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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1908, p. 7

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•'Why I Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a Presbyterian Clergymanâ€" The Sufferer Brought Back from Death's Door. SI. Andivws Mon«o, Cardigan, P.E.I. , Jan. 1008. Thoiiph I hove never been sidi ray- «lf, and hRve nol had occiision to use 9r. WiDiani.s' Pink Pills, I llioiijrht you ought to know of the iprnmkabli; cure ihcy have wrought iii .Mr. Oldings ca£«. During a visit to niy licnie in .Mcri- gnmi-sh, N. S., eomo. years iigo. I was gneve<l to find om- next door JlCJ^'hbor «nd friend, Michael Oidijig. very low. "\]c- Is not pxpecU'd to live," my mother Informed me. ".\nd you must go over and .see hini as he, is liable to pass fiway lit any moment." "N<jt e.xpected to live," thai wiis the opinion not only of tho doctor who attended him, but of his \vifi> and family as \v<'ll. Upon visiling liiin luyalf I found abundant evidence to conlirm Iheir opinion. Mr. 0!<I:ng liad for years been afllict- •d with n«ilh.nia and bronohilLs, but now a coinplicalion of disea-ses \va.« ravish- ing hi* system. He had bwii confined *o hLs Ijed for months and was reduced lo a .«*;t'!eton. Though evidently glad lo .K"« me, he conversed witli the great- est difficulty, and feemed (o realize that It \va.s the beginning of tlM» end. He was daily growing weaker; his feet were Bwollcn to twice their natvu-al size, and the cold hand of death was upon his t.row. "It's no use,' he .said feebly, "the doct<-/rs medicine Is not tielpingm« nnd 1 am going down rapidly.' I iprayed nith him as for a man soon to pass in- to eternity, and when I took hl.s hand In parting it wa.^ tho la.'t lime I cxpect- Ml to see him in the fle^li. Three years later while on another â- visit to my molher's Michael niding V'BS seemingly ia t>etter lii-a!th than I had ever seen him, for, as I said, he had always been ailing. In sheer dcs |K.'r;tllon he had a.ske<l his wife to get him Dr. Williams' Pink PilUs. They .s^-on began to help him. Hi.s appeltie and strength began to improve, and to the asboniahment of the family and friends lie rapidly regained his health. Now, though the burden of well nigh fcur ia^ore yoans is upon him. he is able to do a fair day's work, and is in the enjoyment of good health, even the as- Ihma has ceased to trouble him as in former years. Mr. Olding him5elf. as well as his neighbors and the writer of this letter, confidently believe that his rescue from the ven.' j.nws of deathâ€" seemingly so miraculousâ€" is due under the ble.s.5ing of Tiod to the timely and continuous use of Dr. Williams' Pink PHls. HEV. F.DWIN SMITH, M.A. ^^r. Olding himself writes:â€" "I am glad Rev. Mr. .'^milh has written you about my wimderful cure, for I confi- dently believe that if it had not boen for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would have been dead long ago. It would be impossible to exaggerate the desperate crpndilion I was in when I began to use the Pills. No one thought I could get better. I .scarcely dared hope myself thai Dr. Williams' Pink Pills would bring me through, but they did and f have ever .since enjpyed good health. Though I am seventy-nine years old peiiple are ohvay.s rema iking on how young I look â€" and I fee! young. I can do a fair day's work, and I am better ill every way than I hcd been for years. I cannot say loo much in of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I lake every opportunity I cnn to recommend them U friends who are ailing.'' "I suppose old Cashman has more iTitiney Ihun he knows what to do with'/" ^"es; but Ms wife and dauglilors are ready to supply Ihe needed lnforniuti<'n." SEWING-MVCIIINE NEEDLES. for all mnkea of mitchinw al Pit* Tents r«r pack- .t*. Ao<l «v«r7thlu4 *!•« Mrtaiiiiog tu H«wint{ eaclitnod at gr*atly rtducva prices. Luok fur the •d g. Ariyladu hnving used ani/ make of »m)ing VMcAine .fir .1 ytars or more write Singtr Stwinq Machine Co., Manning Chnmbert. Toronio, for beautiful ctt of ten toueenir wUxL-t of Ontario. Fret for asMngw Tlic gum used on po.«lBge-stamps is a 6(|)ecin!ly made composition, preparetl from pula'o and other vegetable starches vhii.h are dissolved in u mi.xluro o' â- wuttr and alcohol. TO Ct'RE A COLD IN ONE D.W Iak« lAXATlVR BROMO Quliiina Tablet*. DruKititts refund mmiair if it fails tu cur*. K. W. UBUVK'S signatar* Is on each box. 'iSo. Sunday .School Teacherâ€" "If your rr.eniy .•should stnile yo\i on one check, what would you do?" Tommy Tutfnulâ€" "Dat woukl depeiU on how big he was." These two desirable r|ua!ifical!ons, p'easanl to the ta.ste and all tho same time effectual, are to be found in Mo- tlier Craves" Worm E.xtenuiiiulor. Chi'- dreii like it. There are lho.-<e who when they hear Gabriel blowing his iKira will want to kiow what he gets a day for doing that. Just After Inst year's San Francisco WutluiuaU"" a large new volvnuic island eppearetl in the I»ehring Sea. It is known as Rogosl'iff No. 3. for two si- milar i.sUinds tune jirovlously risen and di>8p[ieiircd in llie sanie locality. :^vv\ DODDS \ KIDNEYS A FFLLS 'n'' I 1 , -^ ^ \\\vc->--7,i. OHENn.LE OURTAIN8 OUftTAIHS "^â- SA^hVI:.'"* Writ* to u« feheqt your*. ITIM UHUOAN •YIINO 0«., «•« IHL ll«ntr«il ^1 •WANTED to bear from owner having GOOD FAR I tor sale. Nol particular about Kn'.ition- I PUase KJT* price and description, and rea- I eon for seilitiff. Htate when poa»e.n.nlon can I be bad. Will deal wllb owners ouly. L, DarbTsbtre, Box 9S4, Bocbeater, N. Y. Pure water will not rust pure Iron. It is the carlKinlc acid and other im- purities that cause the surface of iron exposed to nioistui'e to oxidise. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. VKZO OlNTMBVr is guaranteed (e care any case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protudiog Pile* in a to U dtk/i or m^ney reiuaded. Ho. Ill three years the progeny of a pair of rats numlxir 1,U00. Prevent Disorder.â€" At the first symp- toms <jf inlernal disorder, Parmelees Vegetable Pills should be resorted to immediately. Two or three ol these salutary pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succes- sion, will serve as a preventive of at^ tiicks of dyspepsia and all the disconi- fi ris which follow In the train of that fcli disorder. The means are simple when the way Ls known. F.Me (agfd five): "1 do hope some Dutch- man will marry me when I grow up." Aunt .Mary: "Why, dear?" Elsie: "Be- cause I want to be a duchess." ITCn, Mange, Prairie Scratches and •v«ry form oi contagious Itch In human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- tcrd's Sanitary Ixilion. It never fails. Sold by all druggisti. The religion that do<^ not improve hu- man relations has no business with liujiianity. TLIIA.'^E ItKMl IN MINO that what 1.^ caller) a skin di.iease may ho but a â- lyuiptom of hart bluod. In that ca.ia, Weaver's Ctiote. eitcruB.lly ajiplied, ebouI<i bo suppliMneultid with Weaver's Syrup, takeu daily. nAN.SO.\rS REFOn.MATION. In a little town a few years ago therv WHS a shiftless colored boy named Hansom Blake, who, after being caught In a number of petty dclin<|ue«icies, was n,! .sentenced to a short term in the p<ii;t.ntiary, where he was sent to learn a trade. On llic day of his return home tie met a friendly white accjuainl- ance, who aske<l: "Well, what did they put you at in tlio pris'in. naiLse'/' "IVy started in to make an honest boy out'n me. sah." "Thats good, Ran^\ and I hop<vthey succeed etl." "r»<\v did, sah." ".\nd liow dill they leach you to be huie.M?" "Oey done put me In the shoe shop, sail, nailin' jin.slcboard onter shoos fo soles, sah." When all other com preparations fail, liy Ilolloways i!orn Cure. No pain whalever, and no inconvenience in us- iuH it. is.m>; NO. ts «8. Us easy to be pious when the children 01'' a.slep and tile ni'iglibors have left town. IVi .Vol Dohiy.â€" When, through detili-'d digestive organs. |xii.son finds its way into llic blood, the prime considera- tiiiu is to get the poison out as rapidly and as th.irniighly as possible. Delay limy mefln disaster. Parinelee's Vego- I'llite Pills will be found a mo.«t valu- nl-le and effe<Hive medicine to assailthc intruder with. They never fail. They pi al once lo the seat of th« trouble and work a permanent cure. THE MONKEYS MLTINIED. Four Hundred Took Possessiun ul Steamship Uraunfcls. Four hundred drunken monkey.v. staggering about the decks of the Brit- ish steamer Braanfcis, which arrived at Philadelphia recently from Calcut- ta. 6<'ncd to banish ennui from tw lives of the officers and crew on a dull .Sunday a! sea. The condition of the animals was the re.'-ult of a prank thie«" days ago by I-izzie. a pel balxxin, which has been aboard the Braunfels for two yeara. Evidently sympathizing with the lot. o' the several hundred members of her family, Lizzie, who had the freedom of the vessel, made her way between decks where the nioukey- were confined, and liberated four huudrod of Iho si,\ hin- dred froin the large cage. They scampered ab<,ul Ibc declvS of lh<^ vessel, chattering wildly. For two days there was no re.'^t among the ol- fieers or crew. Parlies of ttie moiilceys. I<d ehieOy by a crafly .simian, linown as the pigtail monkey, friMpieiilly ru>.h- id down on the decks, picUe<l up a be- laying pin or other handy objecl, and quickly climbed back up the rigging. Then, when an officer or meinb< r o( the crew walked acr<5ss Ih'' de'-ks. the animals would let fiy their belaying pins or olher missiles. N'vilhing could be done lo round up the mutinous animals. .M last, as the ship was being towed up the river thi.; morning the captain decided on heroic measures. He took a large quantity of niOia.sses. mixed it with three quarts of brandy, and putting it in pans placed It about the decks. All hands disappeared. .\ttracti>d by the sweet odor from the pan^. Ihe pig- tuiled leader descended, folluwod by the others. Chalterng and screeching, they devoured the brandy and nuolasses. Soon there were four hundred monkeys staggering. This ended llio trouble, for just as soon as any showed signs o' .stupor the animals were p eked up and placed in the cage. Lizzie is a prs nor, too. Whene\-er Bamsays Painis are applied to any house in town, that im- mediately comes into prominence for style ond beauty. Tliese painis are sold hv your dealer, and his price is just rijjhl for good honest painis. Ask to s<i; Color Cartl. Write A. Haniiwy & Son Co., Montreal for )>ack of .Sou- \«nir Picture Post Cards fjf Homes. "You say the victim was shot in the head?" queried the ooroneT. "Yes, sir," replied the witnes?. "Pi-evious to the shooting, had Ihere l>een any trouble or threati! that would liave led Ihe victim tj expect the shot?" .No, sir; I don't llimk such a thing ever entered his head before." 11 is an Officer of the Law of Health.â€" When called in to attend a disturbance it searches out the hiding-place of pain, and like a guardian of the peace, lays hamLs- upon it and says, "I arre-sl you.' Husislanco ts useless, as the law ol heallh imix)scs a sentence of peipelual banishment on pain, m d Dr. Thomas' F.clectric Oil was originated to enforce that sentence. Twenty years ago there were in the Uniletl Kingdom 2,3Gi;.0i)0 persons em- pVyeil in agriculture. To-day the num- ber has fallen lo 2.100.000. WHAT CAI'SES HEADACnE. From October to Majr. ColtU are the niosi fro* qusnt canse of Headncha. L.^XATIVB BBOMO ^UININB romoreioausa. R. W. QruTe en box Ua Evci'y time we hear a man abuse<i behind his back it reminds as of Iho faot tiial we all caich U when we aix- not present. •FMRHOVIM" IS A GKNTLE STIMt'LAN'l' to the stomach, thereby aiding digestion. A.i a tonic for patients retovonng from fevers and all disi'a.Hes lowering the vitality, it is without a rival. At all drug and gen- eral btores. The earlh is 5>a limes heavier than a globe of water of the same size would be. "Perfectly Trusl\yorlh);^ is Ihe char- acter of Bickle's .\nti-r.on.suin(ptive Syruip. It can be used with Ihe utmost confidence that it will do what isclaim- 1 for it. It is sure in its eftects. as the use of it will clearly demon:strale and can lie relied upon fo drive a cold out of the .system more effectively than any other medicine. 1'ry it and tie con- vinced that it is what it is claimed to be. WISE PRKACIIER. "Tommy, you have been to church two Sunday nxu'niiigs in succession. That is d< ing splendidlyâ€" for you." "Yes'rn. Last Sunday the preacher was going Im talk alioul Jonah an' the whale but he only talked about Jonah. Said he'd preach tho rest of it to-day, and I had to go again to-day to hear about the whale." Black A new sensation. Watch Pleasme. _ . The big Chewing j, , ^ J ^•*^ plug. S270 iir. J. E. i'mnon, 3/S St Clav-tit Ave., Toronto, C(tii<ulti, I-ntjjeclor Lon- don Life, InnvraiK'e Co., London, Canada, tvrifes : '' I hare used the popular rfmedi/ known ma Pe-rn-iia, and I c<'n tcttify a» to its merita, J regard it as one of the best tonics now on the market.' TORCN'TO is one of the most tieailiful cities in tli'" world. It is a city of homes and churches, a city c£ inte! igence uii.l good guvern- nient, a city of healthful climBlc and beautiful scenery. Ani'.ng Ihe many beautiful homes wliich make up the ciiy of Toronto, ts the home of .1. E. Carson. 218 St. Clarvns .Ave. In tli.i home Pe.nma ia r«\ereil a.s a family med.cine. Periina can boast of being a fi.\t;ire lii over a nii'llon such happy homes on this continent, where it ;a used for the petty aiimenti that af- flict the family. ' Coughs and co!d.e, catarrh of the head and throat. .«ore throat, in vari- ous fc-rins, dislui'bances of digestion, catarrh ef ttie stocnach. and oih.T Internal organs. These ailments, i^tlly in thenl.â- ^<â- ;ves. are often the be- ginning of V'ly serious diseases. A dcse or Iwo of Peruna taken in the beginning ni<:y qu ckly avert tedk)iis if not fatal ii:nesi<'s. Head Slopped I'li. Mr. G. W. .Martin, Hurlford, Ontario, choii' leader al St. Pauls Epscopal Church, writes: "I have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years, and always U'ving scmelhing for it, but was aibM only to eecure temporary relief \intii I u*ed Pe- runa. Only five bottles rid my .system of all traces of catarrh, and I have not noticed the slightest trouble for several m<iMth5. My head was stopped up. my b"ealh offensive, and it is a relief to be fible to brenlhe fri'eiy on'^e more." Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. Mr. J. C. Ilcrvus Polletier. Dcpl. de 1 .\grioulture, Olluwa, Ont.. wnlc«: "Tho Perima Is pHrtitularly eincacious in the cure of catarrhal nflecticns ol Itie lungs and bifnchial tubes. ".Six b<;ttles cured iiie t1iis winter ol it Moiirhilis. I n:n compi< lety re*tored â- niKl 1 owe thanks to the Peruna. "I h.ave rei'ommen.led this remedy to a "ar«e nmMl)er of my fretids afllicletl with the saiiie -trouble, and they liav« iMnllied my good opinion of this valu- a! !e iN^medy." Manufactured by Perjna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbue, Ohio. U S. A. AisK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR INSTANT RELIEF TO THOSE <L: FLRINO FHO.M HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM 2S AND so CENTS, BV HAIL. THE PAN GO CO., TORONTO. WHOLESALB l.VnAN BR05. « CO., LTD. LYMAN, KNO.X & CLARKSON, LTD. Teronlo and Montreal ^ Toronto and .Tootrejl A. J. PATTiSON & COMPANY Bankers and Broiers 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO Transact a general financial busi- ness. Stocks taught and so d for cash or luarg.n on ail exchangei^. Orders tu(r Coball Storks execut- ed luf ca«h. Correspondents â€" .New York. Bos- ton, Philadelphia, Montreal. CORRESPOMOENCE INVITED THE! PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO. Ltd., SE.NrL:i\CE SKflMONS. Cxinducl is simidy character vilali/.ed. A good lover is sure lo be a (lrsl-cla6S hater. He rejects happiness who refuses all sacrifice. Tho I'alhi'r never drove any into the fur country. You cannot find a martyr by looking in the mirror. To sow selH.^hness is certainly to reap sorrow. Ws hard to believe in the goodness ot I lie grouchy. The most wa.slcful thijig in tlii.-; world Is selfish economy. A hoi scolding fwui the mini.'^ler is 11).. quicl»est way lo c<X)l any nieeling. The soul i(s simply that which sees ttic supreme and the sublime. The church is almo.'«t sure to have pur- alv.sis following a lit oviy dogiiia. Yoiir of your lei.smv often deter- irdnos the usefulness uf your life. IfyOUWant We ImiUI lli«in I all, anil can sup- ; ply a r..\iiiu-h I only, and you I ran inntal your I own ni"ti»r. ! \Vhe& yttii buy a ! Cunoe.' Skin *tr \ Liviinch ^ee that I fltainp of a Canoa, Skiff ar Launch for the •ummar write ua. Ifa have the largest Oanoe and Skiff Factory In Canada. Tha Peterborough Canos Co'y> The man who .<»>< lie is too po<u' lo give will uexer be rii h enough lo be oliier than jioor in heart. lie can never Ix? more than hulf eiUi- caled who is nol ediicateil In heart. The greater Ihe opiHJilunily llie less liUelp it i.< to have an ad\ance ng»>nt. Infinite love would l;e a iiioekery with- o;.' intlnilo haired of things that harm. There mu^l be .soinelliing rpieei- al>rii| any faith thai needs pcri)elual defend- ing. A man's confidence in goodness is usu- ally dependent on his own reserves of iU Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY Vse Shiloh'i Cure •or the worst told,, (he sharpest cougll â€" try It on a guor- B n t o e of y o « J nioney back li it doesn't acteally. CURE qr<icV«r than snylhing you ever tried. Safe to take, â€" nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years o! iucc€»9 commend ShiJoh's Cureâ€" 26c.. 60c.. tl. 114

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