T il E F L E E S If E R T N A B V A N" C E May 14 1908 MMMMBOVCaMUa E8TABUSHCD 1073 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • • . â- Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by cither of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for thoie living in the country, as either member can attend to the banlcing when in tuwn. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the survivoi without delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection witli all Branches. Ua FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager «R.AKrCHES ALSO AT OTUW.HAM, HARRSCJTCM ^^NITY CHIPS ^ Calf for Saleâ€" W. L. Wrisht. i Ml', niid Mrs. Mark Wilson spent a few days in Tui-diitc. Cuttlo p.istured by the head. â€" W. A. Arm.s'roii'<, Fltnjherton. Sh'ipt .slab wond for sale at 65c a cord. Geo. Waiaoii Fleshertou. Mrs. E. Binaham nf Sholburiie ii visit- ini( nt thtt Munshaw House. Mrs. W. Boyd has been spendin" a tew tl.iys with lior nistei at Proton. Ml'. Ben Heslip of Clarkaburg called on friends in town this week. Mr. Ciumaii King of Markdale punt Suadiiy at Mr. .lohu Walker's. The Kirubi-rley oil diillers left last week and are nut likely to return. Miss Ro.ssie Robinson of Stone's Line is learninu druss-making in town. Mr. and Mrs. Walden and baby of Toronto .ire visiting at Mr. John Uesrd'^. For S.iIb- ongine. â€" W. 18 horse power traction A. Arinstroni,', Flesherton. Mare f.'r Sale â€" Coming six years, in fal to Prince Erie. Geo. Watson, Flesh- erton. MoFarl.ind A Co's eha^iga of adverfcise- tneiit arrived too late for insertion this wouk. Merry Miwon, Mr. Patton's fine Clyde, will be at the Park House every Friday night. Mis.s Muriel McTaviHli gave a Birthday Party on Tuesday to fifteen of her little fi'itindH. Brown Loifhom I'gijs for sale for hatch- ing, .50c; p.ir hatching. Alf. Harrison," FleKlierloii. Mis. WcH. Lyons of Proton, accompan- ied l»v hor Utile son, viHited hor father, Mr. P. Quii'sj. House and lot for sale in Ooylou. Owina to infirmity must be sold. D. Madill, Ctfvlon. Kobett Down's ilrain of Burred Kock p^'gs for batching. 60c )ier setting. U. C. ll-idley, Flesherton. Miss Carrie Ilutledge returned on her duties as ni>>ht superv-isor in the City Hospital, St. Paul, Minn. MisM Margaiot Wa'ker, nur.se, of Hiim>lian,i8 visiting her brothi>r,Mr.John Walker, for soveial weeks. Mrs. Kurt, the now teacher fir ihe in- ternicdiati) room in the jiublic school, began her duties on Tuesdiiy. Misses Marion Currie and Erhcl Lsid- luw and Mr. Ruasul Currie of Durham viHited friends in tuwn on Sunday. Mrs. Holinnn returned from Msrkdale last week after spending some months with her dau^ibter, Mrs. J. Chard. No more lame backs if you use a Min- nehaha Washing Machine. Ask Norris Bros , or try one and be convinced. The LibeiaU of Centre Grey hold their couveiitinn to select a candidate for the Legislature today (Thursday)^! RoDklyn. Mrs. J. W. Armsiroug returned from Clarksburg. She was accompanltd by hor litiJo grand-daughter, Miss Ethel Goff. Mr. and Mr". John Walker on Friday last attended the funeral of Mrs, Walker's uncle, Mr Geo. Littlejuhns, at Mark- dale. Ked and white steer, yearling, strayed, about 29th of April, from the preinisoK of Mrs. Elizabeth MuLoau, 4'.h line Osproyi Maxwell P. O. Mr. ThoH, Scott, Clerk of Dnprey tOBriiship, has been appointed returning offloor for Centre Grey, pnintment it is. BIis. F. H. HicKling refuriu'd from Sault S^e. Marie on Monday after spend- ing the winter in Toronto, Ottawa, and Sault Sle. Mario. Prince of Kelton, Dr. (Jlivor's in.ixnif Shingles for S.do â€" I am manufacturing first cla."s sliiugles and will have same for s.ile all suu^intfr at my mill, Lady Bank P. O. riios. Phillips. Mr. O. J. Sparrow, lalo of Toronto.Ims purchased R. J. Sproule's stock of grocor- ie.s and will open UD to-day in the corner store, recently vacated by the Bentham Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Clinton leave this week for Rocliosier where they will Attend the wedding of Mrs. Clinton's niece. Miss Lillian Vaisey, tn Mr. Win. Robinson. Farm for sale â€" Lot 192, con. 11, Os- prey. 2(X) acre farm. Barn, 40 x CO, house, 2(i x 32. Will be sold cheaply and on easy terms. For pnrliuulars apply to J. D. Osborne, Feversbam. Methodist church next Sundayâ€" inorn- idg, the pas'or, re Daniel, his early years and entrance into Babylon ; evening, btev. G. VVisliingtoii, agent of the Ontario braach ol the Dominion Alliance. Moir, who shot C3l.-Surgt. Lloyd at London on April 17, was captured on a farm three miles north of Elora, where he had been W'lrking for 17 days. Ho has been taken hack to London for trial. For sale â€" A large quantity of stock lath, C'lnsiHtinit lif Dali-am, Spriico and Hemliirk. PricoH ranging froai $3,50 to 84.00 per Ihoii.iand. For further parti- culars, apply to T, E. Fen wick, Eugenia P. O. The C. 0. F. of Kimherley are giving a big day of sport on May 25. A larsie list of prizes i« offered for baseball, foot- ball, races and contests of varioua kinds. Flesherton Citizen's Band has been en- gaijed. If the day is tine Kimborley ought to .s«e a crowd such as it has never seen before. At tlio monthly mcetinz of the Woman's Miiisioi.»ry Auxiliary the foll- owing ollicers were elected â€" Priia., Mrs. W. H. Thurston ; 1st vice pres., Mrs. W. J. Boyd ; 2iid vice pres.. Mrs. Nicholson; rec. sec, Mrs. Milcliell ; cor. sec,, Mrs. Caldw.'ll ; Ireaa.^ Mrs. Bunt; supt. sys- temiuiu giving, Mrs. Jos. OliiLun, For Sale- -George Imperial, the cele- brated hiiih stut'piiiv coach stidlion. As the owner of this horse is highly inktrest- ed in another line, it is imiiojsible for bun to handle thin horse, and will vivo any piirS'.ii a bargain on him. His s'ock are the best show horses that can he found ill this locality. Apply to 11. Phillip, Butcher, Durham Out. CaiiipboU's Stains and Flour Finish are guaranteed by the makers lo give peifuct saii.tfiictiou. You can retiiiish floors furniture and woodwork w.lh these stninsaud the lesults will coiuh np t» your expectations. Preparoil in all colors. Dry hard over night. J. & W. Boyd will loll you all about them. The Meaford Mirror says.' "Rev. W, M. Bielby iiileuds shortly to start on a lecturing lour, giving his ttopular illus- trated lectures on Jolin Wesley and the Russo-Japanese war. Ho has a splendid variety of views which are woll worth .see- ini.'. Other pictures as announced in the bills will bo presented. " Town Hall, BlushertJiD, Thursday, May 2ht. Conservative organization nioeliuns fnr the township of O.sproy will be held in each pollint! division as fuilowa : Siiig- hamptiin, at Orange hall, Friday, May 15. Max'.voll.Orango hall, Saturday, iNiay 10. Rob Roy, Orange hall, Monday, May 18. I''tver.-jhain, Orange hall, Tuesday, May 1!). IJaiijoros, Oiiiime hall. Wed- nesday, May 20. Waroham. Winter's Orange hall, Thursday, May 21. The Trustees of tlin Flesherton Ceniet ry TruHloes re<iuost that the plot h.^ldors will hav« all wueds, etono ami utl.cr lub- lush U'lnovnd from their plotp invl out of tbo ceuie.'ery not later than May 26. If pot attended to the Trust Board may by provision made in the trust tlcalhavo the and a good ap,»^^y,„.)( j,,,,^ |„,j ji,y g,,,^ „,„u.,^,,d ayaiiist ihoir plot. We have received the Queboo nnnibor of "(Jiuvard," an illu.striiteil weekly publi«h>'d by William Hrig.'s, Toront", Containing live nriioles on llio fnundins;, Five Sieges and Cnminest of Quebec, Karstedt. In the neighborhood of §184 was raised during the year, and there is a balance on hand of about 942. The Advance this week heard a good goose j'gg yarn. A certain farmer living near town found a goose egg of the ordin- ary size, with a smaller eug, about the size of a hen's oyg, attached to one end of it. Enclosing the yolk of the larger egg was a ehell similar to the outer one. We willndd the farmer's name as his reputa- tiiui for veracity is generally good, and he does not wish it to be clouded. However we believe Iho story to be a true one. At the quarterly official Meeting of the Methodist church hold last Thursday the followiiii> oHicers were elected : Stew- ards, W. Clayton, R. Waller, W. A. .\rmsnon:<,R. Richardson, F. W. Nichol- s.iii for Flesherton, and W. G. Shannon and \V. Buchanan for Meaford Road. The Local Preacher's license was renewed to Wm. Buchanan, Mrs, Nicholson and Wilfred Ciillis, and W m. Heath, princip- al of p. 8., was elected for preliminary work of the same office. The other officials of the board are John Breen, Trustee Representative, John Heard, F. G. Karstedt, R. J. Sproule and I. Sinclair as Society Representatives. Wm. Clayton was re-elected Recording Steward, and F. W. Nicholson, delegate to the District Meeting. F. W. Nichol- son and S. Heinphill are class leaders, and Dr. Caldwell was invited for the fourth year. A Sad Death A telegraphic tuessago arrivad here on Saturday morning for Mr. W.J. Caswell, stating that his son, Willie, aged 19 years, had died at Hanover that morning, after an illness of less than 24 hours' duratiou, of inflammation. Mr.Caswell drove over immediately and brought the remains homo, being met at Durham by Willie's late boss, who had brought the remains that far. The funeral took place lo Flesherton cemetery Monday afternoon, when a large number of friends accom- panied the body to it's last resting place. Will was an estimable young man of ster- ling qualities, and his extremely sudden call was a sad blow to his loving parents. He had been engaged with the steel lay- ing gang on the now 0. P. 11. line all spring. Much sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing family. Riot at Owen Sound A strike of C. IT;, freight handlers at Owen Sound culminated in a riot on Monday in which 25 shots wore fired, and bricks and coal flew promiscuously artuiid. The C. P. R. brought about 30U men from Toronto to replace the strikers, but these refused to work. In the n.elee two men were shot, but not fatally, and a third badly clubbed over the head. Later in the day the strike was amicably settled on a basis which was practically a victory for the men. East Mountain News is very scarce in this part as everyone is busy .seeding and there is no titne'for visiting. The wet spell has hin- dered it a little, but if it keeps lino now I! couple of weeks will finish most of the .seeding. Miss Aliiiodii Ferguson visited her cousin, Mrs. W. J. Martin, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Noil visited Hoathcoto friends lust week. Miss Myrtle Canmck visited with hor sister last Sunday. Mrs. Neil of Uoathcole visited friends in this part. A fanner living not far from here gives the particulars of a good '"Goose" story. Mother Goiisu, who was sotting on a nest uf twelve egi's for tb»^e weeks, flopped Mtt'one morning, said "Quack, quack," and the spirit flod The fanner's wife was in a tpiaudary as to what to do with the eijgM that were almost hatched out, when the husband KUggested 'hey try a 'Minder. Forthwith they put him mi the eggs, n here he Htayod like a little man, and after a week of patient waiting he was rewarded liy biingii.e out a batch of pretty flulfy looking goslings, Tho old gander is stalking around with his head III thu air tilling Ihe dual position of father i.iid mother â€" H.uiovor Post. ioent Oh d.' Htailiou, will beat Flesherton *'â- '' twenty-four onuravings. Gives every Wodnesdiy afternoon, should see tbi.s animal. Farmers popular account of a subject of interest to all Canadians. Send for froo sample. The "Unolaimed Jewels" will Kivo an The following olHceis of thu Ladies' A Home in Richardson's block on Tuos- ; Aid of the Motnodist clnireh were elected d.y evening of next week, tor which in- i fn Tuesday ov.ningâ€" Piuaident, Mrs. vtalions have been issued. I Caldwell ; 1st vleo president, Mrs. Geo. ,^, , , ,â- .»,•. . 1 Mitchell; 2iid vice president, Mrs. Joj. The bandseionaded Mr. Lucas »f'er i ciinton ; secretary, Mrs. Walker, assis- and I taut, Mrs. Bunt ; treasurer, Mrs. W. the meeting on Tuesday evening , ,,^,.^^ ^.^m. r.„„, , ,reBB...o., ..irs. .r . were rewarded by a neat ittle speech and jyj.^^o ; parsonage committee, Mrs. U .b, %>,h.nLlaoin(!doi.a!ior. tothofuids. 1 Moore, Mrs. W. .^. Armstroim, Mrs. Salvation Army Praise "I fool it my duty to testify to the benefit I have received from tho uso of Psychlne. While travelling in Now On- tario conductipf«v«>cciBl mnctiuga I con- tracted a very bM cold, which gradual ly developed into Bronchitis of tho worst form.' I •was advised to try Psychino, which I did, and after using but a few bottles I was oomplctoly re- stored to health. I recommend this wonderful remedy to Fufferera ' from Bronchitis and other troubles." Later: "I wish to add that my Toioo, since using Psychlno, is stronger and has much more parrying power thun it had before I had bronchlfis, and tho »ocal chords do not tire with speaking." P. TILLER, Capt. Snlv'n. Army Ann St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1907. Throat, lung and stomach trmiblbs eured by Psychlne; also incipient coa- liimption. All druggists, 50c and $1.00, W Dr. T. A. Slocom, Limited, Toronto. A b:)y named Cullam, only oiaht years of age, hanged himself with a rope at Eden Grove, near Walkerton, rather than go to shool. Having had trouble with his playmates or teacher he refused to return. His mother insisted, and the boy said he would die first, but his remark was not taken seriously. House Plants We have a nice lot of strong, healthy house plants ou baniJ, Every plant is a good one and bound to please. We also bdve some good Dahlia Bulbs. Tomato Plants are here now. Come and get your supply, that you may bave early Tomatoes. Groceries, Flour and Feed at tho asual prices. A good selection of all kiude of Seeds SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Received- Red Clover Mammoth Clover Alsike Clover Alfalfa Clover Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed Mangold Seed Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Seeds Any Seeds not in stock will be procured by return mail. W. L. WRIGHT W. E. Richardson & Son FLESHERTON ^ New Goods for Spring If you want for Spring or Summer Wear a pair of Shoes in the latest and mos u p-to-date styles, we have them, the best we have ever shown. We invite you to call and see them. Also a few pairs of winter goods selling oft' cheap. ^ ^ ^ ^ s? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^ Clayton's 2^ HARDWARE SPECIALHES Builders' Supplies We are headquarters for the most up-to-date Building Hardware, for either houses or bftrns incluJinR new tnd up to-date front and iu«ido mortise Door Seta, Rim Locks, Knobs, Hinges, Latches, Nails. Olass for houses. Nails, Ii. D. Latches, Hinges, Stall Fixtures, Track HaiiKors, Tracks and Cars for the barns. Get our prices before buying Olirc and aiir« Fence We have secured the agency of tho now famous " Lamb " Wire This is, without a doubt, tho best Kence on tho inerket. Wo have it in 7.8,9 and 10 wires hiRh, all No. it wire. Also Ulack Wire, Soft Cialvanjzed Wnv, B»r(.ed Wiie, and Coiled Spiinx Wire. Wo can ^ive you quotations on t/oiled Spring of any ui:in in tho buaino.'JS, Try for youtsolf. Fei.ce. tho cliwost UH and Koe Screen Doors and OPindows Just arrived, a Ur(?o stock ot Screen Doors and Windows in all widths and It'Dgths in plain, fancy, braced, panelled. mail Patter Just what you want for your Kitchen, Dining Room, Sitting Room, Parlor or Bed Room. Tha newest lino im tho niarkol at the right price. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, i^<i' Q& CEYLON'S BUSY STORE, Flour is Down Again Wo have just rfccivccl a consignment of FLOUEJ& FEED f.iiico il went down iii frice BO we will be able to give }ou tlio lotveal pnco ou that line of goods, SEEDS We havo a good supply of garden sctds on hand.itk-o Turuip.Mangold, Field C irrots aud Hape RCul, Dishes VVv.. bavosoiiietbin;,'uice in dinnor soils al a very low. price, Nice Glass 'J ca Set s at 2Sc ror lOt* Teas As wo got a lage supply of toa before Uic raise we cau sell ym tea at tiio o\il price ye;. Uoii'i be too long in gelling your supply at Jas. PATTlhON'S. ^ C E X 1- O IS.