «ork ih it his foot cauulit in a eoiiveyor chain b(4t and the iiian was picked up aid tWrnvn on two rolleia known as tho hurry-iips and Cdrriid be- tween them up 1(1 his olicsf, where tie ho- caine w«il|!tid and ihu mschiiies slopped. The vieiini IJvi d until ho renulied Iho lie hospital. It IS brother Phillip wi:- llfSSed the accidrllt. Owen Sound has a miniature railway in operation and tho citizens who have to listen to the screeching of the whistle are o'ljecting very strongly. Tho four- year-old Bon of Mr. Wni. Cherry, who lives soutli of Pnlnierstoii, was found dead floating on the surface of a pond in his father's field on Saturday nioriiing by a ci.uple of Palmerslon bojs who hnd gone there to la' he The little fellow had followed his father to the tiold where he was workini.', iind wns seen playing around the ticid by his father about twenty minutes before the body was found. Dominion Day IN FLESHERTON. List of Attractions Forenoon Grand Tmtles Procession in the forenoon, for which prizes of $12.00, $8.00 ami $5.0t) will be given for the best <'iitfits. Ciililhuinpians, to bo judged in Trades Procession lirst prize $20.00, Snd, SIO.OU J 3ril $5. Most Dilapidated Outfit, one prize of $:!.0O. Afternoon 1 p. m. â€" Football match for purse of $l.'i.(K)â€"l8t $10.00 ; 2nd, $5.00. Open Trot or jiace, purse $160â€" 1st, $90; 2iid, $40 ; Hid, »20. 2.35 Trot or Pace, purse $100â€" 1st, $50 ; 2nd, $;U) ; ;5id, $20. 'A minute Trot or Pace, purse $8ftâ€" Ist, $41) ; 2nd $25 ; 3rd $15. Entrance fee of 5 porcont.of mirtie and five addition- al to winners. Four to enter, three to start ill ouch race. Slow Raceâ€" 1st, $4 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $1. Entrance fee, oOc. Four to enter or no race. Dog Rico -Once around the tnick, 1st, I $5 ; 2nd, $3 ; 3rd, $2. All dogs must be driven to small cart and be on hand at 9 a. in. to take part in Trades Pro- I cession. No entrance fee. Men's Rjvce - Once around track, 1st, $5; j 2iid, $;i ; 3r\l, $2. Entrance foe, 50c. 100 yard Race- ls», #3 ; 2nd $2 ; 3tA* $1. ' Entrance fee, 50c. Boys' lUce, under 10, 200yaiiUâ€" l«t $3; ; 2nd, $2 ; 3id, 1. No entrance fee. Grand Concert At 8 p. in., for which Jiinmie F.ix and Donald McCJvegor, the cham|>ion entar- tainors of this country, have lieen engag- ' ed at big expense for a concert in the evening. Fax as a Humorist, and • McGregor as a Scott Baritone, have no peers in their Hne. Conio to stay for the Conceit. The Drill Shed will lie t fitted up for the big crowd. BESI BUSINESS TRAINING at reasonable prices. Start any time. BRITISH CANADIAN BUSINESS COLLKCK. Cor. Venge and Bluer Sta., Toronto. Bull for Service Thorouglibrt'd Shorthorn Hull, ibnintain Victorâ€" No. ti4407 for service on lot 211, con. 8' , Arleuienia. Terms 91.00. : Jos. Hawkins, Prop. / Pure Bred Eniillsh Berkshires and Tarn worths. 1 havea fine lot of young pigs bred from pri/.c winning stock, for sale. Write me for l>riees. I can give a ViarKuin also guarantee tiatisfactiun on alt mail imlurs. Geo. W. K0H8, Ma.iwell P. O. Farm For Sale or Rent. I^or sale cliuiip, or)etit,lmuiu>Uate poHsesHlon. Lot 'M, t'oit. 11, ArtuaiuHitt, about 73 acres clear, cuiiiloi tuble loK nuuMu atiU fraiiitt barn, /^ppty to h. -J. Sprotilo, Klutthcrtou. or Jolto J. Martin, across ttiu loadtroui salo lot. Farm for Sale. liut» E.iB and U, C>'U. Kl, tii tho township of OK|irciy ISU aoruB, laiKo oIuariiiR, ^ou'l Irame hai'U and sUbius. (fool dwelling and well* Ai>i>Iyuu thoineiiiisuB or to W. J.ltKLiiiuY, Fle&hsrtou. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry. Young stock for sale, tcaruis easy and nrieea reuHouable. SinKle and rose comb Brown Legliorn eggs fur hatching, 75c and $1.00 iier tif t«en eggs. Special prices on incutmtor lilts. Member of Canadian LeKhom Club. Kichard Allen, Fleshertou P. O, and Statiuo. Lot 170, 'iiid con., K. U. and 8. K. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. IjeviniaHauil \Viui|il»8, the bust of breeding and qualit". Dull, cows uud lieifers for sale at rsasonable prices t a:^aoaS CUAS. RTAFFORD. Fleslierlon Slabs and Edgings for Sale. We will sell tbo i ft. Slabs and Rdglugs at our mill on oou. B, Artotuesia, at 91.00 per rord. tly applying to &lr. Juo, Pailiament, opposite the uilll, lie will ineasiire and receive cash tor the wood when taken away. We will fuithur pay a ruward of $2.3.00 for proof of anyouo taking wood from there inttie l>ast, or wlio may take wood in the future with' out our antliority or Mr. Varliameut'p. KKlilNAN iiKua., Limited, Owen Bound. Scottish Pride 66274 Tbo youDC bull 8i:ottliih Pride will stand for service atUr. F, W. Nicholson's, lot a7, con. i, Arteniesla. Scottish ptiile is sire I by Seottisb Priuco, a Riandsou of the wonderful sbow cow, (Ivni of Ueliacbiii, luip., winnerof eight prizon at Toioutjsud Lioadon,hesidt-s bein« chainp- iou tuiimle. blio wei);hn over VMO poumls. One of tbii oovj's calves sold for SlTy.l.OO. Hoottish urlito is out of Lady Bella by the Toronto flrst pi ir,e nin.iur. Captain May Ply. imp 488,S. youui! bull has provi- 'i him- self a showbuil bavins gained an eocouraKint; record this (all at Fovorshaui. He wou ttrst Iirixr as bout bull calf, also diploma for best >ull any see. Those having puie bred cows should see (nis Brand bull before breeding at tlicy cannot do bettorthan use him. A limited number ol grades will bo taken at *l,i5: For pure biedt, di.CO. Farm for Sale. lots 171, 2 and 3, latcon. ti. E^ Artemosia. 125 acres in all of &iBt class tarntiug land in a t;ood state of cultivation, situated 2) miles B< uth of Fleshertou. short mile from school, clt'sn of noxious weeds and well feuced. 19 acres of luarsh, 5 acres of hardwood bush, bal- ance in cood state to work all kinds of wachia* erv, well wateied. 2 uvchards, a good tiouse 18 X 20 veneer.)d inside, kitchen 10 x 30, wood- shed IG X I'X new barn 50 x GO stone foundatii a This is one of the bust farms iu the towushi and can be bought right. W. J. CASWELL. Scbool GMldren's Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success In business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstr-on^s^ K^LF-SHERTOIM 2N0 Class ^Sound-Trip Ltsijpaion.- TO M.\NIT()34 S.4SKATCHEWAN ALCKRTA GOIiNO D.ITKS A|>i>irit,N Jun«S. 21 «u]. 4, 1g May n, na July 7, 21 Sopt. 1, 1(, ii 'IlckoU joodi to return wUhla CO days VlOr-.Y LOW RATES liom all points â€"â€"^â€" â€"â€"â€"'â€"â€" in Oiitr;.rio. Itai.giiig ( Winnipeg unl roUim t.32.00 hetwoon \ Ed;nontun luid return ?42.C;0 Tickets issued to all North- \Vwt points. TOURI. ST StE EPKKS A limited â-  number of Tourist Bleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully eouipped with VieilHing. eto. Uerths should be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. Rates and full information oontained in free Homeseekers' pampldet. Ask near- est C.P.R. tftni lor a oopy, or write to C 1. rOSTU. DMrM fas*. I*., C.r.t., IkieMc

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