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Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1908, p. 1

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nn^aMai M '^^ 1 1 Mtiana. » â- yl & "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PRIA^UiPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, KO 1362 FlesUerton, Ont., Tlmrsclay April IG IQOB W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR BOPUlurOB EASTER CARDS CO 51 .0) i. CD o HO CD CO (D ID 0. 60 3 O >. ID BO ID â- c; I , Iftuilis l;iNt week, t<i Mr. Mimtijii'.iRny of i { D'undiilk, wbioli hrmifjlit him a nico sum. I One («iir of twiiiK l)i>vn in Foliniury I woiglied 57 imil u'.i pouiid.s rospectivuly, i ! and the otliur two 45 and -t-t pounds. Ho ' I has iilso a piir of thoroughl)reilN born in I ' March â- woii,'hinu 4) and 32 pounds eiich. Mr. Grnmiiiol has ono of the tinust <look.s , of shetip in tliis jMirt. I ~~~ I >^'hooping Cough. , I I Imvti uit; 1 Chu iiVi.aiu's Cmu'h Rumady j, in my {;imily ill oneself whooniiii} coiiKh and j w;i:itl.) tell vui tint it is the best meJiciWB I Uiiva fvor ii-fed. â€" \V. F. Guntiiii, ' Pusco, Ua. I 'I'lie remedy ifl safe and sure. For side by I VV. K. RiclLiiilsun. W. A. ARRftSTRONG JEWELLER. Port Law. Anotlier biibo has arrived to cheer tlie home of Mr. and Mi-s. John Wilkiiisou . Misa Susie VVintera hjia gone to Dun- dalk to tiiko up di'essniakiiig. Mrs. T. R. McKenzio is recovering from ([uite a novere illiiesti. Mr. Edward Watson, who spent the â- winter near New Liskeard, lia» arrived home. Misa Berth.'! WUlitiuis of Eugenia is visiting Mrs. Wilkinson. Mr. Geor^ Coutls of New Liskeard is visiting among relatives and frieiuls. Mr. Win. Blakoy was at Collingwood last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beatty visited recently with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mr.s. IShier. spring Kimberley. We are enjoying beautiful weatlier here at pre.seut. The Kimberley branch of the 0. W. I. will meet at the liiuiie of Mrs. Cuorge Proctor on Thursday afternoon, April 'M, at 'A.'M o'clock. A itiH^ attendance is requested. Mr. John Plewes visited Collingwood last week. Wo ai-e sorry to reijort Mr. David Weber on the sick list at present, but hope he will soon bo able to be around •gain. Mi.s8 Mae Wickens, who lias lieen iu Fleshertou for some time learning the dress making, has retained home Mr. Edwin HameU visited >:)ingham|)- ton friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Caniplin of Colling wo«)d are the gnetits of the hitter's pjireiits, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latter. Miss Hattie Latter of Collingwood is visiting at her parental hoiue here at present. Cured of Rhenmatism. Mr. Wiu. Henry of Chiittanuuu, Tenn., had' rheuiiintisiii iuhis left arm. "Tlie streiiKth ttetimed to have xoneoutof theimisclet* no ttiat it wan useless for work," hn says. "I upiilivd CbaQilterlaiti^M Pail) Balm and wrnp|>ed the aim in fiaiinul at nii;lit, and to my relief I found that the (lain gradually left me and the stniiigth returneil. In three weeks the rheu- matinin Imd disappeared and has not since returned." If troubled with rheumatism try • few applications of Paia Ualin. Ynu are oertidn to be plrawd with the relief which it â- Surdi. For sale by \V. E. Ricbardsun. I ° Dreamed tie Was Murdered I An inveFtigation is being held into the death of Jiihn Uauiley, who was found 'dead in a tanm'i's vat «r. (jran<(evilie. j Since h p b(dy was found stores have I been uoiiijj 1 he ri>umis of a wonderful xeiies of drcamii al'oiil the in 111 who Wks j missiii<{ so long. Of com s.', Imd ooiliiii^ ' been srtil aliout the dieauis uniil after the tindinu of the body no ono would ; have taken any st >ck in th' in, but the il reamers all declare they told of their I dreams in. mlis bofiire Hamiey'.s body was found, and only repeat the stories now. A week afier H.iiii'ey <lisa|>peared Mrs Leesoii, wife of Edward Luvtson, who I o\Mis the tem;>eraflce h.iiel, wan awak- ened ono iiial-.t by liearin< her fourtoeii- ycar-old daughter, EmniH, ciyin'g. Oo- , ina iu'o the room, Mrs. Lees.m Hnk>-d I her daughter what the mafter. "Oh, ma, [ saw two men kibiiiij .Mr. Uaailey ill tlie taiiiiory yard and ihuy threw him in a hole." Mrs. Leesoii calmed the child and got her to go tonleep. Next morning st the breakfust ia!de the girl told the dream in detail. Several boarders heard it but they all lauuh> d at the idea. To a newipiiper reporter Emma told her strange dream. " 1 saw Mr. Uainley and two men in the tannery yard near the engine house door. One was a tall mail with a darK moustache, and tlio other a siiiall man with rod whiskers. They knocked hiiii doirn and ope ni.iii stood on liis fuet and the other plung.'d a knife in his side. Then iliey puked him up and c.rried him around to the vat and i threw him in. As he s:<nk his hat caino otf, and I he men hid it in a pile of tan- hark lit the other side of the yard. Thoii H dov came U{> the yird and the men ran out on the road." Ida Ileid, a 13-yoar-oId uirl, who lived iii't fur from Hainley's, hud a most pecul- isr druam aixiut the unf ruinate iiiaii. Ida was nut very well, and ^bu died about two monihs ago. One niornini> about two Weeks after UamUy's disappearance she told her mother that she dreamed Hamley wns dead, anr> his body had been found between two piles of taubark O'hor n. ighbors â€" Mrs. James llil^y, Mary McTai'gart and Vlis. A. Tyler â€" .iliortly after Hsinleydisappearod dreamed 'hai he had met a violeiii death, and that Ills body hiid bocu' found iu different, places. An Ope.s Vekiuct The Coroner's jury, wlibdi has been investigating the death of .fames Hambly, nhose body was fiuiid in a tannery vai last week, brought in an openreidirt Monday, declaring that the deceased fell into a vat and was found dead. Pro- viiicial Detective Reburii, who has beer, ill town fnr some days in connection with the alfiir, is con«inobd that tlsinb- ly's death was duo to natural cause-. Dr. T. M. Henry, who perforiiio<l the post- mortem, stated that he believed death was due to suffocation. Rshing Number of Rod and Gun With the advent of April the majority '.f spnrismen turn their thoughts u> tish- iiii:, and " Kod and (iunand Motor Sports in Canada," publi.shed l.y W. J. T.iylor, Woodstock, Out , has published a silling Hsiiiiiy number for the moiilli. There are stories of fishing in t)«tario, Nva Scotia. New Brunswick, Alborta Slid Brills!) Cokinibia, while an article duseiipiive of Kalikiâ€" the new rod wood â€" IS of deep interest r,o tishermon. A fine survey of tliu whole (|ue.stion of In- teriiatii'iial waters by Mr. C. H. Wil.son is Worth .areful p.-riieal, embodying as it does a long and careful study of the whole qnestion from both sides. A |japer on !"uidi!s and llieir patrons, written from a yuide's point of view, by a veteran guide, ought to lead (o a controversy as exciting as thiit on dogs versus still luiiiters. Wolf hunting, moose hunting, deer hiiiitiii!; and deer priwenation are but .1 few n! the iiouiy i;iiid thini{s in the number, while " How one settler helps the deer" sliou'd prove as widespread in its interest as the fviriner paper by the same seltlei ..u " How one settler treats the deor. " Indeed the in my eXoellonoics ^ of the number are apjiaiont from the j oponiug paper to the elnsinu pane. Gentle and Effective. I A weUkuowii Manitoba e.litnr writes: "An â-  an inside worker I Had Chamberlain's Stom- ach aiii Liver TaUlets invahtaUe for the laucliei of hili lusaess uatiiial to sedenatary life, their action heiujf ^jcntlu and effective, cleariiij; the dit,'e»tive tract and the li«ad." Price, il cents. Samiilus free W. E. li icbai'dsoii. McFARLAND & CO. M^YI^lCDAt.E ONTARIO Heup iiaberdasberv for en and Boys* Spring is the Season of all Seasons for a Man or Boys Furnisliiu{j;s. \ v' The important part of a manor boy's outfit is his "Toggery.'^ It's the pretty Tie, the neat Shirt, the correct Collar, the right Ho.siery, and the latest Hat, that does more than any- thing else to distinguish a Man or Boy as a good dresser. Our Furnishing Department is the prido of our store. Everything that's correct, smart and right is here. Honor Rolls. Fles'ierfon Public Schoolâ€" winter term Fifth Class-- Bella Loucks, Fhirrio Mc- Mullen, Robert Bellamy, Harold Kir- stedt* Fred Rellamy, Pearl Uadley* Ji e Le'Iard, Willie Ciossley*. Sr. Fourth Classâ€" Elva Lever, B>ed MuTiivisb, Lilian Rutledge, Charlie Crossley, Liura Ainutroiig, Adda Wright Harold Mitchell, Fred Sullivan, Sam Wilton. Jr. Fourth Class -Eddie Loucks, Hor- bio McLeod, Lilian .Armstrong, Ethel Truoiiian*, M.iudu MacDonald*. Sr. Tiird â€" Howard McCaulay, Percy HastiK.GladvsCorntield*, Veliiia Talbot* Gordon Mcliiniioii, Teiia LeOatd. .Jr. Third- Ruby Rmlley, Dell Thurs- ton, Joa Radley, .Muriel .McTavish, Will Davis, Elwm Jamiesoii*. Sr. Second â€" Lillian Bun',*. Maud Boyd, Elsie Wright*, Georgina Hopps*, Vina Uastie, (Waiter Cargo, Harmon Hales*) e(|ual. .Ir. Second^ Leone Thompson, Harold Lever*, Alice McLeod*. Fred McMullon* Elmer Watson*. Sr. Part II.â€" KIda Karstedt, George Psttoii, Maurice Wright, Percy Le.Garil, Ebner Wiiijhi*, Wilfred Watson*) equal, Florence Bunt, Jr. Part IIâ€" Wilfred Teeter. Peail BIskely*, .Meta Blakely*, Lewis Meggot, Minerva Tucker. No 2 ::iasi-^Nea Williams, Frank Thurston. Mabol Thompson, Susie Mc- Cloeklin, Dolberl Pattoii. Robt. Trimblo. *Tho9e marked thus were a'telidalieo. SV. Hbath, Principal ; E. YoUNo, Ist AsKintant ; L KaINe, 2iid Assistant. New Neckwear, exclusive fancies not to bo found elsewhere at 15c, 23c and 50o New Shirts in large variety of patterns and weaves, all sizes, 50, 75, 85o, ^I 09, 1.25 and 150 New Collars in different heights at 15 and 20o New Hutsâ€" Spring Blocks in Hard Hats, 82.00 to $2.26 New Hatsâ€" Spring Blocks in Soft Hats, 50c to ^.25, etc. New Caps lu large variety, all one price 50o We can make any man or boy proud of his appearance if he will come here for his Spring outfit. A Spring Clothing Message for You: Your Spring Suit is Ready! We say " YOUR SUIT " because it's built just as you would order it built ; just as an exclusive taihir wiiuld build it. The best of cutlers and tailors put all the life and go into our clcthing that it is possible to put into garments. The fabrics are now, llio cuts are new. Cume in and we'll take pleasure in .showing you will bo yours indeed after you see it. YOUR SUIT, for we believe it Great range in prices. irregular in Hatherton. Mr. Irwin of Markdale spent Saturday and Sunday with Hatherkuu friends. Mr. T. Scilley jf Stayner visited with friends hero recently. Mr. T. Gruuimot is goinu to spend the Hummer near Uornings Mills. Tom, who was a regular attendant of our Sunday school, will lie greatly uiissed. Master Robbie Down had the misfor- tune to cut his toe some short time ago, but is able to be around again. Wood bees and leap year parties ore the order of the day. Little Misa Nellie Johnston of Melnnc- thon 8))ent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Wiluia Down. Rev. A P. Stanley, Mr. Arthur Brown- ridge, Mrs. Ed. Uawten, Miss Laura Brownridge and Mr. H. Down attended the Sunday school and Epworth League Institute held in Toronto April 1, 2 and 3, and report a good time, although To- ronto did not seem to agree with some of' the delegates. Bontâ€" April 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wetheral, a son CATARRH NOW CURABLE But never by Medicine Swallowed, Snuffs, Sprays or Douclies. Catarrh is not a blood disease and that is why it csniiot be cured l-y any medicine [ taken into the the stomach. Oit^rrh is a a germ trouble contracted from the ijerin laden air ;oa bieathe inward. Those germs fssten themselves in the tissues and air Cells of the breathing (irgans, tnulti- p'y by millioDB, cause sneezing, coughini;, nising of mucous, discharge from tie nose, ditilculty in breathing, hoarsene s, dryness and stoppage of the nose, tickling iu the throat and other symptoms that can only be reached by the dry air prni- cipal of Hyumui. It medicates tbi air you breathe with the curative properties of the Australian Eucalyptus Forests where oai-arrh Is un- known. The reason you get relief in a minute or two from Hyomei is because it de- stroys every catarrhal iterin in the air ynu broathu, and its dry, penetrating aroma will roach the innermost recesses of the air pHSBHgc.H, killing milliins of germs a minute. Their destructi'D niuans freedom for oppressed rospiratorv organs. W. E. Richardson and Son sell Hyimioi under a guar intee of s^tisf.iction John Qiiinn of Holland Centre was killed by a northbound freight train on Satuiday ovenina, ApKI 3, at Parker's crossing, a inde and a half south, on his way home from the farm. The head and body were badly luutila'ed, having been carried some GO feci. Mr. Quinn was born ill Iielaiid sonir 50 years afo, and had been livint; in Holland township for nearly 50 years. His wife and fatnily have ilie syiiipathy of the c immunity. Mr. Gu-irj^e Ctrutntuot sold four spring ur mouej? Daok, Price, $1.00, A Prized Cougli Cure "I have bot been without a bottle of Ooltsfoote EspectorMit in the house for over nine years. At that time I procur- 1 ed it for a bad eold I had. It worked such wonders tiien that it has been a household remedy ever since, and wo will have no other for coughs and colds â€" ^it is so pleasant to take, and all ot my children look for it aa soon as they get a cold ^t %11. Nearly all of them have been sabject to croup, and that's when I find Ooit(9foote Expectorant use- ful. You are wqIcobio to use this testi- ! monial ae you wish." MRS. LE"WIS NIGH. \ Frc« Saapk of Coktfoote Eipectonnl will be sent to any person sending their name and address and naming this paper. It has established a wonderful record as a successful cure for coughs, oolds, sore throat , croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and all irritated oon- ditions of the throat and chest. It is the prescription of a great specialist in medicine. At all good druggists, 2Se. Dr. T. A. Bloeum, Limited, Toronto. Bond for Ftm Sample ZtHlay. Men's Suits, $5.00 and $6.00, up io 12.50 or $14.00. . â-  .' Boys' Suits, $*J.25, and go by easy steps up to $5.50. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY CEYLON'S NEW STORE This is the time to buy your BOOTS AND SHOES, We have a large supply on hand to choose from at prices that will suit you. Only a few pan- of rub- bers left. To clear out these we are selling at cost. ' In Groceries we Ucep the freshest (dways on hand at right prices. , , ; • FLOUll AND FEEDâ€" We carry a large supply of Feed, Flour, Bran and Shorts at right prices. We are handling Royal Household, Five Hoses and Ontario Flour. When you need anything in our line give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right* Ceylon's Leading Merchants A shipmont of livinn lobsters is being sent from Halifax to the Pac.tic coast. There is some tdk of Mayor Calder coming out auainsi L)r. J iinioson as a candidate for the Ontario Li'g!idat«r»,«ay» the Chronicle. Speclallit In dliuaio o( h j Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Otiicc 1 :j Ki<>!-it t-«l, - Ovifeii.-^oiiiicl At the M.irkdalo house, Mirkdnlo. 1st Fi'idsy eauh mouth from 8 Ui 12 .i. lu. A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheumatic Pains. Ihave Imena very Rroat suBferer from the dreiulfi'l disease, rheniniitlHiii, ft*r a nnmlier iff yerirs. I have tried many mediciiieH liiit never Kotuiiich relief from any of thtip until two yrt.Hr« a*;o, when Ibui^Iit a bottle of (Chamber liun's I'ain Uulin. t found relief beCovo I Im nued-all of onohittl'i, l«i', kept on lipplvinR it andHixiufelt likoa dilfeieiit Thr«>u,;h niv advice many of my liiondx have tiied it and tell yoii how wondeifnllv it l.aa »<Tked. â€" Mrs. Sarah A, Cole. 140 S. Now St., Dover. Del. Cliamlivrliiin's Pain Uuliu \» a 1 iJneati The relief from pain wliieli it alFords i nlon j worth many titaenitn cont. It inr-ker •• aad uep potiilile. For sale by W. K. Kic. wd-i04i -*K-V «-.1.i i

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