r. / JFksI>trt0n Jlftliatta. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, SO 1362 Klesherton, Out., Tlmrsday April 9 1008 W. fl. THURSTON, EDITOB KOPKIETOB EASTER CARDS { (/) ^ --I in 2 1 I CO Z 5 •1 ^ Do c O i ^ e |i Js 01 CD 01 O % -fO t t" - 2 c/) ^. ^ ' s ^ LtJ W. A. ARMSTRONG JEVJELLER. Mrs. Weber's littl-, daughter is on the sick 'ist at present. Tlio nil drilltTs w<?re successful in strik" ing slate rock on Saturday eveninj^ Insl- Mr. Georie Procior »nd son, ErneHi' will) are workinu in Meaford, spent Sun' day at th'.-ir h'niie here. Much synip.iihy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hii'chinson in the Lisa of their infant i!au!?httr, Marj/arft Altluda, whose death occurreil on Saturday incrninn lust. IiitermeDt cuuk place at Flesherton on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Boyle and fsraily have moved on to the farm lately v;.caied by Mr. and Mrs T>ieier. We welcome them into our midst. Mr. Harry Sloan, who hag been in Toronto for soma time past, returned heme on Saturday last. Gentle and Effective . A wSIl-known Manitoba editor wiites: "As an iuslde worker I find Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets invahmhlc fir thi- touches of biliousnesH natiual to sedeiMtary life, their action beinir ^iitte and etfeccive, cle;iriug the digrative tract and the lisad." Price, 25 cents. Samples free W. E. Kicbardson. Price ville. "The borrowed days" were rough ones. The C. P R. engines are busy hauling cedar ties, steel rails, coal, and other material to complete the road. Dr. J. R. Atkinson aud his mother, Mrs.Butter, took the train for Vancouver, B. C, on the evenins; of the '27th. The people here are sorry to lose the Dr. He w a good dentist, and his kind, gonial manner and good workmanship brought him a large patronage. The greedy we.st takes away so many of our best young men. The frequent use of the snow plow on our public road has aided traffic consider- ably. Several bams and other outbuildings were mote ur less dam.aged ou the 27th by the wind during the thunder storm. The roof of Alex. McMillan's barn, on the south line, was damaged ; Sam Hen- derson's woodshed was badly wrecked, and, further east, the purline post.s in Hugh Watters' barn were lifted out of place ; and then, next farm, Geo Wil- lijimsun had an out building cirried oti' its foundation. Geo. is very thankful that he escaped being in it at the time. Mr. John McCrea, blacksmith, is very ill this week. ' Dr. J. A. McLeod, who has been practising during the fall and winter sea- .<<on at Blind River, Ont., is visiting his mother for a few days. The common, though peculiar, query around town last week was " Did you get , a kisa ? " A large number of our male citizens do not answer in the negative. Hobsoii of the U. S. Navy kissed all the ladies at the depot when he was leaving for the war in Cuba, and it appears he has followers auieng both sexea. MuweJI Items Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Wm. Henry of Chattanm^a, Tenn., bad rheumatism in his left arm. "The strength seemed to have ^one »ut of the inusclef so that it was useless for work," h** says. "I applied Cbainberlai'i's faiii Ualm and wrapped the arm in Hannel at night, aud to my relief I found tb.1t the pain ;;r»dually left uie and the strength returned, tii three weeks the rheu- matism bad disappcareil aud has not since returned." If troubled with rheumatism try a few applications of Vain Balm. You are certviu tu be pleased with the relief which it affords. For saleby W. K. Richardson. Three delegates. Rev. A. P. Stanley, Mr. Harry Down and Mr. A. N. Brown- ridge, attended the Sundiiy School and Epworth League Institute, held in the Metropolitiin church, Toronto, last week. Miss Laura Browuridge aud Mrs Hawton were also in attendance. All report a most pleasant aud profitable couventiua. A report of tlie Institute will be given at League on the Itith inst. by Rev. A. P. Stanley and otbers. A meeting of the Women's Institute will lie hold at the homo of Mrs,- Wui. Wright, 8th line, on VVednosdijy, April 23. The meeting to commence sharp at 7 o'clock p. m. A lunch will be served at the closo of the meeting. All membei's invited to attend. Sugar making is the order of the day around here. Don't forget the Easter song service in the Methodist church. Mi.ss Sadie Cameron visited with her cousin, Annie Guy, last week. W'e are sorry to report that our post m.ister, Mr. Heron, has been very ill dcri.ng the jvist week. Another stormy Sunday caused the evening congregation to bo rather small in numbers. Mr. A. N. Browinidje ably tilled the Methodist church pulpit in the absence of the pastor, who will be in his puluit next Sunday. EUREKA! Yes, I Have Found it at Last. Found What? Why that Ch-vnltrlain's Salve cures ecjetpa and all m.inner of itching of the skin. 1 have been afflicted for many years with skiu disease. 1 bad to i;et up three or four times every night aud wash wir!h cold watfr to r.llav the terrible itching, but since usinji this salve in Oecember, 1!K)5, the itching has stopped and has noc troubled me. â€" Elder .John 'I. Ongley, KootTille, Pa. For sale by W. K. Richardson. 3Ie.ssrs. Fred and Cliarley Smith have gone to Saskatchewan. Bert Graham ha-s gone to British Co- lumbia, and Harold Wallace to London. Ben. Carruthers has gone bick to the Sijult, Kilborae Magee to Edmonton; and still they go. Miss Evelina Smith has gone back to her work in Eiit<jns, after a pleasant viuit at home. I >L\ George .Sloan of Toronto was the guest of his aunt, Miss Beecroft, last week. Miss Bertha Williams is visiting at Port Law. Miss Hattie Wallace Ls visiting at Port Hope. Miss Maggie Wilson is the guest of Ri'ck Mill friends this week. 1 Mr. John Deogle of Cataract was the ' guest of his brother, Fred, of the power I house, last week. ' Mr. Large of the post office h.is one of tlie best fitted up stores in the county. Evei7thing is up-to-date. I Our b;iw mills are doing a good business. Mr. Graham, " Boyne Villa, " , has a gisid stock |)ut in. Mr. Fenwick is also making the Beaver do his work, and ! nobly it perforins the task. Mrs. Getirge Gnihaiu of the valley is I taking up her residence at Eugenia. ' Mr. Archie McLean of Rock Mills has , rented Mrs. McMullen's place and is i moving his family here. We extend to them a cordial welcome. Mr. Emerson Smith and friend, of j Markdale, visited Eugenia friends on ^unday last. I V 1 0th Line, Osprey. Kimberley. Some of the farmers hero have com- menced plowing. We are sorry to report Miss Vera Oaudin on the sick list but hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. Frank Hutchinson of Meaford spent Sunday and Monday at bis parental home here. Mr. W. H. Stuart of PowMtan spent a few days with friends here. Many happy returns to Mayor William Best, who raacbed the 80th anniversary of his birthday. Mr. Best is stilt hale !.ud hearty. Miss Alms Caiuack has tendered her resignation as oroaniat of the Methodist church. Miss C. has been organist for (be past nine yvars duriuit which time the performed her duties in a most satisfactoi'y manner. Messrs. Jacob Holley and Jacob NeeJy of Vandeleur, were in our village on Mon- day of this week. Wo are sorry to report Mr. Alex, fawcett oo the tick list but hope be will toon be able to b« around again. Mr. Arohibsid McLcar cf Ruokval* is visiting frieudt bore at present aud is tt)« guvst of his daughter, Mrp. Webor. East Mountain. This vicinity is subject to changes the same as other p;itts. 'A't* l^an that Ml. K. Allen Uiis sold his farm to J. R. Fawcett of Kimberley. The Kimberley cor. will now have to leave his writing to (mo lido. We are ulad to have Rob. in the iieigbborbood and hope .bai when he does conio aniiinast us he will biing conipaiiy with him. Mr. Robt. MoMullen had a successful! wootl bee last I'l iday. Mis.SL>s Nettie Martin ar.J Clara Smith of Owen S<iUDd are visiting at their homes here. Mr. Leslie Chard and Mi.ss Ma' e' CharU of jUick MilLs, spt-nt Sunday at Robt. McMullen's Winter held sway in this part last week , and Tliursdiiy last was one of the storm- iest days <if this winter. Mrs. E. Vauzant of Toronto has been visitini; her sister. Miss Allie Ottewell, the pa.sl week. Mr, Brackenbury sr., who has been laid up all winter is able to be nruund again. He has moved to the house va John Pi> 'I's place, having given up farm- ing on account of ill health. Mr. Chos. Barber is hom^ on a visit at present. Mr. Rube. Lougheed has moved to the Bums farm lately occupied by Mr. R. Brackenbury sr. Mr. Arthur Brownrid^^e "occupied the pulpit at Providence church on Sunday morning last »nd delivered a very interest- ing and instructive discourse. Mr. Harry Ueathcote has engaged as cnghieer with Mr. Zimmerman of Pretty River Valley for the coming summer. Mr. Geo Ellis has eugased with Mr. R. Braokenbury jr. to work in the saw- mill for another summer. Mr. Jas. Conn has moved into Fever- sham and will follow his trade of framing and building moving this summer. Mr. .loe. Irwiu is moving on to the Ellis farm this spring having sold his other farm to Mr. Hawton of Rob Roy. It will be a k'ood job for some of our young men when the snow is gone as theie will be less danger of getting astray ou sawloif trails. Miss .\llio Ottewell has disposed of hei farm stock and imiilements and will give up farniiiif?. Eugenia. The stormy weather of the past week was a dull look out for spring. Old King Wint-er ctnie Imck with a bound as if de- termined not to give up The poor birds that had returned to their summer haunts hid themselves, dixgusted with the treat- ment they had received. Sugar making is in force, but the mak- ing of maple sugar will soon be a lust art in this part oS Ontario. Harry Foester gave a dance to a large number of friends one evening the jxist week. All rejKirt having a good time Several of the boys are said to have had leap year proix>sa]s and are half scared to death over it, and are making prepara- to get outâ€" some to the west, others to the city aud various other points to es- cape their fate. Mr. Henry Tudor has gone to work at the Cataract for the summer. Finley Hoy is going to Toronto. Married. SiscL.AiB â€" Dixosâ€" By Rev. H. Berry, on Maix-h 24, 1SK)8, at the residence of the bride's parents. Miss Hannah Isabel Dixon, daughter of Mr. W. L. Dixon, to Mr. John Siuclau-, all of Dromore. H.4.ERIS0N â€" HoorEK â€" On March the 25th, 1908, .it the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. H. Berry of Prico- ville, Mr. Thos. Hirrison of Egi-cmont *i Miss Sarah Louise Hooper, daughter of Mr. Abram Hooper, Top Cliff, Glenelg. The Famous Pedestrian Gentlemen : â€" "I was a martyr to catarrh of the head, throat and stomach. I was so bad the doctors feared consamption. I tried maay physicians and medicines. A friend suggested Psychlne. I tried it and it wms thie only thiag ever did me any g«od. I am now perfectly welL It is the greatest roraedy the worW has ever known. I do n(|t need it for- my healtk now but I a«e it as « strengthener for ray walking matches. I owe m«ich at Biy phy«eal endurance t» pgyckintb" JAMES REYNOLDS, Port Hope, Ont PilchlXM l« the greatest c«ro for Mtarrh of tk« k«»d, throat or steaaeh in the worM. M U a woadorfnl tooi« ca4 rtumt fc aM W of tva dowv tyateia, MtlB> dirMtiT oa aa tlM vital orwaaa, glTlif joaUkM T^gw •»* â- *»â- €«• *• &• JLJI i_ â-²* aU AfWOiala ««•. aa4 tl. McFARLAND & CO. MAE?KDAL,E ON'XAI<IO Rave Vou £b^$en Vour millinery TorGatser? UNDOUBTEDLY the most importaat feature of woman's outfit is her HAT and we have never been better prepared with a large range of dainty imported models that will interest you, models that are exclusive, up-to-date, dainty and stylish. Visit our Millinery Room and see what is correct in the new headgear for Ladies. NEW SPRING JACKETS. W'e have just passed into stock a Urge shipment of Spring Jackets for Ladies that are made in the latest styles and represent the new shades of Fawn and overcheck in medium and light solorings, also black. We ciwinot give you full details of this handsome assortinenl; of New Jackets that are moderately priced at $, $5.00.?«.oO,$7.50, $10.00 a JL SIO. 50 '*''Conie and see. Try on, inspect "and compare values. There is no obligation to buy, NEW BLOCSSS. Every one of the Blouses juat to hand rs a gem of excellence in every way. AU sizes 34 t4i 42 bust measure. Fine Sheer Lawn and rich soft Mull materials. Many styles to select from and they are priced from 50c to ,...$3.50 FOR THE LADIES. Wa can show you the latest In Fancy Collars, Belts, Comba, Dress Goods, Costume Cloths, ;Whitewear, Boots, Shoes etc. NEW DRESS SKIRTS. In this department we are better prepar- ed than ever with an immense assort- ment of New Skirts, and this season we show materials and styles just a little diflerent from the ordinary without being in anyway extreme. This is a growing department with un and each season we are forced to buy heavier, hence, you are sure to have a bitfuer selection this season than ever before. Visit this dapartniont and see what is in st<irB for you at $4.50. 5.25, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50. 7.C0, 750 and$8.00 FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Wo can supply you with a New Hat, Tie, Cambric Shirt, Suit Cloths Made-to- Measure or Ready-to-Wear, Boots aud Shoes. Come hi and see the New Goods in the different departments of this large store for we will think it a pleasure to shoir you through whether you buy or not. McFARLAND 8L COMPANY ^ CEYLON'S NEW STORE This is the time to buy your BOOTS AND SHOES, We have a large supply on haml to choose from at prices that will suit you. Only a few pair of rub- bers left. To clear out these we are selling at cost. In Groceries we keep the freshest always on hand at right prices. FLOUll AND FEEDâ€" We carry a large supply of Feed, Flour, Bran and Shorts at right prices. We are handling Royal Household, F'ive Eoses aud Ontario Flour. When you need anything iu our line give us a call and be convinced that our prices are right" Ceylon's Leading Merchants COX^X^I^SOl^ BJ30S Andrew Dobcrer, a pioneer of Hanover, died last week, aged 83 years. I Grand Valley is cert.sinly in tlie dear country. Three more of the pret'y I animal* visited the town last week and ' are presumably still alive. I UR. BUJRT Specialist In dUeue* of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat At tk* Markdnla llowte, Markdals, 1st Frid»y sack atoatk fruia 8 to IS a, a. A Woman Tells How to Relieve Rheumatic Pains. T have IWBii a ver y f?reat sufferer from the dreadfi'l disease, rhennmtisni, for n mnnber uf ye.irs. I have tried many niolicines but never (fot much relief from any of then> until two vcars aRO. wli':n 1 IxiUKlit a bottle of Chanil er- lain's Pain Balm. I found relief before I liarj iise<l all nf one bottle, but keptnn applviiix it And soon felt like a differeot woman. Throunh Miv advice many nf my frienda have tried it and tell vou how wontlerfnilv it has worked. â€"Mrs. Sarah A. Cole, 1*1 .S. New 8*., Dover. Del. t^iubarlaiD'a Pain KUm is • liniment. The r«1i«f from (kuo wbich it aifords ii .ilons Worth many tioic* its oost. Tt makes rest an4 eep pMwible. For sale by W. K. Riohatdaoa. ^1