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Flesherton Advance, 21 May 1908, p. 2

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_ FARMS FOR SALE. "^Areola Farm» and NUkmi' M')UJil-iin Bflnchos. Farms strong, pLTiiianent «nj well locatwl. Terras to suit any prnctl- ca; fann«r. ImprovoJ lariiw St5 to $25 per iicrc. RHoches W.W U) $C p<.-r U'-rc. Morlgng*;* anJ l.aii<l AjjR'eniont.s for salo. The i'AiOk Drollicrs, /Vrcula, Sa^k. Wrlle to-day. Improved Farm, CtO acrca of aplci)- di<l wheal land, a rich clincoluto louin oil a clay sutvsoil. ijixtecn luiies from War-nor, a Ihiiving Uiwn on Itic A. R. & I. To.'s road (orty-olglil miles south o( l/'lhbridgo, nfly acre.-, cuItivuUxl, liotisft of .scv<'n r«*oms, sta'bic tor eleven hor.s<'«, a'l fenced and ciiosa-foiioed, I'rice $17 poi- acne. Terms eight dollars casli nnd bal(uio>> ca->y. K\sci unlinpr-ivcd land in ••'Iwled dlslrii'ts at fi-orn oiRhl to fifteen dollars per iicrc. If lnt<!re-.leil let mc fcinish you with full particulars. Av- ci8g« yield Ih.sI year, :i5"ls wlieat {Mf- acre. N<it oni> ljij,-ih<'l of fnijen grain ral^'d In tlie I/«»tltbrklK'« District. T. E. PATTKSON. l/^hbridtfe. AMa. AaGNT5 WANTBD. A nlUbU imb In trcrr •liy AD(1 town In rftnadft with wftt*rwork4 tn ••n & patent artlcl* n»»tl*d tu cTarr b»ma. hot«l and pnbllo bulMlii(. Kalli at •iiat. Huatlarn <iaa and ara niakinn li.uu a day. writs at on<:a for particuUn. Qau. T. Cola, Owan Houud, Untario. BLOOD MAKING TONIC TREATMENT FEATHER DYEING Cteaalai aad Owllai aad KM atorea cl*aaa« ThMi oa ka anal by poa^ la »ar ac (*• b«a( plana la eilTISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. MOIITBBAL -WANTED-i lo haar Iran owaar taartag QOOD FARM I for aala Not partlcnlar alnjut location- 1 HUaaa ^ira prieo and description, and raa* I ton fur aallinr. Htat* whan p»MaMlun can ] ba bad. Wlirdaal with ownari onlj. L. IMtrbrahIra, Box 98*. KoobaaUr, S. T. FREE BOOK " HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED ki> Tclb h^jw u young man .'!av«'<' the bank by a wi-se Invcslinont. Ev«ry stock buyer and Invaslor should read thl9 book. Not for Mle. Sent free on requeat. Your name on a iiostal will briiig it. Writ* to-day R. W. SAILBV 1S1 aMiMmy Ixohanca aids., tanvar, Col*. ^S*^ PETERBOROUGH CANADA TAo Beat and Chtapegt Canada. SkiJfj.Launchea Etc SEHD fOR, CATALOGUE AND OET Otm, PRICES BcroRi: biatnq A Core for AnsBinia Taat is Show- ing Bamarkable Proofs of Gores in Stabbom Oases. When the body bccotiies weak and run <lown, either from overwork, woiry <ir severe illiu>K<s. an examination of llie blood would ijhow It to bo weak and walery. 'thus condition Is called anae- mia, which IS lh« nKxIical term for "iil'KMlleasnav*." 'I'lic C'immon symptoms art paleness of the lips, guin» and clieelts, stxirlness of breath and pftli>i- tslion of lliB henri after llie .slightest exertion, dull eyes and loss of api)CUle. Anu'-iiiiu iUelf Is n dajifjerous disease r.nd may graduiilly pas^ Into consump- tion. It can only t>c cured by treating iU) cause -whicJi is the poor condition of tlK> bkK)il. The blood must be made rich and rod. thereby enabling it to ear- ly the nec^-.s.-«ary iiuiirLsliiiieiit to every part of tlic iKxly. I>r. VVIIIifinvi' Pink fills are Ihc grcal- esf niodicine. in the world for making now, rich bkxxl and Ihey have been ciirng anaiima and uthcr blood dlsea-ses fir neiirly u gen«Talioii, and are now rc- tKiciiized ifn- world over as an invalu- able hou.s<->hfld re^iiedy. \\\A. D. F,stabiook, l^rrtoklyn fload, .\ It., says:â€" "My daughter fJerlxiide, who is now in hi'r sixle<'iith .vear, was .Sickly from early childhood, wo were (â- /iiii>tantly doctoring for her, but it did rot (^ixn to help Jx-r in the least. In fuel a.s she grew older she .s<<nie<l lo fc'row weaker. Slie wa-i alway.s pa'c and listless, suffered from headaches, and palpitation of the heart. ."-^hc did not rest at iiistit, and would ofkin loss and moan llie wlwle night. I'lnully she had lo dliiamtmue going to s<hool, and as she wa.s wmlliiiially tak- Inj; dr)Ctors' medloino wilhoiil benefit I givw discouraged, and feareil we would lose her. Friends urged U3 to give her Dr Williams I'ink I'ills, and I finally dc<-id(\i lo (k) so. By the lime .sJie liaa lfjk''ji Ihiee boxes tliene wa.s an improve- mejil, and u little later j>he was able to relurn Uj school. I'pom that on she grew stronger, had an cxrellent appe- tite, slept well at night, and Is now as tieallliy a girl a& you will .see. I be- l.tvc that Dr. Williams' I'ink frills ."yjved lier life, and as a mother I would re- (v.inmend Ihese pilLs lo every family in which there arc young girls. All medicine deal<r.s sell these pills, or you con gel them by mail at 50 centa a box or six Iwxes for $i.50 from The l)r Williams' Mediciiio Co., Brockviile, Out. Dc f.ongâ€" "I hear you arc hunting for a ncli wife." Shoitleigh -"Right you an-. " De Longâ€" "Bag uiiylhing?" Shorl- k;:ghâ€" "Nothing but my trousers." Cucumbers and melons arc "forbidden fruit" to many per.sons so constituted thai the Indulgence Is f<ilk)wcd by attacks of cholera, dy3enl«:ry, griping, elc. These iKsrsons are nol aware thai they can indulge lo tlieir heart's content if Ihey have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. IV Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, a medi- cine thai will give immedialc relief, and is a sure cure for all &uuiiiicr com- mer complaints. ONF, ADVANTAGE. "I ni g'nd Im not like m.m," remarks The oyster wdli a .sii ck<T. 'T simply can't gel in u broil As I'lij,' IIS I am in itquor." ' BCALn IIKAD Is a dlaguntlnc and obsUnAto dltaaji., freqiiaiit in children, 'l^eatment : Par- fact cleanllneja ami iv generotu appliuAtion of Waarar' Carat*. Mntb.r. will b* (fad to leura IU>. "Why do .so many of you go round playing logelhei?' the .sctioilboy asked til' leader of the flcriiiiiii iKiiid. "II vi.s safer," wcs Itie IlKiiiglitfiil reply of the inusic-'oving foreigner. ' Nol a Nauseating I'ill.â€" The exciplcnl of a pill is Ilic .sulistuncc which enfolds tlie liigr<>dieiils and niiike.s uj) the pill jnnss. Thai of I'linnelee's \egelnb!e Pills is M) coiii|«miii<I4mI uh (o pre.scrve llieir moisture, aiul they can \f ciirried Into any lalilinle wilhoiil impairing their slreiiglh. Many pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in |K)w- d<'rs, wliieli prove iiauM'ftling (o tflsU;. f'lirmeliv's Vegetable Pills arose prepared llial lliey are agrocublc lo the mosl delicate. "Thai lady," said the new assistant, "wished Ui know if eggs were fresh. How do I lell when eggs are not fresh? ' "Vou don't," replied the groceiv ch.arv lippearanca. It niaVei paints. It makaa everybody bappp, you happy. Karasay'i paints are happy 'Ihey iiMke things clean and new and giro lonj^ar life to the home. your dealer show yi>u the color, with suggestions how to do It. Write A. Kamsay A Son Co., Montreal, for pack of picture post cards of Uomes. Old Gcnllcmunâ€" "Have you no fam- i;y t cs?' Wdicâ€" "Oh, yes, sirl leather mokes nic wear all liis old ones!" KA.SY. A Wide .Sphere of L'.sefulness.â€" The oonsiimplion of Dr. Tlmiiias' I'.clectric 1 lia.s grown lo giy*at prup irtions. Nol- willLslandlng the fact thai il hrt.s now lie<'n on the miirkel for ever thirty-one years, its prosperity is as great as ever, iiiivl the demand for il in that jx;riod has Ncry greatly increase<l. II is beneficial in all countries, and wherever inlMduc- el fiesh supplies are constantly usked for. lIOltSKS CATCH CONSUMPTION. Become Saluraiod WHh Various Dis case Germs. The Paris municipal council has just made lh'> alarm ng diso>)vei>- that foiiie hundri-ds of hoiisei in llic worklng-cl«.ss districts of Ihe city are smitten with consum|)tion. This means that they arc Merally dwellings of death, since any- body liibabilaluig one aof lliftin for any length of lime ls pructicoUy certain to catch Iho compluifll. That build. ngs con beconve saturated with diei-a-so germs after Ihis fashion has I'.ng Lc. n knuwn to medical men. "Oun- ce •" for instance, were discov- ered by .Mr. Semmes Smith in the Lin- colnshire Fens, Hngland, and elsewhere, which were liti'rally eaten up with thus tnost terrible of maladies. Another, in- stanced by Mr. D'Arcy Power, claimed aj v.ct.nis three tenants, who inhabited it one after another. II was llicn s«;t light to by the landlord, and burnt all standing together with everything that it contained. Plague, too, has been proved lo in- fccl certain dwellings after a like fash- ion. In one cose, mentioned in a re- cent report of the Indian Commission- ers, a lurgi! tenement house in Bombay was so badly diseased that it iiK-ant d<a1h to anyone enough to cnler it It wa.i, theiefore, boardod up, and lemaiJiod empty for over a year. Then two families of vagrant beggars, num- bering eleven persons In all, broke in, and look up tht^r abode Ihew without tlie knowledge of the aulliorities. With- in a week not one of thom was left alive. Perhaps, however, the most extraor- dinary instance in point Is afforded by the ca-so of Ambej-, i|>o ancient capital of Jeypow, which contracted ea badly Ihat no one would dwell wilh- iri its walls who could help it, fjr fear of infecl:on. .So. eventually, Jey_.S:ng, the ttven rajah, ordered a general oxodus .cf all tht> inhabitants that were left ulive. The edict wo-s duly carried out, and from that day to this the city has re- «i«inod unpeo;)leJ, a prey to the loalhe- flomc disorder that recent expei-ienoe ha.s shown to still linger in its siknt blrcets and descried squares. 4< __ A GOB OF THOUGHT. ".A man feels thai he is getting very," remarked the occasional phU- ciS'tpher, "wN-n he lake.s a biilh with- out wailing for .Saturday iiiglil." ABOUT PAfERIIANCKRS. We don't know what it is to have a cyclone visit our home, but we don't believe il could make more muss atxjul the place than Ihe papci hangers do. Mow lo Cleanse the System. â€" Paniie- Vee's Vegetable Pills arc the result of scienlifir study of the effects of cxlracls of certain roots and herbs upon the di- gestive organs. Their use ha.s demon- strated in many iastanees thai they re- gulate the aelion of Ihe liver nnd the kidneys, purify U»o blood, anJ carry oft all morbid accunuilalions from the sys- tem. They are easy lo lake, and their action is mild and beneficial. SHE .SQUINTED. .\ scliooltn'sircss nskid a child what S-e-e spell. Th< child h<silat.<>d. "What II; I do when 1 k>ok at you?' said Iho teacher. "Tliquint," replied Ihc pupil. Pale, sickly children should use .Mo- ther Graves Worm ICxIorniinator. Worm.'* arc one of Ihe principal causes of suffering in children and should be (xpelloil from Ihe system. Few nv^n have their faces on bank- note,s, but most of as are sutisfic^i .f tx.'iniitlod lo get our hands on them. WRAK WATKRY nt.OODoauses much tronbla. I Thcd tirtd fetUng and many more symptom, follow in Its wake. Try "Verrurim." It la Ih* bfKt (onto to make you .troog and «*U. AU{ drucgUt* mU It. The colony of Barbary ape.s on Gib- iiillar, Ihe only one In Europe, is n:- ^'al•dcl OS .sacr*\l, iimi none of llie ani- mals may l>o k.llid. "Can any little boy," a.sked the new teacher, '^t<<ll me the iUfference bctwivn a lake and iin ocean'?" "I cjin," reiilied F.dward, whase ver- cioii Imd been leiirmHl fiom ex|>enence "Lak<s arc much pleasanter lo swallow when you fall in." It's ea.'ty for the defeated candidate who WHS promised the support of his friends to U'lievc King David was right when lie said "All men ore liars.' Ix>'iking up from his magazine, an I'iisex farmer s.tid vehemently to his wife on<! night: "l>o you know what I'd have done if I had been Napoleon?" "Yes," the wmiian an-swerod. "You'd hcve .setlU\l-Vlown in Corsica, ond si>ent your life grumbling oboul bad luck and hard timoii.' Ilotloway's Corn Cure is a specific for Ihe ivmoval of corns nnd waits. We have never heard of its failing lo re- move even Iho worst kind. ITCH, Mange, fValrle Reralches ancl every form of contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanitary lotion. II never fails. Sold by all druggists. THOUGHT IT Fl.lPPA.NT. The brave ship was wallowing in Ihe waves that thivatentvl lo enguif her ut any momeni. Hastily the captain or- d(re<l a box of rockets and fluros to be brought to the rail, and with his own' hand.s ignited a number of them, in the hope that they would lx> .seen and Ihi passongers and crew rescued. Amid the rockets' red t'lare a tall, thin, austere individual found his way with difVi'-ully to the rail and sp:)ko lo the captain. "Captain,' said he, "I protest apainst this We nre now fnc- inj: death. This Is no time for a lire- work display," Some time ago an olTlce boy, answer- ing the tcli'phnmc for the time in hs life, oiwl nol knowing how to use il. was lold that, when the bell rang, he was to oruswer it. When, therefore, t •• heard il ring, he picked up the re- ceiver and shoiilel: "llellol Whos there/" Th • answer came back: "1 m one hi:ndr'l and live." "Go on," said Ihc iKjy. 'It's linv you were <iead." iDODDS ' I KIDNEY 'a VsNiSiN-r; Th> Plillas<ipher- 'Tell mo what a prraon roadf* and I can lell you whal he is." The Dyspeptic- "Nol always. There's my wife, for instance, she's al- ways reading a cookery book." The I'hiloaopher ("onfldenllyK "We I?" Iho Dys.p<!plicâ€" -"But she's no cooUl" A Special Sale -OP- HICN-CUSS ORGANS -AT- BARGAIN PRICES Did ran *â-¼*<* 'veide that if yon pareliAaed an organ, 70a woald like aoy cer- tain mak* of laatruinent? It ao, yon will probably find It on tkia list. KTory organ is an exceptloaatly good one and li priced away bslow uaaal mil- ing ralue*. An early order ii advUable to aeour* th* organ of yoor obolce. Better â- â€¢nd your aeooad and third cboicee in case the first should b* sold before year order is reooWed. TERMS OF PAYMENT-Organs nnder t5>-l5 cash, and M per month without in- terest. Organs over IStâ€" til cash and i^ par month without Interest. A discount of 10<)^ for cash. TERMI OF SALE ETory organ fully gnaranteed.i .' ETery organ shipped subject to approTal- <- We pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory. A handsome stool accompanies each organ. BELLâ€" 6-octaTe organ, by W. Bell A Co., Ouelph. in attractlv* walnut oaaa with muaio rack and lamp stands; has 10 stops, I sets of reeds In the iOQ treble and one in the bass, coupler and knee swell. Bi>eoial Bale Price *"" DOMINION~6-ootaTe organ, by the Dominion Co., BowmanriUe, in solid wal- nut case with eztonded top: has 8 stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and |0Q on* in the bass, lamp stands, 2 knee swells, etc. Special Sale Pric* VU" KARNâ€" 6-octaTe organ, by D. V. Karn & Co., Woodstock, in Tery handsome wal- nut case cttructiTely carred and paueiltd; has lamp stands, music raelt, f stops, 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass, couplers, 2 knee tA,li swells. Special Sale Price •"• DOHERTYâ€" A rery handsajie oootaTe walnut organ, by H. Doherty & Co., Clinton; haa 12 stops, 2 sots of reeds throughout, lamp stands, music rack. Si 2 couplers and 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price " DOMINIONâ€" A very handsome organ, by Tlie Dominion Co., Exhibition model design of case, mirror, brauKets and cupboard tor music under the musio desk; has 10 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, coupler and 2 knee swells. SCO Special Bale Price tfl^ SHERLOCK-MANNINGâ€" A very beautiful S-octave organ, by the Sherlock-Man- ning Co., London, with high back, attractlToly carred, with mirror; haa 1] stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells, moose-proof SCO pedals. Used less than six months. Special Sale Price fuO THOMASâ€" 6-octaT« walnut piano-case organ, by The Thomas Organ Co., Wood- stock, with mirror, rail top and f rot-carved panels; has 11 stops, 2 sets of IRQ reeds throughout. 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Pric* * DOHERTYâ€" 6-octaTe piano-case organ, by The Doherty Co., Clinton, in ebon- tsed case, with mirror top and lamp stands: has 11 stops, 2 sets ot reeds SVO throughout, couplers, 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price "'*' BELLâ€" 6-octaTe piano-case organ, by W. Bell A Q>., Quelph, in attractive wal- nut case with mirror, rail to[ and fret-carved panels: haa 11 stops, 2 seta SOQ of reeds throughout, 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Speoial Sale Price Vu DOMINIONâ€" 6-ootaTe piano-case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., Bowman- villo, in solid walnut case, with carved panels and mirror rail top: haa full length music desk, lamp stands, mouso-proof pedals, etc.; has U stops, 2 sets ot reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Cannot be told S from new. Special Sale Price ' THOMASâ€" 6-ootaTe piano-case organ, by The Thomas Organ Co., Woodstock, In handsome mahogany case with mirror, rail top and attractive marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stops including couplers, vox humana, etc., 2 complete sera ot reeds, knee swells, mouse-proof pedals, etc. A BOn slightly used instrument. Special Bale Price ""' SHERLOCK-MANNINOâ€" A very beautiful Sherlock-Manning organ in mahogany case, double veneered and piano finished throughout, with full length plain panels and music d.)8k; has 13 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2. knee swells, mouse-proof pedals, etc. Used less than a year. S Special Sale Price *^" DOMINIONâ€" Six octave piano case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co., in hand- some solid walnut case with mirror, rail top and full awing carved panel; has 11 stops, Inrludlng couplers, vox humana, etc., 2 complete sets ot roeds, mouse-proof pedals, special folding pedal cover, etc. Special Sale fni Price •oft ESTEVâ€" Six ootave piano case organ, by the Kstey Organ Co.. Brattleboro. Tt. This superb make ot instrument, "the standard of the world in organ build- ing." is In solid walnut case with carved panels. 11 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers, 2 knee swells. Used less than a year. Special Bale IIIIJ Price â- '"" GOURLAY, WINTER & LEEMING 188 YONCE STREET, TORONTO, ONT. A. J. PAITISON k CO. 33 Scott St., Toronto. Phone, Main 131 1 Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-2% always on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on Now York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges. Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, Foster and all other Cobalt stocks executed for cash in New York and Toronto. Correspondents â€" Chas. Head & Co., Members of New York and Boston stock exchanges. PRINTERS A CAMPBELL PRESS 43x56 inc*» bed, cost $2,500, \%%V.V.. NO. 21 CS. Will be Sold for $400 Cash In order to make room for larger and faster machines. It is in good runninji order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by acoinpetenk machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited 73 Adelaide St, West, Torontc^

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