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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1908, p. 5

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T il E F L E E S li E R T O N ADVANCE March 12 19J8 t U ^â- p\ RECORD OP BUSINESS The Standard Bank of Canada Stfttement of the Plnancial Year ending 3Iftt January, 1908 â€" PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUl^ â€" BaUnoo (onnnt from SUt IbUjr, 1907 • - $105,5^.45 ProflU for EiOBT Momtiih anditiB Slat {ftouaiy, 1908, fttter deduntiog Espenaoa, Qtorest necniAd <>" DcposlU, eto. 186,097.60 • 19.280.00 ^iitorest accrued ou DcposlU, eto. VMmlum oa New Stock • . . Dlridendf «t the T%*m of 13 ptr cent, par aiiDunt for Eimut Mohtus Contributed Ui (^fflcrr * Peoslua Puud • Tranaferred Ut Iloservo Fund . . - Trftiuif tirred to IlecerTe Fuad from Premium GO New Stock BftUnoe o&rrled forward - • • . Kolefl of th« Buk la OiroaUtioit Depoelte #310.90705 GENERAL STATEMENT- 61.802.M H10,90T,06 BlTidends Buks and Baokert â-  « i,a99.a«i.oo â-  14,613,456 46 31,682.60 â-  1,S41,443.J4 Capitel paid up a Fund «rTe Fund B«bat« of IntenttFund BalanM ot Fioflt and Loaa Aocouat • Tdnnt*. SM Juaw7, IM 17.98S 973.40 • 1,558.700.00 - 1,769,700.00 49,939.10 61,901,60 »«l,717,»)».19 • ne.s Qold and SIlTW Coin . • . I^Cal Tenders 1,744,: NoU* anf, Cheque! at oUier Banki - â-  648,1 Depoait with GoTanunant to Seoura Nota l>ue by other Banks - â-  • • « GoTdrnnient and other Boada • • - Gall Loana on Bonda and Stooka • 1.98 61.000.00 St.433.6t 1.064. t4 i,Mo, Loana and XHtoounta Bank Pramlaea Baal KaUte - Other Aaaeta 6,04170.01 lil4> 586.4 3688830 10,000.0 19,MS.I QUO. |30,717,»05.1» P. SCHOLnXU). OcQgratUaiMgtr Richard Allen, Mono Road has here fur n short Vicinity Chips I Mr. Jos. Cori.tield is in Toronto this week. Dr. Dixon of Prtccrille vas in town OQ Tuesday. Miss Jennie Wilson ha« rosivrned her school at Ofjloii. W. A. Ariiislrone, B'U'shertfm, issuer of Man ia^e LicenseH. Miss Chrislene Richard.tnn returned hoin» Inat week aftfr an extended visit with friends in Tiiruiito. Mr;-. Frank Smith has returned tnim a furtniuht.'» visit in Toronto. Mr. T. Piillisti'r of Berkeley was a caller oo old friends here MoiidMy. \Vi!liaai Allen of Toronto ij< spending a few diiys with liis bruthttr, Richard. Good drivini! mare for aaln, risine 4 years. W. A. Benson, Eugenia P. O. Mirs M. McConi be of Oneida, N. Y, ia visiiinj{ her lister, Mrd Jhr. Finhor. .A quantity ot nood clusn need barluy (Manchuria) for aalo. Mr. \\ Ml. Nixon of been visiting relatives time. Mrs. I. B. Lucas of Murkdale vicited this week with her p»rontii, Mr. and Mrs, M. K. Richardson. Born â€" At Hamiliim on March l»t lo Mr. and Mrs. Chu Chinn (nee Miss Ida Uoiips) a daughter. A 1 year old improved yorkshire boar for service, imporled stock, at h L 175, Toronto line. M. G. Orr. 16 Apl. Mrs. McPhatter of Owen Sound is visi iog with her mother, Mrs. Wiu. Wright, of (he west back line. Wood Wantedâ€" 60 to 75 cords green slovewood, 22'inch, in exchanjfo for liarness W. Moore, Flesherton. Mr. J. D Obsorno, of Saskatchewan, who has boon visit inu friends here, return ed to his weitern home this week. Farm to Rent â€" Lot 22 coiicei«ston 10 Alttiinesia, better known as the Turner {arm. Apply to F. Dca^lo, Eugenia. Subject at the Baptist church n:>xt Sunday niormu^ is "Prayers God Never Hears. " Rev. Mr. Kipp will preach. Alf Partridge, Rock Mills, returned on Saturday from the lumlter camps, near New Liakeard, where he had been for the past few lunnlha. For saleâ€" Threshina; outfit, incluJinK traction engine, also a heavy three year- old horse. Txrins for outfit to su:l, R. Wright, FlosherU)!). For Sale â€" Six shorthorn bull.s, from 10 to 18 uionths old. These are highbred and will be rotiistered forthwith. James Fiudlay, box 5U, Murkdale 2 ins. Mr. Jos. Sherwood and family, Rock Mills, have removed to Coll.ngwood. The new tecan) nf his farm, Mr. Gibson, hua already taken posseasion. For S «!« â€" One pure bred jersey cow due lo calve in March, 1 mare in foal to hxavy horse, cheap, for cash or tiiiu. Claude 0. Ekins, Flesherton. Mrs. James Allen, who has heencaiing for Mrs. W. A. Tucker, who has been ill, has withdrawn from her charge, JA^' Tucker'a health bein:/ improved.. Prc8.sed hay and cut s^i for sale -A. Beattie has a fnw .1<»«« of ptessc-d hay alsoa small qusofilj'' of cut straw done up in s»<;iiu>^t liH) to 2(i0 pounds each. .»ff R. Wright, P. D. M., and Donald MoL>.-od, D. >vl.,aie at Mt. Forest this week attending L. O. L. Provincial Grand Lodue, which meets there Wednesday and 1?hursday. One fiuure was inadvertently omitt,°d from an item in the Priceville ilHnis last week, neci»si'a(ing a correction. The C. P. R. oderud Mr. Biandet $3^150, not f 150 as the types had it. Dr. Caldwell's aermons next Sunday Morning â€" "Jesus gives sight to a man born^blind' Evening â€" ''The Cradle ia the Ndo, That Boy. " Meaford Road "The Cradle in theNile." Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rowe of Mani- toba are vihitiiig fiienris iti this viciiij.ty. It. i» 21 years since Mr. Rowo left Arte- titeHia and this is the first visit, to the old borne since his removal. Farm fur saleâ€" Lot 16, con. 10, Osprey, near^iin, about 50 acres cleared and well furced, frainu huuse and barn, atone stable. For price and terms apply to A. G. Cnmpbeil, b>x 504, Collin<!wood. Mr. R. Clark and family left on Tuesday fi.r Idaho. Before going they Were made the recipients of several p^eseu'/S and addresses, a more extended repo'-t of which will be given next week. A box s.icial will be held by Waltervillo L. O. L. 8tf!eyl"non Wedneaday even- ing, March 18. A great program and "a 1-etter time than ever." Admission 25c, ladies with boxes free. See potters for particulars, A box social will be held at the residence of Mr. Barry Foester, Eugenia, on Tuesday, March I'l, under the anspicex of the Methoditt rhurch Admission 25c ladies with boxes free. A good program will be supplied. Having leased the E'jgenia saw mill for â-  bis sca.oon I am prepared to do all kind of custom sawing. I also want any quantity of laih â- 'imber foi which highest cash price will be paid at the mill. â€" Thox. E. Fenwick. For Sale,â€" One bay colt, 1 brown horse, 1 bay inuru, 1 cushion tireil lingL'y, lafeel tired buggy, 1 nmd cart, 1 cutter, .3 head of cattle, 1 jiark lot, four acres, to be sold at once. G'lcd terms, cash or time. W. Trimble, Flc-ihertim. There will be no camp at Niagara this year. Instead rfll the "sodners" of this district will go to (juebec wbo'e a great mobilization of forces wiU be made on the plaii.s of Abraham Now watch the young men jump over themselves to jmo the ditferent companies. No danijer of a lack of men this year, Mr John Kerr returned last week from northern Ontario, in the vicinity of New Liskeard, where he has b^en located since IsKt year. •John say he has enjoyed him- self up there, both "temporarily and spiritually." He has handed us samples of wheat and peas which were shown at the New Liskeard fall fair. Notice â€" VVe have now gut in a now stock of dry goods and groceries and are ready to do business, and will pay highest pticB for butter and egua. We have so ne bargains in .stock (list we bought from Mr. Macdonald that must l>e got rid of. VVe sell oil and flour and feed. Accom- modation foe teams in shed. J. E. Large, Eugenia. HOUSE AND LOT for Sale or Rent- Contains alwut one acre of biiiil, one of the best gardens in town if well cultiva- ted. A fine assorlmei'it of large and small fruits, apples, pears, plums, cherics, strawberries, raapberries and curt-ants. Would h.wo no trouble^iu paying rent if attended. Stable on'aaid lot. Will sell on time. Apply tu T. Grainger, Mark- dale. Rev. Dr. Caldwell touk suddenly ill on Saturday and was obliged to call in assist- aiiee for bis Sunday work, Mr. Uarnens of Markdale took the iiiorniiig set vice. At the evening siw^ico Rev Ivison Wilson of Mar.'iil'HB was greeted by a full church, aW''pre»ched a strong sermon from 1st, Cor. 1-21. This was Mr. Wilson's first visit to us since his removal from Flesh- erton throe years ago and his many old friends were delighted lo bear him once more. Dr. Caldwell, we are g'ad lo sta^e, had so far improved on Sunday thai ho was able to listen to both sermons. block tdes. After nearly two hours of diNCURSion the meeting bioke up without laving done anything definite. They f'Und thimse'vus uuablu to advise the Council in any form. Three resolutions of advice werd all voted down, and the Council were left about; as much in the dok with regard to the wishes of the e'ectorato as they were before the raeoi- iiig. The variety of opinicm was soir.e- lliing extraordinary. Soma thought wire fencing should be bonused.others thought it should not ; some thought the; bonus should be taxed up to the properties f«nced, others thought the meeting was not representative and that a vote should be taken before anything was done in the matter. Others again thought fences wouM not be built even with the bonus unless farmers were forced lo build them. This, of course, could not be done. In the face of all these very diverse opinions the meeting dispersed without arriving at any definite conclusion. Beautiful imitations of natural wood finished with varnish may be obtained by a|)plying one coat of Campbell's Varnish Sain. J. & W. Boyd carries a full line of all colors and size cans. Color card free. Mr. .-ind Mrs. T. Sled returned home Monday after a fortnight's visit with friends in Nottawasaga F. G. KARSTEDT Spring Goods Arriving Every day brings in the Largest Assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods, Spring Coats, Footwear, Gent's Suitings, Suits, Hats, Caps and Footwear ever exhibited in Flesherton. Auction Sales Lot 8, Con. 10, Osprey, Friday, March 20, 1 p. m., farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. Richard Brackenbuiy. Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer. T.iots 24 and 26, con. 8, Artemesia, on Wednesday, March 25, executors' sale of farm stock aiid implements, the property of the late John Beecroft. The farm will be offered at the same time. D.McPbail, auctioneer. Lot 40, con. 11, Artemesia, Tuosdty M.irch 17, farm stock only â€" horses, cows, calves and Polled Angiis bull. R. Ferris, proprietor; J. J. Kaittiiig & Sun, auctioneers. DotiS Your Side Ache. When the first symptoms appear, rtb with Ner\iline â€" tub it in deeply. It penetrates lo the muscles and cords that are soreâ€" takes Sway stififnessâ€" removis all strain and iiiUaination. If the con- dition is chronic, put a Nerviline Porous Plaster an the aflTecied spot. This draws out any virus or neuralgic irritalior, restores the tissue to their wonted healthiness, permanently cures any weak- ness or tendency to pain. Nervilue PlaHtcis absorb all ihi deleterious sec- re'ions through the relaxed pores and when used along with Nerviline itself, every muscular pain or ache must go. DRESS GOODS. 100 pieces of the most fashionable Dress Goods ( in suit lengths only ) are arriving every day. They include Copenhagen Goods ( in Blue and Old Rose, ) Voiles ( with or without a wide strip) Ladies Cloth ( in green, blue, biown, burgundy nine ) Ondulenes, in red, brown, blue and green. WASH GOODS and MUSLINS. Without a doubt we have the largest line of PritTts, Ginghams, Chainbra, in strips, checks, dotted or plain, and Muslins, in flower, dotted or plain. LADIES WAISTS and WAISTINGS Just, a few have arrived, arriving almost every day in Lawns, Silks and Nets, embroidered in white and Champagne Waists and Shadowed Embroidery in white, and Silk striped waisling in cream and light grey. LADIES' WHITE WEAR. Our stock cf Ladies' White Underskirts, Corset Covers, Night Gowns and Drawers can not be beaten. LACES, INSERTIONS andEMBfiOIDERIES. Our import order for Laces, Insertiona and Embroideries has arrived. The comploteat line ever exhibited. LADIES' FOOTWEAR. We have just what you want in Boots and Shoes, either in patent leather, button or laoe, tan or kid, in oxfords or bala. Also largo assortment of Missos and Children's. GENTS' SUITINGS. For Springâ€" Goods of the finest quality and latest pattern. Made-to order to suit your taste. GENTS' Ready-Made CLOTHING. Just opened them up, the finest up-to- date goods ever opened up in town, not the ready-mades you see in most stores, but made by the best Tailoring House in Canada. GENTS' HATS and CAPS. In Christy's Stiff, Fedora and Linen, in all leading colors, and Straw in white. They're up to-date, our Caps are I he same. GENTS' FOOTWEAR. In Tans, Patent Leather, Dongola, calf in Oxford and Bala. LINOLEUMS and OILCLOTHS. Our stock of Inlaid or Plain Linoleums in 3 ft., « ft., 9ft., 12 ft., and Oilcloth in 3 ft,, and 6 ft., is complete in all details. â€" ^ >ii -Lot 192, con. 11, Os- farm. Barn, 40 x 60, Vi'ill be S"ld cheaply and For |>atlicul»i8 apply lo Feversbam. Farm for sale- prey. 200 acre house. 2« X .32. on easy terms. J, D. Osborne, Mr. Editor- I ilesire to thank the people of Avttiuesia for their patronage, kindness in past years and assistnnco at my recent sale, which, under the persuas- ive powers of Mr. MePhail, fully met my expectations, Jus. Sherwood, Our old friend, Mr. Wni. St tain of Great Falls, Mont., writss The Advance a short letter informing us of ih birth of a granddaughter, quoting from the Gold- tield News, which says : " H. B. Liud, the well-known mine operator, is rejoic- ing over the advent of a baby diogliter to his family, the child having be> n I'orn to Ml. Lind in San Francisco on Sunday, Feb. 16." Mis. Lind is the eldest daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Str,<in, and resides at GoldHcld. .Mf. Sirain says three other members of the family are also living ' there â€" Fred, Sara and Clara â€" all well, but owing to labor troubloii tbe liist four or five mmhhs there is consi<lerabIe an- noyance ill the town. " I get The -Ad- vance tegu'arly, for which I look with great iinxiHi.y, I Hoe Uiarly every issue contains the news of one or more passing through the change we are accustomed to call death." About 100 ratepayers availed them- selves of the invitfttion (o ineo Arte- mesia Council on Saturday last and dis- cuss the matter of wire fencing for the hii;bways and prevention of Band Concert Tlio band concert held in the town hall Tuesday evening was a splendid siiccens, the hall being well filled with an appre- oiativo audience The chairman was Rev. L. F. Kipp, who introduced the program iu a few well-chosen words. The biiiul gave several selections during the evening I'nat were much enjoyed. Prof. Tucker gave two choice cornet solos and Mr. A. S. Thurston made his first appearance before an audience as a slide trombone .soloist iu " Tlie Holy City." Several piano dueta were given by Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Minnie Munshaw. Mrs. Blackburn and Miss Christine Richai-daon .sang a very pleasing duet. Miss Zilla Trimble sweetly sang " Love Mo and the World is Mine " A duet, " When ye gang awa', .laniie, " by Miss Irene Wilson and Master Elmer Wright, has been heard before, but was vociferous- ly applauded, and justly. Mrs. Black- burn simg "Last Night" in her usual plea.sing manner. Among the oulside talent was Mr. Clare Trelford of Mark- dale, who sang several selections and was well received. He has a pleasing voice and will be gladly heard here again, should he favor us. His accompanist was Mr. Joe Kelley, also of Markdale On behalf of the inanageinent we must especially thank these two gentlemen who came to the assistance of the committee at only a few hours notice. Mr. Doc Fairey of IVLixwell made a pleasing var- iety witli a number of comic songs that wore encored to the echo. He was accompanied by Miss Browuridge. Prof. Tucker has reason to feel jirond of the organization that be has brought un from practically green timber during the past few months. Those who are coinpeleut to judge say that it is little short of marvellous the mannor in which the boys jday, considering the short time since tlio band was ro-or"anized with nearly all now talent. Tlio citizens also have reason lo feol proud of their organization May it long flourish Spent Eighteen Dollars "Gentlemen,â€" I have pleasure in stating that I have used $18.00 worth of Psychine, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and lung trouble. My case was a most diflBcult one, and the doctors had practically said that I could not get well. I tried Fsychlne, and it did me so much good that I con- tinued its use until I had taken $18.00 W?)rth, with the result that I am now a now man physioally. 1 have gained tUirty-fiv8 pounds. "It is with the greatest confidence that I recommend Psychino to all who are afflicted with throat or lung trouble. Yours truly, C. A. PINKHAM. Scotstown, Quo., Sept., '07. This man speaks from experience. Psychlne cures all throat, chost, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down peo- ple. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or winter I ^^- T. A, Slooum, Limited, Toronto. Selling off Our Winter Goods In order to make room for a very large quantity of Spring and Summer Goods, we are offering all Winter Goods consisting of ^ixi^s and JPelt Ooods At a Genuine Big Reduction i CLAYTON'S Heavy Rubbers FOR YOU A fow pairs only left of 1 -buckle, bravy rubbers, regular ^1.60. We offer them to you for $1.25 Heavy laced rubbere to bo cleared out. We are selling thess regu'ar $2.00 for $1.60. ALL WOOL GUERNSEYS were $1.00 and $1.15, to clear for 80c NO. 1 HERRING $5 a keg. KO. 1 TROJT $7 a ken 1 only Fur Lined Coat, was $33.00, now for $28.00 1 only Calfskin Coat, Astrachan Collar, that was $30,00, now $25.0 J Jas. PATTISON CEYLON Rheumatic . Pains Relieved- B. F. Crocker, Est!., now S4 years of age, and for twenty years Justice ot thePeaci-ntMartinlnug, Iowa, says: "I am terriuly aflUotad with sciatic rhuiiniatiHin in my left arm and right hip. 1 have iisc-'d three bottles of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it did iiic lots of good." For sale by W. E. Ricliard- soq. Win. R. Mills of Bcntinck was adinit- tttd li> the house of refuge on Tuesday of la^-t week, and Goorgi' llanning'on of Qlenuig on Friday last. Thero are now a total of 55 inmates, the lar;.'<!«t luimberin the history of tho iuRtitulion-r-Sl«iidBid. Fish for Lent. A nice lot of No. 1 Lake Su;)or;o Trout on hand. Just 'he thing for Lent. 'I ry t)!iem--only 7o a lb. and are good value On aalo at 1 1. li's ma The Slore whore you get those fresh Groceries at such reisonablo ))icj8 ;n.il_ are always satisiiod. mgpsss^

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