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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 8

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May 7 t«(ie FLESH KBTOK ADVAKCE BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. fc If you ev«r bad any contracted or hereditary ] blood disease, you ore never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had iome disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison itill lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscrirainately-they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad •Sects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal op all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, end swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and look like a different person. All caaes we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- * plete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years. WE ClmE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diaeaaes. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. It unable to oall wrHe lor • Queatien Ust lor Heme Treatment. DRsKENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan « Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. errlsiros., TiiLsmilhs and Hardware Merchants fow Out- Hit d ware stock is complete in every detail. We mention a liueH lliat will be in dcniunil now that Rprin^ is with us. DrtiHv ami Fiivorita Cliuriia, Butter Bowls, Strainer Pails and Milk I'aus, Wjsliiiiij Micliinos and Wriii-jerB, Carpet Felt, Building Papers, PAllOIU U;)()nN(i, llorxc Clippeis, Plough Lilies, Axle Grease, Door Latcliesitnd UinKes, Holtasnd Screws. Oiir oils arfi the liinlicst qiiility money can buy ind inclmlc Raw and BoilelLiiisit'doil. Ciiatoroil, Tnrpeniiuo and High Giade Coa! Oil, AlacliitiH and Cylinder oil. Ill Polislics aiid V<triiisiit>3 wo have the innst complete line ever shown in town. A few lines arp Stove Pipo Enaiu'l. Varniali sliiu, and Grain- in-^ Colors, Aluiriuum Paint and Carriaije Varnish and paints, Polish aiil Paste, Fuiuituie and Bath Enamel. ExAmiueoiir Wire Fence bcforo building any other. We wore fortnnaf* ill snciiring Ciintrol of tbo boat line of Paints on tliR miiket "Moor's Pure Linsoed Oil ILmse Colors." All we ask is that yon try a small Cin of M lore's Paint against any ot.liisr line and if it does not prove iliu most sitiafictory wo will cliouriuUy lefuad the money paid for it. Come Here for a Square Deal. Norris Bros., - - Flcshcrton. ^i^£;5i^^ %^%;3g 3^'^'<;;g^; \'B^^A ::jtg^ ^ IM^_ «& « « In 81eif,'I\*, Biip^ios, Wn<;;iroiis, Harrows, riou<,'lis, ('re.itn 8cp- aratoiH and Wire Fencing, HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY ^ Heard's Carriage Works '^« Flesherton Carriage Work s r>E:iLLE:iiB in CAUUTACiKS, SLEKUIS. (FLITTERS, IMPLEMENT JtEl'AIRS, CREAM SEPARATOKJS, Etc. JSpecial attention given to HOllSE-SllOElNG and all kinds of REPAIRS. We have a new stock of Bngj>ies in, Call and see them be- fore Imying. CRE.V.M (SEPAUATORS--We handle "the Mollotto." Getonr onr prices and ternus. McTavish & Williams, Flesherton. P-^EPARE FOn POSITIONS I'iij'in-i' (iirni C;i"i. tn t\W. |<r iiiuiith l>y ri liiiu t!ip poi'iilnr ZOSONTO. ONT. T')!' » '!â- â- â-  .. mu i<r iiri.i iicur fur tlin i-uiw-rld" (mIiu'uimii «;v>-ii li> tlle^tllrip||Ulllul f >r tliu r«iiii>rkil>l(! aiicc'^H iil iui itru'liiiilr'n. <J>i!lef»o|H'H I.' iitirfl Ilegin imw. Our Imiiiiii^ ntll irake yi>ii inilii|KMi(li'Ut. W'riiii til Jav (••ri-»ty]'iui\e. W.J. Ki-Liorr, I'riiiciiwi. Ciir Yi>tifr« knil Alexanilir 8u. Gri r. tliormigti liuxinoBS training at tli,> .t^. C.mtKi'H iiirluil« evervthJMg tn n "Uioeidful ciiii-r. Hnnilroiid ot yoiin^ pedjili! Bfr iiofili il til nu;i|ilv tlie iIi-iuhiuI. Till- ()..iiiH,.. est liitl,.. h will (louliki yimr incoiiuf nnd Ust jou a lifrlliiiis Siiiilonts iidinilti'd ,it miy tim.r. Pera iiml insriuiion kukh. PioimiHti.ry I)c|it. fi r tliosi! whoHo uKi-iy Hiliiciitiiin Ii«h loun nt-KlMtiiii. OHUlwue frt-e. C. A. KLKMINO. Pkisuipal. 0«reii Suuod, , tJnturit., Some District News Six lives weru lost in a tenoment bnute tiru ill UoMtun tliis wei^k. Win. Winfrey, Midland, wa« senti-nfied ti< six iiioMtliH nt iiitid lnlx>r in Uiiriie j lil fur abuniiig hilt wife. S mio pcrnon op persons have tn-en hiisikiiii! iritii llie puliH'! 8i;hool at Ei lu- ll .lo m.d <!e troyiiij prop T'y. The inis- l«t'H »ro oiriM-inn (;ni> liuncirod dollars re- nanl for inforiimtion that will luad to thd . conviction of ihe guiliy parliud. 1 Win. Cowell, an niplinn boy, one of .Mr. Kelso's (-Hiind inn home protu^-ii. who H.m iidi'iitefl lietwoi'ii two iind ilir.n y.»rs Wfi-i by Mr P. 1$. Hassett, Pike LukJ ri.iiJ, Noriiwi'iliy, met »it,li nn ncji'lcnt tliSi icviniiiHiml ill ttip liid'n dniitli. Hb wiiH liitL'!iin(5 Mr. IJn«fie«t'» ti-Mii to u sw.nebuiit, wliuii Olio of tlin liories kicked liiiii ill the ftliiUmiun, ronlerina him i liflp'uBs. Wliilo no one saw the accident ; ihu lioy wiis pick .d up iimiifdiiitely hy I Miss IJaH»>tt, who whs n'-at at liuid, lukm to the hou-^e nnil cnri-fuHy inirNt^d, I 1)1. t ihe do^jdir piomuncBit thi> injury re- I cBivi-d liN iiltogtitlier internal, in fHci no Ri'/n« of outw»rrf injury was »isihlo, rup- rure of the l»o*i'l-< if w«« thought hi-inj the cuusf of death, Thu doc-ui-cd whs well liked and wi.8 a luonibpr of the Methodist Sunday cchool, his f.?llow- clatuinutes attendii-^ the fninTal and a oiforing lay on the caiket from hlJ leaL-hcr. June loth next, the dale set fir 'he opening for triifUo of the new Toronio to Sudhury line <if the C.P.It., will, it ix expected, sue the nponir:; nt' two oth' r sections of the mail of li'Hiiur, tliouijh by no means of siiikH imporinncx. A lin.) has tieeii huildinu hetwevo Lmwood, on the Gunlph and Omlurich seciim, and LiHt^well, K distance of about fifteen miles, and will be in opfration by or be- fore .June 15th Two iniportint divis- ions of the C. P. R. are joined by this line, making a useful trHin coiinecti'>ii for the people of those p^rta of Perth and Waterloo counties through which it p*s aes. Prosreaa has also been made in the buildinx of the linn frnm Proton, on the (Jwon Sound Rectioii, 3'J Wnlker- ton. This bmnch p'ovides railway ac ooino lation for a new {utrt of Or«y and rtruoa counli.n. The siaiions on ii will be Piotnn. PriceTille, McWtlliauis, Diir- hani, AlKn Koad, Hanover, Maple Hill and Wnlkerton. It will lie open for traflic by iho above date. On the part of the new Sudbury line from Bala to Sud- bury, which is entirely new, there will be 22 Biuiions ni>ened. •smmms^- Horse Roates MATIN IX TUK.4I)AYâ€" Will Ieav« his own stable an<l proceed to Cairns' C(u>urryand np the iravel road 3 mil'') and a hall aiidlionie fur ni;;b%. WKDNKSDAYâ€" Will ,fo north to lltli in\ K'i|)'ir.i-ii»,toTli'n.Bracly'ii for noon, and go north til the Ifith t" Isaac Snell's for nl!»ht. TlirUSDAYâ€" WillcroHs to 2iid of II il- lunil to Holland tjentre hotel for noon, and Honth to Keikeley for iii);ht. FUri)AY-\Vill ppocoed weat to.Tos. Piiel'- for noon, and south to Board's mill .'vnd licroHs to .fiihn WilKon'ii for niKbt. .S.VriMUlAY-WiH pruceodto Markdale for noon, where he will dtay until the follinviiit.' TueMluv morning. \V. J. LKVKR. I'ropvietor nnd Mmajter. MACr.KKC.OR'S LAST MONDAYâ€" Will preyed to Thos. Hirri- hou'k. Knieinonr, for noflii ; thence to James Itoiikiiii', (ileiul'i, for ni,;ht. TUKSDAY -To .John Kckard's, Oleneljr. for noon ;tlienr:e tf>K. SJcKechnie'ii, fur niRlit WKUNKSDAY-T.i rrieevllle for noon; thence to Arch. McMillau'ntilenelg, fer night. TllUKHDAY -To Neil Ih-os., ti.wnnhlp hill, GUnel^, for noon ; thence lo Duftald Mc- Corniiik'ii, 10th (ilenel^, for iiiid't. KRIDAY -To John MeVickcr's (Meneli-, for noon ; thence to Ueti. McArthur's, near Ceylon, for night, !SATi;i;i)AY -To James Turner's, Art- ineHia, for iionn ; thence to his own stable, where he will remuin until the following Mon- day mok-ning, yilOOK t McLKAN, Proprietors, L. FROOK, Manager. Percy Perfornier No. (3200] E. U.S.I}.. and (203) Uoute. Monday, May 4ih,' will leave Ma>kdale IJouae, Vlarkdale, and proceed to Mun- Honw'H hotel, Flesherton, for noon ; Max- well for iii({ht-. Tuesday noon nnd night, Bronn'a Hotel. Slnyhrttnpton. Wednesday noon, CamplieH's Hotil, Duntroon ; niyht. Cook's Hotel, Collirg- wood, lhur>dny n.ioii, Arthur Stoiitenhuni's, Bankn ; iiit>ht, Charles Hill's, lot 17. cin, 11, Colliii^jti'oi'd township, Friday noon, njcklyii ; nixlit, Joe. Manarey's, 0..riiii», Saturday noon, Msrkdale House.lMaik- (hile, whero ho ViU rmiiiiu uulil Iho fo'hoMi'ii Monday niornin;;. Ternnâ€" To injure, 812 00. See foliler and bills. J. W. Matiarr-y, P.iip., Markd.tle. Our Clubbing List Ailvano.', and Ten-, into World, daily t 8 CO Toronto Dsily News 2 80 Weokly Globe •• • 1 80 Mail-Kiiiiiire 1 75 Kaniilv Ilerald & St*r 1 80 Tuimto Star 2 30 Fanner Sun 1 80 Karini-ra Adeocat* 2 25 Weeklv WitocsR 1 76 SatnrdayNiHhk 2 60 I J\/ on-alcohoIic Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, atik your doctor. Con- sult him often. ICeep in close touch with him. Ca;-'sfiil!y Carrecttid E' cli Weel Oats. .. Peia . , l>i<rley Wh;at VtTo publlsb our furmulAa 7 from our xnettHtrli^cti I 'ers We ur^o JOU 1 coil tu'.t your d-.'Ctor Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. His long list will begin with sick-headach:, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then •sk him if be would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. â€"â€"Mad* bjihaJ.C. Arn Co.. Lowall, XaM.â€" â€" Scottish Pride 66274 T)i3 yonnK bull ^cottlKli J'riitu will s'and for service at Ilr. K. W. Nii-liolnoii's, lot '.it, con. 5. Ar'CTiie«ia. hcottinh priile is sirei bv Scor.ti«ll Prince, a Kiatulson rf the won'terfnl nho-v cow, (Jem of Keilaebiu, luip . wiunerof eiRht prizos Hi Toroiit" und l.oi>i!oii.b"^iiles tietnff chump- ion female, i^bo weiyN-* over IQ'^ pouiida. One of tliio COT? s calve* s'lil (ur •1T7>.00. S.ottisb PiMu ia out ot Lady Hnlla by the Toroiit4v n.Bt priee w.n,jor, Cnii*.airi Mav Fly, imp aH»'*. ILUyoiiuR ball \i%.i piove-i him- silt a xhoiTbiill baviiie Raiiieil an eiioouraKitiR lecoi'l thi« lab at FeTiishara. Ilir nrst Eri/.eafl best bull calf, also diploma for best nil any aire. Those havlnic pure D«d cows should see tliiii Kr«'i<l bull befo « brvedi-iK as thry cannot do b«tt.irt an asu him. A limited number of (Iradeit will bo t.Akoa at #1:25: For pure bre'U. SI.OO. Thompson's Bakery OO Ail Tbose Indebted to the * Uundersigned MUST Settle as Cash We Must Have. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton The ninnehaha Washing n^chine Is something entirely new and ih a Ball- Hearing. Donlile .\cting, Corin(;at«<l Machine â€" The only one made in which the centre poat moves in the opfiosite direction to the Inb. This machine is very neat and ^^•ei^;ha only 43 llis. Call and take one home with yon, give it a thorough test. That's the wiiv Mi find out, foryonmelf, the many giMid ((naliUea of the Minnehaha Wiisuing iluchine. Sole agent* for Flesherton Norris Bros., tlardwareand Tinsmiths. SEASONABLE [60035 IN FURNITUR The lars;ej*t and sttx!k <if Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without feiirof oon- tnidiction. Come aiid sen Koiiio of the uico things in Side Boards, Dining ll<«im ChairH, Parlor Setta, Hed Unoni Sotta A 8i>ticial reduc- tion just now on evevy- thiii((, in order to re- duce the hI^kI;. . . W. H. BUNT FUj^NITUSE DEALER FLESHERTON 4.5 81 1 CO eelc 45 pa t;o 90 10 m H>.v U 0") I'lK ti»r . . . . i>;\ rr. Eign, fresh l.T to poiiitoe.i jiur bag 7?> t.i Oee»o <) to Diiiks 9 to Chickefa , , . . 10 to Turkeys 13 to Cards \\ JUL1.0U0H * ifOUHH '" Hanker Jlarkdalo Joa general haasliis busine«». Mnuey Icsasd a reaaouatild rate Cull on ue.. 16 00 23 la 75 •r 9 10 13 'P on l.-'.LKTT, • ' PostfosHter, '"'oylon. C'oniml^iiloiier id H. < . J ,Con»evaDcor, deeds, iiiortKaces, lr.i<u», »rilla etc carefully dram np Jollcctjodrt mad'. cliar!;es reason'^Me, Aliio gio.eri«!i, lloui. foBd etc. kept in btock, Price» ii;<ht. " fodtiiiasti'i, FIciihartCD . oujtr.l^sioner to H.O .1., Ajctioneot Cotf- vi-3'aucer, Appraiaer and Money Lender R'al RKtate and Insurance A(.ei.t. Deeds it^oitsSKeH, leaden end wills carefully dmv.D np an I valiiatioL-s made on shortnto r.rticii money to ionii st lowest rates of inteiett. Col •jntiou" attended to with prr iopti:-..K8 charge" low, Ar;ent for Ocean L'on'.inicB HttaiuuLip Cotr.pany. A call solicited. n McPriAir,, Tileenxed Anc'ioneer foi tlw ^* t:oiintv of Grev. Terms iuo<iera'e and satisfaction finarnntea't. The arrartjemaiits and dateiiof ^aleii can b.* made a*; Tm AnvA^.cs oflleo. Keaidenc* and I'.f., Caylou, Telephon* i-onnection, Dec. S 1)7. rjVVID n<>HKKTS. licensod a«ctioneer for " Qroy C)n:i--r. Prompt atteotioi (Ivnn ill ssK'a eDtrii«!ed to toy cars, AriauK^imeutf can Im mails ac thi" olUee, VU M. KAITTINO, Licensed Auetiouoer. RaW '' cooductod on lowest termsâ€" Satisfactiou Riiarauteed, FsTeraham, P. O.. con. 19, lot II, Usprejr. I HAUVEY PKBKIOE, FeTcnbam S' Insurance. Real estate and stocks. Coo- vayaiicer. Loans and CoUectiuus. Write for rate!i on Fire, Life or hick benefit insiirauos. Better contracta and lower rates on fi.'e in- surance now. Medical DR CARTER M U F * B Ont. Pbysielan, SargeoD, i Oflloe and residaDceâ€" Pater St., Kleaherton T P OTTISWBLL. '' Vetoriuarjr aorgeoD Oradaate of Ontario Vatarlnary College, rmidenc* â€" second do«« south west.oa Mary street. Tbis strsat ruDS soutb Preabytariau Cburcb. â-¡ WILSON, Blacksmith "• Graduate of the Veterinary Seianee Asaociation Iteaidence, Durham street, op- poHite Hoyd, Hicklii.g*8 hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. O. K., dental surgeon houor graduate of Toronto Uuisersitv and U'yal Colleije ol Ueutal auitieuns of Ontario, Uas aduiiuiatered for teeth eatr&ctioo. oulod a'^ residouco. To rou;o i. j i , >'i n 1 1.*: > i Legal r UCAS WRIGHT A .McARDLE '-' Karristurii Solicitors Conveyancers, ete OlQcesâ€" Owuu Bound, Uut and MsrkdaleOnt W H Wriout, McAkdlk 1 II Lie* N It -I'leslierton oltice. Mitchi;irs auk vi-rv Satuidav. Societies AO U M' meets ou tho last Monday in eaou month, in their loiice room. Cbristoe's block. Flcsnerton. at H p.m. M.W., Kiank Chain; Sec., T. Klakely, Kiuanciai, W.J. Ilelinmy. VibHiqk bretbrtij ii.vited. PItlNCU AKrBUn LODUIS, No. ::33.A.F.A A M, moots In the Masoiiicball. Strain's block, Flesherton, every Fritiay on or before tliefull mocu. W A.Arnjstiout;, W il.; Herb, ^inith. Secretary. OOL'UTFLKSHIJSTON, 905, I. P, F, ircetsla ^ Clayton's Ulock the last ttednesday evenintc of each month. VisitiuK Koveatcrs heartily welcome. H. R., Dysun; R. 8., T. HeLry; Flu. Kec, C. N. lilchardson. i'leaae pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the Ont day of the month. PHO.SEN FRIENDS-Flesherton Ceniicll of ^ Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Weduenday ofet,chiuout 6 p. m Pay assessments to the Recorder on or before tre first day of each month. Chief CuuncitKu; T. lilakeley;Recorder, W. H. Bunt. Winter Harness Goods I have in stock all kinds of llariicss, Bells, Blankets, Bobes, Whips, Sur- cingles. Hoof Ointment, Gall Cuir, riusli Rugs, Dash Aprons, Truuks, Valises, etc. Repairing doue promptly and neatly. O. W. PHILLIPS FLESHERTON, ONT. WINTER HARNESS GOODS SSg St ock = = Bes t Stoch Bells* Blankets, Kebcs Kiir lined coats, jiool.etbooks, r^atcheln, raar>r strops and nthor leather (iiuda. Cuttersâ€" best makes- and everythinQ In the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont.

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