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Flesherton Advance, 14 May 1908, p. 1

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v/ Usbtrl0tt Jliriratta, "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOLXXVl, NO 1368 Flesiiertoii, Ont. Tlrursciay JS/Eay 14 tQOS W. H, THURSTON, EDITOB BOPKIETOR The Newest Things In Jewellery Can iilways lie found at the Klesh- ©ituii Jewelltjry Ii.MJuuarterH. Watches & Clocks To suif. all C s and nil pockt-t- bo'iks. Jewellery For thi? hvHi-» in jjreat variety j ii'id latRSt. pvttuiT.s. we pride ourselves In having a grea'. variety of the • chi>icast (;oi'ls niintifactured fnmi whioh to ch'1.183. Coioo iu and let us shoiv yuu what we h^ive. W.A.ARMSTRONG CAUSE FOR ALARM the riding, press the ameniment to a division and vote for the same. This Epkfemic Influenza, Grippe, Catarrh- ;";;"'tw1"''"PP"'''"'"*y ^'"^ f'^'y , T" 1.I n .'^t . , ;nu:iiiDer of the House on a lion-pohticiii al Troabtes, Pacunionm, Increasing j „,„t,on to e.pre« his opinion of thi., much A marked iuoruxse in troubles of the | discussed c'ause and record his vote ac- Iweathiug fugans is noted in many locaH- j cordingly. A man who did not desire to tics. If you will only have Hyomei at i ';iake political caj^iral out of the Ihree- hand to UKO with the first attack of Cold \ fif'lis elause cimld not usk for more. He in the head, pneumonia. Colds, Bron- j did not prcprwe to let the Opptmition in chitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, j t'"s House trap ur force him into voting in t;vct any respiratory alfectiou, the I with them upon want of contidence mo- troable will i;e (juickly overcome. I tinns a'jainst the novernmeot, iu respecc If the attack is nesflected and liecomes I '" the thiee-6fth clause or any other severe, si^eedy relief will come in most j clause. He declined tu accept Hon. A. ca.-'eH and pcr.siatent use of Hyomei will ' GJ. MucKay as bis leader upon the tein- ciiie. perance or any other nuestion, or vote The directions for using it vary, but , confidence iu him up<m a quention iu the principal is always the same, that ofif^-spect to winch he had no contidence destroying; all the perms iu the air you ' I'l him. . breathe and. having it reach the air pass- \ The cmiveution after some discussion iii^e.M with d'-y medication from the Pine ! appr"*ed of the attitude Mr. Lucas pro find Eucalyptus furests. Uemeuiber liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. It's the dry air of Hyomei tliat reaches the spot. W. E. Ilich.-irdson & Son guarantee it. Complete outlit, $1. 10th LINE OSPREY NEWS Three Serious Accidents â€" Other In- erestin^ items. Tlie vTct weather of List week m;ide the farmers call a halt on see'ding operations for a few days. Miss Atha Heron of Osprey glen visit- ed her aunt, Mrs. R. J. Colquetto, over Sunday. A large congregJition listened to an interesting and instructive sermon given by Rev. A. P. Stanley on Sunday last in the Bethel Methodist church on the tenth line. Messrs. Fred Heron and Will Coult- hard went to new Ontjirio on Monday last. We hope the boys may strike it rich in the new country. Bom â€" On May 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldi'ick, a son. No wonder Fred weirs a broad smile tlieso days, a son and heir has come to stay. Miss Alice Ottewell has rented her farm to Messrs. Will and Chas. Bjirber »)f the townline. Mr. Matthew Spoflbrd got seriously hurt the other day by a pole breaking on tt scaffolding and letting IVIr. Spotford fall a distance of 8 or 9 feet to the floor be- low. He broke the bones of one ankle and the small boue of the leg and other- wise got a bad shaking up. Mr.Sjjofford is about eighty years of age, and wjis i,ne of the first settlers of Osprey township. A very bad runaway occuiTed on the (Jth line of CoUingwood last week. It appears that a spirited team of horses attached to a wagon and driven by a sou of Mr. Sanmel Eagle, became unnijinage- able while being driven acri;.s.s a very rough and stony field, and nm away, throwing the ynunt' man out in front of the wagon. He became eutfiuglcd in the whitflotrees and lines, and, the draw' holt coming out, the horses dragged the. young man away from the wagon and | around tile rough field. Wcare ijiformed that tliey ran, draisrging him, for nearly htjf an hour when the youn;.,' man became luo.sed ; the horses, however, kept on running till they could run no longer. Fortunately no bones were broken, but he was most terribly bruised and batter- ed. We understjind the youug man is doing ii« well as can he expected, though it will be ."ome time till he will be able to work again. An accident of a terrible nature occur- red at Currun's jjortable sawmill on the 8th of Osprey, neiir Singhampt<»n, on Wednesdiiy; of last week, when Albert Hintlle, a young man 18 years of age, very nearly lost his life. It appears that the saw got stuck in a log and the young man went under the s;iwdust carriers to clear away the sawdust. While there the saw beciime h)03ened and began to revob'e. It Ciiught the young man-on the biick, cutting it badly but not into the vitiil organs. His arm almost severed at the shoulder and his skull sawed open so that the brain was visible. Drs. Bond of Maxwell and McFadden of Siughampton were on hand as soon as possible and worked over him most of one day and part of another. The young man is still living and the dtxstors have a hope of saving his life, and also preserving the arm. The young man's home is near Mclntyre. The general financial statement of the afCaii-s of the estate of Heitman & Mo Gowan, Fevershani, has been issued by ' the assignee, W. G. Begg of CoUingwood. It shows the a.ssot8 to bo valued at 97913: cash sales $150, book accounts $1831, notes $664.76, stock 932<>7, and .store and dwelling $2000. The liabilities amount to $80(id, making the apparent deficit fl61. The largest creditors are Mc- Mahon A Grainger, $1,060 ; H. Heitman Br., $924 ; Ames, Holdcn & Co., $349 ; Hobbs Hardware Co., $4U1 ; T. Kinnoar ft Co., 9S25. A GREAT CONVENTION Lucas and Sproule Again Candidates For Centre Grey. TUo Liberal-Coiiservativo convention uel'j ill Maikdale on Friday was one of the and luont enthusiastic ever lirld ill Centre Grey. HasUett's hall was cio«dt'd wiiii a go-xl natured and orderly lot of d.?l«L'aio» from all parts of the rid- nif>. Prtsiileiit Dyic of Thorubury occu- pied the chair. The nominations for both Legi.slature and Dominion House were so numerous that President Dyre could not find place for all on the plat- form. Each candidate came forward, made his excuses and retired, with the excepnoii of Mr. Lucas and Dr, Sproule. The«e two nominations were then made heartily unanimous- the former for his old seat iu the LetiisUturu and the latter for the position he has so gracefully tilled for nearly a lifetime. The spoeihes, of i;ourse, were numerous, including the two candidates. As that of Mr. Lucas was the most important just now, wo give a synopsis of hia address, which embraces all the sidieijt points brought out. Dur- ing the afternoon the president took oo- c;iBioii to feelingly refer to the death of Thomas Andrews, who for many years was prominent in the party circle in this ruling, and a unanonous vote of sym- paihy was conveyed to the relatives through the Pieaident. Another note- worthy incident of the afternoon was a short address breathiii-: strong loyalty to the party hy Mr. John Lyons of ^Iark• dale, a man now iu the feeble stage of^e. There was pathos in his words, t'jo. for ho is 87 years of a^e. Mr. Lucas continod himself wholly to the temperance legislation of the Whit- ney government. The government, he claimed, done whII, and there whs only one ({reat cry a^'a-nst it, namely the three-tifihs clause, and only in two or three ridings are temperance candidates to bo nominated, and these only in rid- ings where it is hopeless for a Liberal to run. The governiiit'iit had enforced the license law well, as witutss Marter, Jos. Gibson, Dr. Emory and the Pioneer. Mr. Lucas 111 referring to the thrc-e-tifths clause said : Members of the govern- meut liad on several occasions outside the House and ••n the floor of pirliament de elared in effect that the clause was on trial â€" thnl th* uoveriinicnt were not wudded to it, and that if further experi- ence showed that it was not necessary to give perniauenco to local option bylaws and was not found in its operatiou to be for the best temperance interests, then it was for the House to consider the repeal of the clause. In ether words, the gov- erniu«iii were not couimilted to stand by the lliree-liflh clause »s unalterably the policy of the government. 'He thought It quite possible, even probable, that the iioverniiitnt would by a governuien': measure repeal the three-fifth clause during the next parliamentary term. If, however, they did not do so, it would be open to him as a private meoiWr of the House, if he should bo elected, to intro- duce an amendment to the Liquor Li- cense law substituting majority vote for the three-lifth clause in reference to h>c*l option and lihe (rovernment, as a Ko»ern- ment would not be bound to either sup posed to tike and gave him a free hand. To The Electors of South Grey Gi'Dtlemen: It is reported that I have withdrawn from the cimpai>.rn. Why such a report should be circulated is beyond my coir- pruhension, uiilyss the wish bo father to the thought. I wish it distinctly understood that I am a candidate for the representation of South Grey in the LeeisLiture, and, if eiecti-d, wdl i>ndeavor to give the closest at'eiitioii to the affiir.'j of the province in general aitd my coBsiituency in particular. It is uiy intention lo con.luct the cam- [wgn free from ev.TV'hing personal, of everything ihat will cast a reflection on my»elf or the eloctors of the constituency. If 1 cannot be elected by aod of what is peifectly defensible 1 do not wish to be elected It is my winh to emphanise the morjil bide of poiitics and fair tight, so that, when the election is over, I can look back with satisfaction, knowing that I did not d«preciat;e polstics. I am, Respectfully yours Neil MuCax.n«l. Priceville Seedinii is fairly well advanced on high land, but a great many fields are not (it to bo workvd, especially on flat aud low land. Sacr.imen'al services were held in the Methodist church on the 'ird. There was a good attendance from various points of the circuit, ai.d a very profitable meeting resnled. Rev. U. Berry, the pastor, otliciated at the .service. Robt. Reid, O. D. R., is still in very poor health and confined to the house. I'ho kind i.eiuhbois fur quire a distance around keep dropijing in with prepared goods â€" anything else is useless â€" but after all, it is reported, the invabd is half starved part of the time. It certainly is a pity that some doiinite arrangement cannoo be made to relieve the sad state of affairs at this household. Mrs. M. Riley, who has been lying helpless for several miniths with paralysis, is improvini/ somewhat lately. G. L. Watson's little boy, Robbie, has been very ill for some days wi'h pneu- iiioni-i, but has taken a turn for the better. Will Reiley and the Mc-^rthur Bros, have the contract for the lathing and platteiiim of the station house. On the east of thurtown there is a bank of snow Several feet det-p, »n d oxtendinii 50 rods or more along the north side and up near the crest of McCafte's mountain. .Mis. Chapman and baby of Toront< are holidaying with her mother, Mrs. Robertson. Bornâ€" May 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. D Whyte, a daughter. Wo are pleased to notice that two o our Priceville boys have won prizes for rapid calculation at the O. S. Business College, C. D., ton of D. McMillan, Esq , and Jas. McLeod. This causes us to go back in memory to our own school days when our schoolmate, C. D's. father, was always O.K. iu his ariihinutic and gener- ally "done first" too. Rev. H. Berry was cilled away 'last wvek 10 attend the funeral of his brothi>r at Pelrolia. Wo notice people coioiiiij into town to transact business who forni-rly went else- where. When we get regular train ser port or oppoaesu7ha' bii'C but could leave i vice, express and market yanls our town •he responsibility upon the individual , will no do ubt be a cntre of fad e, members of the liouse. j ' A government, jf course, could not at I Gordon C. L»idlaw W(f8 drowned afford to take that attitude in respect to Toronto by the captisin g of a dinajhy. a bill intrmiuced by a member of the, _j n â- . cabinet. But as be was a private mem- ' .P'<=t""""'uM Ta"' ,„ til ? wn h I berhehad greater liberty, and it en- "'H b« exhibr^ed tn the town hall, dorsedbythe convention he moposed to Fle^bertonou Thursday, the 21st The say that if the government did not take Mwkdale Standard nays: " Rev. N. M. any action he would as a private member Bielby gave an exhibition of hm pictures introduce such an .mendmetit at some »" N?' tngl^nd on Mooday evening MM duriotf the D. xt parliamenUry terra. The views were both n.teresting and prof- il r««M»tcd so to do by » convention rep- »»Wo^ '^,„ ,,^ ^ '^"^ "*' â- â€" tiiiji; the tsmpecanc:! seatimeat of "" *° " '™™ "''"'' McFARLAND & CO. MARKDALE ONTAltlO Fo this week we quote the following list of MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. And You will notice every item is a big saving to you if you will take advantage of it.. READ THE LIST CAREFULLY Reg, 30 and 35e Dress Goods for 19c a yard. Rdg. ,303 Fancy Silk Ribbons for 19c Reg. 25 and 35c yd Alover Laces in 5 yd. lengths (Waist length) end for 68c. 12 Black Hat Pins for 4o. Ree. 10c box Note Paper and Envelopes for 5c. Reg. 50o Post Card Album for 32c.' Reg. 35 and 50c Books (good Authors) for 20c Reg. 25c Graduate and Knot Ties 2 fur 25j Reg. 60c Loch Lomond Flannelette Top Skirts for 38c Reg. 1.00, 1.25 and 31.50 Boys and Men's Felt Hats for 68o. Long and Short Handled Shovels your choice for 52c. Reg. 95c Axe and Handle tor 69o. May's Seeds per package I3. Fancy Odd Saucers each 2c. Reg. 18c a pair Men's Wool Sox, 2 pair for 25c. Reg. 50c Whitewash Brushes for 25c. Reg. 10 to loo Whisks for 5c. Reg. 30o Hair Brushes for 19c. Reg. li^ Fancy Tea Plates for 7o. Reg. 12Ac China Teapots for 8c. Reg. 10c Cream Pitchers for 5c. Ra». $1.25 sot Knives Forks (6 of each; for 68c.] , Reg. $1.00 Carpenter's size Hand Saws for 48c. All departments in this Big store are more than crowded with new and up-to-date goods. Come in and have us show you the New Goods NoTroube to Show Goods. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY CEYLON'S NEW STORE I? People who are building this year should call and get our prices for hardware before buying, as we can give you rock bottom prices on same. SOOTS &i ssi:o£:s ^ We have a complete and up-to-date stock on hand. M Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are I .igh.. S^ We carry a full line of seeds of all kinds. Highest ^ prices paid for farm produce. ^ A large supply of flour and feed of all kinds, always ^ on hand. ^ Ceylon's Leading Merchants S? COLI-II?^SOJNr SBO@. m ssed a rare treat. Notice Of By-Law Notice is hereby (pven tlmt a IJy-Law was l)a«sed by the Council of the Township of .â- Vrtemenia, on the fourth day of April l'.«»8 1-roviding foi the iKsue of debentures to the amount of SWOO.OU for tba puiKise <rf enabling the triisteeRof schoi)l section No. 8, in the said township to build a new school house in said section, and that such By-Law wiw reRiBtered in the registry ofBce for tl'-a south ridioR of tht! County of Grey, ou the 2.jth day of .'Vpril l\m. Auy motion to quash or set a3ide the same or any part thevinif, must be made within three months after the first publication of tills notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 27th day of April 1908. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. An attempt was made fo wreck a train • near Peterborough by placing ties on tlio track. Ten settlers lost their houses and f.artn buildingt by prairie fires in Leofeld dis- tiict, Sitsk. I>R. BXJRT 5peclalUt In disease* ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 13 Frost St. - OiveniSound At the Markdnle house, Markdale,lst Friday each month from 8 to 12 ». u, #

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