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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1908, p. 2

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Nil MEN WERE KIllEII Premature Discharge of Dynamite Causes Havoc on the Transcontinental. A dcsraUli trnin Kon.irn, Out., f^ays: BupiotI iindor an nvaliincho ol rock {:om « (Jynnmile oxplo.?ioii. nine mon lost tlidr liv.s Hi Snnti'.ns' sut-oonti-ncl <in llif- Trniisc'inlninlal Ma.lway (x^nstruc- t;on, about two niilM o;isl of the VVinni- pij.' ni\Oi- en ThiUhday iiftomoon. Th- doad o[«.':â€" Hai-vey Bnnlk-y, (koi(;c Miiiiscr. ThC'iniis Burgess, I'.nglLshiiitji; Ri-bcrt (;iuy. n Sool/hmnn: Cliristophtr Waj[, a Duiclitnan; Dyjnylio J<'hv- niDc, a nussinii, and G-iiilio ItolcrtJ, Pa.Miiial(it*> Trirnbuli, l.ii'gi Hiribin, luili- ar The injiuvU arc:â€" A. McDona U end Patrick .Stiorton. All tlio dvnd m^fn wore niudiors, w.-^rl<ijij{ in a doop rotk cut, whilo the Iwo injured were cngngoJ in 1 uiding <!rill holes nl lh« U,p <,f ih â-  cut, when til.! oxplosion oc'urrod. Tlic h<jlci, which were 18 foc-t d<cp, liiid boon ".-pruiig" on Monday, and sliould Imvo J/f-*!! c<o!. At Iho limo of the accidinl, Hourly two boxes <if dynajn;t«> had iyen plat-ed iTi cno of the Jwles. The loud- rrs wore iLSing wooden tainp-sUcks, nn<l what caiiswl the explosion is a iiiysiery. Tli> force of the explosion was most- ly ♦'xpondeJ at Itio b>jllom of the cul, iiiid it secin<d to shcol llio rock right out on the unJorlunalc muckers, wlw w: re working there, and for Ih s reaion t)io two mcji at the lop owe lh:ir escape tiom death. Kight of Ih? men wejo kill- ed outright, while the oilier man died while tieing taken to the hospital. Mc- IVnald and .Shorten, Ihe loaders, wore IhifAvn a few f<.v( by the concussion, und wf-re bndly injured about the face ond arms. They w U leciver, however. Tlio wvjrk of recovering tlib man'gle<l bodicv of the dead men from und. r the mas-s of rock under which they were burled look several houra. A I a'hollc feature in cor.necUon wAh 111 • uccidenl, is thai, the wives of Iwo of the Englishmen who wore killed are now on the ocean on llieir way to Can- ada to join IlK'ir husbands. MAN DKAD, WIFE MAY DIE. UniUil .Murder Coniniillird in Vniifouvcr <m .'Saturday. A despnlth from \unoo'Jvcr, B. C, e«y.s; A wnt(r.'i«nl indrdor of a mo.'it brulul type occurrel eaily oji Saturday riorn ng. The vRti.ii was an Irsh llsh- crman naniej Pal OBrien. llLs Ihwnt WHS cut from ear to cjir. He had le<n <i'-ud probably ten hour.s wh<n Ih' poli<e beciiino ;iw:iro that a crime had i.eon conimitlrd. The man's Indian wife w«.s frighlf;]ily injured. Hrr throat Is rut (iiid gaihcMl, and though she wus liiken to the (Jen.'ral Ho-spltal and Ls sUll alive, it will to almohl a miracle if she recov<r.<!. A n go, name un- known, Is suspected . f th<> Urrible •Time. The killing Ic I v.- d a row in which liquor played a i r ui rent purl. The joIkc on .Sutuidiiy niglu u.ii.--:<d « n^gpo named }bm<^ Mo.,r, who hn.s Neil idenlfled ns lh<' iiuin .seen hanging around the .seen© of the murder. TWO UltOTIIEIt-S nnow.NED. TlKif noai Ift-^rt While INshinn at Cornwall. A dc^pnt'.-h from r:ornwall sny.s: Two young Knglishnun, liums nnd Altcrt Lillje. ng<d re'ipcclively 18 and 12 yoars, Wire d;owji d in Ih.? .St. Lawrence hero m .Siilurdiiy ufl^nioon. Th.; I,ill!e.s ciinc here «b ,u( a year ago from Kljiin. England. .;ind allhoiigh uiifimiliar wUh llic currenU and <ddies of Ihe .St. Lnw- rence they were fond of fishing. They were in a boat alx)ut 75 vard.i fivun sliore when tlie cuiTenl from the by- wnsh ut lock 17 «ij-.<«'t thtir rrafl. Th<! older boy hel I .,n to the boat till ho ^nw n ln<I named Aivhambnult coming to Alfreds assistance, whon h*^ lei go. Aichambaull, fciiping that the IftM druwiiing boys would pull him under, tiirnel back. Neither of Ihe Llllica oould Bwiiii, nnd tli'y .'o .n<iirod. IHEI> I.N Ills CIIL'IICn PEW. f^ndili-ii End .ol Daniel MrlnUisIi, an Affed IMiiii. ' A despnleh from Toronto .'ays: Wliili" 6'tllng m Ills ]iew in Chalineis Pr<\>.l)y. Ut&i] Church on .'^luulay m'-tning, .Mr. Dnjiiel M'liilo-h, nn agd nieniU'r, nnd on eld<r of thi- church, .suddenly fell ever d<Md. He had wiilkevl to Ihe c!.urch fi-om his homo nl Utt Bealiire elivet, and upjii hi.«! arrival there hud Complained of .^h )rlne.s.s of bnalh. lie was jiKl in his scat niore than a few nomejil-; wlicii he <'xi)ired. Hev. Mr. M( I'll iron, the pnstir, was .so much uffc'ted that wli-n news came from Ihe ves'ry, lo which .Mr. Mcintosh hn<l b.-i n removisl. that d.-nlh had foil jwxI llio Blliick, he di.sniis-ed the congr<gation. EADLY AXD (JOOD. Fine Sample ol Grouino Wheat From .Sprinubiil DiKlrict, .Man. A dosfa'eh from Nccpnwa, Manit^tba says: Wheat 21 inches high wa.s brought int'i Ihe registry odlC'? on Saturday by S;.flra Ward of Sprlnghill district. II shows Ihe .shot blade pla nly and ttie heat! is at the lowest joint. It was pulled from a field of .summer fallow, which frm this inlction shju'd rpen Bb-.ut AugiLSt i'h. Apiiar-ntly an avw- ng<- season from now- till harvc>l will biing an excellenl crop ol wheat, rij)© not later than lulh. >(. EAHL OF Di;HltY DEAD. Was Go^ernr r-<;<'neral ol Canada From lt»H8 lo 1893. A despatch from London .says: Fred- eilcl< Aitliur .Stanley, slxU-enth F.arl of Drrby, wh i wi^s Goverrujr-O^meriil . I Canada Inm ISHS lo 18!).1. baring then Ihe title of I/jrd i^liinley of I'revston, tiled suddenly here on Sunday. 4. DEVni HV GASOLINE ITMES. Ilnlinn Sulforalcil While In Pit at .Stral- lord Shop!). A decpnieh tr im Stratford says: An extraordinary fatidily occurred at Ihe (i T. n. sh<i])s h' re <.n Friday af!ern<on when Ant'4iii0 Pa.squnle, an Italian workman, was ns.)hyx aUxl by gu'o'ino gas while working at the botton of an und.rgroiinl reserv .ir pit. A compan- ion, who was with him at Ihe time drawing ga-'olene. was aUo rendered unconscous, but was finally iesu»cilat- id The rescued man says Pasquule Ci.'mplained ..f a headache and sal down. Ilv sealed him* If bes di> him, but oould not ^ci up. Pa-squalu's head diVrpjicJ and Ihiii he fell in a heap. At this .stage he himself 'ost ous.ies.s and t. s mom ry was a blank until he opened his ey«> in the <juler air. STI ntiEON LAKE GOLD. Samples That Assay Heveniy Dollars to (lie Ton. A de.ipnlch from Poil .Arthur s-iys: A rich gold llnJ is reported from tlie vi- ciiity of Sturgeon Lake, when' tour pro- .sjiectoi-s, Me.sers. T. Fny, 1|, I}<'11, i;. llicKlor and P. Ilassard, hav<,' l)oen work- ing. The foniur two came in on Tluir-'day, bringing with them some fine samples of fpiarl/. and have ieg:sleie<l claims in Ihe iiame of their .syndical*'. The a-s.snys sIkiw S70 1/ the Ion. Kiflccn \eins have iKXjri found on their cUiim.s, one of which is eight fwt wide, and can b.' traced lor Iwo tiundro<l yards. ACCeSED OP CADSINIJ FIBE Chester Buckberough, Tillsonburg Black- smith, Under Arrest. A despatch from Tillsonburg, Ont , Ifys; Chester niickl«rcugli, a maiialout thirty years of age, and well known about town, was arreslcj by Provincial Detective Mil'cr shorlly aftiT 2 o'olo 'k fn Thur-day aflein;on on suspici<-n <f being toncernod in Iho burning of Iho Que. ns llolel on May 20 last, wh<>n Ihi'iO [)«• oiis lost their lives and live ethers wei'i! .s<:fiously injured. Delectivc .Miller nnd Chief of Pol ce Ichn Thilloii have b cii fpiiilly working on Ihe cn.'-^ever .slnCe lh.5 lire, and bt»- leve Ihey have a strong Ibi" pri.s^inor. They have establi.shed a nvifvo and possess evict* nee tlial points very >,ti'(Uigly.lo.\ai'd Bu kbdroi'gh. Lasl Fihrijiiiy, after Biickherough ha<I be<^n pliico I on liic "list lis 11 [erson lo whom lienor jiuslnol lu H^LVed,.'.' Jjhn M ro, proprietor ©I the burmd lu.ll, had him ario.tcd tf.- trespass. It Is said that Ihe man nuis"d a pa.ssionnlc des'rc for v«n- g<ani«, and wh.s heard by .'evernl per- sons to as.sert lliat he would one dav "got even with .Mero. ' At Ihe lime of the fatal lire Buckl)erx)ugh was observ- ed hanging around Ihe locality short- ly alter th<.' alarm was given. The prisoner was taken before Jiisllces of the Piaco Hills and .stinsim and re^ liiniid.'d for a week. He was then re- iTioved to WofAlstock jnil, nnd will Ijo lodg d thorp until Thuisdny ncxi, wli<n he will 1)0 bifiught bark li Tillsonburg for preliminary hearing oji u chai'te of ni'son. BiicKberough nl the lim'' of lii.s nriesl was woiking a.** a blncksnillh, hut is nnl nol--d nb'iul town [â- ir any regularity of occirjiation. and hole!ke<'f)ers wcro not Cllowel lo .su;>ply him with liipi<T. He IS mnirud, but for .sejuic limo Iws tjecn acparalo.l lioni his wife. LEADING JIARKETS BHKADSTUFFS. Toronto, Juno 16.â€" Ontario Wheal â€" No 2, white and rod in rather tree sup- ply, between 8Cc and 87c ouUidc; No. 2 mixoJ, a lit'le lower on same ba.9S. Maiiitoiba Wheatâ€" Dull market; quola- lit.ns at Ge^i^ian Bay ports, No. 1 nor- Ihei-n, .$1.09; .\o. 2 norllicrn, «1.0C; .No. 3 northern, iiil.03>!;. Oa!« â€" No. 2 whilo. coimparaliveljf steady, betwo..>n 4Go and 47c oulside; No 2 mixed. He. Corn^N.i. 3 jeilovv, oUoring lower at 7'Jc lo 8(K-, bul ftUU above llie niuikel; no business. Flour ~ Manitoba pnlenlis special biiinJs, $C; .'e"onds, .«5.40; .strong bak- ers'. $5.3(J; winter wiieut patMils, easier, off.ring now at S3.3U. Barleyâ€" ,No. 2, fairly plejililul at 55c to 58:. Peasâ€" No. S, practically all gone; n jninnl piice 02o. Bye^-i.No. 2. *oinc inqu ry, but none offering; qu.jlation about KSc. Buckwheat â€" .No. 2. ninrkct prelty well cleanetl up; ncminaUy quoted M>^c to Brnnâ€" Price's begin to decline; offered outsid.) at .S18.50 lo $19; about $20.50 track iM-'ie. SI»oa-lsâ€" .$21 out-^de. COUNTBY PBODUCE. Wholesn'e quotations arc:â€" Kgg*-Ncvv-lald. 17c lo t7>^C. Honeyâ€" .Strained .stearly at lie to' I2c P'e;- jound for Co-pound pails, and 12c t' 13c for 5 lo. 10-|ound pails. Con:bs at SI. 7.5 to S2..y) per dozen. . Butterâ€" The murk, t is -sltidy, Lut pric- es are not yet down lo a storage or e.v p<-.rt tevel. Creamery, prints 2lclo22c do solids 19jIo20c Dairy pnnis, choice 18c to Utc <lo pr nts, <,i-dinnry 16c lo 18c <lo li.J) 17c lo 18c IiiJerior 15a lo I6e PoUilorsâ€" Pficcs of Ontarias arc about If.c lower. Very fiw Delawares arc o<4nng through now: Ontari. s, 70c lo 8f)r; D laware, 90c lo 95c in car lots on track lere. Beansâ€" S 1.90 to !52 for primes, and $2 lo IJS.IO for hand-picked. Chocs'>-Per poiund, 11% ti I2c. Bal"il Strawâ€" At .$7.50 to .$8.50. I'al d Hayâ€" Tmolhy is quoted at Sll lo .$12 per Ion ui car lots on track liere. PltO\ I.'^IONS. Porkâ€" Short rut, $22 lo $22.50 per bar- rel; mess, $18.50 to $19. Laid- Ticrc s, ll%c; tubs, I2c; puiis, 12^0. .Sni'fked nnd Oi'y Salt<d Menlsâ€" Long c'ear bnr<jn, in,i<,,' |o lie. (on.s and cases; hams, medium mid light, ISJiJc !o He; hams, !arp.', )iyj: to 12c; backs, 16c tc K','.(;c; j.h'.uldor.s. O^c to 10c; rolls, 10c I 1 lO^c; brenkf.ifit baCnn, lie lo 15c; grwn ireats, out of pkkie, Ic le.'s than Mu ked. MONTPRAI. MARKKTS. Mnln Rl. June 10.â€" Fl urâ€" Maiiiloha -sfi-ring wheal latenLs, $6.10 lo $6.20; scixknd pateiiis, $5..">0 lo .$5.70; w.Titer wl.ej(t i^aleuLs. $.=».2o to .$5.75; straight inliers, $4,25 to $i.50; in bags, .$2 lo i>i.\:y, extra. $1.50 lo $1.73. Holl.d Oatsâ€" $2.75 in bag.s ot 90 pounds. Oatsâ€" No. 2. 52c lo 53c; No. 3, 49c lo 50j: No. 4, i8.' to 4S)^c; rejected, 46>^c lo 47c; Mani;<»:a ivjeci'd. 48c to 48>^c. rx>rrunealâ€" .$1.7.') to .$1.8,5 per b.-ig. MilVfced- Onlario brcn in hags, ,S2I lo $22; .'h-,rls, .$23 to !:(2{; .Manitoba bran In hags, $23; .shoi U, $24 t'> ,$23, liuM. râ€" Is qii(,t.\l at a wide range, SOc lo 22,''S;c (er jouiid. F.ggs- .Sckcled, 18c; Nn. 1. I6>^c to I7c. and No. 2, 14c per dozen. Flourâ€" Choici) spring wheat ralenls, $() 1(1; 'econ Is, $5.5<i: winter wh<a! pat- enl.s.. 85; .straight iv/llers, ,$4,50 to S4.75; do., in bags, S'2.12 lo .$2.25; extra, SI.70 Ui $1.80. Provisionsâ€" Barre's shut cul, SUM; half bairels, $l|..5n; c'ear fat bnrks, $23; dry salt long dear backs, lie; larne's plate bivf, $17,H); half bar- rels do,, $9; com[iound lard, S^^c to OX''; pure lard. \2}^r lo 13c; keill'o reii- ck-r. J, 13; to Itl^c; I2>ic U) 14c, aiioi\ling lo size; breakfast bacon. 14c t. 15c; Wind.sjT bacon, 15c lo lOc; fresli- kll.xl abatloir-dressod hogs, 89.25 lo S:i5:i; live, .$6.75. UNITED .STATF-S .MABKEIS. Mhvnuk.v, June 16.â€" VVliTal-Qiiiel; N:.. 1 Northern,, $1.09 lo SI.II; .No. 2 Ndilh rn. $1.07 lo $l.(iS>3; July, 86>i to W.%v. Hyeâ€" No. 1, 7*', Bnrlryâ€" Dull, K>. 1, 57c; .Miiiiple, 47 lo .'i8,^. Corn â€" Nl 3. 71V; Jul.v, 07>j;c (uskcd. Miniie:i)o! s, June 10.â€" Wheatâ€"No 1 hard. S\.(a% \o ii.osyi; No. I Northern, t\.((<% I. $\mX; No. 2 Norlh.'rn, S\m% lo $l.04)i; No. 3 Northern, 99% bi Sl.(t')i; July, $1.02; S<'pl„ 87% to 87Xc. Briin~In hulk, $19.75 lo .$20.00. Floui â€" First pal'nt.s, ,95.45 to .$5.60; .sec- ond rnUiits, .$.').30 to $5.45; first clears, $1.25 t) $i.;i5; iecoiid clears, $3.55 lo $,!,65. Buffakj, N. v., June 16. â€" Wheat â€" .Spring, ensy; Ni, 1 Norlhcrn, $l.(i7 in Ciirl.Kids; Winter, .steady; No. 2 red, 96c. C/rn- Cash, 1 .wor; .No. 2 yehow, 76c; No. 2 while, 77c, Oats- .Steady; No. 2 white, 55 l-i 55J<;c; No. 2 mixed, 51>^c. Barlcy-6()e. Hyt^88c; No, 1 on track. Ciiiial freights, Wheat, 5c to New York. Niw York, Juno 16.â€" Wheatâ€" Spot ensy; No. 2 nxl, 98c elevator; No. 2 reu, 90,: spot f,o,ti, nflonl; No. 1 northern Dululh, $1.15% f,o,b. afloat; No. 8 hai'd win'.e.', $1.04% f.o.b. afloat. C.XTTI.K MARKET. Toronto, Juno 10,â€" Quite a numl«r of very .select ex-porlcrs' were on the mar- kfl. and for these from $6 lo $6.40 was piid. A few very choice bulchens' sold GOOD CBOFS AND ECONOMY Two Things Mr. Byron E. Walker Says Canada Needs. A despatch from Toronto says: "What Canada needs is a gi.od cro-p and a year rf (.c m- my. That will bring us back to r.orma!.' This wfs the statement Mr. B/ron E. Walker, Pres^ident ol the Bank ot Cemi- TO' rco, made on Wedn sday, regarding tlie outlook this year. The bank has re- ceived crop rcpcfl.s from all over the west, nnd the outlook Is sold lo be par- ticularly hopeful. "A good crop would not alon" be .suf- ficciit," continued Mr. Walkir. "and p~rh'ips 11 is bfciuse we have not teen badly enough puni.shed that we do not fully realiz.' that. Tike West may think Ihnt ll;o depres>sion was caused by a led c:o.i. A.s o,(»nntler of fact th/: bad crop was only an incident. The dipres- sk»n would have come without it. In tth .Stats they had goed crops, got mom i'O" their ccrnls. and Ih 'ir co'lon than b f re, but they had woi-s.-> trouble lin- ancially than Canada had. "The rejil c-nuse of ijepiessii n was Iho le:;dency and the practice of pvople in living ahead of themselves, if llure is a splendid crop and Canndiars have not IcarncJ Iheir les>»m, Hi-y will sta:l cul- ling Iho .same wid^ .swalh of over-ex- pcndilure. Then there w II be the .same inov.UibK^ trouble follovvintr. The coun- Iry needs a year of .â- conomy. "The nalural result of a good crop wir lo tliat 'jnnney will l)e easier. Mun'- c.paiile.s will lind themselves able lo sell Iheir bonds. Somo of them, per- haps, will lake ndvantngc of this ti> p.imgc into improvvmeuls on the old larg^ scal.\ This w.ll not be jusUlied, fo- Iho country needs caution as weU as crop." A despatch from Montreal says: In an Inlervit'w S r George Drummond, Picsi- d nl of Ihe Bank of Monta'cai, spoke in generally favorable terms as lo Ihe oul- Ic k of bu-iiiKSs .througlioul Ihe coun- try. Sir Geo.-go said that he did not expect U> see a coniplele recovery of tra.le condiloas in a very near future, but with god crops the D;jni nion wiiul.l surety experience a coniple'e re^ m-wal of its bade activities. "A great deal,' continued Sir George,, "ncce-sarily dep.-iiiJs on the ^success ofl our next haivcst, and from present in-' dcatons Ihero Is every rcnso.n to ex-[ pect bounUfu! crops, 'lucre is as much money in Canada to-day as ever; but. '.v\'^ sies a certain lack of present con- DJcncc. which, howover. will gradually di.seppear. In .'*onic quarters people am afking £. r c'.caixM' money, but I do not ex|)<:^l to .see owei' rates in Canada, al ka-l f r Iho present. "I r.lni < f Ih.^ opinion that speculation in slocks L-r business generally should Ix"<iu raged, a.s present business con- ditions du lut wan ant il. However, I fai' to s o amy reason f.r unea-siness, ns all s'giis indicate that there will bo steady and certain leojvery in all lines ei products and iiidusU'ics.' a! over SO. Goad cows were rather hard to gel, and were in sir. ng deniand. In some cases as high as $5.25 was ) a.d for spi'cially good ones. The poorer grades, however, were weak, selling down lo .$2..50 for old gross cows. Th-.'re LS j.t:ll u go d demand fors'ock- er.s. They bring from S3.25 lo $1.50. .Milk cows are n»jt wanted quite so much, but good ones can always de- mand a good price. Although there was a piclly liberal run of calves the market wa.s linn at $3 to .$5.50. Sheep were steady, bul the trade In thcni is quiet al present. Tnerc has been a .scarcity of good quality lands ihis -spring, which makes a wide range in the prices. All the h< gs were taken for the local trade al unchanged prices, nnmcly, $6, fed and watered off cars Toronto, and $5,75 f.o.b. PDESIDENT ROY AHRESTED. Latest .'\Iove in the Rank ot St. John Failure. A despatch from Montreal says: An- imrortanl move was made in Iho Bank of SI. John affairs on Thur.sday night when Hon. Philippe Roy, furmer Presi- dent of the bank, wius arrested on a charge of making false returns to Iho rx/vcrniiiciil. It is alleged that in the current loan oolumn.s of Ihe reliirns sent l<, llio Ciovernment wor- found pruniis- .su:y not 3 long sin"c oullawed, and which nro without any value w'haievcr. The arrest was made through Cimwu Pr •s.-'Culor Ilibbard, who acle.l under irsl.uetions from llic .â- MIernoy-Geiieral. Mr. Hoy was allowed out on bail of S2.CO0, and will be Ired as .soon us the nccissary steps can be taken. II is .sail Hiat the. hnbiUlles of the bank I amount lo over $500,000, and the ass Is ' Il n .1 more Ihan $200,000. .Mr Roy is' personally very wealthy, be ng Ihe own- e- of the St. John's walerwviiks and clectilc light plant, and other indus- trlea tn the town and Province. Ho wn.s S:cakcr of the last Piovinoal I.'g- Lslatuie, and ran for May,.r of Monlr.'ai last Febniary, being defeated by .Mr. I.mUS Payette. MAY Blir.D NEW WELLAND CANAL. Iniporlnnt SlalenienI by the Mmlster in the House. A despatch from Ottawa says: In the H'>u-e 'f Cxjmmons on Thursday nnirn- ing IPn. Mr, diuham intimated Iliat it wa.s Iho inl-'uti in of the Civirmnent to procure males of Ihe cost of diepcn- iiig Ih? Wellan 1 Canal lo a draught of 25 fe«t. and also of the cost of an en- Irely new canal. He had 1 een told by engino'Ts il would be cheaper lo buildl a new caiinl. In reply to Mr. I.ancas-j ter, Mr. Graham said he was prepared; lo .say that It wo \v«to lo carry our own Iramc as well us .\iiicrican Irallle the Wellniid Canal would have to b^ d.'epen- cd. .As lo the new canal, the scheme would reduce the number of locks 75 per cent., and llioiigli he coul 1 not say dehiiilely, he though! the c isl woutil ap- proximate .$25.0OO,tKX) or $30,(X)0,000. There were advantages in the new canal owing lo the shorter dislanoes and few- e" lo'.-ks. ^ , CROPS ARE FLOl'RISHING. Trip ol C. P. n. Land (tomniissiofler ThroiiOh Three Prn\Jiiecs. A deSi'alch from Wiimlp.g .suys: .Mr. J, Doupo', Assistant I. .nnd G< niinissioner for lb' C. P. R., litis r< turned from a trip covering almost the entire three Prov- inces, and gives it us las opinion Hint he has never .siccn *uch niaginllcent crop.s nor the pi-omise of such abund- cnl yieUU. Out in Alberla the 'nl! wheat is up from twenty-four to thirty inch'-s, and in soune places is in the .shtd Made, .â- \ de-pa'ch from LethbrMgo snys: The benefit lo the cr<ips from the great rains will more than c ^nipensate foi- any oss- from high water. Full wh. al can now get al' ng wilhjut any more ruin till Iho harvest time. Carleton rounly jurors will receive $2..50 per day hereafter. Spicial pensions will b? 'S-sued at Ihe instnnct^ of Cnl. Hughes, M.P., by tho War Ollloe lo ncdy British vvler.i'ns in Canada. WIFE MUBDEE AND SDICIDE Discarded Husband Perpetrator of Double Crime on Farm in New Ontario. A despatch from Cobalt says: The village of Earlton, about 25 miles north of here, was s'.'rr<'d by a double tragedy on Wetlnesday afternoon, when Cha.s. E. .Marshall, aged 32 years, shot and killed his wife, aged 24 years, and then shot himself, blowing the top vl his h.ead off. Tho tragedy happened on the farm of .Mre. Marchalls father, Absalom Gray, about one mile from the town. Mar.shall first met his wife while he wa.s allached to a regiment of the U. S. A., .stationed in Fort Niagara, about five years ago. They were inanicd at Lewiston, N, Y., about a year ago. They came to this country on a visit from Niagara Falls, and relumed on Pec. 17lh last to take up Ihclr abode, Marshall getting work on tho farm of his wifo's hrcdher, Jame« Gray. About a week ago Marshall went' back to Niagara FalU, lil« wife refusing to l.vo with him any longer. Shortly ntler Iw Weill away they leocivetl o letter saying ihil h? woul I repent if his wife would come back lo him. The day 1*- foix) he camo back he wrote and said he would be away for a year. He rc- lui-nrd, however, on Iho Cxibalt sp;cial 01 Wednesday morning. Instead of taking the road to the lurm ho struck off thr.'Ugh the woods. .Marshall's father-in-law saw him com- ing and siKspocling that someth ng was wrong he started towards tho house. When within a few feet of the building ho heard tour shots, and on entenng the hou.'se found .Marshall lyintf on the din- ing-rcjom floor dead with the lop of hU bead blown off and his daughter In the kitchen dying. When he got to his diaughter she said, "-He kiUed me, fa^ Iher," and expii'od. She was shot through the arm, right thigh, and in Ibo fareosi.

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