-'^f May 21 1»08 THft FLESKfiRTOr^ AUVANCii i;- ^^«VWWrtWW F. T. HILL & Co. WWWWWWW^ The Sale of the Year In Ladies' Dress Skirts. 2 In point uf fact iisvfr before havo iru benn ablelooffor suoli high clasH Drefs SkirU nt Ruch a hi? savins <if thu ym regular viiluea. Wo hkvu bouj^ht frmn thu Cnnaila Cloak Cunipntiy, (ho welt-l%nuwn >niikeH of ihu culelirated 3J riiiilKur Oarinenis, ono hundred Kii'l fifty Skirts, beinj- HHiiiptef) and ruKular linua. These wo put on sale this week al a saving of ONE-THIUD AND MORE off regular prices. The foUowina should be of interest to you. LOT 1, ''10 Ladies fine Dress Skirts in fine li);ht Twvude, fancy Mohairs, Alpresn, Box O'othsi and Panama Clothes in early all the leadijiK shades such au Light Qreuns, Fawn, Brown, lilue, ISluck and Cream, also Tan, and in the re>;uUr way these skirts would have to sell foi 4.7o, 5.5U,U.0Uand (j.50 all on sale this week at the extraordinary value, your choice for 93.48. LOT 2 38 Lvlies Fine Dress Skirts beloiiginst to the same purchase but in the l.iwer priced lines consisting of Fine Tweeds, light and dnrk colois, Mnlmirs and Lustres, the sellint; value of these lines in the regular way of buy- ing and Silling would b« 3.25, 3 75, and 4. 00, un sale this week your choice per yard $2.48. New Shipment Just to Hand of CAUP^:TS, RUGS and LINOLEUMS. This week wc have p»».sed into stock a very l»rgc thipnieiit of Liiioleomsand Foor Oil Cloths, als.i Rugs, and if you wiali to inspect the finest and Urtjesi O(dluction of Linoleums and Rugs in this part of the country come to (his store. Prices never were eahier. This week we are showin'j yard wide Floor Oil Cloth fur 22^0 to 35c per yard. This week we are ahuwing 2 yard wiao Oil Cloth for4di: to Coc per yard. This week we are show- ing 4 yard wide Linoleums from 91.51) tu 92.25 per jard. When yuu are getting your Oil Cloths and Linoleums ask tu see what we are doing in rujs. SEtLtNG L.VDIES' FINE COTTON HOSE TWO PAIR FOR 25c, This week we put on Mle 300 pairs Ijadies' Fine Cotton Hose,fsst black, siamlesF feet, ajl sizes, 8^, 9 and 9J, at 2 pair fur 25c. A WEEK'S TIME S.\LE OP Fancy Sateens, Art SateeDP, Fancy Linens and Ging- hams are all included in one lot, the patterns are good and the qualities are better. The line cunsistH of 12^, 15, 18 and 20j linos, all on sale this week, your choice for Ho. FRENCH COTTON PILLOW CASES. Already hemmed and ready fur use selling for 18e. 6 doz Fine French Cotton Pillow Cases, already hem- med and ready fur use on sale this week fur. . .18o. <^,WWWIVM MARKDALE immmm^ F5!5f 1 1 m'mm^.i^"r-*m â- «! I now TO BUILD A GOOD FENCE A^^^^t PEERLESS Feversham I» piiblinhed every Thursday at $1.00 pe.- «! n'l IK if paid in advance, SI. Re if iiotsopaid EDITORIAL DRIFT t'iree-fifili clause is Boarccly a credit- able gi'Oiiud on which tu upset a goverunioui, more eapecially nnlil that government has abeohilely refiis- cd to wiiluhaw the objectionable r„„ „, t„ei„,vnsinp..t i.Kpnv clause. Theicare very aiany of the ! I" *'"•'?''"'««"'»"»• *^»«*«'', <"\ '^}''""^'^?\ â- ' •' 1 May 27th, 1U08 at 10 u clock A. M. Ail bust teiupeiaiice people WllO refuse at ;(>ar.ie.t Inteie.ited will govern theiiiHclves the present tunc to join in a crusade .TSffri'^"*'"^ "' Melntyrethi. I8tl. d«y ' â- THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk. Mr. P. MsCullough of Maikdule is in the field against I. U. Lucas. This was settled in the Kiform cou- vention held at Rocklyn last Thurs- day. What do you put thi>>LucBS uiajority at this time ? At tlie labt election he had over 1000 to the goo<\ Township of Osprey COURT OF REVISION 1908 Notice in hereliy f^iven that the fimt Hittings of the Court of Revlvioii on the aiiaeiiiiiiiont roll of the Townsliip of OKpriy will b« held The country soldier boys who had their hopes built upon going to Quebec this Hniumer took a sort of reflex feeling when it Tras officially annouuo- ud lust week that onljr a few city rcgiiiicnls would be taken. A good inany thousand young men in this country who have votes feel so sore over the vacillating action of the govciniuent that they will fire a tew rounds of ballots by way of salute on next Doininiot) (diction dayâ€" and they won't bo t)laijk ainmniiition, either. for this purpose. They prefer to wait aud find out what Mr. Whitney really intends to do about it. Tbere were olliera, too, wlio felt that tlie temper- ance force was being used as a oatspaw to pull other people's chestnuts from the fire, aud they objected. These are the reasons why the deliberations At a leniperancu convsntion held at Crueuioro, Mathew Clark, deputy leeve t.f Collinitwood, was nominated too|ipiad •I. S. Duff, the CoDservatixe i-ai.didate in the appruachinx provincial contest in West Siuicuu. Cliffonl Naiitais, four years of agi<, a Walkerville bny, was fatally burned of the I'ilh inst. came to naught, and | Sunnsy while playing near a bonHre with not because there was any waning iu ' seveial companions. Uisclcthing caught , , - , fire, ar.d when ibe o».her children ran deterininatiuu on the part of ibe tem- ~~ peranco people. The temperai.rc convention of last week simmered down to the smallest point imagiiiable. Do not take it for granted, however, that temperance principles are not in o healthy state ia this riding In this instance the iisiio was not of sufficient importance to itnite the forces. Had the Alliance as a body been mnking a general on- slaught upon Mr. Whitney the result would have been different. They were not doing this, and what good would it have done for this riding to put a man iu the field ? The moral Icsacu ! you ray. There would have tjeon no moral lesson, and moreover the temperance strength of the riding would have made but a sorry snowing, because (\bilc a few onthuiiasts would have vottd for a third man tlie vast lUAJority would haviJ taken Mr. Whit- uey'it measure aa a whole while ack- uo« ledjmg that it ia the best Umper- measuoi thin providce has ever aeen â€" yotoipable of improvement. The Mi-o-na means Stomach Comfort It's or SfEi'iAL Value to Ma'SY Hebe IN FLesnKRTON. A notable discovery and one that ap- pcnls CHpucially to ufny peeple in Fleshertoii ia the cuinbinairion of atoninch lielp ill the Mi-o-na treatment. This preparation works wonders in caae of indigextinn or weak stomach. It acta directly upon the wall* of the stomach and bowels, Rtrenuthen<ng snd Hiiniul.itiiig tliein so ihnt they leadily tuke 'care of the food that is eaten without distress or Hufforing. So positive i>r<i the good nlTiiC's follow- ing the use ol Mi-o-mt that Iho remedy i* «otd ))y W. E Riohnrdson tt Son under an ahaolutx guarantee tn refund the inoiii:)' if it fails to cure, A BOc b' x of iMi-o-n» will du the good the stomach needs which it sioi ply tu make it du its own work. llille Nautaia crawled and slowly burned to I nfTsTwTBOYDl I ^ i Fiesherton - - Ontario, j ^ OUSE irURNISHINGS I I^ OUSE p As ihe season is on for Uousu Clenninz we invite our customers and all ppi-sons requiring House Furnishings to inspect our slock. We eive below 11 fow prices. Brussels Carpets 8.5c to $1.35 per yd Tapcstrys 40 to 85c per yd All Wools from. .65c to 1.00 per yd Unions. . . .35 to (i9c per yd Rugs iu Velvi'ta mid Tapestry from 7 60 to 30.00 Heiiipi from 12i to 35c Stair Carpets fioin 12^ to. ..75c Stair Pads 1.25 and ..1.50c per doz Liniileum." &nd Oil Ciotlis in 4-4, C-4, 8-4, and lt)-4 â€" prices reas"nable. LACE CURTAINSâ€" The most coinpletw ranae we have ever shown. prices from 5.5 cents to 3.50 per pair. Curtain Muslins â€" A larije as.-ortinentâ€" Prices from 10 to 45o p^r yard. S Boots and Shoes. ^ This line is full, values good, and stock up-to-date. Call aud â- L inspect. If you are not ready to bny come in and inspect, anyway, yj^ Women's Doni'ola Patent and Tan Kid, prices from 1.50 to. 84.50 ^ Women's Ctforc's in Don^ola Patent and Tan Kid 1.25 to ?3.(X) it Men's Dongola Box Calf, Paient Cult and Tan Calf. Prices from 81 00 ^^ to 85.00 FLOUR & PEED We hare a fuU stock of Flour and Feed, including Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour and FIVE ROSES FLOUR, m^de by the Lake of the W.mds Mdling Co., Keewatin. Every bag of this Flour is iraratiteed â€" the best Flour ill the land. I'ione othtr can equal it. HARDWARE A fullstoek of Stoves, Riinges and lieaters, Axes, Saws and a!l kii.ds of Woodmen's Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. Parties contemplating buying should cot ne^dect itetliiig our prices before purchasing eUevvhero J. & W. BOYD. Fiesherton, Ontario. ^ IIUITISH niU DISCOUNT OFFEll EASTER C.VNADUN to AuE. 31, «30. Di); value. Ful DUStNESS Bhortband or Looao jLoat Dook. COLLEGE keai>lDg Courses. Hy Us I), eio TOKONTO three luoutba, BliouKI atkrt to-day Coi-.Yooge and BloorSts. It. A, Farijnbarsou*. M. A. Principal- Card of Thanks Mrs. Andrew Rutledfce and family wish to exprew their thanks to their friends, and ueiKhburs anU members of the Loyal Oranf^e Auocation and of the Canadian Urder of Chniion Frienls for their kindness during their (lereavement. Yours Truly, Mrs. A. Rutledge Farm for Sale. Lots 171, 2 and J, Int uuk. N. E., Arteuiesia. 125 acre.H tu all of flist cIrsh farmiuft laud in a good Btuce of uiUtivation. situated 2^ mites Bi.utti of Klesbertoo, short mile from school, clean uf noxious weeds and well fenced. 10 acres of marsh, 5 acres of hardwood bu?h, bal- auoe in good state to work all kinds of ma'jbin* erv, well watered. 2 orchards, a good house IB X 2ti vuiu-er.?d inside, kitehou \e x 30, wood- abed 16 X 1-2. new t>arn 50x6U stone fouudatiou This is i>i>e of the tjeat farms in the towushi aud oau tw t>cugtit tight. W. J.C.\8WELL. First at the Season The annual A. O F. Exwinijon to To- ronto from Owoo Sttuivd and all atatiuns south to Mulanothon, is announced by (Sister forS-ituiday, May »tth. C. P. It. special will luavu Owen Sound al 8 a. ni. and Fleahurton at 9. Faro frum Fiesh- erton, 82.05, good to return hy any reg- ular train till .Monday, June Ist, or by special leavii>g Toronto at 7 p.m. un Monday, .Inne Ut. away in fright under a waitgon death. Mr. G. 4. Hay, V. S., informs us that a c<>w belonging to the estate of the late John Lvt iiate birth to a call which had only three leua. No part of the fourth lug was visible exo'pt the hoot which was who.ly dotHchud frtftii the body uf the calf.â€" CanipbuUfurd Uerald. A young farmer, i.ot many miles fiom Creemoio, who kee(is an account of his receip s and exptinditurei in a hu>iiitss- like manner, casually remarked to The Star the other day, that the profits of his tifty acre farm for iho year just closed amounted to91, 175. We coiisider that a very rroditablu ahuwing.â€" S:ar. A young Engliahman vinited Grand Valley one day last week, drank too much booze, got full and lost two lingers while inspeoiiiig a sawinir insohine in uperaticn. Last Friday night the larg^ driving belt in the ilectiic light powerhouse, running at over three hundred revolutions to the ininuta, split without any warning and nearly scared iho wits out of manager Vanalatinc. Things wera slashed up pretty lively until the engine could be turned off.â€" DunUalk Herald. Three men wee hrouuht up before police niat{i..>trnte Pane, at Campbellfnid oil the cliarse of tteinx diiink i-n the stroeti, TMOufthi'iii svogred liquoa it Haslingn aud divided up with Iha Srd. The magistrate tined ih« two who bnusht the li.|iior 113.00 each, and lb« u.her tlO.OO aud cuata. ' • ^Life m Every Dose'' "J eanaot apeak too highly of Piy> eUa% for It ia the greateit aedieine I ever uMd. I wa« Jutt about 'all in' when I bsgan the treatment, and in S months I was aa well as ever. It ia a great tonic for weak and run down peo- ple. There ia sew life in erery dote." JA8. STOLIKER. Ridgetown, Ont., Dee. IB, 1906. II ia atlnnott«t«llrouratohMendi about thia woaderfal pcMerlption. Threat, lung and itomaoh troablea, and all ran down aoaditiona qtg^ahlT e«re4 by lie nee. At all dragglafa, OOe and *Uo, n Dr. T. ^ 8te««p, ifd, tofwie â- *â- â- »â- . .â- --•â- . Bull for Service Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, Mountiiin Victorâ€" No. M407 for service :m lot 251, con. 8' Artemesia. Terms $1.00. Jos. Hawkins, Prop. Eggs for Hatcliing 8. C. Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. f)Oc per 15. Pen headed ijy first prize cock from Liberty Poultry Vards. m LEWIS F. KIPP, Fiesherton, Ont. Pure Bred Englisli Berlisliires and Tamwortlis. I have a tine lot of young pimi bred from priie winning stock, for sale. Write me for prices. 1 can give a )>arguiii also guarantee satisfaction on all mnil ordern. (;eo. W. ROSS, Maxwell V. O. Farm For Sale or Rent. Tor sale cheap, or rent, immediate possession. Lot M, t'on. U, Artomesiu, aliout 75 acres clear, conifortablo log tiouse aud frame barn. Apply to K. .J. Bpruule, Klenbertou, or John J. Martin, across the toad from said lot. - Farm for Sale. Li.ts E.) R and 0, Con. Ill, in the township of Osprey 150 acres, laige cleHriiig, goot frame ham and stabies. good dwulliug and well' Apply ou tlie premises or to \V. J. Bi!i.i.aMT, Fiesherton. MOUNT PLEASANT FARM. Sliorthorn^ Bees and Ponltry. Young stock for sale, trarms easy and urines reasonable. Sinxle and rose coinh Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching, 75c and 91.00 per fifteen eggs. Special prices on incubatiT tots. Meintn'r of Canadian Leghorn Club. Richard Allen, Fiesherton P. O, and Station. Lot 170, 2nd oun., £. b. and S. K. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levlulas and Wimples, the best of breeding and iiualitv. Bull, oows aud bslfers for sale at reasonable prices t 3ll.con.5 CHAR. RTAFFOBp, FlssbartOD LbLLiilL n- m 2NO CL/13S L,liQimd-Tpip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA OOINO DATES April 14, 28 June 9, 11 Aag. 4, 13 a^y 12, 26 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, H, 23 TickaU tfaofi lo >«tiim wllklo CO dius VF.RY LOW RATES from "11 pi.i-.o -.â€" â€" ^^â„¢â€" â€" â€" lii OnlHi'Ki. Ttanging I Winnipeg and return S;<2.00 betweuii \ Kdmonton unil return &42.oO Ticket..* isiiuoti to all Ntirth-West poiiit!^. TOURl.ST SfEEPKRS A limited â€" â- ... II â- â- .â- â- â€" - I.I â- , „ nutnrer of Tourist Sleeping Curs will b« run cm Mxch excursinti, fully wivipped »ith b<sitiing, etc. Borth< ahouKl beseuurml and ptiivl fur throuKU local affint ui latut aix days Uefoie exRUraioD leaven. U<ites and full informatiim cmtiuncd in free HutueacwkerB' pamphlet. Aak uunr- ut CPU. as«nl for a copy, or wiito to C. B. raSTtft. DUlrlcir*M.A<l.. cm., tdrooto School GMIdren's Eyes Supply Intellect Slabs and EdginiJs for Sale. We will sell the 4 ft. Hiabs and KdclnRs at our ii.ill on IK. H, Artemesia, at tl.OU per oord. Hy apolyinRto Mr. Jno. I'ailiament, op|>«slte the mill, he will measure aud reoaivs cash tor the wood when taken away. We will further pay a reward of tavoo for proof of anyor,e lakinu wood froiu there inthe past, or who may take wood in the tnture wltti- out our authority or Mr. rarllameut'F. KEENAN RR08.. Limited, Owsn UoQDd, Defectivg^yes stunt the mind Can y6u expect fair progress In school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstrong, tVlitLS' •Nr»„ >PTie4Al rtESHERTO;^. ,. V ^ V \ , r: <.y.\