\%- Apwl 2 1108 WHiHHH THE FLES HIS Jo F. T. HILL & Co. WiNiHaM^ y y '^^' j*^ First Showing of Many New Lin In Spring Goods. ^^ J. & W. BOYD .nfurt'Sm, home. MO 1^)c|.lfl who are car.t 7 ."t* L"*' ?' •"^robandu" rill a)>|jH4l t< requirement* that are styles are T..e .„.rc.e..t ... a,, ... .. U««.t ..e., a. p.eea' ^l^^^; >,.:*:;;: rj;^;;^ ^f^i, „..t no wanted V.y uch that need to buy. economical _ moderate ^ . ^ The New Wall Papers are h/ Thw week we arc showing the New Sprint; W.ll papers. I'j ^^^ Spring. 19^- Now Parlor Papers 1.5c to 75c a roll. "" apering i» ""• '"^"' New Diiiii.i! Room Papers 10c to OOo a roll. aat. a n Pnnprs 10c to 60c a roll- -• ,. In Wall Paper, we ..II B,.r.ler. t„ match ». the .^.me pticj New H«J^,^;'P«^''^|,^!^. Be to "" """""' " *"« de^wall Mr ceiling l»iU!l-' s^ ' I Fleshertoiv _-Jt) Or^. where choice «• roll - biggest saving t() you. See our wii.dow di' NEW SPRING STYLKH i« OXFORDS AND SHOES FOR LADIES This week we are (howiiiK our m.'W Sprli.f; Styles in Ladies Oxfordi and Shoes. The Htyle and iaata we are ah(iwin(( ihi> season are siriotly up-to-date Ameri- can styleH which have a distinction of their hh n and the quuliiies are such as are only made by first cIhsm and reliable manufacturers See what we can do for yiiu ill ahors. Ladies New Spring Style* in Oxf"rJ8 at per paii, tl.26 to .3.50 Ladies New Spring Styles In Slippers at per piir f 1.10 to 3.j)0 Ladies New Spriiii; Shne, styles button and lace, at per pair. ». 50 t.. 6.00 Childieiis' New .SpiiDK Style* in Oxfords, per pair, 75c to 225 Children's N«w Spring Styles in Shoes, button or Ince, at per pair 50c to 1.50 The Uggeat aiiHortine.it in tnwn. Moderately priced as to quality. CROMPTON'S CoaSKTS SELLING AT VERY MUCH LESS THAN REGULAR PRICES. Thij week wo put on sale 250 p^irs of Crompton's Celcliratrd Corsi'ts in all Hize.s frcjin 18 to 'M. They cine in many different lines and ijualities, 50c, 75 and J$l. 00 values in the lot, ou sale this week your clioic'i piT pair 44c « B« »•"'â- "":; Papers t_l/,--MILL SAMPLE ' 'ty_^l____. -. 1-3 THEIR REGULAR VALUE ThiM wei-h^'e put on xalu 125 lengths of Table Linens of (lifTt-fent (|Ualitie9, being the sample ends of o.ie of the bittuest mills in the buainesa. We boUKht thoin *t a biK reduction hence the reason we can sell them to you at if less than reijular price. 22^ and 2\ yard leneths of Table Linen, tl.25 and 1 50 values on sale at 98c 22^ and 2^ yard length* of Table Linen, $175 and 2.25 values on sale at. , . . .' 1.48 22^ ana 2| yard lenKchs cf Table Linen, 82.25 and 2.75 values on sale at 1 75 CROCKERY DEPT. SPECIAL. ALL SIZES IN PLATES AT i LESS THAN YOU VVILL PAY. This week we put on sale 250 dozC^}* Semi Porcelinn Platus, good heavy quality in all sizes and the prices are below the .naiiufaoturers cost; in decorations of green and blue. Priced as follows: Tea Plates, Porcelain quality, 58c per dozen. Desert Plates, Porceloin quality, 68c a doz. Dinner Plates, Porcelai.i (juality, 78c a doz. On sale this week. <^WMP,»WM MARKDALE mmmmi Ontario. ) ^ SPRING MILLINERY. We invite each and every one of our lady customers (as well as those who have never bnu)>ht a hat in th" place) to inspect our stock of spring millinery. Our display l his Huason will lie better thsn ever l)efore, and if you desire iieit, s'ylisli, up-io date and reisonable head-wear jus. drop into THE CORNER STORE, and i' you don't see anythiiii! in stock to Huit you leave yi'Ur order. We'll giiarnntie our work equ'il to any city wor!' and pric«s more reasonaiile. ftliUinery Openings on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SAHJRDAY, APRIL 9, 10 and 11. Miss McBean has charoo of the ahow room and will be plcasml lo cater t'> yur waiHs. 1 A_ I>ousc Turnishitids Brussels Carjiets S.'ie to $1.35 per yd Tapes: rys 40 to A5c per yd All Wools from .6.5c to 1.00 per yd Unions. .. .35 to (i9i; per yd Rug.s in Velvets and Tapestry from 7 50 to .'W (X) Linoleums and Oil Cloths in 4-4, 6 4, 8-4, and 10-4 â€" prices reaa^iiahle. 1 LACE CURTAINS â€" The most coiDplef.e ranve we have ever shown . prices front 55 cents to 3.50 per pair. Boots and Shoes. This line is full, valnns good, and atock up-to-date Call aiid inspect. If you are nut ready to buj coute iu aud inspect, anjwuy. FLOUR & FEED , We have a full «iock of Klonr and Feed, including Brnii, Shorts. Feecl m Flour and FIVE RO.SES I'LOUU, luido by the L.tke of iho Woods y MiK.ng Co., Keewalin. Every bag of this Flour i.s papiiiteud â€" the, besit (J Flour ill the land. None other uu. equal it. *f ARD WARE Is published every Thursday at $1.W |ie.- aniii:n< if|>«id in iidvs.ice, tl.So if notaiipuid manner. The proper feo for a pliice like Colliiigwood, lie ilii.ik", i.s about St.'iO, and for lar^c cities 81200. If $150 is not ennui/h he is of the opinion that a figure between 8450 and 912UO would lie proper. Instead if thai, he says, they have fixed a feu which, n^ far ashekiiows is the hiiiheat in the world. Mr. Lucas' Position. Ill the budget debate in the Legislaturo On Thursday the member f.«r Cunti* (irey (('It after the leader of the Oppoiit.ou I and git e hiin a rather warm tiiiiu. Dur- j ii.g the coui-H'.) of his ad(l:e4N Mr Lucas I wtid: I Another matter on which ho pm- }>osoi to touc'i was the temperance j IsHup, if there w.iii ituch a thiiiK. Ho : wished to make cl.'ar hia p.T«on4! tiows in ro.(Mrd lo the tliro.i-tifiliH local option I clause. He ivgruttoJ that he could not be!u-i'e Ilia* tbo leader of tlio Ojipoiiiiioo ami some of hii> followeis were not actu- al, d by pirtistii coiiKiiliTat.ions in their iip|H»iiioii to till.' threti-Gftha 'jlauso. Ml. Clarke (NoiiliuiiibetUnd) had said that Hon. O. W. Uoss waa pievcnted from bringinu down advauced ti'inperai.cu legiHl.i'ioii only by a revolt ill W\n par'y. iluinor hay« lii<t tliu leader of the Oppopioii and Mr. Graham were loide. h in tho iwolt. A« any ra'e. at thn Libvr al coiivuntiiiii the (wo ge.i'loiui^n wore the leaders of tlie liipior interest," said Mr. Lucas, who read n reaolulioii of the Oiit'iri't Alliance, to the e'futit (hat lliu atiitmli! of MrN.sra. MacKay and GralniiM diH|>ellud all h'pe that the R..s* (Vivtrn- ii'.eiit w..uld ke.'p i'm leiiipeiaiice pledu.-s. I'lir hill self. .\'r l,.i.:.(i said lie would not have Hilop'eil ti.e ihree-tifthr. piovi»- ioii.allhou.lh m iMy|ir:>in'iient teinin-riiiicn men diff.red frmii linn in opinion. Tliere liii({lil be ii"<x\ re.ml H, but rhuru were iibjuudoiiii that tlotclaime di'I not. Htrike every binly aa fair. Mr. Hiiina h..d, however, o/rTod « a'ronn arniiment in ita f ivor when he Htid it ii.sdn for puriiniii- ency. TI.e claUM" should have a fair trial in Ontario. Kxperienco iniuhr convince the GiiVeriimvnt ihat ilie proviiii.'n was no loniier neecuiiHary for perui'oieney of li.ual iipiion l.y-Uws. NoWirllirLs", the Liquor License Law oimcti<a by (lie pres- u tl Govrrninoii. Wis (he nns' advancud puMned in many years, an 1 ihiro w«a a â- narked liiiproveini 111 in ila ciifiMueme'it. Leuiahitioi. was the result of griwtli, and >fr. Lucas belio>ed ihu Govurnnient waa ^lavellini? in the riirh directl>>i:. Tlie ColHiulwood Bylaw Quashed Mr. Jiisdco Brilion g;»ve jinlitment TniiriiUy aflurnoo.i hint «piH.HhiiiK the lii.li lic-nse bylaw pasao I in tho lowfl of to^: iii/rtiMil. By this enactment tho f .'"• ') feo for lii|ii'ir licenses, decided on In I .(liitg«i.od CoU'icil, is knoukid out. I; . I, 'nNliip hohlH th:it tho Lei;iHlai iiro III >'.. sing (be l.tw whitdi permitted (bis *. : .1 by ih^ Cpui.cil, did not intend that w 'I I'jitiun shouM buobtain^J in *uch a A full Htiick rif Stoves, Rahjics and Heaters, Axes, Saws and all kinds .-f Wiiodiueii'H Supplies, also Builders' Supplies. , Parties conteniplatiuy buying should not neglect getting our prices before purcliiuing elsewlieio J. & W. BOYD. Flesherton, Ontario. Cured of Rheumatism. Mr. Win. Henry of Cluittanoija, Ti'im., had rlii'iiiiitttiHiu ill hit left arm. 'Fhe strenKth Hfieniud to havi' gonn init of the iiiiiaeloii no that it wan qsi'lei^s ft»r work," h»* s.iyH. "I applied ChuiiilfrrlaiM'B Pain Halm and wrapia-d the arm In flaiiiitd at ni)(lit. and to my irlief I found that the pain Kindnully left nie and the HtrftngtU leturneil. In three weekn the rlieu- iiiatisin had diHuppenreil and liaH not Hince ri'tiirnuil." Tf troubliid with rhfuniiitiKiii try a few niiplicationx of Pain Uidni. Yon are ceit'iln to la- pliiuied with the rebVf which it atTords. ForHuleby W. K. lliehardiion. All L.dirfU named Suivo Mcflreijor, wholivisat Cap' Croker, escMpi'd with his life but siilb'ied a heavy loss in the wiilurs of iht! (leori-ian bay recen'ly. He was on bin way home from \\ iart.iii with a loid of I) lied liay and oars and waa .iriviiiK on the ico. When ne»r Giftvelly Point th.' ice broke und iVIeOr«(<or who was Ktaoiliiitf on the lo.id jiiiiipeil to yolid ice lint his team wa< drowned and the load diaippea roil in the deep water. Preacher's Opinions Hev. P. K. McKftc, -Forks B.vldeck, C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to recomuiend the Dr. Slocuin Uiimodios to my parishioners. 1 believe there is nothing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness or rundown ays- toiii. For speaker's sore thro.%t I have found Paychlno very beneficial." llov. W. n. Stnveiis, Paisley, Ont.: "Psychino seemed just the stimulant my synteni neode.1. 1 shall add my tesfiinony as to ita 'oSlcucy at every opportunity." Rev. R. M. Browne, Amhornt Head, N.8., "I have often recommendoJ Fsychin* sinee tiikiiiff it myself, for it in a cure for tlje troubles you specify." Hev. C'hns. Rtirling, Bath, N.B.; "I fcavc need Psyi lliiir^« my family; the results wore niarveloui|. I have visited people who *tat« that they never used Itl equal. I strongly recommend it. Bcv. .T. a. I. Wilson, Marhdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Psychino »nd am pleased to »ay that I B.n giently improved in health. I was troubled with my throat, but now I find it about rcstortU to itl normal eonditlon. I find my work vory much less taxing. I boliovo PaychlD* la all claimed for it. ' Those are enrnegl preaoUors of the gospel of PByrhlns. They know whore- (f they speak. Paychin* cure* a'l throat, long and stomach trouble*. It is a g-.-oat voico •trengthencr, nctinif directly on tho vocal, respiratory and dignstive organs, thus spMinlly adajitcd to public ipcaker*. At all druggists, POe and #1.00, or Dr. T. A. 8l3curo, Ltd., Xoronto.. A Reminiscence of Early Days A reporter of tiie Toronto Telegram h.-is interviewed un oUl musician of that city who talks in a reniiniKoeiit strain of the old d^iys iu tho Ao'h when ho "called oil'' for dii.cea i.i the counties of Dufl'orin, Wellington, und Grey. Ho wiya there wore liiitela every five or ten lots npirt, tho girla all chewed gum and wore crino- liiiuH. Who.i aakcd if ho had any ad- vonturoH he replied with tho following: "One c<dd snowy ovuniiig aoiiie of us fellows who had orgaiiizod a iniiislrel Und, Cidlingom-HolveM-Tlio IronClad Min.strels," struck Flesheiton â€" wo were booked for a show t heio, niggc.s and all the rest of it, and carried fourbrasa inslru.nonts ,iiid a big driini. Oiico inside the hotel where our per- forinai.co was to to \>o held, I was struck by the iiui.ilicr of iiooiile a.sHe.nlded, as the hour was early, and going up to the luopriotor, reina.-kcd: "I'lU glad lo see so innny people here !'' ''Ho looked at ine rather ipicerly and said: " "Yoa, but do you know what they'ro hero for I La.>it night n poor ftdlow fell down tho stairs and b.-oke his neck, and the iiupiest i.s liei.ig held hero; mid .noro than that, in the oilier room there, a horse thief is havi.ig hia trial." "It was (riio. Ho.e wo wore, i.upiest, lio.-so thief trial and ii.insliel sluiw all on toiedior. Well aii/way wo wont on with the show, but there was ono thing I couldn't stand. Tlioy showed nio into a room whore I w«.s to black up for my pa.t, u.id there lying before mo, was tho corpse. No, sir, tlievo was no uao talk- iii^', I couldn't t{o on thon, not until they had taken it Hiuiiewhere olso, which they did at iny re(p.cNt <" [Tho above incidont was an absolute mc( and occu.Twl in the year 180(1. The victim was a traveller whose name is forgotten. Ho leaned against tho cellar doiir at tho Miinslinw hiuiso and, the (Uior giviiij< way, ho was pi-ecitiitated down celbir, breaking his neck, and lived only a few iiiinutes. At that time Host Man- shaw had a negro hostler who cariiud the corpse iioroKs tho road to Trimble's waiohoiiso and lirougld it liack again after the show. Win. Paton of tho Toronto line was liar tender for Mr. Munshaw nt the time. The horse thief part of tho above in a neat bit of Action, howovor â€"Ed. AUvaiico.] Ji^v^^. House for Sale. Tlio nno 7-rooni brick houfe in this villafte, known «« the Kl.lor CoMaijo. witli good briuked staliiu anil spaoloiifl grouna* iu conncctiini. All in i!io<) oou.litioii. I'rtco reasonable' Foasesslou giv.iii by May 14tfc, 1008. Apply to B. W. KLOGR. Owen Sound, Out, Xmas Offer $25.00. <i'or th.ee nionths course. Write before Doc, 21 15 ye.irs experience. British Canadian Business College, Yongo and Bloor streets, Toronto. _ farm and Houses for Sale. Lot 37, Otb coll., Xrtcmeaio. 100 acres. .Also two Rood leHideiices in Dundalk. For further particulars, apply to John Hargrave, Dundalk Enter now and PrCffflre vousrolf for LusL ness in Tho Three Courses: â€" Coinmeicial, Shorthand & rypewri'in?, and Preparatory which is for tho'e wlioae early education has been neglected. It ia ihe most complete Business College in Canada. Write to 0. A. FLEMING, Piincipal Owon Sound Ontario Farm for Sale. L.,t9 E.4 8 an.l 9, Con. i;i. In tbo townalilp of 0»prcy 160 acres, large el(.f.rln(!, |!Oo.| frame liBrnand »»abiuii. Boort dwelUuK anJ well. .\pplyou tho i>r«ini»>.» or to \V. J. nRi.i.AMY, Fleshsrtou. Ntr Farm for Sale. I,ot«l.'iGaud l.WN, E. T. an.l S. R, oontainluK 00 acriw, more or lesH. About (13 acres m Kooil maloof oultlvatit.n. 20 «<'ro» fall |lmighlui>, b<ltwui!ll»a^d nine acres of fall wli;.»t,«) acres In mtialow aud balauonio jiasMire land. Ooou BprioK oroHk al»o well at h .us«. TliU fa ui will b(i Bold cbuap owing to Bk-kuemi. haay terms if sal I at ouoo. A snap for sum abody a; HOYD, Heabortou, r.O- 7 Feb Pure-Bred Tamworths and Berkshlres for Sale. I have a fine lo» of you..B «.-Biil5'> »>urk«blre» from two to Rix weok« ol UoBouiunood Tair- woi tbiiowaroB.lv to brto . Satinfacl.o.i guaran- tood ou all iL.aU orilors Wrlto tor what you "*"'â- (I.W. U-)S8. Maxwell, Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Lovlnlasaud Wlinplo^, tho bnst ol breodhig and ipiiillt". Hull, cows and bulters fur balo at ruaHonablo prices t aa.oon.S CHAR. BTAFPORD. Fleshsrton Farm for Sale. Lotnifllfl, 2 and 3, 1st oor. N. E., Artemeala. li^aoruBlii all of ti-Bt o'.aHn farming land In a i$.)od state of uuUlvatlon. BttuatiU 1\ mile.) Bi iitli of Klfflierton, short mile from school cluan <if noxiiiiis woertu and well luiiced. IU aorue of iiiarsti, 5 acres of hardwood btiBh, hal* aiiDu hi goivl state to work all kinds uf nnuhin- ery, well watered, y oreliants, a good houce IS I 'ib vuuiioriid InBl.le, kllRben 16 x HO, wood- BhedlfixlS, new haru fiO X eO stone foundation. This is ono of tbs best tai'uis Iu the township and oau be bcugbt rltjht. W. .». CABWRLli. Gentle and Effective. A well known ^fanitoba editor wiitns: "As an iiisl.le worker I find Chainlwrlain's Stom- ach an I Liver lablets i.ivahialde for the tonehPB of liilioiiineas natural to aedsnatary life, ihiir action lieinp (fintle and 6lf<>ative^ ole.irliig the diffentive tract and thn head. I'rice, aO cents. Samples free W. E. Kiehardwin. Mr. R. J. Woods ha<i acain been noniin^tted lor iha L«f{i>«latHre in Dutferin ss a Prohibition candidaUi. Choice Farm for Sale at Kimberley. Nonh half lot No. 10, Ku^ihraHia, 111' acres, nearly all uudiir cultivation. Klvu acres old oiohard.wull watered. Thrae thousand will buy ltoni|uick Bale, tlOOO down, balance to suit. ThlB iB a deeldml bargain. Auply to Mrs. J.M. Thurstou, \.\\ Wellesley St., Torouto. Slabs and Edgings for Sale. 'Wa will sell tha 4 ft. Blabs and Kilglngs at our mill on o.ji). 8, Artemesia, at •!.(» pur oord. Hy applying to Mr, ,lno. I'aillauient, uppoitte the null, hu will nicas.ire and looelva oaah tor tbs wooil whi*ii takun away. We will fiirtliei pay a reward of (25.00 for proof otaoyono taking wood from theruiuthe pant, or who may take wood in the (utura with' ont our authority or Mr. rarllameut'r, KBRNAN BROH., Llniitwl. t Owsn CM>itU(l School CMdren's Eye& v Snpply TMr Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress In school, or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature oA our Optical Department. .r.WfcLE'" "ND DPTiClAN . WANTED . A Reliable Agent for FLESH ERTON and surrounding o<iuntry, to .sell our F.iM()US F'KERLESS APPLE TUEK8 A big hardy red winter apple that sella on sight, also a iieneral line of fruit and uriiame:i(al trees iiicludin^r other valu- ahle (iieoiaUioa. Good pay oet kly, out> 6t free, eiolusive territory. Write now to PELIJAM NU.H8KRYCO. Growers of hieh itrade uursriy atook TORONTO, ONT. N. B., Special terms to suit corking ^rt time. *9f^\ ,:yk'fx%\. : mm ^atmm itntmrnk