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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jun 1908, p. 1

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\J^ shtxton "TBUTH BEFOEE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI. Flestiertoii, Ont. Thursday June 18 IQ08 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOK UOl'lUKTOB The Newest Things In Jewellery ^ Can altt'iiVn be found ittlhe Klesh- erton Jow^Uery heH<l(|u4rters. Watches & ClUks s and All pocket- able and weak. I lenrned cf Booth's Kidney Pills and pn curini? a liox at Mr. Ricliaidscu'!) Pliai-macy I hej;an thoir ua«. I was soon cnv.nctj,! of thoir superior prospects for an abuudaut oroi). merits and soon bad found relief from .J' ^ , „ . . , 'â-  Eugenia. i Pine, cool growing weather, witli i To su.^ all t bo'iks. the backache. TIio urine cli-iired ai»l I beijan to enjoy better healtli. I believe Booth's Kidney Pills the most reliable of all reinedie.s and. could not hesitate to recommend theiw" Sold by Dealers. Price 60c. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Unt., Sidd Canadian Atrents. Jewellery For the ladies in Rreat variety and latestr patterns. we pride ourselves In having; a great variety of the choicest ;;oods in inufactured from which to choose. Come in and let us show you what wo hiive. W.A.ARMSTRONG Klmberley. Intended for last week. The Kimberiiey branch of the O. W. I. will meet at th« home of Mrs. W. S Bishop on Thursday afternoon, June 18, lit 2.30 o'clock. A full attendance is re- <i[uested. Mr. Thos. Brooks and wife of Clarks- burg visited th* latter's paiont.s hero on Sunday last. Mrs. Brooks will remain for some time. A nuinl)er from here took in the Sun- day School picnic at Now England on Wednesday last, and report an excellent time. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber and little daughter, Ij«ouu, visited Eugenia friends un Sunday laxt. Mr. I'eter Boyle and daughter. Miss Sadie Boyle, of Thornbury, and Mr. Johnston of Wallaceburg wore visitors at Mr. Neil Boyle's the past week. Miss Sadie Plewes, Mr. Clarence Ciuikshank and sister, Miss Florence, spent Sunday at the former's parental home here. Mr. Down of Brampton was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. P'awcett during the past week. " Pairview, " the home of Mr.and Mrs. Jas. Knott, Kimberley, was the scone of 4k very pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, June. 3rd, when their second daughter, Rebecca, was united in mar- riage to !»1r. Harper Breadner of CI:irks- l)urg. At 6.30 o'clock to the .strains of the wedding march, gracefully played by by Mrs. A. E. Myles, the bridal party entered the lawn and stood under an arch of evergreens triinnied with Howers, while Kev. Mr. Appleyard of Clarksburg per- formed the ceremony in the presence of some 130 guests. The bride was hand- somely gowned in a costume of cream/ silk, triuimetl with lace, and wore lillies of the valley in her hair, and carried » boiiuet of white liliics. The briWo was attended by her sister. Miss Maggie Knott, who was handsomely attired in a gown of crepe de chine, trimmed with lace, wore lilli«() of the valley in her hair and carried a iJouiiet of bridal wreath and pink geraniums.' The groom was ably supported by hjs cousin, Mr, 8. Erskine. ' After the cereiiiony and congratulations the bridal pai-ty, followed by the guests, rcp.aircd to thOvdining room which was beautifully decorated for the occasion, where a dainty wedding breakfast was served. The bride, who is one of the most pojjular young ladies of the neigh- borhood was (he recipient, of many beau- tiful and useful presents. The young couple will reside near Clarksburg, where Mr. Breadner has taken up fanning, and will be at home to their friends after June 15th Their many friends wish them a long and prosperous voyage through life. ONE BAD MISTAKE Is Frequently Made by the Wisest of FMeslierton People Irs a serious nii.stnke to neulect Ixick- ache. Backaclie is the lirst Hym):lom of kidneys ilU. Fatal complications may follow. Booih'f Kidney Pills act .piick- ly to overcome kidney ills, do not delay until to late, it may moan dinbetea, Biit^ht's disFsse. Read what a Fleshcr- toD resident Mys, P- yii'gS. of Flesherton, Out., says : "I had tried many remedies to relieve ine of the mi.sernble, dull pain snd weak- ness that had for so long affoctod my lock and causcj mo pu ii>uch suffering l.ut nothing seemed to beneSt me iii the Iwst A dull, heavy pain had se;tled in the kidney region. At times I would be unable to sIim>)> over or strsichten iiiyhelf up. The urino was highly colored and I'ontNinrd a quantity of sediment of sand }ij|[«natur«. I had f«|t generally miaer- Port Law Mr. John Fenwick and daughter. Miss Ethel, of Chesley, are visiting their amny friends at Eugenia. Mr.Wiliuer Turuei and Miss Jennie Lee spout fciunday with friends at Eppiug. Mr. Sherman Bradbury of Thorn- bury is visiting at Mr. Wm. Hislop's in the valley. Mrs. Tiengate of Siughamptou is tlie guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Wilson. The MissBc^ Cora Williams and Word received last week that Misa Annie Jaiuieaon is lying critically ill in St. Michaels hospittkl, the result of a fall. Her brother SV. G., went down Annie Llislup of Thornbury are home on Monday to see her. ; visiting their parents Mrs. John Haney, who reported Mrs. ilcMaster and her mother, ,11 sotne time ago continues m a critical Mrs. Jamiesou, were hastily sum- stale, with little hope of recovery. - i . ... ' "'"' J Mr. W. A. Morton had a large addition to his barn raised by block and tackle on Saturday last. Our bise ball team have been busy practicing, expecting to come intocollision with Proton team. Mr. Marshal Beard of Vandeleur has been busy the past week with his port- able saw mill, on the farm of Mr. F. Shires, cutting barn timber and lumber. Mr. R. Allen attended the Baptist convention at Thornbury, last week. Mr. J. Taylor, Messrs. Thomas, Wm. and Fred, attended the of the Ute John Bates Jr. of Toronto. Minses Masrgie Little and Ida Oaborno al tended the garden party at Providence last week. I Miss Johnston of Vandeleur, visited with Mrs. R Hannah lately. ; Rock Mills Wm. English returned from Miune- apolis on Thursday. His son, David, is much improved and will be home in two or three weeks. Will Bnssel of Idalio, who was so seriously injured by a shot last fall, is expected home in a few days. Rev. i\I. VanSickle began his evan- gelistic campaign in the Baptist church here on Sunday with large congregations in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunt of To- ronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Pedlar. At the Baptist conveution held in Thornbury bxst week this district was represented by Charles Stafford and Mis.s Stafford, Frank and Miss Alice Uolman, M. Phillips, R. Alien and Rev. L. F. Kipp. Rev. Lewis F. Kipp was ro-oleoted Clerk of the Association fur the fifth time. moned to Toronto ou Saturday as Miss Annie Jamieson is seriously ill at the hospital. Mrs. Pedlar is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. W. Hoath, at Elsinore. Mr. and Mrs. Jobu E. Williams spent a few days vi.siting at CoUiug- wood. Mr. Robert Williams and some of the other boys spent Saturday lishiug at Thornbury and report very good success. Mr. Wm. Walker has commenced building a new house. Wm. Sloau and sou have the contract. Mr. Francis Geuoo has had the carpenters at work tinishiug his residence. Wedding bells will soon be ringing for some of our boys. Eugenia folks are soiry for the Pnceville correspondent. Perhaps the medicine ho got last Monday was too strong for hiiii. Cheer up, Sonny, it is not as bad as you think, perhaps. Mr. Large has hud his store pap- ered and painted. Mr. Spronlo of Markdulo had llm contract. Vandeleur. Crops are looking splendid in this vicinity. Pro.'spects are for a bounti- ful harvest. Mr. and .Mrs. Goo. Pritchard at- tended tlie hmeial of the latter's sister, Mrs. Silcox, at Meaford ou Friday. Mr. J. L Qraham attended the C. 0. F. High Court at Niagara last week. Misa Florence Thurston of Flesher" ton visited Miss Tillie Buchanan over Sunday. Mr. Wilfred Cullis of Meaford paid a flying visit to his parents here last Monday. Mr. M. Beard has moved his port» able sawmill to Portlaw, where he has a large stock of logs to cut for Mr. Shire of that place. Mr. S. Gilbert and Geo. Warling are assisting him at the work. k large number attended the fun- eral of the late Stella Summers, who died at her home at Murkdule ou Thursday last, and wiiuse remains were interred in Meaford Road cem- ctary Saturday afternoon. Born â€" On Tuesday, June 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alcocks, a son. Mr. Thomas Shannon spent Sun lOth Line, Osprey. Quite a number of our young people journeyed to CoUingwood ou Saturday to Cole Bros". Circus and report a good time. Born, â€" Ou Juno 'Ith to Mr. and Mr:<. John Lizard jr., a son. The social at Providence Methodis'' Church on Tuesday evening last was a grand success, the sum of thirty dollars being realiiicd. The Maple Leaf football team of Fevershum, played a match with the Mclulyre team ou Thursday last at Mclntyie, the score being one to nothing in favour of the Alaple Leafs. A nuiuber of our citizens are talking of going west uest mouth. The Rev. H. E. W. Kemp visited iu this part a few days last week. The Rev. A. P. Stanley purposes starting revival services iu the Ma.\- well church next week. SOMETHING CAN To Stop the BE DONE Catarrh in not the Increase of Flesherton. Catarrhal troubles are increasing, only iu Flesherton but all over country. Catarrh is a germ disease and to cure it, germ life in the nose, throat and lungs must bo destroyed, and this can be done only by bri'Hlliing Uyoinei. There is no dangerous stomach drug- Kii.g when Uyoniei is used ; no tablet or liquid mixtures whereby the digestion is often destroyed. Breathed through the neat pocket in- haler that comes with every outfit, it" healing balsams penotrato thu most re- mote air cell", destroying the catarrhal germs so that ((iiick recovery follows 'hie complete outfit costs but 31.00, and W. E Richardson aggreea to refund the money should Hyomei fail to do all that is claimed for it. Fire jurymen in Summorside, P. E. I.. voted til aci|uit a man who had confessed da7witb"hi7Wthor,'Geoi"gV," of "this /;;^"'_"^'l';'- place. I At the recent eleoiion a man noa>- Brockville, and ovet 83 years of age, ' marked his ballot and renmrke<l that ho had always voted Cuiiservaiiv*, and that h» hoped tu live to help put tho Lanrier govarnuiont uut of power. Uu then ' dropped dead. Specialist In illsoase* of ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OfUce 13 FroslSt. - r>weii<dounU At the Markdale house, MarkdHle,lst Fridny e.tch month fio:u 8 to 12 a, in. McFARLAND & CO. iM.-i.l^KUALIi: ONTARIO â- hardware Jlnnouticement All persons leaving Trade with us and wanting Hardware can can have the coin at trade prices and the choice of going to the two oldest established hardware stfircs in town to Buppy youi wants, viz: Haekett Bros, and J. .Artley, and everything will be sold you at the closest prices in exch iiigo fur the coin. For Cbe (Uool Season We have boon making preparations for .some time past by searching tho market for bargains for the wool seascm, and we have been very successful in same, and now we put ou sale the following which does not represent one-i(uarter of the many money- saving opportunities that await you. FLOOR OILCLOl H for 20o yd. Medium fancy block pattern Floor Oil- cloth, 30 inches wide, regular value 30c a yd. While it lasts per yard 20o. WRAPPERETTSFOR 7c YARD. 487 yds. Wrspperette, consi.sting of Navy, Red and Urey fancy's. Strips, Spots etc. Reuulur value 10c, 12o and 15c per yard. All marked at one price 7c. PLAIN GRET SHEETING for 19o Plain Grey Sheeting, good weight and of even thread, being free of sizing, etc. 2 yards wide. Regular 25c. While it lasts per yard , 19c. DRESS MUSLINS FOR 10c yd. 5 pieces of roijular 15 and 20c Dress Muslins and Sateens in medium and light fancy. On sale this week at 10c. DRESS DELAINETTB. MATTINO AND MUSLINS AT HALF PRICE. About 500 yards, consisting of Dress Delaitiottes, Matting and Muslins. Reu. 25c yd. 27 to 30 inches wide. Good assortmunt of patterns. On sale this week your choice half price only 12ic. BOOTS LESS THAN HALF PRICE 48o per pair. One table of fine quality Dongola Kid Boots, and soma low Shoes worth from 90o to 81 75 a pair. Not many of a kind and in the lot there is only one child's size 10, Mis,s'!S sizes 11, 12i, 1 and 2, Ladies size, 2i, 3, SJ. If you can ueo anv of these sizes you are missing a uroat bargain if you do not take advantage. FLANNBLETE SHEETING for 29.-. Full two yard wide Flaiinelote Shouting in White and Grey Regular value i5c yard. While it lasts per yard 29c. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY ]VIiLRK:iDAlL.E:. CEYLON S NEW STORE People who arc building this year .should call and get our prices for hardwai-e before buying, as we can give you rock bottom prices on same. BOOTS Sc SHOES We have a complete and up-to-date stock on hand. Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right. We carry a full line of seeds of all kinds. Highest prices paid for farm produce. A large supply of flour and feed of all kinds, always on hand, Ceylon's Leading Merchants coiLiLi^N^ so:n BBOS. aoTo. THE CORNER GROCERY I To buy your Seeds. We keep a variety of all kinds of Garden and Field Seedsâ€" Reunios Purp'o Top, Magnum Bonum and Elepliant Swede Turnip, tlumOo Sugar Beet, Yellow lutermodiato and Mammoth Red Mangel, also Learning and Morse Tooth Corn, Millet. Also Bian, Shorts and Crushed Coru for feed on hand always. OUI^ ICE CKKAM P^RLOI^ Is opeu ou Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Confectionery an I Fruits always on hand. O. J. SPARROW \ ,.rj4. 1

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