Nv-^ sfetrlutt "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRiACiPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXVI, KO 1362 Flesherton, Ont.. Xliursday April 30 1908 W. H THURSTON, EDITOK BOPKlETOa The Newest Things In Jewellery Can always be foHnd it thtJ Kleah- erton Jewellery hi';id(^i:artet?. Watches & Clocks To sui^. all tasti'S and all pcwkft- Jewellery Fur th« laditH in gre»t variety and latHSt- p.lttel-119. we pride ourselves In h.ivin-4 a grea" variety nf the choicest gO'iJa m iiiu'actured frmii whioll to oh'>.>se. Come in and lot U3 show yiiu what we hive. W.A.ARMSTRONG Maxwell Items Appropriate Ejister services were con- ducted iu all the churehew on Eitster Sunday in which the choirs tixik promin- ent parts with special music. The Eister holid.iy visitors here were: Miss Hiizel Ballantyne of Owen Sound Collegiate, Miss Daisy Kemahan and Harry Guy of Menford Hi»h School. Miss Mary Ballanlyne, teacher of " Tiyoii Colleue, " also spent the Eiuiter holidays at her home. Mr. Ruasel Morriion, principal of Priceville public school, visited at his home. Hiss Hale of OrangeviUe at her home. Miss Gertie Moffit, from near Gait, at her home. Mr. Sam Hiwton ot Feversham spent Sund.iy with friends on the 4th lino. Mr. George McDonald of Mclntyre and Miss Mabel Winters of Hatherton visited with Mii<s L. Guy on Sunday. Messrs. Charlie Kerton and John MorrLsou It.'ft l.tst week for Orillia, where they intend working this summer. Mr. Doc. Fiiirey left last week for Klienbiirg and iut«n(ls working on the railroad. Mr. Flesher and Cvptain Cox of Ci dliugwood spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Burk's, Sth line. Boru^Ou Monday, .\pril 10th, tt> Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson, a son. Born â€" On E;ister Sunday, .\.pril I'Jth, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ko.ss, a son. Mr. William McLean of Toronto visit- etl his uncle, Mr H. McLean, last week. Mi.ss Rodger.s visited witi Miss .\iinie Heron a few days during the EUster holidays. Miss Annie Guy spent the Eiuster holidays with her cousin. Miss Sadie Cameron. Miss Lola Spofford spent the holidays with her aunts at Sin{<hamptoa. Our school teacher, Mr. Andrew, visit- ed with friends at Wuodbridge and Toronto, Mr. Jim Guy of Toronto visited a few days at his home here. Word w;i.s received last week of thf death of Mr. Moorley, who h.-vs been out west for some time. Xt time of writing no particubirs have lieen received. V Much ."ymprtliy is expre.ssod for the soiruwing family iu their bereavement. .\pril, aged SXJ ye.irs. Deceased was one of the pioneers of Ei^eniont, cleurins^ a home for him.solf and family, where he hiw lived for tifty-tive years. He n:is buried in the villauB cemetery, his jjjistoi', Rev. J. A. Matheson, officiating. .\moiis{ those who holidayed at their homes hero were: Miss G. McLeod, Vickers ; Mi.-is O. Nicholl, London Nor- mal School ; MLss Louisa Wat.son, Dur- ham higli school ; Mi.ss Minnie Mc- Arthiir, Owen Sound Busine.s.s College ; Messrs. Hector and Dimald McKinnon, and Stanley Ferguson, Owen Sound Collegi.ite Institute ; Colin McMillan of Owen Sound Business College. Principal MorrLscm spent the holidays at his home ne<ir Maxwell. Miss 51. C.uswell, who has spent sever- al weeks with her aunt. Mrs. L. Mc.A.r- thur, returned to her home near Flesh- ertorv. C. C James t«H)k the train on the 18th to att-end Mrs. (Rev.) Humphrey's funer- .il at Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Humphrey were st.itioned here in counoction witli the Methodist church some years ago. Their home hjus been at C(Mikstown lately. Rev. Mr. Humphrey called on friends here hist week on 'tits wiy to )Iarkd;de. MLss E<lith James visited her sister, Mrs. Bowes, in .Markdale last week. the late Mr. .Aaron .Sayei-s, this wils Mr. Hendry's old home and we suppo.se he luis meniitries of boyhood days around the old farm. Mr. Ben Bnckenbury spent Sundiiy with friends on the 10th line. H. Hettman and Co. have a-ssigned to^ \V. G. Begg of CoUingwood and we under- 1 st.md their liabilaties are a gre.it deal more than their assetts. M;uiy people have been engaged in the! sugar bush for the past few weeks and i all report a good year for sap run- ' niiig. Mr. Rich.ard Heron s|)ent a few last week with his sister, Mrs. R. quette, at Fair view Farm. Diedâ€" On Fridiiy, April 24, Cornelius Sullivan of of the 8tli The funeral took place on Sunday to the R. C. cemetery, near Stayner Mrs. H Sf/otTord is visiting with Mrs. John Weldrick .Sr., at pre.sent. Mrs. John Weldrick Sr . who has been very ill for the p.tst few weeks, we are gild to report is able to be around again. davs Col- Mr.! line. Whooping Cough. I have used Chambi'iiain's Cimch Remedy in my family in cisesof waoipiiii? coiiirh and want to t«U you that it is tlie best medicine I have ever used.â€" W F- Gaxtmi, Poscn, (J.i. Thtf ramwiy iiiaafe an J su'.v. Vic mie by W. E. Kichardaun. i East Mountain Housecleaning appears to be the order of the day. Seeding iv in full swing in this part. We are informed that the first grain was sown by Charlie .^lartin on .\pril 24. Misses Olive and Alice Cauiack of the valley visite«l at W. J. Jlartiu's over Sunday. Mr. and Jlrs. E. G. Croiis and child returned to Wiart<m list week iifter visiting friends hero. The Misses Humherstone have return- ed to their schools after the holidays. Gentle and Effective. A well known Manitol-a editor writos: ".\s an InKlde WMrker I tind Clianilwilain'ii Stom- ach an 1 Liver Tablits invaluable for the t»uclie» "f bili>ni.ine!« natural to se<lenat»ry life, their acti'in beinir gvntle and eif^ctive. cleariuR the digestive tract and the head." Price, 25 cents. Samples free W. E. Ricbanlwu. Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Wni. Henry of Chattanoifa, Tenn., Iiad rheumatism in his left arm. "The strunitth seomed tn hare gone out •>f the muscleK so that it was iHe1es« fur worU," he say.i. " I ttiil'li<'d Cbamlx'i'Uiirs Pain Balm aitU wra|>pe<l the U'm in riannc! at night, tiud to my relief I fouiid that the pain (;r»dtially left me and ihe Sirength returned. In three weeks the rheu- matism h:ul (lisapijeareil and ha-s nut since returue.I." If troubled with rhe'iiiiatiiui try a few aiiplicatiuMs of Paiu Bulm. Ynu aie curt^uu to lie pleased with the relief which it •{fords. I'or sale by W. K Kichardaou Priceville Farniors are bu.sy with seeding opera- tions. Some commenced plowing on the Itth, but had frost and snow Ivmks to contend with. The warm weather l.Lst week has cleared the fields of snow and put the .soil in good condition for seeding. Sj>ecial services ni)proprinto for the d.iy were iield in the several churches on Easter Sunday. The C. P. R. gravel train started a)>out two weeks ago to balList the tnick west of here. The piintcrs huve been w(uking at the new station here for some time, and it will have a tine appearance when fiuLslied Mr. John McDonald, of north east ^ereniont, passed awa^v on tlie 7th *>f Hatherton. Seeding and house cleaning -is the order of the day. Mr. James Winters was one of the first to sow grain, com- mencing on the 21»l. A number of formei-s from Hatherton attended the horse show in Dundalk. Mr. Arnott showed his fine young horse Kiug Chatten. Mr. John .•Vrnotl* Iwives for tlie west next Tuesday to look after some business in connection with the late Wm. Clark. Miss Laiira and Miistjr Wilfred Henry of Flcfherton spent Kister with their grandmother, Mrs. John Winters, .sr. Miss Sinclair, teacher of the 4th lire school, visited with .Vli.ss Bertha Winteis last week. Mrs. Clark of the Coilingwo d gravel is visiting her daughter, Mis. G. Grum- met t. Mi.ss Mabel Wintei's spent the Easter holidays at her parental luiniu at Port Liiw. Miss Hattio Leitch of Flesherton is visiting with her sister, Mi-s. Robert Young. Mrs. F. W. Nicholson oJ,the 4th line, and her sister, Mi.s.s Maria Gamey, visit- ed with Mr. and Mr.s. Down last week. B)rn--To Mr. -ind Mrs. Uobt Young, on ThurstUy, April 23rd, a son. lOih Line, Osi rey. Seeding is the order of the day now, and should the tine weather continue much of the giwiu will be sown ne.\t week. Mcs.srs. Jas. and Win. CHtcwell h)st a valuable mare two weeks a;;o, htm pneumonia. Mr. R. J. Coltjuette cime noiir U sing a valuable luaro from pneumonia, l.-tst week. Miss Jean R.nlgers has been visiting with Mrs. F. W. Oitewell of Fovershnni the pa-st week. Mr. E L. Hubbard spent Sunday with friends <ui the 12th line. Mr. Wm. Hendry has jmrchasod the fft^n on the 14th conee-ssior) owned by Eugenia. Seeding is now in full swing. The w^arm weather of the p;ist week has started vegeUition and everywhere beautiful green has taken llie place of the snow. Bornâ€" On .Vpril lath t,> Mr and Mrs. Andrew GraliRui of the valley, a uua. Mr. Wellington Graham of '• Boyn« Villa " h.us lieen very ill. but we are pleased to hear he is recovering. Miss .Maud Duokett has been very sick the jvist week. Mifw Tena Williams is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. McMullen and daughter, Mildred, of Mcaford are t'ue guests of Mrs. Leonard Latimer. ilr. John Ciinuin has gone west for the summer. Mrs. McCallum spent the p.'ist week visiting Markdale friends. Miss Wallace, who has spent the win- I ter here, has returned to W innipeg. Mr. Tom Uitiiland hiis the f raraers at work to build a new barn. The m.-vsons have stiirted work on the cellar of Miss IWecroft's new residence on Canrol)ert street. The Canadian Band has been putting iu some good wtu-k the past weeK, but they have got no new aii-s since last year. One of our boys had a sad experience on Sunday night a week ago. After taking his girl home he wiis taken for a bup^l.ir by an idd woni.-m whot:ickled him without mercy. He sjiys he'll gang ua moir to yon town. Deaths Mrs, C'vo. F;sh.r died at her home, at Rock Mills, Monday morning, of pneum.nia at th" age of .lo year?. Mrs. Fii-her's husband whs killed on the rail- way l)etweeu here and Msrkdalu a fe« years sijo. Died â€" In Cookstownon the 16th .April. imS, Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. Humohi-eys, aged 40 yeare. Mr. Humphreys was on the Priceville circuit a few yeai-s ago, and both he and his wife were very highly este-'mad am m.; their people. Not a Mirack But Medical Science Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: â€" "Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said I had contracted consump- tion. 1 failed from 1(35 pounds down to 119. I was advised to go to the Bockies or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. 1 con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to come home as nothing more could bo done tbr me. Hoi>e seemed to have left me. "I tried Psychine and since startiug its use 1 have gSkjned from 119 to 141 pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of the medicine. I am s well man and I cannot say too much in praise of Psy- cUne. The strongest recommendation would bo weak in view of the fact that I believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt th« best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that you will continue your good work of saving run down people and consumptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psydiina continued â- ucc«88, I remain, one of FsyclUae's best friends." ALE.X. McRAE, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Almost every mail brings us letters like the above. Psychino will repeat this record in every case. It is the greatest medicine known. At all drug- gists, 500 and »l.OO, or Dr. T. A. 8h>- cum, Limited, Toronto. McFARLAND & CO. M.^.t?K:DALE OXT.\l<IO Fo this week we quote Che following list of MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITIES. And You will notice every item is a big saving to you if you will take advantage of it.. READ THE LIST CAREFULLY Reg, 30 and 35c Diess Goods for 19c a yard. Reg. .Hoc Fancy S.Ik Ribbons for 19c Keg. 25 and 35c yd Alover Laces in 5 yd. lengths (Waist length) end for 68;. 12 Black Hat Fins for 4c. Be». lOti box Note Piper and Eavelo pes for 5c. Reg. 50o Post CjktiK Album for 32c. Reg. 'm and oOo Books (sjood Authors) for 20o Rai. 23c Graduate and Knot Ties 2 for 23.J Rg 6)c L>;h Linond FUniieldtte Top Skirts for Sao Reg. 1.00, 1.25 and 31.50 Boys and Men's Felt Hats for 68c. Long and Short Handled Shovels your c'noiee for 52c. Reg. 95o Axe and Handle tor 69c.' May's Seeds per package 1;. Fancy Odd Saucers each 2c. Reg. 18c a pair Men's Wool Sox, 2 pair for 25o. Reg oOc Whitswosh Brushes for 2oc. Reg. 10 to 15c Whisks for 5c. Reg. 30c Hair Brushes f.ir 19c. Beg. liic Fancy Tea Plates for To* Keg. 12^ China Teapots fur 8c. Reg. 10c Cream Pitchers for 5c. R«i. 81.26 sot Knives aad Folks (6 of each) f jr 63c. Reg. ^1.00 Carpcutei 't. size H.ind Saws for 48c. All departments in this Big store are more than crowded with new and up-to-date goods. Come in and have us show you the New Goods. isioTroube to Show Goods. McFARLAND & COMPANY 'ag«i««i^«l^ i CEYLON S NEW STORE This is the time to buy your BOOTS AND^HOES, We have a large supply on hand to choose from at prices that will suit you. Only a few pair of Rub- bers left. To clear out these we are selling at cost. In Groceries we keep the freshest always on hand at right prices. FLOUR AND FEEDâ€" We carry a large supply of Feed, Flour, Bran and Shorts at right prices. AVe are handling lloyal Household, Five Koses and Ontario Flour. ^ When you need anything in our line give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right" Ceylon's Leading Merchants Durham ce nent w.irks are ajaiii i ' rpemtion. The Rdiew uiidets':.t.ds ih.t more ilwiihVf the season'* output has been contr^Olod for. *<*. Relieve I>R. BU^RT 5p«cUII«t In dis. as 9 ol ho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OUlce ILJ Krv>3l t*t. - 0\.voiifii>iiii<.l .'^.t the Markdale house, Markdale. 1st Friday efipji nioiith frcfu 8 to 12 a. m. A Woman Tells How to Rheumatic Pains . I have licon a v^ry (treat aufferer from (he dreadfrl disenw, rheum-itism, f<ir a nuiiiier i>{ years. I have tried uinny medicines but ncvpi gut Uiucli n lief fii'iu any "f thiin i.nt'.l twn years :i«j". »hfn I boiight a Iwittle of Clmmlnr- iain's I'aiii Bidni. I found relief liefiTO 1 hml unrd all iif (iiicUittle, but ke|>t nn applyin); it «nd .so'iii felt like a different woman. Tlir>ni>;h inv.vlvic>! uiany <>( my friends hnvu trird it end ti'll V"U Ih'W W'rtideifutlv it l.as W"rki>!. â€" Mrs. isarah .\. Cole. llll.S. New St, l>ovir. IM. ( 'hHm'oerlain's l^aiii Uidni in a liniiii. nt. The relief from pain which it affords i» «'i ne Wi.rth many times its cost. It makes rest »nd sleep po««ibie. For sale by W. K. Kich.'U i'* %