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Flesherton Advance, 2 Apr 1908, p. 8

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wKrm •^ Apwl 2 1»08 FL£SHERTON A 1) V A K C E r :'*-^ BtasmetasBaa lll[|iO[lS. Carefully Corrected Efoh Week n*tii 45 â-ºo P^si 80 to harley „ Whe«t HV Luiiui- GvgH, f refill PiitHtot'^ |ior bag .... reifi Ducltn Cliickf.fH TurliuvH 60 â-º.'• 90 to U 00 .'>] 25 '.c 16 to 7fi to 9 to 9 to 10 to IS tc 45 80 60 90 16 00 25 15 75 9 9 10 i;i i r SEASONABLE IN GOODS '} I FURNITURE The laim'st and l>e«t stock of Vuniituro ever xhown in FIoHhorton. This witliout fwirof con- tmdiction. Come and Ki't! some of the nice thingH in Side Boards, Dining Ilooui Chiiira, Parlor SottK, Bed IltMim Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on eveiy- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER FLESHERTO xVon-a/coAo/ic Sarsaparilla If you think you need a tonic, •sk your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. A W* pobUffh vur formnUa yers ^ ^* baiilih ftloohol ^jf^ flrom OUT m*<ilelu*s W* urx* you to oODsalt your doctor Maxwell Items Ask your doctor to name some of the results of constipation. H is h>i]g list will begin with sick-beadacbe, biliousness, dyspepsia, tbin blood, bad skin. Tben ask him if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. lfU»tir1tHiT r Irrr"- Lowell, MaM.â€" $^outh Grey Reformers v^ilt meet in Durham ('O April 21«t for re-orEnnization^ and, if deemed advisable, to nominate" candidates for the Provincial and Dominion electionN. Our Clubbing List Advance, Hnd ToronU> World, daily % 2 CO Tonmto Daily News 2 80 Weekly Globu ' • • 1 80 MHil-Enipiro 1 «<" Family Herald & ♦» 1 80 Ti.ronto Star 2 30 Fnnn<;r Sun .. . '80 Farmers Advooata 2 26 Weikly Wil.^fiiiR I 75 S.tiinlHyNinlit 2 50 norrisBros ♦» Tinsmiths and Hardware Merchants Paint Sale Extra ordinary/ Ten days' sale of Honae Psint, comraoncing March Slst ending April 7tli 1908. :• This sale comes just in time to save you big Money on tlio Spring I'aiiit- ' ill},'. The Paints that we intend to clear out arc wol! knownâ€" V.»rtin Souour Paint and RaniKcy's Pitinls. lu order to replace with what we consider bjtter goodij, we will sell llio above moutioned PaintHat the f!)llown)g great reductions: In Martin Senour's, â€" Quartx, regular 50c fnr 8*)o. Pints, regular Hdc for 20c. ^ Pints, reK>>hir L'Oc fur 15o. Floor Paints in Qts, â€" Regular, 't.Jc fo'- SiJc, ItAMSEYH PAINTS:â€" Quarts, rognlui-,l.')c for Blc. Aud a few ijiiUh at....' 17c. WAPr ! Just a word to cxploiii how wo can make those great reduction.s. Wo bought this slock at a bi;,' micrifico and are waiting to Rive our custom- ers the beuelit of the deal, ho conio along wl^ilc the stock is complete. IJeintiuber, only 10 days from March 3lst. MisR Alma Buckingham will take char|{o of the Epworth League meeting Thursday evening in the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Long of Fever- sham s[>ent Sunday with friend.s here. Burn â€" On March 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Buatty, a son. Mr. Dan Murphy was a caller in our village last Saturday. Mr. Fike of the 4th line moved to our village liutt week and has taken up hi.s residence in one of W. Guy's houses on Charles street. Mr. Blakcy and family have taken up their renidciice in the rectory. Mr. Wylie and family have moved to the farm lately vacated by Mr. Wilkin- son. A hearty welcome is extended to all our new comcra. \S'v lire ){lad to report that Miss Lizzie Guy is recovering from her rece'nt illness. Messrs. Ed., Joe and Henry Phillips of Toronto attended the funeral of their father, alwi Mr. Charley Philli|>s, his gr.mdsoii, of the same city. Mr. Allan Priestly and his siister, Lily, left List week for the city. They intend staying for some time. Mifis Edna Moore and Mrs. H. Moore of Mclntyrc visited a day bust week with Mrs. Walter Kerton. Miss Jessie Cameron is visiting with iier sister, Mrs. \V. 11. Guy, at pre.seiit. Miss Jaiiic Crawford of l.rfidy liank is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Levi I'allister. By last wcek'B Presbyterian wo learn that at the recent meetiuj{ of Ornngeville presbytery Uov. O. K-iUaiilyne was ap- (M)inted one of the coumiissionors to the General .\.s.seml)ly which meets in Winni- peg ill June. The funeral service of the late Win. Phillips was cfinductcd by Itev. Mr. SUinley, wl)o .spoke with much syinpiithy to the friends ami gave an excellent ser- mon. The remains were laid to rest in the Methodist cemetery by the side of his wife. Mr. Gallrtway left last week for Colling- wood whore he intends working this summer. Mr. Heeley is working Mr. Itobt. Kinnear's farm this year. Mrs. Ed. Pedlar visited her fathor,Mr,< Scheiiiman a week ago Sunday. /^ Miss Elsie Brownridge visited at Mr. Hawton's, Feversham, litst week. HEALTH FOR WOMEN. >ni8. F.M.MA DAICLB Of MO.MCTON, N. K. , SENDS A.N OFE.S LETTMl'TO AU- SLFFER- ERS. ' ' '' Most wnmon are tirii^ when ihey wake up. Housework drntj" slong with great dilliculty. NervousneW is always present, JKcKlacties vld'ini depart, tears are evei ready to lli'W. I'.ut there is a cure, a. true specific for Mroiiivn's ilia that rettured a promineii lady in M^ncton, Mr*. Daitjli*, who tells tho followiu); e.\|>eii<rnce: "About a year a'.;o I h;id a Herious sick- ness, S'Ut iif a general hreiikdoitn. .My liliiestK-n fitiled aiitirely and I was alild to cat Imt very little. I took viul-iu gtoniach pains slid eull'erel terribly from head- iiities My doctor laid it wtts "iiervi exh:iUstion" and I mi-jIit i.evor bo well. Aly troiil.les inore»Bed, for »s I grev\ weaker 1 became subject to neural^jit ami r!ieuinati«ni. t»lo«p lin»ll/ f.irsook mt and 1 nlinost lost heart Diflertnt iiirdicme'i (lido't liel|>. Doctors couldn't ilo me any ijnod. I was des|ierat<) wlien 1 be.'.rd of Ferr^'zone. The first bix ooiiviiioivl me It. was just what I needed. 1' toned up my St ach, pave mo splei.diu iipputilM Riid then my recovery seeni.d imsier, Fi rrozoiie ineieased my Weight soxenil pouiidx, bus reitored my nerves Permanent Results "I had been sufTeriiig for over two ' months with an obstinate cough, as bad also my little girl. We tried several remedies common to any drug store without obtaining any apparent relief, in fact we were growing worse. I got a bottle of Coltsfoots Expectorant from my druggist and inside of two days the cough was stoi>p«d, and the results so permanent ^»d rapid that we decided to keep it in our borne contjinually. KOBEE'T PALEN. C. A. n. Station, Ottawa^/ Coltsfoote Ezpectoraqtr is recognized the world over as the best prescriptioB ever used by the medical profession for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis and Tightness of the Chest. Children liks it. "To introduce it into erery home we will send a free sample to every person sending their name and address to Dr. T. A. Sloenm, Limited, Toronto. Sold by all up-to-date druggists at 25e. Bend for Free Samplo To-day. BUSINE.SS CaRD8 u JULbouan * yoi;no '^ Hkuliur Markdale Jo ft geaarftl banking basiaesi. Money losDad a reuoualjla rate CaU ou us. ^ • Pu,itinaHter, ^'oylon. CouimiMiuiior in 1). ('. J . Convevspcer, AerAn, iimrtxaXBB, lease.', wills eto.cftrefuHy drum np Jollirctioiis iiiftd... cbftTHOS r.»8onnl,lu. .MrO (jiooerios, flour, feed etc. kenliu >(ock. Prices iii;'at. p J 8PBOULH **• Poitiueitor, Floaherton ..oiumlnioncr In H.C J., Anctiooeer Cofl- veyaacer, Apprsieer aud Money LeudoT U«»i Kstate and iDsuraDce Agent. Deeds ciortsa;i«ii. Uimft anl wills carefully drawB ap eaii valaationii madeen rbortest netioe luoncj to loin at iowe«t r«tei> of interest. Cot action* nttnuilo) to with jirnmptDefB chareos low. Agent f(5r Ocean Dotuinion 8ta»mtbip CotrpariT. A call solicited. , Honor Rolls. March report forS.S. No. 8. Artein.sic. 5-0. Bellamy, 0. Harrison, B. Tliistlethwaito 4sr"E. Caswell, (S. Ch-«rd. P..Pe llamy. 4 jr â€"lennie Johnston. Ka^e Wiicoek- 3 srâ€" Irene ,Sh:.rp,M.C.iRweI1,R Wyatt. 3 jrâ€" R. Chaid, C. Doupe, J. 2 Krâ€" M.Irwin. H.Hh.rp. Z. Bei.tlmru. 2 jr-G.Qiiii,'i;,IliiKh Moore. E.C^-ttTeP. fi 2 â€" W. Irnin, John C 1 sm. Ft 1â€" R. Best, W Harrison, R.Ciswel'. R B. Csmpb»ll. teacher. r\ McPHAIt., r.ieensed Anetioneor foi the *'• ('oiinty of Orov. Terms nnonorate and f^atisfaction Ruaiantved. Tbe arraugpnientB and dat'S of fales can be made a*. The Advance '.in<i>. Kenluence and P.O., Ceylon, TelepUoce ''ounection. Dee. d.07. rVAVID JtoISKP.TS. licensed aneiioneer for *.* (iioy County. Prompt attention Riva n all «»l»s riitrusied to my care, AriauKeuunte cftli be inad<j at this oUice. \\> \i. KAITTINO, Licensed .'.uctioneer. Sal-je '• conducted ou lowest tcruisâ€" Batitffactioa (ill* a .teed. Feversbam. I'. O., con, I*.*, lot i:i, ..-(uey. 1 0th Line, Gsprcy. The robins and black l-ird* h.ire arrived once more and th« balmy v\>aU of spring ire li!o«itm and who will not weVnme the yreen erass when it comes this spritii; Mr. Sim Ij'atiderson has m.)ve<J lo F.irnew firm. Misi ELsie Browiuidg- of Maxwe'.l visited with her cousin, Mrs. Ed. Huwlon last week. Mr. Joe Thompson of Kork Mills hsis tiken up his restdeno iw Keversham. Mr. R. Brackenbury jr. has purchiiscd s f:i.icy dnvin:: horse and will bo able to go driving igain. Mrs.,John Welderick is on the sick list at present, we hope to «ee her around a'.5ain soon. M . Thompson Davidson of Rob Roy md Misi E. Whiteoak of Fevershain 8 lent Suiidsy with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ool'iuctt at " Fairview Fi.rm." nno.G. I.UDLOW, Licensed Auctioneor for the ** County ot Urey. Prompt service auu i-eaeouubU tcruis. Pi oton tstation P. 0. I HAHVKY PKKICOE, Perei'sbeiu '• liisuraure. Ileal estate aud stocks. Con- veyancer Leans aud Collectious, Write for rates ou Kire, Lite or bick brnettt iusnraice. Uuitei- eoiitrauls aud lower rates ou fire io- surunco oow. Medical fVB CARTMl ^ M CP&80nt.Pbyeicl»ii, Snrgeon.etc Otlice aud resideoce â€" Peter et., Kleiberton T P OTTKWEl/L ' Veterinary Snrgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sjcond door south wect on Mary street. This street runs soutti Presbyterian Church. H In Sleij^h.s, ]{npj!;io.s, Wag}.joii.s, Harrows, I'loiigli.s, Creani Sep- iinitors and Wire Fencing. HOIjSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY / Heard's Carriage Works Cutters - Cutters Now is the time to places ymir onler for your ("iitt'M'. Call anil sno our .stock hoforo bnyin<.r. Wo have a good asHortincnt for you to choose from. McTavish & Williams Flesherton ,is 1 never had before. For the »o»k uiiil sickly I t.iii trutlifully recoiniuond Ferru- zonu." (.Siyiied) Emma Daiyle. Ukmemukk: â€" No mere siiiuulant or aleholii; ciincoction can ial:e tl.o place of the nerve snd bloisl iidurisliiiiunt eontaiii- til Fnrrozotte. This Iruo toiiij always does wiiat is claimed fur it. Sod every vvliori! in 6Uo. bt>xesoPsi» boxoii for 82 50. I(y mail fro.ii N. O. Poison & Co, llaii ford. Conn , U. S. A., and Kingsten, Out. Hathertoti. .'^leighiiii; will souu be a thinjf oF tl e pist. Ilaniish Mills of Dundalk visited with her ciiusiii. MisB Kthel Cirummei. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Nicholson of the 4tb l:n>i Arteiiir.sia, visited with Mr. and >!•». Down recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fiiidley of Markdnlo ti-'ited tho latter's pirental homo Fndny 411(1 ISaturd.iy of Kit. week. Miss Minnie .\mler'on of Wa<'ehitni ^peiit Fiiday with herd lend, Miw Bertha Winters. Miss L. J. Jamieoin rnturned home .f^eran vxleiided vixii with friends in roruiitu, Uiirrio and uthur places. Mr. R"bert Arnclt received the sad iniell'^once last week of the dosth of his irolher, Henry, of Bracehridyo. Ue had • ten ill dtlirnte hodih for some lime I *i|kii>u a severe at'sek I'f pneumo > itrtaulted m liir-desth. He etvesu wibiw and severnl brodirre and sitters to luuurn :, * I'.si. To ititvie we sKtuud our deepest viii|mlhy. Vtr. KeuUen Lougheed of Fevershani ., rohaseU a tine iwoyear-idd oolt from Mr. Qeorge YoUl'K. Mr. .lolin LoRvheed and famUy spent f'.inday wild ^^t a^tl Mia. R. Falli^ier . ' 10th line Ospey. William MoVlastor, n well-kiii wn and r spected resi^ ent of Wiarton, died early M.uiday morning from injuries receive<l a wok sto in the (loorinH factory viliero he had been emp'oyrd for nearly Ugo ye rs. While operatiii(; a douide rip saw a larjoboaid shot back from tho saws *ith i5reat forie, strikint' tho unfurtutiate man ill the abdomen snd intbctinj; fatal injuries. Deceased was lifty-two yeiirs of a ,e and loaves a wife and family. WILSON, Hlacksmith â- jraduate of the Veterinary Scionee Association Busidence, Durham street, op- posite Boyd, Hicklibgs hardware. Dentistry rjr. e. C. MURRAY L. D. K , dental suiReon ^ huuoi'(,*i'aduate of Toronto Uuiverbitr autl Keyal t olleg.1 of IJuntal SurKuous oroutaiu. Gas admiuistered for teeth extraction, olllce at rusidouce. To rouio st.ojS f'Uiaoi-tJ» Leqal L0CA8 Wr.IGnT tc McAKDLE Barristers Solicitors Coiireyanccre, eto OlHcosâ€" Owen Bound, Ont and Uarkd&lcOnt A' H WBIUUT, MCAROUI 1 tl Lt.CA4 N B--Kle8horton offlee, MitcbeU'i siik •Terv Saturday. .Sprintf tenn fmni April Itt. I'"iiter now an;! Ue reaJy to nce;-i.t a good jmsition in (he Sipiiine'- or Vnll. Atte-id the ZOBONIO. OUT. Caiui^.- 1 ib' 1 elas.-. fcliiH'l. This 0"llepe lius 111 tier co.u>e.s lietter tpicherB, lietter eiiiiipuieut, Lvttor facilities fur plaeiuKstu- dmts ill (Mi.^itiiin than t'le averaj^ir Imainess coUe e. Oi»'ii eiitiiii year. Uaiidsouie Civtulogue (â- 'ree. W. J. KLLIO'IT, I'riiicipal, Cor Yongo and .\lexaiuler Sts. Societies AO U W meets ou the last Uon^a; in eacn month, in their looRe room. Cliristoe's block. Flesherton. kt 8 p.m. M.W., Kiank Cbatd ; Sec., T. Ulakely, Financier. W.J. Bel. amy. VlsitiDK bretbreo iLvited, pUINCK ARTHUK LODUE, Vo.:aS!..\TJi t AM, iDoets in tbe Masouiuball. Strain's bicck, Flesherton. every Friday ou or before tlietnll irocn. W A.Armstroni!, W M.; HetO. viiuilh, Secretary. nofUT FLKSnr.nTON, bos, L r. F. ireetsin ^ ( Kyton'r! niork tbe last Wednei-Jay evening of each montli. Visitiug Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; IS. 8., 'i'. Hctry; Fin. Sec , C. N. liinhanison. Please pay dues to Flu. See. before the ftret â- lay of tbe month. CHOSr.N FhlKXrS -Flesherton Conncil of Chosen Friends ineete in Clayton's ball ftmt and third WednoMlav of ekch luont 8 p, ni. Hiiv nHSBSMinents to the KerorJev on or Inifore ere t\rnt (iavof each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulak«ley;llccordor, W. H. Duut. OUR Trada Mark ISA GUARANTEE That you are Retting; the genuine "RIVJIL HERB TABLETS". They are only put up in Red Tin tmzea, with this trade- mark ofj the top. Itach box contains 200 DAYS' TREATMENT and a registered guarantee to cure, or your money refunded. Rival HerbTablets Is a quick, sure and lasting cure for all diseases of the Blood, Stomach. Liver aud Kidneys, such ss Indigestiou, Poor Appe- tite, Coustipation, Ilackache, Headache, Meart Trouble, Kheuniaiism, Female Weakness, Catarrh, Nervous Disorders and all Skin Diieascs. soo days' treatment only coats you {i .ee â€"half a cent a day. Your money refunded If not satisfied. Suld only in dollar aise boxes. See that vsa gtl a RED TIN BOX .^^ with auf iraS* mark *a the top, ^i^ Mailed to any address on receipt of the price. Trial package and our 'Tamlly Physlelaa" tnok free tor the ***-'"ti Tho mpson's Bakery My Ulead ii well tind favorably kt.owii. The tpiality is tlie tinest. Hre.ul delivered re;;u- larly aiidsidd at the folliwitis; places: Ceylon. R. Cook and .7. Patfl- .â- ioii; Euaenia, H. Caiiiia. R. Parks and K. MoDouHld; Kim- berley, F. Weber and M. 11. Haniiiiond; Ma^twell, R.N. Kin- near it Son; Fevers', am, Eli R.>biii8oii ami Ab. Hutch. nsun. Best Manitoba Flout for «aK\ Ed. Thompson, Flesharlon ' WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock ' > Best Stock land to otir agcat. I Jtiijii E. Wright, CeyloD, Got. tr; I Bells. Blankets , Robes Fur lined coats, | iH-kelbookn, aatcheJa, ra'Zor Rlrupa and other leather t(oix)g. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everytliina in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Oot.

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