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Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1908, p. 2

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FOB PAST YEAR Eeceipts and Expenditures of the Province of Ontario. Tolal rccclpis Tolal exp^'ndilurcs ..$8,320,410.10 .. 7,714,245.01 ..$ G06.173.58 Surplus In plain figures, that is Ihe flnnncial Rlaloiiionl of Ihc provinco, of Onlario tor the yonr 1007. For dctiiil.s, lhcr<! Is a volume of some 800 phnUid paj?os. prepared un- der the ausplcos of lion. A. J. Malhc- eon, Trtasuror, and through it h« who would may plough. During the year Ihe entire turnover wn.s Sll.Si-.CriS.Sl. which included a fcnhince of .W.310.G3G.70 on hand at Ihc ond <,f ]««. Of this, $2,420,329.15 was advanced to the T. k N. 0., which left « balance on Ihe proceeds of the bond itsiie of Sl,5CI,K81.6t. The «urp!u.s for 1906 was $429^09.32, and for 1907 the sum of $(i20,159.G8. niGGF,ST REVENUE. Th'' Iw'i) big s<iurces of revenue were the mines an:J the subsidy. From lands, foresLs and mines the provinco pjl .$3,008,404, and from Ihe subsidy $1,734,020.68. Th<' recei|)l.s were the largest in Iho history of Iho province, being $1,180,- fliO.Ho more than the year previous and $2,304,243 more than 1905. This u. accounted for by .<ievcral circum- stances. The subsidy incpcnsed by $394,742, being one half-yearly Inslal- n)ent granted by Ihe Dominion Govern- ment. Tlieti Ihe income from lands, forests and uiines Increased $815,204, Including Sl.085.000 received from Ihe sale r.f Ojbnlt I.nke. Advnnce.s of $7,- 910 from liquor licenses, $50,000 from Incorporation of companies, may also bo noted. WHEHE MONEY WENT. As lo where Ihe money went to, Ihe following explains: Ovil (k)vermncnl $ 502,883.20 I.egis!a(ion 223,327.80 Justiee 579,508.10 Kducalion ].3.'i9.105.8t f'ubli.'. Institutions 090,370.18 t:entr.-il Prison 65,483.00 Colonizi.tion and Immigra- '«'>" 52,024.45 Agnculture 480.317.84 Hospitals and Chiiritios .. .. 338.011.70 rnrliameiit Huildings 05,336.40 Locks, D.ims. elc 16,841.00 Oilonizalion Ilonds 31fi.OOfi.30 rrown l.nnds 541.827.1)1 Surveys, Inspections 1,013.50 •tefiinds 40,2.54..i5 Miscellaneous 106,815.12 .55.800,120.55 The remaining $1,807,260.00 is made iip>;/f paym'^Mls lo Ihe asylum.s. $340,- (»(iO in interest. S120.i)00 In railway aid certillcales. .S.'>87.102 under -special stat- ute, and many .small amounts. SPECIAL. Of Ihe special expendilures during Ihc year, Ihe following were Ihe most Interesting:â€" ncfimd lo Montreal River Pulp Co., $20,000; purctiase of yacht Lurllne, $10,000; members of I^cgisla- ture visiting mining districts, $4,585; Prince Fushimi, $1,265; funeral lalo Hon. J. W. .SI. John. $2,454.35; Eng- lish journalisls, $i.50Q; mining engi- neers, $8,305; new roads in muiing dUtrict«, $.34,623. During the year $17,025.49 wos ex- pended in enforcing Ihe Liquor Licen « Act, which includes the salaries of special olllcers. The trip of the Brit- ish artillerymen to C«balt cost $245.58. The Iravelllng of Mr. A. II. U Colquhoun, Deputy Minister of Edu- cation to the Congress on School Hy- giene in Ijondon, Eng., were $520.34. COST OF HYDRO. The expenses and salaries In connec- tion with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission amounted lo $40..')24.21. of which the salaries came to $14,448.42. Last year Ihe expenditure was $26,000. The Text Book Commission cost $7,- 292. In Ihe Bt«temenl T. \V. Crothers, one of tlio commissioners, is put down OS receiving $192 on account of ser- vices, while Ihe other two comniLssion- ers received $2,000 each. Mr. Crothers refu.sed to accept payment over his expenses. SCHOOL BOOKS CHEAP. Of those who pay know all al>out the reduction in Ihe price ol school books. Rut. in reply to a ques- tion, Hon. Dr. Pyne put on record the fact that all llie Public school books and, French and German texts in High schools had been reduced from 50 to 06 per cent. As to .«^parate school books, which are issued under different agreemenls, no changes or reductions have been made. It was expect«'d, added Dr. Pyne, that Ihe prices of all text books would be reduced, and as soon as pos- sible. 4. DECREASE IN TRADE. Month's Returns in Rrllnin Show Gen- eral Falling Off. A despatch from London say;s: rk)iird of Trade returns for February show a (Iccrensc in imports of $2,408,010 as ciimpaicd with the .same month last yfar. Exports during Ihe month lo- lalleU Slj.747,570, a decrease of SGIO, 155. LEADING MARKETS Toronto, .March. 10.â€" Manitoba Wheal â€"No. 1 northern, $1.22; No. 2 jnorlhern, $1.18; No. 3, $I.13>^; feed wheat, C7c; .No. 2 feed, 62%c. Onlario Wheatâ€" N 1. 2 white, 05c out- .sid<'; .\,). 2 rod, Uju; .\o. 2 mi.\ed, 94'J U 94^c; go-Sx', 91c to 92c. (^111â€" Firm; No. 3 yellow American, 07c, T<ironlo freights; No. 3 mi.\ed, >^c less; inferior, 64c lo 05c Barleyâ€" No. 2, 71c lo 73c. Peas- 87c. Ryeâ€" No. 2. S4c. Buckwheutâ€" No. 2, 67c. Oatsâ€" .\<i. 2 white, 52c lo 53c outside, 54c on track Toronto; No. 2 rni.ved, 49c to 50c outside. Flour â€" .Manitoba pat(>nls, special brands, $6; sewnd-s, $.140; strong bak- ers-, .$5.30; winter wheat, $3.60. Rranâ€" Full cars, $23 to $24.80, bags included, outside. Shortsâ€"Scarce, $33 to $24. Call board quotations: â€" Winter Whcal^.No. 2 white, 96c asked outside; .No. 2 red, %}^c bid Grand Trunk we>t; No. 2 mixed, 94c bid C. P. I«.. 05V ouUide asked. Oat'^.No. 2 white, 52c bid, C. P. R. Cornâ€" .No. 3 yellow, 62><;c bid Toronto, to arrive. LETTl FHOK THE KAISER Demand That Lord Tweedmouth Produce It In Parliament COUNTRY PRODUCE. Poiillryâ€" Very quiel. â- ioung turkeys, extra choice . 13c lo 1.5c Voung geese Oelollc Young ducks Oelollc Chickens, choice I2ctol3c Old fowl 6cto 8c Inferior chicks and fowls .. 5c to 7c Rult<Tâ€" ^Scarce, with prices firm. Creamery, prinis 30c lo 31c do solids 20c to 30c Dairy prints 2.icto27c do large roMs 24c to 25c do s.'ilids 2.3c lo 24c Inferior 20c to 21,0 Eggsâ€" ..Storage, 2Ic to 22c p<>r do7.en, in car kLs; limed, 19c Itj 20c; new-laid, 20c to 27c. Honeyâ€" Strainp<l sleady at lie to 12c per pound for GO-pound pails and 12c to 13c for 5 to 10-pound paibs. Combs at $1.75 lo $2.50 per dizen. Chee.'-eâ€" Steady at 13%c f-ir large and 14c for Iwin.s, in Job lots here. Reansâ€" Firm; $1.70 lo $1.75 for primes and $1.80 lo S1.85 for hand-picked. Baled Strawâ€" .$0 to $10 per ton on track here. Rale/; Hayâ€" $16 to $17 in car lots on track here. Polaloes- Ontario. 90c to $f; Dela- ware, SI lo SI. 10 in car lots on track here. IIVY AM> STRAW EXCIXDED. Itritisli no.'u-d of Aoriculturc Passes Order ol Prohiliiiiun. " A despatch from London says: The Rtiard of Agriculture has passid an or- der prohibiting the irnpirlalion of hay and straw into Great Rritain. The order takes minvedlule effect. FEmSHED IN SCIOOL FIRE PROVISIONS. Porkâ€"Short cut, .$21.50 to $22 per barrel; mess. $18 to $IS..')0. Lardâ€" Tierces, 1134c; lubs, llJic; polls, 12c. Smoked and Dry Sailed Meatsâ€" Ixing clear bacon. 0%c for Ions and; hams, nie<lium and light, 13o lo 13><;c; hams, large, ll>ic to 12c; backs. I60 lo 17c; shoulder.s, 9?ic; rolls, 10c; break- fast bacon. 14c; green meats out of pickle, Ic less than smoketl. A despatch from Ixjndon says: An outburst of anger against Emp«r<S» Wil- liam on Ihe part of the BrilL^h publi". «!ualling that caused by the German Fmpdvtr's famous lelegram lo Presi- dent Kiuger in 1806 after the d.feal c' the Jameson raiders, has followed Ihe announcement made on Friday morn- ing by The Times that Emperor William If.tler froTi Ihe Kaiser was a purely rer.sonal communication and had no reference in it to the British r.aval es- timates. THE TWO NAVIES CO.MPARED. Accrding to one version. Emperor WiUara's letter to Ixird Tweedmouth gave exhous.tive details of the compar- -^ad attempted to influence the Brlli.-.h alive strength of the navies of Great naval policy by a secret correspondence with Lord Tweedmouth, First Lord of ohe Admiralty. The 6u.spiclon that Emperor William was trying lo meddie liy underhand methods in a matter vilal to Britain s nall<mal life ciiuseU in- tense excitement both in the House cf Parliament and outside. In fact, thl mal'er was considered so serious that Lord Tweedmouth broke his customary reticence and hastened to say that I'le Britain and Germany, and basing his opinion on this comparison the Emper- 01 said he thought the German lleet c<r,uld not be considered more than one- f'flh as strong as that of Great Britain. This .so, Emperor William thouglit Great Britain had no need to tear any rivnlry in naval supremacy from Ger- many, and that consequently there was n'^ need of any Increase in the ship- tuilding pi-cgramme of Great Britain. 16b Children Caught in the Flames in Suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. A deRpatch from Cleveland, Ohio, says; In a fire which complcUMy destroy' «'.l the common school building in l^ol- lingwood, a .suburb, on Wednesday, one hundred an<l sixly-rivc lost their lives. Tlie fire was started by an over- ^<â- aled furnace. The flumes quickly epivad, bill a panic ensued when the fciiilding fllleil with .smoke and the 400 children allomptiKl to escape. There were but two exils In Iho build- ing that were available. One soon be- camo clioke<l wilh Ihe children, wb.o madly d.nshed for the o|K'n air. TlKise who fell in Ihe doorway were trampled ujxm by the ones behind and soon ihe df^nvoy was impassable. I>SCAPE W/VS CUT OFF. The frightened and panic-stricken Chilflren turned lo get out through the windows and by any other means that could 1)0 found. l'>cope was cut off by Iho flames, which by this lime had spread Ihwuglidlil the rooms. 'ITie building was of brick, yet this <ll(l not rilnrd ihe' pi-ogress of Ihc flro. In a few minulcs the lower floor fell, pix";ipilaling scores of children to Ihe tosement, among Ihe burning embers. A HEARTRENDING .SCENE. The scene about Iho building was heartrrnding. 0"iclily the news of the terrible catastpnphc spread throughout llio vilbigi' and hundreds of parenl.s were crowde<l alKiul the building in March <if their girls and bfiys. In a few minulcs twenty |jodk)S had been taken fr<ini the ruins. Plainly ment. Nearby factories dismissed their men and instructed them to assist in the rescue. They braved the lire and mado heroic efforts to save Iho ones wtio wore not dead. Three little girls met instant death In attiMnpltng to jump from the third fk)or. FRANTIC F.ATIIERS EFFORTS. A man named IViran, who arrived upon the scene early, when Iho chil- dren were crowded in the front door, discovered bus little girl among the mass of injuivd and crushed. He caught Ihe girl by Iho hands, and in MOYFREAL MARKETS. .Montreal. March 10.â€" Ixical fknir pric- es are firmly maintained. Choice spring wheat patents, .$6.10; seconds, .$5.50; w inter wheal patents, S5.50; straight r<lKrs, $5 lo S5.25; do in bags, $2.35 tc $2.50: extra, $1.80 to $1.90. rcostcrn flanada No. 2 white oats. .Vic; N... 3, 40c lo 49|.jc; No. 4,' 48c to 48>^c; rejected, 4fie to 47c. and .Manitoba re- jected, 49>j'c to 50c per bushel, ex stone. Manitoba bran. .S2R: shorts. $25; On- lario bran, sliorts. $23..'i0 to $2i; mid- dlings, $20 to $27; shorts. $24 to $24..50 per ton, including bags; pure grain mouille. .$32 t--> .$34. and mille<l grades. $25 to $20 per Ion. Rolled oats, $2.75; com, $1.60 to $1.- T(i per bag. .A sleady and active demand prevails for cheese. .September westerns are .sel- ling at I3c for while and 13Xe for col Butchers' cattle, selected, $4.75 to S5.10; choice loads, $4.50 lo S4.85; me- dium. $4 to $4.40; common lo mediu.m, $3.25 lo $3.75; cows, choice, $3.75 to $4.25; cows, medium. $3 to $3.70; cows, c..mmon, $2.50 to $3; butchers', bulls $2.50 to $3.50 per cwl. A load of stockers was sold at $3 to $:^60 per cwl. ' Calves were in good demand. Choice ones .sold at 5 lo B^c, and heavy ul 3 lo 4>ic per pound. Trade in lambs was slow on account of the large offerings. Prices of both lambs and sheep were steady. O'wtn- li'ins were: â€" Lambs, grain-fed, 6^ to 7c. lambs, common, 5 to Oc: export ewes, 4% to 4%c, and export bucks, 3 to 4c per pound. Hogs continued lo seil at $5 per cwf. for selects, and $4.75 foa- lights ai.d fats «• AN INCREASE IN REVENIE. 1'in.inrinl Slalemrnt of Dominion for Eleven Months ol Fiscal Year. .A despatch from Ottawa says: The financial statement of the Dominion 'or the eleven months of the current fiscal year, as entered on the books of the Finance Department on Feb. 19th, shows a total revenue of $87,607,200, an in- crease of $8,029,740, as compared with the corresponding months of 1000-07. The total expenditure of the Con-oii- (lated Fund account for the eleven r.iontlis was $60,720,353, an of $10,735,680. The capital expenditure f< r Ihe period was $25,768,488, of which $20,183,830 wa-s for jiublic works, rail- ways and canals, including the Cvin- struction of the .National Transeonlln- onlal Railway. The surplus of the total revenue over Ihe total expenditure for the eleven months is $1,118,458. For Ihe month of February the tolnl revenue was $6,577,080, a deci«ase of $740,793, as compared with February last year. For the eleven months, the Udal I'ost-oince revenue has been $6,357.- 320, an of $652,097. Cus'omR revenue has increased by .S7.040.878, and excise bj- $545,364. WESTERN GBAIN CHOP. Reronl Snow Slorm Will Have B(me- Gcial Elfett. A despatch from Winnipeg says: During Iho past we>f;k there has been a very heavy fall of snow in Manilotd, which has materially brightened Iho prospects of a good crop, tor the pre- vailing impression among old pioneers is Ihat a heavy snow fall L~ necessary to good crops in western Canada. Much e; the land in .Manitoba and Sa.'^kalche- wan and Alberta has been prepared for s<©vling. Ihe long open fall last year having enabled the farmers to do a great d<^«l more fall ploughing than usii- a'. The prospects are that a much larger area will be put und<r crop this spring. Thousands of new settlers wll seed and others are increasing their cultivated areas. The wheat co;) will li!»ely be increased anywhere from ten to fiheen p<'r cent., but it ts likely that lie oaf crop will be reduced, owiiig lo Iho fact lhat seed cannot be procured, and new settlers cannot afford to pay Ihc price of S1.05 to $1.10 pier bush-l now demanded for good oa'us. If Ihe .season is at all favorable an unusu- ally early seeding is expected. A little has been done in Ihe chinook bell of s<iulhern All>'rla, and at one or two points in .Saskatchewan, but it will n-jt likely be ge.nera! for some weeks. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. One Man Killed and Five ln|ure;l on Ihe Transcontinental Railwa^v A despslch from Kenora says: A dy- namite accident, in which one man was killed and five others injured, occurred ai Parsons camp, No. 8, Transcontin- oroii; Se|il<'ml>er e«sterns,'"l3Xc for k"^"' Railway, recently. H. Bellose whilo and 13>^c for colored. " 'â- "-• -- â-  "' *' - Rutterâ€" Slocks ore light and receipts her orms from her body. The four, who were children of the janitor of Ihe building, lost their lives t^igelher. ^ ONE EXIT CLOSED. The grenlest loss of life was caused by one of tho exits being closed, lo which iwinl scores of the children rushe<l. Tlieir escape was blocked by n door that ojiened inward. in this manner llicy were delaywl in reaching Ihc <ith'>r door and window.". It is said that as a result of this stampede alone scores of children lost llieir lives. TWO TEACHERS MISSING. Of tlio nine teachers of Iho school seven arc accounted for. The iwo miss- ing are Kalherinc Weiler, of Cleveland and Grace Fiske, of Cleveland. ' Principal Frank P. Whitney, of the school, ivstirnales the number of dead nl 105. The pupils were mo&Uy little are practically nil. goods, 31c Ic 33c; current reeeints, 29c lo 30c. F.gps-Canadian fiysh are selling at 29c lo .lOc; American at 28e to 20r; Canadian select. 27c to 2,Sc; Mont- real limcHl, 2tc to 23c. Provisionsâ€" Rarrels .^hort cut mess S2I; half barrels, $10.75; cle.Tr fat baeks^ $23; long cut heavy mess, $20; half bar- ivls do.. $10.50; dry salt long clear back.s, 10>^c; barrels plate beef, 12.50 lo $15; hall barrels do., $7.25 lo $7.75; barrels heavy mess beef, $10 lo $11; holf barrels do , $5..'>0 to $0, compfiund lard, lii.s frantic Wforts lo save h«r pulled T^*^ ^^ ^''' P'""^ '"'"''' ">ic to ll?ic tlie wilhing or stilled forms of dozens childivn, ranging in age from 9 to U <if (iUlicrs could be seen ia tho base- years. ketlle remlcred, tl^c to 12c; hfluis, 12c f I 13>^r. according to size; breakfast bacon. He to 15c; Windsor bacon, 1i>!^c In 15Xr; fresh killed abattoir dressed tiogs, $8.25: live, $5.7.") lo $5.85. BUFFALO MARKETS. Buffalo, March 10-\\liealâ€" Spring easier; No. 1 Northern, $1.13; Winter sleady; No. 2 reil, $1.0fiX. Cornâ€" Firm- No. 2 yellow, C7c. Oatsâ€" Steady; No.' 2 mi.ved, ,53>^c; No. 2 white, 52%c. Bar- leyâ€" 95c to $1.05. Ryeâ€" No. 1, 90c. NEW YORK WHEATC ALARKET. New York, March 10.â€" Sf>ot easy; No. 2 red, $1,035^ elevator; No. 2 red, $iM% f.o.b. afkiat; No. 1 northern Dululh, $1.20 f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter. $1.16X f.o.b. afloat. LIVE STOCK MARKET. A few lots of good exporters' cattle were on sale. A select bunch brought $5.30 per cwl. Heavy bull< sold a« hlgb •â-  $1.50 per cwU was killed and W. Muse, foreman, was s. riously injured. The men were en- gagi^l ini loading a 30-fool hole, which had been sprung on Ihe .'Nalurday pre- viously. A large number of sticks of dynamite had been put in, when Ihe foreman w-as called to an<ither part of tho work. Upon his return lo where the dynamite was put in. while lamping this lo place, the explosion took place. TWO MILES WITH LEG OIT. The Wonderful Endurance Shown b? Daniel Slclson. .A de.spaleh from Vanoouv-r says: Daniel .sJIclscn. a handlogger. after k,sing his. right leg crawled through two miles <-if bush to tide water at Toba In- iet, 250 miles north of Vancouver, got into a bout and rowed Iwo miles to a k.gging camp. He was working akjna and was caught by a falling tree iiiid his right leg was frightfully crushed. Slet-^n cut tile shreds cf the skin re^ mairiing. The men in camp procured the launch Dolpin and took him to Lund, l-'iom there he was t^ikeii lo Vanandu Ilo.spital, where he dird. The lody was brought to Vancouver. RAISE THE AGE LIMIT. Make Youths I'nder SO Keep Aw. ly From Pool Rooms. A despatch from Toronto says: Legis- lation to raise tlie ape at which youths are pfmiittetl to frequent [lool rooms was asked by representatives of iho municipality of Orillia, who called on the .Attorney-Generol on Wednesday. There was an agitation lo reduce the license feo payable by those ments and in view of the feeling ag<iinsl allowing boys to spend their time in them, the municipality suggests thot you Ills under 20 be forbkUlen to visil them. Tho minimum age at present is 18 years. CIT ins THROAT ON A TRAIN. Sulfide ol Thomas Dempaey on Ills Way lo fall. A despatch from Gladstone, Manitoba, Siiys: A lunatic named Thomas IVmp- sey of fViblin, Man., committed suicide on a C. N. R. train on Thursday night while being conveyed to Portage jail. He had a small knife oonc«ale<i in his clothing and cut his Ihroat, dying short- ly «f(ei'warUs. PRIVATE HEIR TO FORTIXE. SoltKer a( London Barracks Inherits 81(5,000 by Death of Father. A despaich from London. Ont., says; Thomas Kirby, a private al Wolseley Rarracks. was riotilled on Wednesday that he had fallen heir lo a forlune of $tl5,0CO left him by his falher, a weal- thy stationer, of Warswick. England, who died recently. The inl^ormation came about in a peculiar way through an employe of the Rank of Montreal noticing an advertisement in an Eng- lish paper requesting information as t<- Ihe locfltion of the missing heir. He impai'U>d the information t,o one of the otTi?crs.. who. m turn, insliluted an in- quiry thatvevealed that Kirby was tli« party refcrre3^Ui, A C.\NADIAN aI^WW. â- *â- . rian.s lor Mobilization ol Large fW-3~, at Quebec. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Militia Department is now devising ways and means for the mobilizulwn <.( Iixwps nt QuelW'c next .svimmei'. 11 Iransf-orl. (.oniniissarint, and other ar- rangements can bo .salisfaclorily ar- ranged eighloen thousand men will be encaiiip<d hv a week or so on Ihe Plains of \brah<iin. It may. however, bo found necessary to cut Ihc inimler (Uiwii fo twelve thousand, but in any event Ihe Cancidian army assjmbled at Quebec will tc Ihc imp<ising ever -seen in Iho ctiunlry during Ihe last hun- dred years. The estimated opendilme fi)r the Pro. v;ne.> <,f Ontario for this vcar is $7,- 5 M. 875.67. K. A Reinhiiidt, « Nlontreal business- man, commilted suicide with a carv- ing knife, on Friday. Five large lumber companies in the west have amalgamated with a cop.tal of ten million dollars. 1

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