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Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1908, p. 2

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Gladiator Sent to the Bottom By the Ocean Liner S. Paul A Ociirxilch Jrom Portsmouth, Eng- InnJ, j.a.\«>: Th« Ani«-ic»ti steam slii^i St. I'aul, which l*fi Jjoulhaniploii m h«r lOfeMlar voyago bound fc/r New Vwk <iii SutirrUny utlcrnoon in a, Ae^n^e Prio\v*t.inii. imnirK'tl ond drstroyed the Brrtt-h icc<MMl-tlns» 'cnii.=«cl (iladlator t:(! U'ni Is!<? i)f WuhU AcoordiTig to lh« «tiiltiiii;fit Ksued by the Ad'nilml com iiiwi'dtng III"? Pvfl-laiiiouth station, thie» bftlio* havii t/oeii i'ecov«reJ, those ot O'Wdry. tirit \\uiter, find \Vld>gci'y ond Sxiccir«?, S'lewAiAi. iwo ceajiini w(>rc inj'.ii'P'l luul liait Slice di«.i in tlio Oci), den II; I Ilosp tal. Sx Injured ora n th« bospiilai. I,i*iitejiant Win. P. Graves fl\v petty C'lliccr-s uiuJ nflei'n jicainen ijiul st«j<«i-s are mxsatng. i\obr>dy on ttM fit. Paul was IdlVed or injuneil. roiLIDF.n I\ SNOWSTOrtM. The St. r&ul leri Southampton nl J2.30 o'clock. She was an tvour behind her uaiuil 1-.m« Jor sailing, Ihd delay fccmg <1u« to ti» belated arrival of th« |J6.^'i<iiBor train, wJi:cli was blocked oy eiK'.v.lTiIls on the irip froin London. n'h« weather T\as coraparalively clear |n SoiitTimnplon waif rs, but inimo«llat&- 4/ the St. Paul luni«d tnin Solent, which ruiis parallel to live Isle of Wight, «h« •iifCiiiilcj^d « terrain snow bllzMJd. r.apt. Pu.ssow and Ids chl«f o(nc«r nv.tli the Aini?rl<un Line's regular pilot, 'wtvi: on the bridge, and a lookout man wm.H ^,o-l•:d in Uie bt»w«. Su>1<l«nly a ehlv appesi'id immttdiiit^ly In front ot Vmn; It was Ui9 Glatfinlor a* aivc'hDr. <)id.-ix were pvtn on the iMftlant for fill; srieed nM«m, in an endeavor to «lf(ir the cnitiar, but It was too l«.le. IlAVfMED AMIDSHIPS. 'n.e M. Paul's (han^ .steni raninied tti' arifilioivtl ves»«) amidships. The lliit-r qinvpreU enO r<e«l«<l, and the pas- «<n«er» nishM on dtck In great alanti, ttn wfirn^n 'i: the \er(,'e of a pimlc The ofnoers and cre^v acted Htm pr«atest cool-ness, and allayed H/ho ter- nci With as line a dwplay iJ discipline OS 'though she were th« bcst-discipUncd man ot war. Five lifeboaLs wero lower- ed to rescue the crew of the Glad'^jr, witich U-ad bot'un to sink uilmueit at once FOn.MKD I.N LINE ON DF/:K. The men of the cruliser gave a mag- nificent deinoa>lrat.on of disciipUiM'- A.' itie captain's cxjinmand they formed in llao on the deck and stood In ranks while the caiisor acMed drwn. In obe>- dierii c to oriicrs, siicccviive batches jiiaTclKd tu 4h« giingways <ind entered the SI. Pfl.iirs and the cTuLsers to«ts, until practiOJilly the whole cre\v. whtoli jiuniiberett iM in<<n, liad been taken off and lajided on the Isle of WiglA. Cajrtatn W^uller l.umisden, tnio to naval tradllioas, w4» t1'.* Wist to leave He ibip. Only a few men Ih^n w.-re mlsatng, and rt was thought that niOol r.I them Iwd been Bavod by a ^^oal which had put out from ' The GlaAa-tor won sellled down. «iW<£ng in abou'l twenty minutes. The St Paul returned *o Southampton and her passengers were put uslvoJe, 6*<k- Ing aaxOTMnodation M lh« various hfl- t«U. ST. PAUL BADLY DAMAGED. The St. Paul! was more scrioujly <Unia|e<i (l»an a-t llrst suppcf^. She 6h)pp«d a great quantity of water â- Ihrough her broken plates, ain«J fit)m tb« moment a^io backed away from ttie wn>ecked cnneer 'unlil she reached her .wtierf at .Southampton all her pumpa were kept going to ihoir full capacity. The <J»jnag«l ^^'^'^ «' '**« ^- ^'"^ '"'^'' r«it« Ihail filie forced her Yiose at leait tweiilv fe^ Ihiviugh ihe cruisers side, tirt forlunJitely tl** groatest dajnogv' i*e received was abo^'o the walerHne. The 'bc<w post was buckled, uhile Ibe platen or. b^llh the port and starboaid bows were cni-^hed in and gnping cti^acks ex- pend along the side. LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April £8.â€" Manitoba Wheal â€"For immediate delivery. No. t north- ern, $1.17, Georgian liuy ports; feed wheat, BDc; No i feed, 63c nl Norlh Hoy. For May deiivory, No. 1 northern, $1.15; No. 2 nortJiern, $1.11; No, 3 northern, 81.06. Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 white, 90%c to 9l>^c at point of shipment; No. 8 red, 90c; No. i mixed, SS^c; gooae, 87c to 88c Cornâ€" No. 2 yellow- American, 71c; -No. 3 yellow, 72><;c Toronto freight; -No. 3 mi.xe<l, Ic less. Barleyâ€" Very dull; No. 2, 52c to 55c. Pensâ€" No. 2. 89c to 90c, outside. nye-Strcng; No. 2, 86c to 87c. «iickwheat-No. 2, W>ic to OS'-. Oats.â€" No. 2 while, *5>4o outside, -IT^c on track Toronto; No. 2 rai.\ed, 43c. Flour â€" Manitoba. palenU, special .bnind-, $f>; seconds, $5.40; .«1rnng bak- er.'-'. $5.30; winl<r wheat [.alenls. $:i.35. Full cars, 824.50 to $25. To- re nic freii.'hls Bran-Full cars, .$24.50 to $25, Toron- 1 1 freights. Shorts-Scarce, $24 f.o.b. mills. lAIDSllDE BllES TOWS Terrible Disaster at Notre Dame de la Saletta, Quebec. DEATH IN TOBNABO'S WAKE 30c to 32c joctoaoc 2.V, to 2«o 2K- to 25" 23c to 24c COUNTRY PRODUCE. Eggs â€" New-lnid, 16c to 17c. BuIIjtâ€" Is becoming more plentiful and the market is easier. Ctcnmery prints do solids Dniry j Tints do large roils do solids Inferior 20clo2Ic Potato.vs.-Onlario, 85c to 90c; Dela- ware, 95c to $1. in car lots on track here. Benn<â€" Firm; $1.70 to $175 for nrnv^* and $1 RO to $1.M for hand-picke*!. Huncy^.Slrain«Hl .steady at 11c to 12<' per [Oiind for 60-pound pails and 12c to 1.3c Uir 5 to 10-pound pail.5. Comb? at 51.75 to $2.50 per doim. Chee.seâ€"U" for large and li^c for twins. In job lots here; new--mHkr, 13c fr. â- â€¢ Urjje and 13)^0 tor tw!/i«. Maple Svrupâ€" $1 te $110 p<r gallon. Baled 5:trawâ€" $8 to $9 per ton. Baled Hhvâ€" Timothy is qiio'ed at $15 to $15.50 iri car lota on tracks here. A despatch from Ollawa says: From Notre Tame de La .Sa'xlle, a Ktllo ham- lo! of Fn^nch-Canadiai^ fainiers on the l.ievie BivcT. cigMccn miles from Buck- inghcim, O'""-.. comes woi-d of a ler- riblo disaster. At 4.30 on Sunday morn- ing w-hile the villages were stil'i aslt-ep Ih*: clay ccrnpni^lng Iho top of a high h.lil of iCije Laurentian range beti^aih whjch t.)i<> village 'jiy sfid d;-wn \\ilih •VrriHc s;,eed. burie<l in the twinkling of fln eye or .s^vept before it â- most cif the lAv<in1y-flvc houses in Noire Dame de In Solelle, tolled nt U^st thirty-five prr- i»cn , and injured many olh r*. .'^o hupc was the nva-ss of falling c!;iy thai it filled Ihe bed of the Lievre. d.inuiiing it up nnd flooding lh« adjacent l^md. Much of itje loss of life was caused by I'lO ice forced out of the piver-be<l .sweep- ing away tlie houses adjacent to it. The \liLagers. roused fi-om their slum- ti<^rs by ttie ro»r of th* avnUinehe ns it sw«pt down the hillside, at cnce c^i- t'^red upon the work «f re.sciie. but as "lie hoiues overwhclintd strnlcjed o^e^ •1 coTi.siderabte f.pea. and Ihs Ijcrfilkin c>f some of thorn was In doubt, prjgrcjs v\ as slow. Mrssemgers were at once ilt.« patched for lR-.lp. There was no l«.iepgraph or telephone system in the village, and 't was fovne lime befcr* tlM news n-nched Bi»cl(1ngh«m, but jnMirg^snLs in the Piwincc of Samii- whcTi It did doctors and nurses v.tveL ,„ ATgc-nline. drove the Governor nnd m«.*;«d to Hie spot, followed later by' - _ some twent.v-llve colhas in wltich to bury the deod. TWO TRAVELLERS WERE VICTIMS The list of known dead, so far a* can be Veamod, tnclndes .Mrs. Caml'litf Dc'sjardin,';, .ven.. and five ginndctitldren; Mi-s. JcAiC-ph Murray and live children; Mr. A. Murray and a biolher-iP>la\v who lived with' him; Mr.s. D. Desjardins and two boy*; Cleophas Dm Laurieri, hh Wife .ind Iwo children and tvvci Eng- l'i<ii-spcak;ng men, supposed to tie com- mercial travellers who are kiiowrk to^ have been in Dc^JardiruV Hotel on Sab uiday night, are misisiing. The only one rescued from Ihe De.s- jHrdlane <-.ilaibl.*hmen.t was Grace, the eleven-ycar-old daughter. Mr. Desjar- dins \v8.9 in Buckingham at the lime, and dd not loam of the nccldent imtll nocm on Sunday. .Most of ttte wrecked tuiildings are <in llie siVie of the rher oprosite the sHde. Dclails coining in rfiow that from Mr. l.r.Msi Maun lion's general .«foTo .south lo Df^jaivUas Motel. povtofTice and store, half n nnle away, only three hniitfts are left. .Si'xtcen t(i;iWiyij;s were d»iii.;ig««l and of these ten were com- pl.<l/ly deaifolie-lied. rno\isio\p. -Short cut. $'.'1 In $21.10 per Terrific Cyclones Eage Over the Southern States • 'A despatch from Atlanta, Georgia, •ays: A w:nd of cyclonic proportions •wept over portions of Loutsauu,. Missis- sippi and Alabama laUi on, Itin ng a trail of dead and injured. Tim liuiiitier of kilied Is e<»tiiiiate.1 a I close •o 100, and Ihe number of injured at ever 1110, With many jHiitions of the oinict<N-| (lisiricls bj h<'ar fi«m. .MoU ef the dead are iiegioi.-.. PerhHps a <l<i(en ulnle persons were caugiit in Iflllng butkllngs and ellh^T fulally )n- ^|^cd or ner.oujly <li'-hbled. In Louisiana it is esfi^ifit^a that a rore of small towns v\erc' deistiuyc>l r- perlly wprcked. Tl:«y include Amil« tiily, Arcadia and Independence. B<'lto <3io\e, .Me',t<'a, I.orrnan, T'lnorlilge, Qwln^an I.aiidingTFalrcliilds fireek, Pur- vis and I,uinbe«-loii, Mi*s., ai* reporl- «tl ,<-er:ou.«ly damaged l,y the sfoi-in. 45 Persians are repoilhl kill.>d nl Anide. Ill Alubenm, Dora wa» tlie chief sul- l<rer. Fifty p«Tsoiii at the lowest esli- iiiiiie wero i iijiiriyi. i ars wcic blown ^ .'â-  ' â-  .J. ~ from the railroad tracks and consider- able other prejH-rty destroyed. Reports also say that the storm struck Albertvillc, Ala., late Friday afternoon, and destroyed the eiitiie northern por- t.on of the bjwn. An linconllnned re^ fiovl from this ftecllon gives the death ll#t as from ;!0 to 35, with fcC».ire» of |,erwjns iiijui«d. From MerUlnn, MLv., comes a report lh«t a woman and her child wcne killed outright, while a number uf other per- sons \v«r« liurt, Richlan.l and Lamcurie, La., were struck by the storm and nearly a litth of tlieir population injured. Winch«sler, Mlas., a «nall town, is reported wiped out, though only two oiher jyjrsen* ar« known to have been killed. Natchez, Miss., reports sixty are known lo be dead in the northern Loui>ana storm. Mobile m^orteid nine dead in Ilatties- burg. Miss., but this has not been con- firmed. PDBIIC BWNEBSHIP PAYS Annual Report of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. A despatch from Toronto says: That rninicpal ownership pays is one of the things the .si'-oiid eniiuiil rejKirt of Ihe Ontario Hiillwuy Bourd shows. It piiid ill 1906 with a piolll of over half a niitllon. Iiiiporlanl llgurea are given itvspecl- Ing public iitibties m the province. Tl;c total Investiiionl is $;'1,H24 56S.S8, divded a.s follows:â€" Walerw. irks $19,- (jK'.) IIC; Eleclr c Lglit & Power, $1,- 7I(;.607; C.fls Worka, $9l6,rj5; Tele- phones, $106,014. Debeiiliiro and other debls nre: Waterworks, $I2.,W2,:10I; Electric, $1,- 1,810; Gas, $737,948; Telephones, $100,- 11J,8I0; Gas, $737,948 , Tor the T'lst year fir Ihe returns were ts f</llows; Wiilerwiirks, gravs Income, fl,K6 984; net, $431,013; Electro, gMM, ?VA(Ai\ net, $r,7 ir.2: (las, gross, $188,- 50, net. $4ti901; Telephone, gross, $26,- W7, net, $6.10;). Thus iluiing the past year Ihe pub- lic utilities yk'Med lo Ihe muinc piill- ties owning them Ihe neal little puifit of $515,176, after paying all chai'ges and giving service en a cost basis. 3i l'ER.«;O.NS KILLED. During the your 3:1 persona were killed and 320 injured on the railways under the Jurisdictlen of the Board O. the killed seven were passengers; seven employes; 17 travellers on the tiighways; one tiv^spasser; none on level cro.ssings. Of the Injured 181 were passengers, 38 employes. The Elcclrio railway business In- creased all along the lino during the year. The mileage increased from 405 lo 436; passengers cnrrbxl from 111,316,577 to 125,417,0,57; gross cwn- Ings from $3,080,028 to $5,608, 4,'i6. the net earnings fi-om $2,107,463 lo $2,344,- 098. The report also d«4ls with the qiios> lion of Jurisdiction and re-nfflrms lis position as set forward In the letter nf Chairman t.eitch lo Prejnier Whit- ney a short time ago. The farts resperling Toronto's com- (•linnts against the Street Railway are also levieuol at some length. Pork barrel; ines«. 817..SO lo $18. Lardâ€" Tierces, ll,'-^c; tubs, 11 "^c; pails, 12c. Smoked nnd Dry .Salted Meals- Long clear bacon. 10c to 10>^c, t ns and cas- eo hams, medium and light, 12c lo 13c. hams, large. U}ic to 12c; backs. Ific k. 16,'<;c; shoulders, 9».ic to 10c: rrdUs, 10c to lOJ^c; bre«kfa«t bacon, 14c to 15c: green meals out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. SEEDS. Folkiwlng are the prices paid at oub side p<;inls:-Alsike, No. I. $12 for funcy lots; No. 2. $10; No. 3, $8.50 to $9. .'Sam- ples mixed with linwdhy, trefoil or weeds, according to quality. Red Cloverâ€" Firmer; No. 1 cleaned, $12 50 to $13. and a little higher for extra fancy tots; Nn. 2. $11 to $11.25; ordinary iols. mixed with weeds, ac- cording lo quality. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal. Apr I 28.-A steady volume of trade is passing in Hour. Choice .«t;ring wheal patents, $6.10; second. ,$5.50; winter wht-nt patents, $5,50; sirnight rollers, $5 to $5.25; do., in biigs, $2.35 lo $2.50; extras, $1.80 to SI 90. Fe<x1s, etc- Manitoba bran, $22 to $23; shorts, $23 lo $24; Ontario grain st:orls. $»v to $i2.50; middlings. $24 Ia $25; shorts, $« to $27 per ton, inohiding bags, and pure grain mouille at $32 lo $34 Cereals-Rolled onts, $3.12>i per bag; coinmeul, $l.67>^ to $1.75 per bag. Ejfjisâ€"A good demniid prevails for eggs on the local mnrkef. Receipts are hiirdly keeping pace with the consua»ii- t.or, and prrtes are therefore llrm, without change. Fre.>h eggs are today «l!ing at I6)i;c per dozen In Jobbing lots, and at 17e to IRc In single cases. Cheeseâ€" Colored quoted at 12^o lo 13c, and old white nt \i%^ to IS^c. Re- ceipts to-day were. 71 boxes. ProvUslons Barrels short cut me^s. $21; hiilf barrels do., $10.75: clenr fat backs, .$22 to $23; long cut heavy mess, 820; half barrels do., $10.50; dry sa't long clear back*;, lOJ^c; barrels plate .be<<, SUM to $15: half barrels do.. $7.25 to $7.75: baireLs heavy mess beef. $1P lo $11; half barifls do., $5.50 to $6; cvimpound lard, Hy^c lo 9c; pure lard, ll>ic to ll?ir; kettln rendered, IIJ^c lo 12c; hams, 12c lo 13>ic. according to size; breakfast bacon, 14c lo ITic; Wind- sor bacon. 14Kc to 15^^c; fresh-killed abattoir-drcs.scd hogs, $9.75 lo $10; live,, 00.50 to $6.75. J:ts Minist'-rs fixjm Ihe .Stale niul pro- claimed a provisJoinal Govrrnment (ani.S HEROISM I'NAVAIUNG. $.-..60 lo $5.80 per ewl; choice leads, *.'..20 to $5.50; medium. $4.60 to $5; 1 common and medfiini mixed. $3.50 to I Saved <;hildren From Diirning House «;.aO; c< w$. cho'-c'. $1 25 to $4.75|j:^ws. j q„|j. ,„ i^^ Them. A dcspiikh fiom Rullkford, Susk., medium, $3.60 to $4; cows, common, $2.50 to $3.50 per cwt. Bulls ranged from 83 to .$4.73 per cwt. A considerable bus.iness wa.< trans- neled m fetvlera and slockers on fair of- toriiigs. Prices were unchanged al $1 b) $5 per cwt. tcr leeders, and $3.25 lo â- 54 for slockers. Calves were lower in vnliie on large offerings. Their prices ranged from $2 t" .$5 per cwt. Exp-Tt ewes sold at $l..50 to $5; bucks .-^nd i-uls. $3.50 to $1; lambs, grain-fed, aa to $7 i>eT cwt. Hogs \\e!-e unchanged al .$6.40 for se- lects, and $C.I5 for lights and fats. LOr. CAR RAN AWAY. Killed Nine !Men on the Susquehanna Railroad. A despatch from Rublon, I'a.. says: A work train on Itie Susquehanim 4 .New York Railroud, near Limuln, Pa., was wrecked on Wednesday mornin^- tiy a runaway car which dashed into lh« train after de.-cending a sleep grade. Eghl lumbennen were killed outright, one died later while toeing taken to a hci&pital. and fifteen were serio'isly in- jured. The wreck occiined on the I.a- (';i!in Lumber Cnmpuny'» log load lead- ing up Into the mountains, about twenty-six miles from Ralston. TliC men were riding on the log train, which was being pushed up the steep -atj.-fiit by the cngne. A log car ran away and came dnwii the grade ul ter- rillc speed toward the train. An at- ttnipt was made to reverse the engine on the tog train lo avoid the shry^k cf )bo coUisicn, but Ihe runaway cm- cra-shed into the c-ars before anything cculd be done The eng.ncer and llre- n:an and tho«« in the tinirj wlw were near the engine escaped Injury. says: .Mi^ .Anna Matlhew-s is the only .^iirvivor of a family of live, .is a result iif prairie fires in the Tramping Lak6 District. The father went lo light the Humes, which were sweeping down :)n their liltle home, and perished in the Rtlcmpt. The houjse took fire, and Anna Matthews, 18 yeari of age, with iipr clotho.s all ablaze, carried her live- year-fcld brother and sister lo a pta-e of safety, and tlieu roturncHl lor hi'« liiOlher, but too late. She fe.iight her way again through the sea of fire only lo find that the other children lia>l wan- dered again into the fire zone and per- ished. .♦ INSANE. TOOK HIS I.IFF. Farmer Livlno ^'^'' •â- '>>dsay CiHiiniitled SiiUldc. A despatch fiom Lindsay says: W'm Lowrie. a farmer living about ten miles nortli of here, eoinnulied suicid-u' on Thursday niglil by hanging. He was well-to-do. and no caiL-^e can bo given fo- his action other lliun that he was suffering from Icnip^n-ary insanity. He attempted suicide two we<'ks ago, but was prevented by his wife. B\TTI.K WITH MAIIMOIDS. Brilirh Troops DisIo<lged the Hill Trifces me a. .A dft-ipnlih from Simla. India, .says: In consequence of an allenipt made b> the Mahuioud tribesmen to cut his lines â- il communication Sir .lames Willoocks llic commander of the Britiih foree sent out fKnn Per.shnwur against the raid- ing natives, attacked the enemy on Fri- day morning with two columns, com- pi'ising all his nvasluble troops. Allef a .♦h.iip light the British Iroops dliS. l.dg.d the tribesmen fi-om their posi- tions. The British casualties ai'e given at sixty. The losses of the Muhnioud» are not known. I. lli:(;iSTFUKI) 1\1\IL STOLEN. Thieves' ^^ork 111 lidmonton -One lli'cov ored. Bag A despatch from Edmonton. Alia., says: .\ bag ixinlaining I'Cgi.-^lered let- U'ls was stolen on tlic iirnval of tlie Winnipeg train on ThurMliiy. The Slicks were loaded on the mail wagon, and < n arrival at the iH>sl-oiiico, il ap- !M-ar.s. were overlooked. One contained legLsU'tx'd iiiRlter for the Calgary an<i Eumonton Railway, south. A search revealed the Calgary niul I'.dniontcn bag iencalh some empty sacks near by. but llic other was gone. Two or Ihr*^ s;;- ~p.ects arc under surveillance, and ar- lests are probable. 1 he Fnrnebo, from Sydney, C. B., will* eon!, wa.s the first sea lx)at lo arrive at Quebec I his season. MANGLED BY WHEEL OF MILL NEW YORK WHEAT MARKET. New '^'ork, April 28â€" Wheat â€" .<!pol, firm; No. 2 red, $l.a3^^; elevator; No. 2 red, $1.04H, 'o-b., afloat; No. 1 north- ern, Duluth, $1.15, f.o.b., afloal; No, 8 hard winter, $l.ll>i, f.o.b. afloal. CATTLE MARKET. TotxinU), April 28.â€" A few lots of gooj exporters' callle were aold around $6 l«r cwt. The range «f etMtce steers was $5.60 to $6 per cwt. Medium ex- porters' animals sold around fS.Sfl to $5.40, and heavy buIU were quoUd at $*.?5 lo $5 r«r cwt. Uuli^hcis' cattle, choice, in small lots, Two Little Nova Scotia Girls Meet With a Horrible Death. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., aays: The report of a most unusual accident comes from West Lahavo Ferry, by which two Utile daughters of Henry Remette, aged 9 and 11 years, k>$t their Uv«9 whHe on their wty to gather May flowers. There U a savvmiU in the vb cimt^, tQd Ih* ohlklren were in the hacll «f twips • Altort cut under the whM) iMien tM iQlll wa« Idle, to short- ^ Q^ diaUno*. Oa thU •ool#lop their f%tb«^ wuned tbem iwt to |g In that | beyond recognition. direction as the mill was to be set giv ing that afternoon. The childi'en d d" not heed the warning. Seeing the ni.ll was not running they thought they were, safe. When they wci* half way un- der the wheel started and wheeled them- around, mangling them in a terrible- manner. The men noticing the ob- structlon, slopped the machinery and: to thetr horror found the poor little on«s dead, mutilated so badly as to bti

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