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Flesherton Advance, 19 Mar 1908, p. 4

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-^ ">«^ 1 IRTHLAIS OF CASADA The West Could Produce 1,300 Million Bushels of Wheat. A despatch from Oltnwa says: In the Afe'iKullural CommilUc llio olhor day, H !•:. ^<lUllg. .Supcrlmlciidenl ol Hie railway and .swamp. lands' luancti of IhR DcparlnKHl of Interior, gave some most inli^resling (igurcs and *sliniates in re- gard to llio possil'ilitks of grain-tjrow- int' in tho Gonad. nn West. If the wlieat crop of 1906 lolallrd one liundred mil- lion tfushcis on u stltlcd area of bO,- tfW.OOO acres, it was, he claimed, no stretch of iniaginaton to look in thu fiilurf f<ir a wheat pruduclion of 1.300,- 0(.0. IjusIuI.s, worlh praclically throe times the lotal foreign trade of Canada at the prc'i^'iit time. 01 I ho SG.lKXI.nnO Bcr<'S rcfcrritl lo above, only S.IKVl.OOO licr«s are imdcr wheat. One fiirni of 875 arrt'S, with which he wa.s Qcriuainl- e<l, near .'^auKakx'in, had given a net return last .cen.son ot $U.33 an acre. The latitude did not govern Ihe climalo in Canada. In .'sumrncr it wa.s just as \varrii in Fort ."^impson, on the Mac- k< nzie Hiver, as il was in Winnipeg or Ottawa. Wgelable.s such ns cabbage, lethKe, nnl potntoe.s had been succo.-s- /ully grown as far noilh as Fort Good llope. w.lhin U miles ol the Arctic c)t;- cle. summer .Mr. Oinway, inspec- lor of Indian Affairs, saw as line vege- tables at Fort G<x)d Hope as ever were grown anywliero in Canada. The growlli in Ihc far north, owing to the king davs. was rnpid beyond belief. Wla'al of good quality Ihere ran lii (xiunds lo the bu.sln^l, grown at Fort Siirip.>;<.n, in latitude 0?. A good many flulonK-nl.s had been made as to Ihe avail- able area <,f agricultural land in Ihc remolo northwest. One gentleman, who had tiaveled over a great iwrlion of this eounlry, declared that there was tfO.fifJfJ.OOn mil^s west and north of the Another competent w.lncss had .'•aid Ihere was as much available land in Ihal region ns was now settled west of Winnipeg. The .viuthcrn boun- dary of the Province of Tokolsk in Si- beria was a hundred miles further north than Edmonton, vet I.". TjOO Tokolsk had a populati<jn of 1.500.000, and pro- duced M.OOO.OfiO bn.-^hfls of wheat alone, and over 10,000,000 bushels of oaLs. If this was so, why sliould we not derive an equal profit fi-om tho portions of our Norlhwest Territ<.ries, which at prc- .«ent are remote from settlement. But in addition lo its agricullural possil)!lities, enough was known about the mineral resources of the northern country U:i pixivc that it was possessed if unU'ild wealth of gold, .silver, cop- per, iron, and mon/ other minerals. LEADING MARKETS HnF.AD.STL'FF.S. Toronto, March 17.--Manitoba Wheat So. I northern, $1.2IX; No. 2 nort'i- «rn, «I.1SX; No. 3, $1.13; feed wheal, C7>^c; S«. 2 feed, 61 ^c. Onlnrio Wheatâ€" .No, 2 while, 9t>ic to Pie outside; No. 2 red, Ote to '.tiXc; No. £ mixed, 93Xt; Roose, 91c trj U2c. Cornâ€" Firm; No. 3 yellow American 7i)c lo 71c, Toixinto freights; No, 3 liiixeil. Jjje less. Barleyâ€" .No. 2. 70c. Ftyeâ€" .No. 2, tOc to Mc. Buckwheat- No. 2, 67c. Oats- No. 2 white, 5lc outside, 53c nn track Tomnlo; No. 2 inixixl, V.)c outside. Flour â€" Manitoba palents, special brands, $C; .seconds. $U.V); strong bak- ers', J5.30; winter wheat pat^'ot-s, S3.50. Bran Full cars, SJ5 lo 9M, bags in- cluded, outside. Shorts-.^carce, $23 lo $24. Cair Ixiard nuolalions:â€" Bran- A car <-iffercd at North Boy for $26. bags incliidt-d.', for pr.nnpl shii>- rnent; S25.2.'> bid. Ontario Whealâ€" No. 2 iiilxed, offered ol 93e Grand Trunk weal, 92J<;c bid. Barley- No. 2 offered at 70c outside. Pens-.No. 2 offeivd at 87c outside. Oats- No. 2 while offered at 51c out- 6ide. f>)rn-No. 3 yellow, 68c bid on Irnck T«i«nlo. COI.rNTIiY pnonccE. Poiillryâ€" Very quiel. \'iniie turkeys, e.xlra choice . 13c to t5c Y<iung f'<>esc 9clollc ^•.ung dueks 9c;lollC Chickens, choice 12c to 13c on fowl 8c to 10c Inlirior chicks and fowls 5c to 7c rieameiy, prints 3lcto32c do solids 30elo3lc Dairy prints 2.5clo27c (I.J larg<! polls 2'ie(o2.')o (U solids 23eto2'lc Interior 20<lo2lc i;Kgsâ€" New-laid, 23c lo 24c; limed, 19c U 20e. Honeyâ€" SIrained .'lenily at lie to 12c per pouml for fiO-iienind pails and 12c U 13e I<ir 5 to lO-poimd pails. Cx)mbs 01 $1.75 to $2.50 (ler <lo7.en. Poliitoesâ€" OnUiri<j, tXK" to 95c; Bela- ware, il.'ic to $1 in car lots on track • here. Cheeseâ€" 13%c to Itc for large and He to U}i<l for Iwlns, in job lots here. Beans- 81.70 lo $1.75 for primes and $i.80 lo $1.85 for hand-picked. Baled strawâ€" .$9 lo $10 per Ion on track here. Baled Hayâ€" Timothy Is quoted at $16 lo $17 in car lots on track here. PBOVISION.S. Porkâ€" .Short cut. $21 to $21.50 per barrel; mess, $17.50 to $18. Lardâ€" Tierces, ll%c; tubs, ll%c; pails, 12c. .Smoked and Dry Salted Meatsâ€" Long clear bacon, 9Jic for tons and; lioms, medium and light, 12Xc to 13c; hams, large, llj^c lo 12c; backs, 16c !o lC>%c; shoulders, 9,'<;c t,o 9%c; rolls, 0>^c to lOo; breakfast bacon, 14c to 15o; green meals out of pickle Ic less than ."-mokcd. MONTPEAI. MABKinS. Montreal, .March 17.â€" There is a good demand lor Manitoba feed wheat, which io stronger at an advance of 1 to 2 cents jier bushel, with saUa of fe-cd grades at 67c to GRc; No. 2, at Glc to (i2c per bushel, ex track. Eastern f:a- nnda. No. 2 while oats, 52c; No. 3, 40c The demand for flour is good. Choice spring wheal palents. $0.10; seconds, S;5.r>il In .$5.60; wmler \\lK?al patents, $5.30; .straight rollers. .<54.75 lo .$5; do., in bags, $2.25 lo $2.35; e.\tra, 81.80 to Sl.'Ji). Manilfiba bran, .$22 to .S23; shorls. 1623 to $24; Onlario gialii, .shorts, $22 lo $22.50: middlings, $â- :^ lo $25; .shorts, S;'5 lo $27 per Ion, including bags, and pure grain niouille at .$32 to .$34. H<illed oaU, $2.75; corn, $1.60 to $1.- 70 ]MT lag. There Is no material change in the local che<Y^e market, .'^cplcmbcr erns are selling at 13c for white and 13>!jc for colore<l; .'v'plenibe.r eastern*. 1"X'' for white and I3Xc for colored. I-Vjr biiter Ihe demand is active; grass For butter Ihe demand is active; grass 111 30c. In eggs a good demand exists for fresh .stock. Canadian fresh are .selling al 2'.)(.' to 30c; American fiv\sh, at 28c •o 29c; flanadian pelect, 27c lo 28c; .Montreal limed, at 21c lo 23c. Provisionsâ€" IVirk, barrels .short cut mess, 21; half barrels, $10.75; clear fat lacks, $22 to $23; long rut heavy mass, $20; halt barrels do., $10.50; dry salt long clear backs, lOVJc; barrels ])lale Lfef, $13.50 to $15.00; half barrels do., Â¥'ii'> lo $7.75; bnirels heavy mess beef, $10 to $11; half barrels do., $5.50 lo $6, comiwund lard, 8>ic lo 9c; pwc liird, ll^c lo llJic; kellle rendered, llJic to (2c; hams, 12o lo 13J<;c, accord- ing to si7.o; breakfast bacon. 14c to 15c; Windsor l!iac<m. 14Xc to 15>^c; fresh- kMlcd abntt.iir-dresscd hog;s ,$8 to $8.25; l'\e, .$5.75 lo S5.S5. nUFFALO M.VBKETS. Buffalo, M.imh 17.â€" Wheat â€" Spring lower; No. I .Northern. $1.07%; No. 2 rt<l, $1.(12; Winter easier. Coinâ€" Firm- er, No. 2 yellow, G9%c. Oatsâ€" Steady; No. 2 mixed, 5-4c; .No.. 2 white. 57%c. Borlcy-91c to S1.04. Byeâ€" No. 1 Uack, 89c. NIAV YORK WIIE.VT MABKET. - New York-, .Morch 17.â€" Wheatâ€" .'^po I sleiidy; No. 2 red, 98%c elevator; No. 2 red. .Sl.iiO% f.o.h. alkial; No. 1 north- ern Dululh. 81.13% f.o.b. afkjat; No. 2 hard winter, Sl.lOJi f.o.b. anoal. LIVE STOCK MABKET. Toronl-i, March 17.â€" The exporters of- fered were vei'y few, bul oniong tliem were several exceptionally choice steer.';, which t.rouglit $5.25. One load of heavy bulls sold for export at 83.75 U) $4.12>i. , ,, Common ond medium butchers sold very slowly at Tuesdays lowest prices. Ono fair load of butchers' cntllo brought only .$3.,50 to $4.30 per cwt., while last week il could have sold cosily for $4 to 84.50. G«x)d butchers' cows were in fair de- mand, but wore also very scarce. Fair and common cows .sold ut low prices. Not many stockers were <in the mar- ket, bul, as there was Utile demand, most of what there were -sold round 3c per pound. Calves were slow and prices ranged from $3 lo SG per cwt. The average rrice per calf was ab<jut $fi..V), -so they were nol very heavy. The trade in sheep was fairly steady, and prices held up. There was a go<id demand for the best grade of pruin-fed lamUs, which made the price go a lilUc higher. But common lambs s<Jld slowly al form- er prices. The price of hogs ts unchanged. Of- ferings have been light, but a fairly large run of liogs today kept the prices from going up. SIZE OF THE lEfilSlATlE More Than One Hundred Seats Are Provided For. • A <le^spati-h from Toronto says: In nrcridancc with tho plan suggested by ,.,d^^|nâ-  Mr. Whitney, the Mil respecling ^ffpiVsenlation lo Ihe I.egi.slalive A.s>- ^fcembly, Ihe reilislribiitlon measure, was read u woond lime on Thursday and referred lo a special «immitl<.>e. The <liily of tlial body will bi» "to prepare schedules contjilning and <lescribing tho e'ecloral distriiU entilled to re- turn members to Ihe llou.s«." It â- Â« composed of five Conservative mem- bers, Hon, Mos.srs. Wtillney, Mallie.s<in and llanna, and .Me.ssrs. Ilaigavel deeds) and McDinrmid (West Elgin!, -4Hd three Opposilion menilx r.'«, .Messrs. C?i8> Bowmon, .'<, ("larke (Norlhiiiiiljer- Jnnd) and May (Ottawa). In speaking of tlie bill tho Prime Minister quoted jire- fe<IenU for the inelb<iil of proceduie ll adopted, fn his addregs lie did not add Diatiriidly lo the knowledge of tho House as to Ihe changes lo bo made in Ihe repre.sentation ro- it<'ratlng that the schedules were lo be prepoied by Ihe committee. He as.sert- ed that Ihe m<'ml)ershlp of Ihe Legisla- ture would Ix" increased to a lilllo over UXI, anil lliot the northern Ontario and the Cily of Toronlo would l)e given ad- ditioniil repre.senlali\e.s. Ho rcp('at<'d thai c<iunly lines would be adhered lo and Ihal lne<pialitie.s of jxipulalion in- Irodui'ed by former Ooveriimenls would be corrected. The chief point of imporlance in the remarks of the leader of Ihe Opposi- tion was his reference lo Toronto. He distinctly opp<iS(\l Iho fixing of the nuin- l)er of meinlx'rs to be elected in the city a', eight. In view of Iho number of Cabinet Ministers residing in Toronto ils maximum r«'prescntatlcn should be cix. EllE Al CABS JITCHED SHOT Win; aftku gtAnnEi.. Elderly Couple of Fort William Virtiins of a Traflcdy. A despatch from Fort William, Out., .says; After living Uigither tor over twenty years, a petty quarrel of an old ccuple of this city ended in a lerriblo Irogedv .«Jalurday afternoon, Mr. Wni. Carton being deiid by his own hand and his wife l..lng in the McKellnr Hospital in a ciilieal condition, as Ihe le.sult of a bullet wound in her head, Ihe wouiKl having be<'n inllicleil by (iarUm before he turned live weap<in on hiiiLself. The couple were In Ihe back yard al the time, and the tragedy was started by a war of words, which was suddenly en(K>d by Carton whipping out a revolver and c<.mmitting Ihe iii.sano dee<I. Nciphlxirs who were attrarle,! by the shots found both lying appaieiitly lifeless on Ihe groun.l. but a ^-Ui-ser e.\- aminalion showeil Ihal Mrs. Carton was still alive, and she wa.s hurried ot( to the hospilJil, wheiv me<lical aid ha.s, so far, bien able lo keep life in her. although the final outcome is very (kiubtliil. No reason for the rash act is known. Carton was apparently sune, and was not a u.ser <d liquor. The cou- n)e have resided here for many years, and have a family of grown-up chil- dren. Il\MPED FROM WINDOWS. Guests ol the Klnfl Edward Hotel at Quebec in a Panlr. A despatch from Qu'^l^'^; says: The cry of lire in Ihe King Edward Hotel, a SMiall hostelry slUioled <in Carden street, near Ihc City Mall, created a scene of considerable excilemeiit on Sunday morning al 2 o'clock. The lire to<jk place in tho basement, and in a few moments the entire promises we'o lined Willi den.s<> smoke. The guests, t', Iho number of alioul thirty-live, in- cluding men)l)ers of tho AlKjrn Opera Oimpany, performing al the .\U(litori- iim, were awakened from their sluni- l.ers, and .some of the women l)eeanie .s< excited that they jumped from a .second slory window lnt<i Ihe yard, pnillally drassod. The firemen, in the meanlinie, were quickly on Ihe .spot, niid very scnm extinguished lb • flames before they reached any dangerous pr<v portions. Tho damage was in.signitl- cant. FOl'R IIIINDRED SLAIN. Battle Between Italians and Tritw.smcn in Sonialilnnd. A despatch from Home eiiys: Nows has been received here from Italian Sonialilnnd to Ihn effect that n loc(\l tribe, helped by s<jldiers of the Mulluh, attacked another tribe under Ihe i)rotec- lion of Italy an,l kllletl thirty of their opiwnents. They then <lrovc off a quan- tity of entile. Italian troops were then sent in to the di.sturlied seclkin lo pun- ish the raiders. In thi.s they were .suc- cessful, for In ono engagement they killed four hundred of tho tribesmen and sixty of tho Mullah's soldiers. The Italians had oiu) man killed and two wounded. Scores of Passengers Hurt on Newfound- land Kailwa^. An oa.iy going man Ls apt lo make U hard soing for his wife. A despatch from Halifax, N. S., says: The sle.imer Bruce, arriving at .North Sydney on Friday, had over one hun- dred pas.^cngeis, the majority of wliom vere suffering from injuries received c-.\ llie Newfoundland Bailway on Thursday, in one of the worst rccident? '•I Ihe history of the Reid road. Many pns-engers were obhged to remain al Port Au.x Basque, with injuries so seri- <'us as not lo permit of the:r continu- ;n(.' their journey. The accident occurred six and a hoif mites from Perl Aux Basque, wlien mcsl of tho passengers were asleep. The train was moving rapidly along when the engine and forward cars rolled over and over, hurling men. wo- men and children from their berths in lhu> langled wreckage. None were killed outright, although the cook on Ihe train received injuries which arc likely to prove fatal. Wni. Babcock, going to Alli5ton, Mass.. bad his head badly cut. onif his wife and child were olso severciy injured. One girl, bound for Nanco^i- ver, had her face covered- with band- rges, her teeth having penetrated her hps. Andrew Snow, en route to Fer- nle. B. C, had his arm badly dislocat- eo. In fact, all the passengers suslamii) more or le.--s .serious injuries. Heavy banks of snow near where Ihf wreck occurred, added to the sud- denness of the catastrophe, rendered the work of rescue ditncult. and tor n»arly six hours the injured passen- fers were ebliged to do the best they could until a wrecking tram re.iched the scene. During this lime many piti- ful scenes were enacted, distracted parents fearing that their children wcr» buried under the wreckage. The place where the cars rolled over was fortunately level ground. Had it occurred where the road was rocky or mountainous, there Is no doubt many, if not all, would have been killed. CONDENSED NEWS ITEiMS nAFPE,MNGS FROM ALL OX- GLOBE. TOB Trleoraph Dricfs Fronu Our Own and Oilier Countries ol Recent SvenU. r\NADA. Chatham General Hospital is ovcr- crowilod. There is an outbreak of glanders ut 0.\lx)w, Sask. Saskatchewan legislature is to meet Oil April 2nd. .'â- ^cven illicit stills were seized last year in the .Vionlreal district. .\lr. J. n. Jack.son of HunlsviUe was killed by falling from a ladder, on Fri- day. .\ laboraloiy for testing ores, metals fuel and food is to be establisbed in '!• ronlo. Wood is scarce In Pcterboro. Only ene firm has a supply of maple and beech. .Norris Stevens, a ."^t. CJitharines hotel- keeper, was liiM-d $100 for selling liquor afler hours. Caretakers of Call public schools must not leave their buildings during slIiooI hours. Jack Pikkanian, a Finlander, commit- ted suicide at Cobalt by hanging, on Saturday. The body of a colored man was found ill the river near Simcoe, on Saturday, .'^t Thomas. Tho Ontario Minister of Education will reiiuirc fire drills to be practised in all the schools of the Province. No gold has been brought out of the Findlatcr Hiver district, B. C, despite Ihe finds reported. Alvml seventy per cent, of lh« cows In Ihe Winnipeg dairies arc sold to be in- fcclod with tuberculosis. Cfli;nt«^rfelt money is prevalent in Peterborough, and is allegetl to t>e cO'n- ing trom Lindsay. The Cirand Trunk Railway has been grnated special leave to appeal to the Privy Council on the two-cent fare ques- tion. Unless the steel market soon improves, the N. .S. Slecl Oo. al Sydney Mines will make n ten per cent, cut in wage?. I'.ightecn Hindus were llncil $500 each al Vancouver for failing to pass the test umler the Natal act, but the sentences will Ix' appealed. Judgo .Snider has given hla award n the arbitration at Hamilton reducing the price of street-lighting lo be paid ly Ihe city by $15.50 per lamp yearly. f'oley Biv.s., Lar.sen & Stewart have been awarded Itio contract for the first hundred-mile section of the Grand Trunk Pacific, from Prince Rupert eastward. Financial returns brcughl down in the .Nova Scotia legislature showed that the expenditure for the year ex- ceeded Ihe revenue by over $100,000. Thomas Anderson, chief trader of Ihe Hudson's Bay Cximpany in Mackenzie district, died while on his way out, having retired from the company's ter. vice. The II. II. Campkin Company of In- dian Head. Sask., was driven to assign b> the defalcations of Secretary-Treas- urer .Manford, who is allegetl to have stolen fifty thousand dollars. Port .\rlhur and Fort William have arrived at an agreement whereby Fort William purchases thai portion of the railway within Ihc corporation limits, and tlie road will be operated by a joint commissi-jn. GBEAT BBITAIN. President Fallieres of France will pay a visit lo London in May. The heallh of Mr. Joseph Chamber- lain is reported to be improving. DETERMINED TO DIE. Slontreal Woman's Three Attjempls al Suicide. K despalch from .Montreal says: Mrs. Foran, a middle-aged woman. alU'inpl- ed suicide by three dillerail m'-ans on Sunday- morning; First, by throwing herself in front of a street car; second, by drinking benzine, and, finally, by slabbing. The woman, who r.^side; al 100 Bleury street, had been in a fit <.l de.spf.'nden.y concerning faintly mat- ters. Bushing oul of the house, .sho lay down in fr-int of an Oiitromonl car, and was w;lhin an inch of bcijig ciush- l^l by the wheels when Ihe nioUirmnn brought the car lo a slaiulslill. Sshn was removed lo her home, where she immediately lifted a large boltle of iM-n- zinn and swHl!o\\od Ihe conlents. Thi;, iKiWever, did not immediately disabla her, and .she .seized a pair of scissors and stabbed herself. She will probab- ly die. WILL RE BIG FLEET. Si.v Rallleshlps in Squadron .Accompany' ino Prince to Ou<'hcc. .\ despatch from London says: The Prince of Wales will be accompanie<l t'^ QiK'bec by the .-Vtlanlic fkvl of six battleships and ten cruLseis with ils at- tached second cruiser squadron, .\ftcr leaving Quebec Ihe fitM-t will cruise elong Ihe Canadian coast, visiting sev- eral places. USED NEW AMSTHETIC Doctors Hope for Good Results From the Experiment. A de.ipatch from Toronlo soys: The clher day al Ihc General Hospital, an anaesltielic, named Fotvaino, which had never before been used In Canada, ^va.s triOil on a man who had to bo operated on tor a serious injury to his bowels. Frank Simpson was taken to the hos- pital some lime ago suffering from a terribl'e laceration of the bowels through being kicked by a horse. Three limes had Iho man been operated on, the ordinary anaesthetic being \iscd. An- other operation was consldei>ed neces- sary, but it wa.s found he could nol survive an application of the same anaoslhctic and still live. Br. Norman Anderson, of the surgi- cal statf, then d«Gid«d to try the pre- paration discoveroil by Fourneau, a •Parisian chemist, which contains no cocaine, yet deprives the i)erson <if any (sensation of pain, allhtnigh they »rc still in full pos.sesskin ol their senses. Dr. .-Vnderson made an injection >it fluid inlo Iho sue covering the palienfs spinal cord and successfully united several portions of the bowels. Simp- son afterwards said he fell no pain wduUever, although he had b«'en con- scious all the time. This prepaaalion had been used by Prof. Barker, of University College, Ixxndon, England, and oul ot two hun- dred cases only eight had failed. This new anaesthetic does away with the ill effects of the unconscious pn>ducing 4(iod. ,4 ^^m^^ii^r-'*'

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