«»• TilEFLEESHEBTON ADTANCE ^< > Apbil 2 19*)8 v'f •?, ISTAMJSHCO ««7» THE 5IANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office * > • - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may h* made or wiUxtrawn bf ritber of the two memben of a household. This form 0/ account is specially suitable Urc those living in the country, as either member tan attend to the bankii^ when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdra^a by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for further particttlazs. Iftferest added four dmes a year Savings Bank Department in Connecdon with all Branches. I3a FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manr^as? BRANCHXS AL^iO AT DUH-HAM, MA:^^RX.ST0W A?-'T> ^ny Vicinity Chips j Great P.iint B.iri;;iins. â€" Nciriis Bms. ! Artemeoia T<'Wii<hip Council will meet , â- OD y»turjiiy next. j W. A. Arniatrona, B'leshert<in, issuer 1 of Man m^e LicHnseH. I Toil or iwflvu ton« of hay for sale. G. H. Waller, KiiuberWy. MfMsrs. Virf. Ill <1 George Orr left List week £<•!' SHskatcliewaii. Giiod working h->rse fur sale. Apply to O CoUiiison, Cvylon. Mrs. E. Vail Zicit, Toronto, is visit- iig rf lativea in this vicinity. Miss Eva Buskin of vVixiehousc U T'sitiiig friend* in this vicinity. Mrs. \V. A Armstrimi; visited over Suudity with friends iu Tiirnnto. Ja.s. Brodie, painter and paper hingori Pricevilltr, Kolicits y»ur |iatronage. tSocond hand Massvy Hurri.s and Noxon Drill, fir .•«:o. D Madill, Ceylon. Good ilriviiii; mare for i-ale, risina 4 yeirs. W. .A. Benson, Eugenia P. O. Mrs. Jos. Blick'mrn Ih spcn'Hr.i; a ftw days this week wi.h friends in T'Tonio. Mr». Anlivw Bonthiim and Mr. EJ. Benthsru' are visiting friends iii Tumi. to. Mt. Slim. Wihrm of Toronto visited YiT a few days last week with his brother, Andy. Se<'d Oils and Hay fur 8.tleâ€" Tsrlsr Kinx ttii'l Banner. Jiio. M. Duncin, Pmtun Station. Miss Bi-Ue Blakely of Coibetfcon visit- e<l last, week wiibher cousin, Misa. Myrtle blakley in town. Mrs. Burtcn, Wondliridge, is visitiny her dau«hl4-r, airs. W. U. Bunt, who is under ihs went her. PriPK along your grainâ€" chopper will lie ^iininit April Ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. G. Coliiiison, Cuyliin. ^^ Misaes liily Boyd and Lulu Mitchell were home fmin the Collegiate Institute, Owen Sound, last wet.k. Hay for oale- At the barn or dfliverod. Apply til James Pedlar, Port L.-iw, or John Podlar, Kluahorion. Rev. L«wis F. Kipp, B. A., attondod the Lncal Uoinu Mission Board uieeliii^ in Owen Sound on Tuesday. Collie dog and pup lostâ€" yellow dog, white on breast. Kiinter comiuunicate with Maik Wilson, Fle'-herton. Miss Gertie Paul has returned from Tiroiito and IS viaitini; her aistt-r, Mrs. Rxhani Beiithiin, of th<; suliiirlm. No one can afford to ini.ss the genuine biritains in Paints we are oUeriii:;. Head oar ail. â€" Norris Bios., Floahertiin. A 1 year old improj^wl yorkshire bnar for service, imported stock, at lot 175, Toronto line. M. G. Urr. 16 A|>l. Dundalk anil Mavkdile spring shows will be li'.'W on the -same day- -Fiidny, April 24. Fleshtrron come-i "he day afti-r. Boyds' ini!lint"ry opentne will be hil.l on Thursday, FridAy and Saturday, April 9, 10 and II, and not as udvertisrd last Week Shinslpg for Sale â€" I am nianufiicturing fiist clii.sN shioglis and will harxsiiniH for »«Io all siimmor at niy mill, l^ady tUiik P. (). Tho.5 Phillips. For Saleâ€" Six shortihorn bulls, from 10 to 18 months old. Th.'so are highbred And will be revistered foithwith. James Fiiidlay, box b9, Markdale . For Saleâ€" A quantity of good hemlock lumbiT in inch, pl.ink and scaiitliog. Good material, well cut and price reasonable. F. N. Field, Eagenit. Eniorson Bellamy, who went to the city to resume his duiit'», has b.-en forbii'- den doiiv; any woib for some time by his j duotoi and will return home this week. If you are alive to your own interests you will road our ad. on the back tiage. Then you will lake advan'ace of our Paint Sale and save money.â€" Norri* 1 Br<N. I Farm for saleâ€" L^M 108, con. "11, prey. 200 acre farm. Barn, 40 Oa- -_ - fcO. house, 2B X 32. Will ht sold cheaply and on easy terois. For particulars apply to J. D. Oslxirne. Fevershain. In writing up the Leagu* social last week our reporter oinmitted manlio?iing n »o'o hy Mr. llob Moore. The solo waa hiuhly appreciated aud its omission In the re^irt Was purely aa oversight. Miss Moore of Dundslk ."pent Saturday I and Sunday with Mrs. (Dr.) Carlfr. A namber of our young poopie, accom- panied liy friends from Durhsni, spent Fri'liiy evening U.st skating on the Mark dale rink and in 8pit« of the torrents of rain ri.'tiort a uio.it iiluasunt time. A service of son;; and praise in Maxwell Methodist church Easter Sunday eveiiini> at 7 p. m. The choir will he favored w^ the assistance oF Mr. iind Mis. Brown, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Gallowiy. Farm for sale â€" Lot ll>, con. 10, Osprey, near Fevershain, aijout 50 acres cleared aud well fei'cid, frame house and barn, •tone stable. Fur price and terms apply to A. (j. Cdiopiiell, box 504, Culliuswoud. Every housekeeper who has used Camp- bell's Varnish Slam is delighted witli the rcaulis obtained. Nothin^else like ittliey Say. So easy to apply, and so durable. J. and W. Boyd carries a full line of this popular stain. .\uiimg the Welcuine callers at ibis office last week were MessiS. Joe, »nd Henry Phillux of Toruutii, who had been up 'itlen.iiiig ciie I'lincrai of iliotr a;{ed ftther. Joe. i< one of ili'j very b«st saiupi-j9 of Toronto's tine police loicc Dr. C ildwell's st-rmons for next Sun- day: moiuiii(j â€" ".My Father pities and is kijd.'' Kvening â€" "'What Sait^ia, where found and what it does." MeaaJlj Uoad- "Sowing and Ueiiping, Fiyi and Orapes, Thorns and Thistles. The niatiy friends of Mr. Henry Holinan, wLio is in the Victoiti Memorial Hospital, T iroiito, under Dr. Uoiford Walker's caro, will be glad to learii that he IS much improved of late, but it will bo snine time yet before he will be well etfietigh to leturu home. 'Mi-is McGuttin, reprosenliii.; the Methodist Women's Missionary Society, will speak Fiiday e>eiiing of this week. Her subject is expected 10 bo exceeding- ly iiiteiisttoi: and a Irrge turnout ot iueiul>ei's aud others i.s hoped for silver colleclioa. A heavy thunder storm passed over this secrior, on Friday night last and a cold rainfall uccoiiipanifd ii. Thu only damage we have heard ;if was the ievell- iux ot lelephoiie wires and putting out of business somo of the local liiit-s. The snow is slowly departing but sleighs aie the only •ehicles yet in sight aud they are few luid far between. There is nutliiiig crusty about Baker Ed. Thompson, neither is he a dough- head. Kvetyihing hu stirs up pans out well. All be kii.:ads is his, he has dough to buru Ku I bis stock is rising. He cer- tainly t;iken ihe cake. He is a stirring chap and jloes things up brown. Though he is well bred, and somewhut of a hi;;h roller, be is uol aliovu mixing with his Iniinls. Besides he is pic-ous and cheer- fully ices his tlttvurs for everybody. The b.ikur is tLu ori.{inal wise luaa of the y e^ist . Tuesday ai'ternoon of ia'-t week a bad accident oi> this liiu^ of rail way was narrow- ly avertdl. A lendwr was left standing on the track north of the station while tliu eiitiine was beiuif turned at the turu- tahie. Ni>t l>eiog fastened it started off mirth down the grade of its own acconl, and kooi) gamed considerable speed. .Maikdale was teleiirapbed and tho atter- nooii express fi'Mn Owen Sound had just time to sidetrack at Markdale when the tendi-r Hew past. An engine was sent in pursuit and one of the employees by a i|uick act succeeded in attaching the eii{(ine 10 the tender and briiigiii:^ it to a stop just north of the town without any damage liuvinv been dour. Mr. Will Itutled^e of .siuUiorn .\lherta ig rtflitinu hi^ paren*al Lome at the station and «ave The Advance* chatty call one day last week. Will learned teleijiaphy at this stafiin and four years ago took a mb on the Crf)w'a NfSt branch of the C. P. K., but soiiD tired of the conKiiein<#nt aud took up a homestead which he has since l-eeii holding down. One man in dt'fiiiing the huiueslead law said the triverniu' at hot 160 acres of '» d airainl fourteen dnllata that the homesti-adi. r coiild not live on tha land for live yea>s wiihyut starving to dvath. Well, Will expecN t-o win the bet next fall, and does not look as though there wsa any immedi- ate daug^'r of starvation, lUthoug he H.tys they have not had a oropof wheat in his section for three years pa**^. He didii't save a ^raiu last season ulf twelve acres which he had broken. Such secrets as these only leak out on very rare occasions, however. The people of he west do Dot talk about their failures, and toot thair •'icceasea from Nome to Phta«oiiia and San Fntncisooto San Frsii(i'«c<i by way of Suee CaDsl. Will goes back to hi> bachelor .ranch iu a few day^. Ten Years on the Circnit. On Sunday, March 29ih, Rev. J. A. Mttheaon completed ten year's service in the coogreuations of Priceville and SwintoB Park Presbyterian churches. In spite of bad roads there was a large congregation in both places. The text chosen was Psalm 48:9 â€" "We have ihougiit of thy loving kindness, O God, in the midst of thy>'emple,"andGod'sdeaI- ings with them during the last ten years were inquired into. As to the relations betweeu pastor and people, they have always been of the kindliest nature. Number of baptisms during the period, at Priceville, 110; at Swintun Park,69J; total 169. Menibeis received at Swinton Park, by pr ifession, 63 ; by certificate, 26 ; total, 85. Removed, by death, 14 ; total removals, 79 Number on roll in 1898 was 106 ; now 114. Members receiveu at F'rieeville by profession, 130 ; by certificate, 38 ; total 168. Uemoved hydrath, 40 ; fot«l removals, 129. Mem- bership ill 1!?98 was 144, now 183. Num- ber of funerals at Priceville, 132 ; at S*in!ou Park, 46; total, 178. Number of marriag 't 63, .Moneys raised for all purpi sesat Price- ville, $11,725.00 ; for missions, «2, 105.00; at Swinton Park, for all purposes, $5,956.00 ; for missions 11.096. At ihe close of the service Mr. Jas. Patou, on behalf of the congrevation, presented .Mr. Macheson wilh a highly appreciative adi'ress. A Woman Tells How to Relieve RJheumatic Pains. I have lieeu ;v very great sufferer from tho Hreadfi'l disease, i'beuma,ism, for a number of years. I tiavs triVd msny medicines but never got Dinch relief friiru^-.iiy of their until two years aif". when I bought abottleof Chauiber- Iain'.s I'liin Balm. I found relief before I had used all of line battle, but keptim applylui; it and soon felt like a different woman. Through my ailvice many of my fiieuds have tried it and tell you how wimderfully it baa worked. â€"Mrs. Sarah .\. Cole. 140 S. New St, Dover. Del. Chainherlaiu's Pain Balm is a liniment. The relief from pain which it utfords is alone worth many times its cout. It makes rest and sleep puaoible. For sole by W. E. Hicbatdsou. I New Goods for Spring i a? If you want for Spring or Summer Wear n. pair of Shoes in the latest and most up-to-date styles, we have them, the best we have ever shown. We invite you to call and see them. ^ ^ ^ M M. m. 4 Also a few pairs of winter goods selling ^ off cheap. ^ Clayton's i ^^S^2^^^^S^3^^X^^i;^K^XK^^S^2^X2^ Another Pioneer Gone. In Euphrasia township, at thu hi mo of her scn-in-law, Mr. Charles Hod^kinsin, on March thu 13Ui. Mrs Susan Broughton who was fornieriy .Mrs, Thomas McCauly, |>us,sed peacefully away to tho grea*^, beyond. She leaves t.i mourn the los.s of a most kind and loving mother and grandmother, feri children : Mrs. HicAa i»f Weyburn, Sask.; Mis. SiepheniiiW« Collinuwcod ; .Mr». Brown, Ospr*-'^. Thomas, in Waloole, Sask. ; WilHain, rti Cas.'s City, Mich. ; Mrs McNulty, Proton ; Andrew, Fleahertoii ; Mrs. Hodgkitiaon, Euphrasia ; .\lfied, in Owen Sound ; and sixty-one gi'itt.d-children and forty-seven greaigraiid childien. The service was conducted at tho housij by Uov. Mr. Cameron, who spoke wiih much sympathy to the friends and gave an excellent sermon. The remains weio taken to Bethel cemetery, Pioton township, and weie laid t:> rest beside het tiist husband, Thoma.s Mc.Auly, father of the children, who died thirty years aao. Service was also conducted at the church wliere a Large number of friends and neighbors of whom the decea.-'ed lived ainnngst for in.iny years and wh.ise friendship glo iiad !.'ained by her kiiidnesi and upii^htniss, Hssembled to pay their last respects. She was much beloved by all who kne* her and the friends h.ive the synin.ilhj ot the cominuuity in this their hour of liercai eiiient. I Auction Sales. Lot 2, oot>i 9, Osprey, on Friday, .4ptil to, a lai'je list of faim stock and imple- iiioiits. Win. Lawler, proptietor; Wni. Kaitting, auctioneer. Tyson â€" Dobson A pietty wedding was soleuinizod on March 25 at the home of Mr. John Dob- son of the 14th con., Osprey, when his daughter. Alma, was united in marriage lo Air. Robert Nelson' Tyson, sou of Mr. John W. T^oo, by their pastor. Rev. X. P. St^mley of M.ixwell. The bride wove roses prettily arninged in hor hair, and was bocominifly-gowned in cream lustre, lace and ribbon trimmings, aud was given away by hor father and attended by Jliss Edith Tyson, sister of the bridegroom, who also wore a gown of lustre daintily trimmed with lace The bridegroom was alily supportetl by Mr. Joshua Do'jsoii. brother of the bride. The ghosts were tlio immeiliate relatives of both families and after the ceremony and congratula- tions a sumptuous wedding repa.st await- ed them. As the young couple take up their abode on tho 14tli con., Osprey, their many friends wish them a long and happy life. A Grind Trunk train was d tcbed near Clinton by lUBiiing into a washed out culvert. Psychine Missiimaries A friend of Dr. Sloeum Remediea writes: "Bead a bottle of PtiycWa* to Mrs. W . . . They have a daughter I in decline, kad I believe it would : help her. I have mentioned your reaediee to tha family, and alto eited â- ome of the miraeoloua cares accom- pliahed inside the 1«ait 18 years, of which I h«ve knowledge." T. O. nfWIN, Little Britw«, Ont. Ban dowa eeaditiona from Iud(, ttoai- •ek or oth«r ooBetitutioaal tronble ear- ed by PiyclilXM. At all drutpgiats, Si^ and 11.00, or Dr. T. â-². Blocun, Ltd., Toronto I F. G. KARSTEDT Mslllrs/>rtmi flnAnlnnt^ WfiUNESD-iY & TUURSD.VY millinery Upenings, ofthis week. Our Mil'iuery Opeuiugs, under tbe able mauagecneDt of MISS HIRKS, win embrace the finest exhibit of Women's Head Wear ever exhibited. We have a much larger stock for you to make your selections from than ever before. A call is solicited from every lady. New Suitings! or Easter Gowns The vogue of. stripes is pi :iiu!y evident in practically all suiiiugs this season. We have the largest e.thibii; of this class of Dress Goods ever shown here iu wool or silk Voiles, Londons', and CbilTon Inroad Cloth. Call and see thera, no trouble to show the right goods at the right price. Spring Coats The now Striped Covert Cloth â€" in coats â€" is tho newest aud most stylish fabric. We have this short fitting coat iu this cloth, also a long sillc 3acque iu 7-8 length. It is a beauty. Net Waists for Easter Tho newest thing in Waists a:o Not Waists, with tho Gibson Sleeve. We have them with a silk slip in white cream or piuk. Also a full stock of Lawn Waists ia SUsdow Enabroidery or plain. Prints and Ginghams We certainly can not be beaten ou this line. Our range of Prints anci Ginghams is complete. Tho finest of English gooils. It, will do yen good to have a look at then.. Clover au\d Timothy Seed This year we are putting in a laage stock of Common fied, Slammolli, Alsike Clovers and Timothy Seed-" These are first class seeJs from the best seed growers in^auidv. 1 M Cromptons Early Coin, Flax Seed and all kiu-!s li Garden Seed. , Flesherton Ontario. CEYLON' S BUSY STORE. Spring is hero and business is brginning to get a little brisker. Wo liavp i g received our Spring Hats and Caps for men, women aud children, We hvae certainly soaieiliilig dainty and up-to-date .n this line. Our Boot ami fai.oe linos ate also complete. We have something special in Boys', Misses,' youth's and Children's warranted solid leather throughout, soft and will stty soft and wear as long as any two pairs of coiamon slioss!_ We have a good stock of light over rubbers on hand, also long Rubber Boots, SEEPS! If you want togetgood c!ean Clovov and Grass Seed, ijovernmeut inspecttd. You can get it right here and at tho right price. New garden seeds also on imi d. We believe we have everything you will require for spring. We have the vi ry latest in wall papers, also a fresh supply of Paints and Varnishes, Ihiislu-s â- nd oils of all kinds. Raw and Roiled Linseed oil. Sfipsrator oil. harness oil. (Inly one Gc'uts'Fnr Coat as tins is the only Fur Ooat wo have left either in Ladic's or Gents'. We will give yon a snap iu this to clean them out oh an and clever. Now is yonr chance, We will lakeiu exchange for it Wood, Hay, Potatoes, Butter or eggs. We will piy highest markijt prices fjr larin 'pioJuce. Jas a C E V I. C) N Winter Hairness Goods I have in stock all kinds of Harness, Bells, Blankets, Robes, Whips, Sur- cingles, Hoof Oiutmeut, Gall Cnro, Plush RugF, Dash Aprons, Trunks, Valises, etc. Repairing done promptly and nuatly, 0. W. PHILLIPS FLESHERTON, ONf. Fish for Lent. A nice lo> of So. I Lake Superior Trmt on hand. Just the thiii,{ for Lout. Try them â€" only 7o a lb. and are gOOil value, Otiaalo at li. The Store whore you get those freahr, Groceries at ^woh reasiuiable pi ice* and, are always aatislittd.. -vCsrrrwK-