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Flesherton Advance, 9 Apr 1908, p. 2

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y i 'Minister Amputated Man's Leg With Pocket Knife. 'A (Ji^sinitrh from SI. I.ouis, Mo., sny.?; \S liilc pini'/ncd un.lor the \vreckat!c (ol- ^wint; (1 collusion bcl\v<*ii a [rcigiil and a nmlingUm pns'*iit;or linin nl .Span- lili I.hke, near li<-rp, on, Tluii-.9clHy, J. « WcKitli-i'-k 6ii((('r(Hl Ihc amputation ef hi4 !<â- (,' with a p^ickol kiillo in order <o flvcid dcalii from weakling it<»ajn. Ttw ncv. II. C. Allm of Grove City per- l<inii<\l tlie operiitKin at the urgent re- iliicbt ol llic priionor. who was Inter ijr<^>\iBht lo n hoapllal herr, where It Ls binil 1.0 will recover. Tour others were iiijuri.l In lh« wreck. McKittru k's left leg was caught un- <ler Uie demolished c;ir.s, and scalding eleniii fiom llio jiaisK'nger loeonujtive cnvckiped him in a cloud. 'I'h* prisoner |>ulled out his pciket knife, and, hand- inp; il to the nev. Mr. Al^"^. who, with olher.s, was trying I* drag luni free, comma nde;! the minister t<j cut oil the cnislied leg and save him from being M-ald-cd to den<h. '\\v> Hev. Mr. A'len began culling at the tr-iidons, but the knifo \vn.s hliml, and McKlltrick .snller- l^l intense ug-aiy. "Throw il away and gel nn ux< ," Ih^ finally crl*d. Howev- er. Mr. Allen despeialely continued, end in n few muiutcs had severed the l<-naon.s, and McKiUrltk wMcarrieJ into a car. Mr.«. ICinm* flonnor. a trained nurse, wlio wa« & pa.'i'X'nger. made a l/jurni- (luel of her veil and .-staunched the Ikiw ol blcK>d, and then gave McKitlrick mor- phln« and strychnine lo eajse the pam and stimulate heart action luilil lie rtaciiod the ho.spital in .St. Louis. UlSTItlBlTIO.N OF SKKD (;nAIN. I'mve lor Appliratiini ki New Provincn iliis Expired. A de$i> from Reglna, S«Bk., .says: The time for rcc<iving «eci grain app'i- calions has expired, and the Oovern- inenl distribution office on Friday hand- • c*l out the following flgurw. Sa.vkalchewan- Wheat, 482.!!79 bush- H.'^, oals. 484,529 bushels; barley, 58,- 20U bushels. Total for province, l,(«o, 077 buslK>ls. Alberta â€" Wheal, 27,795 buiheU; t!il,s, 183,850 bushcKs; barley, 30,513 *)ii»liel,s. Total. ?fi2,l5« bushels. The l/filal number of appllcalion.s re^ <«ived was 15.063, Ihc-re being ll,fill in ^ii"ikBtehewan. and Alberta 3.419. Oal.s iniporlod from the Old f/ioiilry nre .selimg at 85 cents a bushel, and <,'ltifr grades average 70 cents. l!p to Thursday night C20 cars of grain were •hipped. + FIFTY MILLIONS AFFECTED. Tlie Funihie in Inilla - May Call lor World lU'liel. \ de.sjifilch from Cahulla h\\k The InJinn fauune has aisumed su.-h grave \ J|'r<- portion 3 ihol the world mny tic aik<\l l<j conlribulo to save the mlllioii.s who ,«ir<> acliinlly .starving. I.or<l .Minto i-c- jC<nlly pre.s!de<l at a public meeting Jn th»- Town Hall lo consider measures Jk.r R-llef. Fifty inllilons of Ihc Inhabi- tiinLs of In<l!a arc .suffering from t.'io Sailure of crops. It is esttmatcd that the money from the crop fallun* •W $7:..0n(t.0O(l. nry and torrid wcalh-r >s responsible for the suffering, and iiracticaliy all of Iho crop.s in Iho L'nil- >d I'rovlnces faiie.l. The Central Eng- lish (Jovernmr'nt has aided very nialeri- 'iilly In checking the .suffering of \\s, sub- ^ts abiMnd. \>AnsillP f.lT DOWN. Orilisb Deslrover Was nun Into by a Cruiser. A despatch from Port.'ynflulh, land, wiys: During manoeuvres on Thuisdny tl»c tor|H>lo dRat (h^stroyer •was run into and cut in half by lli« <ruLS<>f Iterwick Twenty-two of the «l«'.slrioyrr'.s crew wero re.scued, but it 1a believed that 23 were drowned. TIIOL'SANDS OF LIVES SAVED. Itemnrl<ablr Results From Varrlnallon in llic Philippines. A despatch fn^m Manila, Philli>,)in€ Mands, says: The Board of Health dur- liij; thet last two years has carried on &j*lenialio compulsory vaccination throughcul Iho is!nnd.s. with the re.>;ult that smallpox, onoe .so prevalent, is al- moil vvfiolly eradicated. Sl«tlstics show- that In the six provinces surrounding Xfanlla, whrc-ro previoiLsly rteatlis ran as high as six thousand annually, there was not a single death last year, ft Is esliinate<l that lh« number of deaths from thi.s cau.« In the archipelajfo, in- cluding live Moro piovinees, have been rcduceif by ten tho\isand ann\iBlly com- p«re<l with former years. Sinco Ihc e<jmpubi<iry law there have been slightly exrecdiiiK live million vaccijiations, with Iho remorkablft re.'.ult that no deaths, no maiming and no coniplatnt-<! art. du« to virus injection. The best pre^•:ou•« record was In Oermnny. thirty- live deaths In less than three uiillion vaccinations. ItLILDIXti AT VVIWVG. %' r, TO IIEMOVK DLTV ON SHEEP. tfeal Dealers ol Philadelphia lo Pelflion lloosevell. 'A «l<\upi',h.h fiom Philadelphia says: Tlie meat dealers of Philadelphia have ♦lerkled lo send a |)etitkjn to r'r<*id*nt Ikosevelt, a,'»!iing that Ihc duly on sheej) from Canada be reuioved. The Indian village of .Sechelt, B. C, »a,s alUKist deslroyfNl by lli-e, and un chl coupk' ptTislMxl in the (lames. PerniiU lor First tjuarler Sbow Great FalKiig OH From I-asI Year's ncrorJ. ,\ despatch flX'Ui Wjuupeg .'.ny.*; Pur- iiig March tliern were 04 building pcr- luils i&siMd, covering li buildings to be erectcil. al a total coist ol $92.2S5. In lh« corr«>S'i>on<llng month last year thero were 225 ixTtnlls, for 2Cl buildings, Costing $703,350. To dale this year mo cost of buildlng.s lor which jwn'inlts hsvc been issued totals $113,355. as against 8907,150 for the lirsl three Tiiontlks of 1907. However, n very large nuiiibur of buiUling.s ni'e contemplated, and archllecLs arc nil Owner* have be<^n holding back awaiting de>- vekipiiicnts. 4. CEXTHE OF THE EMPIItF. Will Move lo (Vinada, Sa\s llaKord J. Markinder. A de.'ipalch from London says: llalford John .Muckinder, the wcll-kiiowii gi-o- gropher, predicted the dcom of Hntain a.' the centre of tlic Uritish Empuv in a lecluro d<'llvered l>efore the Iloyal ('â- (xigraphiial .Society last week. He considers that a gi>eat world movement i,s now taking place which Ls likely lo take from the I'niled Kingdom the i>ro- doiiiinant importance it now enjoys. In ariolliw generation, according to Pre- sident Mackinder, the economic centre < f IIh' British Kmpiro will be lound in (,nnn<ki. Sliould Canada still nenvaln a pnrt of the empire, tfve ptislUcn of the lirllUh Isles will continue to be of itn- fK;rtance, but il will be of imporlance, cliielly on il.s positioii as a defence of Canada against Ihc great contiitental powers. With the gradual of Caiiada'.s resources, I'jigland would have some of the charact<'ni.tic« of u Hying base in iinval strategy. LEADING MARKETS Bnr:AD,STUFFS. Toronto, Apr.l 7.â€" Manlloton Whealâ€" No. 1 nwthern, $1.20; No. 2 norlhem, S>l.iG>i; feed wheal, U7c; ^o. 2 If«l. On'ario Wheals No. 2 while, 90c to 91c al p<.inlof .shipment; No. 2 rod, 90c; No. i mixed., Wti-; goose, 87. Cornâ€" I'irm; No. 3 yclVow American, 72c; kiln-dr.ed, 74o Toronto freights; Sv. 3 mixed, Ic les«. Hnrleyâ€" Very dull; No. 2. 60c. I'«a?-.\o. 2. K7Xe to («C outside. Ilyeâ€" .\f). 2, 8Jc to 8,'..!^c. Ruckwhcal- .\o. 2 67c. OiiLs--No. 2 wh:te, 40%C outside; JSc on track Toronto; .\o. 2 mi.xed.. 44c. Rran-Fuil curs, $24.50, Toi-ontc fteighLs. Flour â€" Manitoba pfltents special tiiijids, SO: Mvonds, $r>.40 U> $5.50; .strong bakers', $5.30; winter w'heal pat- ents. $3.45. .Shortsâ€" Scarce, $24 f.o.b. mills. COUNTR YPRGDUCE. Wholesale prioas are: â€", IG". Honey -.Strained steady at lie to 12c rer pound for liO-rjoiind paiLi and 12c Ic 13c for 5 to 10 |>f,und pail.'^. Uunbs ;it .SI. 75 to $2..',0 per <lozen. Po(«le.esâ€" Ontario. H5c to 90c; DelQ- wniv. y5c in car lots on track here. Dutlorâ€" Market has an easier tone. Civvime-ry, piiiiLs 3lclo32c do soUls 29c to 30c Dairy prints 25olo26c do large I'Clls 2.4clo2.i': do solids 2.Vlo24c Inferior 20c lo 21c Bean.s--Jl.70 to $1.75 for primes and $1.80 lo $1.8.^ for hand-picked. Chee**^ 14c f<i:- large and 14>iC for twins, ill job kits here. Baled Strawâ€" $9 to $10 f>or ton on track. Haled Hayâ€" T.mothy is quoted at SIC in car l(jt> en track here. pnovi.sioNS. Prices ai*:â€" Pork-Short cut. $21 lo $21.50 per barrel; mess, $17.50 to $18. I,ardâ€" Tierces, il>ic; tube, ll>^c; pails, Il,\c. Smoked and Pry Sailed Men^â€" I ong near bacon. 'J^r. to 10c for JMs and cases; hams, medium and li^^ 12%c t/-. 13c; hams, large, ll>ic lo 12e; backs. 16r lo ICXc; stioulders. 9>ic to 9Xc; rolLs. 9!4c U) 10c; breakfast bacon, Uc lo 15c; green meals cut of picJik,', Ic loss ll'.an siiiok^xl. SKF.ns. Following are Ihc pricey; paid at out- side points: Alsike, No. 1, $11 for fancy I-jUs; No. 2. $10: No. 3. $8.50 to $9. Sam- ples mixed with timothy, trefoil or w^y^ls, occoivllng to quality. Hed Ckjver- Kinner; No. 1 cleaned, 812.50 lo $13. and higlver for best; No. 2 $11 lo $11.25; ordinary lots. mi.xeU with weeds, aci.ording to quality. I.<ind<vi, April 1.â€" Calcutta linseed. April and Juik% 43$ 3d per 412 pounds. LONDON FACTORY DESTROYEl Hobbs' Glass Works Were Burned Causing Loss of $300,000. TIBEE HINBRED LAID OFF CP.R. Reduces Car Shop Staff as the Rush is Over. "A despiitch from Montreal soys; 'About m hnnds have jiisl been laid off In ttw car ^oiislrui'ti<m de|iailmeiit of \hf Canndinn Pacillc naihvny al Mie 'Angus shops. Mr. McN'iclioll, IIh; vlcc- |ir<*ldent of the ('. P. H., sai.l that the Ctirnpany had Ixv'ii iimin<ng tlii> depart- ftient at crmsldcrnble pressuii* Ihixmgh- bul the Wlnlur, l)olh In lh<? building cf new cars and in Ihc r^ juiir of old ones. The ni>h was iw>w over, and as Itw^ men n<iw •had p.trxl 0|>portuiuly cf ({elMng work eKewlicro, a certain nootlKr liQil been Itid oft. From enquiries nl the Orand Trunk workshops nl Point St. Charles il was kiirpi^d on W'wliu^dny that the railway o.slnhli-ihinenis nl the point are working lehiced lime, lut more than three or f<nir days ft wi>ek in some depnrlnveiits. TIm) output in the constrncliun shop.s i.s governo'l by the earnings, ench cs- labli.slinient gelling Us alloled percent- age ol what Is earnel. When the earn- ings arc low, as the tradic returns sIK'W Iheiii lo l>o now, the fchops aie put on sliorl tinve, a'ld the hands thai can be , spuitd arc Itkl oU. MONTREAL MARKirrS. Montr<nl, April 7.- There waiS a good d<-mand from foreign buyers for spring wheal Ikur patents. c:tioioe spring wheat paUnts, $r..lO; seconds. $5.50 to .Sri.l'O; winter wheat piitent.s, $5.30; straight rollers, $4.75 to $5; do., ui bags, $2,25 to $2.35; extra. Sl.80 to $1.90. Manilnba bran. $23 lo $24.Wi: sIkuIs, $25; Ontario bran, ti'H.H) U> $25; ini<l- dhngs. $20 to $27; sIhu'Is. $25.50 to $2C [XT ton. including bags; pure grass mouiliie, $34 to ."(<35. and milled grade*, 825 to $29 Kr l.n. • BoUe<l Oats- $3.12^ per bag. Tliei>e arc no changes in the local clieew situation. .September westerns arc selling at 13c foj- while and UVjjc foi colored; September easterns, 13>ic for white and ISV^c for color^-d. Hutter- < urrenl rece:iits are selling nt 28c to 30c per pound. Provisionv-Barrels sliorl cut, $21; half-barrels, $10.75; clear lal back, $22 to $23; long cut lieavy, $20; half-barrels do., $10.50; dry .sail long clear backs. TB>4c: barrels plate b<'<'f, S13..S0 lo $15; hall-barrelis. «lo., $7.25 lo $7.75; barrels heavy m(«s beef, $10 to $11, lialf-bnrrels do., $5.1)0 lo $ti; com- p<iund lard. 8^ic |<i iH ; pupe lard. II (^c t.) llf'iC; kettle rendcre<l. IP.^c to 12c; hams, 12c to 13>^c, according to size; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15c; Windsor bacon, I4'-,^C lo 15,V; trcsix killed abat- U-ii' dresiiKl lK>gs, $8.79 lo $9; live, $0.- 50 to $C.C5. BUFFALO MAHKET. Buffalo, April ".-Wheatâ€" Spring V IrwCT'; No. I N<vrthern, cnrlond*, $1.- 06>i; Winter nui<l; No. 2 re*l, 98c. Corn -Quiet; No. 2 yellow, ey.V.^c. Oats OuU; No. 2 white, 5C>aC. Barley â€"85 lo 95c. Ilycâ€" 88:. NKW YOllK WIIKAT M.MiKLI'. New York, April 7-Spot steady; No 2 red, $1 elevator; No. 2 re<l, $1 f.o.b. alkial; No. t northern, Dululh, $1.12^ f.o.b. alloat; Nv). 2 hard wlnt«i', $1.10>,i f.c.b. alloat. LIVK .STOCK MABKCT. Toronto, April 7.-^A scarcity of good cattle continues, anil medium and com- m<Mi entile had to take their places. Only il few odd lots of export cattle \v<rp on sale. Their prices ranged fioni $1.75 to $5,e6 i)er cwt. (lood biilcl.^''.'*' callle were wnnUnl. Picked bulcheiV ualtlc, $5 Ifi «6.4C; A despatch from Lon<lon, Onl., says: Al C.30 o'clock on Thursday night fire broke out at Hobbs' Gl-a-'^s Works at the comer cf Ridout and the Grflnd Trunk tracks, and completely destroyc-d the facloiy. resulting in a loss eAtiinnt<-d at $;ttX),0(X). Eighty per cent, of the loss Is covered by insurance, earned by a numlier of toinpanies. The loss con- sist principally of stock. The tianada Furniture Co., which is port of the coa- eern and adjoins the 4,'lass works, wai damaged to tlie extent of about $125,000. The blaze originatc-d in the elevator shaft and had gained such headway thai the flremeji confined their efforts lo preventing a spread lo adjoining build- choice kiad.«, $4,50 lo $5.10: nu'dium, $i II, $4.50; co/nmon, $3.25 to $4; choice cows. $3.C0 to $4.25; medium cows, $3 Ic $3.50; common cows, $2.50 to $3; bulU, .$2.50 to $4.50 per cwt. Calves wero steady in price nl 3 lo C'-^c per pound. Kwes, $5 to $5.25; bucks, and culls, $4.40 lo $4.50; lambs, grain-fed.. $7.25 l--: $7.75; lambs. $5 to $C per cwl. Spring iambs were worth $4 to $7 .each. Choice hogs were quoted at $6 per cwl. and lighL« and fats al $5.75 per cwl. fltSIGNATION OF PREMIER. Sir Henry f'Jimpliell-Bannermann Lays Down the Burden ol OHire. A d<^palch from f.ondon says: Cipeat Britain at present is in a peculiar posi- tion, l-eing without either Premier or Ministry. The long-expected resigna- tion of Sir H<>nry c.nmpbell-Bannerinan, tht Prime Minister, was oflieially an- nounced on .Sunday night. According to the Court Circular he resigned on tin urgent I'ocommendntlon of his medi- cal advlsens, and as Iho ocmstitutinn <if the coiinlry provides no aulojnntic surces.sor, it i-e.<.ling with the King to ctioose a new head of the Government, and in accordance with custom and pre- c<denl the wlwle Cabinet resigns with the I'leinier, no step to appoint a Min- Isliy can be taken until Herbert H. As- (|uilh, tt«< Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has been summoned to Biarritz for t!ie purpose, bus Cie*n the King. ing.s. Th« high wind that was blowmf a', the time fanned Iho dames, and il was feared Uint for a time tho depart, ment would liC lnadef|uale to keep th< lire to the glass works. W hen the walls fell two firemen wer< injured in the crash. Fireman Lew Ferguson was struck on the head bv a falling brick, and sustained a number of scalp wounds. Fireman Robert Hay- lock was nKiio seriously injurc<J, hi* Ug being badly Injured anJ bach sprained, and fcar.9 are enlerlained that Ite may be injured internally. About s«v«aily-five men wili be thrown cut of employment, but the company will rebuild at once. the marriages of many Buffalonians ar« lK;ing performed in Fort Eric, Ont., and at other Canadian points sunply because the brid«s-olecl have refused to go through the ordeal of being stared h'. by curious onlo^'kers while the licens- es arc l.e:jig i&sued. In Canada licenses are re<iuired as in New York Stak, bul Il IS not necessary for both parties to make a personal application. Pl'IiCIIASE OF PHONE SYSTEM. Alberta Will Borrow Money to Pay lo» COO Miles Acquired. A despatch from Montreal says: The sale of tho Bell Teleiihome Company j plant in the Province of Alberta to llw province is ofhcially confirmed. Mr. Cushmg, VUiiister of Public VVorks for Alberto, wlio is in Montreal In oon- nectiou with the deal, says Hint the province will borrow the money to pay for the GOO miles tliey havo just secured, which, with the 400 miles already bulll by the AlN-rla aiitliorilie-s, will be op- erated by the province, and probably new extensions bulll. Mr. C. F. Slse, president ol the Bell Telephone Com- pany, confirmed the reiKirl that a basts <f agreenrM'iit has been arrived at, bul no contract has yel been sigiietl, and negotiations ore .>-tilI pending wilh re- gard lo s<ime details. FEAR THE LICENSE LAW. Uullulo Brides Prrler U> be MarrVed in Onlario. A despntch from Buffalo says: .Since Ihe new marriage law requiring licenses went inlo effect in Buffalo the records hfive shown a marked decrease jn Ihe number of marrvage.s here as compare<l wilh Ihe o<«rre«pondlng months :n other >ears. It Ivas become known thai LAND IN FI.NE SHAPE. Famners In West Ready lo Begjn Seeding. A despatch from Winnipeg saysr James Argue, M.P.P., came in from Ihe west on Wedn^isday, and states that s<eding pro-spe-.ts tvavc not been so- g',0(l for yeiars. The land is In s^plen- did shape, and a great deal oJ il is prepared. .Seeding should be general ly Ihc 12lh or 15lli. Wtieat will b» put in mono quickly this year than -t has ever been done befoi-e, for the- farmers are all ready, ttieir machinery i» in shapw and all they awaik is the pr<iper date on which to begin opcra- licns In enmesl. WILL BE A WEEK EARLIER. Harbor OIHciats al Montreal Look lot Opening ol Navigation Soon. A despntch from Montreal says: 11 {» e.xpectci by liarbcr oincinls tlKit navi- gation al this port will open about a week earlier than last year, when 't oiieiutl cm Apr.l 25th. The reason Icr this Is that the Ice is thinner than last year and ts moving out fast. Tliero ai'« no signs of a break in the local Jiarbor yel. bul the river Ls clear up- lo Baliscan. which Is 100 miles from htre. At BalL'can trnflic ncpoes the river was stopped on Wednesday. Ther» lo now nl'Oiit 4S feel of water in tho ship channel and hartor. This is about normal for this time of year. TO VISIT Al'STRAUA. i;nlled SlalPs Fleet .Accepts InvilatloA ol Premier Deakin. A despatch from Melbourne, .\uslra. lia, sii.ys: Alfred Dcahin, Prime Miiu*J4^ of Auatralia, has received a cable mel:. sago umnouncing that the L'niled Slatea^ batlleshtp Dcet, which will tie divij^d Inlo two squadrons of eight war.ship.s each, will arrive here Sept. 1. and will sUiy for ten days. The Heel will ar- rive at .Sydney. s<^pt. 13. and will re- main tjiere 10 d«ys. The armored crui- sers, however, will not visit .Australian waters. Mr. Deakiii has cabled Wash- ington that it is Ihe desire of other Aii«tralia,n States that the Heel would visit Hobart, Perth, Adelaide and Bris- bane. .s<Tding has cominenc«vl in the vicinWy cf MacL(x>J, Alberlu. DIRECT SERVICE TO WINSIPEG Beginning June Ibth, GP.R Will Put Oa Daily Trains From Toronto. A despatch from Montreal says: As a result of the opening of the new Ca- nadian Pacillc line fi>om Toionto to Sudbury, a new train service will bo put on, running dii'ect between Toron- to and Winnii,veg, which will make the ii;n I'll 30 hours, culling off nearly eight hours from the time that It has hitherto tnkcn lo gel from the one city to the t.-ther. This was decide,! upon at a "lime" meeting held al ll>o C. P. H. lieadquarlers on Wednesday afternoon to make arrangements for Summer schediiUs. Thi> new trains will t>e known as Ihc "Toionto Limile<l" and "Witinlpeg Limited," and will stait running on June iMh. tlic same day that Ihe n«w Sudbury line is formally oi>encd. From thai lime on there will be on» train ench way every day in tho week, 'but while the westbound train will take .30 hours, the eustbound will be thned f<r 37 hours. The train will leave To- ronto at 0.30 p.m. and reach Winni- l-eg nl 9.30 on tlio second morning, making two nights and ono day for the trip, so that half a day will be saved. The return tiam will leave Winni- |:>eg al 10.45 p.m. and reach Toronto al two in the alterno<.i<i of the second day, By starling at I hat lime all pas- senger irains fixnn branch Manitoba lines will have arrived at Winnipeg, sv that Iheie will be e.xcellent connec- ts' ns for caslbound passengers, white tliey will again Iv able to mane clo.s* «,»! nee lions al Toivnto lor Onlarl* iKiats. A^^iiikSl:'

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