; '+)(«^eH«4W-)0Wa4««*-f 0~K«4-«-H«f «H-«>«>^-f<)r^ A House of Mystery OR. THE GIRL IN BLUE CHAPTER XIV. I'-^i'. I wrote an<l roceivwl a prompt to.- spfl«;«. Tlxw in Ihe happy Hiilimiri AHi»ugh many diys paas-vl, no word â- cT upology came irotn my niyAtarious corraipoiKlont for not lisviug k»p(. the 4DP<j;nUnent. 1 \vatch«l every p »l for naarly a fortnight, and aa 1 r«*<:«i.v.xl no explunatlon, my soapicinn regarding Mob -Is conniection with ihe st aiijo af- fair bejame. of course, stm'.gtl'.^nwd. WlUb heart-sink jitf I 1>6<1 Uk.n leai-a of Iwr on the ki^rb in K^etisington Hiffh Str<*ton thai we'.UremeinboieJi evening, tet41ngtfcatUi«hk#llh<x>dof our treqiM^nt nKvtlng waji v«7 iwniotie, <wpeci»Uy now that »l» apparently hekl mo in suapi- cian. In thia ca^e, howevw, I was ti^islakiHi, for within a w<>,ek we niL't «gaia qiiille accirdenteUy in Bond Slr«^et, and. flnding her disocseji t/) accvjil my ocnipanlonMup, I acoooiianied her shop- pijig, arxi »peat au extremely p'-ea.s«nl af:«rn«jon. Her molh;ir was rs.'.lier >iii- â- Uell, s*w f-xpliincd, and that ac<>>unted for t\er b«;ng alon«. Sh« waa dr«s»*d entirely ini blacH. but with, a quiet elagano^s that was soi'piis- ing. I had never known before that il'Sy how smart and ch!c a woman could Aj'pNir In a gown of aliii'/st fiuiercal Aspect. Her manner towards nu' r.-l^in- el nrtthlnjg «>f it» previous siidp-ci;)n; she was bright and m«rry, w Ihvjut thai cloud of unhaptpinesd ihpat had si strangely overshadowed, her o:i Ih^ lust occasion) we had been logi'tli<>r. Sha poa&tiistd a, c'*ver wit, and .go.«iiK;d «jid j<ikod amusingly hs wo went from sh'Tp tor shop, ordering fruit for deasert. and IVmens for tablo-d'Cooration. That htx inollur was woAllhy a.pjeared' cer- tain from the extravagant proes which •ho gavn for fruita out of seas ) a and chiolco hot-hou«>« flow<T3. She bought the tesl jiho o^uld piocur*', and .'owiiedi utterly regardless of exi;«rse. I ranaxked how door weiv some grap<s^ which ehc ordorod, but '-h,' <j,nly amilrcd and gave h<?r shouldci-s a little Khrug. Th a recklaswness wofi not dione to im- pros.* me, tor I was quick lo det«c!. that tbo shopkeepers knew \vv as a g<,r,d ou*- Icnn'r, and bnougtvt foiward their nio»t «xpcn.3ive wa.ro'* lu a. niatl<»r of coiirsf. Although at llr.1t »he declined my in- vitation, a.s th'iugh slia c<.n.s d<'r<xl' it a bnescti, of the convcnoiices, I at lenigth pcrauudied her to taJtn aoma 'Icii. wflii J7K' ut RIanchard'8, and wo oojilinued our go.=«*iip aa w<^ 8ul together at one of the little tob'cs sur^^ul^dod by other ladica out shoppjit; will! thoir male en- cuniberani:«>. I had, ralNjr unwisely, perhnps, pass- «•' a crt'dcal remark ri'gaiding a Uidy who l-.u! enterci Ln aji unu^ualiy strik- ing lo'e'te, in which she looked, very hot and extremely unoonifortable, and lauigh nj; at what I had said, sho re- plicd-- "You arc certainly right. We w ni<'n ♦Iways <ivcrwe!gh oitrseilvrs in our gar- ments, to *ny nothiiib' of other and mono fatiguing things. Half of Ufes illtki woitLcss accrtw from our cl th<is. Fr. m light collar to tight sh e, anl not (OTgcltina a neodleA-ily b<Nfenl!u'red bat, wo take unto ourselvt« buixJeiw that wo should be very much happier WithuuA." "I agree entinely," I said, smiling at her phkusophy. "Soni<' blatant crank bent on self-ad verljsernent might, do Worso than found an Antl-ornainenlal Dre-s)* league. Just lliinlt liow niuoh o! l;f<''s triala would at once slip off a man if ho wx):o neither collai' nt.r lioâ€" ospacially the drtsjs-Ue!" "And off a woman, if sli« wore neilli«r btilt. gloves, ni)r neck arrang-'^twntl" "H.xpotly. It woukl Iw actually malt- ing us a present for Ufo of nearly an bfiur II day. That would be seveji hours e wtck, or nearly a fm-tinght a yiMr,' I said. "It's woiih con.s:dera'!on." "Do you r«in<>niber the 'Jcrision heiap- «() upon that limes'iaviiig unRng<>nienl of our anceslos, th»> ola;<lic-.s d^? Loot?" »hc ohaeive^l, with a iniTry sniiN'. '*I3ut Jiist funcy the troutilo they nius-l hove Kavod in lacing and butlonin^gl Sowing on shce-butlona ought alwa,\s lo Ix' done by ciriininR.Li condemnod to hard labor. Button-.sewing trios Ilhi con.«ci- CTitou-mess and thoroughrusv <f the ^â- aikcr nioro than anything oLsc. and I'm eortiitn onJcmn-pickn^ can't be Wor.s<^. It a'Ai .tri*.** Iho i|jjn.li!y of Ihe thiN?*d' nioro than anythiac; else; an,! as Vj oiltnns, well, it treats tliom a.s S8ni,so.i did tho witlKS." The carriago mk'I her oul.side tho, 6;oi\i<» in the il!iymiuk<'t at live <.Mo,k, end Ix'Xoi',' sho took leave of me she tniich vioKSily a-^kod â€" "Well, and how do you find' me w! en I wo: •!• ray mii>.k'? ' "Chaimliig, ' I i-c-pv-ndcd will entliu- 6l(i«.u. '\Ma.sk or no nuisk. jou aie al- ways th<? same to n.io, Ih' mo t chai-m- li.,? fr end 1 have ever Ii.hI." "No, no," .she laugh^xl. "II iMi'l god loim I) flat'cr. (;-.<oJ-lyi'.'' .\iid sh,'" .slroichoil forttv her .small luuid which I pivissid wannly, with deop ro- frcl at partng. A m<im'^nt la'or Iho ^otnwui in Ka brown liveiy as'^kxl icr inU.) the lurr ago. 1 h<Ti .sl.o s.m l-d mcr- Tiiy, andf b-wed ii.s I laited my h,it, ';nd «h<; wa5 l> rr.e away w<-s'.w,ird in tlio elromn < f line cquipeig<-s, liois l!v .'niarl- «' <•/ tijem all. A wo.'* ',«L.r, having s,Mn nothln4{ of day.* tliat followed we contrived Ui mccl ofl«i, and on each oceas.~>n I grcvr- dfteper and do 'per in live with her. Sn-o that evening wl'en we had st^o.l tiigelh'r beneath tho streit-lamp in Kensington, slw had made n> mention of t!'.e i;enc:lCBiie or of its own r. In- dtei, it s^eanml llwt her !^udd>^, i,.'o:il;- R'^a'ion of it had LotrayM lier into ac- knowlsdging Uiat ils ownier had b^.'i h r l-.Vf*', and that now sh.^ w.is trying to d') alt she could lo rwuovc any su- spicion from my mij;d. 'â- il>^•f^theUJsa, tho roanembranae of llMt crm^ and of all the exejils, of tlial m diiight adventure wad evfir within my mind, and I h«d leni,' ago dcermned to make its eluoidalon th" chei < bj'><:t' of my 1 fe. I had placed myself b-iioalh the thrall of some person unknown, and luoajit to ftxlroate niy.self and bew/mo ngaitt a tr^e agent at all coet?. On .sevwal occasions I had seen tho ca'iman W««l on the raink at Hydin Park Coroner, but aitlvjugli he Iwd con)*tMnt y kept hii* eyes open in search <:f Kdiia, his efforts had all ben in vain. I had s,ei also tho old /.aixlriver who toj'e the nlcJtmimo "Dousliy,' but it tui-ned out IJiat Ihad not boen hi.» cab which my uiysteriors protectress had tak^n af er parting from m«. One point. Uvu- v.vtT, 1 ficttkdj s«lisfactija-i!y. On one of lur walk.s lotjethcr I contrived that lh.» man W<;st ih>uld .see Maivl. but he afterwards declared lliat the woman of wh m If wa*> In search did n<jt in the loa.~t irseinble Iver. Thercfoiv, it was cejt4in Uiat Mabel and Edna wen'? n-d, a.i I had oiu» vaguely su>pccttd, one and th". .'•aine per«)n. Sometimes I would mo<!t my idol after her stulAs at the Ituysl Academy of Muse, and accompany her acroa:' the Park; at otliers we would stroll together HI tho uniret]i;cnted p,irt of Ken-st'ig- l.*) riarde,ns, or I would waik with hcj- shipping and can\v her paic-s, ail our m-etints being, of oour*?, clund,t>t;iie omw. One morning in the mi'idl<> of Novcm- tei I was ovpJ'JQyeil at receiving an in- vrtatoa fiom .Mr.s. Anson to din,? at The liioltons, and aoonDliCof diiy-y IbUt the sun of my happ/neiss wss rend- r-xl com- pleto by findjng myself .'.oalid' beside Mabel in her own ti<,m<*. Tho h<!U-o i-O.ves'ied an air of mag- n'JiCiJJico and luxury wliicii 1 .scarcely exi>ecie<l. It was fuiTii-sli/Hl with great eI<'j.;aiM>t> Olid ta.vlL>, whilo tho sirvants were of an even m-re su,!ei'k>r c'laia'- t'.j' than Ihi? house itself. Am< n;^ the honw> of my friend.-* in tl;e We-.t IJriu thi.s wa.» coitain'y thei most lu.xi.'rious, fir money soi-jnod to have i omi Ut, rally sqiwn.'aol upoin its aproiiiliuionts. ai:d yel w'.thal Ihero was r.ohin.; what.!Vvr gaiTLshi nor any Irace of a piebian taste. There waj a combine 1 riclinass and qi i.'tnosa al>iut th« whole pUce which Impresed, on-- with an air <f s<^-erity, wh:l<i lilt! fooljna.n who u h?r<xl' mo in wa.s la.l, aimovst a gant in slaiurrf, and solemn as a fu'-er.il mut\ Mis. An.son rosi- and, gro'lcd me p!oa- sintly, whilo MalKd. in, a pretty gown ,if (oraVpmk. al*> shook ii'y l:anJ and raisixl her line dark ejes t.^) niai' w.lh a glanco of pleasure and triumph. Ii was, no doubt, due lo her that I had been b.dden tjK-ro as guvsl. .\ red- he,vdod, ugly faced man named Hick- man, and a thin, angular, irritating wo- man, introdiioed t/r* me a.s Msis Wells, were my ojily fellow-guests. Tho man rogardeil me with .some .suspicion as 1 en.t' i\ d, ai d from tlio first I took n vio- l«nt dialike lo him. It may have lo<'n hi. forbidding .personal ap,oarancc which caiLsed my dslrust. N .w that I relKK;!. I think It was. His face was blonied and deeply furrowed, his eyes large, his Ups thick and dabby, hs lod- dsi beard was ill-lrimmcl unJsanty. I'e was Ihl/Jk-n^HilcvM: hs face wa'* fur- th«'r di.-flgured by a curious dork-blue si'ar upm tlio Irfl jaw, and I c uld mit help ii'marklng wilhin, my.s<",lf, that if M.iU'' facris r<«einblfd thoiso of animals, hi.s was ckeely allW lo that of a sav- sgo bulldog. Inde*d. I h,id ni.'ver bo- foio seen such an aninently ugy face as his. Y< t h' spoke with Hie air and p:rfect ni-.nner of a f.;e.iitlernan. He bowed with n lino.l dignity as I was in ro iuced. al> tl-ouj;h I thought hs .'ra lo steii:et .nip- ercilious whU;.'. I was almc'sl certain that h' (X''han);e.l a cifrioui, contemp- ti;oi;s loik with Mabel, who sto-d be- hind n!e. Wa.>i I).' .iwrro of our little oxchaiiges of oonlidonctis? Had he .secretly wa ch- ed us in our walks aio.ng ths ioafy by- way?! of Kfnsijigion Gardens, and de- t<::c!c,i that I lovul hei? It .-oemixl very mii'h as though ho had, nnd that h' hud cniicavei'OJ t*> disparage ine in, her eyes. At Mrs. Arson's invitation, I took M ibi^l in lo dinner, and sat next her, while opi-<v$i'e us .sal the di,g-f:Kod man with Ih- Irritating *ipnsl.-r. TIk- laltcr was II fillinig eiinipani-.va for him. l.ony <ii r<nmtenance, h^M' back .straight us ii bi,ard, her ag-' uncertain, and her v-jic.e loul, liiiti.-iiiU'hed. and rn-sping. .she wojv a nunihor of banglos on her left wri.s;,; one of them had pigs itnd elc^ pliant^ hang ng mi it, with heart.--, cios.>> <«. hi^lLs, and framed and giazod sbain- iv:ck leaves mixed in. That would not havo mattered much bad she not been eating, but as dijiner progix».-S'.d tho ivx>m grew a trifle warm, and she un- forlmniilely had a fan a.* wvll a.-* those distressing bangles, which fan .she lythmically waved to and fm, playing Ihe orolieistra .9oflly when fanning hei'- .self. or loudly as sho plied her knife and fork "click-clack, jingiL'-jingle, link- U-linkle, cbck-clackl' until Iho eternal music of Uio.se pigs, eleph-nts, crosses, hearts, and bells prevenlei anyihing Ixjyond a jerky convrrsal on. Siio fufn- ed and Iwistrtd and toyed with her menu, tinkling and jin>;J:ng llie whole lim-3 l.ka a ooraL o<m-ol6r or an infant's rattle. Little wo<idor, I Uiouglit, liliul she remained a .spiusltT. W:t!i such an irrit'it,ng pei"soa to head his h.u elnld, Iho unfortunate husband would to a cjLudidulo for Colney Hutch within a month. Yet she was evidmlly a very wekome guest at .Mrs. An.son'.s laJde, for my ihosdess addres.'Sed her as "dear." and stemed to consider whulever posi- t vo opinion she expres-'ed as entirely beyond dispute. 1 hkxl .Mrs. Ane-jn. Although of that extremely fr.gid tyjie of iiio'lKr. very f rnul and untendlng, observing,' all the ru'es of .society lo the letter, anl prac- tiaiily ir.ak'ng lur lifo a burden by Uie oonven'ioiialilics, she jiusosae.l, iiiever- thoUviiS, a wnnn-liOBrt* dr alf ctioii fo.- her ch.ld, and .^eemed con-Uanlly so!ic'Unis o' 'her welfare. .Sho spoke with the very faintest ncceiit w'ith her "r's,'' and I liad, on Ih' Hist evening wo had met il ilK- coloiuH's, wondeisjil whether sho were of Scotch, or perhap.s foreign, ex- tiacti,'in. Th.') genou-al convei-siition in Ih." in'ei-val of the IiTitating Woman's orchestra Uirno.1 upon foreign travel, and incidentally, in answer to an in- genious question I put to her, slie to'd mo I hilt Iwr father h.nd Leon Gtrmun, but that, she had nearly all â- lior life Uved in England. The IiTiiating Woman spoke of going lo the Hi\i.;ra in De<.einLer, whci'ouixjii Mab.'l remaiked â€" "I hipe mother will go loi. I'm Iry- ini; to p'TS'iiidc her. London is *j- dull .mild miioruble in wint.T c mpar d wiUi (lannr.s or N'ce." "You know the Riviora well, I sup- pose?" I inquired- of her. *Oh, very well," she respondxl. "Mo thcr and I have spent four win'ers in the S"Ulh. There's n> place in Kunpc in winter 'like Iho Cete Azui-â€" as tho Kreuch call it.'' "I much prefer the Italian Riviera,' chiiuod in M.ss Wi Ls's higti-p Iched V4 ioe. 4jh» niHil-i it a |:ont<d h n r to differ with everybody. ".\t Bordighera, O.Ted a lot 111, San Rano, and A'as-i" ymi have much bolter air, the ,sain-j warmth, and at alioiit half tho pric. Th" ho- tels in N c," and Canni's are simply ruinous." Then, turning to .Mrs. .\n.soii, she added, "You know, dear, wlial you said last year." "W-.' go t ' tho Grand, at N'cf, always, ' answer -d Mi-s. An^on. "It is dear, cer- tainly, but not exaggeratdly a-'i in com- 1 ari,-on with Iho other large -h -tols." Then'. .s<oii!S of laU: lo have teen a gradual r*'. in. prices all along the Iti- viera," r.tmarkt'd lliekman. "I've ex- p, rioiicod it peTjoiially. T<'n or twelve ycais a^•o I lived in Nice for tho s os'in fur ahout half what it costs me now. ' "That exiictiy leirs •ml my argument,'' ex lamed the IriitatL'^g Womai. in tri- umph. "The fact is that the French Hiver.i bds beo ni-J far too dear, and l-^ngiish ! e pie are, foiliinalely f^ Ihem- .se'lv-'s. beginning lo ."oe thai by con- lii'U,n'4 thoir journey an exlr:i twenty m I'is leyon<l' .N ce they can e'b'nin just as g.od acoo.mmodjtion. hve l>ettor, br,'at.h« jiurer air, and not b' ei^^mal- ly worr'-.-d by Ihosj goiuly In cl-.?hows Ciil!<'«l Carnivals, <r in.'-ane alti!i;il.s at hilar ty nii.-.Cille.l But hvi of I'T av rs. ' *0h. erne, M.SS Wells," preb-stwl Mahi'l. ".siue'y you won't oijndeniii the UatI' s of Kl'.w. rs ut N c I Why, tiiey ro acknowU'.li;ed ti bo anKiin^ He ma.-.t pi'luresqiM .siiecla:l<« 'in tin' w</rldr' "I (or.sdor. my dear, lliat Ihcy are mo'^' rr,bbs!;y m.sfs on t!;e ]art of llie Nicoi.s lo cau-,c ptxiplc lo biiv Ih ir flcw- ors an I thiow th^an into tli^- i'.iadway. I'.'is e.inly a trick lo iinpiove th 'ir tiade." We all laughed. "And !â- !;« Cani'iva!?" inquir.d llick- nr II. niueli amu ed. (I'o J.c C' ntinueJ.) Imperial Bank of Canada Prooetdinfft ef the Thirty-third Annual General Meetlnff of the Shareholder*, Held at the tanking Houee of the Institution, in Toronto, on Wed- neiday, 27th May, 1906. THK I.VPKIUAL BA.N'K OF C.VNADA. A C'.rcdiliilile Annual Slnlement. Tho lliird annual sUlerni'iil of Tho ImiH'riul Hunk of fianuda, ju.-vt issued, wliieh will lie found in anuther ciduinn. denotes successful management, and is <nc well culculalod to increase public cenlldonoo in lliis Instituti,;^. The net protils for Ihe year eiid.sl April ;)Olh amount lo $721.17.') and tills, add^Hl to the balance of .Â¥4iHi,310 carried forward from lii-st year, and $r.)l.Hi)9 pn-iuiiun received on new stock issued makes .$1,- 3cfl,;WH). which has been dispo.sed id as follows: Kour quarterly clividemls at the rale of l\% per ^niiuiii paid to .share- holders. .S5;!5.r>24; Iransfen-cd lo ri'«l ac- count. $101, 8(K); written off lank iromLs- <-s. $::G.0.")X; special nppropriat.on applied in w ritin.ij down bank investments, SlfKl.UKi. and Ihe sulslantial lalaiicc of SiT.'j.Oli carried forward to next year. The stron;,' jmsilinn of the Imperial Bank may be judgeel Irum tho lunounl ,,f ils iiiiniedia'e available assets, .?I8.- 7','l.i*i)2; the total ninounl ef deposits ijV tlm public roach Ihe imnien.se sujn of S'.'O.I'iO.iar). which are .secured by Ihe U.dal a.ssets of Ihe bank amounling In .$'i;).S()t.l!>.5. Altogether Ihe statemcnl re- llect.'^ gp'nl' credit on Ihe management of the Bank and niainlains (ho liest tinditions of our Canadian Hanking sv.-l'.ni. The Thirty-third Annual Genera! M<:iHng of Ihe Imparial Bank af Canada wa« held in pursuance of tlie terma of th<» charter at lli* Banking Hou«o of Ui« lnstituti<^. 27th May, 1908. The chair was l&kon by Uie Prasident, Mr. D. R. Wl:k-^ »nd Ui« A««-stan» Gtneial Manager, .Mr. E. May, waa rfquest*'! l».) aol as Secretary. Tl-.e AJBistanl G.n«ral Manajter, at iho i-e«iue*t of the Chau-man, r«ad th« Rtjjort of li'.e Dli'ectors and tho Statement of Affairs. THE RKPOnX. The Director* have pldisxira in »ui)mit,i«jg lo th« Sh«rehoW«r» lh«ir Thlr'y-thinl Annual Rfport «iid B»lanc<» .Sh«»l of (ha Affairs of the Bank as on 30th .\pril. 190«, togeth^- with the i-«uH of the operaUoas at the Bink for the year which end^d on that day. Tho net pnMll* of the jftij-, after making full proviaon for all bad and dciAlful d?bls. for in.arost. on unmatur»l bilU luider diacount, tor the usual contrAuiionij to the Penaion end Giiaraiitae Fund*, and «Uo l«f th* Special »«tnbuU».n tc) Ih* Peiuioii Fiuni of SIS.COO, authorliad und<N- by-law N«. K and r«r th* paym«U of all Provincial and other Ux4M, amounted lo $7tlr 175.07, whi'h b-as ti'aen applied «u» follow*:â€" (a) U.vidtrtwa have been paid at the rate of U per cent, per an- num, aanounting lo »!5,M4 tl (b) Bank Piwnjsft* and Furniture Aocount lias been credited w.lh 3«,0S2 56 (c) A special fund ha* been set aa!d« and applied I:i writinadown Um Bank's lnv«frtm«»n.l» IflO.WO 00 (d) Profit and fjMB Account h«» tjeen mcr«a*»d by i9.59t »1 The Pi«niian, amounting to Sl.»l,S09,<;6, rtceiv«d en «n equal emoujjt '.I ^4*w Cap lal S'xjcic has be<m crtdited to Rtmt Aocount, wlvwh now amount* to S4.966.757.S0. Bmnchee of th« Bank hove been o;-«mad during tho year at the ocrrer of Bloor Street and Laiudowna A\-enua iTonontol, at the oOrner «f King Slraat and Sherbourr.e Street Torontc-), and also 4t Port Arthur, Marahvili, Port Robijwoa, C(AUm. Aai!i»r»tburg, $outh W<)o<i»l»ie, H«ft>ow, Nlagara-on-the-lake, Si Davida anU-Thtasatoii, a:i in tie Province of 0»t*rio. Tlie Head Ofllce and BrsJiches of t^o Bank have all Uen cawfully in^ •g;>acVed dur.ng the yew, and your DirecVow have again much plflW'-u'e ia bearing testimony to tho faithful and efficient manner in which the aiaff haira pci-fonntd Ibe-J- dutiee. Tho whole reafecifully suL-miited. D. R. WILKIE, Preeidsnt. Stib April, liMB. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. DiviiJend.? Ncs. 68, M, 70aiui 71. paid qu:<Pl«rly, 'or year on«!«J 30th Apill, 19CS. at 11% per annirni $."iJ5jM Trajuf«-red to RmI Arcounl l»ljW9 Written off B.in'i Prein^.t* and Fmniture .\couunt . . . Sl>eoal nppn:4>riait»:n op-plied in writing down Bank's in- vestmunta 100,000 Balano; of a'>o3unt carried fo:wa:d 475.914 36 (»i! 36 1)0 Balttixe at ci-vhI t of aooaunt JOlh Apnl. 1007, brought forwaM $426J16 81 21Pro<l'# lor ttia lw»lv«monl)w 0« <m4«d 30th .Kt>r.[, 19W, ai- tar <l>ducting ab«rg»s of ratnfgMr.cnt and int»i>««t • ,•.. du» fiflpos tor?, and after •• ' in.?king full proviacon tor all baa and 40uJ>tful <U!4}U, and for rebate on b.lts un- der djaoount 7tl,175 07 Prefoiu^i reoeived oa new Capitil Stcok 191.809 06 lit $I.3SO,300 Si RK9T ACCOUNT. Balance at Cncd t of Account 30Ui Apr 1. 1907 Pr^tuiun iooeiV«J on new Capital Stock «l.U9.3Cip U -"â- --~â€" -*'~'~"'"" '"* ..S4,773.94» 44 .. 191,J«» 06 $4,9«S,757 50 SOIh April. 198S. LUBILITIIiS. » NV.t-s of the Bank In ctrcuUtiooi .•â- ••« 2,907,04S 03 Uepcs ts net b;aring inter«-st $5,958,467 43 Dci.xjsits biifir.ng inieiest ^including ini«ro.l accrued to date) ... !!4.191,65» 14 Doposits by other Bank* in Canada ... 30,180, 1?5 57 123.541 32 ToUl liabilities t^i !h« piUjlic ' ?'iS?'?^ *o Cap:tal Stork paid-up) 4,9«5,/37 au nest Aciyiuiit 4,985,757 50 Dividsivl No. 7i jpayablo t»t May. 1908, for Ihreo month*, St the rale of 11% per annum 136,4t)0 96 Bebalri on bills disc'junled 80.496 H Balance of Piolil and LoSiS .\cC'>U!ilt cairieJ foiAvard . 475.914 t>2 , „ „. 5.667,629 S-S '''^ ' $43.ie4,i»a <^ ASSKTS. _'„, Gold and Sbcr Con $1,111,575 S7 Rnnniion GovernnK'nt N->!c» .'i.JfW .">66 00 $ 7..'.ta^J 87 !)• posit wi,lh Dom'nion riovernmimt for security of nolo oil culalx)n aOJMl ."!> N>(os <'f and Cho'qix-s en </thei- Banka .j68,565 3S Ljan.'; t^olhiT Banks in Concda, secure:*!, inoluding B lis rc-dl«- counted *J.IS5 '.4 Balanix; di,e from other Bank;) in Canada 553,!X)5 8t Baian « dU3 frosn Ajjana in U:o Uniit-d Kingdom ;Ji7,387 43 Balance due from Agent* in Foreign (io'jntr.oa '-Mi.i'Jl M n,537.188 71 Dominon and Provinc al GoveTimont .SacuritieR ... $ 534,iil8 •<>'? Lxtini t'j P:ov nciil C»ov«rnmonl» 915,M8 ?o Canadian ,\1uji.cijr.«l Ssciir te» and Hntiah or Foreign or Ckjionial Ptiblc .%<cunt.ai other than CanadLAn 1,694.558 ,•('' Railway an'd other lioiids, Deboiilures anil Slo<;k.-? . . (173,074 3.7158 095 52 Call and Short Loans on Stocks and Bonds in Canada 3,3i6,G07 90 ;i«,7tl.S9E 19 Otlxv Current Loans. Disrounls and .\dvances 23,868.918 60 Overdue (!«*!» (lo?* piovided t'T) 'M, 164 27 Real E*tato (oth<r IJinn Bank pioiiii»«i) 20 645 49 iforlgagcs "n H<'eJ li^late »oWi by IJk.' Bank 49,309 76 Bank piemlsoe. including S.f-.-s. Vault> an i Oflloo Furniture at Mead Omcc and IJranclKs 1,100.000 06 Other Aiocts, not incluleJ uiidor foregi.-ing heads 18,671 31 $43.804,i'J5 i t ..... ^.kiAiiiBEaBnBaia E. HAY, D. n. WIIKI, A='S slant GaiKrol Mnnng r. OiTwral MinnRor. The usual motion.'* were ))ix«:n!od and cm red uiianiia«s-.«{y. Th'J senillncers apiion'od attic nic.Ung r-jp- riod Uio .o4©vvirg gfnlirfin<<n duly aJeclxt Dir»x:tor* (, r iJio enauini; ycnr :â€" Aka.si.'.. 1). /!. Wilk f , Hon. Robert .laffray ; Wni. MamS'ay of Rowland, Sl/:w. Scotland: Kila.'* Itogers. J. Krrr O.sb^rne, C.^arlou C M!k»h'jtt. I'elet; Howinn.l. Win. W<y'A> iWijiiuj.oir!, Cawthn M ik.eic. Hon. R chard Turner' :Oi.vl:o:). Wm. Horn Itt-i: MoiriU. .M.D. (SI. Cathtirii es). Al a su.;'«C'«n;,^iil nioclijig of the Direcloj-s Mr. D. I^ Wilkie was c!o:ted President and Iho Hon. Roto.'rt Ji'ffiay V coPiosl',!«n'l for Iho rn.9Uin;,' yc tr. Ti;e >oi;n; vS^ -^ r.harlcis Oickeai.s. f.imir. "i( nay 1" re-potribflred l\v soma ".,Vnd I nm llie very first y<ui have loved, P.crlha'.'' "Of coei-se vnii an-! Il'>w tedioii.-- you men are! V<ju aM .â- i.>k me Uie ,'<ume (jijoslion!" Ml . lidv.iirt) liiiiwer l.yllon Hirkens. is n Meinl.tr of l'<irliaiiieiil in .XiLslnilla. Not lonw a)io in llic oun-.sr' of ii sj>e.'Cli I,.' vvii.s freciuen'ly iniernipUnl by q snap- pish rill iiibiT nuni>d Willi.-;.. "Mr. Spc«k- ef." said Mr. Dickons.' lUrninj,' lo the •sill ") ii r \- fr:"- r fvijre'l a'l < xurcs- .sion whicli attainfjd some popn'.urilyâ€" 'liarkis l.s witlin'.' Tlid circiiMbltuiU'- â- - iiay ai'e.'>iicii that, I cm ti'ixmgly Un. I â- '1 reverse' llic il'i:'.:'' and say: "'\\ 'iits is l)arkln'.' The rc-lorl was cllccU-..).