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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1908, p. 5

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»> i THE FLEES If ERTON ADVANCE April 30 l»J9 eSTABUSHCD 1*73 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AH ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Ekanches. 6a FLESHERTON BRANCH Oeor^e MitcHell, Manager BKANCXiES ALSO AT r»UTVI2AM. liAr.aSSTON AND PRICEVJI^LF, ^VICINITY CHIPS ^ April showers 1 R. .1. Sproule was in Owen Sound last Thursday. Mr. Frank Phillips went lo Toronto this week. C'iir of bla kaniith's coal just arrived â€" F. G. Karstedt. Mrs. Fiyn II and daughter, Annie, spent SiintUy ill Borkelcy. Cattle pastured by ihe head. â€" W. A. Aiuistront!, F'lesheiton. A ijiiantily of hay for sale â€" J. M. Duncan, Proton Station. Short slab wood for sale at 65o a cord. Geo. VValBou Flesherton. Miss Moffat of Preston spent Saturday with Mi-sa Flossie Colquetle. Mr. Robert McKoe of Golhnxwoud cal'ed oil friends here this week. Mrs. Chan. Armstron'.' of Markdale is visitinj; Mrs, W. A. Armstron";. Mr. Hownrd .A.rras'ronis of Owen Sound called ou relatives here on Friday. Miss Grace Graham of the Valley visited Miss Florence Richardson. For Saleâ€" McLauahlin Road Cart, nearly now. Apply to George Stuart. Mr. S. G. Youna of Owen Sound visited at Mr. J. A. Boyd's last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Lucas of Markdale tpeiit Sunday at Mr. M. K. Richardson's. For Saleâ€" 18 horse power traction engine. â€" W. A. Arnistronu, Fleshertun. Mare for Sale â€" Coniiiii; six years, in fal to Prince Erie. Geo. Watson, Flesh- erton. Miss Lennra Gaudin of Kimberley is learning the dress-making with Mrs. Smith. House and lot for sale in Ceylon. Owing; to iiiKrruity must be sold. D. Madill, Ceylon. Mr. .\1. Littlejohns of Markdala visited OTer Sunday with his sLster, Mrs. John VValUer in town. Robert Down's strain of B^rred Rock esiys for hatohing. 50c p^settintf. H. C. Radley, Fleshertoo. ^fc About a dozen andf^]j|fli|nis for sale, good layers, severalVreaoy t5 f-ct. Ap ply to W. L. Wright, t'leshirton. No more lame Kicks if you use a Min- nehaha VVashinfj Machine. ."^sk JTorris Bri'S , or try one and be convince^. What fall wheat there is in this district has come through the winter in e.\celleiit condition and gives evidence ot a good crop. ^ Shingles for Saleâ€" I am manufacturing first clacs sliingles and will have same for sale all siui'mer at my mill. Lady Bank P. O. Thos. Phillips. Mis.s M. Thurston rtturned to , her duties at liions H»ad on Friday last. She was accompanied by her sister, Dell, wlio will visit her for a week. Mr. Ed. Bentham, who has been in Toronto for a few weeks, returned home Saturday. He wa.s accompanied bmne by his liitle neice. Miss Edith Shoppard. A meeting of Centie Grey Prohibition Alliance will bo licld in the Park House, FleahiTton, on Saturday, May 2nd. it ?p.m. Dr. Caldwell, President. T. .^. M:Kenzie, Secretary. Me<»rs. Ed Jamifson, Bob. and Harry Thi.stlothwaite, Bert Bestand Jim H.'ptia Uh on Thursday last to work on the Northern Ontaiio railway construction north of New Liskeard. Farm for saleâ€" Lot 102, con. 11, Os- prey. 20() acre farm. Barn, 40 x 60, house. 26 X ;«. Will be suld cheaply and •n easy terms. For particulars apply to J. D. Osborne, Feversliam. The society repretent»tiv.s of the Methc dist chuich were elected last week for tho ensuini' year as follows; I.Sin- clair, John Heaiil. F. G. Kaisfec't, R. J. Sproulo and R.!.. Richardson. A superb finish U obtained ly UKing Campbell's Varnish Slain on flcors, furniture or interior woodwoik. These stains are s Id in 15, 25 "a and J11.40 cent cans. Ask J. & \V. Boyd for color card. Owen Sound's gnvernment pos'offiee building will have another story added at an additional cast of ?70<)0, If the Owen Pound electors work their pull right they may, in time, get a "sky scraper. " For rent in Fleshertnn, immediate possession, good comforfatile frame dwtlliog, large girden and orchard. R. -J. Sproule. Sproule Higainbotham & Co., Flesher- ton. have opened a ciimplete stock of school stiitionery, fancy and plain writing paper and envelopes selling very cheap. At Sproule, Higginbotham & Co. for sile cheapâ€" Pure clean mammoth and red clover and timothy seed, all kinds of gulden and flower seeds, also dutch sells and pure multipliers, and po-atoe onions, a full stock on hand. Rev. Dr. Caldwell and wife are in Guelph this week attending court, where their case for dauiiiges for injuries re- ceived in the Caledon wreck is expected to come to trial. Later â€" The cases have been settled out of court Dr. Caldwell's sermons next Sunday: Morningâ€" 10.30 Quartley meeting and sacrament, "The Three Languages on the Cross." Evening.â€" Songs, Uynins, and Music." Meaford Roadâ€" "The Almighty's Will aud Ours." Mrs. J. I Graham, Vandeleur, Pres. of Centre Grey \V. I., and Mrs. A. E. Myles, Kimberley, Sco., attended the Flesherton branch on Tuesday. The former gave a short address, and the latter read reports from other branches in the disiric Some twenty horses were shown at the Dundalk spriny stock show la>(t Friday. In a ot eight imported Clydes Mr. W. Burnett s Di^nure Mac of Flesherton took secoi.d, with Mr. Dnij^wall of Hope- ville first for his Clyde, whose name we have not learned. Good, comfortable, brick house, garden, orchard and stable to let in Flesherton. The residence of the late Mr. ana Mrs. Will. Neil. House, grounds, orchard, and all parts of same in tiist class con- dition. Immediate possession. Apply to John Siewart, west back lii.e, or 11. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For Sale â€" George Imperial, the cele- brated high stepping coach stallion. As the owner of this horse is highly interest- ed in another line, it is impossible for him to handle this horse, and will «ive any pers n a bargain on him. His srock are the best show horses that cau be fouiid in this l,.cality. Apply to B. Phillip, Butcher, Durham Out. One day last week Vera, the 12 year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Louck.s, fell a short distance out of a tree and cut herself very severely in the groin on some object. Her esca';o from death was e-Vceeding narrow, as the large artery was Inia bare in the cut. .As it w;vs, she bled profusely and it required Sve stitches to close the wound. The Rockvale Sunday school has been re-organized, with Mr. Parsons as superinteudent, and Miss Hannah Stafford as assistant. The tirst se.ssion wi'l bo hold next Sunday at 2.30 p. m. The other officers elected are: Sec, Bessie Rus.?fll ; Treas., Fred Russell ; organist. Miss Jennie Roy ; teachers â€" Mr. and Mrs. Parsons, Miss Statlord, Miss Russell and Mrs. M. I.titch. A well attended meeting of citigtns in the town hall Monday evenii details for ilio monster hoi stratiMii on July 1 next a piizefl will be given. T the greatest ever â€" twelyafyTiutP fun and enjiiyi^nt. nie carrying out of this progra^ which wrll bo thoroughly advertised, ought to put everybody who attends in the best of mental condition for the next twelve months and knock all chrome cases of dyspepsia. Watch for the programme. * Mr. J. J. Kaitting of Feversham was in town on Saturday and showed The Advance a new saw that he has tecontly patented. The saw will operate either as a cro8«-cut or ripsaw with equal facility and with greater speed than the old style. The now idea is all in the formation of the teeth. Mr. Kaitting had just returned from a trip to Gait, where he made arrangements for the manufacture of his saw by the big saw intnufaotuiiiig Brni of Shirley & Dietrich. We hope the new idea will prove » money-maker for Mr. Kaitting. A meeting wis held last week to reoig.inize the Flesherton Baseball Club. The I'tficers elected for the year were: Provident, J. A. Boyd; Manager, Geo. •Mitchell ; Captain, F. A. Tucker; Sec- I'reas., C. H. Munshaw ; Man. Com., M Wilson, W. Boyd and H. Smith. .Viiyiiiie wishing to join the club can do so by paying the fee of 2uc. While the prospects for a winning team are not of the briuh'est it is to be hoped that the citizens of our village may join in this healthy amusement wit'a all heartiness and aoootd. / I â€" » Rev. L. W. Thorn ot Waldemar has accepted a position under Mr. Kelso of of Toronto, in which be will have care of the destitute children in the county of Perth. He will reside in Stratford where there will be a shelter for children. The salary is 8800 a year. Mr. Thorn will preach his farewell serm jn on the last Sunday of June. He has been preaching for almost a quarter of a cen- tury (24 years) and his natural streni^th is not abated. In Mr. Thoni's departure the Presbytery loses a faithful presbyter, the community a go<id citizen and the congregation of Waldemar an efficient and loving minister.- Grand Valley Star. .At the recent Owen Sound N. B. C. contests wo note the following prize-win- ners : Rapid calculation, C. D. McMil- lan, Priceville, first ; best spelling, Alice Nicholson, Flesherton, second ; best letter copying, John A. Cairns, Ceylon, second ; best kept set of book.s. Eugenie Duncan, Feversham, fourth. The prizes, which are presented by the Principal, were more keenly contested this year, on account of the large attendance. The presentations were made by Rev. H. S. Cdkins, Rev. W. H. Chantler, J. C. Miller, secretary-treasurer Harrison & Sons, Limited, and H. H. Burgess LP. S. The horse fair on Saturday could not be set down as an unquahtied success, there being only four animals shown. Of course these were the cream of the class and consisted of Mr. Patton's two clydes, also Mr. Cairns' and Mr. Burnett's cLydos. Of these, three are well known, and the feurth â€" Greys Gartley â€" owned by Mr. Jos. Cairni, was much admired. . He is a pretty animal, very tinely proportioned, in excellent trim, and will, no doubt, prove very popular. Mr. Paton's Merry Mason and Spaurelbank are in tht> pink of condition, as also ia Mr. Burnett's Dunure Mac. These are alt choice animals and there is plenty of room for them. Mr. Cairns, we believe, will travel his new horse over the route travelled last year by his Grownslow Charming. A Flesherton citizen informs The Advance that while in Markdale on Friday last he witnessed a foot race of an exceedingly amusing nature. A laily inmate of the Hou.'e of Refnge took it into her head that " Liberty or death " should be her motto in future, aud accordingly bolted up »nd through the town towards the green Uelds that to her were so enticing. Manager Harness was not in the pink of cnndition for r-juning that morning but necessity knows no law, and he had to get after that woman, which ho proceeded to do at his unual pace of about a mile in fifteen. Going up main atroer he put on a spurt owing to the encourai^ement vouchsafed by hu:idreds of spectator?, and gained si ghtly on the lady, but as they disappeared over the grade towaids the station the woman appeared to ba gaining once more on the perspiring manager. We have ni.t learned the result of the race, but it looked like a draw to our reporter. Later- The run- away was captured, but not by the manager. To Mr. Baines belnnged that honor. The manager is said to have been considerably incapacitated, physic- ally, by his extraordinary exertion. No Oil In It The Kin.berley oil well drillers hit bed rock â€" grinite la.~t week without discover- ing ^uy oil. The contract calls for the sinking of two more wells in that vicinity but thini;s are at a standstill and it is undecided whet her to complete the contract or not. Tho bill for the gradual reduction of liquor licenses throughout the provincn was passed in the Quebec legislature last Wednesday. An eighteen-year-idd girl near Buttle- ford, in spite of her heroic attempts at rescue, witnessed her home, with her father, mother and little brother and sis- ter, all perish in a prairie lire. Notice Of By-Law Notice is hereby Riven that a By-Law was pa.«sed bv the Council of the Township of .\rteniesia, on the fourth day of .April 11)08 providinj,'foi the issue of debentures to the amianit of §3500.1)0 fur thepupiwe of enabling the trustees of school sectroff- JCo. 8, iu the said township to buiid^ new .ichool house in said", and that snoli By-Law was registered in the registry ofljce for the south riding of the County of Grey, un the 25th day of April 1908. .Auy motion to quash or set aside the same or any ^art thereof, must be iiwule within three ytnnths after the first puMioalion of this jfitlce and cannot be made thereafter. Dik«Pcl the 27th day of .April 1908. W. J. BKLLAMY. Clerk. SEEDS Mangels. Sug.)r Beets, Seed Corn, Tiinop Seeds, Beans. Girden Corn, Duich Setts, English Miiltiplieis, Gaideu and Flower S^eds, etc. The above is a brief summary of the stock of Seeds we have on hand. Investigation will piovu our stock in every detail to he A 1. In tho Grocery lino well stocked. We sell Melagama Tea. Ii's the best. Try a package. FLOUR AND FEED. W. L W R I 6 H T Percy Perry, a Collingwood bank clerk, suicided at Fergus by shooting. 18 cade's of the Polytechnic Instit- ute, Guatemela City, were executed last week immediately after their attempt to kill President Estrada Cabrera. The cadets were a guard of honor during tho arrival of the new American minister. Major William Heimke. Thompson's Bakery Ail Tbose Indebted to the Uundersigned MUST Settle as Cash We Must Have. Ed. Thompson, Flesherton SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS Field and Garden Seeds Just Received Red Clover Mammoth Clover • . - Alsike Clover Alfalfti Clovec Timothy Seed Turnip Seed Beet Seed ' Mangold Seed" ' Carrot Seed Garden and Flower Seeds Any Seeds not in stock will be procured by return mail. W. E. Richardson & Son ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ New Goods for Spring 1 If you want for Spring or Summer Wear a pair of Shoes in the latest and most up-to-date styles, we have them, the best we have ever shown. We ! invite you to call and see them. ;-v:;,-^-;. Also a few pairs of winter goods selling oft' cheap. -*. Clayton's HOUSE FURNISHINGS We have a full stock ot Lace Curtains, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Linens. Cottons, Bed Spreads, Carpets, Linoleums, Mattings and everything necessary to beautify the home. WALL PAPEIi SAVINGS We have, withou*- a doubt, the completest line of Wall Paper ever e.\hibited. The border is sold at the same price as the Wall or CeiUng Paper. Call and in.spect before buying CARPETS and LIXQi^EUMS .Just what you want ! Your parlor, Dining room, or spare bed room needs carpeting. We have a large assortment of Carpets including Velvets, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool, Union Carpets, a!.so laid and inlaid linolouiiLS in 3ft,tift,9ft,12ft wide and Mattinir. PAINTS and OILS If you w ant the best paint on the marker, paint is guaranteeil. Buy the now famous "Martin Seuour 100'^ Pure Paints" in interior and flo'^r. These pa ints will suit vou. We also have Carriage paints. Shellacs, White Lead, Varnish, Floor Finish, Raw Oil, Boiled l)il, 'Turpentine, all kinds of dry paiuts. wokkinCt bouts Without a d"ubt we have the best line of Men's and Women's Working B.iots on the market, tho famous "Williams' and "Dry foots' Boots, warnuiis that they can not bo excelled. When wanting anything in English Kip. French Kip, Calf Skin, Chrome Tan, Oiled Tan, or Split. Give us a call. We can suit you. F. O. KARSTEDX, JPleshex-ton. CEYLO N'S BUSY STORE. Spring is here and business is beginning to get a little brisker. We have jns received our Spring Hats and Caps for men, woineu and ehildreu, «£/e livae certainly Bomelhihg dainty and up-to date .p this line. Our BoonTDd Shoe lines are also complete. We Lave soinething opecial in Boys', Misses,' Youth'si and Children's warranted solid leather tliroiTgbout, soft aud will stay soft and wear as long as auy two pairs of comiuou shoes! Wo b'ave a good stock of light over rubbers on hand, also long Rubber Boots, SEEDS! If you want to get good clean Clover aud Grass Seed, government inspectedr You can get it right here and at the ri-^ht price. New garden seeds also on hand. We believG we have everything you will require for spring. We have the very latest in wall papers, also a fiesli snoply of Paints and Varuishes, Brnshes autl oils of all kinds. Kaw and Boiled Linseed oil. Separator oil. harness oil. CMily one Gents'Fur Coat as this is tbe only Fur Ooat WR have left either ia Ladle's or Gents'. We will give you a snap in this to clean them out clean aud clever. Now is your chance. We will takeiii exchange for it Wood, lliy, Potatoes. Butter or eggs. We wilt pay liighcst^arket prices for larui pioduce. Jas. PATTISON o E V ]^ o rs

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