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Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1908, p. 2

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X I i Six Thousand Cotton Operators Went On Strike on Monday. A despatch trom Monlrcnl snys: I.n- Ixir Iroublc* jirc utciuiml-iiliin; Iwrc vwy j-npi(lly. Sonic six Ihoiiiiiml cot- Ion ckfifralivos wcnl en slnko on Mon- Ony l-C'-aii>-(' Ihc Dnmmir.n Toxlilc Corn- Biin) iiiKl llio MoiilivHl CXilU'ii Conipony lin\« d« lo rotliiL* wugos by ten {)0r colli. TIk- mills were only nuiTiiiig our days ii wtvk, being idle on Fi%<luys lintl Satiu-duys, but tho ni!uiog< snout l«»l Ihnl ill vifw of llio conditions >I IrccU' llK-y will litue tu ic-lucc cxficn.scs «ill furllior. Colt<iTi optralivcs cloxiii l(i;a iin injustice fia,s \)cen done ihcjn, aiul liHvo devKlod lo fiiiil woili. SiM-utiing f<>r IIm' Itxtik- worlicrs, Mr. V\illri»l I'liqiiclte, their S'/calnry, suld:â€" 'Wi' can uffurd to bo out (>I work till Iht nulmnn without atiy great mifl<iin(,'. Wo will ncYor nccopt Iho rodiiclion <'I \vog<\s. 1 foil to uikI< r.sliiiid the<n (A ItK! onploycrs, because four w<x'l<s ugo tho MonlicJil fxiKon Crinipuny do- clHi-cd a dividciiil of eight por cent., nnd tho Dominion Tcxlil*? Cotnpany ol sev- en i)cr rent. 11 is not gouig to niako times beller tor thein Uj cut our i)uy. Wo or-' projinrnd for a long struggle." Four ImndrcU and fitly Irricklayers went on strike hen- on Friday inoniing. They wiinl ft uniform wage of _ fifty c<'4its an hour, wliilo the Buiklci-s' ICx- ehiuigc will give flfly cents lo llrst- class and Uiirlyrlivc cents lo sccond- cliiss iiiin. Ttio stoTiejiin.sons rontomplale lol. ow- ing Ilio bricklayei-s' cxftinplc. LEADING MARKETS TWICNTY PEHISII IN IIOTKL riRi:. ll.-iny (iurMs Dim in Their IJooiiis From Siiflorntion. A despatch Iic^n 1-V.rl Wayne. Indi- kiia. }.ays; A fire that js believed lo have linginalod in the elcvuldr shaft of ths jh>lel Avelinc at an early hour on Sun- ilay morning, resulUd in the loss of lA<iily lives. M<re than a dozen per- »< ns were injuied. some of them stri- l)uslv. The fire w,-is stalled at 3.30, In the elevator shad, and tK-ll bc^ys weri kJit lo wain tlie guist>. Five niinules later, the enliro shaft, from Uie main lloor lo the sixth, was in flames, nnd «?lien the excited gnosis, clad in night tlulhos. reach<-d the elevator, escape by Ihai means was impossible, and the torridors of all tlie ftoori were tilled tvilh blinding smoke. Tlie guests were |<.no<l liack lo their ro<'ms, as it was Inifo'-sible Ui malie their way through the mffocaling sinoa<o to llie stair- ways. In un instant every lloor was m t slate r.f inltrL^e eJicilement, men, wo- men and children dodging into the co"'- fidois and back Inlo llieir rooms »cre<iiniing and calling for fielp. The Ik akiriii called llio entire department ml. and It wa-s but a fpw minutes be- i< re UuHcrs were run up at oil avail- al.le J. laces. aruJ many if the guesU •were taken do«Tl in safety. Many, )i<iwe\or. could not be reached, and Hood with agonizing cries in the win- dows and on the ledges around the Ih t<'l. ajpiwaling for help. Tho:o wvre nloiil 74 guesl-i register- f.1 in the hotel, as near as can be learned. TlilrUvn bfKlies have been re(ovorr4l. and twelve are missing. II Is b"re;v iKvssible that other liv«-s wore, as' tills numlK'r. with the injured jKiw in llio liospilnl.s, and those known k' have e&apcd, doe.s not iiiako up Iho lull riiiijiU-r supposed to hove been In U* holel. (;ii.-.vIa thai rip<'nod their doors at the first iilarin were driven liack by the lliim<-s and .siiKikc. It is believed many lliitl fi-om iuff- -.cation. ITAUAN WOMAN KIU.KD. Murdered .by a Servian Miner Near I^lhbridoc. A despatch fttJin l>otlibridge, Alborl«, says: M. Zagnly, a .Scn-jon a>al miner envployitl as an engineer on screenings 1-1 Call's mine, brutally murdered .Mrs. Bracedi, an Italian woman, on the roaa Ulttceai hcjo and the mines on Friday. II* had been Ix/arding wMh her and her husl>ajid, Rjid had given h<x jnoney 'o keep for libn. Wtien he met her on Friday lio asked for it and slic refused tc give it lo hbn. This so incenwfl /.Egaly that he sJiol her and then <;:l her throat. The murder<Hl woman s nine-vear-old son was with her at the lime,' but cscape«l. The murderer tlien liapno<I his re^'olvcr on him.sclf, shoot- ing himself Ihrec times. Nuic small children are left niolherlcss. VAII,T WAIJ- TINNEI.KD. I'nsiirrrssdil Allenipl loi Rob n.Tnk ol Ominienr in Wiliiiipey Suliurb. A dosiiiil'h fixiin Wiiiniixg says: \ daring but â- iinsnoces>,fi^ iillem|)l was made last Suii<la\ lugrit to rob tlifl bi-ani'h ot llic Canadian Ihink of Com- inorce at W<slon. a .^iihiirb of Winni- fH.g. Tl;e fail d^viUped on WV-dnos- day. when a hole six inrhe-s square was tunnoli'd lhinii).'li Iho oiiU'r wall of the vault, bill Iho burglars <lid not succeed in securing onlrance or getting away Willi ony Loi-ty. Biniicn I Ni)i:n mass of rrick. Two Men Mel Doalh b) Mine In Itril- i^ll Columbia. \ des[ialih fr<im Vnnouver say-;; K'ows lias reached liei'e of a fatal cave- ji! at Ihe iiitnc near Phoenix. Cihrlsto- phor Maitn, aged toi'ly-Uve, nnd King'*- ley .Smith, a .young I'jiglisliman, wera working ill IIk' aOO-ttiol level on Sunday afterno.Mi, when an enonnous mass j| r<.cli was dislodgwl, completely bury- ing tliein. C. N. n. MEN AtXEPT. rirdiirtic'n ol Wagns In Mcrhaniral De- part mcnls. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The agreonient between Ihe (.. N. R. and iLs s.hapmen hfls been signetl as a re- sult of the conference between the of- ficials and Ihe meJi. Tlie unions took a very fair and reasonable view of the situation, and In view of the company s decline in agreed lo accept a reduction in wages avcrnging about two cents per hour. Soiii* classes ol labor arc not affected at all by the re- duction, and Itie status of the unioiui will not be interfereit with. Oflicials ar« greatly pleased with the spirit shown by the men, and it is behoved tlic re- sult will have an important lH.'aring on the C. V. n. negotiations. TO .STRKNOTIIKN CHINAS NAVY. l.aroe Number ol Battleships to be Purchased. A despnlrh from Shanghai snys: The f5oBr<I of War has framed a scheme which will greatly strenglhon Chinas navy. It pwixxses llic forinalion of (lir<"i' n<'w M|uadrons, each lo consist of one iKillleship, two flisl-class, four or live second-class and live or six Ihrd-class cruisers, several gunboats, <le^lrnyers, torpr<lo boats, one or Iwo submarines, ami tran-sporUs. it is in- lon<l<d lo build nnd maintain the navy with revenue from the coast pixivinces. !_♦ . ATTACKED BY DERVISHES. The (loveilior of ilUic Nile Province Wounded. A despatch from Cairo, Fgypl, says: \ Rrilish subject. .Seott Moncrielf, De- puty Inspeclor nf tho Blue .Nile prov- ince, ftnd n native iitllcial have been assassinated at Iho iiistanci^ of a loca' sheik, who proclulinod himself propttel at Mo,nlainich, about one hundred and flfly miles fptwn Kharlnum. \ small punJliv<' forte, led by the Oovcrnor o' Iho province, was att^icked by o miir- d<i«us band of dervishes. During the lighting Hie dovernor was wounded, and two nalivo ollicers were killed. EXPLOSION ON A CRBISER Two Hundred and Forty Killed on a Japanese Warship. A dosimlch from Toko snys: Alviiil |wo hundred and feriy ini'ii and olllceis lost tlve.r lives on Thiirsdiiy morning n-i the result of an expl<ison in Ihe Btern nwigazino of llw Iraining erul'^r MaUushnia. The explosion .lnok plafe while the cruiser was aniiioring at .Ma- Knng, a harbor on Ihe I'o.H'odoi'es Is- lands. Imme«lialely alter tlie explosion Dm vo'scl t-niik wnlil only Iter briMge WHS v.all>l«. There wem about 355 men •ud flily caddK uiid olllcers aboard the cruiser nl the lime of Ihe accident. Of llies<! alKiut 175 weix? rescued fry boats tmin Ihu cralsers llnshaidote nnd llsii- kushima. The majiTily of the oflloers, Ivowever, and it is believed more than half Ihe codets, wore lost. Among Iho latter were the sons of Prince Oyamn, FieKI .Marshal, and of Baron China, ViO'-Minisler of Foreign Affairs. Cap- tains Ynsliim an<I YoshLmorl are also thought to have been lost. The cau.ic cf liM explosion i£ unknown. BHEAD.STUFFS. Toronto, .May 5.â€" .Mon:toba Wlicatâ€" For tho opening. No. 1 norlhern, $1.- nX; No. 2, 1.13X; No. 3, Sl.OSK; feed wheal, iJV/ji:; .\o. 2 feed, VJc; Georgian Hay porls. Ontario Whealâ€" .No. 2 white, 92c at |)0 jil of shipm<'nt; No. 2 red, 01>ic at point of shipment; No. 2 mixed, 91c; goosv', 89o to QOc. Cornâ€" No. 2, non coffering; worth about 74c to arrive; No. 3 yellow, 7Zc U, 73e, Toronto freight; No. 3 mixed, Ic les-s. FJniji-Maiiilflba patents, special braiKls, .$('. lo SC.IO; .seconds, $5.«) lo *5.C0; .sliong bakers', $5.30; winter wheat jHilenls, .$3.W. Barleyâ€" .No. 2. 52c to 55C. P<osâ€" No. 2, 90c, outjsidc. Ryeâ€" Slrong; No. 8, 87c to 88c out- side. Buckwheatâ€" No. «, M^c to f.5c. Gats-^-.N'o. 2 wh'b'. W^c outside; 48c on track Toroiilo; No. 2 mi.\ed, 44c. Branâ€" $25 on track Toronto. ShortSr-Scarce, *24 f.o.b. mills. COU.VrRY PRODUCE. Wh-f/lisale qiiololioiLs are: EggiS-.New-laid, IGc lo 17c. Butterâ€" Tho ainrkot lends to be wcak- "r on larg'T onorings. Cronmorv, prints 29c lo 31c do snl.iLs 28rto2<.ic Dairy prints 25clo2f>c do largi! rolls 24cto2.'>c do s<d.ds 23c to 24c Inferior 20clo2lc Potato.'s-Ontarlo, 85c lo 90e; Dela- ware, UJc to SI, in car lots on track here. Beaa«- .?l.70 to $1.75 for primes and $!.!« to .$I.8,T for hand-picked. Money- .Strained steady at lie to 12c jjor fOKfiJ for 60-p<jund pails and 12c lo 13c for 5 to lO-pe.und pails. Combs .it $1.75 to $£..% per dozen. Ctieese-I4c for large and li.^c '^f Iwias. in job lots here; new-make, 13c for large and 13>ic for twins. Maple Svrupâ€" $1 to $1.10 per galton. Baled sirnw-$8 to $9 per ton. Baled Hayâ€" Timo'*y is quoted ut $15 lo $15.50 in car lots on liacks here. hOO PRODUCTS. Bnconâ€" lx>ng clear, 10 to lO^c per prund in case lots; mess pork, $18 'o $18 SO; short cut. $21 to $21.50. Hamsâ€" Light to medium. B lo 13>ie; do., heavy. 11% lo 12e"; roll-s, O'A to 10c; shoulders. O^c; backs, 16c; bivakfasl bac««. 14c. lardâ€" Tierces, ll^c; tubs, llJic; paiLs, 12c. MONTRKAL MARKl-XS. Montreal May 5.- Ixxal and foreign dt-mand for .spring wlieat flmir is fairly\o nnd a moJera'e trade is pass- ing. ("Iwicc spring wheat patents, $11. 10 i 1 $C.20; wcond, $5.50 lo $5.70; winter wheat patents, $5.10; straight rollers, $4..">0 In $4.75; do in bags, $2.15 to $2.35; extra. $1.85 to $1.90. Branâ€" The market for Ontario bran is ca-jior nnd several cars wore offer-d at $23.50 per ton, including ba^-s whi<h shows a decline of $1 per Ion oft previ- ous sales. Manitoba bran. $;'3; sho'L.* $25; Ontario bran, $23.50 to $24; mid- dl.ngs, $26 lo $27: shorts, $24.50 to $25 per ton, including bags; pure groin mouille, $34 to $35, and milled grades, $25 to $.30 por Un. Provisions- BarreU short cut mess, S21; hall barrels, $10.75; cloor fat ba.k, $22 lo $23; long cut heavy mess, $20; half bonvLs do.. $10.50; <lry .salt long coar bock'=, lO^c; barrels plate beel. $13. .50 lo $15; half barrels do.. $7.25 lo !i'7.75; tiarrtls iHVivy niess beef. $10 !o $11; half barrelo uo.. $5.50 lo $6; com- pound lard. 8)ic lo 9e; pure lard, ll^c Uv llJic; keltle rendered. ll>^c to 12c; hoins, 12c to 13>je, according In size; breakfast b:ic)n. He ti lac: Windsor baeon, l4,Hie to 15>ic: fiosh killed abat- toir dres'^'d iKigs, »9.75 lo SIO;, $«;,50 lo $6.75. j.;gps_l7c per < tor sing!c cases and 16c for round kits. C.hee.seâ€" Old co oiod quott-d at 12%c tc 13c and whiW at 12>ic U) 12)^c; now inako is quoted al ll^c to ll>^c. n<- ceipls Ui-day were 938 boxes. Duller -New-make creamery quoted â-  t Jfo to 28?iic in i<)Und lots and 28,^ lo 29c lo grocers. UNITED ST.\TE.S MARKETS. . Buffalo, May 5.â€" Wheat â€" SprJnp, steady; No. I Northci-n, $l.09>^, car- 1 ,ads; Winler, llrmeir; No. 2 re«l, $1.- 03)^. Cxirn- -Strong; No. 2 yellow, 72 Vic. Onisâ€" b<iwer; No. 2 while, 56c; No. 2 mixetl, 52c. Barleyâ€" 83 to 90c. Hyeâ€" No. 1, on track, 88c. Minno^ipolis, .May 5.â€" Wheat- Cash. May, $l.ii5,V8; July, $1.03?i lo $1.04>i; .SeplcnilHr, 90V;c; No. 1 hai-d, $!.(«>; to $1.09%; No. 1 Northern, $1.00% to $1.07%; No. 2 Norlhern, $1.04% to $1.- 05%. Flourâ€" First putciiLs, $5.35 lo $.'1.50; socoml patents, $5.25 lo $5.40; Drst clears, $4.10 to $4.25; second clears, .<!3.30 lo $3.40. Bran- In bulk, $21 lo t.:t.25. Milwaukee, May 5.â€" Whealâ€" No. 1 Northern, $1.09 to $1.10; No. 2 Northern, $1.07% to $1.09; July, 87%c asked. Rye â€"No. 1, 80c. Barleyâ€" No. 8, 81c; sam- ple, 04 lo 80c. Cornâ€" No. 3, cash, 66 tc 67%c; May. 67%c. Now York, May 5.â€" Wheal â€" Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $1.06, elevator; No. 8 red, $1.08 f.o.b. alloal; No. 1 north- em, Dululh, $1.15%, f.o.b. afloat; No. 8 hard winter, $1.12% f.o.b. afloat. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto, May 5.â€" Choice catlle were perhaps a little flrmer, as there were Ko lew otS^TOi. No exociptionally fine I i 1 Two Brothers Graduated First and Second at McGill and Won Scholarships. A despatch from .Montreal says: An, inlero^ting story of brolheiiy love and courageous work under the aflliclo.i ol lolal blindness was unvciloil al McGiU University on Thursday, wNn Iwo brothei-s. Thomas S. and W;l';.'..';i SUjwarl, graduated in law, coming te- spettively thsl and second in the r class, and winning two out of '.hre: sclularships. Thomas .S. Stewart is totally blind, through tin; carelessness ol an ocuUst. Nine years ago he in- jured one ol h.'B eyts with a knife, and si:.ocialists deci«r.>i that to save the s ght of the other Ihe bad eyo must tic reinove-d. .Mr. Stewart underwent the C4)eiat'.on, but by somo extraordinary ncce of CJirelessiiess the operator look oul Ihe gofjd eye, Willi the result that when the patient came oul of llie ether he was completely blind. UnJLsmay.d bv this, he undertook to pursue hii sfiMies in law at McCill, and ever tinc« then his brother has devoted himsell ! ) him. making his studies with him and accompanying liim to college s|X)rls and Ihrough all the phases ol univei-.sily lifeâ€" praclically making h ni- self a st-eing medium for his blind bro- ther. As a result of this unusual devo- tion tho blind Stewart came oul at tlie head of his class, while his brother came second, and each won the Sir William .\Iacd.)nald st.holarship, wliictf entitles them lo a years residence in. Paris to perfect them.selves in the F.'onch language and study law at the Montpoller Law .School. Dean Walton paid a warm <>uloglum lo llie two bro- thers in conf«rring the degr.e, and the two heartily chei^red by tho au- dience as they came forward. ciittlc were on the market, only a few selling at over $5..'iO. .Some h^avy ox- port bulls brought $4.25 lo $1.(J0. There rii a better demand for g<iod bulclier cattle for the local trade than for ex- port, and some of th<>so sold at higher prires than were paid for exporters. U ws and bulls were unchanged fi-om last week, cows ranging from $2.50 to S*.00; and bulls from $3 lo $i.60. A mimbor of slockei-s and feed-« rs which were bound for llw east stopped o(f liere, but were not for sak". The tew loads that were offered sold at $3 lo $4.50. Consignments of calves were reJuo- ''â- j and pricas were a little firmer. The ofler.ngs of shei-p and lambs were also comparatively light, which kept pries steady. .'Spring tamlis arc becoming a hllle ra'ire plentiful, and are slightly easier. The hog market is steady, but rather weak, as there was a large run ijf hogs. The average price for selects was $6.40, f«t! and watered, Toronto, and $6.15 for heavies. I.VDOAIITABLE SWIFTEST VESSEL. New Turbine Cruiser Made Twenly- eiyht Knots. A do.spatch from CdasgO'W says: It isj uhofTicially reported lluU tho new crui-, str Indomitable, which is now undergi- uig her si)ee<l Irinls^ has beaten all re- cords, making 28 'knots over a measur- ed mile on Ihe Clyde, and 20% knots in tho (iinUnuous sUaming trial. Tlie In- domitable is fitted with turbines, and her contract spe«d is onl^- 25 knobs. .She i-> of M.iM tons displaceinent, and 530 feel in ler.gth. She was launched on March 16 last. ULOWINti OIT FIBNACES. Steel Plant at the Soo lu Shut Down Entirely. A despatch from Sault Sle. Mario, Out. .says: The Algonia .Steel Company on .Saturday followed tho I'ocent shut- down of the rail mill by bkiwlng oul blast furnnre No. 1. No. 2 will blow out this week. This will leave ev.'iy bian'h of tlie steel industry here idle, thus .â- .hulling 1.500 men out of omploy- nienl. TIk- company in a slalomonl says that owing to limincial troubles the Canadian railroads refuse to place orders for lails. No prenii*es arc made a . to « hen tho plant will resume, a!- Itioiigh it IS said tho company hopes lo resujiie in June. This is Ihe lirst shut- down .since tho resumption afU>r the coUap-c of Clergue's old Consolidnted Lake Superior (x)mpany. Tho plant is Iht second largest In Canada. HOY SHOOTS MTTLE SISTER. Was Pki}in(| >Vilh Gun When \\eapon Was Discharged. A desipak-h from .Saokvillo, \. B., snys: .Ni ws has lome here of a tragedy at Upper Hoekport on Wednesday ,if- Uriio';ii whereby the lhre»'-yoar-olil diuigliter of Mr. aiKl .Mrs. Frank Tower had Ihe top of her Iwad blown off through Iho discharge of a gun in tho hands ol her sixyoar-old bwlher. It is understood that in the at>seince of the jiaronts Iho b<:>y took the gun from Is phue and in some way discliargt"d :t 873,000 STOLEN FROM TIULV Well^Fargo Express Car Robbed Near Torreon, .Mexico. ,\ despatch from City of Mexico sa\s: Advices from Torrcn say thai when the northbound passenger train on the .Mex- ican Railroad reached that pla«?e ou Friday Jl was found that a Welte-Fargo expi«ss package containing $73,000 was missing fmm the express car. Ihere ii no clue to the robbery and so far as known no aricsi has been made. ^j, IMPORTS FALLING OFF. Doniiiiton Ciistonis Returns, (or .the Month Show Decrease. A de.>-pulch from Ottawa says: The customs revenue of the Domini<jji for Ihe nijnlli of .\pril was S3.4i9.947, a de^Touse of $1,018,416. as compared Willi .\pril ot last year, due lo tho con- tinued d>.crea-c in iinporls, consequent up in tlie caution now being exoicised: ly wholesale merchants and others in llie matlor of pui-ehases abroad the p<Miod of depression. ANOTHER SLIDE OF RIVER B.\NK. V Eurtlier Daniaye al QuelM-c Village is Feared. A despatch tix>m Notre Dame de la Saletto, Quo.. sa>-s: .Another 'landslide o.cuired here on Thursday niglit, when aloul 20 foot of the west bank slid in- II the river. It is [cared that if the rain ikics not cea=e the whole of tlM> west- err.' bank within a distiince of 100 feet will slide iiito Iho river. No more bod- ies have Won reclainiod, and it is now leari'd thai lliey will not be. Martin Price was sontinc^d at ("lUeph to fifteen xeais in pini'entiary tor bur.^- lury. THE CIIII) WAS SACHIFICED Uncle Killed Her Because He Had a Com-, mand From Heaven to Do So, A despatch fwm Easlon, Penn., says: A coroner's jury at Nuzarelh, near he:e, iaio on Wodnt'Mlay ivturned a verdict charging Robert Bachman with the murder of Irene May Sanith, his sev- en-year-old niece, who, it is alleged, was offered os a soerillee by her par- ents and uncle, menit>ers of a fanati- ca' religious 6c>cl. The mother, who had been urrosled in connection with the child's dealh, was released from custody. The father remains in jail. Bachman insi^ that the chikl was possessed ol the devil and that he killed her by command from lieaven. Ho maintains that ho did no wrong and that God will protect him. He cries oul trom his cell that he Is to be cruci- fied, and pleads with tlie Jailer to hurry the execution that he may appear be- fore the throne of God, Who sent him to earth to perform a great mission for the salvation ot mankind. Smith I& fn a pitiable oondlUon both mentally and physkially. On Wednesday he was selacd with c«v«ral fits and rolled trom his cot to Iho floor, where lie t05vSe<J alKiut, shouting and praying, lie ap- Iiears lu know little or ijothing of lite killing of his daughter, and when Ihe t^ubjocl is broached to him he insists- that nothing wrong has happened anU that hs brolh'i'sin-law was directca by tho holy spirit. Mrs. Smith, on the other hand, i» rational and realizes Ihe awful gravity of the siluatioii. She Is liearl-brokon and wails pilooiisly over the Irag c fata o! her child. She declares the ivUgion Bhe and hci- hiiyband adopted is a myth, and that Ihey were not acting by, direction of God. She never had much faith In Ihe teachings of the sect, but ioinod them iji order lo keep peace ill tho family. Her husband, she says, was gowl and kind lo her, but when she object<Hi lo the new religion ha would become furious. When she wenl tc. Nazareth last Saturday to attend the meeting that ended in" the nuirdw o' her daughter she says she had no Idea of Ihe Intcntioivs ol tbe paiTy lo (till her child. i

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