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Flesherton Advance, 26 Mar 1908, p. 3

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CETTINC THROUGH JAP LINES. ClUnese Spy Carried a Mpssagc From One Russhin General to .lAotlicr. Chinese honesty is proverbial, but would seem to havo its exceptions. The Rev. John H. K. Do Forest, for thirly- flve years resident in Japnn and liigh I'l the conlldence of Japanese stnles- inen and olticinis, (old of an episode of which lie had personal knowledge While with the srmy ot KuroUi in .Vlan- Ghurio: "Some ot Ihe .>^pies used by both sides during th« war were f'.hinese, ' ho said. "Coniplicaltons not infrequently rcsult- ctl. "Kiiropalkin one day had a particu- Imly important message In send to Gen- i)t««>sel. To pet through the Japan- ese lines «>em<'d almost out of tl.e ques- tion, lut Ihe Russian rommander went to a f:hinesi^ famous for his skill and intrepidity. The old fellow didn't warn tc risk It. Ijut Kuropalkin cajoled hijn to it, giving him $300 and promising him $200 whi^i he returned. "When h<' len-'hed Ihe vicinity of the Japanese 1 nrs, with an intention that had ovd. nlly 'been with him from the etarf, he went .straight to Kuroki. in- sisting that his business was very press- ing. "Uf explained in full to Kuroki that the rtus.sian Oenei-nl had given htm a task which he could not perform be- cause of the admirable disposition of the forces, that therefore he had d'ne the next best thing and come etra'ghl to t.*ie Illustrious leader of the triumphant Japanese. "Kuroki read Ihe despatch, gave 't lack to tiini, bade him go on to Sloes- eel with it and return with the answer to the Japonose camp, where he would receive $,')00 and be permitted to carry the answer on t<5 Kuropalkin and col- lect his remaining $200. The Chinaman carried out his instructions in detail «nd collected for his exploit $1,000." Ignorance is a Curse.â€" "Know thy- felf ' is a good admonition, whether re- ferring to one's phy.-!ical condition or jT.oral haliitudes. The man wlio is ac- quainted with himself will kn'jw how to act when any disarrangement in his condition miinifests itself. Dr. Thomtis' Ccleclric Oil Is a cheap and simph.- remedy for the eradication of pain from the system and fo-r the cure of all bron- chial troubles. nECEPTIVITY. Trampâ€" "Help me. lady, p!e.Tse. For three years 1 workeJ for the grand of temp«'rance, ma'am.'' I.adyâ€" "Were you a temperance ora- tor?" Trnmpâ€" "No, ma'am; I was the hor- rible example." ITCH, Mr.nge Prairie Scratches ami every form of contagious Itch on human ,r animals cured in 30 minutes by Wcl- ford's Sanitary I.cllon. It never foils. Sold by all druggists. ASKED TO BE BIRIED ALIVE. Mode of Death .Selected liy a Clijnaninn Condemned lur Fracticidc. Riiugh justice as it is administered in most parts of China is sometimes ten)p»rcd by individual tastes, as an ineiiknt printed in one of the China pert jounuiLs attests. A man in Su- chion, c<-indc!iineil to die. preferred to be biJiMcd alive, and his wislies were carred out to the lett/er. Durni/ Ihe famine two Irthrrs who livrd ill .Suchien foU).:hl de-p"nitcly to slave <'ff starvation fiom tlieii- families and tiad blood arose belwoen Ih^-m. At last the elder bixither «3ld his father's cclllii for food. Whin he refused to iJividi^ the proceeds with his youngfr brother the latter cut .jff his head with a clenver. Decaii-e it was too expensive l^i cnrry Iho murderer .several scows of miles U) th.' nenrrsl yrimen <if jii.sti<'e, the lo- cal elders, incluJin;: the father of the miirdorer whos<'- collin had l<?en sold, snt in justice upon the culprit and con- <ienini-d him t<i death. He aykeJ that he tH> liuried alive instead nf receiving Iho h'lrr ble torture < f the "thirty slices. The father int'Tce<led with Ihe other el- irlers 1(1 gel them to grant his son's re- quest. A gi-nve was dug. ami the vi?tim. with his (inns anil feci securely bound, was lrundle<l in a whcelhorrvjw to the edge of Ihe pit by l^ls wife. There upon Ihe miirdervr's own request his Ixmds were i^ost^i and he walked to â- fhe gr«ve! lowered himself into it and Va>i ready. Ttio victim's wife put a felt hnt over hi.s nviiilh nl his request, and then she 'helped the elder.s to (ill in the grave with six feet of earth. PINE FOREST IN HIS BEDROOM During the recent illness of the Em- peror of Austria, his physician, Dr. Kerzl, had a number of small pine liees, growing in tubs, placed in his tH-Hlroom, oonverling the room into a miniature pine forest. The tiealing properties of the pines are recognized by the leading physi- cians and scientists of the w<jrld. Thou- samls of people afllicled with lung trouble and broncliial affections who aie not in a position to leave home and business to live out among the pines, can procure at small cost the health- giving properties of the pine forest, right in their own home. Virgin Oil of fine (pure) posse£.ses ali Ihe therapeutic vii-tue for which the pines are noted. It is carefully prepared, being a combination of the active prin- ciples of forest trees, and is guaranteed freo from any impure or deleterious .substance. Used according to direc- tions It will break up a cold in 24 hours and promptly relieve and sl^jp the ir- ritating cough. Virgin Oil of Pine is put up in X-oz. vials only for dniggists to dlspens*', each vial enclo-sed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and exposure I'' liglil. The case is sealed with an engraved wrapper showing the name- Virgin Oil of Pine compound (pure), pre- pared only by Lcoch Chemical Co., Windsor, Onl.,â€" plainly printed thereon. It is well to get the genuine. .Should your druggist be unable to supply you, you can hove a J^-oz. vial mnil.^ to jou by sending .10 cents to the Leach Cliemical Co., Windsor, Onl. CALSE FOR ALARM. .\ young man in Lebanon had b<'en courting a girl for nine years. "'Jen- nie,' he said, one evening. "I read the other day that irj, hO.OOO years .Niagara Falls would dry uj)." Jennie clutched his arm c.xeiledly. "Whj-, }pu promised to 1«kc me there on our bridal trip. Don t you •think you had bctt<'r start.' Wonn.s derange the whole system. Mother Graves' 'C\'orin E.xterminator de- ranges wtirms and gives rest to Ihe sv:fferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and be convinced. Jasonâ€" "There are three peri<jds in a man s lite whtn he does not understand n woman." Gniy.sonâ€" ".\nd they are.'' Jasonâ€" "Before he knows her, when he kDtJws her, and afterwards.'" Tearinf Down 5l|[nal« doM not dslaj â- tnrma. Opiam-lfuloii "inodciinos " do not cure. Wlien run b«K>ii Lo cougli take Allen's Luna B&lBam, free from opium, full uf tieaiing power. If a man could m* himself as olFiers soi; him tie might bo able to see his finish. It doofint coBt much to paint. That [a if you (tot Hameay'B Paintaâ€" linown for over Blxty yearn aH the foremost hounc paints in Canada. Your dealer has just received a large stock. Kc will tell you all about them and show you the splendid color cards Write A. Ramsay A Son Co.. Mont- real, for pack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of Homes. "What do you get out of lif<'?' de- Tnanded the grumbler. "What I put into it. plus a fair interest," answered the thoughtful iiinn. PILES CURED IN « TO 14 DAYS. IPAZO OlNTMB.^fr y gu>i.r,uiteed to cmre any 'case ot Itching, Blind, Ulesding or Protudlag Piles in d lu U iuur> or aoney refaaded. 500. O Briciiâ€" "The doctor scz what I hev is 'insonjmy.' " O'Tooleâ€" "Oh, shure. (/I've had thot Ihrouble mesol'. an' lliere's only wan euro fur il." O'Brien â€" "What'.s â-  lhot7 What d'ye do?' O'Tooleâ€" "Jii-shl go to sleep an' furgit all ab<jut il." "Part my hair in the middle, please." "Yes, sir; but ttiere's an odd one, sir. What hod I belter do with that?" "A Grand Medicine" Is the encomium oflen pasM-d on Hickle's .\iili-(xjnsiiinp- tive Syrup, and wlien Ihe ro.'julls from Its use lire considered, as borne out by many persons who have employed it in stopping cougtis and eradicating colds, it Is more than grand. Ke|jt in the house it is always at hand a*l it ha.s no equal as a remedy. If you ITJivc not tried il, do so at once. "I'd he ashamed lo go round begging,' said the pro.sperous citizen. "Takes all kinds uv people t' make a world," re- joined Iho tramp. "Mere you i.s foo proud t' beg, an' I'm Ujo proud t' work. ' "The DAL" neathel Plaster* are aarrel. Ions in their quick .-iction when applied to ivme backft or itiff rheumiUic muacles or jointe- Th«y gire immediate relief. EVERYTHING I.N PROPORTIO.N. For many weeks the irritable mer- chant hod been riveted to his bed by typhoid fever. Now he was conval- escing. He clamoic-d for wjnielh ng to eat, declaring that he wa.s .starving. "To-morrow you may have .'Omething t' seat," promis<>d the doctor. The merchant realized that there would Ijc a restraint to his apiietite; yet h« saw, in a vision, a moJost, steaming meal place<l at his bedside. "Here i.s your dinner,' said the nurse next day, as she gave the glowering pa- tient a tixionful of tapioca pudding, "and the <locl.<ir emphn-sizos that every- thing you do must be in the same proportion." Two hours IwUm- Ihe nurse had a fran- tic call from the bed-chombcr. "Nurse," breathed the man. heavily, "I want lo do some reading, bring me r» postage stamp." How happy women would be if they could liv« \on^ without getting oldl A SAFE I!WE.STMENT. For some months men of mcarus have been sitting light. No weultli for safe investment. At ttu.s time of the year there comes Ihe natural rebound. Moneyed men want some p'.nw Ui in- vest ttieir money wher.; they will gel a larger interest than the banks pay and yet have an absolute sur>ety that il will liol he sunk out of sight with no return. To meet lliLs conddion one <]f the best C'linpanie.s in the city are <]ffering pre- ferred stoi.l< in Ihclr concern and guar- ante.' an 8 per cent, accumulative divi- dend payable each year. They will re- lain the privilege of buying out Ihe in- vestor of the slofk he has purchased ut the expiration of three years, by giving him an advance of 10 per cent, on the par value of his shares plus the 8 per cent. guarant<>cd dividend. This appears lo be an investmenl stund and guaranleeing good money. It is only those who are anxious In make a good bona fide inveNtnienl that the company wish to talk to. Full in- formation will be given bv addressing Eox 206, Toronto General Post Oince. * OBLIMOU.S. Mrs. Wiggsâ€" Cook has only broken one dish to-day, dear! Mr. Wiggsâ€" That's better! How did it happen? Mis. Wiggsâ€" It was the last one. A CHANCE IS NEEDED. Throncb tiie lone winter one needs a change. Why go Sonth when "The Wei- land," St. Catharines, offers an environ- ment at moderate cost which will minister to tired nerves and worn out bodies? Try the tonic influence of "The St. Catharines Well" and the restful influence of "The Welland." Apply the manager, St. Cath- arines, or any Agent of Grand TruDk Kail- way System. PESSIMISTIC \'IEW. "Say, paw," queried small Tommy Toddles, "What's an optimist?" "An optimist, my boy." replied old man Toddles, "is a woman whose im- praclicabilily makes her husband a pessimist." . ,.. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVB BBOMO Quinine Tablete. DmgglBte refund moue; if It fails to ottre. K. W. aaOVB'S ilgnatare is on each bos. Uo. IN SPITE OF TIIE PANIC. SIxangerâ€" "What is that crowd do- ing in [rent of llie bank? Has it faiietl?" â€" "Oh. n.j; Hie depositors are merely having a run for their money." Tested by Time.â€" In his justly cclebral e<! I'iils Dr. Parnielee has given lo the World one of the most unique jiiedicines offered to the public in late years. Pre- pared to nu'et the want for a pill which could be taken without nausea, and tlial would purge witlKjul puiii. it has met all lefiuiienient.s in that direction, and it is in general not only be- cause of thes<' two qualities, hut be- cause il i.s known lo possess altcralive and curative powers which place il in the [ronl rank of medicines. COULDNT liE BETTER. The .Manâ€" ".Vnd ytu i-cally think you havo an id<'al husband, don't you?"' Tlie Matronâ€" "I know I have. Why, be treats me as if he were a cundidule foe ollice and I was a voter." Rose-colored spots on the bndles of ohtldren Are eotaetiniOH mistaken for ineajilea. Tile trouble may be roHoola, a local disease of the skiu ; Promptly curod witti Weaver's Cerate. 1NV0L\'ED. Binks.â€" I notice that yoii have a thread tied around your finger, I siip- po,so thai is lo remind you of some- thing. Jinksâ€" Not exactly. It is to remind my wife ^3 ask nie if I forgot some- thing she told me to remember. A lady writes: "I was enabled lo re- move the corn.s. root and branch, by the u'.e of Holloway's Corn Cure." 0lh<'r.s who have tried it have Iho samo e.Npericnce. Applicantâ€" "What is Ihe first thing lo do ln'fore you pet a mnrringelicen- .si?" Liccn.'* CIcikâ€" "Think il over, young man â€" think il over!" A Scotch laboring man who had mar- ried a rich widow, exceptional for her l)lainnes.s, was acco>led by his employ- er. "Well, Thomu.s,' h<' said, "I hear you are married. What sort of a wife have you got?" "Weel. sir," was the resi)onse. "she's the (rector's han<li- work, but I canna say she's His master- piece!" The man who neglects lo put his best fcol forward when he has a chance may feel like kicking himself laler. You can loam a little each day, un- less you happen to Ix? one of those wise pcrson.s who know it all. PAiiSS Has proved to be one of the most useful remedies yet put on tbe market, and is used by the leading physicians with excellent results. PANGO 'will give almost instant relief to those suffering from Neuralgia, Head-ache and Rheumatism. For Colds PANGO will be found very useful. The cold can be checked before the case has developed by using PANGO. Apply PANGO to the outside of the nose and apply as often as circumstances seem to warrant. It may be used on the inside of the nostrils where the skin is not broken. This might be followed by an uncomfortable sensation, which will pass awaj quickly. PANGO may also be used on the chest. For Tooth-ache apply PANGO externally to the face where the pain is felt, or to the gums. This may give a smarting sen- sation for a few minutes, followed by relief. PANGO may also be put on a small piece of absorbent cotton and put in the tooth. PANGO will also give relief to those suffering from Chapped Hands, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Shingles, Stings of Insects, Mos- quito Bites, Varicose Veins, Muscular Fatigue, AlTectiona of the Throat, Gout, Lumbago and Sprains. Recommended by physicians and druggists. Manufactured under the direction of a leading physician and expert chemist. y. Price 50 cents, "â- â-  Sample Size 2S cents. THE LONDON, England pan^ PARIS, France COMPANY TOBONTO, Canada e Genuine Oriental Rug for $2.00 Every home in Canada should have on« or more genuine Oriental Rugs. They are beautiful in the softness and harmony of their fadeless colors, and in point of economy are cheaper than any of the low-priced domestic products. 'Ihese Hugs are Imported by us direct from the great rug-producing centres of Turkey, Asia Minor and Persia. The idea used to prevail that Oriental Rugs were costly, and that ordinary people could not afford Ihem. That Is only true of the large sized rugs. While we are the largest importers of large rugs and oriental goods in this country, we do an enormous business in the small sized rugs, which we can sell at hcreloloro unheard of prices. Especially in the Anatolians many rare bits o' antique coloring are found, though on account of their size we can sell them for as little as $2 each. HERE IS OUR SPECIAL CASH OI'FER We make a special bargain of two of our popular small-sized rugs. They are suitable for door mats, bath rooms, lo lay In front of fire- places, or pianos, they are nice in bedrooms or for foot rugs. One kind is 2 to 3 feet long and \ \o V/, feel wide, called Anatolian rugs, made by the natives of Anatolia, In Asia Minor; very pretty on account of the soft tones and harmony of the coloi-s; many of them are antiques. Wo will send them, charges prepaid, on receipl of the sprcial ^O price, each 9^ Another kind, the Hamadan rug, Is 3 to * feel long and Z% to .1 fe< I wide made In Persia, while larger than Ihe Anatolians, they are useful In the same way and for the samo purposes. They are in aitraclive pnl- tem.s and colors; heavily tufted. Sent on receipt of price, ^R each ^99 We have the largest stock of nenuine Oriental Rugs. Art r,onds and Brassware in Canada. Whenever you want fiuotations on anything in our line we will be glad to an.swer your inquiry. We .send rugs of any «i«e and valuoon approval to responsible parlies ordering from a distance. COURiaiM, BABAYAN & CO., 40 KInv •*â-  Knatt Toronto. SO.VIinilING WRONG. "The piv)of of the pudding is Ihe eal- ingl' No longer .seems the proper view; For lots of people cat llicir words Yet it doe.sii'1 prove them true. WHAT CAUSES HE AD ACHE. From 0ctob«r to May. CoMn ar« tbe ni'>il tra- aunt ouas of Heaaach*. LAX ATI VII IIRUMO QUIlflNB ramoruuiM*. B. W. dtoit oa box iH Mugginsâ€" "I am surprised that you believe the story Brown just told us. Why. I wouldn't believe it if I U Id d my.sclf." Ilugginsâ€" "Oh, well, in Ihat case neither would I." I Petei^borouqh. Onf, C3/iada. SehdforCataloguc^ Donrys ' KIDNEY /, PILLS ''>H-.KlDNE-l' Overworked Per*on«, either mentallT or pliy»ic<aiT, «h.)nlU try "FerroTim," the worlU renowned iierva and Mood tonic .inil tbey will ^ckly recarer strength and health Teacherâ€" "(Xirrcct the sentence, 'The liquor what the man thought was soon drank.' '' Bright Pupilâ€" "Tlio man who bought the li(n:or was soon drunk." It Is a Liver Pill.â€" Many of the ail- ments that man has lo contend with have their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate organ, peculifirly su.sceplible to the dislurbanccs Ihat come from irregular habits or lack ol care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts for the great many liver regula- tors now pressed on the attention of sufferers. Of these there is none super- ior lo Farmelec's 'V'egeljible Pills. Their or-cration though gentle is effective, and the most delicate can use them. HE WAS CURED. "They tell me that you hav* «'"''''' j yourself of chronic in.somn/n-j' "Yes, I'm completely cw/*'-.',' "11 must be a great n'"''- ...^ "Relief! 1 j-hould m* ;' "v,L how I llie awake h«lf the n'V"'.'"''"''^^ "^ J 1 used U) suffer fnuiU "â-  Dyeing I Cleaning I Vet Um lety keel eeaAyemi week to tke ••â- MTMN AHIIUItAN ITIINQ O0.» iMklHafeulareulova, etaeadWieek. MMrtVMl, Toronto. OtUwa. Q«atM% WANTED- to hear from owner having QOOD FARM] £«r sale. Not pattlcnlar abnui l."iO"ii Please RiTe price and ilescrlplinii, i"'' ''"'• •on for selllnf. 8t.ite when p^M«f""° '" be bad. Wilt deal with owneri cnly L. Darbyshlre, Bom 8S4, B wteater, .N. V, EASTER LILY «,, ASTER SUNDAY Send 10 Cents WtU Mod 70Tt 1 Eultr i.Ujr niiib, aIm sou dif- ftrent Jcind*of frMh, UncH grown â- â‚¬â‚¬<]•, inclHillns Paniie9,retunlu, fhloi, Aitrra^ Stockt, Sweet Peat, Coamo*, Balian^, Nuianiumt^MornlniGlo* rIctfVcrbcnM. Pnrtulica^ I ThU St.fl col)acflo« of •ecda and Bulba for 10e*l|^ SlUcr or 2r. StKmpih QLENWOOO NURSKRV wiNTin HiLi, mmmm ISStE NO. 13^ 08.

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